The Truth About...SUGAR! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 27 June 2009

The Truth About...SUGAR!

I was going to take some days off to mourn Michael Jackson, but blogging is too powerful to resist. I'm sure he will want us all to move on with our lives. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

To today's post...
I take at least TWO bottles of what the oyibo people call soda, everyday. One around midday and another in the evening. Some days, THREE. :-). And after looking at these pictures a friend sent to me...that's a lot of sugar in one day. Plus the other stuff I take like biscuit, chocolate, Ice cream and the rest. A lot of sugar! Not funny!

A friend sent these pictures to me like I said but I sincerely don't know how accurate the sugar placement is to the product...

But check it out and tell us what you think...

Coca cola, my best friend!!! How can I live without coca cola??? It has all that sugar in it? Really???

A few weeks ago, I saw a friend with a pack of cigarrette which had 'smokers are liable to die young' written on it. He picked out a stick and lit it. That was my exact attitude after seeing these pictures, I went out and bought another coke...I know that's not a healthy attitude...I can't just disregard things as serious as this...

This is a really serious topic for me and plenty like me who can't resist the lure of dangerous is it to consume a lot of sugar? Many years ago, a friend told me that as long as you have enough Insulin (a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose in the blood), sugar can't cause any damage. How true is this? If there are any experts reading this, please educate the rest of us...


  1. I hope these pix are not a promo 4 special k or cherios...that much sugar, even in lemonade? really? oh sugar!

  2. my sugar levels are a tad high for a girl my age, so i had to give up soda, being soda free for a yr +, and i love it! i feel great! and no bloating....
    but i love chocolate, take a little piece a day and watermelon (summer time)
    u can do it if u put ur mind into it!

  3. you need sugar as it helps to keep energy levels but too much of it is obviously bad. It also depends on how much energy you burn in ratio to your sugar intake, if not it would become fat.

    Try to make sure that the sugar you take is from fruits as those are better for you compared to added sugar.

  4. this is related to my current research work on healthy living,sugar is not too good for the body,infact i m feeling unsecured with the amount of sugar in my body now

  5. this is related to my current research work on healthy living,sugar is not too good for the body,infact i m feeling unsecured with the amount of sugar in my body now

  6. Oh my!
    seems nothing is sugar free then.Hope sugar is not as bad to our health as doctors would want us to believe o.
    I'll just do like the blogger and pay a visit to the vending machine. I need a coke to console me!

  7. my dear frnd Haagen
    I've been avoiding all thgs high in sugar content like a plague lately. seriously trying to eliminate fizzy drinks, but sometimes slip...oops! I opted to always have a bottle of water in my bag and take fruits as snacks instead of all that junk...
    it's hard but it pays off...

  8. Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach

  9. go to google and educate yourself

  10. its so true cos i we did a study in my class about it even as small has the tall starbucks drinks r i know they have a lot of sugar and r madly high on calories, i call them samll devils cos they tastes so good but they r not good for you. sugar is good for the body but the real cane sugar but most of the ones we have in soda r HFCS(high fructose corn syrup_ this is the fake one that makes our mind crave for more even when our body doesnt want more. thats why people end up takinf lots of sodas every day

  11. omg .. can't do without my fizz got to have fizz....coke and all ...i need some fizzz

  12. Sugar in the natural form, like in fruits, is definately better than the ones in fizzy drinks and the like. All foods will cause a rise in our blood sugar levels that's why diabetics are advised to eat foods that have a low glycemic index, like brown rice, whole wheat foods, etc,which will also help with weight loss.
    When we eat, our blood sugar levels will rise. After about an hour or 2, the levels should fall, if it doesn't then there is something wrong with the balance, either there isn't enough insulin being produced, or the insulin produced, which may be normal cannot break down the sugars ingested. Bottom line, eat a balanced diet rich in fibre, fruits, nuts, fish and vegatables. All others should be in moderation.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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