Banned in Nigeria | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday, 7 May 2009

Banned in Nigeria

Three videos and one song has been banned from airing on Nigerian TV Stations by the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) - Stella Dimoko Korkus
They are...

2Face Idibia's video "Enter the Place",

Mo' Hits All Stars' "Close to You" video

D'Banj's "Suddenly" video

Kelly Handsome's "Maga Don Pay" track was also banned from the airwaves.

LOL at the things we see and hear in this country, but let me reserve my comment. What do you guys think of this ban? Is it justifiable?


  1. The NBC does not understand the accessibility and reach of the internet. When the videos are still on Youtube, what difference does it make? Unless we want to be like China and ban Youtube. Its time our leaders got to business and stop legislating on morality as if we are in the 1920s. CNN says we are among the top 10 religiously intolerant countries in the world. To me its more of intolerance towards those that are irreligious.

  2. they are so fucked in that country!!!y r they banned bcos they are by nigerian artiste?
    if thats the case then they should ban all dem "raw" videos and songs from international artiste that are shown on our local stations and radios...they should also ban international stars that come for shows in naija as well abi?since most of them sing "bad songs"
    Politicians are carrying girls young enough to be their kids, men are marrying 10 wives and they BAN songs???talk about misplaced priorities

  3. Its really funny how despite the many issues we have in Nigeria some silly people just decide to dwell on such trivial issues.These guys are giving their best in the ways they know how to so as far as i'm concerned some busybody who probably has worse kids at home she cant look after is just seeking attention.Its a shame her lame attempt at modesty wont change much cos they cant stop us from bying the cds anyways...Its too late Mehn!

  4. Bloody hypocritical bufoons!!they pass a law that bans the videos during the day then engage in several sessions of sexual indulgence with uni abuja girls at night!!! Lets not forget that its these fatcats that leave abuja with several unjustifyable allowances singing 'mugu don pay' to themselves!!

  5. I strongly support censorship of terrestrial TV but NBC's actions and inactions have always left me amused...
    I remember back then when 50 cents vid for Candy shop was ruling the airwaves and 'kerewa' was banned...gimme a break...

  6. Outright banning videos is counter productive. We can introduce the film rating system, where the video clip about to be seen or is showing has an audience restriction.
    Any station that violates this could be fined. When you ban a video, you make people want it more, you put the artiste in the spotlight, and you are not doing anything to help the entertainment business.
    Not everybody would share your views on what is modest or decent. My video is coming out in a few weeks, make una no ban am o!

  7. pple ,i beg to differ,thank God na internet so u cant shoot me,truth is yes our leaders r nt minding what they r suppossed to,they r hypocrites,....................but truth is some of these videos r just not it,haba pple ,morals r being thrown to dogs,even from all these comments,honestly i personally m very sad,i m sad becos if this generation is like this,what becomes of my 8,6 and 5 yr old children,for me they r banned from listenin 2 any of these,but guess what?they v friends so they come back from school and r hummin these is soul food,it has a way of controlin u (beliv it or not),angel lucifer had a very lovely voice ,in all of these have you stopped to think ,what is the place of God?where is God in all of these?whatever u do in life even as u sing these songs ask urself if my maker meets me doing this,as in if he comes now and finds me doing this,what will he say/do?would he smile and say gd song my son/daughter?or???????????be honest,i expect that when u sing these songs,u might nd also to act it out ask urself,do i want my children to do indulge in these acts?these wont go well with u all ,but this is how i feel

  8. i'm surprised at most of the comments...i saw the SUDDENLY video a longtime ago on facebook and i knew it wld be banned....who says u cant have content in ur video without all the booty showing...i'm not a father yet and i'm not even close but i wouldnt want my 8 year old kid watching them least with the internet you go to the site first and not every 8 year old knows in nigeria, but when its on STV...plzzzzzz..

  9. Whether the persons behind the ban are hpocritical or not is not our business.The most important thing is, they did there job, sexually explicit videos should not be used as a cheap selling point by nigerian musicians.One can still make good videos without naked girls and erotic scenes.Think about the young children at home and even adults alike cos some claim that "it does not affect me since iam an adult". Its a big lie as what we watch and see controls our desires which can be replicated in our actions thus leading even to rape and things like masturbation etc

  10. Hmm... I soo... agree with them banning those music videos. Forget about the government being hypocritical, we all know they are and they'll answer for that. but let's think about it: whether the government did it out of self-interest or not, we need to at least uphold a few values in our society. Let me share my story: I remember wwatching my first explicit video on TV at the age of 7 , i was 'hooked' from that point on. I began secretly watching porno and mastrubating and it also affected my relationships with men. Thank God for Jesus. I am free now but please, let's protect our children and society. It's not everything the rest of the world does that we need to follow.

  11. This is injustic, our country will never change, nigerians don't like to see some one progress. It is too bad for them to bann those video the only video i see there that is not good for the image of this country is Kelly Handsome "Mugu don pay" others don't deserve that banned.

  12. the ban is absolutely stupid!!!! tackle the problems of the nation from the highest points ie the fact that immoral politicians wanna preach about morality!!! i think if they can sort out nigeria first there wont be need to ban fun music videos

  13. I feel This Is Totally Rubbish,If they Can Show us Thief Who Squander Millions Of naira On TV,telling us That They're Under investigation By EFCC,yet Nothing Done to Them.Then The Video's Must Stay..Coz They Are of No Harm to

  14. PSCHEEEW..those "pregnant" old school men are at it again huh?who tha F is the NBC chairman newaz?if they dont like wot they see,they sld flippin' pull the tv plugs not the videos for F sake!!
    soon we 'll all fall for sharia law..
    "awon magaz"

  15. PSCHEEEW..those "pregnant" old school men are at it again huh?who tha F is the NBC chairman newaz?if they dont like wot they see,they sld flippin' pull the tv plugs not the videos for F sake!!
    soon we 'll all fall for sharia law..
    "awon magaz"

  16. Guyz, let us for a bit, come out of this our "we against them" mentality and reason straight. Yes, them politicians are hypocrites; Yes, they should focus on bigger issues rather than on censoring movies and music videos; But wait a that not exactly what the NBC was set up to do? Why are we then castigating them for doing there jobs? The truth is whatever the politicians do behind close doors or under cover of the darkness is their business. But I sure do not want my 2 year old singing along or dancing to a song that has "Maga" and "Alleluya" in the same sentence. Since our artists want so much to copy the foreign artist in every thing they do forgetting that our cultures are different, then let them make two sets of videos like the foreign artist do: one for satellite TV and the other for terrestial channels. With satellite, I can control what my 2-year old watches on cable TV but I can not always be around her when she watches Nigezie or Soundcity flashing nude girls and hunky looking fellas simulating acts of sex on my screen. C'mon guys, lets call a spade by its name.

  17. Just wanted to add that indeed the videos are still available on the internet and on PAY TV. But with both media, there is some level of control that is not available with local tv and radio. I should blame myself as a parent if I fail to control my daughter's access to the internet or satellite TV. Let us do all we can to restore and retain our core values as a people abeg!!!

  18. well i think som of dez videos act'lly deserve to b banned.but lets face it- d govt shud concentrate on makin a beta lyf for its citizens,not worrying dey heads 'bout "who shows wat" or "who sees wat". whoeva dozn't feel comfy wit d videos shud turn off d tv and go to bed. aiye ole- lyf is not hard.

  19. the nbc people are too stupid.are they not to check these songs b4 coming out,after several months they are just banning,na dem sabi foolish set of people

  20. abeg! they shud free person.. they just have a lot of tiem in their hands.. they r banning videos becos it hints at sex and money making.. those that are actually stealing money, how many ban them ban them??
    abeg allow person hear word... we go stiill dey jam our thing.. they are just stupid.

  21. to all the people talking bout kids and blah.. if u dont wnat ur 8 yr old watching em then dont watch em ur self.. abi is it only stv thats on ur tv set?
    watch another channel when its on!
    growing up, we werent allowed to watch a couple of videos and it was no biggie,... and the ones i watched didnt make me spoil. stilla virgi at 24 so what are u saying??

    u train ur children its not wats on tv that wud train em for u.. even if they see and ask u.. tell me the truth and tell to stay awaya from it.. preach dignity and not the bann of it.. so that wen they go outside and see it, they dont understand it then they try it outfor themselves, then u start screaminbg blue murder! pls gimme a break!

    morals morals! charity they say begins at home, so its what u teach ur children that embibe and also how u live ur life.. the good book says, by their fruits, we shall know them....


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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