Beauty of the day: Tayo Odueke (Sikiratu Sindodo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Beauty of the day: Tayo Odueke (Sikiratu Sindodo)

Big is beautiful you know...


  1. Wetin be this? Orobo to bad.

  2. pihk outfit with green nails, lacefront wig... smh 1/10 for sex appeal

  3. linda u just want people to start yabbing this girl...i hope u can finish wat u wanna start.

  4. She looks ok, until she opens her mouth and reveals her teeth...they are terrible!!!she needs to take out those silver and gold stuffs on her teeth.

  5. this is not a beautiful full figured woman. She looks trashy I don't know where to start the nails, the weave or the dress... if you want to display full figure beauty think adaora Ukoh.. this one I don't know...

  6. More like a heart attack in waiting.

  7. Linda are you having a laugh, anyway i reserve my comment on the picture.

  8. Linda you ve' been a very very bad girl' She's definitely beauty of a drag day i guess

  9. I will not add to the heap of WTFs that had already ran through my mind, everyone has said pretty much all I was thinking of saying anyway LOL!

  10. Lol. With that buggy belle, she still wear that short cloth dye pose! Too funny. Abeg commot d heading of that post, which kind beauty of the day. Na beauty of the year. Smh

  11. This is very she an actress or a comedian?

  12. Yeeeeeeeee Linda is it because she is Yoruba? That u have decided to do this to her.

  13. haaahhhaahahahahah Sikiratu Sindodo! lwfmfh...
    Her thigh looks clean though... for the green nails, I shan't be "quoted"

  14. Big can be beautiful, but what we have here is a HOT ASS MESS haba... where are her eyebrows?

  15. i wonder why some pple are so obsessed with "tribes"....
    its such a shame...
    dis is 2011..grow the ***** up!

  16. @anon January 27 6.33 A... What did Linda do to her? Was she the one that put the close on her? What she the one that told her to to pose? What she the one that snapped the pix? Abeg, leave Linda out of this o. My darling Linda is more Yoruba than Ibo, even though she is of the Ibo tribe.

  17. Now Linda you are been mischievious here, you want people to start yabbing Tayo shey? No wahala, God dey. Just tell your beauty of the day that she should slow down on the bleaching cream, and remove those bronze or is it gold teeth? Its a big turn off.

  18. A big LOL @ CC,"....where are her eyebrows".
    me on the contrary,whether na beauty of the day ,of the year or the century,all I know is Everything God creates are beautifully n wonderfully created,lo ba tan!


  19. i like them big but not this type.too tacky and unrefined for my liking.thank you.

  20. lwkm4h....linda what is your aim abeg? do i blame you in 9ja any lace wig fixing, false nail, false lashes, girl trying to earn "WELL MAINTAINED" title is called beautiful so yes she is beautiful o. In fact MBGN.
    I like that she is big sha.

  21. Linda u've gotta be 'kirrin' me......kilonshele? what sort of combination is this?
    they even photoshopped her eyebrows out.....

  22. lwkm4h....linda what is your aim abeg? do i blame you in 9ja any lace wig fixing, false nail, false lashes, girl trying to earn "WELL MAINTAINED" title is called beautiful so yes she is beautiful o. In fact MBGN.
    I like that she is big sha.

  23. na wa ooo....the bleached skin is a turn off and the clothes look more like nappy that u wear for nail polish on pink..wth!

  24. Why she dey wear pampers? pink one for that matter?

    LOL! these women, will not injure somebody? like seriously, what is this?
    smh! God pls take control!

  25. Where is our respect for fellow human. This girl may not be YOUR beauty of the day and rightly so. But she did not put her picture online with the tag BEAUTY OF THE DAY.You hide behind your laptop and post stupid comment on a picture of a girl that may never have asked for your opinion.I have seen naija girls in my day and I know for a fact that some of you can't stand beauty test.

  26. I wish the actress good health because of the news that she was seriously ill.

    I hope she is OK now! She used to be slim but she still looks OK being chubby.

    People are free to make fun of others but God dey!

  27. @Anonymous 5.16PM. Spot on! Beauty of the day or Abuse me for the day?

    Last time it was Shan George. Last year, it was Eucharia Anunobi, now it is Tayo Odueke aka Sikiratu Sindodo.

    Ijebu people do not forgive easily. To make the matter worse, the actress was recently hospitalised.

  28. Anon 5.16 is Sikiratu. LOl!!! I am sherlock holmes.

  29. bleached skin, tattoos, lack of style does not equal physical beauty..she's okay but what about Doris Simeon..yes she's light but she's pretty and one of the few classy actresses in the yoruba film sector.

  30. Linda you must be joking.Somebody pinch me am dreaming.LOL

  31. Beauty of the week says who? Linda, u gotta be kidding me.

  32. Abeg dis babe aint fyn...period!

  33. linda, u are at it again! trying to make people say nasty comments. y dnt u be straight to d point by saying 'ugliness of the millenium'! abi fear they catch u? well, truthfully, u got me on dis, cant help bt comment, she is terribly ugly or looks spooky, reminds me of a drag queen in a horror movie. she looks so scary. so wierdly scary.

  34. Just read the woman is dying from "spiritual attack", meanwhile Linda is using her as beauty of the day... Linda, you want the curse to transfer to you abi? lol

  35. why are most of these Yoruba actresses always bleached?
    and before you people start ranting, I'm actually Yoruba.

  36. why does it look like she is wearing a diaper?

  37. She's more better looking and more beautiful than Linda. It's true.

  38. This blog is tribalistic. Too many ibos and people always getting cursed in ibo. Not nice.

  39. I wrote the comment about Yoruba and it was tongue in cheek. Too many agberos commenting wallahi

  40. bleached skinned is just a no no for me because as far as i'm concerned BLEACHED SKIN=SELF-HATRED meaning that she herself doesn't think she is beautiful. i refuse to see her beauty because she has told me she has none which is unfortunately very sad.

  41. What is this rubbish? Look at the colur riot. Green nails on pick dress she looks like an aristo. Beautiful my foot!!

  42. I always thought people were wrong when they said you just posted photos to get people talking. Now, I'm quite sure they're right. That is all.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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