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Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Quote of the day...


"Who are the Nigerians that are worried? It is you media people who are worried. I can take you to my village in Song, you will see that they are not worried. So, people should stop this nonsense of talking about allowances and how much the members are getting.

This is moreso because when you investigate, it is not true. People are not able to look at the big picture. They only look at the small thing, sensationalize it and use it to abuse very credible and highly responsible Nigerians just because they are lawmakers. Four million naira a month is nonsense. You see, since I said it in the Senate, I will repeat myself here. There is a war against the legislature by interested people; principally, governors. And they have corralled a lot of troops from media people, political commentators and others to fight us. In doing this, they use all sorts of names on us. Where do we have this kind of money? Do we print money? Is the treasury in the National Assembly? How could the National Assembly have so much access to money? Every kobo we spend in the National Assembly comes from the Executive. They talk as if we have got some kind of machine guns and we go round taking government money. How do we do it? Can anyone tell us?” - Senator Jibril Aminu to the press

This is what he's defending...  “Do you know it costs tax payers N290 million Naira yearly to maintain each member of our National Assembly in a country where nothing works and 80% of our population earn below N300 Naira a day. A Senator's daily earning is more than annual pay of a doctor,.. more than the salary of 42 Army genarals or 48 professors or 70 commissiones of police, more than twice the pay of the US President, nine times the salary of US congressmen. Please, lets say NO to looting of Nigeria in the name of democracy by sending this as text messages to at least 5 others.” - Business Day.


  1. Imagine this saying,"People should stop worrying about how much members are earning, and people in my village, Song, are not worried" is that an educated comment. Illiterates in Song (not all of them)? Do they understand the consequences of members spendings on the collective well being of all?

  2. smh.....I honestly can't decide if these people are ignorant or just plain heartless. like how do you live in Nigeria and make a statement like that? people live in abject poverty and somehow he is disillusioned that no one is complaining?


  3. These are the non-entities that rule over us and we wonder why the country is going backwards. Nigerians keep on praying everyday while these animals bleed us dry.

    Is God going to come down from heaven to save us? well..no! We have to wake up and save ourselves. Every country that is doing well today is that way because at some point in it's history it's people decided to take their future in their own hands! Nigerian please wake up!!!!

  4. ..Dat na Scumbag speaking..!!

  5. He should shut the fuck up and eat the money because its just a matter of time before the people of your hometown start asking for your head. What an Ignominy

  6. "People should stop worrying about how much members are earning...bla bla bla. Sir,are you being serious,trying to be funny or just being silly

  7. STUPID MAN STUPID COMMENT - I live in the UK the annual salary of an MP ie member of parliament is 16.2 naira ie £65,000 before tax! Yes they pay tax! The prime minister David Cameron earns £142,000 ie 35 million per year so what are our house of reps members doing to deserve so much??? The average person in his village might not b worried but I'm sure they are concerned about the lack of electricity water education and hospitals kmt STUPID MAN - here we have the right to question mos expenses but in naija u not fit ask question??

  8. STUPID MAN STUPID COMMENT - I live in the UK the annual salary of an MP ie member of parliament is 16.2 naira ie £65,000 before tax! Yes they pay tax! The prime minister David Cameron earns £142,000 ie 35 million per year so what are our house of reps members doing to deserve so much??? The average person in his village might not b worried but I'm sure they are concerned about the lack of electricity water education and hospitals kmt STUPID MAN - here we have the right to question mos expenses but in naija u not fit ask question??

  9. Everything about these people is so disgusting, then they open their big mouth...ewwwwwww.

    They can all go to hell as far as I know.

  10. Yes oo...we need a REVOLUTION fast,these people really take us for granted,can u imagine the crap he said.WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND FIGHT,that is the only way that Nigeria can be saved.........

  11. Old Man Old Fool, educated illiterate, this has demonstrated how callous, how visionless and how greedy our so called leaders are. At this age you can come out and make a statement like this. I wount blame you. Fool.

  12. it really saddens me when i read about what ppl in governemt say all the time, its like they are so caught up in their own little world that the mere mention of things like poverty or high mortality rate will lead them to go on tirades and say "its the people in media that are sensationalizing it" how can u tell me spendin 290mil on every law maker is not a waste of money, thats like a million pounds n sum thousands on top. with that amount of money, jst imagine the free schools and hospitals we can build for the people that are less fortunate than us. as much as i love nigeria, its things like these that makes me sad and angry at the same tym wit our so called "leader"

  13. Ditto the sentiments of that9jafoodlovingirl.


  14. I couldn't help but comment again.

    Let's just even say we agree to the anserine remarks that he's making about Nigerians not being worried and such.

    As a HUMAN BEING, does he not think that the perks and salaries of naija politicians are outrageous and undeserved? I mean we have all these endless statistics and studies on how the average Nigerian is suffering. Apparently such information is not Senator Aminu's prerogative.

    Kai! Some people just make you wonder and weep...

  15. J-E-E-Z!....just look at his mouth! why would dey be worried when hunger don finish 9jas! An average Nigerian is poverty-stricken that the first thought that comes to their mind is 'WHAT IS MY FAMILY GOING TO EAT TODAY, then, HOW WOULD I PAY MY KIDS SCHOOL FEES, then HOUSE RENT, then MEDICAL BILLS,....by the time he goes through hours of traffic jam due to bad road in death-trap vehicles & come home to meet total blackness, WHY THE HELL WOULD HE BE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT THE THIEVES WE CALL OUR LEADERS ARE EARNING?.. ...mschewwwwwwwwwww.....*SO ANGRY....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR*

  16. I don´t blame him. In a country where there´s no accountability, what else do you expect? Earning money for zero job done. He should go out there and ask an average Nigerian on the street about the situation in the country and he will clearly get the picture. He should stop using his village as an example unless he´s a village man which accordingly to his comment he is, shikenna. Stupid fool(s) all of them!

  17. i am not surprised... he is now calling his kinsmen *fools* for not worrying their poor heads...

    May God help us o!

  18. thief thief thief
    dis man has yawered.
    bastards.....they have simply turned theeir people to morons.they live in poverty and dont see anytin wrong.

  19. in the past we said that uneducated leaders were our problem.
    if you know how educated this man is, you would realise that this project called Nigeria is failed and the black race is largely doomed.
    Only a revolution, not even God will save us.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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