Josfyn's Dilemma | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Josfyn's Dilemma

I have a friend called Josfyn. Josfyn is a married mother of two little children. Six years ago at age 19, her father gave her hand in marriage to a 42 year old married man with three kids. After the traditional marriage (There was a never a church or court wedding) Josfyn took in for her first child. After giving birth to her first daughter, she asked her husband to send her to the University to further her education. Her husband refused. His reason being that Josfyn will get too exposed and might start chasing other men. (Let me say here that Josfyn is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met). She begged her husband for two years to let her have a University education, still he refused. In 2004, 22 year old Josfyn gave birth to her second daughter, just a few weeks after her husband's first wife gave birth to her fourth child.

Eventually after four years of desperately begging her husband and many pleas from her family, he allowed her sit for Jamb which she passed with flying colours. In October 2005, Josfyn gained admission into the University of Lagos to read Political Science. Two months later she met a post graduate student called Ben. This is where the trouble started.

Let me make some things clear about this story. Josfyn's husband first hit her four days after their traditional wedding, because she insulted someone who called her a gold digger. There was definitely some gold digging being done here but it wasn't by Josfyn, it was by her father who desperately needed to get his business started and promised his daughter to the man in exchange for capital. He basically wanted a rich in-law to go to every time he needed money.

Josfyn's mum gave her a million and one reasons to marry a man as wealthy as her husband and none of those reasons included happiness, love, compatibility or peace of mind. Two months into Josfyn's first pregnancy, her husband slapped her for staining his clothes while washing it. He didn't touch her again (Mostly because he travelled abroad very often) until Josfyn mentioned her desire to further her education. He beat the living day light out of her because he was convinced that Josfyn was looking for the opportunity to start dating other men. Josfyn was a full time house wife who did nothing but watch DSTV, cook, clean and take care of her child and step children. Josfyn at this time was just 21 years.

Her husband would beat Josfyn at the slightest provocation, he locked her up in her room if she dared talk back at him. If another man looed at her, she gets beaten up. He called her all sorts of names, hardly ever gave her any money (he said she would use it to buy things for her boyfriends), he was emotionally and physically abusive to Josfyn.

He didn't let her own a phone until 2004 after she gave birth to her second child and let me also say here that Josfyn said sex with him was sometime painful and most times unpleasant. The little friends that Josfyn had were not welcomed in their home, and her phone was always with the guy.

In 2005, her husband got another woman pregnant, the man never married this other woman, but he let her move into one of their flats and proudly told everyone who cared to listen that he was expecting his 7th child. And every time Josfyn ran to her mother, she told her the same story. Marriage is for better for worse. Her mother told her that every marriage had its challenges and she should be happy she's married since a lot of young girls were looking for husbands. Josfyn was so miserable but her mother asked her to remain in the marriage

But everything changed when Josfyn met Ben two months after getting into the University. Ben is 36, unmarried and works at a new generation bank. Ben fell deeply inlove with Josfyn and chased her for three months not knowing she was married.

He found out about her marital status when she fell from a bike on her way home. (Her husband had several choice cars, Josfyn had none to call hers. He only let her use one of his cars with a driver of course, when the errand concerns him or the children). Ben offered to drop Josfyn home, but she declined, explaining she was married. (Imagine her husband seeing her in another man's car).

A disappointed Ben vowed never to bother her again but for some reason they kept bumping each other until they both fell in love. Josfyn told her life story to Ben amidst tears and he promised to help her out of her miserable marriage and take care of her. Seven months after first setting eyes on each other, a married Josfyn and Ben became lovers. She told me she didn't know that sex was an enjoyable experience until Ben.

I didn't come into the picture until 2006 when Ben brought a very beautiful girl to my office to help her get modelling jobs since it has always been her dream to be a model. Ben introduced her to me as his fiancee, I never knew she was married with two kids until two months ago after she called me and asked if she could come spend some time with me in the office. She came everyday and stayed with me from morning till close of work like she was afraid of going home. It was after much pestering that she told me her story. She couldn't stop crying. Her husband had some how found out she was modeling and beat her after which he locked her up for days. When he saw a text Ben sent to her, he called the police on him but the police said they had no business in domestic affairs.

The thing here is that Josfyn had been planning to leave her husband and marry Ben. Ben had already rented a three bedroom apartment, bought her a ring, introduced her to his parents and was ready to take care of her and her children. Josfyn agreed to this life until two weeks ago when she called off all arrangements with Ben to remain in her husband's house. Ben later told me that Josfyn's parents had threatened to cut her off if she left her matrimonial home. Her phone is now permanently switched off. No one can reach her. (Unilag is unbreak) I know wherever she is she's extremely unhappy.

What can I do as a friend? What should ben do? I've never seen a man cry the way he's cried. What should Josfyn do? Obey her parents and stay in her miserable existence, (this girl doesn't have a life) or should she walk out and go be with someone who loves and makes her happy?

Please share your thoughts


  1. This is sad to say the least. And cant believe such parents do exist, in dis day and age. I wouldn't mind my parents disowning me in a situation like this though. C'mmon now, the gurl has been over-patient, shes given it a go, she's endured and it aint worth it, so now that she wants to move on, her parents her saying no. What kinda parents are they? THEY SHOULD BE SHOT. Shouldnt their child's happiness matter to them than money?

    Dang! the stupid husband should be arrested and locked up in jail all his life!

    I hope the josfyn one day, she would have the confidence to walk outta this relationship.

  2. ok, the story makes a whole lotta sense now that u've explained the whole thing in details.....Girlfriend that her tyrant of a husband does mot deserve loyalty wotsoeva neither does her parents who practically sold her out to slave trade! This is too effn sad meenn.

    Pple like her live their life to please ohers and it might be hard for her to leave given that her parents will be disappointed, coupled with gossips among villagers, and she's probably scared of what her husband is capable of doing....and her two kids don't make it n e easier...u know naija is not america where two pareants can remarry and still mutually care for a of them usually takes sole custody, and it might end up being the man.

    It's a no brainer that that marriage isn't meant for wasn't and still isn't her fault since she didn't get herself into it....and even if u want to bring religion into it (supposing she's a christian)....her right to leave the marriage was validated a long time ago when the guy had extramarrital affairs and physically abused basically, every which way u look at it, no one in their right mind, and with the slightest hint of compassion will encourage her to stay, but the problem is, who will convince her to leave?....women like ur friend exist all over the world, not just in naija...their cases might be slightly different, but when such harmful and deadly reasons such as abuse and infidelty arise, they still find it hard to leave for one reason or the other.... thats THE problem. So, the question isn't should she leave? the question should be: WILL SHE BE WILLING TO LEAVE?....even if she didn't meet this Ben guy....that prison isn't a place for such a beautiful, determined, young, nice girl like her.

    I'll remember her in my prayers for real!

  3. Don't have much to say. I just think I thought of being a blogger 'cause of the challenges I saw in the editions of previous bloggers and I think I should be one so as to fill up their left outs.

  4. Don't have much to say. I just think I thought of being a blogger 'cause of the challenges I saw in the editions of previous bloggers and I think I should be one so as to fill up their left outs.

  5. Linda,

    I am almost moved to tear reading this story.

    I had left a comment before about this and I sincerely meant it when I said yor friend should seek help or else this man ( so called) husband would kill her.

    it's unfortunate we have a culture that arranges marriages and keep people perpetually miserable.

    I am just dumbfounded and angry at the fact that anyone can do this to a fellow human being in the name of marriage.

    You friend committed adultry in the first place, that was wrong,it can never be justified.

    But, I hope she is fine, knowing Nigeria and the fact that there are no laws, she might be dead or in harm's way as we speak.

    Keep praying for your friend, this is a true love story and if they are destined to be together. trust me it will happen.

  6. I must say Linda, this sounds like something out of a naija movie.

    But in this instance, she may have to take a stand or maybe just maybe, she is used to the luxuries provided by her husband and could it be that it is hard for her to let that go.

    Communication is not a problem now in Nigeria. If she truly wants to see him (BEN) she can get her own cell phone or take a stand and go visit Ben. That is of course, if she wants to be with him.

    I doubt they are holding her down in the house under guard. If that is the case then that is another issue.

    Ben should try to reach her some way.If she has a friend he can contact that can help as a liason between them then that would work

    Either way there has to be some closure, she is an adult. Either she take the chance to be with Ben or stay put and try to make the marriage work, it is up to her.

    This reminds me of the story of the queen's sister magaret. Rather than give up the throne to live with her love, she gave him up for her royal lifestyle.

  7. hmm wat a sad story...unfortunately this is how a lot of girls in our country live(suffer) cos i cant call what she's doing now living.
    I pray for strength that she walks out of this marriage. I am sorry I love my parents but if they choose to disown me over something like this...fine cos that means they would rather have me i'd rather have a happy life than keep s only by the grace of God that she's not even dead....I would advise her if she loves her life tho i'm sure that stupid wicked byforce husband has made her life have no worth even to her...cos that's the only reason she would consider leaving a good man for an animal that calls himself a man.If you can find her pls do and encourage her, most of all pray I ll pray for her tell Ben not to give up on's not easy to walk out of stuff even tho it's trash...we sorta get comfortable in our dirt...

  8. She should walk out of that marriage (they aren't even married) even if her parents are going to disown her, afterall is her happiness that matters, cos where she is now is a prison

    The choice is hers

  9. hmm. this na jamb question, did u read my friends's story too in my blog? oga oh, strange things happen...
    really, i'd advice her to just up and leave the guy, not minding her parents... love is the rule of the game...

    Her husband is a beast.
    infact her father sef, na devil, y would he marry his daughter off cos of money( sorry to say oh, but some igbo pple sha, na wah for them)

    Really, we just have to pray for her cos ko easy...

  10. the frigging bastard of a man!! what would it kill him to be civil to his wife. I have been married since i was 22, nigerian and in the UK, its been almost 10 years now and i know what its like to be love by a man and to wake up next to a gentleman husband. She should leave while she can now, and her family - the selfish lot they are, can clean up their own mess.

  11. Definately a sad story!!! I think josfyn should walk out of the relationship, Who cares if her parents cut her off? Cut her off their will? well if she is happy with the money she is making, nd Ben supports her well. What else does she want from a money starving parents dat dnt care, if she would eventually commit suicide after all the unhappiness. Josefyn need to realize if she is living for her parents happiness, or living for HER own happiness, nd she needs good health, nd mind to take care of her children, not some woman bashing,pot belly, husband.

  12. Ask her to read Shan George's story about her first marriage and she'll know what to do.
    The greatest blessing of God that she could ever ask for is Ben and she want's to throw that away to avoid being disowned by her parents? What has their 'owning' her contributed to her life so far. She has lived for her parents thus far, I think she deserves to live for herself now. But God will not come down and help her, she has to be bold enough. Forgive my bluntness, but in my honest opinion, her parents can go to hell!

  13. why does she let her parents run her life in that way? She is a grown woman with children so i think she can make decisions for herself now. The Ben guy does not mind taking care of her children so what is she thinking about? He father & mother have managed to ruin her life because of their selfish needs. Now she has a chance to rebuild it, she should take that chance instead of throwing it away to live with a monster. Opportunity comes once in a life time.

  14. I apologise but marriage is marriage. This same hot under the collar disrespect Ben is showing for Joslyn's marriage will filter into any relationship they eventually have like a cancer. Ben should have backed off once he discovered Joslyn was married. To compound it the woman has children already! It is evil pure and simple, Ben and Joslyn are riding an ill wind.

    In the light of the disgraceful conduct of Joslyn's husband - obviously the tragic result of his insecurities, - Joslyn should divorce her husband completely before Ben can even attempt to step in and engage in any permanent relationship with Joslyn. Otherwise those two are CURSED

  15. Linda if u knw her house pls take a risk n go for her, then any chance she shld see a lawyer, Ben shld ask God for 4givness n pray for her n still remain patient for things to work out for them two. DD

  16. Abeg update us on this story.. What does she mean by her parents will cut her off????!!! Haven't they done worse than that by selling her off against her will at a young age wen her mates were getting a higher education?? Dat 1 neva pass cuttin her off? No be cutting and shattering her lyf into pieces be dat?? Really sad!!! Now 2 innocent children frm a useless old guy in a polygamous familyb! Woooowz!! Some pple are rilly having it tough, Lord av mercy and am grateful for my lyf... It is well with us and Josfyn in Jesus name . Its been 5yrs now, I jst hope she's made good choices and she's happy n safe..

  17. linda this girl is married, sad as it is morrally she should stay in her husbands house and weather out the storm that has now become her life, i come from a polygamous home, which is why i believe that marriage is sacred a commitment and should not be tampered with. its just sad that she married a polygamist like her husband. she shouldnt have married him. but its too late now


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