Nigerian man arrested for theft and attempted rape at University of Maryland college park | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 1 March 2012

Nigerian man arrested for theft and attempted rape at University of Maryland college park

Yesterday Wednesday February 29, 2012, University of Maryland Police investigators arrested and charged Oluwafemi T. Charles, 28, of Silver Spring for his involvement in the burglary of a 7th floor Cumberland Hall residence on the University of Maryland College Park campus which occurred in the early morning hours of February 26, 2012.

During the incident, Charles entered the residence of an 18 year old female student in an attempt to steal property. While he was in the room he touched the student without her consent.

“I am very impressed with the excellent work and quick arrest made in this case by our detectives”, stated David Mitchell, Chief of Police. “Their dedication and commitment in identifying and apprehending dangerous suspects should send a strong message to those preying upon our community of this agencies vigilance.

Charles is charged with the following criminal offenses:
1st Degree Burglary
3rd Degree Burglary
4th Degree Burglary
Theft $1,000- $10,000
Theft less than $100
4th Degree Sex Offense
2nd Degree Assault

INCIDENT: Burglary
OCCURRED: February 26, 2012 / 3:50 a.m.
REPORTED: February 26, 2012 / 4:23 a.m.
LOCATION: Cumberland Hall / 7th Floor
UMDPS CASE #: 2012-11752

On February 26, 2012 at approximately 3:50 a.m. a female resident of Cumberland Hall was asleep in her bed when she awoke to find a male in her room touching her thigh. Her roommate entered the room and confronted the male. The male stated he entered the room by mistake and then left. It was noticed that the resident’s laptop had been moved and packed in an apparent attempt to steal the laptop. It was learned that the male entered the room through an unlocked door. Officers spoke with other 7th floor residents and learned that other residents had heard the sound of someone trying their door knobs. One resident looked through her peephole and noticed two males who didn’t appear to belong in the building.

The victim and roommate witness provided the following description to police of the first suspect who was involved in the burglary:

5’08” tall, African American male wearing blue jeans, a grey hooded sweatshirt and grey baseball hat.

The second suspect observed through a peephole by a witness could only be described as an African American male who, along with the subject described above, did not appear to belong in the residence hall.

Individuals with any information regarding this incident or who may have seen this individual at the time of the incident are encouraged to contact police (911 or 301-405-3555). You may also email any information to

When available for release, additional information, including descriptions of the suspect(s), may be obtained by accessing the "Crime Alerts" portion of our web site:


  1. These guys should stop giving us bad name.

  2. yoruba people, such shameful fools. senseless thieves all of them. always giving nigerians a bad name.

    1. You obviously are a rat, cos only a indiot will stoop so low as to insult another tribe. We are all nigerians,whether good or bad,so deal with it. This is the kinda attitude dat causes war. Wen u open ur mouth,either say something wise n intelligent or u shut d f**k up.

  3. in america where sex is in abundance yoruba men still want to rape. shameless fools. no liver to toast women.

    1. Ure obviously Sam's broda or sis !tribalistic bastards! U wey fit toast I dey imagine ow ur life b!Ape oshi

  4. hmmm maybe he is an African American that has a yoruba name. ur not sure girl!!!

  5. All u ibo fools or wereva d hell u r4tm comin here2ch@shit.. Like u lot r saints.. Wtf is d meaning of 'yoruba' hiss.. Y can't face d individual? Awon oloshi, oloriburuku.. Jus open ur stupid mouth2ch@shit.. Idiots! U won't talk of ol d atrocities ur fadaz v committed.. Oddez

    1. Idiot, talk to ur gbenga first b4 opening ur stinking mouth. U have turned blind eye to all d insults he throws at other tribes, nw dt it s ur turn u are crying fowl. Sharrap ur mouth there. If u can't stand d heat, get out of the kitchen.

  6. Nigerians r so tribalistic, datz y d nation is d way it is. Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa e.t.c all exist under *Nigeria*. Mk una no jst dey comment lyk illetrates... Mtschew

  7. #smh 4 dis peeps dat ve just commented...u guys talk as if its onli yoruba peo dat go dere nd give us bad name....wat bout d igbo guys dat cari drugs abroad...anyways dis is such a shameful act...

  8. What has Yoruba got to do with attempted rape or burglary? It could have been any race or ethnicity...haba! Anyways, to the dude, i hope you find God after this mishap:(

  9. really a guy acting a fool i hope this will teach others

  10. Linda stop posting any hate posts. Your forum is fast becoming an avenue for ethnic intolerance and you may be unwittingly fanning the embers of tribalism. One Nigeria , One love.

  11. Linda, e be like sey people wan use your site to be internet celebrities. I won't be surprised to find that the people making this rubbish "yoruba" comments are actually yoruba and just want attention. Nonsense. The people eating your money in all parts of Naija are from different ethnic groups.

  12. Like people don't think Igbo is synonymous with 419, armed robbery (people actually say Lagos is safe in Dec cos all the armed robbers have gone home for Xmas... LoL). Idiots. Keep your tribalistic

    1. Shut that stinking dirty yoruba hole u call a mouth.onye ara

  13. I think hausa pple are the best pple in that naija...when them go abroad..them go finish sch and return to nigheria..hence staying away from fraud, drugs and fake marriage for green only them wey u no dey hear for news....

    1. Hmm really? What about the guy who almost blew himself up in the plane?

  14. i thought people leave Nigeria to better their lives.

  15. Are u sure he wasn't framed sef? Innocent until proven guilty!

  16. ONOME says........................
    Linda oooooo,positive stories of Nigerians in diaspora abeg!!!na so we bad reach???

    1. Abeg Onome, pls leave Linda alone. how many positive stories do we have in nigeria? Linda no answer them abeg. Report d stories whether good or bad

  17. Yes I knw d Yoruba guy.. is d stupid Gbenga who always connects every bad fin to d ibos.. Shebi I don tell am say na for alll dese reasons rape included im ofenmanu sistas dey fall Im hand.. Well I understand d urge hence his sperm bank dey spill due to non existence of sexual activities in his life.. I adviced him to try Ghana, Sudan or even Kenya as well.. I am saddened by dis nu development maybe he Couldn't hold it any longer.. And wiv all dese Charges against him, he will b away for awhile, den maybe fink twice or better still join Boko haram after 150yrs of in locked away..
    The Ibos at least go to jail for hustling not cos of rape n petty stealing.. Gbenga u fall all d Yoruba people hand.. See ibo bois dey get 6 Yoruba babes wey dem dey carry play but GBenga Neva even near woman since 2002.. Na rock cover I'm face not pimples again.. Shame unto u gbenga.. My uncle told me say na so e shag ur mama, say u fit b ibo but Im reject u as well.. Gbenga d rejected and dejected.. Ozu na esie isii.. Idiot..

  18. Am an Igbo and am Disappointed with what some of you are talking here, is it only Yoruba that commits crime, what about Igbos other part of the world committing crime,you guys Should Learn and stop fooling yourself, why did the police not say Nigeria Yoruba, They classified him as AFRICAN AMERICA, Umu Nna, Awon temi, Make una take am easy, stop been tribalism here, we re all Nigerians,

  19. Let stop abuse each other tribe the only blame is for the guy, he has to face consequences because there is no fear you enter into someone room for yankee maybe the tink say na naija he dey. Omo naija wey dey yankee please give your country a better name

  20. Ms. Ikeji,
    Edit senseless tribal comments from your blog. Don't let "low life" people destroy your blog reputation.

  21. am so disappointed in all of u personalizing this iSsues wit ppl like u nigeria will neva be great.if he brk the law let the law tk its course and stop sectionalizing the issues

  22. Ummm WTF, stop this Yoruba ,Igbo, Hausa Sh#$. Get over yourself people. Seriously. Any tribe of Nigeria, give all Nigerian bad names. Hello you dumb fools, you are still all black monkeys in the eyes of white people. Keep dividing yourselves with this nonsense. No darn growth at all.

  23. This is so silly! You all are arguing like lil kids on the playground. So what if he is yoruba? Will he be identified as a yoruba or nigerian.I'm identified as African coz of my accent and most times i tell people i'm nigerian. Who cares what ethnic group you belong to..Earlier, it was an ibo guy on death row for drug trafficking now its a yoruba guy. I'm tired of this useless rep every1 identifies nigerians with.

  24. @all yo directing this to Yoruba men u guyz r crazy,its a matter personality not tribe. Then who knows if it actually happened that way? We all know the way white men treat black out there. so pls watch ur fkn tough.Delp

  25. Stupid local Igbo fools with stupid brain.Y cant u face the individual?

    1. Useless dirty yoruba fools with chicken brain.ezi(it means pig)

  26. anon @ 1:42am,

    How are you so sure the people making the yoruba comments are Igbo?

  27. Gbenga come oooo. where u dey? ewu furu uzo.


  28. At that stupid fool calling ibos, who told u the people commenting about yourubas are ibos. you just had to call ibo people first. #DUMBFUCK

  29. I don't know why you people can't see through all these tribalist comments. All these ignorant fools just want attention on Linda Ikeji. They're bitter about their pitiful lives and have to vent ANONYMOUSLY on Linda Ikeji. That's why you'll remain anonymous for life because you're a low-life NOBODY. Take your hate elsewhere and if you really have the balls, please say all of this under your real identity (put your twitter handle or something) so we know you mean business.

    Nigeria does not need people like you. Everyday people are mixing with different tribes and loving it. Nobody cares if anyone is Urhobo or Tiv, Nigerians just want to be happy. You need to rot with Boko Haram and other hateful groups so that your portion in hellfire will be just as cosy as theirs.
    Oloriburuku oshi. You just need to DIE. Bastard (I know it's only one fool making multiple comments).

    But this Charles guy is a loser. Raping babes in Yankee, what happened to strip clubs? And loose vaginas like Judi from Bad girls club? They're plenty girls that want to be effed the you go preying on a SLEEPING lady! Haba!

  30. Se beef make una take am easy o,we should all nw that no tribe is perfect,we should learn to be happy cos nigerians Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ happy people.aunty linda I just launched my blog and I look up to Γ̲̣̣̥☺ΰ for inspiration cos I love wat Γ̲̣̣̥☺ΰ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ doing.

  31. To all those that attack tribe and not the individual, all I can say is that:

    1. You are not different from a racist

    2. You are worst than a Nazi warlord or a fascist.

    3. You are worse than the slave masters that brutalized our people for centuries.

    4. You might be literate, but you will never be sensible. It takes intelligence to figure out how stupid comments like these can be.

    5. You will never progress with that kind of mentality.

    6. I just imagine what you will be telling your children and people close enough to you who can't think for themselves.

    7. You are a loser

    8. Don't you ever call yourself a Nigerian again.

  32. FUCKING FOOL!!!Big SHAME on him!!!!Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!Make dem deal with him well well well!

    Sooo fucking disgusting n embarrassing!!!Mtcheeeewwwww!

  33. idiotic Sam! so Okwudili of Dilly Motors is also Yoruba abi? oloshi oloriburuku like you. anuofia.burobanza!

    1. What has Okwy got to do with this pls? Mscheeew!!!

  34. Naija people, una get sense at all? IT IS CLEAR, this person has links to NIGERIA. Who cares where he is from? The dude that was sentenced to death in Indonesia abi Malaysia was identified as NIGERIAN. You see our problems have more to do with our silly tribalistic issues. I'm not yoruba but I am so ashamed right now because when I say I am Nigerian and people bring up these incidents, no one...I mean no one cares when you say o, no o he is not from my place (blank stare). Y'all, all of you...GET IT TOGETHER. Ode Oshis, Onye alas, Wawas(and for the minority languages, you probably understand one of the insults because..well, you are Nigerian).

  35. This guy has messed yoruba people up. well na dem sabi. na Linda tribe me I kuku bi.

  36. ok,, u guys stop this tribal assault.which wan be yoruba this, ibo that, if una wan curse, insult the guy in person...
    ehen mr kilo oru kor e?
    america where sex is everywhere naim u de go rape girl abi? u see urself naw? u see urself? u got served!

  37. Wot doz dis av 2 do wiv d tribe 1 is u know ow many ibo people have been give d death sentences in indonesia for drug trafficking?.........dat's Y hausa people won't stop killing u lyk animals.......bloody cowards....dem go jes dey run der maufs....tokin trash.......I even.....heard dey feed on humans in some parts of d east.....wot kind of shit ass ppl do dat?stupid fucks.....

    1. Ewu hausa,anu mpama.u heard?iwu nno onye ara.thunder fire ur left yansh

    2. Ewu hausa,anu mpama.u heard?iwu nno onye ara.thunder fire ur left yansh

  38. It's so silly 2 go all tribalistic on dis. Y'all sayin Yoruba dis, Yoruba dat r so silly and myopic. Wat has tribe gt 2 do wit dis? 4 all u know dis guy has probably Neva bn 2 nigb4 and isn't in touch wit his Yoruba/ nig side so y d tribalistic chat? You ppl should jus chill out and stop being foolish!

    Is ibori dat is bringing international shame 2 us Yoruba? Hiss!

  39. A yoruba ....Not surprised,most of their men are abusive to women.

  40. Yes oh!!!...ibos will rather carry drugs than go about stealing other peoples money,raping women because women don finish for America abi?,since this blog has turned into a racist zone,I might as well speak for my ibo brothers,we will rather hustle,YES!,go sell the drugs and get caught,than becoming a petty thief,so this Yoruba man. Looked for everywhere to steal and he felt the female rooms is best?,why he no enter one of the boys rooms????......Shio!!!!,nonsense!

  41. Though am that proud Ibo boy but Sam you must not abuse the Yoruba tribe because of what the young man did...As my Man 2baba would say. NOBODY HOLY PASS!!!

  42. You guys should stop all this yoruba-ibo thing! It is so so sickening and sad! In this day and age, people still cannot objectively comment on issues without taking it towards a tribal angle???? Crawl back into the caves if being civilized is proving very difficult!

  43. What an idiot. The guy should have just killed himself. Why try to rape a woman?

  44. it really a shame. why in God's name should he consider rape in a country where sex is considered as exercises. haba!

  45. All of u "tribal commentators" put together are morons...please grow up...and fast too!

  46. Its really a shame. Why in God's name should he consider rape in a country where sex is an exercise. Na wa o

  47. Imbeciles!idiots! is Ibori a yoruba man? ethnic bigotists! Emere s and aje s. short sighted fools. They dont see the individual in incidents rather they see an ethnic group. Nonsense!

  48. all you tribalistic goons going all 'yoruba' on this post:
    1. You don't wanna start that war, trust me.
    2. Have you considered the possibility that he's probably never been to Nigeria...or left 20 sumn years ago, and is more American than Nigerian?

    You tribalistic people are the reason Nigeria's progress is slow

  49. why would he consider rape!These guys should stop giving Nigeria a bad name o. lol

  50. ah ah! where is gbenga ooooooooooo! you and your rapist and armed robber brother are at it again! GBENGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ode oshi! you can see your bothers have added pervert to the mix! oshisco!

  51. *Sigh*, can't think of what mama @ home would be going through now.

  52. they keep giving us bad name,what happened to Nigeria man saved the day?????????

  53. which kind wahala be all this one for crying out loud

  54. Wetin com bring yoruba inside d mata now @ Sam? Am not yoruba neither am i Ibo. Am from d Niger delta. Pls lets stop being tribalistic and comment with prudence.

  55. A piece of advice to my peeps, all those making silly comments about tribes etc are what are known as Trolls on the web. There are 2 common definitions for them
    1. One who posts a deliberate provocative message on a message board with the intention of causing an argument.
    2.Being a prick on the internet because you can, typically unleashing cynical or sarcastic comments.(I quite like the fact that they are called pricks)
    My advice,difficult as it might be is to ignore them and eventually they will go away. Bottom line is that there is good and bad among all people.

  56. Who's sure it's a Nigerian? Well, i won't vouch it's not a Nigerian, but really, some people are plainly stupid.

  57. lolzzzzz...........see as una de tear cloth for matter......

    yoruba= rape
    ibo= drug trafficking
    hausa=suicide bomber.

    na wa oh, no wonder them no want just use eye see us for abroad and me no want send dem bc dem no pump ma tyre.....meanwhile,how true is dis story?hope de aren't framing up d young guy sha. maybe e don drink finish mistakenly follow one babe go house and case com turn to something else inside room dem come shange story.oyib de try al dem means to blacklist naija and if only our GEJ n cohorts go try beta naija,our pips no go want leave dem mama land go die for oyibo cursed just saying.

  58. Yourba's and their juju ways..they keep destroying the image of dis country..wants there to ask ä girl out than trying to rape her..may God have mercy on the yourba.

  59. Let us hear word o jare, immediately I saw a nigerian man raped,I knew he had 2 be yoruba,sex and yoruba men,choii!! Wen gbenga used 2 abuse ibo pple,u pple did not talk,nw u talking

  60. I don't know why some people just attack a tribe or group of people without reason(s), the guy in question may not even be a Nigerian but because he bears a Yoruba name, all Yorubas are noe thieves and rapists. People, I'll suggest that you screen whatever comment you want to post on blogs well before you do so that you don't invoke the wrath of God on yourselves.

  61. whats bad is bad..wats with the tribe,Nigerians...dats why we arent moving forward,wonder if people think @ all,when it comes to crimes we know the tribes @ d top,certainly not yorubas so people should just shut up and think of how to unite and move the country FORWARD rather than pointing fingers.

  62. Where is Gbenga?
    ~ I am the Anti-gbenga

  63. Hmm!!! I weep for my country and the black race. Its sad sha, but it is our hearts and our minds that's the main reason for our backwardness in Africa's most populous country.

    To the policemen investigating this case, the victim and her neighbours, this is just another black man doing what black men do. And he is from Africa's China "Nigeria".

    It doesn't matter if he is Yoruba or from any of 250+ tribes in Nigeria, this is not another giant of Africa confirming their perception of what Africans always do.

  64. kai!!! , Nigerians we have a long way to go. we are so tribalistic and hateful.That is why nothing works in this country.

  65. U guyz shld jst 4gt abot tribs dat guy is a dsgrac 2 naija

  66. Linda stop publishing all these tribalistic and offensive comments before you looose your sane followers

  67. the guys looks ibo-ish as a matter of factly. some distant inlaws probably gave him d Yoruba name!

  68. Such a handsome man

  69. dat second idiot when first thunder go f*uk your head..make snake lick your yanch...mumu....den the spider you go take do morning food...stupendous lizard.

  70. They don follow am from his village.

  71. because they mentioned 'yoruba',that's why ur heads are removing smoke.Before nko,is he not a yoruba?or is that surname not a yoruba name?..if it were other tribe now,u pple would av vommitted all kinda rubbish talk on the person....If the guy was so hungry,why didn't he come back to naija and hustle instead of disgracing himself cos as for me he disgraced Nigeria as a whole....SMH

  72. and you calling ibos fools,how do u know if the person who made the comment calling yorubas is ibo?eh,hw do u know he comes from the eastern part?u see,U ARE THE FOOL UNTIL YOU RETRACE UR STAEMENT.

  73. Yoruba cowards, if nor be sex change na rape. Lily-livered cowards!

  74. The. Guy na fool with all the noise b4 that ttime say things dey miss u still go back go steal even touch oyibo gir to make matters worsse the place get camera outside annd electronic doorr with smart carrd to enter the main building.

  75. teach your child the right path so he/she can give you peace............person go c dis 1 n think say na better person....God help us......Amen.

  76. OMG! I can't stop laughing here in my office.that's y I love dis blog.#laughing# beembolar

  77. Na waa oo!!! I feel so disappointed in both culprit and d Innocentias.

  78. @sam and anon1:15am, going by the time your comments were posted, you definitely are jobless creatures. Tribalistic idiots that won't remove the tree in their own eye before spotting the speck in another man's eye. James Ibori's brothers,Al mustapha's kinsmen, Boko Haram's family how much more shame can be brought than all of the above. But it's only Yorubas' that bring shame abi. eyin ode ti o wo pant won yi.

  79. I hate igbo people, they don't kn hw to talk, shamless ppl with heartless, so so blood money people. Mtcheew

  80. pls we all those need all this kind of tins as in addressthe guy as a Nigerian not Yoruba or other tribes.But i just dont know what is wrong with Nigerians in diaspora at all o,why him go do that kind tin sef?Na wah ooooo

  81. Hmm dis very handsome guy can go out and het himself a gal now. In America,nigerian are a Target ...he might be a mistake he entered the room as he claimed but became a prey cos he didn't have American accent.....the white and even d black Americans cannot stand Africans immigrant...and will do anything to disgrace them..cos they don't like can a guy go to a ladies room just to touch her thighs...and steal a laptop

  82. funny yoruba like insult. Gosh.

  83. All y'all need to calm down. But since we're going tribalistic then I must say the ibos and yorubas aren't any better than each other. Its always their (our, I'm ibo) names we hear. We never hear calabar, edo, urhobo, ijaw, hausa/fulani (except na boko haram) names. So we yorubas and ibos need to stop pointing fingers at each other, its a lost cause. Valerie.

  84. Gbenga where r thou, mumu man...ode oshi mscheww

  85. He looks Ibo to me o. He must have changed his name to Yoruba name to get visa to America. His name may be Chukudi obi ikeji.

  86. He shud be dealt with accordingly. All U̶̲̥̅̊ shouting yoruba.. SMH for all of una, N̶̲̥̅̊α turn by turn now chap chap one Ibo news go soon show den U̶̲̥̅̊ all shud b ready. I L♥√ع dis blog Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o much

  87. See he mouth Like pussy wey don suffer from sucking.

  88. God punish all of una saying "Yoruba people". Who dey always dey show up for news headlines for Drug Trafficking, Scam, Fake Documents?? No be Igbo people dem?? Idiots!! Think twice before talkin shit with ur dirty mouths!! Imbeciles!

    1. Drug trafficking,scam and fake documents u say not rape and petty thief.ndi aguu

  89. Tribalism bastards.

  90. why na? i feel bad whenever i hear nigerians misbehaving out there.

  91. Gbenga where r you oh! Your brother has done it again.

  92. Stop all these tribalistic talk and address the issue not the tribes.

  93. Hehehehehe....whr is gbenga,I'm waiting 4 ur comment

  94. The guy na ibo moron wey change him name to yoruba so he can have access to US visa. @ Sam, you are a pure half-educated idiot!!! get some education plzzz

  95. Chei! See as the criminal fine! If this one chase woman now, she go dey happy. She nor go know say na rapist and robber. By the time when dem tear im butt finish for jail, konji go disappear from im vocabulary. Anuofia!

  96. i take pity on those saying the Yorubas ain't giving nigeria a good name .. i can percieve how shallow minded u guys are .. Ain't Yoruba buh i know the Yorubas have done well academically home and abroad to rep this country called Nigeria.. stop tribalism and embrace Unison

  97. Why did they leave there country in d first place if they can't survrive out is quite unfortunate dat peeps still struggle to get visa n iish only to get there n involve themselves in criminal activities.smh

  98. Well u lot fail to recognise sumfin.. Gbenga has done it again.. He has moved to rape and stealn.. All d ibo gurls obviously wouldn't look his way, his owambe sistas dey fall Im hand as they r busy hustling for one one boi to marry dem which in most cases don't happen.. Gbenga I didn't knw is got dis bad dat u had 2 now just go peepn at ladies thighs.. Ohhhh and to steal a laptop of all d fins in dat room.. U see wat ibo bois have done to u.. U r lookn at 60yrs behind d bars in D US jail.. Chaii.. Y GBenga? Well now u can at least hook up wiv sum big Mexican dudes and they will luv u up from behind..

  99. Expected all these tribalistic jibes after reading the story and i wasn't disappointed and disappointed at the same time after reading the comments. First and foremost he's black and secondly he's Nigerian.

  100. Lol.. Is so true gbenga's sperm reserve don overload.. Hence no Nigerian babe would want to mess with gbenga the scumbag and d biggest lowlife out of Africa.. Gbenga is going to b livin it up with d large Mexican guys.. Classic.. I love dat.. Is a shame dat d Yoruba fanatic GBenga who is an embrassment to himself and all LIB readers as well... An ibo guy probably shagged his mother hence the hatred to most wonderful tribe in Nigeria..

  101. Bueyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye in..Swahili@ thunder fuck ur head,, snake lick ur are u for real?

  102. one word idiot

  103. My question is: WHERE IS BIG MOUTH GBENGA? Is this not a YORUBA man disgracing Nigeria in the States? If this was an igbo man, he would be in here talking trash...GBENGA BIEBBBAAAAAA WA! COME AND TALK HERE, ABEG! Come and explain dis wan o

  104. When all the evil done in the country is attributed to the Ibos, it was good enough. Now that the Yorubas are showing themselves that they can do worse, everyone is shouting tribalism. If you want Nigeria to be united then stop hating on the Igbos and they will not hate you back. With all Gbengalous comments on this blog why wont an Ibo man cry out when the saintly yorubas are doing their worst. Even the ones abusing the so called tribalist is also not sane, cos if you are you will not come to this blog to use abusive words. Yorubas please keep on showing una self o. You can hate on my comment for all you care I dont even send you shikena.

  105. ahh you people, this is not good for African unity. Tribalism is bad medicine. Stop this nonsense.

    Love Ghana sister

  106. oya gbenga talk na

  107. All these DMV boys....Linda have you seen the naija boys arrested for running prostitution ring

  108. Ghana sista.. Pls stay out of dis.. Na home issue.. We still one and united.. We just sortn stuff out.. Nigeria together we stand.. So pls do us a favour..

  109. judging from all the venom spilling all over the is not our fault that we conceal so much hate for one another. it is the fault of awolowo,azikiwe,ahmadu bello, our parents
    (who keep warning us not to be trust or b friends with the other tribes)n not to mention almighty HISTORY as a our fore runner leaders who are in dem graves,if you hadn't sold out your brother from another mother one way or the other,we the 21st century kids wont be screaming abuses on each other.....seriously,if we really want to move past some of these issues, we need to come together in honest unity.even other Africans who don't have telly in their houses nor know what map is to identify Nigeria always claim Nigerians when they commit crime,its a shame.the westerners definitely know they aren't Nigerians but because we choose live in dirt they continue to heap more dirt on us.don't be surprised that some of this criminals have no I.D on them when caught and the judge and his cohorts just conclude to brand him as Nigerian....abeg u guys should stop all dis cursing and tearing because we r nowhere free from all this.we say we are Christians and we curse,fight,hate n tear more than anyone just saying

  110. @ Nero.. U hate d Ibos cos they don't knw hw to talk.. Wat a joke? Sick joke? U need to see d yorubas on London arriva buses, u Nero would almost hate God for making u a Yoruba.. So uncivilised and cowardly.. Gross irresponsible people especially their guys who have kids all ova Britian.. Neva man up to their responsiblitiies.. Ur Yoruba ladies kill for ibo guys attention.. The Ibos r family oriented, very hard working men.. I understand why u hate dem, they obiviously make feel so little abt urself apparently.. Igbo men high achievers with huge ego.. Igbo guys noni!!!!!

  111. Linda show some morals and class and stop posting all this hate comment. I know it keeps people coming on ur blog, and it makes u alot of money, but remember money is not everything.
    I am disgusted by the amount of hate in Nigeria's Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa. Deal with it guys Nigeria is one. We are stronger as one.

  112. lol. The comments are ribcracking. why is everyone in such a tizzy? d reality is that Nigeria is not one and the most tribalistic ethinc groups are the major ones who feel the rest of us are not Nigerians. d Yorubas shouting on this blog, no need to cry because u people actually think your people dont commit crimes. Infact u dont like to hear another tribe say it but u can loudly proclaim the ills of another ethnic group. Ojukwu long foresaw this hence d Biafran war. FYI, I am a south-south and about sick of u all major tribes!

  113. pls all ignoramuses can like to take a chill pill. he has just been arrested and charged to court on reasonable suspicion for these offences; he has been alleged to have committed. he hasnt been convicted or sentenced yet. he is still innocent until proven otherwise.

    let the prosecution prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt and let the court pass judgement. biko, lets all hush and wait for the end of this before 'pouring out' so much venom.

  114. hahaha omg that's my school and i didnt even hear about it.

  115. hahaha omg that's my school and i didnt even hear about it.

  116. Plss tis isn't a ghana thing... No matter how much we curse ourselves, outside naija we ar one,dats how we are, that is our binding force.

  117. guys,hes gbengas immidiate elder brother.....cmon!!!dnt tell me u didnt knw??..**bbm surprised smiley face......dats why he neva includes his surname..hes frm a family of vagabonds....

  118. @gbenga,ur a daft creature honestly,u hate igbos an ur on linda ikejis blog?can u see how stupid u r?and to all those who r spitting fire and brimstone that igbos r yabbin ur brother..where r u guys wen gbenga talks trash abt igbos..abeg abeg.u guys can sit on a spike and rotate on it for all i care..*eyes rolling wit disgust*

  119. I suspect the anti-yoruba commenters who singled out Yorubas....did so to get back at the anti Igbo bloggers, who had spewed hatred on the general Igbo tribe based on the sins of some few.

    But hey guys, you didin't have to stoop to their foolish levels...

    Crime knows no boundary, it cuts across every tribe, race, tongue, nation and religion.

  120. All you fools insulting ibos should go to hell and stay there permanently.we really don*t care *flips hair*

  121. Some small minded,low classed fools callin each other names n cursing tribes here,hence d reason we dnt hv peace n unity in the of our own did something we shud hv prayed for n profer solution,u here talkin nonsense. U tribalistic fools,go get a lyf abeg,n leave dis blogg to ppl wiv brains n not empty skuls u gat....

  122. You lot should be very ashamed of yourselves, because i'm pretty sure the majority of you guys are adults. A guy stole and attempted to rape someone, that is the story. What difference would have made if he were from calabar, edo or whatever. And when some white dude spits a racists remark at you, you have the nerve to complain and call him racist when you're being mean to your own country person.Cover your faces in shame, SAM and the rest that followed suit.

  123. those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones just as d ibos ve taken over asia with crime such as drug trafficking n stealing so has d yorubas taken d west with crime.

  124. Ok people that's enough! We are with our comments, baptizing our country with shame. It doesnt matter what tribe he comes from, what does is that he is a nigerian like us. Through all this bile we've spewed out, ALL our enemies have reconfirmed how to keep us down or take us out. We need to look out for 1another and be our nation's PR officers. We are all Nigeria has, no1 is coming 2 save us and clean us up. We are going 2 do this herculean task ourselves,not 1 tribe all of us. So, ignore all d tribalist rants and learn 2 toler8 and love each other. It wont be easy but we must try cause our country is a hot mess. And fixing it starts with u! Stay strong, proud and keep ur eyes on d ball.
    @ghana sis: sorry for d rude comms. Tnx for caring cuz.

  125. @elusive kate, u say ojukwu(RIP) foresaw this but I say he caused it. The divide in this country especially between hausas & ibos would never have been. Hitler tried and failed, that should've been a lesson.

    On a lighter note, abeg @facefront, how do you know what pussy suffering from over-sucking looks like?

    To the subject matter, so shameful that such a cute guy(with pussy-sucking-lips) will resort to this. Very sad to see tonnes of young nigerian men abroad, doing absolutely nothing. Can't even afford to buy a ticket to return home. There's no greener life there whatsoever, don't be deceived. They live hand to mouth, struggle to pay bills, when you visit they will tax you even to buy orange for them, the best jobs they get require them to wear uniform(dats a big job o), the rest clean toilets in night clubs. That why the girls whore themselves out, and the men resort to crime. We in nigeria are living a much more lavish lifestyle, except say no light(but tiger gen dey), no clean water(but pure water de), transportation(brt/okada de, even keke napep). We try joor

  126. My fellow nigerians, we're all thieves. Ibos are smarter, yorubas are more daring and hausas...well, we blow up bombs in our pants. Lol. Every single tribe has brought shame to our country, every single person has a family member that is of questionable character so who are we to judge? The divide in nigeria will always be there, but hey, we can throw jabs without cursing each other out. 1 luv

  127. F*ck!!!!Why r Nigerians soooo fucking tribalistic n soooo deeply hateful?!?!?What is it all?!?What is it?!?Jeeeez this is sooo damn sickening na!

    @Anon March 1st,06:45am n Anon March 1stt 10:24am! Regarding 'Ghana Sister's' comment,did the poor girl say anything wrong?!? Is she not telling the freaking truth?!?Ahn ahn! What's with all this hate towards our neighbours?!?Goshhh! Can we just fucking learn to live n love one another?!Haba!!!And then we have the nerve to call the White man RACIST?!?...What of u?!...U both need to fuck off mehn!!!Bitter ass hating people!

  128. *sigh* LI the comments are very interesting, this shows the distrust we have for ourselves, what the guy did affects ALL NIGERIANS........bad behaviour is not about tribalistic sentiments, it is the attitude of idividuals . Naija, let us condemn bad behaviour and celebrate good deeds- One Naija, One love

  129. look at how ugly he is imagine he to wants to rape a woman chei nawa o women don suffer ooo infact let them lock him up and throw the key away mshcew...

  130. To the person that said Igbos are cowardly and loud mouthed, please, look in the mirror(if you're Yoruba). Enough said.

    To Nero, "You hate Igbos". Hahahahaha!!!! Well, guess what? We don't give a rat's a** about you(in particular) either. So, go take a bath, please.

  131. WHAT A SHAME!!! SOOO MANY NARROW MINDED HATEFUL PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHO REFUSE TO FACE FACTS EVEN WHEN HE(IN THIS CASE) IS STARING THEM IN THE FACE.Majority of the peole that will know about this case wil be americans and they wont care if he's yoruba, ibo, edo or nupe! All they can see and hear is that he is NIGERIAN! JEEEEEZ.

  132. For every action there is an even and equal reaction. How this thing start? GBENGA!!! He should be crucified


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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