Nicki Minaj's bounitful backside | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 27 November 2010

Nicki Minaj's bounitful backside

Bountiful backside! Nicki Minaj displays her outrageous assets at a concert yesterday in New York CityNicki Minaj
Nicki photographed as she performed at the Hammerstein Ballroom, NY, yesterday.
Common, that ass can't be real...


  1. ..Honestly me like bombom..but me no like dis ''augumented + adulterated'' a proffesional, me tink say it lack pipo sori but its sucks!!

  2. yes that's her real butt, and you know I'm the queen of england *cough*

  3. its been rumored that she wears butt pads lol but whatever the truth is, you've gotta admit her backside is asstastic! hmm i wanna bounce on them cheeks i feel like it will have the same effect as a trampoline. fun.

  4. Just 2 inflated Balloons...every aspiring model..has had them done...
    Blame J-lo and Kim K for this hot mess..who would have thought that black women would buy a.zz..hilarious!!

  5. Bouncy Bountiful Booty BumBum Bakassi Bubble-Bubble. ;-)

  6. Hahahaha. Onika (Nicki) is as flat as they come, what you're seeing is a combo of butt implant injections / butt pads...

    Here r two b4 pics of her:

    Pre facial but post boob surgery...

    Her b4 ass implants:

    Here are two vids- #1 her coming up after below the neck surger/padding started:

    If you want to cut the noise above and see Nicki in her closest to natural form, here's a vid from a freestyle she did for Stack Bundles.

    Stack was killed in June '07 )... As you can see, Onica's backside is str8 Miss 6 O'Clock...

  7. Is this real?...does not look natural to me be like extra dunlop.... ok!...padded undies?...hahahaaahaa

  8. entertainmentobserver27 November 2010 at 20:26

    it has been said that she had buttocks surgery, who knows? i probably have heard her and didn't know it was her but her album made a great debut and before that she's made very impressionable cameos on other tops selling singles so she is talented not just someone who is using big bombom to make a name for herself.

  9. I never believed her ass is fake until now when I watched the video posted by 9jalife. Yes there is indeed a big difference between that booty in the video and this...without a considerable weight gain to explain it. Definitely fake ass.

  10. ..Abeg my pipo mak una no vex 4me...i juz use my professional eyez luuk dis 'Niki Minyash' again...i cum see say dis gurl no fit sit down 4 wooden bench wit dat nyash..2 bad!

    ...4 men wey dey hia..abeg make una luuk am professionally!!

    ...4 women wey dey hia..abeg make una no try dis kin tin 4 home..!!

    God bless una...!!

  11. OMG.dats sum bOMBOm

  12. you've already said it..........botox and collagen injections are what you are seeing and not real yansh.

  13. with this BOM BOM can she guess is it is too heavy. Abeg, na fake

  14. that ass too much!!!

  15. its not fake,i have a friend that hers is so bigger that nicky own,some people hav it natural,for me is real

  16. Fake or not fake abeg leave the girl jor!!!

    Sincerely I've seen pics of her b4 she made it and her ass was wey flatter... if she did get butt enhancement I applaud her for her bravery cos its not easy to get injections meeeeen!!!! ordinary small needle injections have me ruuning for the door!! Lol!!!


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