Six things Beyonce will be doing on her six months break | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 18 January 2010

Six things Beyonce will be doing on her six months break

It's no longer news that Beyonce is taking a six months break from work. Below is a list of things she will be doing during 'her break'...

Beyonce says during her break:

1. She is not stepping into the studio and will stay away from her shoots and recordings.

2. She would eat out a lot and would be visiting lots and lots of restaurants.

3. She is also eager to take up a few classes (maybe cooking or French-learning)

4. She is also keen to head into theatres and watch lots of movies munching popcorns to give her jaws something to work upon.

5. She, even, is desirous of making a dash to the Broadway theatres and witness some plays. Hmmm….

6. And finally, she quips, she’d be doing a lot of random things (of which neither she nor we have any idea, at present).

She needs the rest!


  1. why is she telling pple?

  2. I seriously don't care about Bey, and what she will be doing. I'm so tired of her. I'm waiting for her and Jay to split, since any of these celebrities don't have a normal marriage. People just kiss up to them, just bcos they are famous, and have money, life is so much more than that.

  3. lol@anonymous...

    @post...Okay...we hear you sasha.

  4. She's off to have a baby! Watch the space!!!

  5. Beyonce is pretty with funny boobs. Her boobs are not very good so why flaunt it? The left breast looks smaller than the right. After a kid or two, it should increase?

  6. well,watever............ i suspect she is off to have a baby.but i admire this couple though.they re doing quite great

  7. well,watever............ i suspect she is off to have a baby.but i admire this couple though.they re doing quite great


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