Uche Jumbo's Damage Movie Premiere is Tomorrow | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 30 July 2011

Uche Jumbo's Damage Movie Premiere is Tomorrow

The premiere of Uche Jumbo's movie - Damage, which addresses domestic violence, will take place tomorrow July 31, 2011 at the Silverbird Galleria, Lagos.


  1. His pose looks forced

  2. *ajalahtravel*30 July 2011 at 14:40

    Why Kalu dey like say dem force am to soap picture?


  3. Them both holding knives and machetes is not good pubilicity and sends the wrong signals..after all this ain't no horror movie..lacks sensitivity forgetting what happened to Titi...

  4. Alicia says...30 July 2011 at 16:40


  5. @ alicia lmao which other faces do you expect to see in the movie poster? abi r u just hearing of the movie now?

  6. Titi Story now now, Wait make court judge the guy first now.

    Nollywood sha, no direction

  7. Alicia says...30 July 2011 at 23:49

    this movie was done before Titi but i see your point.

  8. UCHE JUMBO and her over acting over dramatizing, screaming, sweating, face contorting, and body contortions, to masquerade poor acting, has come again.Loo at the poster for Pete's sake showing she and Kalu wielding humongous butcher machetes..the visual is very troubling....my only advice to those willing to attend the premiere is to get ready with tylenol, or any painkiller like paracetamol available in Nigeria in preparedness for the screaming, and over hyped theatrics the movie will offer.....

    bcos you guys will experience the DRAMA QUEEN IN ALL HER GLORY!!!!!

  9. Yeaaaah I totally agree with ade cool........ Holding knives and axe and weapons on d poster made it more horror than real. And not good for VISUALS, Very much Uche Jombo's kind of thing ''OVER EXAGGERATED ACTING SKILLS and always wanting to prove something. She stricks like someone who obviously have complex issues. M sure same will go to d acting in d movie, she will teach her viewers how to be d killer machine and wrestle it out wit your spouse. Hoping she succeeds in passing whatever message properly this time... And not bore the viewers with ''NA ME FIGHT PASS ACTING TRASH''apons on d poster made it more horror than real. And not good for VISUALS, Very much Uche Jombo's kind of thing ''OVER EXAGGERATED ACTING SKILLS and always wanting to prove something. She stricks like someone who obviously have complex issues. M sure same will go to d acting in d movie, she will teach her viewers how to be d killer machine and wrestle it out wit your spouse. Hoping she succeeds in passing whatever message properly this time... And not bore the viewers with ''NA ME FIGHT PASS ACTING TRASH''

  10. This Madam Uche Jombo that forces herself on her viewers.......... She is an irritant.. is an irritant..

  11. @Ade Cool, so cos of what happened to TIti, there should be no movies talking about violence in marriage? The trailer seems pretty cool, although the acting wasn't top notch all the time. All the same, it's a movie I would love to watch. Besides, Tiiti isn't the first woman to die. Just that her family chose not to bury the issue. How many women are brutalised day in day out. The movie came out just after Titi's death, which means it was in production before. Uche Jumbo should not release her movie again abi? You just had to pick on something negative to say.
    @Alicia, pack your bags, move to naija and start acting. U seem to know how to do all things well.

  12. @ade cool, i agree. it is quite distasteful

  13. Alicia says...31 July 2011 at 15:12

    its not about whether i can act or not, its about the fact that the top dogs in the industry refuse to discover new faces but recycle them day in and day out. there is only so long you can continue seeing the same overacting in every nollywood movie that goes to theaters.

  14. @ teddyp i have to concur with u Uche does seem to me to be someone with insecurity issues...i sense a great neediness..that masquerades it self in the tirades, and over dramatized hyped up acting and yelling...
    Nolywood doesnt seem to be very creative and intuitive..they keep recycling the has beens...and don't go around sincerely looking for fresh faced talents that are literally all over the place looking for an honest opportunity...with a country that has hundreds of millions of ppl..cmon now!!! there mus tbe some fresh talent out there..not clowns that are willing to crawl into any producer's bed..but real gifted talents that will take nollywood to the next level!!!

  15. Ok..mmmh thanks but I am aware the film was done bfore Titi was murdered but what ever happened to DVD/film packages being re-released..
    An aside..of course this films would go on in Europe/US despite some going on sporadic murderous campaigns like dude from Norway..but I tell ya..wouldn't see Hollywwod in the present circumstances putting out a film with some dude going gung ho shooting people up..
    We don't want to hear in the not so near future that some murderous nut in 9ja says he/she was influenced by watching Uche Jombo's film..it wouldn't be the first time either..capiche!!

  16. obviously this movie was in production before Titi's death. If Uche doesn't release it now, when should she? Months later so that people will again say that she benefited from Titi' death and should pay royalties to Titi's family.
    Nothing can please you people.

  17. Linda,tudo bom? I like your blog. I am brazilian lady marry to a nigerien man here in Brazil. I love africa nigerien films which i watch on sometimes at yatotainment.com ... I hope i will be able to get this film to watch soon.


  18. There is nothing any one does in this world that every one will be pleased with it. Its always one complain or the other and before you critizise try and be sure you can do better. Lets learn to appreciate our actors for ones

  19. WHat in the world has titi got to do with damage movie? Holding a knife in the poster is no way sending any wrong signal because it is that same knife that humans being like you and i use in cutting others throats

  20. Damage is an excellent movie and no matter what you say, the message is clear and we should for ones appreciate good work

  21. If you have been in a home affected by Domestic violence then you will know that the trauma and drama that happends in that battle field called Domestic violence is even more than what uche portrayed so give her some credit because she was great in her role


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