TY Bello reveals her hair secrets | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 18 May 2011

TY Bello reveals her hair secrets

Is all that hair natural or a weave? The singer and photographer explains it all on twitter...

Its taken me a couple of years of practice with natural hair texture to figure out what works for my hair. I have natural hair and texturise very lightly though, because I start to have my hair break once my texturised curl pattern is different from that of my natural growth.
A few years ago, Banke Meshida introduced me to kinky curly, so I use the whole range. I love my own hair, but work has me on the move all the time and I find that unless its twisted ,my natural hair tends to revert with naija humidity.. So my sisters.. I’ve learnt to love my weave.

A good weave that blends flawlessly with natural hair is … Sleek afro cool curl. You can get it at their stores in lagos. Ify Ugochukwu kept me stocked with those babies for years. Its really versatile so I blow dry and twist for a more natural finish.
My motto for weaves though, is to make sure its as close to your hair as possible. If any one has to ask,  "What weave is that ?”  Then you’ve failed.  I must confess that sometimes even I get carried away and pile on hair till I look like a tree. I used to be a hairstylist for years so I cut and layer my own hair (yes! nautral hair is better layered to fit your face). I’m looking forward to getting back into the hair business, maybe not as a stylist this time but I’ve been cooking up some potions for natural hair in humid weather, they actually work! Its funny cause I’ve been mixing stuff up for hair since I was eleven. Yeah.. And warmed up shea butter mixed with shea oil is magic on the scalp, just let it warm up in the microwave a bit and slather on your scalp. I massage and leave on for hours before I wash.




  2. wow! I'm inspired but can be lazy>>> God help me
    TY I love your hair, I'd always thought it was all natural. Kudos for a job well done and letting out your secrets

  3. Wow i actually thot it was all hers
    Shes my hair inspiration
    Cant wait for mine to be that gorg

  4. FINALLY!!! its a weave... now i dont feel so bad anymore. i tried and tried to get my natural hair to look like this and i failed and failed. now i know it wasnt my fault... hehe. love the hair tho, weave or no weave.. but she needs to take a blade to those brows. damn!

  5. Look like those eyebrows contain some weave too....I have alaways known that all those hair could not be natural, so i am not surprised at this revelation.

  6. @ Hello kitty....Dont be too hard on yourself, natural hair can not grow this volumnous and long. Stop thinking of impossibility!!!!!

  7. Anonymous 10:12am
    As a child who was born in the early 70s and grew up right through the 80s on a staple of plaiting thread, YES some people's hair did grow this luxurious!

    As for the particular style, I suspect if you've got natural hair
    1. Freshly wash, condition & moisturise/seal with oils
    2. Plait thread whilst hair is slightly damp & leave it on for a couple of days to properly dry & stretch the hair (wear wig cap & wig to disguise thread if uncomfortable)
    3. Take the thread out and replait it for a more stretched
    look for one more day.
    4. Get rollers & put them on over night or longer (you
    can very very lightly gel OR use styling spray) when putting rollers on)
    5.Take out rollers & separate the curls
    6. Depending on your hair, you may get a 'Chimamanda'
    look or 'TY'.
    P.s. To combat humidity, make sure you use
    moisturisers/gels/styling spray with no humecants.
    You can skip step 2&3 and use a Blow drier to stretch hair instead & go straight to step 4. I find my hair is soft to touch & has a nice sheen when I use thread

  8. self-hating Nigerians. look at how you all were saying her hair is gorgeous and you wanna have hair like that, blah blah instead of loving your hair in its natural state. YES ITS A WEAVE, OYA, CRY! hahaha. no wonder horn of Africans and other races feel funky and think we all want their hair, because the reaction from naija women on her "good hair" is sickening. just enjoy your nappy texture, texturize it a little, and go on with your life. sheesh. finally, this can be put to rest.

  9. now that u ve let out ur secret,u'll see every kafaya,Sheri and Basira fixing kinky curls and even going all out to buy in their stores just to look like TY........in no time,u'll see.

  10. I have friends who's natural hair are so much more voluminous than this!!!

  11. Oh!!!!! TY, you are such a cheat, i have been giving myself sleepless night conveting your hair ,only to discover it is not yours.....thank god i am free, now i could make do with what i have, or i could buy from market to suplement it ,just as you do,lol!!

  12. altho she says she texturizes her hair (to loosen the pattern a bit i guess), but i love this interview

  13. Go on youtube, people have natural hair that is longer than that......Black people need to stop saying, we can not have long hair. If you stay away from perm, and let ur natural hair grow yes you can have natural long hair.........stop the mentality that black hair can not grow long.

  14. anonymous 10:12 u r ignorant for that statement.


  16. Im not convinced its not all hers

  17. check out Oprah's hair. It's all hers!!! Black women have hair longer than TY's. I cut my hair every year and it still grows to way past my shoulder.
    I love the look of TY's hair, maybe when i leave Banking i'll try it out.

  18. Embrace your God given hair by visiting site and learning all there is to know about managing and caring for your natural hair. Learn to do's and don'ts of haircare and watch your hair become a crown of glory. myhappyroots.com

  19. Omo Bello begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting (no relation to Ty Bello) is a Nigerian Opera singer in Paris France.
    She spots a fabulous afro and it's all natural.
    Who says black hair can't grow & grow & grow???

  20. Thanks for revealing your secret.I was dying to have your kind of hair.


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