The two were married for ten and a half years, had two kids and had no prenuptial agreement. Vanessa filed for divorce from the NBA great last month, after dealing with his infidelities for years.
But what is wrong with men nó, vagina is vagina, why can't you dudes stick to one, eh? Unu né pi ari *hiss*
ReplyDelete"At 70, I’m poor, blind and still pays rent." - Giringory.
ReplyDeleteWork Hard (Low IQ) vs Work Smart (High IQ).
ReplyDeleteWinner: Work Smart (High IQ)
Be smart, forever, and you're "made", for life.
Kobi's wife is Gold Digger! Ole!
ReplyDeleteAnd Kobe is a cheat! What's ur point? If he didn't cheat she probably wudnt get divorced or probably wudnt be getting a huge settlement from a divorce.
DeleteU get wt u put u head into.
The lesson is don't cheat...
bitch you wasn't with me shooting in the gym-Drake
ReplyDeleteMen are not suppose to see one woman and only desire one woman… that’s just science. If the species doesn’t mutate, it’ll die…This is a man. That is what he is on earth for.
I think they should have one of those for boyfriend and girlfriend relationships too - Law and Rights to Destroy all Assets.
ReplyDeleteThank God this kind of bullshit can never happen in Nigeria. Nigerian men, activate your happy dance.
ReplyDeleteLinda na lie Vagina no be Vagina.. ooo.I disagree with you some don open well well while some still tight and so on.From Igbanad
ReplyDeleteLinda. vagina is not vagina. i think u will understand this when u r married, in a long term relationship or most importantly, when u have a wife that wants her mother to be part of the home furniture.
ReplyDeleteif vagina is vagina, why do a lots of men forfeit their life possesions worth millions of dollars, their kids for another vagina. think deeper folks
That ain't cool, Can't Kobe afford a good divorce lawyer? that Venessa's lawyer could claim such huge amount of money and asset for her from the man who actually worked for them.
ReplyDeleteSo u siding the cheating Kobe???
DeleteCourts in America tend τo favour the woman scorned. So here's a tip. Stick τo ur woman!!!
That ain't fair at all...
ReplyDeleteServes kobe ryt,such laws should be practiced in naija...yu Δσητ̲̅ expect her to walk empty handed after 10+ yrs in marriage?
ReplyDeletewhat next? she finds a boyfriend who will chop the money - take him shopping and shower him with gifts? will she leave in all 3 mansions?
ReplyDeleteI think women make mistake of thinking that money can replace a husband. learn to sort your issues out with your husband, becos men don't care anymore :)
Eddy Ogbunalam: is that what God created you guys for?chameless human like u..smh
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ANON 9:06PM this thing would not work in naija oh..the man would kill u
only in America. And you know what?..
ReplyDeleteIf you don't work for it, you can only squander it!...so really, give it 15years.. a lot of it will be wasted.. enjoyably wasted...
I wish kobe the best...
Shit!!!.. it ain't just about vagina.. being true to your feelings and thoughts is very important... only one life dear.. only one life!
Good for u, Vanessa. That's how we roll. And for the guys that can't keep their pee-pee in their pants...well, u got it coming. I love America!
ReplyDeleteThis is not about money or anything. Yes, I'm sure the settlement might ease the pain, but it will never totally take away the humiliation of being with a husband who cheated on you with 105 women.
ReplyDeleteI can never stand for the BS excuse of men being a different specie. Marriage does not make you blind, there will always be beautiful women around you, they will will always be out for you especially when you are millionare and quite handsome at that. However, you (not the women after you) took the vows in front of God, and you should honour them. Exercise some self control, avoid temptation, do not go looking for temptation. Its a hard struggle, but its definitely one that can be won. People tend to forget the gravity of making promises especially in front of God.
Now if you know you can not control yourself and your ultimate dream is to conquer pussy, then you have no reason being married. No one forces anyone to get married. Once you're married you should take responsibility for that decision and honour your marriage.
Kobe knew the chances he was taking when he was getting with all those women, and he went ahead with 104 women after the first woman. That's seems like someone who deserved to lose half on his money and some more, especially if his wife was faithful all of their marriage. I'm glad she got all that and the $5m ring from his previous fuck up. I hope she heals well and gets someone more worthy of her.
Linda this is not a case of men sticking to one Clit...this is exactly what is happening to our Tubaba except 2face is producing babies, some women are so Idiotic that if they see a super star, heaven is let lose, am not justifying what Bryant did, but we also have to a portion some of the blames to those Gold diggers...I bet if you see Bryant live...you will be drooling and wet your panties..
ReplyDelete$75M +3mansions+plus new Dick= suicide,GOd plz help Bryant 2over come this..Amen!
ReplyDeleteOkay. I"m all for favoring the wife... AND YES! she deserves that $75million dollar! but haba 2 houses are not enough??? why does she need 3 houses? That's just darn greedy! Even if the court gave her the 3 houses she could have given him one to stay in. Unless if there are more houses we don't knwo about.
ReplyDeleteTo the person saying Kobe's wife is a Gold digger! No she's not! she bore him 3 children nuff said! Nobody forced him to marry her. If he truly felt that he could not be faithful then his silly self should have signed a prenup. Every penis is not the same too.. who says she was not tempted to go cheat on him too, but common sense spoke to her.
ReplyDeleteWomen/girls must also share in the blame. Why would you date a married man or someone who's engaged?
Worst of all, why would you date a man who's "having problems in his marriage"? How about praying for the problems to be resolved? As long as women continue giving it up, men will always cheat, just like the reason gun crime is high in the U.S.A is because guns are available. Single women should leave married men alone and married women should stop driving their husbands away with incessant whining and moaning.
U sound so naive. Who does the chasing and all the lying?
Deletena ds kain thing de turn person to serial killer. a man works so hard n builds mansion...one fine morning a woman reaps him off all plus his hard eaned USD.
ReplyDeleteam not in support of his infidelity sha o! but ehnnn, think am naaa, if na u nko? u go kill somebody naa. lol
Lmaooo....Vagina is Vagina joor,na face all ds guys dey fuck!
ReplyDeleteWch naija guy has ever been this ripped off? Boy ohh Boy!!!!! I pity Kobe sha. A punishment well deserved!! lwkmd!!!! www.nigeriantvshows.com
ReplyDeleteCheck out kalu nwankwo's wife's bithday and graduation here... pls don't forget to follow my blog, as i'll be keeping u guys posted!
A simple pre-nup agreement would have saved Kobe this wahala. Atleast he is free to explore other toto unhindered now.
ReplyDeleteDat flavors song should be for the guyz ! " amu dar a Ada go,umu nwoke na epoyari ,ha Buru gbago,ha buru gbada ...........
ReplyDeleteKobe bout to lose a hundred 50 m's/Kobe ma nigga i hate it had to b him/Bitch u wasnt wit me shooting in d gym - Stay Schemin (Drake).
ReplyDeleteDat gal mean die. Kobe dunkd balls in baskets and got endorsements wit his talents. Wat did d gal contribute to dat? She was faithful. Wat has faithfulnes gotta to do wit Guap?
Advice for all men: Make sure u sign prenup no matter hw much u love her cos KONJI can do a lot to a marriage.
For all the naija men here talking rubbish sorry for u all. Wat so wats fair is her hurting every day right, or when some trick hes been whacking comes and asks for child support, the public embarrassment of her husband being publicly sued for rape, or am guessing when he gets some chronic disease like magic abi this scenarios are fair right. If u want to be sleeping around, then why did u get married in the first place, after all u can make babies and sleep with multiple women without being married and dragging another persons heart through ur bullshit. Marriage no bi by force and it's definitely not for ever one. Kobi is especially stupid becos he know his wife didnt marry him for his good looks so why give her the bullet to kill u, he got what he deserve plain and simple, now he can start sleeping around, but I bet u he go wan marry again and will be cheating on the new wife or girlfriend too, dumbness, lol! For those of u that say it will be gone soon, have u met most of these ex NBA wives, most of them end up making more but the players them self end up broke due to lack of management skills, lack of self control and too many baby mama! Situation like this makes me happy I don't like in Nigeria. I know how many of my friends in 9ja that are doctors and they all have this story, a pregnant woman happy and excited to be pregnant comes for tests only to fine out when the result is out that the baby isn't the only gift the hubby gave her... And they all say this is from all class in 9ja, doesn't that say something is wrong since this story is very common in 9ja. Oh and kobi had a very good lawyer if not he woulda lost more, here law is law, regardless of who u are, just ask Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump who by the way is still very rich after 19years of divorce!
ReplyDeleteA cheat will always be a cheat, he did cheat on her before and compensated her with $500,000 ring, and now he did it again, lucky woman.
ReplyDeleteMy husband has cheated on several times, what did l get, am sorry l wont do it again, he will still do it again, it is always better to marry rich guys in foreign land so you can dry clean them, if such thing happen to you.
Sorry for u Kim that u put up with his cheating small penis!
DeleteVanessa & his Lawer 4ck up, I go carry women dey come house life, mke she take r hand RunAway from my House... Linda, Toto difrt ooo...
ReplyDeleteNo no no Linda, I disagree on that one.
ReplyDeleteVagina is not Vagina o... kai!
hmmm.. Vagina is never vagina... They are not equal. It depends on the taste you want. Try Chinese vagina and you will know they have the best in the world...
ReplyDeletewhat are you talking about Linda?
They should change the law and allow people to have more than one wife jor! How she go carry 50% of wetin this good guy hustle all him life na!
Serves him right for leaving brandy... Hahahahahhahahahhahahhahaaha Kobe u jus got punked
ReplyDeletekobe is charming enuff....sure most ladies wont wait to av a taste of him.even if hes a lay back kinda guy,trust me wen a lady wants u shes gat u.i tink the last time i checkd...the ratio is still..10:2
ReplyDeleteLove is cursed by monogony....
ReplyDeleteThe sad truth us men are wired up to search and conquer
ReplyDeleteWhoa....kobe's hard earned money,no wonder most american celebrities hardly gets married
ReplyDeleteMy own is that, if you sincerely know that you cannot stay faithful to your spouse and must commit adultary, then DO NOT get married. I mean how difficult is that? If you know your specie is created to swim in sexual immorality (which I doubt), then stay single.
ReplyDeleteVagina na vagina true,maybe he wasn't getting it at home... ;)
ReplyDeleteWow! This chic don hammer! Good for her. So did someone just call her a gold digger? Excuse me, she lived his shit for over 10yrs, so abeg abeg pocket dt word!
ReplyDeleteIts simple, he played around and paid for it, and she got paid ! the sad part though.... she'll date tons of men and they'll spend he fortune communally and the she'll be broke , all this while Kobe will earn back all his material losses, still date tons of more willing women and have twice as much fun,cos they all they want is a piece of this fine loaded boy....so who's loss in d end?. Movin on... Linda Vagina no be same O, Pls stop spreading dat nonsense,i fit vex for u! How can u say such a thing... Incredulous
ReplyDeleteThe funny sh*t about this and all these housewives that collect all this money is that in 10 years or so they will be broke as heck.. Bad investments, annual maintenance of all these mansions that cost about half a milli to up keep a year, expensive shopping sprees, etc etc etc… Then they find another ball player and go through the same sh&t again…
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing like working hard for your own money, then maybe they appreciate the value of the doe and don’t just get sh*t thrown in their lap!!
Laugh now, cry later!!
Ain’t Eddie’s wife broke already from her settlement money?? I can name countless others.. Kobe will always be rich, there is Value to his name.. She signed a gag order to get that money so trick you better make it last!!!
Linda close that your stuoid feminist mouth jor. Wetin sef? When your man comes, tell him vagina is vagina. Some pussy juice, depth and pubes are more impressive that others. You dont have a dick so you will never understand.if u like post, if you like no post!
ReplyDeleteDumb Kobe. Should have made her sign a prenup. Most women these days whether Americans, Europeans or Africans are only after money.
ReplyDeleteSex is lyk a drug.men need it 2 stay alive.4evry action th's a reward if i were 2b vanessa il ask 4 hs dick whch i wuld kip dt's beta dan d millions cos i wuld always bargain wt it cos it's mine 2kip in d refridgerator or oven.
ReplyDeletethe ruling is good. at least the woman would never want financially.
ReplyDeleteBuhahahahaaha,wasnt it here Ms linda said she demolished one of the houses...y are nigerian men such chauvinists!,,,so d man can mess around,and d woman,play fool till death do them part abi...abeg,make d babe sef find smallie,enjoy herself..its called Karma...Am So sure a blackamerican woman wouldn't ave done dis sha...we blacks need to chop liver!
ReplyDeletewell... if i may say , Kobe is "dumb" or doesn't care if he looses out, because he knows the law in his country. Vanessa is smart n knows how to play her games perfect. Haven waited for 10yrs+ , she definitely knows what she is doing. I TRUST NAIJA MEN SHA.
ReplyDeleteDon't know about vaginas.Marriage is a commitment, especially when kids are involved. It should not be for everyone. If you cannot sacrifice, you don't need be in it.
ReplyDeleteSome men even if they are in a polygamous relationship, they still cheat!
Madam Linda,
ReplyDeleteWhy you no post my comment na? I suggested that single women should stop dating married men and single women should pray for men and women that have marital issues rather than taking advantage of the situation.
Abeg post my comments na, abeg. If it will save even ONE marriage, it will be worth it.
linda if u say vigina na vigina, then you are also saying dick na dick of which you know is a lie. most of you singles date married men whom you know are other women husbands without remorse and tomorrow when you marry, you then to forbid such. what a selfish life ladies live. how many gals both single and married would come out clean and say she have never or is not dating a married man? my dear what goes round comes round! if you dont want gals to fuck ya husband dont fuck another woman husband, but if you have done it before sorry, somebody would do it to you.
ReplyDeleteVanessa WA GBAYI........nonsense afta 10 and a half years if puttin up with his shit especially his cheating n publicly disgracing u with dat shit.........vanessa i say it again WA GBAYI JOOR
ReplyDelete@make up by teju nooo it was tiger woods ex wife who broke down a $12m mansion. Her own settlement was $100m I think. I love America :)
ReplyDeleteWhats she going to do will that!!! Vanity upon vanity all is vanity vanishing!!!!! Nonsense.She can only sleep on a bed in a room in one of those mansions at a time!! So kini big deal?
ReplyDeleteLinda smh! is it only one dick you use to climb? or you have ever climbed?
ReplyDeleteMan and woman we are both guilty, so dont say Men.
Linda you point your finger at men, men, men.
ReplyDeleteis it only one dick that you have ever climed? or still climbing?
So if you say vagina na vagina, what of those single ladies who sleep with married men?
Refer to chideberes post.
oh yeah! well played girlfriend! well played( with a grin on my face)!
ReplyDeletetoto na toto as linda said but style no be style...get me?
ReplyDeleteMehn I dey vex. I never comment here b4. Why must you say vagina is vagina when you are not a man. Vaginas are not equal. I don't know how to explain the difference in vagina, but a real man will know!
ReplyDeleteGod bless all women with juicy vagina!
Good for Kobe! He fought with his parents & sisters when they advised him to get pre-nuptial agreement...Kobe said no, that he loved his wife and that she "can chop my money" and he could make the money back anytime he wants...well, now he is getting old career-wise, his B'ball career is soon gonna be over, divorced and gonna be broke!!!
ReplyDeleteKobe is an IDIOT!!!! Dont pity the fool.........
Chidebere u don talk am finish.
ReplyDeleteDis is scam in d higest order,pity d poor guy after enuf hustle,trust niger guys
ReplyDeleteHmm... "Vagina na vagina"... U wish?
ReplyDeleteAsk girls whose been to bed with more than a guy if penis na penis. Just as ur answers varies so too d trills and penis sizes tell u... Vagina no be vagina.
That's why u see some ladies holding onto some men despite the shit he gives them.
After all, u ma talk am say u 'gatto try the guy before saying "I do"'
anon 8.55am, ure a fool to think that his wife is a gold digger. married for 10and half years??? is dat how long they dig gold for?? and have 2 children, while digging gold. u must be a man and a cheating 1 at dat 2 even say sumtn lyk dat.
ReplyDeleteI wish Nigeria is in order like advanced countries. By now many useless married men would be living on the streets.
ReplyDeleteserves him right next time he would not shit again
ReplyDeleteVagina is not vagina..u can ask me why? bcos wen u fuck, u dont close ur eyes or cover her face with pillow..if vagina is vagina, den go fuck d mad woman on d street and c if its sweet. for ladies, try fuckin dat agbero( or dirty conductor) and u'll feel what men feel...i will also like to say dis...just bcos ur man cheat on u doesnt mean he doesnt love u...dat is just our nature..
ReplyDeleteI;m gonna re quote Drake on this one, "bitch you wasn't with me shootin' in the gym!" ...