Peter Okoye exposes a lot about the problems within Psquare in new interview | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 20 March 2016

Peter Okoye exposes a lot about the problems within Psquare in new interview

Peter and Paul Okoye seem to have settled their differences and resolved to sing together albeit with different managements. However Peter Okoye  had granted an exclusive interview to the NetNG  on Thursday March 17 about the genesis of the problems within Psquare, Jude Okoye and the feud in general. The interview took place at Peter's home in Lekki.  It is a very long interview but it's worth reading. Read below:

The issue was the fact that I was in Psquare and it felt like I was in fear. If I don’t do this, Psquare will break-up, if I don’t do that, Psquare will scatter.’Four years ago, I told Jude that he needs to step down as our manager, because I didn’t want to disrespect him as a brother, but this is business, we have to structure it. And Jude said to me that there’s a way I’ll talk to him, and he’ll slap me. So I kept quiet’. 
‘So, a few hours after, Paul came to me and said if I want Jude to step down it’s not a problem, but it’ll mean that he (Paul) will go solo. The the first time word got out about Psquare breaking up, a lot of people called us, senators, governors, and people like that. In fact three of us were once in a private jet to go and see someone who wanted to resolve our issues and we didn’t speak to each other all through the flight. At the end of the day, I swallowed my pride for peace to reign and allowed Jude to remain as our manager’.
I and Paul stay together in this estate and the last time I saw him was about a week ago.

Then the interviewer asks:
But you live in the same premises. Why is this so?
Peter sai:
Truth is, I’ve not been in talking terms with Paul since December 2015 and that was why I travelled in January because I had a lot on my mind.
Something happened at Mavin Studios last year that broke my heart.
In regards to collabos with other artistes he said:
Now listen to this, Psquare featured on songs with J-Martins, Bracket, LKT, 9ice and these 4 songs were done by Paul alone, but guess what, did I appear in the videos, YES’.
‘Now hear this, we have other collabos with Kaha, Darey, Ruggedman. I did these songs alone. How come they don’t have videos? Paul refused to appear in the videos’.
‘So I told Paul that when next he does collabo alone, he should be in the video alone, because it got a point where artistes began to feel if they do a collabo with Paul it gets a video but if it’s me it doesn’t get a video.
The last collabo we did was with Flavour and I refused to do another one. Even Flavour had to speak all the Igbo he knows to convince me before I agreed to do it. Only for my brother to come and tell me that ‘shey I thought you said you won’t appear in any video that I did the collabo alone? Why did you appear on this one?’. I was sad but I knew another one will come’.
So Tiwa Savage called me, apparently Paul had gone to do a song with her, not the campaign song they are promoting now, another Psquare collabo entirely. So she called me that she’s been trying to reach Paul to get the CD of the song from him that he’s already done his part, so I went to Paul’s house to help ask for it and tell him that I want to go to their studio to do my verse and he said he doesn’t know where the CD is’.
‘I went to the Mavin studio to meet Tiwa, when I got there, she asked for the CD and I told her Paul didn’t give me any CD, so I called him again and gave the phone to Tiwa and told her on phone that the CD is at Omole, so I got into the studio recorded my verse and when I finished, everybody was clapping. I was surprised only to realize that Paul had gone to tell them that I don’t sing or write songs’.
‘I felt really bad and betrayed, but I covered up for him. I jokingly asked Teebillz if they gave him Red Label and he said yes, so I was like you guys caused it, and we laughed over it. So when my assistant went to pick up the CD, Paul and Jude started shouting at him to tell Peter that what is he doing at the Mavin studio? He knows how we work. The next day, I went to Paul and told him how I felt when I heard what he said. Only for Jude to say that he made Paul the lead singer of Psquare 8 years ago! A leader leads, he doesn’t destroy.'
‘When it comes to decision-making, it has always been a Triangle formation, and the highest vote wins. I never used to complain because we were all okay, but what has changed now is the fact that we’ve grown. You can make a certain decision based on how we used to do it and it may affect everyone as an individual, but it gets to a point when the decisions taken never gets to be my own and I began to wonder if anything is wrong’.

‘I always get Ideas, most of Psquare ideas come from me, and when I say Idea, I mean materials we need to put out for people to see, video, stage performances and all. But when I come up with them, nobody wants to accept it. I didn’t complain because people still love what we do, but then again, there wasn’t much competition in the industry back then’.
As time goes, we should get better, it shouldn’t be same triangle deciding, because if we continue that same way, we’ll lose it. All I want is a proper structure in the sense that, we need to have proper management, business managers and all’.
‘As I speak to you right now, we don’t have any office, no structure. When this issue started about five years ago, our lawyer told us the way we run our business is wrong without a structure’.
‘I’ll give you an instance’.
We had to go perform somewhere once, and because I had a slight argument with Paul, he said he’s not going. The show was the wedding of the President’s daughter, because some times when we perform for some certain people, they always talk to me, they don’t call Jude’.
‘I didn’t even know until we got to the airport and at the end of the day we missed the reception, but we finally performed at the gala night, because when I got to the airport my brother wasn’t there, and I became confused on how I was going to explain to the President that we can’t perform?
So I made up my mind to go with the band, perform like that and lie that my brother was sick. So we left for Abuja and when we got to the hotel dressing up my assistant manager called that he was on the way to the airport with Paul, so we had to wait for them to land in Abuja and that was why we couldn’t make it on time to the reception’.
‘The president was mad. In fact Mama Peace (Patience Jonathan) was really mad. But we eventually made up for it with a performance at the Gala night.
Only for Jude to say Paul said he wasn’t going for a show and I still went on it with it’.
‘Imagine if Jude had a proper structure and we had contracts? That wouldn’t happen. And it was more because the show came through me. If the show came through Jude it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t have a problem with doing things as a family, but then the structure and proper organization is important too. The name Psquare is very big outside but inside we have no structure, I see people like Audu of Chocolate City, Mavin Records, even Ubi Franklin and I wanted us to have a structure like that. Psquare is just up there because of the grace of God.’
So I made up my mind to go with the band, perform like that and lie that my brother was sick. So we left for Abuja and when we got to the hotel dressing up my assistant manager called that he was on the way to the airport with Paul, so we had to wait for them to land in Abuja and that was why we couldn’t make it on time to the reception’.
‘The president was mad. In fact Mama Peace (Patience Jonathan) was really mad. But we eventually made up for it with a performance at the Gala night.
Only for Jude to say Paul said he wasn’t going for a show and I still went on it with’.
‘Imagine if Jude had a proper structure and we had contracts? That wouldn’t happen. And it was more because the show came through me. If the show came through Jude it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t have a problem with doing things as a family, but then the structure and proper organization is important too. The name Psquare is very big outside but inside we have no structure, I see people like Audu of Chocolate City, Mavin Records, even Ubi Franklin and I wanted us to have a structure like that. Psquare is just up there because of the grace of God.’
In response to being labeled a dancer he says:
 ‘It’s really sad that people have labeled me ‘Dancer’, and people don’t really know what I do for Psquare. Kudos to Paul, I’m not a good songwriter, in-fact I’ll rate myself 30%, so when it comes to song writing, I give it to Paul 100%.
‘However, not writing songs does not disqualify you from being a musician. I can tell you for free that a Nigerian wrote two of the songs on Rihanna’s new album. I’ve travelled a lot and most times people ask, ‘which one are you, the singer or the dancer’? And it’s really sad’. In Psquare, I am the creative person, I can sit-down and tell you what people want to hear, what they want to see and what they want to learn from Psquare. But it’s not something to brag about’.
Jude directs all our videos:
‘This whole thing began when Paul went online and started posting lyrics of most of our songs on Instagram that he wrote them all, just because Peter brought in something to the table’.
‘I’ve been trying to bring more business for Psquare I didn’t know it was going to cause problems. I sent my manager to a meeting in Senegal to meet with Universal music about getting us deals, and when he came back, the way they responded to him wasn’t encouraging’. 
 So I had to send Diouf, the footballer to help get the documents and convince my brothers before we could pull through with the deal. And after some months, we started making money. Meanwhile, while filling the forms, Jude filled everything as Psquare. So the first money came, we shared it. The second money was bigger, it came and we shared it too. That was when Paul said we had to re-fill the form and give proper credit to the songwriter (Himself) and if the form is not brought back, he’s going to expose me and tell the world that he writes all the songs’.

‘And the next day he went online to post those lyrics. So my question is, when he was doing that what did Jude do about it? Absolutely nothing!’
I remember I once told Paul something, when Jude was using the term ‘Our Money’ when he just became our manager, that was when we made our first 1 million. I called Paul and told him that our former manager used to make about 15%, now that Jude is our manager, let’s think of a percentage that we’ll be giving him and put it on paper’.
‘Paul was like, it’s not necessary. Probably, he went to tell Jude about it.
I’m sorry to say this, but I think Paul is weak’.You know they say change is constant, you can’t stay at one spot, as the industry moves, you move. So I won’t say the problem we have is money. I think everybody is just dragging power unnecessarily. Imagine Jude telling me that he’s in charge of Psquare and there’s nothing Peter and Paul can do about it, and I look at Paul he’s quiet about it’.

‘I’ve never seen where a manager talks to his artistes anyhow. If there’s any issue you should call us aside quietly to talk about it’.
 WHY I called Jude out on social media
First of all, if I as an artiste tells you to step down, and you say Paul and I cannot do anything, then there’s no other way I can take you out than going public’.
‘On December 14, 2015 we sat down to have a meeting hoping to be able to set a proper structure in place, but Paul noticed that it wasn’t working the way he wanted, so he said he wants to tell us that he’s starting a new group.
I thought he meant he wanted to start a record label, and he was like no, he’s starting a new group that he belongs to. And Jude simply said, ‘anybody stop you’? He picked up his phones and walked out of the meeting. I felt it had already been discussed behind me’.
‘I later found out that Paul is already recruiting the group and Jude is their manager. At the moment I heard they are called ‘The MVPs’ I don’t know what it means yet’.
‘So how do you expect me to be managed by the same person we’ve been having issues with, who is now the manager of the other group. There’ll surely be conflict of interest’.
‘And it actually happened two weeks ago’.
‘Jude called me, after I had said he’s fired. He called me on a Thursday to say ‘Hope you know we are going to the embassy tomorrow for that show in Holland’. I know about the show, it was already booked before the issues started, so I told him, ‘Bro you are not my manager, talk to my manager’. He said, ‘Noted’. And the next day, they went to the embassy with the new group members, which means they had already set up their interview at the embassy because it’s not possible to get an appointment in less than 24 hours’.
‘So I traced the organisers, and told them that Jude does not represent us, he represents only Paul. I told them this is what it takes to get Peter and Paul, Peter alone or Paul alone’.
‘So I went on social media to protect our careers, because if I didn’t do it, Psquare will not release any materials anytime soon, they’ll be busy promoting their artistes’.
And I remember going to talk to Paul about it before I went on social media, I went to his house he was in his room with his friend, and I was like can he excuse us, I want to talk to you and Paul said, no, his friend should stay, anything I want to say should be said in front of him. So I said, no, you know we are brothers and he was like, ‘oh, na now you know say we be brothers’.
So I said, I came to talk to him about what’s been happening, but it was turning into an argument so I left and I travelled out. I was away for over a month, knowing that we didn’t have any show at that time. I went to Turkey, London to rest my mind, my friend Samuel Eto’o invited me to come’.
‘The day I fired Jude was at a concert. It was the day I came back, we had a show, so I went straight to the venue in Lagos and told Jude I want to talk to him, and he said I should say anything I want to say in front of everyone. I was like that was the same attitude Paul gave me before I travelled’.
‘So Jude was like if I like I should get out, and I was like guy don’t embarrass me. He said who are you, because you think you are Psquare? So I told him openly that if he cannot resolve me and Paul’s issue, he doesn’t deserve to be our manager, and he said I should get out. There and then I told him ‘You are fired’! He looked at me and said, ‘You fit fire me’?’.
‘That was when I entered my car and started Tweeting. How else can you take him out?’
‘Long before I made up my mind, Paul already said there’s no more Psquare, If Jude leaves he goes with him’.And before I announced my management, I wanted my mind to be clear, so I went back to Paul, this time we were alone and we spoke a lot, I told him I had no issues with him, but he needs to stop letting Jude use him as a shield. Both of us started shedding tears, and when we finished he still said he hopes I’m not here to tell him that I still want Psquare and I told him I want to move on, because he already has a manager (Jude) and I don’t, so I had to structure myself too’.
‘And I didn’t want to allow the Psquare name to fade before moving on. Look at Don Jazzy and Dbanj, when they broke up, they waited for like 6 months and had to start again. Now, that Psquare just broke up, let me use the name to move on quickly, because there’s no time’.
‘Before I did the Olympic deal, I’ve brought some deals for Psquare but the people endorsing Psquare only see Peter and Paul, but behind it’s Peter, Paul and Jude so the price goes so high that it never works’.But when a deal comes to my table, it’s not like they called Jude and I went behind to talk to them, the deal came directly to me from Jude’s friend. He called me and told me about it, and before then I had already established my own beverage factory and the deal coming was from PZ, which means I could do more business with them, so should I lose that deal because they didn’t call Jude?’
‘And I asked them that why me and not Psquare, they said they couldn’t afford Psquare and more so the brand was tailored to fit one person. So I went back to tell Paul and Jude and they didn’t say anything, they didn’t ask me not to do it.
Don’t get it wrong, we’ve been doing different private businesses, the only difference was that the Olympic deal had to come out public. I’ve been doing mass housing projects on my own, Paul has been doing real estate, Jude has been doing his own thing, he even went to do Northside record label, so it’s not like it’s the first thing I’m doing alone. It’s just the first one that went public’.
‘So even when I decide to open my beverage factory, people will still say why am I doing it alone without my brother’.

The twins with their mum 
‘I hear lot of people think it’s all a stunt, and that’s what I really want to put an end to. It’s not a stunt at all. It has been going on for a while’.
‘When Jude didn’t come to my wedding, people started saying we broke up and then others said it’s a stunt, then when Paul posted those lyrics stuff on Instagram people thought it was a stunt too, but the truth is that, this is not and has never been a publicity stunt’.
‘I am telling you the truth, I am moving on because people are already getting tired of this Psquare brouhaha, now I have my manager Olatunde Michaels and I expect everybody to respect that. I am a family man, a musician, singer and dancer, if I don’t move on, Psquare will collapse and there’ll be nothing left’.
‘Already Paul has done two songs without me but no one is saying anything, he did a song with his artiste ‘Muno’ with his name as Rudeboy did they feature me? He did a song with Tiwa Savage, did they feature me?’
‘Last week Yemi Alade sent me her album track list to help her share on Instagram, guess what I saw, she had a song with Psquare that I didn’t even know about. Only Paul did it’.
The next level
‘Because I announced a new management, people feel am the one going solo, but Paul has already gone solo, he’s moved on and didn’t need to announce any new management because he still works with Jude, so I had to announce mine and believe it or not, people are booking me for gigs already’.
‘And guess what, I’ll still perform Psquare songs, nobody can stop me, nobody can stop Paul too, we didn’t have a contract with Jude, so I have the right to perform Psquare songs especially the ones I took part in’.
‘I’ll also consider releasing solo songs and even albums. Truth is – in the last album Paul did some songs alone, I did some songs alone. ‘Bring It On’ was Paul alone, ‘Eje Ajo’, ‘Shekini’ was done by me alone’.
‘Remember the 4 songs ‘Free For Fans’ that we released, those songs were removed from the last album and I leaked them’.
‘I have some songwriters already, V-Tek writes for me, and I’m still bringing up more’.
‘Because of what was happening, it was like two against one, so I said let’s share our properties. When I said that, Paul said if we want to share our properties, Jude must get the same share with us otherwise Psquare will split and I was like ‘SPLIT-AGAIN?’
‘Our lawyer came and told Paul that it’s wrong to share it equally with Jude, but he insisted, so we divided every property we owned in Lagos, Jos, America, Abuja. In-fact the right and left wing of the Square Ville mansion belongs to Paul and Jude now.
So that was how we shared all our properties equally among the three of us about two or three years ago’.
‘After sharing everything, I called Paul again and spoke to him about a proper structure. We’ve been with people like Akon and co and we see how it’s done. Right now, Psquare has millions of dollars in royalties hanging in the air’.
‘All our endorsement and shows are shared equally between the three of us as well’.
‘After what it took to share our properties, I was embarking on a project, so I needed more money and I wanted to sell my house in America and buy something smaller, because I spend close to $30,000 to maintain that condo every year’.
‘So I called my caretaker to begin the process and she told Jude and Paul to send their data page and passport photographs, but they refused because they know I wanted to the sell the house. And see the value of dollars now. The house was valued at 100M then, but if I sell it now, I could make extra 250M’.
‘And we already signed paper works and document of the house that it belongs to me but Jude ignored it, so I called our lawyer, Festus Keyamo to inform him about the development. He called them and they both refused to pick his call, so he sent them a text and requested that we should have a meeting, but Jude replied him and said no need for a meeting that the America house will be sold’.
‘Paul said we agreed and signed on how to share but we haven’t really shared it yet, after all Jude is still holding on to the documents’.
‘Three of us have properties close to each other in Parkview and that’s why I want to sell my own and move to Banana Island’.
‘I can’t really understand why they don’t want a structure, to me I think it’s ignorance, and if I decide to do it, it’ll seem like I’m looking for trouble’.
 ‘People think we changed when we started having wives. Before my mum died, she was at St Nicholas hospital on the island, and my sisters were living in this house (in Lekki), and every morning before my wife goes to work, she’ll leave home at 5am in the morning to go and stay with my mum even before we get there ourselves. And when she closes from work, she’s back with her again’.
‘So I just laugh when I hear people say my mum didn’t like my wife. It’s my wife and sister that prepare my mum’s meals in the kitchen’.
‘Now let me shock you: our wives, the three of them are the closest set of people you can imagine. Even with all that’s going on. It’s really surprising. Somehow, they respect themselves and stayed out of the whole drama and I respect them a lot. And that’s somehow what has kept us together for this long, otherwise Psquare would have ended like two or three years back’.
When I set up P-Classic records because people were saying Psquare haven’t helped anyone, I saw the success of Tiwa Savage and I was close to signing Cynthia Morgan and Simi. Ask them they’ll tell you’.
‘I remember Paul came to the studio and said he heard I’m signing Simi and Cynthia, I said ‘Yes’, and he was like ‘What will people see Jude as’, and I gave him example of Drake and Young Money, Cash money’.
‘Oscar (Producer of ‘Collabo’ ft. Don Jazzy) called to tell me that they can’t sign the deal, because he heard it’s causing problem in Psquare. Meanwhile Cynthia and Simi were both going through the contracts I gave them only for them to return it two days later that they can’t do it’.
‘Two weeks after, I was shocked to hear that Jude had signed Cynthia Morgan, and she knows deep down that she’s never going to get a Psquare collabo’.
‘The truth is I feel happy it has come, because I’ve been staying in Psquare in fear for the last four years. The situation now is, if you want Psquare to perform, you’ll have to get in touch with two management, I don’t care if you pay Paul’s management more than they pay me, once we are able to agree Psquare is still there’.
‘I just don’t want to have a management that feels he’s in control because he’s my elder brother’.
‘And because of the legacy that I want Psquare to be remembered for, that was why I went to talk to Paul the last time. I don’t want us to start doing beef songs, or we see at the clubs and we don’t greet each other, or ignore our kids and stuff like that. And even if Psquare breaks up, I still want us to have our relationship as brothers. If I’ve regretted anything in my life so far, I swear to God this is not one of them, I’m happy because I’ve been in pain for a long time’.
‘It’s good if we go and do stuff separately so that even IF we come back we’ll have respect for each other. I wish Paul the best and I wish Jude the best as well’. 


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Brume Blinks said...

Its so sad that after all the achievements together, you guys want to go solo. Truth be told there cant be any valuable results if psquare should breakup.... WHY WOULD MONEY SEPERATE BROTHERS?

Unknown said...

Peter is telling half the truth, there is no way your brothers could just gang up against you just for.nothing.

Scolast!c@ said...

And the church says a loud.......Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Sweetestariet said...

It's well. I love psquare which Peter and Paul. Why can't jude just move on and stop being between the twins. It's so sad

Unknown said...

I agree with you advising Linda. She also needs a better structure, it's not all about the $$$

MQ said...

Ur stack illiterate

Unknown said...

When someone you hired is not giving you the desired result, what do you do?

MQ said...

Ur jus too pathetic ND a stark illiterate

Unknown said...

Bros do ur tin,u are a double threat.u can sing and dance.watelse

Unknown said...

You believe is all about money rt? Now that he has a new manager and psquare can be only be booked via both managers, let's see if Paul will be ready to share his own half with his manager (Jude) 50/50.

Sylvonce said...

Jude is obviously the problem. You don't even get the deals yet u want the money to be shared equally using big brother syndrome. Odiegwu. Abegi mk he pack well. Paul is just one of those I call follow follow;no words of his own, na where rain dey fall he will find cover. Peter pls move on. I dig u. Now I see where all the problem is from. I bet he has been tolerating for long. He has better ideas, yet they can't accept it. Odiegwu! Na Jude type dey break family yet he has nothing to offer. Soon we will see his long epistle on instagram...wish them all the best. The sky is wide enough for everyone to fly

Anonymous said...

Shut up, when Paul wrote his own making peter look bad, it wasn't shaming his family. See their comes a time a man gotta let the truth out.

Anonymous said...

Olodo datz y u keep having carry over n extra year, mumu

Anonymous said...

@Gold u lack sense of reasoning, idiot

Anonymous said...

#TEAM PETER# As for u Paul,u are a true definition of what Yorubas call "ALABOSI"...RIP JUDE"ASS" ISCARIOT!!!!!!! AGBAYA!!!!!! #GO PETER#

Unknown said...

Peter has always been great as both singer and dancer, don't know about songwriting though but who cares about the songwriter. Please do your own thing your own way, let's wait and see if Paul would share his returns on solo effort with Jude 50/50. Jude solely own Northside Ent. which i doubt any of his brothers benefit from. Please, ride on Mr. P. God bless you

Anonymous said...

Ewu, u can't thnik well, wot is biz if not to mak moni, nkita lacha gi Anya

Anonymous said...

#TEAM PETER# As for u Paul,u are a true definition of what Yorubas call "ALABOSI"...RIP JUDE"ASS" ISCARIOT!!!!!!! AGBAYA!!!!!! #GO PETER#

Anonymous said...

Its quite sad, cos Bros Jude is d only issue here but I swear like adults Jude should b able to settle them, its shameful reading this all d tired and I think others are too. Pls Jude if u read this kindly leave dis guys alone and get a life cos ure explioting them and causing disaffection that will affect generations......wise Jude

Unknown said...

chai and here i was blaming peter... fear quiet ppl like paul, they are slow poisons
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Guy, u need to go back to school to learn your tenses before coming out here to display your ignorance. I bet you have no idea what it takes to run a business because if you do, you won't be here talking about elder brother shit.

Mofokosobonla said...

You re a fucked up tribalist, your write up shows how ignorant and stupid you are

Anonymous said...

How could you reason like a goat!!

Unknown said...

What kind of stupid sarcasm is dat?

Unknown said...

Hmm one thing I ll say is dis b4 yall start drawing conclusions makke sure u've heard frm all three broters, cos u can't judge without hearing frm d others.i believe Paul n jude might have made some sacrifices for d group jst as peter has also done.i also thin peter has his own bad sides too which he didn't mention.i pray God see them thru all dez trials

Anonymous said...

All Mr P wanted was bigger share he has forgotten where they started from

Unknown said...

family and buisness should be like water and oil they shouldn't mix. And any business without structure is doomed to fail. Jude has used his love for money to drive "twins" apart from each other.. I think with the creativity I see in dance with Peter, Peter is bound to make it in this changing society ..

flexfelix said...

You are very stupid idiot

Unknown said...

Long story, this is blood and family, family should always try to resolve their differences and not take it public, once it goes public it's hard to resolve, I know your parents would be disappointed where ever they are. Jude is the eldest and should try to bring the siblings closer.

Anonymous said...

Bonita you must be senseless to say such, n to u Chinwe go back n read n maybe make use of ur lence this time. Beg him for distroying their peace n happiness? And to you Anon 9:55 may madness strike you wherever you are for saying that rubbish,maybe ur a frnd of jude.Dont tell me but God Almighty,if u were Peter u won't do sometin worst to them both? If u have no meaningful thing to say just shut ur mouth already. My role model pls keep on the good work n be prayerful in all that u do,i'm sure u'll soar higher in JESUS NAME.AMEN. And to you brother PAUL pls be wise,dont be afarid fool by Jude. Lindy sexy take note and happy palm Sunday to you n fellow blogers.

Anonymous said...

Dats harsh...

The bitter truth said...

Peter you say you have been around the world and have met artist....... yet you can't still learn one thing about does artists, the fact that they are always loyal to their small beginnings and to how they got to where they are. It's too bad that you started seeing your brother (jude) more as a manager and not your blood. It's not like he steals your money or endanger your career. SMH for you when said people ask you, are you the dancer or singer, you both have an identifier that doesn't mean you are not good in other parts. It's just ur identifier. Okay you want them to say...are you the dancer and the everything or the one who does nutting? Maybe your mind for sweet you better that way. I think you are just being selfish and the more richer you are becoming the more greed eats you up. Pray and tell God to remove the sprit of greed from you. Becos all dis your noise still falls down on money and Paul is about family, becos you are not thinking of the future of your elder brother if you walk away but Paul is.

Peter Jordan said...

Ok I saw what this problem is I only read just the first paragraph.
1) you can't forget family now that you are big. It was family that contributed to your success and your foundation. Business seats on things like trust, friendship, oneness of mind
2) the issue of decision making can become sentimental when childhood brothers are involved. The solution is to get a 4th person. A music director. The music director drafts and align the manager and the twins to precomposed and agreed policies and processes. The issue of "only their decision counts (paul and jude) will be fried once and for all"
3) breaking up is a good option but it should be a future vision for both Peter and Paul. I don't belong to the opinion that you will remain as p square for ever. The team must evolve into higher opportunity at the long's something you plan for in good faith. Follow this advice and Peter, Paul and jude. Will be just fine. Business and family can work well together pleassssssss

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

I enjoyed every bit of it mehn. Leave family out of business, that the conclusion I could draw from this.


Unknown said...

I believe you meant Peter

Unknown said...

Lol @ j guys want us go add u among our problems.
Cant stip laughing

Anonymous said...

Ode! sabi Dbanj?!! Is Don jazzy God?! Do u know how many endorsement he has? Abeg Paul and Peter should take several seats already..enuf said

Anonymous said...

Sharrap yhu al supporting Peter. Jux Becos of a man's one sided story ure taking sides wiv him immediately. Therez always 3 sides to every story, ma side, ur side n D TRUTH. Peter iz doin al diz to gain sympathy fr ppl n lable Paul n Jude az d bad ones, but definitely itz only tym dat wll tell. So u childish brat Com off it!

lummy said...

Shut up u anonymous, sumtyms I wonda if dis are actually human beings talking..

Unknown said...

Peter go back to your brothers, they needed you.

Anonymous said...

Bikonu umunnem izu kamma na nneji unu bikoro na ofu afo enweghi ihe obula nwannem ga emem ka mrapu ya biko nu onye emejoro gbaghara n keep up your good works u can change your manager but dont split psquare is a great name God has given u n I lknow your parents will be happy u did.

Anonymous said...

You are just an idiot. So cos lola is yoruba,she's a bad. Wife?Mind u abum onye igbo.Anuofia!Anumpama one million times!

deenity sealord said...

Mumu wettin u, d toddler nd evrybdy for ur house Don achieve for dis world wey u de insult peeps d@ av made der mark on d planet?

Anonymous said...

Seriously,n b4 now i felt peter was d one going solo first never knew it was lik dis n come to tink of it writing songs in naija dosnt take much stress dis days na d dance vedio pple love psquare for anyway i wish u guys luck in all u do andd if its abt signing upcomings thats nno probs we full street o.....HELP A LIFE ABEG

Anonymous said...

How could pple be so mean? Una go jus de jump n run mouth d wife d wife d wife na Crime to marry now bah? Pple full of lies sha

Anonymous said...

It's perfectly reasonable for Peter to ask that Jude get a smaller cut of their profits since they do all the work. That's how it is with most managers. They're never as rich as their artists because their commission is a smaller portion of their artists' salary. Jude sounds like a cutthroat manager who was robbing them blind with that equal share BS. He was taking major advantage as their brother manager. Peter opened his eyes and saw the light.

Unknown said...

Why reason like a cow na!

You mean jude can slap a married man with two kids!

Anonymous said...

@AnonymousMarch 20, 2016 at 9:55 AM
Shut up your gutter mouth and don't just write rubbish..oga I know all..why call Lola?
Premature brain

Unknown said...

Guy u know u should be thanking linda everyday of ur life for giving u a platform to air ur stupid opinion...if u don't have respect for ur parent u should for other people's parents,how do u think peter's son will fell if he reads dis ur comment 'dat peter should go and thrash his wife' are u stupid? Fool, listen to urself befor u speak.. go and tell ur father to thrash ur mother,onukwu, arrogant fool..i bet u u wont even have the nerve to speak to peter If u see him one on one..bcos ur able to subscribe ur phone gives u dey right to think u can talk to people anyhow u want to, and u don forget say them self them be human being..fool,

Unknown said...

Guy ur a big disappointment to ur entire generation..ur dey one who needs to learn manners, wat gives u the right to talk shit abt some1s wife and mother? Am nt surprise cos dis is how u talk to ur mother, u are a fool, everytin ever spent on u is a west..ndi husband material kwanu..

Anonymous said...

Made so much money off them? But he built them up. He invested in their talent. Peter wants him out and Paul wants him in. What they needed wad outgrow their childhood and family level and be business like. It was two against one.

Anonymous said...

Bonita be quiet...I guess you did not read the interview...If you did and actually spilled this then you showed the Immaturity here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oloshi. You are the one that lacks wisdom.tribalistic bigot.

Unknown said...

Okay. Good luck to you two or three. More Instagram followers for you

Anonymous said...

I appreciate d explanation a lot bcos when I came across these things on social media I was sad, nd wish it didn't happen. I appreciate someone coming out to explain all of ds, shows u value ur fans. Well, I wish u all the very best in ur careers though I'd prefer p-square gets bk. Good luck to y'all.

Anonymous said...

My brother you have said it all Peter is the one trouble person among them.

Anonymous said...

Well peter I pitty you a lot.i can understand the sufferness you might have gone through because I had the experience. If you mixed business with family it always ended up like this. And I really appreciate your maturity for stomach this for so is not really good for your health. It is better when you shared it now, , because you people are dealing with the puplic and they need to know what is going on. I thank God for your life and I wish you well.God will continue to guide and be with you.amen.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Bia Jude, I want to believe you invested in your brothers ambition to help them grow as any senior would and as I have painstakingly done for my 4 siblings. Your help is clearly a selfish driven not out of brotherly love, so clear out or accept a legal structure and a percentage as a manager. Stop using Paul's weakness to your advantage. Be smart, look for other artists and develop just as you did psquare. Umu ejima, nkwa go and get a new manager for psquare. Respect your senior Jude. Twins bond is unbreakable! Finally, as you have already shared your properties legally, I will not comment on that. Big hugs!

Unknown said...

Those calling Lol out are too myopic. Is Peter not a man, stop mocking Peter by insinuating he is brainless. Besides, great men have ears for their wives. Check???. Nonsense traditionalists thinking!

Anonymous said...

Wahala dey

Nozzy... said...

This is indeed very sad. Jude I blame u 4 all this wahala. It's a shame that u cannot act like an elder brother.I dnt care about the other side of d issues shld b settled within d family.U need a proper biz structure...that's common sense. Family or not,u need to b serious and structured in biz. Jude these boys made u....get that that into ur brain and do work as a big bro. U ain't no manager plssssss

Nozzy... said...

I thought the comments are normally screened b4 printing. This is way out of line. Be constructive with ur criticism plsss. This verbal abuse is not necessary. Taking a punch at sm1's wife is way below d belt.

Nozzy... said...

Well said!!!!

Nozzy... said...

Good job!!!!! Well said.

Anonymous said...

First time am reading a long article...quite interesting... from what Peter is saying with all evidence calling names too that means his right... Paul u tink u can do it alone ? Try it !!!! As for jude ur just a big for nothing selfish brother.. wonder what ur own side of story will be and truth... Paul forming holy weje u just brought down ursef by deleting ur apology.. u want persn go heaven for u.. Thank God u said in d song dat is u and Jude (children) dey misbehave .. I don happen...I no blame u . If u were a conk twin brother u will side Peter and fight for each other... u will tell us u wrote all the song ngwanu go to ezinifite and carry cup ... GerrarA out here....

Anonymous said...

U sound like all those family members that are in d village jeaslousing dem . Ur pained not sure u read the whole tin.. EwU get a life na ur type woman dey beat for house

Anonymous said...

Ur comment are too harsh ur a released ape from the hell u tink it's a joking matter.. u dint even read all and ur commenting

Anonymous said...

They started as two brothers not three!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Na only 3 of Una waka come ba? Chop alone; Die alone bo.

Anonymous said...

You sound like Rotimi Ameachi. Ie *speaking with some little level of madness*

Anonymous said...

Truth is I sensed it day I watched them perform... Paul just wanting to dominate... Paul should know that the energy is Peters.... Let him go on stage and perform "personally" alone na. .

Unknown said...

Do me, I do u, noted

Unknown said...

You see, I know you dis Paul of a guy alway like to show up, I never liked the him 4 a resinen at all, Mr Peter and d load is ur strength oo.

Unknown said...

Njideka nwabueze gt lost if u dnt hv a bettr tin 2say, dumbass...

Unknown said...

Why is peter all about selling his property, getting his own share ,,,,,,sounds like what his wife Lola told him to do.....Sad Sad Sad......So she can have access to the money.

Ameenah said...

The split on the professional level needs to happen. It's probably for the best... money, business and family are a hard mix to balance especially when issues crop up, because feelings get involved. Hopefully on the personal level, they will all get over it eventually and continue to support each other. The business part of it, for now though, should just be kaput,because things can get uglier than they are at present with all the feelings, accusations and issues involved and that will make it harder for them on the personal side of things. For the sake of their family unit as a whole, everyone involved should just do what will bring them contentment.

Anonymous said...

See Cow, Jude Never Sold Anything.. It Was Timbuk 2 Owned By Howie T, That Invested In Psqaure....They Even Sang It I'm Their Song!!! The Year 2002 Timbuk 2 Came To Our Rescue

GCL - Customized Bridal Robes - 08106156009 said...

This is heartbreaking... He has endured for too long if what he is saying is the whole truth... At this stage, if Psquare must continue, Divine Intervention is needed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous or whatever you called yourself you are a big fool. Did he mingle words in his interview can't you see here the problem here Mr. Jude is does know how to sing? Dear Mr. Jude you are the father now, however you the money has made you abandoned your responsibility, money is nothing family is important in all things that you want to sacrifice on alter of ego and seniority. Blood is sticker than water take it or leave it. Without Peter there is no psquare that is the bitter truth.

chyco said...

Peter, u hv alwz bin my favourite of d am gonna give you a good tip,coz clearly it's two against one,Alwz hard 2 beat. (1) I appreciate letting your feelings out on an interview bt it shows weakness and weakness alwz loose.(2)like it or not, your nt d one holding down d group so ur opinions does hardly counts to dem.(3) do ur shit, act like I dnt give d fuck coz dats d only way to success if I wnt to beat dem. Mind games, love broda frm anoda mother.

Okezie Fortune said...

i read everything all through, well from all said here, peter is right, paul is being pushed around. its better that way cause your an elder bro doesnt mean you should be bossing me around, paul asked for break up cause he does most of the writings and is siding with jude. i wuldnt want to say much though cos at the end you guys are brothers. peter i think you should scout for talented artists to boost your side, i like everything you said, i sense truth in all. i dey available for audition incase.

Anonymous said...

Is nobody's nobody's fault yet you say Jude failed to be the elder brother.its his fault for failing to be the big Bro when it was needed

Anonymous said...

Is nobody's nobody's fault yet you say Jude failed to be the elder brother.its his fault for failing to be the big Bro when it was needed

paul , peter, jude said...

i shame for Paul. you cant stand by ur twin? see Jude o, father of all nation. cos you sold off your property to help ur younger brothers them must feed you till you die abi? its gud peter left. make we see who go shine pass. shameless brothers.
note: pls lets not mix family and business.

Vela said...

was able to read all. its two against one person. if at all all he said is true, jude is a bad influence to paul and he is tearing them apart. I pray they come back some day. wish them all the best.

DeeD25 said...

Okay I read everything.. And my conclusion is this, from Jude's actions even on social media, I am sure he is the problem! He has cashed in on the talent and success of his brothers like it was his birth right.. because family comes first, Peter eat with it, in reality it's not supposed to be so. At the end of the day, it's not good to involve family in business especially when they are not on the same level (bringing something equally to the business) Peter and Paul is Psquare, they both sing and dance, Jude is not Psquare, he just happened to be their manager, they are not on the same level.. Jude has to be ashamed of himself.. Paul and Jude staying silent makes them guilty! they need to speak up.. Anyway, I don't see why Peter will tell a bunch of lies..

Anonymous said...

These old men are so infantile, it is a surprise that they're successful. Their real problem is egomania. But if you dig deep, you'll discover that they cannot overcome their deep-seated ignorance and superstition. Old men like these could easily ruin a good thing they have going, by the sheer power of their stupidity. Maybe they should take advantage of this split and get an education. They can't even communicate in a simple language; whether in Pidgin of English. These men sound really immature and primitive

empress ojukwu said...

I had a dream where Psquare made up$I sense complex with Jude. But Peter is well. No mind them all will be well.

Anonymous said...

Jude pls if u re reading this kindly sort out the problem among ur brothers,haba this is too much,I know Paul too will have a lot to say but as twins pls for heaven sake come back together

Mac Josh said...

You must be a fool to hv told peter this shit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you Peter...
You're indeed wise and clever than ur fucking Twin brother that's allowing Jude the devil to come between you guys.. It's just so annoying...

And this commenter Bonita or what ever her name is, is a fool... After the well detailed interview she's still saying trash...

thumbs up to you Peter...
And incase you need a song writer, am here for u... come get me...

Peace out... more grace to you..

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