Who wore it better? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 15 January 2011

Who wore it better?

Stephanie Okereke (left) or Georgina Bello (right) ?


  1. I prefer it on Georgina Bello.

  2. Georgina Bello pls...Stephanie posed too much for the camera while the other lady looks soo elegant and confident

  3. None. They both remind me of my aunt Martha's photos from 1960s.

  4. Georgina Bello. Sorry Steph, too much going on.....posing, oily face, hair. The other lady is simple and nice.

  5. Dividing this photo into two sections, head-waist and waist -leg.
    The winner for the category of head to waist goes to ................
    Stephanie!... I think she did a great job with the hair and earings..
    but waist down, Georgina rocked it better, her shoes are muuuuuuuah!

  6. Georgina wore it much better. The dress is busy enough and doesn't need that overly funkky hair steph has on, and the shoes....heck nah!....she just looks draggish/costumy in it.

    Georgina wore a very simple hair and simple shoes...letting tHe dress speak for itself. I am not feeling the black clutch with it tho.


  7. the 80s want their hair back for stephanie. the dress looks good,the one shoulder ruffle is in now.

  8. Definitely Georgina Bello!

  9. Alicia says...

    i think its all about the pose, because i think steph wore it just as good as the other lady.
    people saying steph was a "miss" not exactly.
    its just not the best picture in the world of her...

  10. stephanie destroyed that dress..georgina wins hands down.but the dress is ugly no offence.

  11. Linda, i biakwa! I can only say that they look elegant in those dresses

  12. i prefer Georgina Bello even though it fits both ladies nicely. However I dont like Stephanie's shoes on the dress...That gave the other lady the edge for me...

  13. see how people dey fail exam! teacher ask who wore it better abi?
    simple answer;steph or gina! but trust 9jas to also go an extra mile! but linda yousef, you sabi find trouble!both ladies look pulled it off.they look good.

  14. I like the DRESS more on Stephanie.

  15. Pontious Pilate / Star Wars dress. Take me to your leader.

  16. Georgina Bello,she is really looking elegant

  17. I'm tired of seeing that dress. it's not even that cute

  18. not a stylish dress I have to say but Georgina looked more natural and at ease with the dress than Stephanie

  19. Thats a Karen Millen dress. I have de exact dress in black. Georgina bello pulls it off nicely.

  20. Georgie pudgie!!! (you know who!!)

  21. the camera angle and pix quality does not favour stephanie

  22. definitely Georgina! it looks razz on steph! opps sowie gal

  23. Stephanie definitely! She looks FIERCE!

  24. If its strictly the dress:Stephanie by a country mile.

    That was the kind of body the dress was made for.

    Flat stomach,
    slim, angular frame.
    Slim arms
    narrow shoulders.

    No single blob, fat, flab, or fleshy pudge located anywhere.

    I just want to know how she maintains this great figure!!

  25. Linda biko biko where are you ? you don take this your study leave again. come back and post something biko, things are happening. i don tire for this dress wey no even fine sef

  26. Linda,the other lady's name is Daisy Iremiren... we went to secondary school together. And they both look fab to me!

  27. LINDA....wia r u....update na

  28. Georgina Bello for sure, she is calm,cool and collected

  29. I prefer the dress on Georgina, she looks very elegant.

  30. Linda, you are late this week with updates!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. thank you my dear ebele@2.48AM for revealing the designer's name- I thought it might have been a karen millen dress but I wasn't too sure but anyhow ebele, you know how weird some of the karen miller designs look on us ordinary women- I will leave it to celebrities!

  32. anonymous 12:11pm, that was a daft comment. lol celebrities ko

  33. Yea,its a Karen Millen dress and is now on sale for £120!

  34. @ chiwne.... i tire oh!!!!!!! didnt understand ano 12.11pm `s comment at all oh!!!! Was she been sacastic, expressing a myopic view or exhbiting some deep rooted level of Inferiority complex. I wonder.

  35. Hey! wait o, dis is not georgina bello oo, dis is daisy iremiren na... anyways, daisy rocks the dress abeg, sorry steph.


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