James Ibori's fate... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 18 April 2011

James Ibori's fate...

It's no longer news that former Governor, Chief James Ibori has finally been extradited to the UK to stand trial on corruption charges.

He has already appeared at City Westminster magistrate court and has spent two nights at Wandsworth prison in London. On April 28th 2011, he will appear at Southwark Crown Court, London.

People are of the opinion that plus/minus plea bargaining, Mr Ibori will be jailed for at least 10 years.
Does that make you feel sad?


  1. i will be soooooo happy....:-)

  2. Sad ke? I am popping champagne!!! Sometimes the evil that men do catches up with them while they are still on this earth and it is such a sweet thing to behold.

  3. Errrmmm...kindly check typo please.

  4. Sad? No. It's actually his kids i feel sorry for because both parents are in the slammer. I'm sure Mrs Nkoyo's parents will look after them if not the British authorities will take them into foster homes.
    He will get his a$£e bashed in prison!!!!!

  5. I feel for him because he is not the only one that stole money, but he is the only one that has received huge punishment. Its not like it is detering the others from stealing, because they are still looting.. Life!!!

  6. I will be very sad that the years are NOT enough for his crimes!!!!

  7. @Icey
    Even in the most developed countries not every criminal gets caught. There are alot of unsolved murders in America. Doesn't mean if you catch a killer you should let them go.

  8. I'm loving this !!!

    It's time to teach Naija and African politician a big lesson. It's not okay to rob the people. Ibori is in the net. We need a big fish from the North jailed, too, to send a strong message to our politician in Nigeria.

    I like the way British govt use the opportunity created by the election distractions in Nigeria to grab Ibori from Dubai to England. Efficiency and effectiveness in action. Ha !!! Ibori's arse will be kicked hard in British court.

    James Ibori, we got u by your balls and we ain't letting go. You shall have your backside in jail for a long time and your UK, EU and US assets permanently seized, and you will be permanently barred from entering UK, EU and USA.

    Ha !!!

  9. wat kinda stupid question is that linda? u all re rejoicing that the colonial mentality is still in play.. sorry for u lot... ur country is burning and ppl re dying u re rejoicing for something that has no bearing to ur lives... smh.. naija cant neva move fwrd at this rate. too bad.

  10. Plea bargain 10yrs?I think the judge will throw the book at him.Four people have been jailed already . His wife 5yrs,sister 5yrs ,"mistress" 5yrs and British Lawyer 7yrs. I'm not sure if the period he spent in Dubai would be counted. I'm waiting to see the end of this blockbuster "Igbeyin olojukokoro".This 'll be a big lesson for all those looters. They think twice before they're caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

  11. as we all knw, u reap what you sow. its time for him to pay for his crimes

  12. so what will happen to Uju his latest wife?? where is she in all of this??

  13. Amaka; Uju is lucky she's not in the slammer like his 1st wife, mistress and sister. She's keeping a low profile i've been told. She will wait for him i guess.
    Serves the guy right.

  14. U misinformed ppl.. Always saying wat u don't know and spreading lies. God forbid. Btw uju isn't his wife just had a baby for him. They avnt been together since she had the baby. So why will she wait for him.? She has moved on wit her life since.

  15. It's party time, it's party time, it's groovy time and it's party time!!!

  16. linda ikeji u r a foolish fool for asking dat........no1 is perfect so stop rejoicing about som1 elses downfall.....dont let me spill wat i no about u o.u no wat im talkn about[try me]

  17. @ anon 3:03...u are all bark n no bite.what r u threatning linda for..abeg keep ur fake gist to urself,we r not interested.If u have courage post ur name,infact ur entire details on this blog.rubbish! bad belle!.linda dearie carry go,we dey ur side.

  18. anon 3:03 people like you are one of the reasons naija has become what it is today. The idea of send the word out about a corrupt man getting punished is not only to shame him and what he did, but to tell others that corruption is a punishable offence with jail time.

    Also stop with the blackmail it is not quite.


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