Ladies, what is this? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Ladies, what is this?

Someone sent me a photo with some kind of story about a babe sleeping with some rich politician who then jazzed her/her vagina. I think the story is BS! From the photo, it's some kind of vaginal infection...or maybe even cancer? I don't know what exactly it is but take a look and let's talk about it...we are women, let's educate ourelves. What exactly is it and how can we prevent it from happening to us...?

But please be warned, the photo is very gory and extremely unsafe to open in public, work place, around young people etc. Viewer's discretion advised please...

What is this? And please, no talk of Jazz. We are all educated people...


  1. Oh my goodness. I am not eating dinner and no "........... For one week

  2. An untreated case of genital warts. What's the big deal about it?


  3. its a disease called blue waffle infection........ google it

  4. it looks like a very bad case of genital warts caused by certain strains of the human papiloma virus..if thats what it is then yes its a STI but not life threatening, there are drugs and stuff like criotherapy and maybe some laser treament that work... she needs to see a venereologist stat!

  5. This looks like genital warts to me.It is caused by a virus called HPV(human papillomavirus).The lady has probably had a long standing infection by the virus,but then again i may be wrong.

  6. This might be an hoax pic. As the belly n thigh area look healthy

  7. its called blue waffle infection..... the story is BS..... the picture has been on google since like last year

  8. That looks more like cancer that's gone out of control. This has defo gone past a vaginal infection!

  9. Omg!!!
    Nothing can stop me from eating ma food anyways......
    Buh this is terrible... How did u come across this Linda???
    Whatever it is,,,I feel sorry 4 the victim. . .

  10. Its probably cancer, I have seen this pic earlier this year tho nd another very disturbing one.

  11. linda please remove this....a kid might come on here

  12. sigh this looks like a case of HPV - Human Papilloma Virus/ Genital warts gone bad, she should have consulted a gynecologist when she noticed a few warts around that area. sigh

  13. Obala chineke!!! Tufiakwa. Isn't this part of the pictures circulating as spam on facebook?

  14. Eewwwww!!Omg she's finished o!...Whatever this VERY VERY SCARY thing is?!Wooooow!...May she be healed o.

  15. I "THINK" it's a disease called "blue waffles" it is derived from when there are vagina inflammation, itching; vaginal discharge that smells bad and looks bad; in some cases, skin in the genital area can change its color. It is DEFINITELY NOT juju

  16. More like advanced genital warts. Could actually be treated over a period of consistent therapeutic protocols.Nnaemy

  17. poor girl! must be in hooribble hope doctors can diagnose the problem.....whatever it is and she gets proper medical attention

  18. it's some sort of gyno problem for sure. That's why ladies, get a pap smear as recommended and as for all you children who are already sexually active, get the HPV vaccine.

  19. looks more like a genital infection: Genital warts.

  20. Oh my holy Goodness! oh my merciful God have mercy!! Dis is an eye sore**, if dis person is alive , lord i pray u heal, deliver and sanctify her in jesus name!!

  21. I was sent this photo on my bb with that same stupid juju story. This is a terrible case of untreated genital warts. HPV can cause this but in people who have HIV it can get to this severe stage. If you have just a few it can be frozen and cut off, but at this stage I do not know the treatment. Unfortunately with lack of exposure to adequate medical diagnosis and attention, I suppose this woman waited too long and must have been in pain at this point. Please see your doctor regularly, get a PAP smear every year, vaccinate your kids between the age of 12 and 25 against some strains of HPV they have vaccines for boys and girls. Always use a condom if you are unsure of your partners faithfulness and take styke inspect your husband and wife's genital area oh! If your husband or wife na wakabout download pics off the internet and put it with a pack of condoms in their pocket so they will know what is waiting for them if they don't use condoms. Genital warts afflict both men and women

  22. linda she has got an advanced case of genital warts which is an STD transmitted by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) virus( same virus that causes cervical cancer but a different strain).

    unfortunately there is no cure for it but there is a vaccine for prevention of most HPV like HPV 6,11, 16 and 18 amongst others. 6 and 11 cause the genital warts you see on the woman and there are ways to manage and treat visible warts. let her google genital warts.there are possible treatment options but she should work out what is best for her with her doctor. DO NOT SELF ADMINISTER DRUGS. i feel so sorry for her cos she looks young and even though i want to blame her for having unprotected sex, this could happen to anyone. one night of reckless passion (maybe for money0 and you are doomed. Nigerian girls learn….stick to your boyfriends or husbands and husbands/boyfriends, stick to your wives or girlfriends lets stop transmitting diseases.

    and just in case you wondering how i know, i am a phd student in immunology/biomedical research so i know what i am saying.. plus thanks to wikipedia

  23. i cant slip at all.m avin goose pimples nw

  24. Blue waffle disease

  25. from the same person with the previous comment on genital warts….

    as for prevention, always be PROPERLY protected if you cannot abstain.

    i say this cos i am also a volunteer sexual outreach officer at the terrence Higgins trust so trust what i tell you. there are a lot of std out there and yeah just to let you guys know 9not to scare you) but a drug resistant strain of gonorrhoea has just been discovered. MY PEOPLE be careful. we do not have resources like the west to manage these things so lets stop their spread.

  26. This is an advanced stage of herpes not jazz. Herpes left untreated will or could cause legion on the skin in the Pubic area. Advanced herpes can also lead to infertility, sores and skin problems. No Politician jazzed you lady, you've just been very careless with your life!

  27. It so shocking how people can carry baseless and unfounded rumor.this is likely Genital warts,caused by Human papiloma virus. And not from some Ritual sex orgy. This is a common thing seen by Gyneacologist. Only this pic got out. STOP D RUMOR!!!!!

  28. Its genital warts

  29. Its genital warts

  30. Trust us Nigerians to add some sweetness to any story. This picture has been on the internet for a while and as soon as it enters Naija they've added politician and jazz to it for dumb trivia and fear factor.

    This is nothing but a severe case of vaginal fungal infection that wasn't taken cared of probably because of embarrassment, and got worse due to the heat and moisture around women's pubic region.

    Linda maybe you should open up a discussion on how this is caused and how to prevent and cure such extreme medical consequences instead of exploiting the stupid and dumb politician and jazzed pussy storyline so that your readers can learn, research and prevent cases like this, and be better educated for it.

    But then again, this is a Nigerian gossip blog, let's all be dumb and stupid but have a good laugh. BTW, I am a doctor.

  31. Add me on BB 312AD095 or follow my handle on twitter @iheduruc where am giving away cash prizes.

  32. Hello Linda, this pic may be very disturbing to most people, however it is very real. I am in the medical profession and this case is not uncommon.Looking at the pic, it could be cancer or a very bad case of genital warts. This pic doesn't look like it was taken in Nigeria. Don't you see the clean sheets (lol, j/k). As per the jazz, Linda there's nothing that isnt possible in that country. Educated or not.

  33. That's fake....the skin around it is too clean, if it was real it would affect the surronding area....u can see her thigh has been coloured purple as well..

  34. this is a neoplastic infection caused by HPV( human papilloma virus). what you see there are warts. genital is actually a sexually transmitted disease.

  35. Looks like some sort of growth... maybe genital warts or even a cancerous growth. From the picture it looks like they hav prepped hr for surgery. The poor woman was probably to ashamed to seek help earlier!

  36. Yes pls educate urselves, its not jazz geezzzzz... Its called HPV human pappiloma Virus aka genital warts. Pls google it ladies. It causes cervical cancer,and most pple who have it have HIV. She should contact that dude and expose his ass!

  37. These are called genital warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They're sexually transmitted. you can get more info on google. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with jazz. The supposedly rich politian has genital warts and passed the virus to her via sex, period!

  38. Vaginal Gonorrhea (the clap). She did not get treatment with first signs and symptoms, now she has a severe case. In the case she will need surgery. Medical, no "jazz" involved. Safe sex.

  39. Exactly my thought as well... the girl might not even be a nigerian, its prolly jst some poor lady suffering from cancer #sadface

  40. this is likely cancer of the vulva!

  41. Na real wa o! No be small thing o! Dis girl don finish o! well I've seen something like This before from one girl in osu(ago iwoye)she got infected from jazz mixture dat she uses to wash her vjayjay to collect money from aristo. But my issue with all these girls be say dem go fit spend aristo monney buy material things but not on their health. To me from what I see or have seen before na infection gone bad. You can even get it from bad D and C. Either way na INFECTION gone BAD.

  42. Jesus!!!!!!! Have ur way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*sobs*

  43. Its called genital warts caused by hpv(human papilloma virus). Sexually transmitted. So prevention is same as all oda stds.

  44. This article might help

  45. Waah linda my lover is this true?
    well i think she is paying back with this,becos she love money more than her souls nd realy love and being inn petients dat made her to reach this her condition so soon,,so where is those money she got from politicians now?so her money can not help now right?
    hehehe toto,virgina dom catch fire,,make u come see how vokino fire dom catch nigeria toto,ooooo,,fire dey fire virgina in nigeria today

  46. Looks like some sort of tumor to me. Why did she let it get this bad? This sort of thing doesn't happen overnight.

  47. She has genital warts. It is caused by HPV 6/11 and has no cancerous potential. It is however highly infectious even after treatment. This could have been easily prevented with a HPV vaccine. So the moral to all sexually active females is to ask their doctors more about the HPV vaccine and seriously consider getting it especially if they have multiple sexual partners.

  48. WTH!!! What will the publicity get her? She needs to see a G&O Doc! Good gracious!!!!

  49. Omg what is dis

  50. That looks like a very severe case of Condylomata acuminata/genital warts caused by HPV virus. It could also be vaginal cancer( unlikely in a younger woman). Its an STD usually no cure so treatment is usually cosmesis oriented.
    When I was back home we treated them with some kind of liquid which made the small ones fall off. But men this ladys v.j.j is f....ked up. Surgey may b the only option which leave the whole area scarred.

    The lady should also get her HIV status as well in Nigeria they sometime go hand in hand

  51. haa linda this picx is a bad day.

  52. dis foto has been all over facebook for d pass few dayz..i dont no y we Nigerians are so ignorant...dis is an STD..called GENITAL WARTS...cus by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) POLITICIAN don suffer ooh....u guys can gooogle it if u like...

  53. Syphilis or HPV. I think it's HPV, if it is she better treat it fast! To avoid cervical cancer. The person I feel sorry for is the unsuspecting wife. I will always maintain if ur husband is cheating on you leave! Those useless bastards they hardly wear condoms. Sometimes oral sex too can cause HPV or syphilis. GOD help us!

  54. Honestly, I am speechless. I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life before. I mean, what the hell? You See, the way alot of Naija men and women sleep about eh, this is the result. Having self control is very important because in this day and age, we do not know what is out there. The heart of man is desperately wicked. That 2 minutes of orgasm ain't worth a life time of misery. How will this lady ever be able to walk and sit properly again? Anyway, if they can fly her abroad, that would be best. If it is jazz/juju or whatever you call it, then serious fasting and prayer must commence. Me, I just don't know what to say other than, may God help her. Phew!

    p.s: Those of you sleeping with big men for blackberry, horse/human hair, piece of land or property, contract, job promotion etc, una dey see right? Seems like God is cracking down on fornicators and warned before your private part will be next! lol

  55. Looks like wart or could be cancer of the vulva.whoever it is should see a gynaecologist,if wart can be treated with some topical chemical,vulva cancer can also be treated based on stage.lets not leave in ignorance.its not jazz

  56. Linda na wa Ø,well it looks a lot like genital warts & â„“̊ think you can do some research on that for more images. Ɣε̲̣̣̣̥§ it is as a result of an STI majorly HPV. â„“̊ think this is a severe case of genital warts though. & â„“̊ am a dude Ø & maybe this is worth a vip ticket for rhythm unplugged.(Jade)

    Excerpts from wikipedia,
    Genital warts (or Condylomata
    acuminata, venereal warts, anal warts
    and anogenital warts) is a highly
    contagious sexually transmitted disease
    caused by some sub-types of human
    papillomavirus (HPV). It is spread through
    direct skin-to-skin contact during oral,
    genital, or anal sex with an infected partner.
    Warts are the most easily recognized
    symptom of genital HPV infection, where
    types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of
    genital warts cases.[1] Whilst of those
    infected with genital HPV it is estimated that
    only a "small percentage"[2] (between
    1%[3] and 5%[4]) develop genital warts,
    those infected can still transmit the virus.
    Other types of HPV also cause cervical
    cancer and probably most anal cancers,
    however it is important to underline that the
    types of HPV that cause the overwhelming
    majority of genital warts are not the same
    as those that can potentially increase the
    risk of genital or anal cancer.[5][6][7][8][9]
    HPV prevalence at any one time has been
    observed in some studies at 27% over all
    sexually active people, rising to 45%
    between the ages of 14 and 19.[1]
    Signs and symptoms
    Genital warts often occur in clusters and can
    be very tiny or can spread into large masses
    in the genital or penis area. In other cases
    they look like small stalks. In women they
    occur on the outside and inside of the
    vagina, on the opening (cervix) to the womb
    (uterus), or around (or inside) the anus.
    They are approximately as prevalent in men
    but the symptoms may be less obvious.
    When present, they usually are seen on the
    tip of the penis. They also may be found on
    the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or
    around (or inside) the anus. Rarely, genital
    warts also can develop in the mouth or
    throat of a person who has had oral sex with
    an infected person.

  57. I find it really hard not to say this is black magic, cause i just googled cervical cancer. it is stated there that if detected early, it could be cured. But this lady's issue is just 48hrs old and its already this severe...........nd u think sey na ordinary oju. God take control

  58. I am afraid to even look. Linda, your description alone is enough for me.

  59. Don't know why Nigerians like to reduce everything to jazz.I might be wrong but this looks like an advanced case of Genital Warts caused by the Human Papillo Virus(HPV), a common STD n highly contagious.Mostly cancerous, sometimes not n can be successfully treated. Knowing the attitude of my fellow Nigerians to healthcare,she must have overlooked it when it was still in its early stages until it got this advanced. Hope she is able to get it treated n that it hasn't progressed to cancer.

  60. Medical problem needs medical solution...SHIKENA!

  61. Linda you ask how we can prevent it from happening to us? First of all, women should stop having sex with PROMISCUOUS men; be it your husband or your boyfriend or some rich politician. Una never see anything yet. I always knew it that Nigeria is a real STD hell hole. With the way both married and single Naija men sleep with almost every walking vagina and engage in unhealthy sex practices (oral and anal sex, rape and sex without a condom)viruses such as this in the picture are bound to manifest one way or the other. Na wa! Goodluck to the young lady. She gon' need it.

  62. Linda, I'm not a lady but I know what it is. It is Genital Warts, it is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus, HPV {human papillomavirus}. There is no cure for HPV, but there methods of treating visible warts as seen on the picture. For that, you have to talk to a doctor.

  63. Linda this is most likely genital warts! Its caused by a viral infection-HPV which is transmitted by sexual contact. It can be found on other parts of the body as well from touching/physical contact. This one is really large sha....and most people i've seen with large ones like this are immunocompromised (e.g HIV patients)

  64. its called genital wart and caused by HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS...its like an STD(sexual transmitted disease)...there really is no cure but it can be managed...once saw a pregnant woman with it back in UCH then.

  65. Nansense!Hed d okpeke was paid 5m shey?Bullshyt....imagine scoopin a spoonful of dat creamy stuff,spreadn it on a slice of bread and chewin gently....hmmmmmmmmmm....yummy....lwkmd!

  66. And i assume all the education is supposed to make the juju not to work? Linda do u tink juju understand education? Sometimes i tink u just say these tins without really meaning them.

  67. we dont want to discuss anything! pls take this shit down! u just said it all that she went to sleep with a politician! so she got what she wanted! and WE DONT CARE!

  68. It's all over the web, it's a sort of cancer, i think who ever made up the story about the politician is just, trying to start a controversy.
    It's a BIG FAT lie.


  69. Linda, this could give people nightmares. And Linda, forget...these things are true. If only you know the kind of devilish things some politicians do...

  70. I pray God heal her and God should forgive us all and don't let any of us be victims to any of these diseases,I really feel bad .

  71. "condyloma acuminata"

  72. Oh dear. Poor girl!! I'm not a doctor, but I can only think of one thing, Human Papilloma viruses (HPV). It is a sexually transmitted disease. I think what we are looking at in the photo you posted is genital warts. Here is a similar link I saw on the internet ( If HPV is not treated properly and on time, some of the variants can cause cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. With the sub-standard and inadequate healthcare in Nigeria, it doesn't appear she is getting proper care. I feel for her. I can't over emphasize that having unprotected sex with strangers and acquaintances is very dangerous and can kill. it's a jungle out there!!

  73. This is a bad case of genital warts caused by Human Papiloma Virus..


  75. Genital warts from Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) I have seen strains worst than this but in Nigeria. I only read about it until I spent a month in NAUTH where I experienced and operated on some. It is not usually this uncontrolled or else in cases of infection and pregnancy, or HIV. With pregnancy it will not be this pronounced post partum (IT DOESN'T RESOLVE- ONCE YOU HAVE IT YOU DO), however can be removed surgically for discomfort. THERE IS A STRAIN THAT CAUSE CERVICAL CANCER. Anyone that is sexually active is exposed to HPV and prevention of cancer can be attained with the HPV vaccine. Unfortunately, condoms do not protect from HPV and men do not know that they are carriers. More people need to practice safe sex. And testing negative for HIV a month before the wedding is not enough. It should be repeated 6 weeks after the first test and abstinence or safe sex should be practiced in between. I saw way too many HIV practicing in my own country and it is sad. Hope this helps.

  76. dïs is whr we nid our medikal d profesor of womanology wia una dey.

  77. jesus she needs help urgently deliverace,prayer,surgery wetin person eyes no go see 4 dis lindas blog God help us all especially d runs girls giv ur life to jesus before its too late

  78. most likely HPV with malignant degeneration into some form of squamous cell cancer....

  79. You know what, i take the tumor(neoplasm) theory back, i think these look like a bad case of genital warts caused by HPV. I'm still learning, so i might be way off. I'm interested in knowing what people in the medical profession think.

  80. Lord jesus Christ. What is this ? I don't think this is a diabolical thing. I think it's an infection like you also said. I hope she gets all the help needed cos that thing looks bad. I am not eating for one year. My appetite has died.

  81. Thats definitely a cancer...most likely caused by one of many of the HPV viruses. There are Vaccinations against some of the HPV viruses that women should take. It doesn't protect u from all but from some (very few) but still its something.
    Men can carry the HPV viruses and spread it from woman to woman without having any symptoms.
    I can't emphasize safe sex more!!! Please wear protection: especially if you are sleeping with SOMEONE ELSES HUSBAND!!!! Not condoning it o! lol.
    I'm not a doctor but this is what I learned when I was going to get my HPV vaccinations.

  82. it's genital herpes or warts

  83. Linda, you need to learn some classy expressions. It is not classy to say/write "vagi***a" publicly. You could use substitute words like vee-jay, etc. I am sure even in Ibo language, you are not expected to be vulgar, same as in Yoruba, which I know you are familiar with, being a Lagos girl. Pls do not lead any younger person who might be looking up to you astray, and try not to be vulgar under any circumstance.

  84. well, i am not a doctor or a scientist. really cant imagine how that got there and how long it has been.If one can stay one full yr witout seeing her mens and she was just less concerned abt it, how much more this one? Except am beginning to think of jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. GOSH! Disgusting and am so feeling for dt very girl

  85. She's got a bad case of genital warts.she could ve gone to the hospital when she noticed it at 1st.there is no juju ere,if u do it anyhow u get anyhow result. she would need proper treatment.

  86. Blood of Jesus...God have mercy

  87. its genital warts,if she gets the 16 and 18 one there is a posibility she could get cervical cancer,advice her to see a doctor for vacination of cervical cancer,otherwise if she uses medicine as intructed,they do disapear after awhile

  88. It looks like she has genital warts.. It's and std she should go seder a gynecologist

  89. linda stop being daft. must you post everything on your site?? what she has is really bad case of hpv.

  90. Nobody "jazzed" her vagina. This are genital warts and are caused by Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is sexually transmitted and has also been implicated in causing cervical cancer.
    It is recommended that sexually active women should have a pap smear once a year to screen for early signs of Cancer of the cervix.

  91. Vaginal warts. Google !

    Caused by HPV contacted frm unprotected sex.

  92. I've been seeing this same pix around school (Uniuyo) of late. I heard the girl is late. That sure looks like genital wart or herpes or worse! Dunno how true the story is but a girl in school is dead for supposedly allowing a politician finger her for just 100k and she was said to have something like this! These things do happen I'm sure cos every story has an atom of truth in it.

  93. Genital warts. aww

  94. It is true. I know the girl. It is a governor who slept with in Abuja. (Not meaning he the governor there) they slept without a condom and now he did rituals on her as a sacrifice to gain him more wealth sucess and power. Ladies, we need to watch out with this greed and yearning for money. Politicians and men out there are tricking ladies left right and center. You meet some and they say you must take HIV test 1st yet your blood withdrawn is taken for rituals. Beware!!! Prevention is always better than cure. Stay away.

  95. That might be HPV (Human papillomavirus) it's a type of genital infection. Ladies/GENTS INSIST on CONDOMS!!

  96. it is most likely genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (not sure but looks like it). it is sexually transmitted and currently has no permanent cure because after treatment, some normal-looking cells around the vagina and vulva can still have the virus in them and thus spread to other healthy cells forming the warts again. it can however be temporarily treated by medication or surgery. there are two vaccines currently but there are many strains of the virus so only some can be prevented with vaccination. hope that helps...

  97. I am just diagnosing via the picture,i may be wrong but
    It is most likely to be condyloma acuminata,it is a viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus(HPV),it gives rise to genital warts,it could also lead to cancer of the vagina,vulva and cervix.
    It is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner

    Please google it and read
    If the baba she shagged didn't use protection,let's say tonnes more people will be exposed to this virus.
    Here's a link for those interested.

  98. Advanced genital warts

  99. It is genital warts.

  100. Its been in circulation for two days on BB. This is cancer gone reeeaaallly bad. What an ugly sight to behold. Been deleting this pic from all my chats now I don come jam am again. Tufiakwa ! (*spits*) This is a condemned pu*#/!y. Excuse me while I puke !

  101. this is not jazz....smh, nigerians and their superstitious nature. neither is it cancer or witchcraft. It is warts caused by an STD called HPV (Human papiloma virus). HPV can be passed from skin to skin if they man or woman that you are having sex with is infected. here in the US, everybody is enlightened abt it. there is even a HPV vaccines that comes in 3 shots within the course of 8 mnths (i had this vaccines a yr ago). it protects you from getting the deadly forms of HPV that can cause bad warts like this or even cervical cancer. to know more about this virus and protect yourself from it, google HPV and read about it

  102. Dammmmm this is definitely some kinda serious infection. She probably was using local herbs to treat it and it became worse and said it's jazz....
    Females need to see their ob/gyn regularly so if there is any signs of STD's they can get treated and stop the B'S of jazz...

  103. This is F*cked up. I read this blog daily and I have never posted any comments but this is the most gruesome thing I have ever seen and could barely look at this. The sickest thing I have ever seen. Us women need to pray for one another. There is no longer any self respect for our selves as creation of God. God is not mocked!!! All that glitters is not gold. All the pimping, whoring for money is the devils work. We all want stability but at what price. Nigeria Government has failed its youth. There are no role models. No options so girls resort to sleeping around with married men. I cannot judge cause I have never walked those shoes. I pray that we all never walk those shoes. To be so desperate that you have no other option than to feel you have to sell yourself to the devil for peanuts. Words truly fail me. I had to comment. I don't know if this is even real or a prank. Poor girl. She should expose the Politicians name b4 he gives Aid to other women with low self worth that sleep with this cursed man. The greatest love of all is to love GOD and then to love oneself. What is the legacy of this generation. Women of Nigeria, Women of the world lets reflect and turn our lives to God oh. WOMEN WE ARE BETTER THAN WHATEVER UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES WE HAVE COME FROM. YOUR PAST DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A CURSE ON UR FUTURE. WITH GOD WE CAN ALL TURN IT AROUND. SOME WOMEN HAVE SEEN A LOT OF DEVASTATION. OTHERS ITS JUST PURE GREED THAT LEADS THEM TO THIS LIFE STYLE AS THEY SAY IN NIJA RUNS. LETS ASK OURSELVES ARE WE SO LOST AS A PEOPLE. YES WOMEN PROSTITUTE THEMSELVES ALL OVER THE WORLD. BUT NIGERIA IS SUCH A HARSH ENVIRONMENT FOR WOMEN THAT THEY HAVE BEEN BRAIN WASHED TO FEEL THAT ALL THEY HAVE IS THEIR BODIES. TEN FOR TEN KOBO IS THE MENTALITY. ALL I CAN SAY LINDA IS THAT ASIDE FROM US ALL COMING TO THIS SITE AS ENTERTAINMENT LETS DEBATE THE TRUTH OF OUR NATION. THE QUESTION YOU SHOULD ASK IS WHAT HAVE THE WOMEN IN NIGERIA BECOME WITH OUR VANITY. ALL THE FAKE LIFE, FAKE FRIENDS THAT CAN'T TELL YOU THE TRUTH. RUNS GIRLS. IF ANYTHING THIS SHOULD MAKE US ALL VERY SAD FOR A THIS WOMAN. CAUSE IF THIS SHIT IS REAL. WE ALL NEED TO FEEL COMPASSION FOR THIS FELLOW HUMAN BEING. COMPASSION AND PRAYER FOR A LOST SOUL. LET US WOMEN START TELLING EACH OTHER THE TRUTH. LETS REMEMBERER TO PUT GOD FIRST CAUSE HIS RICHES ARE EVERLASTING. THIS IS THE PRICE GIRLS PAY FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY.

  104. i think this is a form of sarcoma, she nids to series of test to confirm, but i think its asarcoma.

  105. Linda i actually saw this pic 3days ago and out of curiosity i asked my DR friend and he said it was genital warts. So i googled it. well this girls case is very severe. genital warts is treatable but its not curable, it is cause by human papilloma virus (HPV) and it has no early signs and symptoms. In her case, the way to treat it would have to be burning,freezing or cutting it and that sounds hella painful.
    The worse thing about genital warts is that it grows when ignored. and I'm so sorry to say this, but MAJORITY of the girls in 9ja will ignore this, because of shame and would prefer to treat it in secret. I'm pretty sure that's what happened and i bet u that alot of them don't visit the Gynecologist.
    I will end this by saying that EVERY female at a certain age, should visit the Gynecologist at least once every 6months. spend money on things that actually matters.

  106. Cancer of the pussy...

  107. Linda, this is an infection. That is genital warts caused by human papilloma virus. Ewwww.
    She MUST seek serious medical attention, because it can be deadly.

    MD Tee.

  108. This. is. nasty. What the hell is the meaning of this?!!?

  109. Thank you Linda.Thank you for scaring me for I'll never be able to give any woman head again.

  110. Wen health is lost all is lost!

  111. vaginal warts..maybe herpes ????

  112. Sorry to say.... this is no black magic. Is GENITAL WARTS peps...Women, need to take charge of their sexual life. Always protect yourself. Bring your own CONDOM, or at least stop sleeping around. Same goes to all guys.

  113. This is HPV.....Darn peps, practice safe sex...

  114. Looks like an EXTREMELY severe case of HPV to me

  115. That pic was gross, but that story of the runz girl jazzd by a politician is very 2005, my cuz frm ekpoma naratted dis same tale to me yrs ago bout a girl she knew frm her school, n outlined dat the girl bore this same I dont know if its true or false but unless someone can name dis syndrome, I aint researching it simply cos of d fear of wat the internet might throw @ me... maybe wen my mind regains balance I can research 'female genital defects/diseases'...but till den I remain yours blissfully unaware.

  116. It's not juju, it's genital warts. It is a very contagious type of STD caused by HPV. It is contracted through skin contact during sex with an infected partner.

  117. This could be HPV/genital warts...a sexually transmitted disease. It has nothing to do with jazz and everything to do with having unprotected sex.

  118. I saw this pics 2 yesterday and i have come across quit a few cases at my work place. It is called Genital warts (or Condylomata acuminata, venereal warts, anal warts and anogenital warts) is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by some sub-types of human papillomavirus (HPV). It is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner. Warts are the most easily recognized symptom of genital HPV infection.

  119. That's certainly cancer.

  120. Linda dis stuff is happened in ma skul...UNIVERSITY OF UYO..she's a student and resides in d hostel (HALL 6)..ladies be warned...

  121. Absolutely cancer of the vagina

  122. this is genital warts.....very common in immunosupressed individuals,caused by HPV,a virus.....she is more than likely immunosuppressed,and the number one cause of immunosuppression in sub saharan africa is HIV...poor lady,ds one no be jazz,na virus o!!!!!

  123. Please disregard this picture, it's been circulating for over a year plus, even some American gossip websites have carried it...
    It is some kind of infection and no one knows the true basis of what happened to the womans v-jay.
    But we all know Nigerians, it has to be jazz, or demon.

  124. Its an infection that is usually contracted through sexual intercourse, oral and even anal. It's called general warts.

  125. it is called viral warts and it is not jazz. extensive warts like this are seen in people that have got immunosuppression most especially is just an HIV amplification of a sexually transmitted disease.this is pure medicine not jazz oo

  126. This is definitely cervical cancer in its advanced stage. Sexually active women should please do pap smear once in 3yrs for cervical cancer screening and get cervarix vaccine to prevent something like this.

    An online doctor may be able to help her

  128. I saw this picture last night. I think it is cancer. But, this should also be a warning to women who patronise aristos. Honestly, life is worth living.

  129. At first look it seemed like Acid was poured on her "thingy" but then again it could be a very serious infection that was left untreated but Whatever this is I can bet it has something to do with Jazz.
    How can anyone suddenly wake up with that???? It probably started as something small but the chic was too embarrassed to go to the hospital until it became worse.
    I still say Jazz has a role in that! I say that coz i know a guy who was rude to one of his relation in the village and lo and behold his dick doubled in size overnight and when babalawo was called they found out the person he was rude to was the cause and he had to do all sorts of rituals b4 the woman removed the jazz. Sometimes its good to shut up even to ppl who look 4 ur trouble coz some ppl get power i tell u. people are very wicked!! May God help her sha.

  130. Linda, Nigerians are the most gullible people on earth. I can photoshop anything, attach jazz or voodoo to the story and Nigerians will spread the story like wildfire. I have done it before and sat back, laughing my ass out

  131. I'm sure after guyz see this pic, they aint going "Downtown" on a chic no more!

  132. omg!! poor girl. it is probably a sexually transmitted disease or a type of cancer just like you said.this is the reason why we should do regular PAP smear every year to treat ourselves if the need arises so we can prevent any infection from getting this bad.and ladies protect yourselves.make sure ur man wears a condom at all times.just bcos u r faithful doesnt mean ur man is.and pregnancy is really not the only thing we should be worried abt when it comes to sex.infections like like chlamydia can go undetected for yrs bcos some pple get no symptoms and this can cause cervical cancer.plss go for regular screenings every yr.and use a condom even though u r on birth control.

  133. Well as a Pathologist(a specialist medical doctor),my first guess would be an infection,most likely warts cos we've seen sth like dis in our clinic esp in HIV patients cos its very florid in such ppl and yes its definitely sexually transmitted.It may also b pre or cancerous but a cut section needs to b analysed(dats my specialty) to b absolutely sure cos U could see some erosions n ulcerations....but seriously was consent takin frm dis person b4 its posted on d internet cos I wuldnt dare do dis if i dnt obtain a consent cos its highly unethical which culd attract very strict penalties frm different quarters!

  134. Well as a Pathologist(a specialist medical doctor),my first guess would be an infection,most likely warts cos we've seen sth like dis in our clinic esp in HIV patients cos its very florid in such ppl and yes its definitely sexually transmitted.It may also b pre or cancerous but a cut section needs to b analysed(dats my specialty) to b absolutely sure cos U could see some erosions n ulcerations....but seriously was consent takin frm dis person b4 its posted on d internet cos I wuldnt dare do dis if i dnt obtain a consent cos its highly unethical which culd attract very strict penalties frm different quarters!

  135. This is likely a case of severe genital warts which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Human Papilloma virus 6 and 11. In such situation she needs to do a HIV test to rule out immunosupression. This is sure not Jazz, she is the unlucky few who manifest warts after infection. Linda its important for people to know that in as much as we dread HIV there are other STI that can also be unbearable. The moral of my story is always play safe....

  136. This is cancer obviously.

  137. STD, i believe that a case of genital herpes

  138. This looks like a seriously bad case of genital warts from the HPV virus... I'm not a doctor though so I really don't know. It could be also be an STD that got out of control because it wasn't treated quickly.

  139. Linda wat d heck z ds ds mrny abeg take dwn ds shit christ feel like am gona puke

  140. This looks horrible and I cannot imagine the pain the she in. For this amount of scar to be outside, who knows what is going on in her insides?

    And Linda, why do you say we should not talk of jazz? Being educated and what not?
    Sister, even Indians recognize jazz! Americans sef recognize jazz!
    South Americans nko?
    The rest of Africa???

    In as much as we are Christians and choose NOT to give recognizance to jazz and stuff, DOES NOT mean we should deny their existence!

    One pastor on the radio once said that the devil makes people to think he does not exist, thus, robbing them of the power to pray to keep him and his cohorts away! smh.

    That said, that lady's vagina could be jazzed or not.
    if this is a real person, living, she NEEDS help! FAST too!
    My sympathy for her!

  141. I have been scarred *Blood of Jesus*...Can you please keep your blog a little classy? Thanks

  142. i think is cancer

  143. This looks like condyloma, a type of genital warts. Obviously it looks like she's had it for a while because the image shows it has progressed.

  144. It could be cancer. Medical practitioners pls enlighten us. Pls comments from people who have tangible things to say would be appreciated. How can someone just say they cannot eat after viewing if.....

  145. I just manage to watch at that picture, na wa o! God help us. It's it's .......

  146. Well i wannu believe 'ts all those attention-seekin, confusion-inflicting BC's, saw it ystd buh i decided to ignore it. This is more lyk a cancer, 'v come across several pictures so similar to dis, i so dnt believe in it. Y izit nt in any newspaper or journal, Y a BC. Pls let us nt disturb ourselves.
    'Ts so simple, i ken jes upload 1 of d mouth cancer pics i av on ma fone n cook a story lyk d ghel was asked by a politician or whatsoever to giv him a blowjob or something. Let's nt believe in finz lyk dis, we r educated, ionn wannu believe if dt kinda tin occurs, dt's hw it would luk lyk, disiz a mere cancer for cryin out loud. I submit

  147. Looks like a bad case of genital warts.

  148. Showing this picture is irresponsible and quite unecessary. Some things like this should be left to medical journals and the like. Pls try and censor what you publish.

  149. Condyloma it.....

  150. I got the photo too. i think it could be a cancerous growth. I just feel for this lady. I can't imagine what solution there would be to this already blown issue. May God grant her healing and wisdom to the doctors. Chaiiii.
    Ladies, we should take the responsibility to go for routine checks. I bet this wouldn't have gotten this bad if it was detected early.
    We also need better health care in our country. She probably had been seeing the wrong gynecologist when it started, because of lack of funds or lack of access to good health care.
    We need more advocacy and awareness on the issue. We can spread the word and talk to our rural women.
    May God keep keeping us ooooooooo

  151. As a med student, il explain a bit.. That is GENITAL WART, caused by Human PapillomaVirus(HPV). This is a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE. The warts occur in d genitals(normal sex), mouth(after oral sex) in anus(anal sex). You could either do surgery to remove/downsize the warts or use drugs BUT you still have the HPV virus, meaning its there for LIFE, and you could transmit it. Symptoms are more apparent in females than in males...
    In this ladies case, its a chronic case of HPV infection..

  152. it is called genital warts (see link below),she didn't treat it on time. that why ladies should be careful with who they sleep with cause u can hardly tell when a guy has it.,52388.asp

  153. Simple STD. I always wondered how naija girls never think fit to visit GYN and then they are simply ok with fucking for money! if ur body is ur workshop, abeg take care of it. Funny how the same ones refuse to take birth control but are willing to have abortions like its acceptable. SMH!

  154. Jazz ko apala music ni. Sexually transmitted disease too bad. This pic was probably copied from a medical textbook. More like photoshop even cos the surrounding skin is too clean. Then Benin politician is added to the story and my dear fellow Nigerians swallow it hook, line and sinker.
    Linda, please I suggest you use your medium to educate Nigerians about STDs including HIV. The ignorance is appalling. If its just one life that is saved through your blog, it's good enough.
    Ask for a certifiable volunteer to provide with one post per week on health matters to be aware of.

  155. *good*
    this is so painfull. I pity her alot, this made me research on hpv and all and to be frank, i can say that this girl has aids, aids help the disease to grow and morph faster, look up this disease online and you'll catch my drift....... I really pity her, linda thanks alot for this, not only have you educated me *hpv, i only knew it on paper, never tot it could be this bad* but you have helped the spread of safe sex..... Let us all go back with one lesson, NO SEX, unless you know and trust the persons... Condoms are weak they dont stop ALL the std's,like this one. So please take GOOD care of yourself's....

  156. I thought as much wen I saw the pix!it's so Every tin them dey put for all this politician head.

  157. It's so infection

  158. A case of HPV...The story is BS however as this particular picture has existed on the internet for years. I first saw it like 3 to 4 years ago...

  159. you should check out this -

    and this -,52388.asp

    atleast theres hope for this girl, its genital warts and is said to have a cure.

  160. I believe dis must be the genital warts or so,can anybody remember the story of that Tree Guy? He had this same wart issues and his own was worse but some American Doctor took it upon himself and cured him,I think she needs to boost her immune system first of all then sugery can be carried out thereafter,that was the way they treated that Tree Guy. Btw sha we should be careful the way we have unprotected sex cos there is more to life than fun and sex.

  161. genital warts but the pic looks doctored to me..look well@the thigh area(different colour)its no jazz

  162. omg... wtf? is diz even possible... nw fhnkn God 4 good health... and guyz wtz rung wiv u pple? ny mishappen to a lady is via run, alhaji crap crap. GT A GRIP JOH. NONSENSE!

  163. I got this from FUTURE DREAMS FOUNDATION PAGE and decided to paste it here.

    Attention please!!!!
    The lady in the picture has been confirmed to have had sex with a known politician in Nigeria (name witheld) just for 5million naira and within 48 hours of this incident, her vagina has deteriorated to this extent......FUTURE DREAMS FOUNDATION is looking into this issue. We appeal to the Federal Government to apprehend the culprit.
    Ladies....beware of these perilious times...evil men abound..keep your bodies holy for christ!!!!

    We want to get immediate medical assistance for her...owing to the fact that she has been abandoned by her family and relations to the misery of her fate.

    Interested persons who wish to support an urgent medical response should please contact us below:

    Evang. Legacy charles-ukeagu

  164. Besides ladies as from 18 years old should have PAP SMEAR done at least twice a prevents genital warts, cervix cancer etc. i oray she gets healed.

  165. Jehovah Nissi.......wats dis???i think dis is more than infection......looks like a cancerous thing..........casual sex for some money that looks so much has landed this babe into dis,,,,,,despite all the warnings for people not engage in unprotected,,some still think its a joke.......i just pray God will have mercy on her and heal her oooo

    @Annon Nov 15 11:39pm......if wat u said is true that dis thing doesnt have cure,,,then,,i feel sorry for this babe.......

  166. Genital HPV is transmitted by genital skin-to-skin contact, or through the transfer of infected genital fluids. This is usually during vaginal or anal sex, but it is also possible to pass it on through non-penetrative sexual activity.

    In rare circumstances, a woman can pass HPV on to her baby during vaginal child birth.

    How to treat the infection:
    There is no treatment that can completely eliminate genital warts once a person has been infected. Often outbreaks of genital warts will become less frequent over time, until the body naturally clears the virus and the warts disappear of their own accord. However, in some people the infection may linger.

    A doctor can give patients various treatments to clear genital warts, but they may reappear even after treatment. Genital warts are caused by a virus, not a bacterium, so antibiotics will not get rid of them. Common treatments include:

    Podophyllin resin – a brown liquid that removes genital warts by stopping cell growth. Podophyllin resin and podofilox lotion is painted on to the wart(s) by a doctor or nurse and must be washed off 4 hours later (or sooner, if the area is irritated). It has to be applied by a medical professional to avoid damaging the healthy tissue around the wart and may have to be applied several times to work effectively.

    Podopfilox lotion/gel – can be applied to the wart(s) by the patient at home. The usual schedule is twice a day for 3 days, followed by 4 days without any lotion. This cycle is repeated for 4 weeks. It has few side effects and is well-suited for treatment at home.

    Cryocautery (also called cryotherapy) – uses liquid nitrogen to freeze more persistent warts every 1 to 3 weeks for a short period.

    Laser treatments – this approach, which uses an intense beam of light, can be expensive and is usually reserved for very extensive and tough-to-treat warts.

    Electrocautery – an electrical current is used to super-heat a needle which burns the wart cells and cauterises the blood vessels. A local anesthetic is used to prevent any pain and the procedure is usually carried out at a doctor's surgery. Electrocautery is used only after other treatments have failed.

    Surgical excision – the doctor will perform minor surgery to remove the wart under local anesthetic.

    Taking care of yourself and your partner:

    If you have genital warts, following these suggestions will make an outbreak easier to deal with, and will help protect your partner.

    Use condoms when having sex. But remember that condoms will only prevent the transmission of genital warts if they cover the affected areas. Talk to your doctor or nurse for more advice on safer sex.

    Make sure that your partner has a check-up too, as they may have warts that they haven't noticed.

    Keep your genitals clean and dry.
    Don't use scented soaps and bath oils or vaginal deodorants, as these may irritate the warts.

    Most ladies don't have an idea of this disease. Ladies should pay more attention to their vagina instead of spending time wearing makeup and fixing Brazilian hair..

    Looking good is good business but what happens to your inner body where people don't see more often.

    Always be alert and observant of any changes you come across on your skin, vagina, breast and whole systems in general...

    Thank you Linda for this...

  167. Yes, it is indeed an infection, no doubt about it, but, in spiritual matters, the devil and his agents do use common ailments to strike down their victims so as not to arouse suspicion, so black magic should not also be ruled out.

    Nevertheless, it should be a MORAL lesson to ALL. Because, it goes around. The man that infected her might have a wife or wives at home with numerous mistress and probably infect them also! The wives / mistress might have affairs and probably infect the guys who might affect their galfriends or wives at home! AND THE CIRCLE CONTINUES!

    Whichever be the case, she stayed too long to seek for medical help and probably infected some guys before it got to this stage!; SEE MY FEARS?? smh

  168. Why are many people blaming the poor girl. Some said she should see a medical doctor as if they are blind and cannot see that she was photographed on a clinic or an hospital bed.

    When somebody need help, it is wrong to judge them at that point in time. Do they want her to commit suicide? It is cancer of course, but whether it is diabolic or not I wouldn't know.

  169. All of una wey dey talk say no be jazz, una think say u sabi how the thing for look if to say na jazz?
    U think person no fit jazz another person wey dem fit get one kind medical problem?
    Regardless of weda na HPV or whatever, it can still be that na jazz dem do am.

  170. OO not again!! I actually saw this picture on a friends wall. The caption was"For all those girls that sleep with men for Money please be wise". I felt like crying for the guy, cos of his Ignorance and perhaps illiteracy. its just a picture of GENITAL WART(A viral disease - STD) and nothing more...

  171. i didnt see the pic

  172. Linda, dis is the MOST DISGUSTING thing i've ever set my eyes on. P L E A S E rephrase ur warning to EXTREMELY DISTURBING!!


  174. Also a reminder for men who go around screwing anything. This one is pronounced, but many times you will have no clue, and even a condom cant always prevent the transmission of genital warts. Skin to skin contact will make it happen! Na de kain ting wey God no want make you get hence abstinence before marriage and MONOGAMY within Marriage! Be safe people!

  175. Some of you ladies need to take note cause this could have been you. Be prepared for the consequences if you want to sleep around with no protection.

  176. Wat medical school did most of this people go to that they are commenting rubbish.genital warts does cause cancer and blue waffles is a hoax.wikipedia and google are not med schools.

  177. Linda why now, this is too much to be expose. This is no jazz but infection.

  178. @ Doja2.0, Anon Nov15 11.44pm, and Anon Nov16 2.38am and all you people talking about using protection (condoms) except u r talking of a spiritual kind of protection ;) then you need to keep in mind that genital warts caused by HPV is not a disease of blood and semen so no condom can protect you from it. It is a disease of contact, a disease of the whole genital area and it doesnt always have to look this bad it could just be a few inconspicous warts for it to infect you. It leads to cervical cancer (cancer of the womb) so better abstain or wear a full body suit, lol

  179. this is a clear infection of the genital warts, she is lucky that it has cure and can be cured. STD is real, and we must try to avoid it. "if you no fit hold body use protection" CONDOM. sorry for her it shall be well

  180. i can bet you that this yeye girl, a runs girl for sure, went to some "baba" / "ritualist" who gave her incission downt there that will allow her to trap more aristos, and the incision (gbere) got infected and now she has tetanus in her obo. serves her right

  181. Linda this is very serious oh...See what her greed has done to her...Chei..I pity her sha....

  182. Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is BAD. What is dis? Is this really true? In case it happens to be, i want everyone of us to learn from this. Especially Ladies!!!! Avoid this, all of this comes from having Sex unnecessarily in the name of enjoying life. Avoid and abstain from Sex till the rite tym has come for u. Keep urselves Pure cos any Guy that tells u he would give u the whole world if only u have sex with me is a big Liar. Once Again i Tell u LEARN FROM THIS. Ignorance kills.

  183. we had a similar case a few months back,the teenager had unprotected sex and in 2 wks it looked sth like this,she had surgery and her post op period was fine,her vagina looked fair after discharge.

  184. I dunno y people keep asking what dis is.....even after it haz been explained earlier. This most def is an untreated case of genital warts...I know because I've had dis unfortunately.Its not something to b scared about or b disillusioned. Out of 20 people,I assure u dat 18 of them r diagonised with the HPV...however the trick here is to go see a doctor iMmediately u have any cauliflower like bump on your genitals as well as itching...dis r sure signs of genital warts. It can b burnt off or u can b operated upon or even given drugs depending on how far these warts have gone. Why u are adviced 2 seek medical advice immediately is because if left untreated your case can develop to dat of the most unfortunate girl up there, in otherwords...these genital warts starts with just a bump dat luks lyk a pimple....and if ignored can really spread b4 the week runz out. Most times if these warts are not can actually close up ur vagina, this happens in extreme cases.....these warts can appear on (for the females that is) your vagina lips, your anus, that patch of smooth skin right between your vagina opening and ur butt...then they spread out from there.When I experienced this....although it wasn't bad......I was depressed because I thought it was just d end of my sexual life...I was also embarrased to have sex with my husband...but I am telling u write now.....if u have a partner...let him or her know, its always feels better to know you have some one there with you every step of the way.......I dnt advice self medication in matters such as this......many people are ignorant of STIs like this and as a result suffer for it.HIV is not the ony disease. This is definitely not JAZZ. It happens. Get yourself tested, if your clean?? Get vaccinated.....if your not??? Get your warts removed ASAP...if your lucky the warts won't come back....if your not and they do come back....remove them will stop after it has run its course. Just don't let yours be this extreme!!! Gurls visit your GYN if you notice something abnormal. PS- Its better if your warts are visible....then your chances of being cancerous will be zero. HPV without visible warts on genitals CAN be a sign of cervical cancer. So don't breathe easy because you don't have any warts on your Genitals. GET TESTED!!!!!!! By COCZ

  185. The man she sleeped with did money ritual with her its common in Nigeria its not an ordinary disease witchcraft is real Nigerians be careful...

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  187. This world evolves around sex, money and drugs. Sex is off the chain! Check out cable TV, am or pm. We glorify oral sex as if engaging in the act, is comparable to eating a delicacy and loving it. And CHEATING is where it's at CAT. Well, GOD IS NOT PLEASED. Read or reread the TEN COMMANDMENTS! Listen to wisdom, quit while u are ahead.

  188. How does she urinate??

  189. This is obviously very disgusting and a severe case of untreated genital warts (HPV). Yes, this is what can happen with someone that doesn't get it treated and that has a rank immune system

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