Mbong Amata sends warm birthday message to her ex, Jeta Amata | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 21 August 2014

Mbong Amata sends warm birthday message to her ex, Jeta Amata

Jeta Amata turns the big 40 today and his former wife, beautiful Mbong Amata, sent him a warm birthday message. Coincidentally it's also their daughter's birthday today. Happy 40th, Jeta.


Bishop Dammy said...

Happy bday too from me! Llnp IJN. Psalm 1:3. BishopDammy#

Ada said...

Happy Birthday to him. Thar's what we call maturity!!

Unknown said...

Happy buffday jeta and shut up u pretty silly geh!

Esty kudos said...

Not interested. . Why did they separate? Woman! Why did u leave ur husband? Happy birthday Jeta n daughter.

www.glowyshoe.com said...

Aww so swit

Pls visit my shoe blog


Unknown said...

Awwwww.. So sweet and very mature. Happy birthday Jeta

ary said...

Thank God they didn't move from friends to foe! Good for them!


Don't even know what to say about this tho, its not about warm message on his birthday,while you withheld your love from him,in your quest to live an untamed life.


Anonymous said...

Foolish woman dat left her hubby cos of nudity and nollywood aka prostitutuonwood

Anonymous said...

Foolish woman dat left her hubby cos of nudity and nollywood aka prostitutuonwood

bose said...

Maturity!!!!!!bless u!!

Tunie. said...

Very heartwarming...if only every divorced home could still harbour such friendship...HBD Jeta.

Unknown said...


APPLE said...

Happy birth day Jeta…..hmmm…who ever is with Jeta now should shine her eyes because this woman eye still dey there.

Anonymous said...

Very big of her... lovely. Ho hard feelings thats how life should be sweet

Unknown said...

This s rubbish,una knw,get yo ass back wit him,so u both age tgeda gracefully n train ur offspring

Unknown said...

This s rubbish,una knw,get yo ass back wit him,so u both age tgeda gracefully n train ur offspring

Anonymous said...

Was the divorce amicable? Seems to me like it was.
Is someone trying to stage a comeback? Seems it's in the pipeline.
Anyways, I'm impressed. If only couples, could break up amicably there wouldn't be so much hatred and animosity.

Anonymous said...

1st Nigerian Couple i have seen that divorced amicably( hope i spelt that correctly). at least they are not enemies, Thank God!

LYNNE said...

She I'll live long. HBD jeta

Ngozin said...

Wise woman maturity at its best boy don't I love this beautiful and flawless Mbong!

Seun Ajet said...

I think she wants him back, after testing the streets, you can see it's not easy to be single

Anonymous said...

Adulteress, go back to your REAL husband. I detest women that break out of marriage. Keep ur birthday wishes. Do the needful by going back home. A woman's first husband is the only man God recognises. Any other "husband" is just ur co-conspirator in adultery. Except ur real husband dies of course.

Anonymous said...

If you are dis sweet and large-hearted madam, why couldn't you stay in your marriage? I have a special resentment for divorcees. I hate people that break out of marriage. Madam keep ur birthday wishes and go back to your husband's bosom. This is the ONLY husband God recognises. If u like go and marry 100 men, Jeta is ur husband. Adulteress.

Unknown said...

That great.... she's really a wonderful Ex.


winniekoko said...

Try and settle things out with ur ex.....Divorce is a sin!!!!!

Chop Chop said...

Very nice of her but she still care.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

40? Wow... That's nice.. He luks younga HBD

Anonymous said...


Lyndywaynee said...

Wow lovely message.... ex's should take a clue from this..

Anonymous said...

Divorce is allowed on certain grounds... and conditions!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Heaven knows you still feel something for this man. Try and make things work again. Happy birthday Mr. Jeta

Anonymous said...

Well that's nice. #Thatenuguchick

Anonymous said...

They must still be shagging...

Alicia says... said...


NaNcY DreW said...

Dis 2 re still "doing" it jawe
Plus she left him cuz her eyes grew wider all she wants she can still achieve in her matrimonial home.

Alicia says... said...

A lot of bitter people in the comments, most likely in lifeless marriages.

Anonymous said...

Now this is what you call maturity, but why can't she go back to her husband, instead of all this social media birthday greeting!!! Don't let divorce mess up your child, Mbong and Jeta please reconcile!!! Whizman

Anonymous said...

Now this is what you call maturity, but why can't she go back to her husband, instead of all this social media birthday greeting!!! Don't let divorce mess up your child, Mbong and Jeta please reconcile!!! Whizman

Anonymous said...

Because she's pretty , she tot that those men tht promised her the world will b dr for her but it's only fuck dem go fuck . I just don't understand hw ladies think . U liv the guy that loves u so much and was dr for u just bcos u tot uv seen d limelight . Naija girls I hail oooo. The grass is never greener outside

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Continue to drink panadol for somebody else's headache, ok?

Anonymous said...

For your mind.... Can't exes be civil and nice to one another again? Must there always be nastiness involved otherwise people must suspect ulterior motive #smh

Anonymous said...

I'm very sure 90% of dos insultin mbong ain't married....mind ur business...I must commeny busy bodies

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Jeta.
Mbong please return to your matrimonial home. I know you are still in love with him.

Anonymous said...

If she's spitting venom, you'll say she's evil and needs to move on and get over it. She's moved on but still nice about it & y'all still have things to say. Why not just mind your BUSINESS for once?!

Anonymous said...

As in!!! They all need to face their miserable lives and leave this chick alone. Taking panadol for other people's headaches #smh

Anonymous said...

It takes an unrepentant n arrogant adulterous lady to viciously attack every Tom, Dick n Harry that had expressed disapproval of Mbong Amata careless handling of her marriage to Jeta Amata. #Fact

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend dumped me a week ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don't know what to do, so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 2days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the second day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you DR OJEFOR spell. You are truly talented and gifted. Email: DROJEFORSPELLCASTER@GMAIL.COM is the only answer. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man.....
he can solve the following......
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care
(10) If you can be able to satisfy your wife
sex desire due

Anonymous said...

Hapy birthday to you, wullnp

Anonymous said...

Gbammest!! We all know what they are saying about Kevin hart's ex. They're beefing mbong because she's moved on and also happy, even happy enough to be civil and nice to her ex and people seem pained about that! They want her to be obsessing over him non--stop so that they can insult her and tell her to move on already and get a life. Guess what, low-life(s)?! Y'all need to get a life! Share it amongst your miserable selves if need be!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Nigerians and their Local mentality. What's there in sending a bday msg to an ex? Must there be a motive? Besides we all even Linda too does not knw the reason behind their divorce, so stop da tongue wagging!!! Panel Of Judges And Debators Without Accurate Details!

Anonymous said...

A woman who's moved on instead of the usual Bitter Bettys Linda writes about

Anonymous said...

It would have made them happier if she was 'spitting venom' and her life was miserable so that they can counsel her to get her life together.

Dont we all know that the woman should never be happy without the man? such an insult and effrontery!

I do not hear these numerous 'go back to your wife, adulterer' said to Nollywood husbands who have abandoned their wives o!.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Esty. May God bless u. U know the value of marriage. I hate divorce like hell. Hate it more when the woman runs away from her home.

Anonymous said...

Alicia you're d fool. Stinking fucking divircee!

Anonymous said...

Madam anonymous divorce is only allowed if there's a case of adultery. And it can only be initiated by the man! Read mathew 19:9. Again any woman that leaves her husband and marries abother is permanently living in adultery. And the book of leviticos says that adultery is the greatest sin.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Now dats wat I call maturity. Thumbs up

Unknown said...

facebook love waiting for your message on my wall.(In Jaywon's voice)

Anonymous said...

Stupid people. Marriage is not a do or die affair.

Anonymous said...

@9:25 anuofia!

Millypee said...

that's what I call coming...

Unknown said...

GOD bless u madam

Anonymous said...

Madam anonymous, y d insult? #truthhurts. Go back to ur husband pls.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, u must be a divorcee. I can feel d bitterness in u. Why did u leave ur husband? Who else can be more "low life" than a divorcee?

Anonymous said...

I'm with u all the way. She's been attacking everybody and think that would make her feel "normal" like the rest of us. It wouldn't. You're a divorcee for God's sake ! A very terrible thing to be. Go back to ur husband.

Anonymous said...

I also attack divorcee men too. I tell them d truth as well. A divorced man doesn't need to look any further than himself to know the meaning of "failure"

Anonymous said...

Camaradrei? I feel the both of u. Alicia u must be one of those women that ran away from their marriages. The only respite is for u to go back to ur first husband or remain unmarried. #God'sword

Anonymous said...

Thank you o! Anon 11:04am. If the man is the one complaining now, they'll say what is he waiting for? Why hasn't he left her yet? etc. Nonesense!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:25am and anon 1:12pm, you are the ones trying to twist the word of God. The bible never said only a man can divorce a woman in a marriage. The Pharisees posed a question to him and the question was specifically regarding the men of those days who were divorcing their wives and Jesus responded to the exact question that was posed to him, he never said women are to remain in abusive relationships until the man gets tired of them and decided to divorce. You can go try your brainwashing techniques on people prone to it and people who need chauvinists to explain the bible to them but don't bring it over here honey, there are actually some women out there with brain cells!

Anonymous said...

So everyone that's against attacking this girl is a divorcee in your mind? I don't know what Alicia or the other commenters' statuses are but I'm not divorced and I'm also of the opinion that this woman should not be attacked. All she did was wish her ex-husband a happy birthday and some people went vicious. Whatever resulted in their divorce is between the two of them and nobody else and they seem to be dealing with their decision in their own ways. Why are some ladies just so bitter? Must you attack anyone? Even if you're concerned, can't you give good and positive counsel instead of attacking? #foodforthought #iamkinddoesn'tmeani'mdivorced #haveaheart #nastinessexhumesuggliness #killnegativitywithpositivity

Anonymous said...

Lol! Joblessness.......

Anonymous said...

Hallucinations and delusions are primary symptoms of schizophrenia.......just saying. When you start talking about complete strangers, anonymous ones for that matter as if you know them and their family history; even decide they have a certain status. Hmmmmm, things are happening!

Anonymous said...

Lmao!!!! Wetin person no go see or hear again?

Anonymous said...

Any woman that leaves her marriage is actually short of the brain cells u talked about. She must have delivered her thinking faculties to con men like Okotie and Oyakilome. Divorce is a BIG sin. Go back to your first husband deary. Don't die in adultery.

Anonymous said...

Stinking divorcee! Emergency psychologist. Bitch go back to ur husband

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is true. The Pharisees wanted to test Jesus and asked Him a question about men who divorce their wives, also about Moses's command about handing certificate of divorce and his response was about the same subject "men and divorce", not women. I'm not encouraging or advocating divorce, but there's no need to twist the word of The Lord to serve your own interests and purpose or to win an argument. The bible even speaks against it: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭3-4‬ ESV). Also: as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭16, 18‬ ESV). Be careful how you twist God's word because the bible also says this: I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. (‭Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭18-19‬ ESV). Let's all be mindful. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Gbammest! Anon 5:23pm. Anon 9:25 am's statement is only a misinforming ploy for men to continue to misbehave and then discard of their wives once they're tired and for women to open-handedly accept that. This particular passage was addressing men and divorce, it never categorically say that "only the man can divorce the woman in a marriage" etc. That being said, I am against divorces and think once married; a man and woman should make their marriage work at all cost. The operative words are "man" and "woman", not just the woman........ Just Me

Anonymous said...

Nice one anon 5:23

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