Who has the right to sign off his death, girlfriend or ex-wife? Please share your thoughts.
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Saturday, 21 January 2012
Question of the day
Who has the right to sign off his death, girlfriend or ex-wife? Please share your thoughts.
Wrong! He has three children in his life. You divorce wives not children. Neither his ex-wife nor his girlfriend have a right to decide what happens to him. His next-of-kin have or has that right.
ReplyDeleteHaba!cnt u read.linda said he has only 2pple in his life.whic is d ex n d gf,so dere z no case of any nxt of kin here,mschewww
DeleteNawa o! Duh!? The same report where you read Linda saying he has only an ex-wife and a girlfriend also said he has THREE CHILDREN with the ex-wife. People are so daft! Geez!
DeleteOk, this is a tough one. Girlfriend not yet fully committed, ex-wife has experienced broken commitment. In the final analysis the man's future should carry more weight than his past but this case is an exception... the ex-wife should bear the responsibility @_deyemi
Deletethat is a simple intelligent thought. U've got d answer. The WIFE
DeleteI tink d girl friend he is currently dating has more of d rite 2 do so, cos d ex wife might do it as a pay bak time 4 divorcin her.
ReplyDeleteam sure u knw girlfwend is nt official and this is an official decision,wife nw!
ReplyDeleteBut in dis case they said "ex wife" not "wife"...there is a big difference...he divorced d wife several years ago..
DeleteHis divorced wife have more say in his life than the girlfriend...So it's up to her
ReplyDeleteNone of d two!! Maybe d government.
DeleteFrom all responses, i suppport urs 100% , the government should help our here!
DeleteI tink d girl friend has d rite, she is d one currently perfomin d duties of a wife, cos d ex wife mite see it as a pay bak time 4 divorcin her.
ReplyDeleteHis first child I guess
ReplyDeleteThe first child may be vindictive from earlier rejection fron the father! Girlfriend i guess ,cos the wife may want him out of the way as soon as possible so that they can inherete every thin
Delete@anonymus 9:17 am it also depends on how old the children are?are they old enough to even understand the issue at hand?the man should tell the doctors who his next-of-kin is...otherwise, he should decide himself
ReplyDeleteU be real ode!! Do u even understand what it means 4 one to be on life support? Yeah right..make d decision himself indeed. If u don't understand somthings just shut up ok. Mcheewww
Deleteerm, d man is unconscious so he can't tell d doctors or decide himself,read vegetative state. By d way, what frigging rock did u just crawl out from?
DeleteThe children of course...
ReplyDeletei think the ex-wife has more of a say on this coz she has an eternal bond with the through her children n if she feels that her childrens happiness is of great importance to her, then she would makde best of decision and not let her past pains from the relationship becloud her sense of reasoning......someday somehow the children would appreciate the decision she took over there father......there is healing through forgiveness...
ReplyDeleteThe ex wife of course... They have kids between them, so no totally broken commitment!
ReplyDeleteHis Girlfriend. am sure if the man was to be alive he would choose her. Him and his wife must have had a huge misunderstanding for him to divorce her for several years. this is not an African man here, this na oyibo. believe me na him girlfriend get the right. After all na the girlfriend don they take care of am before the accident or incident occur. If it is u who will you choose? your wife wey don do you bad thing abi the new found love wey dey make you happy before you die?
ReplyDeleteHis family has d right d ex wife dnot have any right cos d r divorced and as for d girl friend she dnot any right
ReplyDeleteLinda this is simple ethics laws in healthcare. His ex wife isnt legally his ex wife, and his girl friend isnt his wife. So unless he has designated a living will/power of attorney, neither one of them can. His children, depending on their age, can make that decision.
ReplyDeleteIn medicine, when a patient gets into a situation which might have them on life support, the hospital makes to collect such documents, preferably in writing, but verbal is also allowed. If none is available, then "normal" hospitals have ethics boards that make that decision.
So in summary, my answer is His children.
The mother of his kids to an extent still has a bond which even divorce can't break. I'm assuming the man's biological parents are no more, the ex-wife has the final say. The girlfriend doesn't have a say so long as they aren't legally married.
ReplyDeleteHis girlfriend... She is da one currently in his life...shikena
ReplyDeletethe ex wife... Coz she has his kids... It would have been the girlfriend if there were no kids... The ex wife is to make the decision on behalf or and for the interest of their kids... The ex wife's decision whether right or wrong is the best decision because of the kids
ReplyDeleteHis girlfriend cannot legally sign off his death as they are not married. Only a family member can and seeing as they are not married, she can't.
ReplyDeleteI think the wife has a bit more right seeing as they have children together. Hopefully she'll be acting in the best interest of their children.
You have not given us the ages of the children. Ex wife is X and the girlfriend cannot face the family. Therefore the eldest child will take the decision.
ReplyDeleteI think the first son should take the decision
ReplyDeleteLoooooooooool Linda. I like this joke o. This cant be true, he has only 2 ppl in his life, no blood relation, longtime friend, etc. Of course both would want him dead especially if the man "carry" as in rich, lol. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteEasy! His children if they are of age.
ReplyDeleteNeither his ex-wife or girlfriend have legal rights. They are both the same in the eye of the law. If his children are not of age, he truly has no other next of kin(parents, siblings, grand parents, uncle's cousins). The Ethics committee in the hospital can decide who to let make the decision. At least that's how it's done in the states.
Mother of his children. Well that means the ex-wife, the bond is stronger regardless of the Separation. That's if he was still playing a significant role in the lives of the kids before this happened.
ReplyDeleteLegally his children are the next of kin...the question is are they old enough to make the decision? He and his wife are not bound legally anymore. So also, he his not legally bound with is girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteDoes he have a living will? Did he sign a do not resuscitate agreement with the hospital....there are many variables. But the children are the ones to make the decision, followed by the hospital( depending on the papers he signed when he got admitted), then at a last resort, the courts may take over.
Hope this helps.
But if was in Nigeria sha...the story will be different.
Realistically, If the children are too young then the ex-wife should make the decision because they had children together, had a marriage...a bond and a commitment. The girlfriend has only known him for a few months and will most likely make a selfish decision as she has nothing to loose with him (ie no solid relationship, kids, shared properties etc).
ReplyDeleteIn the American justice system however, neither of them will be allowed to make a decision for him since they are not family.... unless he wrote a Living Will (which dictates who is to make the decision for him when he is unable to). So, in such a case, the court will assign the doctors to make the best decision.
his kids! the other women don't really care anyway!
ReplyDeleteIf the kids are minors then they can't make that judgement. If his next of kin is his mother who is dead, then wahala dey. this is why we should always update next of kin. If he is rich, even worse as girlfriend might want her hands on the money. I would say ex wife. No matter how much she could hate him, he is the fathe rof her kids. So she wants the kids to have their dad.
ReplyDeleteIn the Uk, the law is precise. In the absence of an advance directive specifying his wishes, the decision is in the hands of his physicians. They may consult his girlfriend, ex and kids to see wat his wishes would have been. Reg
ReplyDeleteHis ex wife have the right to sigh it unbehalf of his three children,,
ReplyDeletebut if the man write or has a wills,,,then let the doctor visit his lawyer,,the person in his wills will sigh it,,
The ex wife can sigh for his children,or the doctor should find out maybe if he has or write a wills,,
ReplyDeletefor how long will he be there
ReplyDeleteThe Consent law says that "unless the man had given the power of attorney that is, decision making at times like this) to either his ex-wife or girlfriend, the decision to let him live or die will rest with the doctors, who will act in his best interest".
ReplyDeleteThe doctors may also obtain an order from the court of law in case his family dispute the decision.
None of them
ReplyDeletehmnnn!*** taking a deep breathe**
ReplyDeletemy opinion, i believe the divorced wife has the right to make dat decision. she has kids for this man so no matter wat had transpired btwn them that led to the divorce, i believe she will still make d best decision putting her kids into consideration. its either she is comfortable with the fact that her kids r fatherless n her self a widow or the other way round
a girlfriend is just a girlfriend. no commitment.
I know its theoretical but nobody can make the decision to refuse treatment on behalf of another human being. IT is the decision of the doctors looking after him to act in his best interest. If his family feel strongly against the doctors decision whatever it is, the matter goes to court for a decision.
ReplyDeleteeither way...who is going to take care of the man? As a girlfriend of a divorced man myself...if i was in that position (God forbid!) I think I will hope that all of us including the children will decide together...This is not about payback...its should be what is best for the dying man....Becos I guess if the discussion is about pulling d plug or not...it means He is a dead man...its just a matter of when.....
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Na d man take im hand kill himself already - ex wife, girlfriend. none has the legal ryt to him that much oo. Na im headache, see as we dey here dey crack our heads. laffsssssssss.
ReplyDeletehis mother nko? or siblings?
Ki le sann....u guys...the key word is EX....when that happens there is no official or non official o!!!! As far as I am concerned as a man with an ex wife...BIKO....i will prefer my girlfriend o...or my parents to make that call.....my kids are only 7 and 5 so ofcourse if they were much older, then they might have a say...somepeople are still friends with their ex so i guess thats another matter....However i would say its 50-50 jor especially if the girlfriend has been in d relationship for abt 2 yrs or so..so she has invested into d relationship too...wheter the woman ex or not don born kids...is not relevant in my opinion....pple tend to attach the importance of children in sealing a marraige...but if you analyse marraige today...its not so...
ReplyDeleteAnyway d man is a dead man, wheter girlfriend or wife is determined 'eligible' to make the call....
whether divorce or no divorce, i dont believe n divorce all dat 1 is just a paper work,until God says its over .....the woman with d 3 children should make d decision ......nd let d girl frd 2 go look 4 her own.....his ex-wife knows more about him,so i think she should make d decisions "may God heal him so he wont ve 2 die,there is notin impossible 4 God 2 do"......
ReplyDeleteEx-wife for the ffg reasons... Will write 'em when I finish my delicious meal... City madam
ReplyDeleteEx-wife,she wuld think of ha children first
ReplyDeletekai some people think like they have only air in their brain , they said someone is on life support ------meaning he is a state where he cannot decide anything , he is almost gone and someone here is saying " he should tell the doctors who is next of kin is or decide himself " na to dey abuse linda and other people n dem sabi. book dem no sabi kobo , he might as well unplug the life support and walk away , awon olodo !!!!
ReplyDeleteThe girlfriend should do it. The ex wife cant possibly do it bcos she is already out of his lyf
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 12:52 u said d doctors should ask d man??? Are u high on fuel mixed with alomo!! A man on life support does he talk or even conscious??
ReplyDeletewell, it depends on who this man has nominated as the next of kin but I would imagine that the greater responsibility should either be given to his ex-wife or the children, if they are old enough.
ReplyDeleteIF kids are below 18 then Girlfriend as ex-wife will prefer him dead anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe children
the ex wife cannot be responsible. we dont know what caused their divorce, who filed for divorce etc. there is a reason they are no longer together. im sure if he valued her opinion enough, while he was in good health, he would have made her next of kin.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as in the time hes been seeing his current girlfriend, he didnt make her next of kin either, it becomes a government issue.
Linda,e no concern u..
ReplyDeleteNa wa o, serious mata o! In my opinion, the ex is divorced and has no legal right to make the decision. The girl friend either is not officially a wife, so I would suggest the govt to get involved and sign or better still authorize any of the two parties to sign. Meanwhile, no detail info was given about the three children, who knows, one might even be the next of kin?
ReplyDeleteNext of kin. Ex wife and GF dont count
ReplyDeleteIt is so obvious that, its the ex-wife
ReplyDeletewhoever have been there for him through the difficult times of the ill-health and maybe in the presence of the little kids if need be, has the justifiable right to sign it. It's not who its due to but who the man would've wanted to do so
ReplyDeleteIf he did not elect a proxy and if the kids are not of legal age then the hospital ethical commitee makes the decision.
ReplyDeleteNOTE: Neither the ex-wife or the girlfriend has any legal rights to decide.
From a legal point a view, neither girlfriend nor ex-wife has a right to that decision. It should be the kids but that also depends on how young they are. The only way out of this is to access his documents and whoever is stated as next of kin would be the one. I'm surprised d guy has no family outside those listed sha. If he does, anyone of them has the right.
ReplyDeletePretty easy one. EX-wife cannot decide because there is a reason she is EX and I don't think its because she was so nice! Girlfriend cannot decide because there is a reason she isn't wife yet even after all those wonderful nightly romps. Decision time lies on the Children. If they are too young, then the guys lawyer should be contacted. Do not tell me he doesn't have a lawyer. How did he divorce his wife? As for me I have already signed a DNR (Do not Resuscitate).
ReplyDeleteGirlfriend has NO legal right at all, neither does the ex wife. It is the children's right and the ex can make a decision on behave of the children if they are minors or the court will appoint a Power of Attorney. That is if his does not have a Living Will.
ReplyDeleteThe children should do so. The wife is. Ex and the. Girl friend not offficialm. Poor him
ReplyDeleteOnly his legal next of kin has the right to make this decision. As a doctor I go thru these kinds of problems quite frequently. So If the kids are too young to make the decision, it goes to his parents if they are still alive or siblings. These things can get very messy cos either party involved has the right to protest in court so it is not soo clear cut ...
ReplyDeleteTHE EX-WIFE SIGNS THE DOCUMENT!!! See it this way; The 'EX' wife have no right to sign such critical document since she is past, the current girlfriend is just few months old and have not earned the right to end his life either. the document should be left at the mercy of his children and if they are juvenile, that is where someone have to do it for them and that person is their mum, you see? that is how the document will come back to the ex-wife, as a guardian to his children and not directly as a next of kin.
ReplyDeleteDefinately NOT the EX wife. She is an EX for a reason people. So what if they have 3 kids together? What of those women who have 3 kids with the same man but are not legally married to him? I think the girlfriend should make the decision. She is the one he loved and was with before he slipped into the comma.
ReplyDeletelinda, please open a new thread for this video!
The person that is paying should make the decision
ReplyDeleteAll of them should be involved.
ReplyDeleteOn the basis that they are all over 18.
Family. DoctorS. State.
Once that is ascertained - a vote could taken -
But they must medically made aware of the choice -
But yet, the final decision should rest with teams of doctors - if there is any chance of a recovery - their judgement should be overruled.
But if for the next 365 days, there is none.
The state should give ascent.
@anonymous 12:52,the man is on life support and 'he should decide for himself'? Amazing....
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9:52 isnreally daft!
ReplyDeleteBoth women have no right to make that decision. There is usually a power of attorney document, such as a will, that spells out one's next of Kin. If he doesn't have this, his parents, siblings or adult children can step in.
ReplyDeletehis wife of course, girl friend na part time stuff, linda how u sure u r not the one
ReplyDeleteMy father was in a very similar situation last year. My mum (his ex-wife, his then girlfriend and his younger brother, my uncle, jointly made the decision). We, the kids, couldn't be involved because we were in the middle of exams. He passed away and was buried a month later after we finished our exams and bought tickets to attend the funeral.
ReplyDeleteEither of them has the right(Ex is Ex and girlfriend is not official unless she's the next of kin). The man's next of kin is in charge here
ReplyDeleteChai, the level ignorance in this country is alarming. Someone says next-of-kin to decide other than wife/gf - next of kin can be any named person. Someone else says a man on "life support" should make the decision. Why then would they need d wife/gf.
ReplyDeleteIts a very simple matter. Both women will lay claim to being the legal guardian so they only need to refer to the man's will. Where such does not exist, then the wife is to make the decision.
Linda, I can't believe that on a day that our dear motherland Nigeria lost more than 100 citizens to terrorism, you are asking such a trivial question. At this man is tied to and breathing via a machine- can you say the same for those Nigerians who have lost their lives as a result of all those senseless acts of terrorism being committed in the name of Sharia law? I doubt if the majority of my Muslim brothers even support the means being used to try to bring down the Nigerian government
ReplyDeletesince it is strictly between the ex-wife and the girlfriend, the girlfriend has an upper hand because she's in the present. The ex-wife is EX and strictly so. It is none of her business.
ReplyDeleteWell, a girlfriend has no financial gains from his death while an ex-wife might still be harboring some grudge and of-course her children stands to gain financial benefits on his death. so i think a girlfriend's decision should be safer.
ReplyDeleteThis is a no-brainer-the ex! having children with someone(that was involved in the early stages of the kids' life) gives that person a right. Why do you think defaulting dads show up at the child's wedding? Definitely the ex!
ReplyDeleteIdeally it should be the kids, but since they are too young it has to be the girlfriend. An ex wife shouldnt have the last say about a man's life, children or not! Click on this link to my blog for the nastiest shit you ever saw..throw up guaranteed!!! http://urhoborant.blogspot.com/?m=1
ReplyDeleteIf is somewhere like UK, I worked as a nurse for a while dere, is the nxt of kin dat has the final say, if per chance dere is no next of kin, we work in the best interest of the patient, thereby the care providers make a decision & dey will discuss it wiv the family, not sure abt naija though
ReplyDeletewatched a movie based on the issue linda is asking us for our opinions, i will say its the ex wife, for a girlfrd can remarry witout think of him anymore but his ex wife still hers a bond binding dem together based on the three diff images of him (their children) reminding her of this man even when he is eventually gone.
ReplyDeleteIdeaiily, his children.In this instance, they seem to be under age, hence the question.
ReplyDeleteThe ex-wife should make that decision on behalf of her children.
If she really love her children, she will go all out of her way to care for the man.Whatever concerns her children should concern her too.
Of all the men in the world, she chose to make children with that one...Priceless!!!!
You need to ask Daisy Danjuma, she has experience in these matters.
ReplyDeletemaybe the girlfriend even caused the divorce in the first place. The ex--wife is the mother of his kids anyone who is not yet in the home is a mistress. THe wife opari
ReplyDeletelol @ anon 12:52... R u sure u kno d meanin of life support? How can u say d man should decide? sMH
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9:52 am, this you hear that is in COMA? Meaning he's brain dead.
ReplyDeleteBoth ladies should be an adult and share opinion between them and do what is best for him.
@Anon 9:46pm, no need to put names sha, but since you started, is H.O. off the machine now in Jand? I remember him when when I was young, lovely and handsome man.
ReplyDeleteIf the man has no next of kin and has no code( i'e, code 1 or 2,3 or 4) to act on, then his attorney or court will give directives!
ReplyDeleteNeither the girlfriend nor the ex-wife have legal standing to take him off life support.
ReplyDeleteIf 'several' years can be up to 18 years... Den d oldest child shld sign...
ReplyDeletefor now the best option are the children cause they have the full right,the wife is ex we dont know why they break up and the girlfriend is not commited yet so i go for the children but if the chilren are npt grown up then there mother take the decision
ReplyDeletehis ex wife for the sake of the children
ReplyDeleteGirlfriend ko girlfriend ni! His Ex-wife and the kids should make the decision!
ReplyDeleteHis ex-wife,,,mother of his children...
ReplyDelete...Ex-wife has the upper hand in making such complicating decisions for the sake of their children. And I think the new girl should chillout
ReplyDeleteThe Wife Is The Mother Of His Children. She'll Definitely Make The Best Decision For Him.
ReplyDeleteAdult children.
ReplyDeleteThen family(Parents,siblings,etc).
Neither ex-wife nor girlfriend have legal standing to make decisions for him.
The exception here is if he has legal documents specifying that power of attorney goes to a particular person when he's incapacitated.
Which is why ALL adults should have living wills.
Them's the breaks.