The fall...the injection... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 13 July 2009

The fall...the injection...

Hey people, hope you all had a great weekend. I had a lousy one. OK, maybe not totally lousy.

You guys won’t believe what happened to me on Friday. Remember I wrote here that I wasn’t feeling very well? I’d been feeling kind of weak and dizzy since last week Wednesday, so on Friday I was coming out of an office building...and I sincerely don’t know how it happened... I know I was weak, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, or maybe I staggered...oh I don’t know...all I know is that I fell into a gutter.

Yes I fell into a gutter... not my whole body o, just my right leg. And something inside the gutter tore into my flesh. You guys should see the damage to my right leg. My skin came off, the inside flesh was exposed, apart from blood, other things were coming out of my leg...ewww, it was disgusting to look at. Hope no one is eating and reading this post

Anyway I managed to drive home, thankfully my mum was home, she drove me to a clinic and I got stitched up.

And that was when the fun began.

The thing is this; once you are sick in my house, you call the shots...of course thanks to my mum. She doesn’t play with any form of injury or illness...even if you have boil sef, you’ll be the baby of the house.

So from Friday evening to this morning I didn’t lift a finger at home. I tortured my sisters like They served me breakfast in bed, made my bed, boiled my bathing water, cleaned my room...If they refused to do anything I wanted, I'll just call my mum. Hahaaa it was so nice torturing them. lol

The only problem now is that I haven't taken my Tetanus injection. Everyone says I must...yeah well, they'll have to tie me up and drug me before I allow them stick any needle in my butt.

I don't think I've ever said this here let me say it. I hate taking injection. HATE is such a strong word huh? Ok, let me rephrase that. I loathe, abhor, detest injection! Hope that's stronger?? If I ever catch the person/people that invented it...God help them...

What the hell!! Shouldn't there be an alternative? Can't I take pills or something? Isn't the pain from the fall enough? Why torture me more? My mum has promised World War 3 at home today if I don't take my injection. Yeah well, better a war than an injection.

Anyway, just thought to let you guys know what's happening with your girl. I'll be alright...that's if I don't take that injection. Someone should please talk some sense into my mum...please. That injection will kill me...I swear!

Feel free to drop comments but please don’t talk to me about taking that injection...I don’t want to hear it. If you’re not taking sides with me on this, then don’t write anything at all...Thanks for your understanding. :-)

Oh by the way, if you see any sexy lady around town with a slight limp and bandage on her hot right leg... it's probably yours truly...*smile*


  1. Are u serious? I cant believe u are actually having second thots about taking the injection that can possibly save ur life. Get over the fear and do it ASAP. Have ur sisters by ur side b4 and when u are being given the injection. I hate needles too but I have to overcome it when it comes to my health. So pls do the right thing.

  2. Okay. You need to like get on that bus and go get your shots ASAP! It is not even negotiable. I hate injections with a passion, till today but you just have to do it, abeg.

    I will also say start eating a bit more seafood, particularly oysters. It has a high level of the mineral called Zinc and that can help you with a stronger immune system. You need to take it easy, for real!

  3. U had better take that's for your's beta to take the injection to avoid any form of infection! Ya i knw u said not 2 talk 2 u abt it...but no regrets!!
    Wat form of germ do u knw was in dat gutter, even tho u hv been to d clinic!

  4. pele dear.......get better, but only with your tetanus injection.

  5. u have to take the injection..its not even a joke..u are more likely to get an infection and other things that can kill u. its dat bad if u decided i will miss ur blog wen u die hahahahhahahhahahahhahha(evil laugh.....
    PLEASE TAKE THE INJECTION i beg u...just hold ur breath during the process and u will get over it fast...
    love always!

  6. You know what? NO oh. Do NOT take that injection. No try am. Let your leg start rotting so that they can amputate it, ok? Trust me- that's gonna be a much better solution... anyone with half a brain knows that sawing of an entire limb is a whole lot less painful than a quick prick in your ass, now...

    Also, that way I can take all your shoes... please, eh, no go take the injection. siddon dia... lol!

  7. Pele..but pls take d injection now!!!!

  8. awww ...sorry to hear. We miss you already and hope you do get well soon. About the the shots all I can say is prevention is better than cure.

  9. walayi u can take injections but no spoil those ur dying for legs.u will be fine.go girl close ur eyes and take it.last month i was in hospital here in germany to take injections ,was afraid and started running around the hall with the doc pursuing me,at a point he asked me what the matter was and i said im afraid of the needle and he replied me too

  10. we love you so much and wouldn't want anything to happen please go take the injection

  11. awww hope you fell better.

  12. Aww, so sorry to hear about ur leg.. Hope there were no fine men around when u fell o..That'd been too embarassing!
    I like how u told ppl NOT to mention anything about the sHOT, but almost every comment is urgeing u to get the shot..Lol...
    On a serious note, its very crucial..."better safe than sorry"...Hope u feel berra...;-)

    P.S: Im still surprised @ the fact that you have to get injections in the butt.... in this day and age?? what happended to ur arm??? nigeria sha

  13. you ve to do everything to be ok soon girl

  14. Na wa for you o linda. U so much love blogging and is just u. Thank God for mum and your sis's and get well soon. Nothing must happen to those hot legs. Make sure you take your injection ASAP.Take care of u. CHEERIO.

  15. Go and take the injection, its for your good OK.
    Besides tetanus injection does not last more than a second. the liquid is not much and they don't really go deep with the needle..... just go do it,and before u can say "Bobs My Uncle", you re outta there. We need u alive to Blog remember

  16. i hope u took the injection today...cos i will come to lagos and drag u to the clinic....

  17. look Linda..u better take the injection for ur own good...after falling into a lagos filthy gutter with the millions of bateria in save ur own life u need to take it!!...if u dont want to develop a flesh eating bacteria...which usually starts ravaging the body from inside out and before u know might be too late..but God u remember the lady in Oprah who had to have all her limbs amputated bcos the flesh eating bacteria consumed her entire started with a fever and she didnt know what it was the time she got to the hospital it was almost too late..u cannot be more scared of shots than me...but after having 3 kids u better get used to it...bcos as soon as u land the hospital they hook u up to iv fluids...ladybrille is right about zinc..u can take it in a supplement form if u dont like sea food..

  18. If not 4 the fact dat i'll miss ur blog if u get really sick, i'd have recomended u not taking the injection. But i cant imagine a whole week without ur blog, so my dear go take the injection just 4 the sake of blogging 4 us. Atleast i'm 50% on ur side unlike other posters.

  19. omo,abeg go take that injection b4 i open my u get enough time 2 blogg for us but to take am for ur health u no fit,make i jam u there 4 lag.
    if ur sound and well u tell tales if not ur enemies go laugh,we still need u and u mean much 2 us.dont joke with this abeg,let the next blog be i don take am.
    love u

  20. Eya sorry oh abi u don get bele???????????????

  21. lol! You are sooo at "fine lady with a limp".....

    Do get well soon and yeah I WILL say this. Take the injection. I think I hate swallowing drugs as much as you hate injections. But tetanus is no joke girl. you don't wanna stand the risk.

  22. ...I hope you have taken the tetanus shot o......?!......what will it take to get you to take the shot?.......candies,chocolates.......Prada,Gucci?

  23. u know we all love u so much,pls go 4 the shots,if u need a hand to hold,i ll be there...........i m just a call away

  24. I hate injections too!!!
    But gal you're so gonna take that injection!That's a guarantee...mum's order!!!
    All zee best!

  25. EIYA Linda pele.....I feel u but u gotta be 100% for us ur go what u gotta do to stay alive o....biko....must the tetanus be by injection?...isnt there any oral drug u can take ni? d way Linda are u single and searching?....I have one serious Bobo for u here in Canada o.....I like u lots and I know ull make any man happy...with ur beauty and brains....and he will forever treat u as the princess u are!!

    so just say single and I can go ahead with match making....!

    take care and I got ur back always...

  26. U're very silly if u dont take u tetanus shot. U r a grown ass woman, go get ur tetanus shot!! It shouldn't be a joke..

  27. save your life or live in fear of a liitle metal

  28. This is interesting. I understand the division in naija, but didn't know it was this serious. Anyways, a friend of mine made the same statement. He explained that English is the official language in Nigeria.

    So if there is a yoruba or ibo movie where the actors strictly spoke yoruba or ibo, it should not be refered to as Nollywood. But it can be called Nollywood, when they speak English where everyone understands, because then it represents Nigeria as a whole.

    So I don't even know what to think of Timaya's statement.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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