POVERTY IN AFRICA. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday, 18 April 2007


This is painful to look at I know. But that's the idea. I wanted to sober some of you up. You are depressed about a love gone sour, no increase in salary, bigger house, better ride? Wherever you are, please count your blessings and stop wining as this is the reality for some people.
Facts on poverty in Africa.
One in two people survive on less than one dollar a day.
33% of African population suffer from malnutrition.
Less than 50% of Africa's population has access to the hospitals or doctors
Children account for half of the civilian casualties in war in Africa.
Less than one person out of five have electricity. 15 out of 1, 000 have a telephone line 8 of 1, 000 surf on the internet.
It's sad isn't it?
There's a way you can help.
Contact the following organisations through their websites:
Donate and make a difference!
There are so many other organisations where you can donate. If you know names of Africa aid organisations, please send it as a comment so others can see it. Thanks.


  1. Linda,

    You are doing a marvelous job with your blog and I want to really commend you for all you efforts, it takes a strong woman to show the level of consistency you have in updating your blog even on those days you were bone tired.

    Being an African, even though I have lived in America most of my life, I am extremely embarassed and despair at the amount of poverty, maternal and infant mortality in Africa in general.

    Just look at these pictures, it's like staring at the face of death, we have wealth in Africa, a handful of people who jsut need to volunteer some of their stolen loot and we can feed millions of children everyday.

    Food and essential commodity should be very available in every nation, but not in Africa,even with our vast resources and oil wealth.

    Yet for some reason, we have the worst leaders in the world, and Nigeria is the running to pick a new set of puppets to drag up behind for another 8 years.

    Do I hear a revolution, we need to do something,we need to come together and do something and stop waiting on handouts from charity

  2. @anon.thanks.I appreciate ur comment and insightful contribution to the problems plaguing us in Africa...hopefully one day things will get much better

  3. You sobered me up. My heart those broke. 'Poverty is a woman'. Women and children are the ones that are the hardest hit.

  4. man we think we have it bad but we dont really know anything about suffering

  5. hey there,
    Im only a kid and Im doing a presentation on poverty for school. i was surfing the net looking for pictures and came across your site, those kids are literaly staring death in the face, and the rich people cound'nt care less. I mean Im english, and Ive never been to africa but i can feel the pain radiating from the looks on thier faces. So sad. just a shame the few rich people who could easily give these kids a chance don't.

  6. hey... im doing a presentation at my youth group on some of the things we dont see or realise in our world, such as poverty, abortion, drugs, child abuse etc...

    i live in south africa, johannesburg.. um and we are faced with many of these things every day mainly poverty though,

    i think its great that people are doing things to releve and we must serioulsy encourage young people to get up and start doing things... t doesnt have to be huge just start with your own community.. im 15 and its changed my life so dramatically... we have to watc out for the youth coz weare slowly loosing them everyday they are being consumd with the 'GOOD" life and dont realise the world they living in...

    the teens today are the worlds next leaders...

  7. im learning about poverty and malnutrition in my geography class, (im in yr 10) and i think that this is so Devastating that this is happeing to these poor people. like they dont diserve this its not fair they shouldnt have to live like this. i think they need to find a cure or something just so they can live more. well thats all i have to say.

  8. hey, im learning about poverty and malnutrition (im in yr 10). i think that the way these people live is not right, like they dont deserve to live in a state of mess there in. they shouldnt have to do what they ae doing in those pictures, they should have a life but instead they are dieing of starvation. hopefuly one day they wil find a cure to stop this disease.

  9. Trying to copy & send this article to everybody in my office. Just wanna find out how much images affect the our psyche and in what manner.

  10. just came across this researchin for some homework and cant believe just how much we take for granted, we can eat, drink, sleep whenever we like, we can come into a nice furnished warm and cosy home with a family to support us, we have education and materials. When those kids,women and men are starving and all they need is to be cared for to have a meal. Imagine if we all in england gave just £2 or even 1, and gave it to a charity for people like this, its nothing to us and it could meaan the world to someone over there...and what we have to ask is...WHY? why dont we give £1 a month? Why dont we send over food to a charity who can take it over there? Why dont we give a few pounds that are nothing to us and do something useful with it!!!?


    Abbey age13 x Think about it people...


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