When your teenage daughter becomes a porn star | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 30 July 2010

When your teenage daughter becomes a porn star

It's no longer news that the teenage daughter of actor, Laurence Fishburne, 49, is now a porn star.

Montana Fishburne, 19, just made a porn film in conjunction with Vivid Entertainment. She's hoping a sex tape will propel her onto the A-list.

"I view making this movie as an important first step in my career. I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape. I'm hoping the same magic will work for me. I'm impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it.'

The film is due out in August.

It's not funny but excuse me while I pause to chuckle at this girl's stupidity. A porn movie will propel your career? Wow!!! Isn't this the saddest thing happening in Hollywood? Where young girls think that the fastest way to get recognition is to release a sex tape? If it worked for Paris, Kim K, Kendra etc, then it can work for them huh? How pathetic!!! She's in for a rude awakening. Once you start doing porn, nobody is going to touch you in Hollywood.

 BTW, Kim K might be popular but she's definitely not an A-lister. If you're looking for an A-list celebrity to emulate or look up to, there's Beyonce. Halle Berry. Tyra Banks. And many other strong, successful black women.
This girl needs some talking to...


  1. SAD!.......* sobs *

  2. This girl has some other issues going on in her life. She was already lost before deciding to do something like this.

  3. Whatever happened to clean and honest hard work? That's how her father got where he is and she could have done this same (and used her father's connections to facilitate her efforts). Instant gratification is the reason why this woman allowed herself to be used like this. It is truely sad.

  4. The dumbest whore/fame whore I have ever seen! I so wish I didnt read that dumb ass quote.
    Pls pls pls pray for this child. She is a lost one! ANd clearly delusional 2!

  5. ode. kim k ko, kim k ni. she will be there doing porn. goodluck to her and her family. if her parents trained her well enough to oversee all the nonsense going on in that america and their hollywood she wouldn't have been stupid. look at meryl streep's children...A-list in every possible way (character, intelligence, beauty) this one will be there emulating stupid ppl that will end their lives feeling miserable about all the mistake they have made. ode.

  6. lol @ her silliness really!
    Of all the big names in Hollywood, hear the nonsense she's got to say on her defence!
    Oponu ni babe yi sha!! lol...
    I pray she doesn't end on a suicide note when she wakes up from her stuuupeeeddd dream! iye loma sadly ju! **smh*

  7. when you have a dad like fishburne and you decide to make kim k (of all pple) ur role model, what do you expect??? d babe needs prayers biko. this can only be the work of the enemy. lmao

  8. oh GOD no. don't do this to Lawrence. he's a hardworker and doesn't deserve this disgrace. oh GOD no.

    this child needs some good old fashion spanking.


  10. How sad. At least Kim had the "decency" to be embarrassed and claim the tape was leaked. The tape may make her famous but only as a z-Lister. The reason Kim's tape was so successful is because of her body as people think she hot and has a great ass and all that.She'll receive like 15 minutes of fame and scorn and will be tossed aside for the next famewhore. And some feminists will complain about women being reated as sex objects. I think they need to have a talk with the women first.

  11. How sad. At least Kim had the "decency" to be embarrassed and claim the tape was leaked. The tape may make her famous but only as a z-Lister. The reason Kim's tape was so successful is because of her body as people think she hot and has a great ass and all that.She'll receive like 15 minutes of fame and scorn and will be tossed aside for the next famewhore. And some feminists will complain about women being reated as sex objects. I think they need to have a talk with the women first.

  12. lol we dont want to admit it, but this girl was right, her fathers influence has propelled her shes getting more exposure than most of what is going on at the moment!
    you need to go and research deeply into what really made halle berry famous, same goes for tyra, beyonce is probably the only one that isnt famous now due to sex. . . . . maybe not, everything abt her is sexual? this girl has just taken out the effizys from the equation!

  13. I say "where are the parents"??


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