Tuface Exclusive Interview with Golden Icons | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Tuface Exclusive Interview with Golden Icons

Tuface says he's getting married next year. Is he serious? Watch video...


  1. Tuface said that in 2010 that he will be married next year. Now, in 2011 he is saying next year. My brother, if you are not ready, please keep your mouth closed. It is not by force. The only way we can know that you are ready is when we see you walk the aisle with the lady.

  2. Who wan marry father of 10 abi na 8?! anyway sha, some gals can be desperate to be his wife! as for Chickito like me....TUFIAKWA!Pschewwwwwwww

  3. Alicia says...22 June 2011 at 11:30

    is it by force to get married? marriage is not for everyone. 2face, who would wanna marry you and possibly get an STD or even HIV sef? or all that baby mama drama that you come along with? i really pity the woman, but some women can be desperate sha.
    2face, you should just remain "single" and continue dating the same 3-4 chics you are dating now to save yourself the wahala.

  4. Mteeewww...it only takes a man of matured mind to marry...not age. So whenever he is 'matured' (which could be at age 60 for all i care)then he is free to settle down. Maybe by then he would have gained indepence from his d**k's military control. Till then, Mr. Superstar, sit your ass down and go enroll for some self-control and abstinence classes!!! Dem no even fit use the idiot advertise condom.

  5. if it was a female celeb that had 5 or 6 six children from 3 diff men would anyone still want to marry her? #justsaying

  6. tu face still on his english moves na my guy be that oboy flex befor you marry oo make you no go dey regret later oo

  7. 9;15 and 10:08 two of u can form....like if he comes to ask u gals 2 marry him u will nt fly around shouting to the whole world dat u re getting married to tuface

  8. olodo gals.....u re just fake....

  9. He is just kidding with the next year thing..good i didn't just read it but watch it it could be misinterpreted.

  10. Argh...I cringe everytime I hear this bloke in an interview. ELOQUENCE = ZERO!!! Seriously where are his PR people?...Get him on some public speaking course..pronto!!!

  11. Tuface needs to go back to school to learn english, of all his fame and music, his expression is too poor.

  12. lol....abeg tush up abeg

  13. lol....abeg tush up abeg

  14. IMO, he gave a good interview. At least, he spoke some English and not all Pidgin English. He’s improved on his diction. This is someone who couldn’t speak good English about 5 to 10 years ago. He’s getting there. He’s also a natural.....

  15. Tuface is noting but a woman wrapper. He has lost his good personality to women pants and I don’t want to comment on women who are still running after tuface after hearing his stories on women pants because they “said birds of the same fader’s flies together”.

    Ever idiot must discover he/her class to play the idiotic together so I am not surprised or chuck that there will still be women who are sill running around Tuface and they call he STAR.

  16. Funny how people with low life status will come and tear another man down because he can not speak a language that is not his mother tongue. He can't speak English, we already know that? Anything else? (Stones all these hypocrites with pure water 0_o)


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