Goodluck Biscuits | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 14 March 2011

Goodluck Biscuits

I've tasted it. My mum brought some home the other day (she's a woman leader with Ohanaeze Ndi Igbo). Not tasty at But this our president sef, what will distributing biscuits with his image on the pack do for people?
I don't get PDP at all. It feels to me like they are not taking this coming election seriously.


  1. PDP biscuits... so tasteless, pure bullocks!!! Presidential campaigns = free biscuits. Yes like that will solve the problem of the masses (i doubt). We need lasting solutions to real problems not dog food... Pooh!

  2. LWTMB

  3. Linda it seems you dislike everything about Jonathan Goodluck and his party. Why?

  4. I think it’s just a group out to make money by using his image. He may not know about it. If he does, maybe he gave one of his cronies a contract for GEJ branded biscuit. It’s a notice me sign, ish!
    James; she’s entitled to who she likes right? I can’t stand him either. He’s a total failure.

  5. @ James! Is the reason for that not obvious? Point to one thing he has done since becoming president a year ago.

  6. @james, i don't dislike Jonathan, in fact I used to really like him but now...I just don't get some of his policies. And I also don't understand why he declined to debate, that says a lot about his character. I'm just tired of PDP, let's see if another party can make the change we need in Nigeria

  7. Why would they take it seriously when Nigerians aren't asking them questions? They just know they're going to win, so they put in minimal effort and make sure their friends chop

  8. Linda, why should they take the election seriously when politicians seem to get away with anything.
    As for the biscuits, they would have done better to supply free exercise books and pens/pencils to kids! *sigh*

  9. just like linda,l used to like him,but now,seems he is not the saviour after all.yes,l will vote for either BUHARI or RIBADU,ehee,l said it,dont care anymore about the party,religion or ethnic group but any individual,that i belive will deliver.

  10. Linda, u still dey ur mama house? Abeg make u come my house i go like to have as a wife.

  11. Me I want this goodluck biscuit badly. Badly. Maybe if I can lay my hands on the biscuit, my story will change.

    Eat Goodluck biscuit...get goodluck. Goodluck biscuit...ogbonge biscuit! ( in wazobia fm puffing)

  12. i guess the biscuit is the publics share of the nigeria cake they have being eatting

    made in nigeria

  13. iyen lo nba so ni abi ko wa debate. Mumu.

  14. anon 11:38am, God bless you. yOu have just made my day...LWKMD

  15. LMHOOOOOO @ i've tasted it!

  16. like linda, i eint no more a GEJ fan...the guy's lost it as far i'm concerned

  17. There is clearly a jamboree going on with the Nigerian leadership. They have completely lost their way. Clueless! We ought to wrest power from their hands - at the polls and on the streets!

  18. you way go chop PDP biscuits you sure say no be their babalawo tell them to make those biscuits. Any one way chop am will count to the amount of vote he gets

  19. Hopefully, we can all come out and vote these tyrants out of office. Yes, the votes might not count at first but with the world watching us, we can demand a re-election. Goodluck seems like he has an ok heart, but he has been in office for a little bit now and he has done absolutely nothing (safe for eye service to get re-elected)

  20. They are taking the election seriously its just that they think NG think with their throats ....we need to ask ourselves if we do.

  21. PDP knows Nigerians very well, that they think with their belly, just like Esau that sold his birthrights for a pot of pottage. I bet you guys will still vote them come April to confirm their assumptions. Thank God I am not in Nigeria going through this torture.

  22. PDP! PDP! PDP! linda, do u think this party has anything 4 this country? 12 yrs of their rule no significant development in any sector of the they're sharing biscuits.4 how long are we going 2 continue like this?

  23. Thanks for the news. It is bribery and corruption. Joke: Do you live with your parents? I thought you lived alone or with a Bobo Nice, not 9ice o? Don't mind me o.

  24. I feel some overzealous psycophants used d presidents image on that biscuit,that said I also don't believe in Jonathan policies, d man is just confused,

  25. Linda Ikeji said...

    @james, i don't dislike Jonathan, in fact I used to really like him but now...I just don't get some of his policies. And I also don't understand why he declined to debate, that says a lot about his character. I'm just tired of PDP, let's see if another party can make the change we need in Nigeria

    Linda, you just said my mind. Nigeria needs a wind of change!

  26. So if i like Bakare, and I make an handkerchief showing Bakare on it and start distributing it - it means Bakare is not serious or something? How do you guys reason?

  27. Ridiculous...
    Am still wondering why he decided not to debate, but seeing this biscuit i dont need to wonder anymore!!!

  28. Presidential Tender:

    Job Description: Supply 300,000,000units of branded biscuit.

    Additional information: Biscuit must have GEJ image & PDP UNBLARA.

    For your eyes only: Make sure your mark-up accommadates different people who you will settle.

    Contract Awarded to: Someone close to the seat of power, a woman. At the rate of N425. 25 per biscuit.


  29. PDP is gone and gone 4ever!Believe!

  30. Make una no chop am O! There is a tiny mind controlling chip in bedded it the biscuits. Thats why it's so tasteless.
    The chip is designed to control ur thoughts,change your vote choice to Him and alter any negative perception abt the Man,the Vice and the Party!(Goodluck,Sambo & PDP.
    HA HA HA HA!(evil laugh)

    No seriously...dnt eat that shit!

    Love u Linda! Ur a correct girl!


  31. Anon March 14, 2011 4:09 PM: clapping for you! Maybe Bianca's first contract.

  32. i dont think it is associated with his campaign

  33. Yay!!! Linda finally u added 4aces on ur blog. Thanks

  34. @ anon 3:43
    biscuits aside,Jonathan is an empty vessel,just like his predecessor,is the debate not part his campaign and why should he refuse to debate,what gives him the audacity,he has bought the votes of Nigerian with his useless sympathy story of how he rose to the hell!!!he is gradually creating for us.
    This is the time to vote for pple who have being tested,Jonathan has failed us already with his crazy aso villa expenses.
    he has disregarded us by refusing to debate.
    lets stand for integrity and accountability.

  35. In Jonathan wife voice "hit PDP biskit, it wi make u like mai osbad and plesh umblerra wen ya vot" the packaging alone look like poison, eating what is inside is slow offense, wot a mess, a president on the back of a cookie wrapper....lawd av merci

  36. They have started distributing our entitlement for the next 4yrs, it is like selling our birth-right for Porridge. If we can't get things to be done in an appropriate manner this time around, it is going to take us another 20yrs before we will be able to wake up from slumber.

    We have wasted a lot of intellectuals to an outside world due to this shambolic situation of us but i know that God will surely deliver us from those people that do normally share meat with their tooth.

  37. in war, all is fair. fashola have matches, handbands , buhari ac cap, rice,etc. biscuit, drinks, pre water and all sort of things like this are ok to woo masses in an election time in 9ja. it is not new...all the parties are doing it and either u or me like it or not it works. chikena


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