Kris, Kendall, Kylie Jenner pose for America's Next Top Model | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 2 March 2012

Kris, Kendall, Kylie Jenner pose for America's Next Top Model

Kendal, 16, Kylie, 14 posed up alongside ANTM contestants and their mum, Kris Jenner, in a new shoot for America's Next Top Model. The sisters channeled the twins in horror flick - The Shining.


  1. wetin concern agbero with overload? woo, dats their headache...kris jenner will do anything to keep her family in d limelight...
    i haff tire for them..

  2. nice looks but u can take more looks in this blog i found

  3. Smh bloody fame hungry bastards!! Especially that woman! She is d worst of them all ggrrrR for someone that old u wouuld expect .... Can't even stress my fingers on her mcheew

    1. So much hatred! U for try appreciate small na

  4. and thats kourtney,kim n khloe on d dresser Bruce is d clown,kris handle baby mason wif care.

  5. unlike some people(not significant enough as their ratings hasnt gone down),i actually think this woman isnt doing too badly.from a business angle,she is making tons of money for her a mother,i daresay she isnt doing too badly.even by our so called african standards.just recently linda blogged the names of atleast 5young nigerians on their way to jail for manslaughter.there is also the case of the man that is accused of breaking in.and it goes on and on.from the western view,the kardashians are one of the few celebrity women that hav no drug re;lated issues(as at today).kim had a short marriage ys but her marriage isnt the shortest in celeb history.kourt has had the same partner for years and probably having a better relationship than most 'married' couples.khloe is going on 2 or is it 3 years with lets stop beefing and cut this people some slack.have a nice weekend.

    1. Omg...Edit, you rock. My thots exactly...

    2. I agree wit u totally.....

    3. I totally agree with you.As a family they are just so close and I envy that more than anything!

    4. Well said...Me

    5. I agree with u,Kourtney is expecting baby number,may God hv mercy on her.i jst love khloe,she is d best.PLSS ROB IS SO USELESS

  6. Mama kris will do anything to make that paper. Laudable but a little over-bearing

  7. Y do they look like toys? Just wondering....

  8. Gotta love the kardashians!

  9. Edit, so much sense in what u wrote!

  10. Amazing photoshot....momager is doing great with her kids

  11. @ Edith,

    Thank you, You took the words out of my mouth.

    I think some people can't find anything good in others because they themselves have very little good about them.

    Its difficult living in limelight cos all your flaws that otherwise would be tolerated if you weren't popular are magnified and exxagerated in public eye.

    We all have something about our families and even about ourselves that aren't credit worthy, so we could do well to get the log out of our eyes before pointing out the speck in others.

    @ Linda, Kudos... Happy weekend y'all.

  12. Cynosure Faces3 March 2012 at 09:54

    I so hate dis stupid old fame hungry woman....nice makeup tho

  13. What kind of creepy concept is this... look how she's holding the doll and it's bottle... the sisters also look creepily submissive... i don't get it and it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable... oh well

  14. Very beautiful,scary but beautiful! Leave them alone its their life n biz*rme*

  15. Beautiful comment Edith

  16. @Edith, you spoke well darling!!!

  17. Illuminati things!!

  18. Beta kitten programming!

  19. Eehh edith u do know kourtney has been charged with DUI! And we don't know if they mess wiv drugs cuz they have d money to cover it up! Don't suck dere buttocks!! Dey are materialistic idiots!!! Do u know how many children in africa and asia die everyday ..

  20. These pics look very Illuminati to me sha. For more on Illuminati stuff see

  21. y is kendal looking like she was forced to do the shoot?

  22. Kourtney the clueless fornicator having babies outside wedlock

    Kim the dumb brunette with no clear distinction between reality and fantasy

    Khloe the alleged bastard Kardashian so desperate to present herself as the Golden child that she'll do anything to make her siblings fall short.

    Rob the Useless son

    Kylie and Kendal hmmmm a future destroyed before it even starts

    Bruce the one man i know with a pussy

    Scott DisTIN so desperate for fame he'll kiss shag mama kris if he had the chance

    Lamar also so desperate for fame he divorced the REAL kardashian to marryr the FAKE ONE(Google Lamar Odom's ex)

    Kris Jenner so desperate for fame and fortune she'll sell her family to the highest bidder.

    Summary: Pathetic but RICH I LOVE THEM *BIG SMILE*


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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