Peter Okoye exposes a lot about the problems within Psquare in new interview | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 20 March 2016

Peter Okoye exposes a lot about the problems within Psquare in new interview

Peter and Paul Okoye seem to have settled their differences and resolved to sing together albeit with different managements. However Peter Okoye  had granted an exclusive interview to the NetNG  on Thursday March 17 about the genesis of the problems within Psquare, Jude Okoye and the feud in general. The interview took place at Peter's home in Lekki.  It is a very long interview but it's worth reading. Read below:

The issue was the fact that I was in Psquare and it felt like I was in fear. If I don’t do this, Psquare will break-up, if I don’t do that, Psquare will scatter.’Four years ago, I told Jude that he needs to step down as our manager, because I didn’t want to disrespect him as a brother, but this is business, we have to structure it. And Jude said to me that there’s a way I’ll talk to him, and he’ll slap me. So I kept quiet’. 
‘So, a few hours after, Paul came to me and said if I want Jude to step down it’s not a problem, but it’ll mean that he (Paul) will go solo. The the first time word got out about Psquare breaking up, a lot of people called us, senators, governors, and people like that. In fact three of us were once in a private jet to go and see someone who wanted to resolve our issues and we didn’t speak to each other all through the flight. At the end of the day, I swallowed my pride for peace to reign and allowed Jude to remain as our manager’.
I and Paul stay together in this estate and the last time I saw him was about a week ago.

Then the interviewer asks:
But you live in the same premises. Why is this so?
Peter sai:
Truth is, I’ve not been in talking terms with Paul since December 2015 and that was why I travelled in January because I had a lot on my mind.
Something happened at Mavin Studios last year that broke my heart.
In regards to collabos with other artistes he said:
Now listen to this, Psquare featured on songs with J-Martins, Bracket, LKT, 9ice and these 4 songs were done by Paul alone, but guess what, did I appear in the videos, YES’.
‘Now hear this, we have other collabos with Kaha, Darey, Ruggedman. I did these songs alone. How come they don’t have videos? Paul refused to appear in the videos’.
‘So I told Paul that when next he does collabo alone, he should be in the video alone, because it got a point where artistes began to feel if they do a collabo with Paul it gets a video but if it’s me it doesn’t get a video.
The last collabo we did was with Flavour and I refused to do another one. Even Flavour had to speak all the Igbo he knows to convince me before I agreed to do it. Only for my brother to come and tell me that ‘shey I thought you said you won’t appear in any video that I did the collabo alone? Why did you appear on this one?’. I was sad but I knew another one will come’.
So Tiwa Savage called me, apparently Paul had gone to do a song with her, not the campaign song they are promoting now, another Psquare collabo entirely. So she called me that she’s been trying to reach Paul to get the CD of the song from him that he’s already done his part, so I went to Paul’s house to help ask for it and tell him that I want to go to their studio to do my verse and he said he doesn’t know where the CD is’.
‘I went to the Mavin studio to meet Tiwa, when I got there, she asked for the CD and I told her Paul didn’t give me any CD, so I called him again and gave the phone to Tiwa and told her on phone that the CD is at Omole, so I got into the studio recorded my verse and when I finished, everybody was clapping. I was surprised only to realize that Paul had gone to tell them that I don’t sing or write songs’.
‘I felt really bad and betrayed, but I covered up for him. I jokingly asked Teebillz if they gave him Red Label and he said yes, so I was like you guys caused it, and we laughed over it. So when my assistant went to pick up the CD, Paul and Jude started shouting at him to tell Peter that what is he doing at the Mavin studio? He knows how we work. The next day, I went to Paul and told him how I felt when I heard what he said. Only for Jude to say that he made Paul the lead singer of Psquare 8 years ago! A leader leads, he doesn’t destroy.'
‘When it comes to decision-making, it has always been a Triangle formation, and the highest vote wins. I never used to complain because we were all okay, but what has changed now is the fact that we’ve grown. You can make a certain decision based on how we used to do it and it may affect everyone as an individual, but it gets to a point when the decisions taken never gets to be my own and I began to wonder if anything is wrong’.

‘I always get Ideas, most of Psquare ideas come from me, and when I say Idea, I mean materials we need to put out for people to see, video, stage performances and all. But when I come up with them, nobody wants to accept it. I didn’t complain because people still love what we do, but then again, there wasn’t much competition in the industry back then’.
As time goes, we should get better, it shouldn’t be same triangle deciding, because if we continue that same way, we’ll lose it. All I want is a proper structure in the sense that, we need to have proper management, business managers and all’.
‘As I speak to you right now, we don’t have any office, no structure. When this issue started about five years ago, our lawyer told us the way we run our business is wrong without a structure’.
‘I’ll give you an instance’.
We had to go perform somewhere once, and because I had a slight argument with Paul, he said he’s not going. The show was the wedding of the President’s daughter, because some times when we perform for some certain people, they always talk to me, they don’t call Jude’.
‘I didn’t even know until we got to the airport and at the end of the day we missed the reception, but we finally performed at the gala night, because when I got to the airport my brother wasn’t there, and I became confused on how I was going to explain to the President that we can’t perform?
So I made up my mind to go with the band, perform like that and lie that my brother was sick. So we left for Abuja and when we got to the hotel dressing up my assistant manager called that he was on the way to the airport with Paul, so we had to wait for them to land in Abuja and that was why we couldn’t make it on time to the reception’.
‘The president was mad. In fact Mama Peace (Patience Jonathan) was really mad. But we eventually made up for it with a performance at the Gala night.
Only for Jude to say Paul said he wasn’t going for a show and I still went on it with it’.
‘Imagine if Jude had a proper structure and we had contracts? That wouldn’t happen. And it was more because the show came through me. If the show came through Jude it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t have a problem with doing things as a family, but then the structure and proper organization is important too. The name Psquare is very big outside but inside we have no structure, I see people like Audu of Chocolate City, Mavin Records, even Ubi Franklin and I wanted us to have a structure like that. Psquare is just up there because of the grace of God.’
So I made up my mind to go with the band, perform like that and lie that my brother was sick. So we left for Abuja and when we got to the hotel dressing up my assistant manager called that he was on the way to the airport with Paul, so we had to wait for them to land in Abuja and that was why we couldn’t make it on time to the reception’.
‘The president was mad. In fact Mama Peace (Patience Jonathan) was really mad. But we eventually made up for it with a performance at the Gala night.
Only for Jude to say Paul said he wasn’t going for a show and I still went on it with’.
‘Imagine if Jude had a proper structure and we had contracts? That wouldn’t happen. And it was more because the show came through me. If the show came through Jude it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t have a problem with doing things as a family, but then the structure and proper organization is important too. The name Psquare is very big outside but inside we have no structure, I see people like Audu of Chocolate City, Mavin Records, even Ubi Franklin and I wanted us to have a structure like that. Psquare is just up there because of the grace of God.’
In response to being labeled a dancer he says:
 ‘It’s really sad that people have labeled me ‘Dancer’, and people don’t really know what I do for Psquare. Kudos to Paul, I’m not a good songwriter, in-fact I’ll rate myself 30%, so when it comes to song writing, I give it to Paul 100%.
‘However, not writing songs does not disqualify you from being a musician. I can tell you for free that a Nigerian wrote two of the songs on Rihanna’s new album. I’ve travelled a lot and most times people ask, ‘which one are you, the singer or the dancer’? And it’s really sad’. In Psquare, I am the creative person, I can sit-down and tell you what people want to hear, what they want to see and what they want to learn from Psquare. But it’s not something to brag about’.
Jude directs all our videos:
‘This whole thing began when Paul went online and started posting lyrics of most of our songs on Instagram that he wrote them all, just because Peter brought in something to the table’.
‘I’ve been trying to bring more business for Psquare I didn’t know it was going to cause problems. I sent my manager to a meeting in Senegal to meet with Universal music about getting us deals, and when he came back, the way they responded to him wasn’t encouraging’. 
 So I had to send Diouf, the footballer to help get the documents and convince my brothers before we could pull through with the deal. And after some months, we started making money. Meanwhile, while filling the forms, Jude filled everything as Psquare. So the first money came, we shared it. The second money was bigger, it came and we shared it too. That was when Paul said we had to re-fill the form and give proper credit to the songwriter (Himself) and if the form is not brought back, he’s going to expose me and tell the world that he writes all the songs’.

‘And the next day he went online to post those lyrics. So my question is, when he was doing that what did Jude do about it? Absolutely nothing!’
I remember I once told Paul something, when Jude was using the term ‘Our Money’ when he just became our manager, that was when we made our first 1 million. I called Paul and told him that our former manager used to make about 15%, now that Jude is our manager, let’s think of a percentage that we’ll be giving him and put it on paper’.
‘Paul was like, it’s not necessary. Probably, he went to tell Jude about it.
I’m sorry to say this, but I think Paul is weak’.You know they say change is constant, you can’t stay at one spot, as the industry moves, you move. So I won’t say the problem we have is money. I think everybody is just dragging power unnecessarily. Imagine Jude telling me that he’s in charge of Psquare and there’s nothing Peter and Paul can do about it, and I look at Paul he’s quiet about it’.

‘I’ve never seen where a manager talks to his artistes anyhow. If there’s any issue you should call us aside quietly to talk about it’.
 WHY I called Jude out on social media
First of all, if I as an artiste tells you to step down, and you say Paul and I cannot do anything, then there’s no other way I can take you out than going public’.
‘On December 14, 2015 we sat down to have a meeting hoping to be able to set a proper structure in place, but Paul noticed that it wasn’t working the way he wanted, so he said he wants to tell us that he’s starting a new group.
I thought he meant he wanted to start a record label, and he was like no, he’s starting a new group that he belongs to. And Jude simply said, ‘anybody stop you’? He picked up his phones and walked out of the meeting. I felt it had already been discussed behind me’.
‘I later found out that Paul is already recruiting the group and Jude is their manager. At the moment I heard they are called ‘The MVPs’ I don’t know what it means yet’.
‘So how do you expect me to be managed by the same person we’ve been having issues with, who is now the manager of the other group. There’ll surely be conflict of interest’.
‘And it actually happened two weeks ago’.
‘Jude called me, after I had said he’s fired. He called me on a Thursday to say ‘Hope you know we are going to the embassy tomorrow for that show in Holland’. I know about the show, it was already booked before the issues started, so I told him, ‘Bro you are not my manager, talk to my manager’. He said, ‘Noted’. And the next day, they went to the embassy with the new group members, which means they had already set up their interview at the embassy because it’s not possible to get an appointment in less than 24 hours’.
‘So I traced the organisers, and told them that Jude does not represent us, he represents only Paul. I told them this is what it takes to get Peter and Paul, Peter alone or Paul alone’.
‘So I went on social media to protect our careers, because if I didn’t do it, Psquare will not release any materials anytime soon, they’ll be busy promoting their artistes’.
And I remember going to talk to Paul about it before I went on social media, I went to his house he was in his room with his friend, and I was like can he excuse us, I want to talk to you and Paul said, no, his friend should stay, anything I want to say should be said in front of him. So I said, no, you know we are brothers and he was like, ‘oh, na now you know say we be brothers’.
So I said, I came to talk to him about what’s been happening, but it was turning into an argument so I left and I travelled out. I was away for over a month, knowing that we didn’t have any show at that time. I went to Turkey, London to rest my mind, my friend Samuel Eto’o invited me to come’.
‘The day I fired Jude was at a concert. It was the day I came back, we had a show, so I went straight to the venue in Lagos and told Jude I want to talk to him, and he said I should say anything I want to say in front of everyone. I was like that was the same attitude Paul gave me before I travelled’.
‘So Jude was like if I like I should get out, and I was like guy don’t embarrass me. He said who are you, because you think you are Psquare? So I told him openly that if he cannot resolve me and Paul’s issue, he doesn’t deserve to be our manager, and he said I should get out. There and then I told him ‘You are fired’! He looked at me and said, ‘You fit fire me’?’.
‘That was when I entered my car and started Tweeting. How else can you take him out?’
‘Long before I made up my mind, Paul already said there’s no more Psquare, If Jude leaves he goes with him’.And before I announced my management, I wanted my mind to be clear, so I went back to Paul, this time we were alone and we spoke a lot, I told him I had no issues with him, but he needs to stop letting Jude use him as a shield. Both of us started shedding tears, and when we finished he still said he hopes I’m not here to tell him that I still want Psquare and I told him I want to move on, because he already has a manager (Jude) and I don’t, so I had to structure myself too’.
‘And I didn’t want to allow the Psquare name to fade before moving on. Look at Don Jazzy and Dbanj, when they broke up, they waited for like 6 months and had to start again. Now, that Psquare just broke up, let me use the name to move on quickly, because there’s no time’.
‘Before I did the Olympic deal, I’ve brought some deals for Psquare but the people endorsing Psquare only see Peter and Paul, but behind it’s Peter, Paul and Jude so the price goes so high that it never works’.But when a deal comes to my table, it’s not like they called Jude and I went behind to talk to them, the deal came directly to me from Jude’s friend. He called me and told me about it, and before then I had already established my own beverage factory and the deal coming was from PZ, which means I could do more business with them, so should I lose that deal because they didn’t call Jude?’
‘And I asked them that why me and not Psquare, they said they couldn’t afford Psquare and more so the brand was tailored to fit one person. So I went back to tell Paul and Jude and they didn’t say anything, they didn’t ask me not to do it.
Don’t get it wrong, we’ve been doing different private businesses, the only difference was that the Olympic deal had to come out public. I’ve been doing mass housing projects on my own, Paul has been doing real estate, Jude has been doing his own thing, he even went to do Northside record label, so it’s not like it’s the first thing I’m doing alone. It’s just the first one that went public’.
‘So even when I decide to open my beverage factory, people will still say why am I doing it alone without my brother’.

The twins with their mum 
‘I hear lot of people think it’s all a stunt, and that’s what I really want to put an end to. It’s not a stunt at all. It has been going on for a while’.
‘When Jude didn’t come to my wedding, people started saying we broke up and then others said it’s a stunt, then when Paul posted those lyrics stuff on Instagram people thought it was a stunt too, but the truth is that, this is not and has never been a publicity stunt’.
‘I am telling you the truth, I am moving on because people are already getting tired of this Psquare brouhaha, now I have my manager Olatunde Michaels and I expect everybody to respect that. I am a family man, a musician, singer and dancer, if I don’t move on, Psquare will collapse and there’ll be nothing left’.
‘Already Paul has done two songs without me but no one is saying anything, he did a song with his artiste ‘Muno’ with his name as Rudeboy did they feature me? He did a song with Tiwa Savage, did they feature me?’
‘Last week Yemi Alade sent me her album track list to help her share on Instagram, guess what I saw, she had a song with Psquare that I didn’t even know about. Only Paul did it’.
The next level
‘Because I announced a new management, people feel am the one going solo, but Paul has already gone solo, he’s moved on and didn’t need to announce any new management because he still works with Jude, so I had to announce mine and believe it or not, people are booking me for gigs already’.
‘And guess what, I’ll still perform Psquare songs, nobody can stop me, nobody can stop Paul too, we didn’t have a contract with Jude, so I have the right to perform Psquare songs especially the ones I took part in’.
‘I’ll also consider releasing solo songs and even albums. Truth is – in the last album Paul did some songs alone, I did some songs alone. ‘Bring It On’ was Paul alone, ‘Eje Ajo’, ‘Shekini’ was done by me alone’.
‘Remember the 4 songs ‘Free For Fans’ that we released, those songs were removed from the last album and I leaked them’.
‘I have some songwriters already, V-Tek writes for me, and I’m still bringing up more’.
‘Because of what was happening, it was like two against one, so I said let’s share our properties. When I said that, Paul said if we want to share our properties, Jude must get the same share with us otherwise Psquare will split and I was like ‘SPLIT-AGAIN?’
‘Our lawyer came and told Paul that it’s wrong to share it equally with Jude, but he insisted, so we divided every property we owned in Lagos, Jos, America, Abuja. In-fact the right and left wing of the Square Ville mansion belongs to Paul and Jude now.
So that was how we shared all our properties equally among the three of us about two or three years ago’.
‘After sharing everything, I called Paul again and spoke to him about a proper structure. We’ve been with people like Akon and co and we see how it’s done. Right now, Psquare has millions of dollars in royalties hanging in the air’.
‘All our endorsement and shows are shared equally between the three of us as well’.
‘After what it took to share our properties, I was embarking on a project, so I needed more money and I wanted to sell my house in America and buy something smaller, because I spend close to $30,000 to maintain that condo every year’.
‘So I called my caretaker to begin the process and she told Jude and Paul to send their data page and passport photographs, but they refused because they know I wanted to the sell the house. And see the value of dollars now. The house was valued at 100M then, but if I sell it now, I could make extra 250M’.
‘And we already signed paper works and document of the house that it belongs to me but Jude ignored it, so I called our lawyer, Festus Keyamo to inform him about the development. He called them and they both refused to pick his call, so he sent them a text and requested that we should have a meeting, but Jude replied him and said no need for a meeting that the America house will be sold’.
‘Paul said we agreed and signed on how to share but we haven’t really shared it yet, after all Jude is still holding on to the documents’.
‘Three of us have properties close to each other in Parkview and that’s why I want to sell my own and move to Banana Island’.
‘I can’t really understand why they don’t want a structure, to me I think it’s ignorance, and if I decide to do it, it’ll seem like I’m looking for trouble’.
 ‘People think we changed when we started having wives. Before my mum died, she was at St Nicholas hospital on the island, and my sisters were living in this house (in Lekki), and every morning before my wife goes to work, she’ll leave home at 5am in the morning to go and stay with my mum even before we get there ourselves. And when she closes from work, she’s back with her again’.
‘So I just laugh when I hear people say my mum didn’t like my wife. It’s my wife and sister that prepare my mum’s meals in the kitchen’.
‘Now let me shock you: our wives, the three of them are the closest set of people you can imagine. Even with all that’s going on. It’s really surprising. Somehow, they respect themselves and stayed out of the whole drama and I respect them a lot. And that’s somehow what has kept us together for this long, otherwise Psquare would have ended like two or three years back’.
When I set up P-Classic records because people were saying Psquare haven’t helped anyone, I saw the success of Tiwa Savage and I was close to signing Cynthia Morgan and Simi. Ask them they’ll tell you’.
‘I remember Paul came to the studio and said he heard I’m signing Simi and Cynthia, I said ‘Yes’, and he was like ‘What will people see Jude as’, and I gave him example of Drake and Young Money, Cash money’.
‘Oscar (Producer of ‘Collabo’ ft. Don Jazzy) called to tell me that they can’t sign the deal, because he heard it’s causing problem in Psquare. Meanwhile Cynthia and Simi were both going through the contracts I gave them only for them to return it two days later that they can’t do it’.
‘Two weeks after, I was shocked to hear that Jude had signed Cynthia Morgan, and she knows deep down that she’s never going to get a Psquare collabo’.
‘The truth is I feel happy it has come, because I’ve been staying in Psquare in fear for the last four years. The situation now is, if you want Psquare to perform, you’ll have to get in touch with two management, I don’t care if you pay Paul’s management more than they pay me, once we are able to agree Psquare is still there’.
‘I just don’t want to have a management that feels he’s in control because he’s my elder brother’.
‘And because of the legacy that I want Psquare to be remembered for, that was why I went to talk to Paul the last time. I don’t want us to start doing beef songs, or we see at the clubs and we don’t greet each other, or ignore our kids and stuff like that. And even if Psquare breaks up, I still want us to have our relationship as brothers. If I’ve regretted anything in my life so far, I swear to God this is not one of them, I’m happy because I’ve been in pain for a long time’.
‘It’s good if we go and do stuff separately so that even IF we come back we’ll have respect for each other. I wish Paul the best and I wish Jude the best as well’. 


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Unknown said...

@Gold you must be a bitter person/ been hating on peter. after going through this you could only come up with this shit of Peter being the culprit. I don't think you've been in similar situation to conclude.

Anonymous said...

D brothers lack trust and respect for each other. And one party feels he has all d connections and can do it alone.By d time we hear the Genesis of d Psquare issues u may not know who to support. D should be careful cos in d future d war beat d are druming can consume d family.From dis moment I will treat there songs like way I treat any Kim story ie I jump n pass.

Unknown said...

Peter warned Paul not to discuss their issues in public and now Peter is telling d family story in public#yawn

Unknown said...

Long note #yawning

Richard said...

I love this guy morešŸšŖšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Unknown said...

Interesting!!!! Peter carry go.

Unknown said...

U are just as stupid as the other two brothers. Biz and family are entirely two different things. There shud at least be structure. These are adults with different families of theirs for goodness sake

tessycox said...

Wat a long sermon!!! Almost got my eyes off d socket I think dey should just do their things separately it's Nt gonna change who they are BT let deir relationship "siblings"nt die dis will b very disastrous.

Anonymous said...

Wow... with your explanation, if not for Paul. Jude will have been sent back to the village to Farm. Why do you want to eat alone? You are wicked. I hope you make it alone and eat alone in this your new venture. Paul you have been very self centred to Peter and Jude you are the senseless one that could not mend the error while you go the opportunity. Now I submit your case to the masses parliament for judgement.

Asampokoto said...

People like you are the problem.
Because they are family they shouldn't have a business's structure?
Like what are you saying? Why should Jude even get equal shares in everything? He's a manager and not an artist. Just stop

Anonymous said...

I just can't help but imagine if he had been able to sign Simi and Cynthia Morgan, what a record label that wud be. The the useless "egbon" sneaked behind him and signed Cynthia. They prolly talked Cynthia out of signing for Peter only to snatch her

Anonymous said...

All I got from this is they never separated family from Business. There was and has no Structure.
It is never too late to set the structure right.

Unknown said...

And am i expected to read all these crap? These boys should better grow up for once and stop acting silly!

Chidayra said...

@bonita islam you are such a fool. A typical example of what is wrong with that messed up Naija today. You and several fools on here commenting some things are better left unsaid. Biko ansa me like what? Nigerians and their cover it till it bursts and has no repair whatsoever syndrome. Why are we so fake in Nigeria. Why must we act like everything is all good and perfect yet we are dying on the inside. A psychologist will tell you letting it all out will save future havoc and it's true. If this is not addressed now like he did, they would have either ended up never speaking again or one of all 3 harming themselves. Thry are public figures. What is happening now affects their fan base so it has to be aired publicly. I don't see any of them smearing the wives or children in this. Its all the business aspect so its ok. But that worthless agbaya jude sha get am for body. Mr i hate Yorubas

Chidayra said...

@bonita islam you are such a fool. A typical example of what is wrong with that messed up Naija today. You and several fools on here commenting some things are better left unsaid. Biko ansa me like what? Nigerians and their cover it till it bursts and has no repair whatsoever syndrome. Why are we so fake in Nigeria. Why must we act like everything is all good and perfect yet we are dying on the inside. A psychologist will tell you letting it all out will save future havoc and it's true. If this is not addressed now like he did, they would have either ended up never speaking again or one of all 3 harming themselves. Thry are public figures. What is happening now affects their fan base so it has to be aired publicly. I don't see any of them smearing the wives or children in this. Its all the business aspect so its ok. But that worthless agbaya jude sha get am for body. Mr i hate Yorubas

presh said...

This is what happens when u bring fam into ur biz. Wish u da best Peter. May God c u thru. U ve sha tried ur best to make thingz ryt if what is written is d truth. Keep ur head up high Peter...don't fear. B strong. 4gv ur insecure siblings... na dem selves dey go bring down not u.

McJoe said...

Peter simply put his one person u cannot but admire. This interview just shed the light more into his personalty.He's the smartest of the trio. Nice bloke. I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

This is bad Jude is just the bigest problem here .his just the devil sent to split dis two lovely twin brothers .anyway Peter biko just go solo and let their be peace and respect.besides I luv the dancing part more than the songs.

gentle said...

Only thing I could garner from this interview is that Jude ruined p-square by always siding with Paul.

Anonymous said...

Jude is a disgrace. Paul needs to shut the fuck up. Weakling. See how u let ur elder destroy something so beautiful. Peter, I love you & may God bless you.

flexfelix said...

Peter just nailed it and he just gat my respect in Business there is no family the break up is good just like he said if they will come back together there will be respect for each other,as for Jude he did not act as a senior brother that he is if they say you should step aside as there manager leave them after all Usher fired his Mum,Beyonce did that too and there careeer dnt end there just putting a line between Family and business,we will now see if Peter is only good at Dancing.

Anonymous said...

Jude is using juju on Paul, so Paul will always be by him...Jude is the problem.

Unknown said...

that's what u should expect on a long run when family is mixed with biz,, even when it involves an extraordinary close friend.U ll always b in fear, cos u ll ve to hide some feelings most time.

gentle said...

The main reason they broke up was cos of jude. peter seems like the more strong minded person, possible encouraged by his wife. While Paul wants peace to reign, seeming weak in the process. Instead of their agbaya elder brother to leave them both alone to prevent trouble, he sat tight. Never mix business and family.

Anonymous said...

Peter I feel for you, but the truth is that your mum never liked lola, she bringing food for her in the hospital didn't change anything.

Anonymous said...

Mhen Peter I feel your pain been there done that I know where you are coming from May God strengthen you bro...As for Paul I feel he is just afraid doesn't want Jude to be left out and doesn't want to give him rules, you no dey bring seniority come business oh shey bi una dey pay is business comot seniority

Unknown said...

lets hear from Paul and Jude....before we make final deductions.....

Anonymous said...

Idiot can't u read?he's been sidelined from the onset y won't he den use I this,I that mtcheew some ppl don't just get it nd ur one of them

Anonymous said...

Well I know something you don't know Peter, tell your wife to tell Jude that whether he fights with you or not, he can never have Herr.. you are the best thing that happened to psquare. All will be better soon. Trust God.

Unknown said...

lets hear from Paul and Jude....before we make final deductions.....

dayo d1 said...

Peter appears to be more exposed and educated. With all the international connections they have,Pual and Jude did not see wisdom in having a proper structure for business.nah wah oo. Peter you have won me to your side but still try and maintain relationship as brothers.

Anonymous said...

please guys shld chill n try n settle tins I likeir idea peter its gud u cleared d air. let peace rain.

Unknown said...

Peter has always been d smartest one amongst the twin, Paul smokes and drinks too much hence has lost his coordination and reasoning as a person d@s y he keeps talking carelessly and making senseless decisions. Shame on U Paul, as 4 Jude u're jst a disgrace and excuse 4 an elder bro

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing this as crack, is just to clear the air

Anonymous said...

Seriously I believed Peter was a troublesome and woman rapper.reading this story gave me a new picture about him tho some things still match. Just wanna let u guys know every siblings have their fights even me and my younger ones but we still get past them. Meet once more to settle this #psquaremuststay

Anonymous said...

peter and Paul I beg you in the name of God that created you people as one don't allow anybody to come between you too, not even your elder brother. May God continue to guide and protect our twins.

Anonymous said...

#sharp... Paul is agbaiya

Anonymous said...

Ibo people. The three things destroying them one person at a time. Money, greed and pride but he really took a lot of bs from them just to stay relevant and make money. I truly wish them all well

Anonymous said...

Im sure u didn't read d interview properly, even a primary school pupil know he made everything clear with this interview.

WeALTHY ChIC said...

So this is all you have been going tru in the hands of your twin brother Paul and that bully of an elder brother called Jude? I almost wept reading this. It is well with you Peter. Jude is a selfish greedy nitwit and Paul is so evil. I pray psquare can resolve this issue but Jude must have to go first cos he's the greedy devil causing all this problem.

Unknown said...

Hahaha you are right...this cracked me up.

Anonymous said...

You are really on point! Bravo

Unknown said...

Interesting to read and this proves that business should be kept out of family

tee 23 said...

Seconded by me

Amuda said...

Peter i know. The other two jude and paul do what again? Peter is so charismatic so full of life and energetic. I dont typically see paul anyways. Peter is going to be more successful than the other 2 Now i see why that fool paul was asking people to go to heaven to tell his mom there is quanta. He and jude have done the irreparable to their brother. Peter carry go. We dey your back

tee 23 said...


Unknown said...

Yours is lucky peter,I have an elder brother thats like that too,He always bank on we d younger once,atleast your own good say he dey direct video,this one dont do nothing,but cuz he is an elder brother he wants to bank all our money and open eye for us,Till the day i tell am say Ojugomisi,And tear this bager better slap,beat am like small pikin,put gun for him head ,if he ever try to use seniority to opress Grown men,thats the end of his life,thats how i got free ooo,otherwise the guy bankrupt me straight,So my dear,Move on,Leave your twin alone,when he eye clear he go get sence,Na jazz he take hold dat one,cuz this elder once,sabi do jazz well well!

WeALTHY ChIC said...

Thunder fire u there. U don't need to love him. Stupid thing. For Ur info he granted this interview b4 he that yesterday post.

Anonymous said...

people kip saying y family over bizness. this bizness is their life, how do you tink they'be survived all to yrs. they have their own families now, how would they survive. so u tink jude and paul will support Peter financiallyk if he I broke an cater for him and his family evry month when they have theirs. Think people

Anonymous said...

Jude is taking the advantage of of unstructured business and benefiting tremendously from it. He will do anything possible to avoid and dissuade the business from being structured. Jude's strategy is to hide behind Paul, brainwash him to to secure majority support (since they are 3). Let's see how far this lies can travel before truth overtakes it.

WeALTHY ChIC said...

Thank you my dear. Jude knows he can't manage any other artist as great and talented like psquare and that's y he's using them. The man is an egocentric greedy fool. I keep disliking him the more.

Unknown said...

Long but worth it. From all these, I smell hatred. Only God knows why tho. But trying to manipulate one twin against the other is bad. So Jude get a life. Now I support breakup šŸ’Æ. Dats the best solution. So much haff spoil already

APPLE said...

Peter i read your interview till the end. Paul and Jude marginalized you. May God be with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm not begging u at all...I said it here before,PAUL IS AN HYPOCRITE!!! Peter,move on leave dem biko.Psquare is a combination of dance and music,I as a person fell in love with d dance.No one is perfect,Peter is very good at dancing dat doesn't mean Paul can't dance while Paul is good at singing and dat doesn't mean Peter can't sing.Jude is a thief with no shame,he should go back to primary school.Peter,be careful of Jude and Paul ooo abeg.May God bless u Peter!!!! And Paul stop pretending to be d victim here,stop shedding crocodile tears plssss!!!!!! U are d greatest pretender I've ever know & that's why Paul fine pass u even though una be twin.Peter u don try jare,u get good heart sef.SMH 4 Jude & Paul,I leave u both to God!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I really dnt knw wht to say,cos I dnt wnt to beliv all those things he said about Paul whom I so respect, bt it's seems he's really a Rudeboy as his name implies nd dats really bad,bt let me nt yet draw a conclusion, cos I haven't heard Pauls own side of the story nd as for Jude, I think he's the black sheep in dis situation,always using nd manipulatin Paul to his own advantage which is very bad of him as an elder bro nd manager who's suppose to build nd nt to destroy.
I knw u av tried for dem financially nd otherwise bt I think it's high time u move nd let the boys be,afterall u av gained even move than u av ever spent on dem,nd also considering the fact dat u av a record label nd an up coming artiste who needs ur emends professionalism even more than the already established Psquare,nd my little advice to you@Jude is to try nd unite ur brothers as an elder bro,since you can't unite dem as a manager.....


Anonymous said...

Which stupid voice Paul get ??? Na d dance me and my brothers like pass....Who be Paul????

Unknown said...

Peter you did the right thing, no partner or family in business! Go solo I will buy ur song and for jude go get a life old fool!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not begging u at all...I said it here before,PAUL IS AN HYPOCRITE!!! Peter,move on leave dem biko.Psquare is a combination of dance and music,I as a person fell in love with d dance.No one is perfect,Peter is very good at dancing dat doesn't mean Paul can't dance while Paul is good at singing and dat doesn't mean Peter can't sing.Jude is a thief with no shame,he should go back to primary school.Peter,be careful of Jude and Paul ooo abeg.May God bless u Peter!!!! And Paul stop pretending to be d victim here,stop shedding crocodile tears plssss!!!!!! U are d greatest pretender I've ever know & that's why Paul fine pass u even though una be twin.Peter u don try jare,u get good heart sef.SMH 4 Jude & Paul,I leave u both to God!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All in all, Peter is the wronged one. Not good the pompous way he went about firing Jude though but Jude sharing things equally with them shouldn't be so unless there was a written contract stating so. I respect Peter for standing up for himself. Peter is the proverbially bird that wants to be free from Jude's hold. Good that they have made up and Peter got his freedom.

Unknown said...

That Jude eye go soon clear. And as for Paul, I believe say na ur wife dey advice u. Cos I no know y u go take Jude d scorpion over ur twin brother

judith said...

Wen a business dose nt hv good structure this what u expect. As the outcome, if the story is indeed true, Paul need to grow up ones u let ur feeling for ur family into a business d business will be doomed, and for Jude, you are an ass. Both of them together made you who u are today, and both of them seprate will also reduce ur source of income. May God bless them all. And still hope they settle.

Anonymous said...

I'm not begging u at all...I said it here before,PAUL IS AN HYPOCRITE!!! Peter,move on leave dem biko.Psquare is a combination of dance and music,I as a person fell in love with d dance.No one is perfect,Peter is very good at dancing dat doesn't mean Paul can't dance while Paul is good at singing and dat doesn't mean Peter can't sing.Jude is a thief with no shame,he should go back to primary school.Peter,be careful of Jude and Paul ooo abeg.May God bless u Peter!!!! And Paul stop pretending to be d victim here,stop shedding crocodile tears plssss!!!!!! U are d greatest pretender I've ever know & that's why Paul fine pass u even though una be twin.Peter u don try jare,u get good heart sef.SMH 4 Jude & Paul,I leave u both to God!!!!!!!

uniquebeauty said...

Peter grow up man! Social media interview is bad. Seems to me u don't hv a forgiving spirit, cos ur flashback on past issues is bad

sally said...

God bless you for this comment Jude just used psquare fame n luck to make money for himself Oshi he's mean how can a brother watch his twin brothers breakup? He's made enough money off the poor twins n oh my gosh Paul should definitely grow a brain fast were was d eveil Jude when they started ? Why share every dime n property equally ? Jude is d devil I tell u n he will not rest in peace

Unknown said...

I knew the wives were innocent of everything, they should pray for their husbands tho

Unknown said...

Jude is a parasite period!.

Unknown said...

Jude no just try

Unknown said...

God help them the information is so deep

Element Obby said...

Its one lovely personality..the best too bro

mildy said...

I actually took my time to read everything and from my understanding, Peter is actually the weakest among them, a strong person should be able to sort out his problem directly with the people he has the problem with, and jumping to social media to tell the world. Again if you have a manager which is Jude: it is wrong for you to book a show outside the management. Secondly the instance you gave on asking your brother's friend to excuse you to speak with him makes no sense, since you're always quick to tell the world about your issues before or after trying to discuss it with them, it means you don't understand privacy. I don't care who writes or dances among the two of you wouldn't have known if you didnt mention it. I can categorically say the you are a control freak and wants to control everyone including your brothers, and If you continue like that even your new management won't last as well. Peter needs to get off his high horse and realise that his business and family should remain private and stop being petty. I hope in the course of trying to get better he doesn't destroy his career.

Unknown said...

Well smh,sipping wine and waiting Paul's version of the story...Nobody judge's by listening to only one half of a story

Unknown said...

I think peter made sense.. But then lets see what next.
Kinda sounds mature

Unknown said...

I read everything..word for word.. God bless u Peter.. You've always been my favourite.. Abs n brain.. Lolz

Anonymous said...

Nice one Peter please make psquare work again and u jude do something for ur self leave dis men alone let enjoy good music stay clear it's business # the jealous one@ jude#

doll (retired blogger) said...

Team Peter. Go with God

OSINANL said...

Their problems...
But am gonna miss psquare cos they were my best

Anonymous said...

No wonder he was sick! He had so much burden. I can relate to this. I wish them all the best. Life goes on. But I really loved them together šŸ˜‚šŸ’”

Unknown said...

JUDE u are very daft for seprtaing these talented twins, bydway wt r u managing? Unwound v left wn d ovation was loudest bt u chose to be greedy and share things equally with them I only knw peter n Paul I dnt knw any JUDE y r just a sad soul, u left a month ago wn u successfully separated them, paul and that his ugly face grow up there is family and there is buisness, Christina Milan sacked her own mother, Beyonce sacked her dad as well r there music not selling? Continue wit n ur brother brother ways, Peter God will see u through.

Anonymous said...

Peter i think your brothers dont like the way you are moving things fast.
even people respect u guys for not being in part of politics maybe that was
the reasons paul refused to go with u for president daughter wedding,,
i think you are the problem here cos i dont like the people that talk too much.
people who talk much always having a sweet mouth to defend there self..
,,music needs slow and steady and not fast fast...

or becos u are a dancer that is ur reason for moving so fast cos of the old age?????

Unknown said...

I feel sincerity in this post and I really feel for Peter cos he was perceived as the bad one. May God fix this issue for them. Jude is the greedy one and confirm agbaya Peter, I love you and I respect you more may God bless you always and keep you on the right track.

Unknown said...

Merited happiness
... Absolutely true!

Unknown said...

He recently said the brother should not be talking about them in the media yet he is always in the media saying one thing or the other.

How to make sure you are the only man she is fucking

Jude Akinwole said...

Omo, the story long no be small! Not happy about the whole ish, but I guess what's gonna be, gonna be! Lesson learnt: Keep Family out of Business! And if you must involve Family, then there MUST be a binding contract! Everyone go just respect themselves jeje!

SolQros said...

Sometimes..i just wonder if we humans have brains...this interview is a revealing one...if not the truth...part of it...some ppl can just be senseless and annoying...if u guys don't care about the story...why comment?...can't u just pass by?...paul..if this is d story..ur Bros did not try at all...and to those judging his decision to let all this out....put urself in his shoes....and if someone is narrating an will one qualify himself than to say I...humans sha!

emmanuel unwana said...

Lets hear the both sise befor we start nƩgative an possitve comment abeg.

Unknown said...

It's better like dis for I know Paul and Jude will fallout someday soon

Anonymous said...

No Bonita, the Shame is judes. It's high time peter laid it all down. When Paul was sniffing like an ass on his call heaven song, we all went on a peter bashing spree. By the way, nice one Paul, you must have made a lot from that stunt. Lots of downloads!.

I put the blame on all their shoulders but as Africans, I put more on Judes shoulders. I'm sure Paul will also have his side of the story and Jude also. That's how life is. There are always several sides to a story depending on who is telling the story. God knows the truth .

We all bashed Lola (shame on us especially the women) . We are always so quick to blame a wife when the husband does wrong. I'm glad the wives chose to stay out of it though they cant really do so as the actions of their husbands will obviously affect their relationship and that of their kids.

Mangers all over the world take a percentage of earnings. Be it musicians, footballers, actors, models etc. I have never heard of equal rights o!!


Unknown said...

Jude should leave them alone.....

Anonymous said...

Some hidden things have not been revealed

Anonymous said...

Yes he doesn't because every ones sees Peter as the evil one and he knows he is gaining more ground.paul I never liked you.what you did to your other child shows how self centred you surely do not have a mind of your own.No one is perfect.the very day you going to finally have your first fight with Jude will be the beginning of your greatest down good business works without a proper structure.You need to go back to school.if you can not be master of your own decisions then you are a bloody joker.
Peter nothing comes easy,so it's a gradually just need to prove to the world you are not another dbanj.set your priorities right and your name will be the greatest.

Anonymous said...

Peter abeg e do. Leave social media alone . before warrior people still dey go war. Ie before social media we have been surviving. Respect yourself.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can see here is pride. You feel that u and Paul are the psquare bt nt Jude. But Paul wants Jude in because he so believes in blood. This is why they started sidelinning u. Peter the truth is, u made this fame and money together as a family. You compare urself to Ubi and Jazzy where by individually the three of u are still bigger than them. Let me tell u the truth. With the way u are going u will go broke soon. I knw Jude might help u oo, bt eeh that ur bro Paul get stone mind oo. Respect urself and know that family is all that u hv got.

Now that it is obvious to us that we are nt expecting any album from psquare. You can go and put ur structures together and do all the biz as u want. Just be careful nt to turn dbanj2. Making good music and hustling are two different things.

Paul I knw u believe in blood a lot bt u are also proud and too stubborn for my liking. I knw why u do all of these is because u respect ur bro Jude a lot and u dont want Peter to sideline him.

Jude go and thank your God that u have a bro like Paul. If not eeh Peter would hv dealt with u. Jude I knw u hate Peter and feel he is being deceived all because of the choice of his wife. However I have to tell u that eventhough u are his elder brother, u hv to respect him a lot.

Finally, Peter I hv to tell u that the problem u are having in the group is that u refused to see Jude as part of psquare. Bro dont be greedy and over ambitious . It will lead to ur down fall. Also I dont understand this part u are talking of selling this and that. Dont go and squander ur money oo, all in the name of bizness.

Anonymous said...

So sad but maybe separation is the best for the group. Jude did not play the role of an elder brother. He was greedy and totally dependent on the twins.He had better get a life and reconcile the twins.what of other family members? High time! My heart is broken right now and I feel real bad!

Unknown said...

Mehn if this is actually wah went down mehn...dt means jude is the one causing all this shit...u are their elder bros we grab....buh this is business jor!!

Unknown said...

wow...wat I see is,wisdom is absent exactly where it should be.The saying "family and business should be parallel"is not just wise,it is a "LAW"

Anonymous said...

Jude is a big problem I've always said it. They don't want u as manager. U don't have signed documents so why impose your self on your younger brothers fortune. Na wa o.old papa wey no de respect himself smh

Unknown said...

U guys shud stop jumping in2 conclusion here...Peter got a point

Unknown said...

He might actually be one being humiliated here...buh bcos he use 2 act head strong everybody wil fnk he is the one causing trouble

Anonymous said...

That is and family don't mix.Just avoid mixing the two as much as you possibly can.

Anonymous said...

You are very stupid for this comment.

Anonymous said...

You're a bastardised idiot, very silly and dumb comment

Anonymous said...

Jude should act as the father and elder brother to Peter and Paul,not to be a money man on your brothers.

Anonymous said...

So you cant feel somebody again without sayin *no homo?lool

Anonymous said...

Agent of devil, na u follow kill the mamma. Madafucker

Anonymous said...

I hope the people that are always quick to scream that one tribe is bad and they should all be killed are seeing how divided just3 brothers are, how much more tribes and nation. FEAR GOD AND STOP DIVIDING THIS NATION FURTHER!

Anonymous said...

Tell me something, you claim he loves Money. Se u don't like money or its stone he should like. Talk with sense, first read and disgest. Then reason well before dropping comments.

Anonymous said...

Use your head mate, read and reason well before commenting. You're just chatting shit

Rauzmeiri said...

The whole problem with the Okoye men is the fact that elder Bro Jude is not seeing them as partners but as ELDER bro with his KID siblings. This may have worked over the years but my dear Jude, these boys are grown men now so you as their senior needs to handle them and the business with maturity. Unfortunately, you haven't been able to do this and look where that is taking you all.

I am sad because you 3 need each other. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Jude is a greedy man very greedy if your twin brothers don't want you then don't try to break them up. Paul you are not smart because Jude is loosing his job he wants to make sure he distroyed what God has made and destined for you and peter. Paul open your eyes and follow your twin,I hope Jude did not do any vudu to paul sha because people like jude are too tribalistic and desperate. I knew this day would come and jude will be the problem,but jude remember you can never break a twin and no forget say God pass you

chyyy said...

Fuck Psquare if they like let them come together. After all they ll not rain together let them gv chance to younger ones to shine if they are tied of music. Nonsense

Anonymous said...

Paul has had a filthy character right from uni days. It's a shame he's allowing it spread like virus into his blood stream and his family. Gosh,, I never knew he was also ignorant. Damn!!!

Anonymous said...

So touching, now I understand better, what a senior broda please peter do your thing. God is with you and he will show Paul the way

Anonymous said...

Hmmmn... well spoken...all d best in your endeavors. As for the other brothers, won't time tell? It always does

Unknown said...

Peter my good brother! Hmmmmm that's life for u, in short it's great lesson for all, but I think JUDE is fair at handling u both,from d lol of things he's been one sided, I pray d lord continue to seeing u through ur future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Peter u are d best anyday,anytime!!!! Release any album today,I go buy am if I no get money,I go borrow.Even if d song no sweet,I go dey listen to am every morning and throughout d day.What I'm waiting for now is for Paul to start sharing his money with the stupid old FOOL JUDE!!!!!!!!

flam said...

Luscious Lyon and Jamal lyon. Cookie lyon and Hakeem Lyon.

Anonymous said...

Beg for what, is jude God. He said he will slap Peter, he wants to slap a grown man, a family man at that. What insolence and disrespect. Even jay z and beyonce wey be renounced and popular artists and also husband and wife get contract and structure.

Rekia's Love Hub said...

Both as an elder brother n a manager... jude is an ass... for failing to know that family trumps all... U begin take sides.. Lord help paul... Cos if peter leaves... Paul go know himself..

Unknown said...

Smilin.....pls dis family problem, dnt rilly wanna get involvd. Smilin....

Anonymous said...

Oooo, such a touching story!! I was actually against peter b4, now I have an idea of d whl gist. Idea bcos, I kw paul has his own side of d story,same with dat big for nothn jude. Jude they dnt want u again, go look for somethng else. See me see wahala.. really happy Lola's name has been cleared. Luvv the way d wives played. Didnt hear anythn abt any of them. Thumbs up ladies. Pls u ladies shld bring them together again, but Jude shld not be there manager ever again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Such ignorance šŸ˜³šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼

Anonymous said...

That's the best thing to do brother, jude na were man

linaluv said...

I tire ooo, over Sabi pple. Peter need to clear him self, I always think his d one who just want to go solo don't know his been suffering for years

lili p said...

Thank u of for this comment, Peter is so foolish, what befell dbang is waiting fro him in

Unknown said...

wow,am very disappointed with Paul's attitude.Jude is a disgrace to himself..Now all that PETER did now makes sense..feel his pains..its awful when a person is treated like nothing..

Unknown said...

wow,am very disappointed with Paul's attitude.Jude is a disgrace to himself..Now all that PETER did now makes sense..feel his pains..its awful when a person is treated like nothing..

Anonymous said...

I av observed over the yrs that the quiet twin is the one to fear. Not once not twice. That is why I have not once blamed peter when this psquire problem started. But the award of biggest shame go to Jude. Right from the day he dint go for Peters weeding cos of Lola. Big shame on u bro cos u can't keep ur brothers together rather u now team up with one against the other. As for Paul , just know that not everyone will buy your quiet sentiment. Wish u all d best.
Peter pls be strong. And am glad that u said u are happy now cos that's the starting point for greatness
Just one request I want from you. Pls let simi be in ur team. She is very pretty and very very very talented. I know u both will do great music together.

Known anonymous

lili p said...

Oh shut uo mummy Leo or lizard, and poor chick, what re u 2 saying, don't worry Peter nor go see una face not to talk of sleeping with u 2, Peter is evil, shekina

Unknown said...

Peter! Peter!
From everything you wrote, you painted yourself like a saint and made jude and Paul the troublemakers.
I can't fall for this your Mr. Perfect write up.
You're even a hypocrite, I remember you saying Paul shouldn't bring your family matter public and you're doing worse.
All I see is Paul this, jude that.
Saint nwegebe!

Omo Lekia said...

Did you read the piece at all? Or did someone pay u fir this comment??
This interview confirms what some of us had auspected for a while. I sympathize with all of them but much more with Peter.
If the RUDEBIY, Paul had done as much as Peter has done to keep the relationship, they likely would be together today.
For Jude, I think he's a Sucker!!
Greatest respect goes to their wives who are battling hard to save this family. I salute then!!!

lili p said...

Gold oh u re too much, gbam u hit the nail on the head

Omo Lekia said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Huuu,too long buy I enjoy reading thru to d end,all I have to say is Jude pls reunited ur twins brothers 2gether as Psquare,leave them to do their music together wt another management,while look for something else manage.but which ever way,I wish u guys all d best

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Huuu,too long buy I enjoy reading thru to d end,all I have to say is Jude pls reunited ur twins brothers 2gether as Psquare,leave them to do their music together wt another management,while look for something else manage.but which ever way,I wish u guys all d best

Anonymous said...

It is quite obvious that Psquare grew bigger that Jude Okoye to handle. That is business for you. In such situation more hands are needed for proper management like Peter wisely said. Put Family aside,many companies that are big today in the world started like a family thing but today they have so many managers and share holders around the world. Jude pls think outside the box. The name Psquare is soo large to go like that. I believe in equal rights, views and opinions.Jude pls call your brother Peter and listen to what he has for Psquare.Let the sleeping dog lie. Blood is thicker than water.Don't let family issues kill the Treasure made in Heaven.

Folasade said...

IRead patiently bc of the love l have for this duo but l tell you Jude is the most useless person and he's the cause of this drama,Jude has no contribution to their success.who can't manage?kris kardashian manage each of her girl at a point in their live and we didn't hear she goes to sch to study that.Jude suppose do better for his younger brothers that goes out to hustle for him to survive,shame on him for not been able to unite them.well l wish them good luck expecially Peter

Bee said...

AV been telling my hubby all dese while dat Jude Is the devil...I knew it from d start... God be wit u is well

Unknown said...

It's obvious Jude's decisions were favouring only paul, that explains the reason paul wanted jude as manager and decided to play the love for family bla bla bla card. is jude the only sibling they've got? Jude failed to be the bigger brother when he decided not to attend peter's wedding. Wishing you all the best bro.

Anonymous said...

U are not okay at all. Have never blamed these twins for one day.Jude is just their problem. Waiting to read Paul's own side of the story!

Therealdoroboss said...

Both pride and greed are moral failings to avoid. Individuals, businesses and even nations may be trapped by pride into reckless behaviors and by greed into catastrophic overreaching. The ancient wisdom that calls us to avoid these attitudes is still true. Sometimes we are unaware of how pride and greed have captured our psyche. This is the pain and discomfort that has now become the lot of Psquare.Brothers ripping themselves apart because of pride, greed and ego....SHAME! Whatever decision or decisions Jude, Peter and Paul chose to take, they should remember that posterity will be their final judge .

Unknown said...

I really feel for this dude this is a guy who truly understand life.he felt Jude Is using Paul against him which is true . I so respect the love for his brother even though e knew they will b going separate way yet he want to see his brother as his twin.Jude should av just use the highest level of maturity to talk to him,if there's anybody in the world who knows him berra then it's Jude cos no one can understand u berra more than ur fam.Blood is thicker than water as they say buh this guys ain't coming bck together I swear... I understand his pain wen u feel betray by ur own blood ...I wish u guys well .

Unknown said...

......for business.

Tilda said...

As in eh!!! The guy is greedy. They allowed it to continue especially with Pauls support.Hes a manager. The family part should be secondary.

Anonymous said...

U hate him. Chai! How much do u are u worth? U think he cares about ur hate. Abegi keep it to urself biko. U hate him. Keep hating. He can buy the hatred off ur heart. Be hating o.

Anonymous said...

What did he post yesterday on instagram advising his brother Paul not to talk about family problem to the public and what did he do? Sing like a canary. I don't like people that talk from both sides of their mouth. Peter grow up. If you think it's time to go solo, quietly do it and stop being an ass. Michael Jackson went solo, it didn't cause world war to the family. Don't allow stupidity to enstrange you from your family. Stop feeding the public with your family's dirty linen. If an outsider comes for your family what will you do when you yourself is tearing them this bad. Family got each other's back, that's a code.

Anonymous said...

Na wao Jamila shaibu be your name true true.

clinton chigozie said...

U are right......he lack it

Anonymous said...

Those that think are cool are the one with mean plan. Trust me. U will never know their next move.

clinton chigozie said...

U are right

Uc Gist said...

Peter's own side of the story, probably Paul and Jude have their own syd, buh they should just resolve it.

Streetlighter's blogspot said...

And they Got to this level without a proper just like saying we wan change, and now we got it....thanks to buhari..

Unknown said...

Twins doing the same businesses always have this problem speaking from experience but a word of advice search your heart you know the truth if you re been deceive or not bcs having another manager wont solve the problem but making peace with your family is the best not the order way, note that in twins someone must always endures if you re the one that always endure go on and dont stop.

anon said...

There is no P without a square.

Peter you are one greedy man. I dont see anything wrong with psquare sharing proceeds equally with your brother. Have you not heard that "Family is everything"

Jude you are so conniving and domineering. You are the initiator of this dispute. You as the older person should be able to foster peace btw parties. And not take sides.

Paul, you are indeed weak and unstable.

Unknown said...

No mata what happens dnt nd neva reign curse n twins cos dey re 1 spirit,judge not dat u might not b judged, it's well with u "P-square".... kip praying for them

Streetlighter's blogspot said...

If they Got to where they are today without a proper structure, then I have every reason to say that an improper structure is the best structure..

Anonymous said...

Yea had to read the Long sermon too bit by bit. Am actually speechless. Really wished Peter and Paul could work things out. May the Lord grant you guys WISDOM. Much Love!!!

Unknown said...

To u Anita nd Ijeoma, I feel pity nd sorry for u both, my heaven hv mercy on u

Streetlighter's blogspot said...

Paul, listen to yourself, the structure you are trying to change got the whole family here....if it wasn't that good, it would have felled long time ago...retrace you root..

Anonymous said...

You are the biggest fool... Have you heard from Jude?

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Huuu,too long buy I enjoy reading thru to d end,all I have to say is Jude pls reunited ur twins brothers 2gether as Psquare,leave them to do their music together wt another management,while look for something else manage.but which ever way,I wish u guys all d best

nedy said...

Peter!am not going to judge you or your brothers.but note this, When you find another manager,there will always be problem. That is life. You need human management skills too. Even when you have big ideas,remember to practice inclusivity.

Am outspoken too. And I find myself often running groups am in. But if you keep calm and listen to others in a group,you will be amazed at the level of peace,and progressive ideas.

You have made some greedy comments. Your solo deals sound like a back stab. And placing ur elder bro on same level with other managers with respect to how much to collect is also wrong. If Jude is down with a terminal disease,will you be talking of money?

God gave you creativity,and dance moves.God gave Paul a good voice and left Jude voiceless...all for a reason.

I love individuality. You people can go solo,but your school of thought and attitude is wrong. Remember that when Jude started to manage you body would have invested their time and effort like he did.we know you people from way back. Jude got your back then so tightly.

Am the last out of 6kids and its can be annoying what my siblings do sometimes. But i wont forget that I never lacked anything growing up cos of them.sacrifices they made,even *runs no fit keep me on that level in uni.i had hols abroad sef. So i cant trivialize all that now

Your elder ones will always feel entitled in your life. Even if you are president. Put this in prayer. If you make more cash from going solo and you loose ur brothers,that extra cash will be bitter pills.even ur wife wont fill that gap.hope wifey is not behind all this cos we know she and Jude been cat and dog.

Just go to God in prayer,Jude's pride needs God. Can you all see why I cant fault the kadashians especially momanager Keeping family together,someone must sacrifice. That is the only price for peace

Unknown said...

So you think his thoughts should rot in his mind? That guy has got to talk. JUDE Okoye is just a failed leader and manager. If he can not hold his own together he can not do shut with MVP. Peter and Paul should from other twins on how to be twin.

Anonymous said...

I swear at Anonymous u no get sense sha, Because his wife is Yoruba she is the cause of his problem and because Jude is his older brother he should treat him like trash, this is the reason why Africa is backward with all these our retarded thinking always. you need to settle and re think your life All these your rants wont make you half as rich as the Peter u r abusing. he will always still be better than you, he has already made a name for himself and that is what is going to take him places. be here commenting on linda like the guy gives a rat ass about you. Linda is the most fame u will ever get so just accept and free the guy. I swear I am pained with your low sense of thinking after u guys will blame Buhari and government for your problems when in fact you are your own problem. you disgust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaahhhhnn aaaaaaahnnnnnn!!!!!! It's JUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!! Where have u ever heard of artiste manager doing a 3way split with the artiste????????? Ooooooga!!!!!!! Na wa for you! If that group splits it's on your head! Why are you telling your own artiste..scratch that..your brother to talk when someone else is there????? Why are you sharing money from their endorsements equally oooogaaaa!!!!!! Why are you in possession of all their property documents?????? Are they children?????? I saw this coming from a mile away when they were building houses together and doing damn near everything together. These are grown men with families. That would NEVER work. They need their individual lives. And weak ass Paul isn't helping cos he refuses to see reason. I actually think one of Jude's problems with Peter is the fact that he is actually highly intelligent and very smart as a business man. Not only was firing Jude the right thing to was the only thing to do.

Anonymous said...

There is something wrong. Bloods/Twins don't fight like this, it's always them against the world not themselves. Something is wrong. Someone is trying to scatter your family

Anonymous said...

In today's has become more treacherous than outsiders. I would NEVER and I business with family. It makes no logical sense and only causes problems down the line. This is not a fucking fairy tale movie. The one wey Jude don chop don do. They call a group Psquare yet when they take pics the yam head will be in the middle and if the group is called Peter Paul and Jude. What nonsense.

Unknown said...

If what Mr.P is talking about Jude then believe me RudeBoy will soon leave him just dat he may not air it then but in any case peace be unto em both

sweetie said...

I feel for peter, jude is d devil in the family. Paul wise up and stop painting ur bro bad.

Unknown said...

2 sides to every story ... this time its 4 sides.... Paul and Peter own version, Jude's version and then God... why are Nigerians so sensitive about things like this ...people split everytime you guys ever heard of divorce ? Look this is business if one party feels it don't benefit him he has the right to bounce it don't matter if he is related to the other party .. it's life 20 guys can't be friends for life ... u guys are just blowing this situation out of proportion... we have better things to worry about in Nigeria than 2 grown ads bizness men who at the end of the day when they make their millions they don't give a damn about either one of us

Unknown said...

Business is one thing as family is another. They missed it from the beginning not separating the two. I had always had it against them for not signing other artists but I understand better now. Riding solo doesn't kill, do u, do your best.your talent can never be taken from. Wish them all the best.

SongsOfSUSSAN said...

I'm Short of words. Just do what you feel is best. Good luck.

Tony Tonero said...

I feel your pain Peter. You have released a heavy burden from your heart. If you are happy with being solo then so be it. And I love the fact that you still want to maintain the brotherly love that existed between you all. It is my prayer that God will guide you in your new journey. All the best.

Unknown said...

Are this guy's (psquare) are they kids? This is too much and jude the elderly one that should help out is even the one that needs God!

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly, because some1 sold all they have means they shud be entitled to equal share of the biz. U re really stupid.

Anonymous said...

Peter we feel your pain.Stop getting into people's comments and replying to make them support you. Everybody will not agree you. My point is that all of a sudden you realised that you should not be sharing your proceeds equally with Jude which I guess wasn't happening before your mom died and who's sure that sharing of proceeds won't still be a problem between you and Paul if Jude left you both alone? Because I can see that it's all about money. I hope nobody somewhere had just opened your eyes to realise how your brothers are cheating you, I don't know who, but make sure you're making the right decision. But in all, wish you all well in your life endeavours.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind Bonita. All her mind is that she is a blog celeb and her opinion matters a lot. Imagine the utterance from d bush rat? Bonita just please shut up and go have ur siesta.

Unknown said...

hmm this is a tough one,jude would function better as a consultant than a manager,pls elders in their family should make peace between the 3 brothers. Get a business manager for psquare and all parties sign a proper contract with strict terms and conditions. jude should move on while Psquare stay together.

Unknown said...

from their comment u would know them. Illiteracy is a big disease worrying you,pls get yourself treated ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Peter stop replying people, it's okay we hear you, suddenly you wanted to share assets, power of a woman. She will make you see that your brothers have been cheating you.

Wise son. said...

my friend, sharaaap there! Ibu aturu! Did u read his interview with ur phone upside down. Can't u jst keep ur dirty mouth shut if u have nothing reasonable to say?

Ewu gambia!

My bro Peter, it is well. U've obviously stomach a lot all these while. U got our support 100%! Can u imagine, so na u even sing EJE-AJO my best track in ur DOUBLE TROUBLE album. And all these while, Paul has continuously made us believe that he sings d songs. I knew it would come to this d moment i saw Paul telling d whole world on his IG page that he wrote d best songs of psquare. That was a terrible & foolish move he made! As for Jude, he's a big disappointment both as a manager & elder brother. Thank God for d DANCE WITH PETER show, it showed us d creative part of Peter we never knew in PSquare, even though we watched a lot of ur dancing steps in psquare. Peter, i lov ur creativity & dancing skills. As for d song writing part, get d professionals to handle that, & u'll go farther than d rest. But if u & ur twin decide to keep PSquare alive, then u hav our support to keep Jude away from d group & create a sustainable structure for it.

sweetie said...

May GOD punish u

Anonymous said...

You are actually very stupid. Reading will do you a whole lot of good.

Anonymous said...

And you're sure that Paul and Peter won't fall out because of money if Jude leaves from the way Peter is talking in this interview, can't you see it's all about money and greed. Someone just made Peter realise he shouldn't share their proceeds equally.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, when Paul wrote his own making peter look bad, it wasn't shaming his family. See their comes a time a man gotta let the truth out.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't lack any wisdom,he's saying the truth.

Unknown said...

They av made that big mistake from the beginning as in having their brother as their manager. Nevertheless, I support each party going solo for peace to reign and I wish dem the very best of luck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always knew it was more than just lola, but let's not forget that Jude has always been there for them ohhh, anyways he should have laid up a proper structure and not try to quarrel with Peter for stating the obvious. Thank you Peter for clearing the air. And please Jude leave Lola alone bikonu, concentrate on your family and business.

Anonymous said...

Oloriburuku somebody like u. Back from where?

Anonymous said...

You mean Peter the self centered one.

Anonymous said...

Stop attacking people on their comments, that's her opinion.

Anonymous said...

God punish u for telling him to shut up, you are an illetrate that's why you couldn't read the interview. What the fuck, he has been in fear and if he had continued they would have sidelined him. Gosh its better you don't even comment bringing seniority in business. Why didn't Jude sing and stress himself to dance as their senior. Oloddooo

Anonymous said...

Olodo am married to an Igbo man and am Yoruba, illetrate go hang yourself. Big fool

Anonymous said...

Stop calling Igbo, did it occur to you that someone must have been brainwashing Peter to make him want to share their assets and all of a sudden he realised they shouldn't share their proceeds equally.

Anonymous said...

Bla, bla everywhere.

Unknown said...

I don tire to read

Unknown said...

Na who we go belief let's hear paul side after paul singing call heaven

Anonymous said...

Jude is not their problem, someone suddenly decided not respect his elder brother and ignore family because he feels he's got it all. And I feel someone been misguided and influenced to throw family away. If you marry a wife and she starts telling you that your siblings hate you, they are cheating you, you should share your things, pray because that's trouble right there.

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