"I never really get to go to school because I am always on tour, or with my father. There is a tutor most of the time, but usually I am working so I never get to do the lessons. The worst thing about maths is all the kids are ahead of me because they go to school.” Willow Smith to The Telegragh when asked whether she goes to school or not.
Your point is?
ReplyDeleteI wish Will and Jada will try to raise normal kids.
ReplyDeleteThe abnormalities in this girl's life is frightening.
Why experiment with the poor girl?
She is still a kid, just look at her teeth they r just falling off, lol
ReplyDeleteThe foundation for growing the girls talent isn't there at the moment,the way she is going she might never even get a GED, but who cares her father is rich and her name will sell records, but someday if she comes out and says i want to be a porn star and do my thing then the parents won't remember they are always in her face. I think its a shame really
ReplyDeleteI pray she wont end up like Lindsay Lohan or Britney.... too much fame for a little girl is never good!
ReplyDeleteThat is rather unfortunate
ReplyDeleteAs long as her parents teach her the difference between right and wrong, what does she need formal schooling for?
ReplyDeleteHer parents are abnormal so it's a no brainer that they'll definitely have nutters!
ReplyDelete@ Jolof Hearts Spot on!
ReplyDeleteShe looks like an avatar creature
ReplyDeletemost powerful indeed, watch out for part 2
ReplyDeleteomg, guys this picture was taken when she was younger.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm.....am short of words...[damn! for the first time on Linda's blog!]
ReplyDeleteUhmmmm....Naijaaaaa.....please the fact she aint going to formal school isnt the end of the world...why do we all go to school in the first place? isnt it so that we can have a profitable future? Am sure at some point when all these are settled she will resume her schooing.......
ReplyDeletestop hating!
for goodness sake this little girl needs to stop singing and get back to school, whether formal or not- what the hell are her parents thinking of, exposing her and her brother to fame at such an early age? And what is all that nonsense about her being a fashion icon?
ReplyDeletethis is a travesty why shouldnt she go to school?? for crying out loud..they want her to be money miss road...all the money in this world without an education is rubbish as far as i am concerned...there are many things education teaches that money cant buy...enough already!!!
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 1:59AM, do you know the meaning of hating at all? You really are in need of formal education to help you distinguish between opinions and hating.
ReplyDelete@9nijalife..u are very pathetic to make hat statement'what does she need school for'i guess u didnt see the 4 walls of school urself.how can u have a child as young like that and say wat does she needs school 4.d most important thing in life is education irrespective of ur financial status.without education obama couldnt have got to where he is today.if u have money and no education u will still feel inferior amongst educated people.look on twitters and read what most of this so call celebrities write u will be so amazed by their spellings,wat a shame
ReplyDeleteDear me. If the point of an education is to live a profitable life then they need not bother she is rich. However since there is more to an education than how it profits one financially as parents Jada and will should be concerned. Otherwise rather than raising a knowledgeable, balanced & well rounded individual who knows how to navigate themselves in the world they live they will have raised an out of context barely literate vapid individual. The real danger being potential loss of inheritance as she will probably lose her fortune to the tax man or get swindled by her handlers who will have to do all the thinking for her.
ReplyDeleteLol @ anonymous. Obama got where he is due to a number of factors, education not being one of them. Trust me on that one.
ReplyDeleteEducation exposes us to the world no more no less. However, one can get the same amount of exposure via other means.
As for whether I went to school or not, maybe I did, maybe I didn't, does it really matter in the bigger scheme of things? I'm not applying for an education pedigree based job with you, am I?
This is really bad how come? how can her parents be so ignorant and not allow this child i repeat child to go to school . Do they want her not to have a proper foundation in education or what!! What a big shame on her parents!!!