Nigeria Police Kill & Publicly Display Kidnap Suspects Bodies in Eket | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 October 2011

Nigeria Police Kill & Publicly Display Kidnap Suspects Bodies in Eket

Police in Akwa Ibom state killed seven alleged kidnappers and displayed their dead bodies at their premises for residents interested to look at...
From SaharaReporters:
Investigations by SaharaReporters indicate that the suspected kidnappers were executed by the police in cold blood, raising concerns about the legal powers of the police to act as investigators, prosecutors, judges and implementers of judgments.
Two police sources in Eket confirmed the incident, and said that the men died in a routine operation against kidnappers.
But a police informant told our correspondent that, contrary to the official police version, the suspects were assembled from different locations and executed in Eket Police Division.
“It is shocking and cruel that the police would execute people without properly handing them over for prosecution, and then create a mindless exhibition of their bodies,” said a human rights lawyer in Akwa Ibom. He added that, unless citizens recognized the dangers of such jungle justice, the police could easily kill innocent people by tagging them kidnappers.
Warning...very graphic...if you have the stomach, then continue to see the photos..

This is barbaric and should be condemned. Imagine there was an innocent person amongst them. I think the governor of that state should be questioned.


  1. WTF is this? Dont tell me the police did this!!!

  2. I second that motion! Why would you do this to anybody?? Kidnapper or not???

  3. Oh dear! Oh dear!! The last time I checked, accused persons are innocent until proven guilty! Was that amended??? That the police would acctually proceed to execute SUSPECTED kidnappers and then proceed to showcase the bodies is like something out of a horror movie! SUSPECT IS NOT EQUAL TO GUILTY NAU!!!!! It tells you how backward our police are. The fact that they even showcased the bodies tells you that they totally expected to be patted on the back for "a job well done." This is so so sad...

    You know the saddest part? Some moron is probably gonna drop a comment along the lines of "if they are kidnappers, then they got their just deserts!" Well moron, even before u say it let me tell point out that the operative word there is "IF!!" Unfortunately, now we'll never know IF they truly were...

  4. They were killed during an escape attempt. What else do you want to hear? Was any of the kidnappers your brother?

  5. Jungle justice must be served on the primitive persons who ordered the killings. The police are not and should not be the judiciary. The Rule of Law must prevail at all time to all people, guilty or not. Persons or government department taking the law into their own hands will lead to mob rule, chaos and bastardation of the law. All are equal before the law, hence an accused has the right to a fair trial. I'm not in support of kidnappings, armed-robbery, but the constitution must be respected by all, including the low IQ brain dead and corrupt police people in Nigeria.

  6. Well, if this is a trend that the govt wants to continue, they should add the likes of government officials accused of corruption to the list of people to be executed without trial (even if it is just a million naira that was stolen).
    If they can, then I will not mind at all.

  7. @Anonymous 5:00pm- You're kidding me right?! You were there? You saw them making a run for it? Anyone daft enough to believe that ALL OF THEM made a run for it and conveniently (for the cops) ALL ended up very dead is a bigger moron than i previously thought posible!

    And please its not about whether any of them was related to anyone here or not. Its about respect for justice and the sanctity of human life! Besides, its cos of such abuse of powers that we have enshrined the principle of "The seperation of powers." Google it! And while ur at it please google "audi alteram partem"

  8. @ Annon 5pm, either way this is Jungle Justice on the side of he police. And you honestly believe the story of 'Nigerian police'. I agree with Linda this is Barbaric, and I dont see any arms found on them, so why were they killed in such brutal manner? Take the guns off this killer's called Nigerian Police abeg. Guilty until proven guilty I believe is still in Nigerian's Judicial constitution. The murderers should be brought to Justice.

  9. Are you surprise?
    The police waste lives of innocent citizens in the name of accidental discharge and non has been publicly punished, so they have only take that act to another level and if not checked trust me, they would scale up to another level too soon.

  10. classical NPF for you. Brutal, unschooled, murderers given guns and unleashed on the public.


    IT JUST SEEMS TO ME LIKE A REENACTION OF THE MOVIE "AT 3:30 AM" directed by Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen and starring Mike Ezuruonye, Nonso Diobi and many others.

    The only difference is that whilst the movie had a happy ending, this might not.

  12. linda,before i saw and begin to read this topic and includs those photos,,,my mind tell me that those guys police shot to dead are those guys there governor gave guns nd has used for his election,and now they refused to return those guns as there mandate is due,,so he have to search for them,,so he got to kill them all,for them not to expose his secrity in court,,or does him think that all nigerian are cowards?they are fooling nigerians 10 times,,but foolling there self nd there family 100 times,,we are watching them,thx,from swiss

  13. This is complete idiocy. WTF. The perpertrators of this act shld be judged in a law court and found guilty, "by the way". man I feel like sticking red hot metalinto the asses of the police men that did this

  14. This is complete idiocy. WTF. The perpertrators of this act shld be judged in a law court and found guilty, "by the way". man I feel like sticking red hot metalinto the asses of the police men that did this

  15. We can all conveniently abuse the police, but it will not solve the problem and innocent people might fall victim to this. We all know people who have been brutalised by the police simply for being at the wrong at the wrong time. The question is what can be done to checkmate this continous acts of brutality?

  16. it is this nonsense that started the whole boko haram problem and the police keep on acting like this.

  17. SHAME on You Jonathan!!! The only country where police Dept are called POLICE FORCE!!! And you want we to return there with my family? Hell NO! Fix it!!!

  18. you guys are saying all this because you havent lost the life of a loved one to a kidnapper. If you have, you would not be saying this.

    If they had the chance they would kill as many as they want to get away with thier plans.

    This is good,hope it warns others like them to stop thier actions.

    I know a lot of people will not be happy with what i have said sha, but thats my comment

  19. Nigerians, wake up!! Jungle justice is a hell no. Just goes to show how backwards you guys are. They were merely suspects. So much for innocent until proven guilty. But let's assume for a minute they were caught in the act, and were actually guilty. The police has no right to do this. Lock them up, let them await sentencing. THE SO-CALLED LEADERS SHOULD LOOK TO THE ROOT CAUSE OF KIDNAPPING AND SORT THAT ISH OUT. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

  20. @Adebola and FortySeven:
    You have to be kidnapped and tortured for a couple of days in the presence of the rotting lifeless body of a fellow kidnap victim before you can reason with me.
    Besides that, you can keep shouting for justice and equity for beasts and cannibals who would run a bullet through the head of a judge faster than you could whisper any of your names.

  21. Jungle justice or not I think it serves them right!maybe it will serve as a deterrent.those talking of innocence until proven guilty is it not in this same country where we never really conclude where most cases end up as unsolved mysteries.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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