Osama was a sex machine, claims US biographer | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Osama was a sex machine, claims US biographer

Al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, who was killed by elite US forces in Pakistan early last month, was a sex machine, according to American writer Jean Sasson who interviewed one of his wives and sons for a controversial biography that is creating a lot of buzz in cyberspace. Sasson says Laden used to have sex with his first wife for days on end whenever he came back from waging jihad.

According to the information she managed to acquire from Laden’s first wife - Najwa, his first cousin whom he married in 1974 when she was 17 and their son - Omar, Osama was a sex machine when he was not waging wars.

The dead al Qaeda leader would vanish into his bedroom with Najwa upon his return and not come out until they had properly reacquainted themselves, the biography claims.
Najwa was interviewed by the US-based investigative reporter and author Sasson for her biography ‘Growing Up Bin Laden’.

"When I asked Najwa what her favourite time of day was, she admitted that it was 'the sleeping time'," Sasson was quoted as saying in US media.

She added that Najwa was not referring to the actual sleeping time but the time Laden devoted to her completely. Omar said that when he was a child, Osama would come home from Afghanistan and take Najwa into the bedroom and they wouldn't come out for days.

At the time of Laden's killing, he was living with three later wives in a compound in Abbottabad in Pakistan where it has been reported that US soldiers found herbal viagra. Sasson said she "wouldn't be surprised" at all if that were true.



  1. Konjified jihadist

  2. Now that we are aware of this little ditty what was his favorite porn movie? Probably the one titled Animal Crackers on DVD.

  3. The body isn't wood after all. Plus he had loads of time on his hands.....

  4. So what??? That was his private life. What happened to respecting the dead... Anything for news right???

  5. Seriously, AND SO FUCKING WHAT?????? She was his wife and she wasn't complaining, was she?

  6. whoever suggest we must respect the dead Osama is totally delusional..someone who relished and gloated over the thousands of innocent ppl whose killing he masterminded....no wonder he told his wives not to remarry...i hope he is having fun in hell with his is it 60 virgins or how many virgins awaiting him ??

  7. Alicia says...16 June 2011 at 01:32

    these people are trying so hard to disgrace Osama. he is a human being, so they should leave him be! sheesh.
    he is dead, so can't they move on?

  8. Linda, now that we know about Osama's sex life. Can we know yours! Lol

  9. LWKMD......its not easy being a terror to the world. the man had to offload somehow, especially when some bombs didnt go off as planned, man has to vent his frustration in some other ways.... lol

  10. Alicia, y are u always on the opposite??? Must you comment?? Rme, go get a job or smethingp

  11. who givs a shit, dead or alive err man gotta burst a nut 1 time or d other

  12. Alicia says...16 June 2011 at 16:55

    @Sakara, why is every comment you leave about me? do i come to this blog for you, do you come to this blog for me? OBVIOUSLY! HISSSS.
    my point is that he is a human and humans have SEX! so what the hell? what were they expecting? shit, some people like to blow things out of proportion.
    now go and fly away, rubbish..

  13. kunle has killed me with laughter. This is the first time im laughing on Linda's blog!

  14. see how alicia is defending a KILLER but if it is pastors now she will insult them. TUFIA!!!

  15. Ok, so now we know what he will be doing with the 27 virgins waiting for him in paradise abi? Bloody bastard!!

  16. Alicia is an idiot!!!!!

  17. All ignorant fools... Osama is dead, world crisis is on all time high... & y'all still believe Osama was the one terrorising the world. Its like the more u look the less u see. Jobless mofos

  18. @Anonymous June 16, 2011 1:19 AM: You sure believe everything you read. You for go turn professor now. Respect the d dead, Osama or not. & what happened to thou shall not judge. U be god wey put am for hell abi??? Mr follow follow. I'm sure if yankee says President Goodluck is a terrorist, you'll sure follow them... Mumu.

  19. Alicia says...17 June 2011 at 02:44

    how am i defending a killer? how did we all get to this earth, if not by sex? how the hell do we reproduce, if not by having sex? so why is everyone acting surprised that Osama is having sex?! WHAT THE FUCK! or is he now a robot or a human being? some people like to be completely STUPID! why is this even news?

  20. Me love you so much Alicia.... Tell em. lol

  21. Alicia Shut up!!!! We can make fun of Osama all we freaking like!!!! And it's true, if it's a Pastor now, u'll probably tear them apart!!!1 Mschewww!!!! Am sure ur a muslim. As for the person talking abt not being judge, ur probably as twisted as Osama was

  22. @Anonymous June 17, 2011 11:21 AM: We need open minded pple in here... As the late M.K.O Abiola said, "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance". Your comment just showed how ignorant you are. Go to school son. Poof

  23. @Anonymous June 17, 2011 11:38 AM; R u open-minded? Oh yes u r!!! That's the crap u muslims say when someone says ath abt ur religion! U bring up the open-minded crap so we can all accept the bullshit u pple believe!!! Jst shut p and stop blogging!!!

  24. @Anonymous June 17, 2011 1:36 PM: Y u think I'm a muslim... Ignorance as they say is a disease. Can't pple just have plain conversations without religion being involved??? For ur info, i'm a christain. Bet you feel so stupid now.

  25. Alicia says...17 June 2011 at 20:56

    NOW GO AND PLAY IN LAGOS TRAFFIC, BITCH! HAHAHAHA! who is defending Osama? why is everyone acting so stupid that Osama is having sex? I swear, some humans like to cause unnecessary wahala for themselves!

  26. Alicia..u got my pat on the back ho ha!.lmao..i like ur gusto and wits babes!..Dallu soo, onye mkpuru okwu ka ibu!


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