Question for the guys: Lesbian wife, what will you do? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Question for the guys: Lesbian wife, what will you do?

Lol at this headline...You divorce your wife over differences on interior design? U probably gay..:-)
What would you do if you discovered one day that your wife is a lesbian?


  1. So far its not with a man,we can still work things out.....

  2. i will just poison myself and her and die together or take for deliverance in MFM

  3. What can you do? If you're both into it, more power to you.

    If you're not, then its infidelity.

  4. Tiki and his wife went their separate ways when he started banging a 20 year old co-ed while his missus was pregnant.

    To add insult to injury, he aquired his lover all over the place in full media glare.

  5. Tiki and his wife went their separate ways when he started banging a 20 year old co-ed while his missus was pregnant.

    To add insult to injury, he took his lover all over the place in full media glare.

    Interior decoration has nothing to do with the divorce...

  6. Since marriage is for better for worst,i will accept her on condition that her partner 2 will be my lover.since the 2 of us is 1Since marriage is for better for worst,i will accept her on condition that her partner 2 will be my lover.since the 2 of us is 1

  7. what would you do if you wake up in the morning and......this question is totally flawed.....How can you wake up and find out such things? Linda, please, bikonu, rephrased the question ejor

  8. I will take her out for a powerful deliverance.

  9. It will be okay with me, as long as I can join in with her lesbian friends.

    You know I'm kidding :)

  10. the separated over interior decor? its like the dude saying......."no, i'm not gay but i am gay". dude get out of the closet.


  11. if she'll allow me participate in a threesome with her lesbian friends and also me to have any other girl i want just for sex, then no wahala.

  12. If I found out ma wife was a lesbian...wuld be pretty pissed n a divorce mite follow...wuld be crazy of her 2 keep ish like dat knowin she marryin if it was ma girlfriend...that wuld be a birthday gift..wiv her friend as d icing on ma birthday cake...

  13. sorry but this is a dumb post

  14. i would divorce her and wish her good luck with every thing.. it not her fault. sexuality is not something you can choose for yourself. i would still want us to be friends though.

  15. I would encourage her to bring her other partner over so we can have threesomes.

  16. that is the spriti i will join them and make a daily thing

  17. linda why do u have ticki face under that story girl u really tried this whats going on with ur blog now

  18. As long as she's not heavily into it, will take it as one of those things.. After all, what do they do? Is it not to just orally pleasure themselves?

  19. As long as she's not heavily into it, will take it as one of those things.. After all, what do they do? Is it not to just orally pleasure themselves?

  20. MAKE UNA NO FORGET TO TAKE PANADOL FOR ANOTHER PERSON HEADACHE..............@Linda me i love women,,am lesbo,,anybody wen no like am,,make im go jamb im head for cementMAKE UNA NO FORGET TO TAKE PANADOL FOR ANOTHER PERSON HEADACHE..............@Linda me i love women,,am lesbo,,anybody wen no like am,,make im go jamb im head for cement

  21. @Galore said... please contact me on my private email: I am 100% ready for us to meet. Kindly do this and let us take.

  22. See lesbos they exchange email addys on linda's blog! NA wah! The world has truly come to an end.

  23. ode galore who cares about your sexuality u seem like an insecure person with loads of sorry but no one will hit their head on cement because of an insignificant and confused person as you

  24. @Anon Sept 2,2011,3:10pm.........Na you SILLY pass.......wetin concern you wt my talk......GOAT.............@Jane love ,,thanks ,,,would get in touch wt you@Anon Sept 2,2011,3:10pm.........Na you SILLY pass.......wetin concern you wt my talk......GOAT.............@Jane love ,,thanks ,,,would get in touch wt you

  25. This awesome....freakish lesbians exchanging emails.....I don't discriminate...we all got rights to be what we wanna be


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