Ariaba is a contemporary lifestyle brand that produces handmade jewelry and leather accessories. Created by sisters Linda and Caroline in the summer of 2010.
Ariaba experiments with traditional adornment concepts and reinterprets this through a modern eye. Inspired by world culture and the individual tastes of the pair (which is fused by DNA and the shared passion for creating unique and stylish pieces) Arabia blends edge with elegance.
Ariaba works with precious metals, gemstones, czech beads, and exotic materials (like tusks, python ribs, stingray, carved bones, crocodile skin, ostrich skin, lizard skin, mohair, calf skin etc)
all combined to create eclectic pieces that dare to stand out. Each piece is handcrafted and, therefore, each is one of a kind.
As soon as you hold an Ariaba piece in your hands you connect with the earth, opening the way to new discoveries.
All our pieces are created with love by the Ariaba team. Enjoy your journey.
The new Ariaba Lifestyle Boutique is now open at Strands Salon, 32 Musa Yaradua street, Victoria Island, Lagos.
For further information contact: 01-8822155, 07031554777 or visit www.ariaba.com

I dont get the naked, bared breast thing. Is that for sale too or just for looks. Or we shld look at them instead of the beads and bags
ReplyDeleteWhy re the Models breast looking like slippers !?!... *RME*
ReplyDeleteMust models be naked for advertising a piece of jewelry?!! It's a freakn jewelry brand not a skin care product...sheesh!
ReplyDeletethis shd be titled "Ariaba boobs & jewelry lifestyle"...wtf???? not a good marketing display 'cause a lot of teens wl b more interested n their piece than their mums who already deep n gold, diamonds nd what v u...nd now our precious Ariaba s saying 'ts cool to show ur boobs when u adorn our pieces'
ReplyDeletethis is so tasteless and tacky...as for the breasts i rest my case...why should she leave the breasts barely covered to promote cheap costume jewelry....nijas like to follow follow everything american and british..but i have never seen anything like this before here in america...so childish,tacky, and tasteless....ewwwwww!!!
ReplyDeletethis is RUBBISH!
ReplyDeletevery ugly breast...
ReplyDeleteWhy they gotta be naked though? They realize people are gonna accesorize on clothes not walk around naked
give me all this craps for free...emm ....no thanks dont need 'em..got enough rubbish in my bin...and those saggy breast to advertise all this nonsense,?
ReplyDeleteI really dnt understand d concept behind the naked body + jewellery, pple really need to consult brand experts nd PR experts b4 jumpin into d market....not until i read ur post b4 i even noticed it was abt d jewelry...was thinkin it was 1 of dis naked foto scandals again...I'm sure they re drivin their ad campaign wit d phrase "sex sells"but it doesnt jst work in dis context bcos their major customers will be females...so y d display of funny lookin boobs 2 sell jewelry!!realin think we shld understand our own market b4 importin concepts frm d west (jst as sm1 said -naija lik 2 copy copy)..I hope d Nigerian Women Society will nt cm @fter d Ariaba pple..lol.but seriously its nt workin 4 me at all...nice stuffs they hav buh they shld change their strategy...
ReplyDelete" Linda u cud giv dem sm creative ideas (buh i knw say u lik money so u go charge dem..Lik adorning a celeb wit their stuf or a black skinned, tender lookin naija babe...not naked pple...enuf said...fingers sweating***
Linda i m becomin a regular commenter abi na commentor whichever one pick ur choose..luv ya babes.
Ok, interesting way to get the point across...
ReplyDeleteWho says sex doznt sell. Wat does jewery hv to do wit nakedness and a sagged milk container... Awwch, so very yuck...
ReplyDeleteSaggy and prolapsed pair of breasts indeed.
ReplyDeletewhat concerns bag with naked lower abdomen.
ReplyDeleteok maybe bags are now meant to be used in covering those areas.lol
pls God just come quick let people begin go where they suppose go.
Must dey show us ara before we know say dem dey? Which kine expensive play be dis? Na wa o!
Oh please,spare us the been there, done that stuff. Bad marketing. As for the jewelery, nothing new; take a number and join the queue of those offering the same old nondescript stuff. What's all the blah blah blah about lifestyle brand??? I'm so tired of the jargon.
ReplyDeleteanswer to ur question people....naked women and sex sell every thing from toothpaste to tires.
ReplyDeleteSome people are evil. What's with the nasty comments? How about positive suggestion or constructive criticism? I fully understand online marketing. They are looking for exposure for their products. I've just been to their site. I got a blank screen cos flash issues with iPad / apple products. Flash based site is a no for ecommerce - don't exclude apple crowd. Search engine crawlers would have nothing to index when they visit your site. Use OneFeed.com and SingleFeed.com to get your items into Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Yahoo Shopping and all the comparison shopping sites and directories. Use PingOmatic.com to submit your site's URL and rss feed. Use feedburner.com to create rss feed for your site. Use PingOMatic.com to submit your blog, Facebook, twitter, linkedin and all your social pages. Find a way to submit your site's URL to google.com, uk, Nigeria and every google for every country. Do same for yahoo and bing. There's a £400 a year tool that makes this easy and less time consuming. I can't name it here. Trade secret.
ReplyDeleteBack all this up with online PR. It will absolute give you overnight exposure and success. The online PR is not the blog to blog + Facebook that Nigerians do. That amature, antiquated and hardest way of doing online or offline PR. There are 3 main websites for this. They are very effecting.
Also use Google Keyword Suggestion Tool and eBay.com to know what buyers are searching for. Stock and only sell what buyers are looking to buy. For example, on eBay, if you typed in A keyword " beads", it will give u a drop-down menu of past searches by buyer. U might get "beaded bracelet dog arse shaped" - view those selling it, the pictures, description, etc. Whatever is hot on eBay is hot online. Even if u don't sell on eBay, use the info from eBay to sell on your website, etc.
One big advantage of using a good PR company that understands online marketing is online PR gives you instant backlinks that increases your site's pagerank. Another great tool is TeraPeak.com
It's one of online marketing secrets. It's eBay research tool, but if u got a third eye / sixth sense, Terapeak can put £100,000 minimum in ur account every month if u sell what people are already looking for, even if you don't sell on eBay. I say no more. I disclosed all these info as my slap in the face to the lazy fools criticising the products whoever posted. I admire people who make a start, even if it's a bad start, they can fine tune it as they go along and with little or no help, they get it right, eventually. I'm sure there could be other in business or the entertainment business that could need the exposure from Linda Ikeji's blog but are shit scared of our people and unreasonable and evil comments. Don't lay into people just cos you can. It's not nice or right.
Whoever is behind the business is trying to reach out to buyers, or retailers and is 100% better than a lot of you that's in slave wage jobs of working for other people. You don't like the items, don't buy, but keep your nasty comments to yourself. Na wah for my people.
I think sometimes the Nigerian fashion scene gets it wrong. If this type of marketing is done here in England, of course it wil sell alot of people will find it appealling, but african designers need to realise that they need to adopt the right type of marketing strategies that will attract us africans(even here in diaspora) to certain products. I won't blame the brand owners but it's the fault of the PR people, i guess.
ReplyDeleteThe Nakedness here is so uncalled for, i cant seem 2 place d connectivity btw ur stuff dat ur advertising and d style of advert. Smh
ReplyDeleteThe near nudity is not necessary...; the breasts aren't 'hot' either!!!
ReplyDeleteNa wa for una oooo,,,,for another person headache...........
ReplyDeleteI see boobs...and loves them alll...how can you not sell anything you display on fresh boobs? *smiles
Why must women pose nude to advertise a product? from tooth pick to floor tiles they pose nude, you just wonder what their aim is then? No to nude advert of product.
ReplyDeleteR4 did u take out ur precious time to type that long epistle!! You get time ooo
ReplyDeleteits funny how i did not notice the pieces of jewellery! are those women??? too skinny and barely have breasts...hmmm na wa o!
ReplyDeleteSee boobie! sometimes i just have to thank God am not blind
ReplyDeleteWhat's with calling people "evil" and "lazy fools" because they express their dislike for or criticize a product? If something is not good, it's not good, period. And abusing those who say so is not going to help the so-called "brand," Every wannabe is trying to cash in on something and it's not anyone's job to give "constructive criticism" ,,,whatever that is. This is a blog, not a classroom. We are not teachers. Do your homework and beta testing before you bring trash to a highly sophisticated market. It's hot in the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteDont know what others think sha, but the breast don cast. This really "The Walls Of Jericho Fall Down Flat" mtcheeew
ReplyDeleteChai! These boobs have fallen!!! Tk note, all you 'chua-chua' babes wey think say 'e no dey read meter'It might not, but ur south bounds boobs may tell a story.
ReplyDeleteDisclaimer: not sayin dts wht this model's being up to oh. This is jst a 'by the way'.
ReplyDeleteis d world so breast conscious and all dt sort?dat they av 2 pose naked 4 an advert?or r they advertising the breast???cos i didnt notice the necklace,d breast stood out in d pix.why is it always ladies goin nude,eh??guyz no follow???dis is so annoying jare,mschew.who ever brought up dis concept is definetly living in a world of his/her own.cos dis is definetely not 4 d nigerian public.
ReplyDeleteI know this marketing technique.
ReplyDeleteif the product is crap, divert attention to the flesh.
i hope it works for them.it does not work for me as i like fuller breasts and juicier bosoms.
They might not have wanted to have the models wear the jewelry with clothing so it doesn't distract from what they are trying to sell but unfortunately, the boobies are a distraction in and of itself so it defeated the purpose. They could have had them wear tube dress which would leave the neck bare so we can see the necklaces but sha, sexy to one person is not to another.
ReplyDeleteI don gerit!na the boobs we suppose analyse abi na the beads!i confuse o!
ReplyDelete@anon 4:46pm u r simply talking too much!what has what u stated got to do with the fact that there are better ways of advertising what you got and still buy the hearts of customers and not necessarily by selling nudity.u just talked out of point.im sorry to say!!!
ReplyDeleteLinda i dont get it. These girls no get bo-biz at all. They for ask me lol.
ReplyDeleteI believe there are more decent ways of advertising rather than selling our dignity. Wearing cloth and the bead can give buyers a clearer picture of how it fits because no one can wear just the beads and roam the streets that will be colomental.
ReplyDeleteEwwwww...am a woman but those r some ugly looking breastisis!
ReplyDeleteeveryone saying her boobies are sagged, she doesn't even have boobs not to even mention sag
ReplyDeleteflat tiny ugly breasts
ReplyDeleteGood way of describing, and pleasant piece of writing to obtain facts
ReplyDeleteabout my presentation focus, which i am going to deliver
in college.
Here is my blog post - Vape Pens