The Power Of Prayer | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 13 July 2007

The Power Of Prayer

When my younger sister saw me praying some days ago, she said she stopped and stared at me in surprise. Why was she surprised? Because she hasn’t seen me pray in so long. I also haven’t been to church in years…when I say years, I mean years. This is not something I am proud to say…it’s just the truth.

My mum gave up after months of trying to get me to go to church…a few friends told me to be prayerful…I never listened to them. I always told myself that God sees my heart, knows what I need and will provide it without me having to go down on my knees and ask.

I felt my life was going well, so going to church wasn’t something I thought important. Also, I’ve been around people who played down the importance of going to church. I remember one person saying church is in your heart…you can praise and worship God by yourself at your own time.

When I really think of it, I have no excuse for not praying and going to church, it just wasn’t something I thought about. I was always more bothered about how I can better my life and make my business grow…forgetting that only God can do that.

In the last two years, all I do on Sundays is cook, watch TV and go on the internet while every member of my family were in church...but then something happened to me...

Late last month as I was walking down to my office from home, an elderly mad man threw stones in my direction...I tried to dodge it but some of it touched me. Through out that day I couldn't get the incident out of my head. I asked everyone I came across if it meant anything. Everyone said it meant nothing.

I'm not a superstitious person, but for some reason I became uncomfortable with myself in the days that followed that incident. Then one night, four days after the incident, for some reason I still can not comprehend, I went down on my knees and prayed...I was going to pray only about the incident, but then I figured since I was on my knees...I might as well pray about other things in my life...which I did...and I've been doing so every morning and night since then.

Last week Friday, I called my banker to find out my account balance...I knew I was broke, I just needed to know how broke I was...but then my banker calls back and tells me I have so so and so amount in my account. I told him it was not possible because I know how much I've withdrawn...what he told me was five times more money than I expected...I had to go to the bank the following day to confirm what he told me. I found money in my account...don't ask me how it got there...I didn't put it there...just found it a time when I needed cash to get my show on the road. For days I was puzzled...will I make a deposit and forget about it? Who put the money there? Who has my account number? Was it God? Has he already started answering my prayers? Still can't figure it out.

Then this monday, I had too many calls to make...I had to get across to designers, models, musicians, comedians etc and I needed a lot of credit on both my landline and mobile phone. Normally I never buy more than N750 recharge card on my GSM and never more than N500 on my landline, but because of all the people I needed to reach, I got N1, 500 credit on my mobile and N1, 000 on my landline. The following day after making so many calls, I checked my phones for balance and guess what? I found N5, 000 extra on my mobile and N800 extra on my landline. An hour later my service provider told me I was one of the lucky winners in a promotion they were doing, so they credited my account with 5 grand...this was at a point when I needed credit to make my show successful...

Then yesterday, I called the brand manager of one of the companies I've been trying to get to sponsor my event. I'd been trying to see him since last week but he had been too busy to see me...but yesterday he asked me to come over...this was around to six in the evening. I quickly went home, changed into my corporate outfit and headed to the place...there was traffic on the way so I got there a bit a late...about 6:30. The guy I was going to see had already left his office and was at the company lounge, when I called him he asked me to come to the lounge...

Two minutes into talking to this guy, the company's marketing director came to join us. Now this company is one of the biggest companies in Nigeria, if not the biggest and I'd been trying for years to know people at the top to no avail...then all of a sudden I'm sitting, drinking and chatting with the brand manager and marketing director that people hardly see. I told him about my event and asked for any kind of support they can render...the guy smiled and said no problem...right there and then he instructed the brand manager to give my company twice what I was aking for...TWICE I say.

As I was still jubilating inside...guess who joined us? The managing director. It was surreal, here I was, surrounded by the top three executives of one of Nigeria's biggest companies...the MD even bought me goat meat and shared drinks with me...I couldn't believe I was in that kind of situation...but then I remembered my friend Tunji always telling me that 'Your talent will place you before kings' and God will make those kings wine and dine with you. I went home an hour later with more than I'd hoped for. I got sponsorship for Style Night from their promise was fulfilled...

To celebrate yesterday, I went to an eatery to get myself some ice cream...I do that often whenever I'm happy...then at the eatery I ran into a beauty queen whose number I've been looking for for months now...I got it...I needed her for something...she didn't hesitate.

So here I was feeling really good with myself and just when I thought it couldn't get better than I was walking out of the eatery...I ran into someone I haven't seen in four years...then I remembered my prayer that morning...and I smiled.

I won't tell you to go to church, I wasnt a church-goer myself...but I've made up my mind to start going to church...but I'll tell you to PRAY. No matter what it is you're going through today, no matter how hopeless it seems, no matter how disappointed you are in life...please pray, because prayer works. God is a prayer-answering God. If you go down on your knees and talk to him, he will bless in more ways than you can ever imagine.

There are people who have given up on God. Maybe they pray and pray and nothing they stop. But let me tell you today, if you think God isn't answering your prayer, then think that maybe you are not praying with faith...or maybe he doesn't want to give you what you're asking for because he doesn't want it for you...or maybe he's just waiting for the right time to make all your dreams come true...

God answers prayers...he's answering mine, he'll answer yours...just talk to him.

I wish everyone out there the very best that life can give...

God bless you and yours


  1. This is the first time since i started readin your blog, that i feel you've finally arrived! Take care of your soul and God will take care of your love life and everything else.If you dare return to your vomit,then you have'nt learnt any lesson.Take care and teach the young ones who look up to you that life is not about fame,money,recognition and men!God bless you more 'cos this particular entry will speak to a lot more than any you've written.

  2. thank God for uuuuuuuu...
    i love this post ....
    thank u for the post on cerebral malaria... i heard of it dec 06 ...
    it is scary...

    take care and God bless..

  3. I'm sooo happy for you. its sooo weird how something similar happened to me, well not with the stone throwing and all but with not praying enough and changing that and seeing results.

  4. Yes, you cannot underestimate the power of prayers!

  5. I must confess I was one dem haters on ur blog. I thought you were one of dem ho's looking for attention, but this deep, sincere diatribe has changed my mind about you. I've been won over. You are a regular chic afterall. Ur blog is fab.

  6. I've been reading blogs for 2 years and this is the first time a subject matter will pierce my soul.Your sincerity is intoxicating.You're blessed. I hope you know that

  7. I am SO happy for you!! That's it! And I tap into that anointing o!!! I havent gone to church in weeks either. And prayer? Ah, well I'm ashamed enough of myself. Is God using you to appeal to my selfishness so that I go back on my knees? I dont know. But like Oprah says, u'd be silly not to do what is right for ANY reason at all. Like the last anon aptly said Linda, ur sincerity is intoxicating!

  8. ive been reading ur blog for awhile now..nd ive neva commented.but i just had to comment on this one..dearie i tink if u continue praying u would b suprised at what God wud do in ur life..ur not an ordinary child..but a child of promise.see all d works in ur life these fews weeks uve started much more if u serve him ur whole life..ur truly blessed tank God for u..

  9. *MUAH MUAH* Linda. I just got some disappointing news, went up to my room to pray but got a bit angry at Him and decided to read your blog to get my mind off things. But Voila! Here you are dishing out the core message i'm presently avoiding: pray and stay prayerful.

    If you were right here with me I'll give you a really big sisterly hug. Never thought I'd say this to any blogger but "hold on to this smiley, :),till we meet again(*wink*)someday".

  10. Praise be to Him. Gosh, i felt like i'm reading my personal story. Believe u me, i've not been to church now for over a year. I used to be one of those people dat always attended faithfully every given sunday, wednesday and fridays. All of a sudden i stopped, even though there r some situations in my life now dat r too much bear. I don't even pray any longer. My mum's just like yours too.
    Linda, u're truly an inspiration. May God bless us all thru your words.

  11. Linda, Linda, Linda!!!
    I am so emotional right now. U spoke the word right when i needed it bad. The last paragraph basically summarized what i'm going thru at the moment. God truly does work in mysterious ways and can use n e thing or one as an instrument. I never really read ur blog on weekends esp. saturdays....and here i am reading it right now, right after deciding not to go to church tomorrow bcos, wot's the use...i see no changes..or answers 2 my prayers..Only God knows wot i mean sha. But he sure used u 2 get to me!


  12. Even if you have not been praying,I think you have been living a life that is Godly. Most people mistake religiousness for spirituality and while both usually walk hand in hand, you can have one without the other.
    I am very happy for you. As someone who has directed a fashion show, I can tell you that lacking funds can stump your ability to deliver a spectacular show. I wish you all the best and remember that you have been blessed so you can open up yourself to divine spirit so that God can use you to bless He used someone else to bless you

  13. Thanks Linda, Very remarkable and inspirational entry....Prayer goes a long way and i know that God answers all prayer no matter how long it takes or seems forthcoming...

    God bless u Sis

  14. i love this post becos...
    u gave God glory for the little things he did .... u ran into the beauty queen/ ur long lost friend... etc
    he did big things too....meeting with the managers...etc

    God loves it when we see him in the little things in our life....

  15. Thank u for posting this entry because you have blessed me and I know there are others like me that have read it too. God has just used your testimony to bless me. May He continualy bless and multiply you and your efforts.

  16. wow!U just made my day.


  18. lovely post Linda.. anyway, ive always gbadun'd u .. lol... God is awesome and wonderful.. as always and may he continnue to give you a reason to praise him,

  19. God bless u Linda.That was an encouraging post.

  20. I'm glad this post made a difference to people. Ur words are inspiring. Thanks

  21. woohoo..looove this post.

  22. Linda,
    Great testimony.

    Send a copy to

    I wish you all the best in 2008!

    Cheers and God bless.

  23. wow. on eof the nicest posts I have read o your blog. I started reading your blog in 2013 and I just decided to go back and read old posts. May God continue to Bless you. thanks for the beautiful reminder on the power of prayer.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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