Photos: COZA pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo holds all-white birthday party in Dubai | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Photos: COZA pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo holds all-white birthday party in Dubai

Popular Abuja pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly held a lavish all-white yacht party in Dubai to celebrate his birthday in January this year. In attendance were US based popular pastor, Mike Murdock, International singer Tye Tribett and others. He also had a birthday dinner as well at the seven-star Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. See more photos after the cut...


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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Smh. Thank God am a catholic . Let remain that way

Anonymous said...

I laugh at your stupidity....... Anon 11:54am,

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Touched lives*

Anonymous said...

One kobo of church money was not involved. His wife planned it and hes friends supported. And by the way the bible says the riches of the gentiles are for our inheritance. You cant inherit if you keep your mind narrow . so grow up people and tap into the blessings of the lord upon our lives . my life has never been the same since I started attending coza.i celebrate you all

Anonymous said...

Now you are becoming abusive, you leave people to talk, is that what pastor biodun taught you.

Unknown said...

And who told u supporters club that Jesus Christ could not afford to have an extravagant party? He lived a simple life which he expects us to live by. Solomon, David..... had extravagant parties cos they were kings. No prophet of God did so because the responsibility is of the Kingdom of heaven which was their one and only assignment. Men were allowed to have wives but Prophets were to have 1 not because they were slaves to God afterall, they are humans too but for distractions. Many Prophets didn't even have a family of their own cos they did not have the time. Where did that Pastor's wife get the money to pull all that without the knowledge of her husband? Did they take poor members in the church? If was just his family or the Pastor n wife mayb I for shut up but this? It's too much. Who told u all that John the Baptist could not afford to eat other kinds of food and afford luxury? I am no saint buh I'm not afraid to say the truth.

Unknown said...

So much for taking the word of God to the ends of the Earth

Unknown said...

Salma...tell dem!!

Unknown said...

This man has contributed so much in the society, giving to the poor, widows, people won't post that or comment. They just want something to comment and hate.

Pple are Saying he used tithe and offering, when you pple pay for shows,buy CD's and all that for celebrities, is it not the same money they used to party with alcohol and strippers? Why judge aa paastor that had a sponsored birthday?

People are saying there Are poor pple in the country n his going to dubai 2celebrate, is it his fault, did you help the poor?, is it your money?, did you condemn Tiwa and 2face for wedding in dubai? So it z now a pastor that z Meant to live a ratchet life. SMH.

If he is. Not a good Pastor, you feel Coza won't grow? Or get a grand building in abuja within 8years? And also going worldwide starting from Dubai, if you doubt the blessings, JUST COME AND SEE, starting from the car park.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful,who is this pastor that one has never seen or heard off before that Bishop Mclendon and wife even was in attendance...God look and see your people...or no, the bible said depart from me i never knew you..

Jesseballs said...

Oga pls go take a long swim with crocs. Y r we called Christians? We r supposed to be Christ-like. I hate it when people like u constantly link worldliness to a show of God's blessings. There are a thousand ways to show and appreciate God's blessings. How many times have u seen an Imam or a muslim cleric celebrate such nonsense? Did Jesus ever celebrate his birthday? Even if he wld av done, he wld av done so with d dying multitudes. When u people wantu support rubbish, just leave God out of it and do ur thing.

Unknown said...

You can not solve the world's problems.

Bliss n blossom 2016

sandra edah said...


Salma said...

See them wailing wailers, having heart/head ache untop this small one.
This is just the beginning Muslim country or not we r taking our territorial anointing globally and as for our haters get ur pain killers ready cus we will surely do more

#100%LifeUpgrade #AllThingsMadeNew

Anonymous said...

It's amazing Linda ikeji that u call yourself a Christian yet you are a serial contributor in pulling down God's work. Everything in this was simply to honour a Man of God something many people are obviously ignorant about but its fine.
My point is even if it was wrong.. is it your platform you will donate for people to insult a man of God? You amaze me honestly with your ignorance but it's okay.. one day you will understand.
You will never see Muslims insult their clerics even with the atrocities they do but no... Christians are too stupid to be wise.

busybee said...

Let me just face my work

Jessie said...

when this man did shop for free at metro plaza there was more than enuf for every one to take home. people came from every where to get free items, clothes, shoes , bags no one saw that or put on air for people to see , that was him giving out to the poor and needy . but because his church members hosted him every one is shouting. its common sense a pastor teaches you preaches to you gives you blue prints of what to do to route your self out of life difficulties , you abide by his teaching and things work out for you wouldn't you want to show appreciation or say thank you for leading you the right path. our parents help us with our lives and when we grow and become someone in life we take care of them and say thank you . whats wrong in that. just saying before we criticise

Unknown said...

when this man did shop for free at metro plaza there was more than enuf for every one to take home. people came from every where to get free items, clothes, shoes , bags no one saw that or put on air for people to see , that was him giving out to the poor and needy . but because his church members hosted him every one is shouting. its common sense a pastor teaches you preaches to you gives you blue prints of what to do to route your self out of life difficulties , you abide by his teaching and things work out for you wouldn't you want to show appreciation or say thank you for leading you the right path. our parents help us with our lives and when we grow and become someone in life we take care of them and say thank you . whats wrong in that. just saying before we criticise

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Pastor Biodun and Pastor Modele Fatoyinbo for putting this great event together giving me the privilege to celebrate Greatness and be a part of launching COZA Dubai, Yes the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is taking over the Emirates soon. God has made all things new for me and my Life is changed forever. Thank you Jesus, Thank You Pastor Biodun.Taking over all over, THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING, WATCH OUT!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Mumu is your name honestly. Why be apologetic when you should be ashamed. Next time your in church, pray for the anointing of sense(not even wisdom). Just common sense. Rubbish

Anonymous said...

And how much have you contributed to plight of the suffering ones. Your church as a whole needs a spiritual re- orientation. Rubbish, absolute rubbish

Anonymous said...

Real unadulterated stupidity. Rubbish absolute rubbish

Anonymous said...

If i knew God's home address or his bank account i wont give money in church again... i reserve my comment

Anonymous said...

My Opinion is this Pastor is way too flamboyant. even if it was one of his congregation that sponsored it why dint he tell the person to channel the money to more noble things like giving things to the IDP camps or opening a trust fund for people in need that have no chance of going to school. This isn't Christianity in anyway, his congregation should stop supporting his excesses please. I might not be the holiest christian but i know the difference between a simple life and a flamboyant one. Pastor Biodun please face the work called you for thank you.

Unknown said...

Bros you see that your phone you are using give it to who does nt have a phone first before you feel sorry for the church members.

Anonymous said...

He took advantage of? An adult that knew fully well what she was doing. I taya for you o.

Bee said...

Dat poverty will finish u too....fool

Anonymous said...

I celebrate u

Anonymous said...

Brainwashed goat oshi, mtswww

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gerrarahere men

Anonymous said...

People are soooooo ignorant . I swear. How can Linda and some of her worshippers say such bad stuff about a man of God. In the first place it is not in ur place to judge. So Linda's followers keep following her and receiving the 20k , 100k gifts from her. @linda Ikeji u better be very careful with your stupidity and nuisance on here just to make money that u will die without and dragging people to hell by ur fake published articles and their comments. That party was organized by one person . Keep judging . A trip over 2weeks ago is news on today .. How interesting .my dear humans, one thing y'all should try to stay away from is cursing or abusing a man of God. Whether fake or real . That God doesn't forgive . Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. Be careful what you do on Ikejis blog cos tomorrow u may not remember where u went wrong in life . Word

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, nice epistle of a coza worker. I agree with u but what happen to workers that need little cash for their business(don't let me mention names) this same worker can buy himm jet in the future. No body says he should not enjoy ooo. But come to think of it wht will happen if this is taken to middle east. I knw u will tell me. He is not called to that part of the world.

Anonymous said...

There is somethin terribly fishy about this man. #pastorbiodunsrobustreponse LIBers family let us make this trend. You cant be an acclaimed leader and not be able to man-up to your doings. #pastorbiodungiveusaresponse

Victor said...

If you have a problem with it? pleeease roast! If it's paining you, go and hug dry fish! If na IDP, go sleep with them. If na motherless babies, trust me, I believe you are one! if na tithe and offering, then go and open your own church! if small dubai dey pain you like dis, then I know you are nothing more than a low-life. I can't understand why stupidity speaks aloud; why ignorant fellows yell nonsense. HABA! In fact, I am expecting you or one of those your so called celebrities to host such a world class PARTY and see if you no go broke in one minute! pleeeASE GET A LIFE, otherwise, I have a ready ambulance for you! YOU FOOLS!
Having read so far, please help me CELEBRATE THESE EXCEPTIONAL PERSONALITIES OF OUR WORLD>>>>> Pastor Biodun and Pastor Modele.

Unknown said...

Another level of grace.another level of birthday

Linda ikeji's hubby said...

Some comments on here, goes to show the lack of kingdom principles and understanding some people, is it when he walks around with torn cloths and no car that he is serving God? Please wake up and change your perspective, it is limiting you. Moreover, judging by the comments you can easily make out those that attend Coza and those that have never step foot there, cos if you have, you would know what a great teacher and mentor PB is. And just for the record the Dubai birthday party was organized for him by members of the church and not from his private pocket..(if you don't understand honor you won't understand why church members would do this). And for those that are saying they can't pay their tight to such brother don't deceive yourself, its not like you would ever pay tithe in any other church so don't look for ways to justify your ignorance...for those talking about idp's and poor people around but yet he has a lavish birthday in Dubai...well charity begins at home I'm sure you're using an over priced iphone 6 or and expensive laptop to type this nonsense..why don't you be the example and sell it and donate the money to the idp's and the poor and save us your christenese ( I hope you know thats the language you're speaking) cos with kingdom understanding you would know the difference between being religious and being christian.. Let me not bore you with that but I beg you to please be Christian and pursue a personal relationship with God rather than act religious with your perspective of what you think religion is just to please man.....biko pursue wisdom.

Linda ikeji's hubby said...


Linda ikeji's hubby said...

Anon. You should be worried at your ignorance rather, what you don't understand ask for clearity rather than condemn. I celebrate my Coza family.

Linda ikeji's hubby said...

Lol...don't worry we've been receiving sense through our pastor for the past 8 years, we've been praying for you to receive some too very soon..hopefully you get it soon. Charity starts at home, I'm sure you're making use of either a laptop or an over priced phone to type the senseless comment. How about you sell them and donate the proceeds to the poor and IDP's and save us this "chritianese" language you're speaking.

Linda ikeji's hubby said...

God bless you for this comment...I celebrate you!

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at comments of people that are supposedly learned. Do you know the mind of God, that you're asking 'what will Jesus do'?. Why is it alright for Justin Bieber to own fleets of cars, houses etc and it's 'ungodly' for a man of God to have same?. We really need to change our perspective and learn how to celebrate especially when that was why Jesus came and died for us. That we may have life and enjoy it to the fullest!. None of his church members has come out to castigate him, so what's your business? Why drink panadol for someone else's headache? Linda, you should get your facts straight and not rush into publishing stories all in the name of having headlines. It was an organized birthday party for him that didn't come out of the church's purse. Members went willingly to celebrate with him. People have done and are still doing weddings, birthdays etc in Dubai and nothing is wrong with that! But when a man of God does it, its a sin?? Come on! What was the point of redemption if not to enjoy what Jesus has suffered for. He said it already, 'it's finished!'. The same way people can go into a club to enyoy themselves is the same way a believed can enjoy his earned money whichever way he deems fit! And as for y'all claiming to take your thithes and offerings to the poor, is that where the bible asked you to take it? Is that your power house? If you want to do a food deed by sowing into their lives, then do it but not with your thithes and offerings! You'll definitely account for every word, action and deed so my advise is to think deeply and wisely before uttering words especially on things you know nothing of after only hearing one side to the story!! Shalom!!!

Anonymous said...

So God can not be praised in Nigeria? Or celebrated with less money. It's quite a shame that people like you are blinded by people like him. Well I wish u luck worshipping a mere mortal soo full of flaws...

Anonymous said...

Territorial anointing? Abeg I wan die with laughter. What kind of brain do u have to be deceived so. Do u think a Christian's gift is to enjoy on earth and in heaven? My dear pick your bible and read o . Forget these lying, greedy, promiscous so called men of God

Anonymous said...

Wow @ your last sentence. That is d most unchristianlike comment in d whole world. We Christians are to see the world through the sufferings of others- whatsoever u do to d least of my brothers, dat u do unto me- the only key to heaven.

Anonymous said...

So you are happy enjoying yourself in Dubai because Jesus died on the cross? Wow ! U guys need to create Ur own religion. Cos it sure ain't Christianity

Anonymous said...

Keep celebrating him....

Anonymous said...

My dear u never hear o. They will tell u you that if Jesu were here now, he would have 10 private. They should keep deceiving themselves jare

Anonymous said...

Chai...I pity Ur ignorance

Anonymous said...

Why are you so defensive. Your pastor is so worldly. That is not of God. Full stop!

Anonymous said...

In a fucking Muslim country.

OK, Peter was asked to kill and eat. Abi shey na Paul ni? Bible scholars, Oya decode.

Unknown said...

Hehehe!! Nice 1

Unknown said...

U dey craze wella... dee

Unknown said...

I hope the poor or less privilege people in dat church always get the necessary help... dee

Anonymous said...

Oga shut up!!! It wasn't any tithe money. This was planned by one person and was a surprise party. He didn't know about it. Also keep on dwelling in the past. Don't focus on your own life and spiritual growth. Coza will continue to grow because God is a merciful and gracious God who doesn't count the iniquities of His children.

Anonymous said...

I celebrate you

Akin said...

For all the supporters who say that this Man has contributed so much to people's lives and that the party was paid for by his "wife" or "a church member without a name"... I ask that you put things in perspective..... Don Moen has touched a lot of lives globally & for decades too but have you seen him put up this kind of lavish party? Temperance, moderation & self control are also christian virtues...Pope sef has touched far more lives and is more respected world over yet he lives a life of simplicity and modesty.... That is the example of Christ.

Anonymous said...

We Lead; We are the takeover generation; We are thriving ; Coza Dubai is just the beginning...we will keep giving you what to talk about

Unknown said...

Yes go to strip club for sermon if them no get you born over you will get them born least one go born one.

Anonymous said...

Thank God you no see am with criminal gangs that is part of his testimony.

Anonymous said...

Then the followers have misplaced priorities and are blind, canal minded and misguided! #shior mcheewww! Set your priorities straight! Rubbish! Now a days its the church that lead people to sin with the new gospel that is bb preached. If you are living like Christ ahLAVISH party will not be the first thing you think of when you want to celebrate your pastor. What about starting a foundation in his honor to impact and empower lives! All that money spent has just enriched another country when our economy is dying. Stupid congregation! Im disgusted at your mindset.

Anonymous said...

You are a selfish and wicked congregation! Self glorifying mindset. If God is your priority, you will only do things that will advance and glorify God! Even when celebrating your birthday party! Better advice yourselves and give yourselves brain!

Anonymous said...

This is to all those judging this man of God... If ur blood was any better God wouldn't have sent JESUS to die for us. He would have used your blood to save us.
Are u blind or haven't you noticed that young people go clubbing and do not attend church bcos they feel serving God is boring? And here you are criticizing a man who makes us know that you and serve the Lord and enjoy life to the fullest. John 10:10 even said enjoy it to the fullest, until overflow.I mean, that's y Christ came.
Most of y'all are boxed in your perception and your backgrounds r affecting u. If you pay ur tithe to God, y do u still monitor d tithe and bother about how it is being spent.
Well, lemmi bust ur heads, ur mates paid for 70persons and ur mates paid for the yatch and u r here gossiping with Linda
We opened our church in Dubai and just watch the Arab people give their lives to JESUS.
Keep breathing.... And watch this man of God take over territories before ur eyes.
Stop being self righteous. Change ur perspective. And let the most high be the judge.

Anonymous said...

Its our business because he is a man of God and his lifestyle may be the only bible some people will ever read! He is automatically on a different and higher pedestal as a result of the fact that he is a pastor. He will be judged more harshly than a floor member in his church. The church in Nigeria is sick and it reflects in the people's mindset and priority! So Madam Peace Ose its our business because we are all christians and he is one of the people that represent us whether or not we attend his church.

Sam said...

Am a coza memeber and in the work force (choir precisely) and am no bastard! I couldn't just go through the comments here (a friend just mentioned it) but its sad that Christians could be so naive. People who have never spend a dime for the cause of the gospel are all talking. The birthday aside, do you all ever think of the cost and risk of floating a church in the middle east? If its easy go and start one.

Shamefully enough to you all, some of the spending done were by young and upwardly mobile young men like me that have had our life's transformed by the ministry of Rev. Biodun.

Sam said...

My first job in Abuja was cab driver as a graduate and now you do not want to know my worth just because of the word of faith he thought me.

I was standing close to another young man at the marina when we needed an extra Yatch to celebrate our Pastors and this unassuming man just requested for another Yatch and paid fully even without the prior knowledge of Rev.

The crop of the young men with me for the trip are all upwardly mobile, wealthy and all sound Spirit filled lovers of Jesus. We know where we came from. Dont blame us.

You dont even have a passport, how can you understand?

In our church musicians do legit business and buy farari. People own private jets. As a matter of fact a muslim colleague of mine was telling me how she saw her course mate in the university switched from just getting bye to owning private jets - and she knew how God changed his life. "Jesus did it" - we say!

I think its hi-time the "my coza experience" go social.

Rev. does not even collect salary from the Church. You dont have to believe me. He has become such a blessing to people that they can not but honour him with their resources.

You are there making nasty comments and no one can even give you NGN100,000 for anything - not even your boss because you are not really that valuable.

When Rev. fed and clothes thousands of widows, your blind mind could not think of comments. During the last major fuel crisis that Coza proposed paying for 2 filling stations for free for the public to get fuel free of charge and no member was allowed to go get from there, your small sense was mute to any comment.

What kind of wealth do you want to show the Arabs? Do you think your poor life style can win a man in stupendous wealth to Christ? See you, at least you have N200, when did you give the beggar in your area N20?

After you had earned chicken change, you still feel "ok" to go pay just to watch Olamide and AY life! To even pay tithe, na war. Shame! Then what do you really believe that makes you a christian? Abi your Christianity is because you were just born into it? Its good you know why you do what you do - you are an intelligent being - I hope!

If Tuface had a wedding in Dubai, you can understand but if a man that has dedicated his life to preach Jesus to the world had his birthday in Dubai, its a talk of wrath!

When did you even pay tithe last in your own church? Robber of God!

You rob God and talk against men of God - are you not simply insane? Just a question!

Come to Coza Abuja and see for yourself if tithe alone can build such a church let alone to have to steal.

People are bless in Coza and so they keep coming and we give because the Bible command us to and we have understanding of the kingdom principle. We are blessed.

We live right and are spiritually sound and add superior excellence to all our dealings.

Dont you think you are honestly stupid? Why? at least you go to a church! right? The men of God your Pastors will dream to have as friends or even just come to your church for 20mint are Rev.'s friends and they celebrate him all over the world, don't you think something is wrong with you? Oh! Its not Jesus we are preaching - abi? You, when did you preach last to someone? Ok, even today did you read your Bible? See you life!

Ok! Its Jesus we are saving not men? Good! Please when you pray for anything, wait for Jesus to come down and answer you! If you can not honour men that you see (am sure you dont even give your parents enough attention) how are you sure you really care about Jesus sef?

Please if you dont understand a thing, simply ask or better still keep your trap shut and do what will add value to you.

Yeye you, that have tried American Visa and no show! And have fought because of money at several occasions is here talking against how some use theirs. Go and make your own first lets see. OK. Its church abi? Start your own church and see if even your family members and and co-critics will attend.


Anonymous said...

Am a catholic as well but who told u that priests are not worldly? Have u seen Father Ede and Father mbaka's assets? U people shut up already, i don't see anything wrong with a Pastor being celebrated by his friends and church members. Things of God don't have to look crappy all the time. Christians are too blinded and judgmental abeg. Poverty and tackiness is not a sign of holiness. As a catholic i have also benefited from this church, infact my stylist peter got all his baby's cloths, food, pampers, cot etc from this church when his wife put to bed. Linda wont post that one o, always looking for controversy. We all wana be successful and remain wealthy but not at the detriment of people's image. Linda u have ruined a lot of homes, broken relationships and destroyed careers from ur stupid blogging. U don't understand ur environment, wat works abroad may not work here, dis is Nigeria, people take info face value. i know u want to remain in business but 10 years down d line, wat would be left of ur peace if u continue like dis. look at gbemioo's case, if u didn't blog about it that issue wouldn't have blown out of proportion. u are a woman, u should know better. Posterity is around d corner.

Unknown said...

Pastor go easy on the tights and offerings..

Anonymous said...

Because your ignorance has already deadened you. Have you not heard of the word abundance before? My God is a God of abundance. Can you count the sand,or quantify the ocean,the rain etc...common ...

Anonymous said...

Obi tenten etc Jesus drank and dined with tax collectors, hung out with an adulteress invited anothet tax collector to His house. Una wan holy pass Jesus Christ. Yes the strip club is a good place to start if you have the grace not to fall. How ur brain dey work sef. Catch them for Christ. The wedding in Cana was correct wine and correct partying. What's ur problem? Pretenders Inc!

Anonymous said...

And how has shop fo free significantly improved I lives of the shoppers? Please go and sit down somewhere let us look for you! Nonsense! Shallow minded people! If you understand what God wants from ud you will know that its not chasing worldly things and trying to prove a point to the world! You will understand stand that all he wants from us is true worship n service to him! Every other thing will be added to you! Shikena! Reevaluate your mindset n priorities

Unknown said...

I never comment on religious issues but I choose to on this one.
1-dubai is a very expensive city and would cost a lot of million naira to have this party.

2 - Anyone going to this guys church and given offering the is the result of your offering. It's use for personal pleasure, not in the name of the Lord. I suggest you give it directly to the individuals who really need it. EG. People in the hospital who need help, motherless baby homes etc
3-if your not aware 90% of our religious leader are scammers na all for their pockets.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, you are a fool and brainwashed. You are one of those that twist the bible. anyone that is enjoying Life at the expense of the children of God will greatly pay for it. I don't want to know if it was sponsored or not!this man has literally made himself a god. He is not a humble person. I used to attend this church but I had to leave and search for a church where the spirit of God dwells.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest... Who wouldn't want to fuck this guy?!

Anonymous said...

God bless you Mr Obi

Anonymous said...

Ask them i

Anonymous said...

I tire o

Anonymous said...

He'll say 'What a robust reply'

Anonymous said...

Jess also partied in the bible.....funny

Bolaji said...

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

Bolaji said...

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

Unknown said...

o ga ooo

Businessblogmoney said...

here are the Top 10 Richest Pastors in Nigeria and their net worth

Shari said...

Please Linda, install a LIKE application so that we can vote on some of these comments. I celebrate the American's comment. Appreciate good things and maybe you can smell the shores of Dubai.
COZA is a church of millionaires and billionaires blessed by the Almighty God. We lavish on our Pastors wella! Pastor Biodun is a man of God, called with a mandate that is touching lives across the world. All of you still holding grudges, it's because your stinking dark deeds have not yet been aired. Acting like you're all so righteous.
You did not get pissed off that secular Nigerians have been celebrating occassions at Dubai, but it's too much for a man of God to. God is not poor. If Jesus were on earth in this dispensation, after dying and resurrecting on the third day, He will flex baje baje. Because IT IS FINISHED. Y'all aint seen nothing yet,more celebrations for my wonderful, prayerful, worded Pastor.

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