Dear LIB readers: How can I get my wife to abort our baby? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 26 March 2014

Dear LIB readers: How can I get my wife to abort our baby?

From a male LIB reader
Dear Linda, I really need advice from your readers. I am a Nigerian based in South Africa and I'm also married to a South African woman, a Zulu woman, and they can be very stiff and stubborn. My problem is this, we have been married for five years without any children. When she eventually got pregnant this February we were over joyed, but our joy was short lived when we went to the hospital and the doctor told us that my wife has a medical problem in which if she keeps the baby and delivers him or her, that there is a high probability that the baby will be born with a disability. Or we can be buying a tablet for her to take every day until she delivers which will be costing us nothing less than 10,000 rand every month. And I don't have that kind of money. So the best option for us now is to abort the baby. But my wife has refused. She doesn't even want to consider it. Please LIB readers, what can I do because I really don't want a child who is disabled and I don't have money for the drugs. Note: 10,000 rand is about 200,000 Naira.
Meanwhile, I am going to be MIA for at least 16 hours, after two weeks in the US, I'm flying back home. See y'all soon! Kisses.


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Demi said...

Dude u have to trust in GOD cos HE can do all things.Use ur mouth to confess wat u want,pray with ur wife nd support her all d way,she does not
need dis stress m sure u re puttin her thru already.

Anonymous said...

My nephew with a doctors negetive report from America turn out to be incorrect. Please commit to God and allow the child.

Anonymous said...

I think you should pray to God. He is able to turn things around. He makes ways were there seems to be no way. ask God to direct you to what to do. God does miracles. Dont force her to take the baby out. Just pray to the almighty God!!

Unknown said... bond between mother and child is so strong and hard to explain. Terminating doesn't make you less of a mother. It's true that only parents who have walked in this shoes,know wats up and how difficult this path is. But I think it not wise to bring a child into this world knowing the extent to which he\she would suffer. According to the department of health terminations are carried out every year on the grounds that the child would either be unwanted or handicapped. Yes, it's painful but there is a saying "when one door closes another opens".( Try again!) and involve prayers too. *Also try and c a counselor, especially since you will be away. Your wife will need people around so as to avoid stuff like depression, suicide e.t.c.. #she could even watch series like Greys anatomy and stations like TBN(faith)

Anonymous said...

The disability may not be as bad u are thinking ... Abortion is not the answer just pray to God *Nkey*

Apple said...

Take kitchen knife and cut her stomach open. MUMU

Anonymous said...

What u said makes a lot of sense, and in addition to that, pray with her. Like someone said already. There is nothing prayer cannot do. Just believe.

Anonymous said...

You can pray with all your heart and still end up with a disabled baby. It comes down to the finances. If you can't afford the baby, don't have it. None of the people advising you to keep it will pick up the medical bills when the child is born. Is adoption an option? Your wife can carry the baby to term and then give it up if finances get really tight post partum. In open adoptions, you maintain some ties to the child as the adoptive parents raise it.

Unknown said...

Abortion is never the way out, don't do something you would regret later. As for the money issue, God said "don't kill your children for the fear of want, we will provide for them as we have provided for you".
And who knows the baby might end up not being disabled, God knows best.

Anonymous said...

And what would we do with your nude pic? Take it to the bank? Stupid idiot! Gerrout from here and let us hear word. Monkey.

Anonymous said...

Safe travels, Linda!

Anonymous said...

I assume you and Diana Ky are twins? Stupid Aids parading fools. you two can help one another and leave this blog.

Aby said...

Please let her keep the baby while you guys seek God's help.

You dont know why God is giving you this baby after a long wait. just be hopeful and put your trust in HIM and all will be well.

Meanwhile, Linda i wish you same trip back home

Anonymous said...

God is d final say , leave d child .the word (impossibility ) does not exist in God's dictionary .

Anonymous said...

Shot up there, what does being a pimp has to do with the issue on ground?

Anonymous said...

don't abort the baby please, God will show himself to your family but
Trust and serve him all the day of your life.

Anonymous said...

don't abort the baby please, God will show himself to your family but
Trust and serve him all the day of your life.

Anonymous said...

don't abort the baby please, God will show himself to your family but
Trust and serve him all the day of your life.

Unknown said...

It's a kind of food eaten only by bloggers. Shey u nor knw Google?

Anonymous said...

seek for apostling power,that is look for real man of God,to pray with her and all will be well,don't abort the child nothing God cannot do if you belive.

Anonymous said...

Like seriously who the fuck is dis chic dat keeps wasting space for important commets if u want to advertise ur silly bodi post it on you tube anumpama

Unknown said...

After 5years chooi, try and save or borrow the money journey linda, gonna miss u here.

Anonymous said...

Work extra hard and pay the money for the tablet. This is a child we're talking about, there is no budget on a life.

Anonymous said...

omg? enough with the commit to God bullshit! Nigerians smh. If you don't have advice for him than keep quiet. "Commit to God". smh

Anonymous said...

With God all things are possible Luke 1 v 37. Go to God in prayer and reject the report of the doctors. I had a friend that was bleeding all through pregnancy, the doctors advised that she should abort it but she refused being a staunch born again christian. They told her the child will be disabled she told them the God she serves gives gift and add no sorrow to it Prov 10v22. She had the baby safe and sound; the girl turn out to be very brilliant, agile, tall and beautiful. She is in the senior class at the secondary school currently. Put you trust in God and hold on to Him. Read Is 41 v 10-13 and continue praying with it. All will be well. Cheers

Anonymous said...

My dear you just say it all I so much believe your from embassy...dont give out and dont give up. Cause with God all things are possible. bro have faith in God and confess it to your wife that the baby we be fine and healthy

ebonyz... said...

Sorry about your situation but the truth is don't you believe in God? He turns a No situation to YES so why are you afraid? If God is for you, who can be against you? There is nothing God cannot do, all you have to do is hand over your situation/ burden to Him in faith and not bother about it. Matt 6: 25-34 says it all so why worry. God will see you through. You do not need to take her to any pastor, your faith and that of your wife's in God will do. God has given all of us the same right and authority our pastors in God, they're also human beings like us, pls and pls just have faith in God and things will work out for you and i am sure you'll testify after your beautiful baby is born. Will join you in praying for wife and baby.

Na wa for u Linda, you just de disappear and reappear sha. Wish you journey mercies. Hire me as your PA na....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take it to The Lord in prayer.

Anonymous said...

TB joshua is in Lagos!!!!!!...dont abort...its Evil!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cobhams is blind, helen Keller is blind also, Pastosr Nick was born without fore & hind limbs & yet they are great people......the ways of God aint your ways man. Join her in faith & keep your baby

Anonymous said...

Best comment ever

Anonymous said...

from experience,do not abort,dat baby will be great in future!!

Anonymous said...

If your wife was able to get pregnant now then she would also be able to do so again.
The drugs would cost 90,000 for the 9months she would need to take them, if you can't afford that then u wouldnt be able to afford the care the child would need should the drug fail. And I can tell you that care would be for life.
Everyone keeps talking about the future that God can change things. I do believe in God but the question is do you? Cause the certain now is that no one knows God's place.
So please abort, pray to God, let the dr find out what went wrong with pregnancy, sort it out and try again

Anonymous said...

If your wife was able to get pregnant now then she would also be able to do so again.
The drugs would cost 90,000 for the 9months she would need to take them, if you can't afford that then u wouldnt be able to afford the care the child would need should the drug fail. And I can tell you that care would be for life.
Everyone keeps talking about the future that God can change things. I do believe in God but the question is do you? Cause the certain now is that no one knows God's place.
So please abort, pray to God, let the dr find out what went wrong with pregnancy, sort it out and try again

Unknown said...

Mr man, whose report do you believe? You just belittled your God. Where is thy faith?

Angie said...

Then again; you talked about the tablets being expensive, that's private hospital and whatever happened to sa's top standard govt hospitals that does operation/surgeries and gives medications for free, I mean for free if you can't afford private otherwise, your wife as a south african, if she's/was working should definitely have a health insurance or medical aid tht should cover her medical expenses.
There's a comma' with this report hey; either the guy just wants her to get rid of the baby cos he has a Nigerian wife back home or he's new to the system.
In all, your best solution is to seek the face of GOD.

*My R1.50c comment *

Anonymous said...

Missing in action....

Yhu welcome...

Anonymous said...

Please for God sake don't try to abort the baby is a God given baby. Look for a living church to go and read what the bible says mattaw 19 vs 26 with God all things are possible

Angie said...

Even anointing water will do the trick through the power of the holy spirit by the grace of God.

*My R1.50c comment *

Angie said...

The guy never talk true. . Govt hospital does everything for free; haven't said what his problem is with his wife.

*My R1.50c comment *

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You get money travel USA and u com enjoy for two weeks, how u no go get money to take care of the baby. That money wey u take do jollificate for USA for 2 weeks, u for takam helepe the baby. I no get advice for u joor, stay there ooo, no come home oo. Yeye man. Mtcheeew.

Angie said...

MIA... Missing in action dear; no blogging till she comes back.

Anonymous said...

Missing in action

Anonymous said...

TB KWA?? Is he God?? grow up already! mtcheww

Anonymous said...

The woman who has the baby has the final say. Therefore you asked the right question "How can I get my wife to abort our baby? My suggestion is send her to a country where medical care is cheap like India, Trinidad or Brasil.
Get second opinion before you do anything. if you really want us to take you serious, tell us the name of the medication and the illness. I may even donate towards it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


purple splash said...

Don't abort the baby but believe in God, pray to Him because He can change any situation.

Anonymous said...

Well, first I would like the man to accept the child, agree with his wife that this child is ours, no matter the outcome, then hav faith with no doubt dat God will heal the child, cos if he and his wife keeps praying and in his heart he dosent hav faith, dere's no point, he might not get an answered prayer,. Also being disabled dosent mean d child won't bcom someone in life, checkout stevie wonder, cobams ashoque, ayefele etc! ... sugardelux

Anonymous said...

First I want the husband to realise dat being disabled dosent mean d child won't achieve anything in life, being successful isn't restricted to able bodied ppl, checkout stevie wonder, cobams ashoque, yinka ayefele, so I advice the husband to accept, a child is a gift from God, and God has his plan. 2ndly, if he and his wife has faith and no aota of doubt, with prayers n fasting God can heal the child, afterall d doctor isn't God!... sugardelux

Deejah said...

Consider using surrogate mother to have your the research and talk to your wife calmly. The egg is your wife's and sperm is yours but fetus grows in another woman's body. Please remember to talk to her calmly every woman deserves the experience of pregnancy so she won't be willing to hear what you have to say

Anonymous said...

So ola akin for your mind you make sense abi? you even put pics make we for see ur ode face

Anonymous said...

Always remember that when God gives you joy the devil will always try to steal it away frm you . Don't give up on God cos he wont give up on u, he's able.

Anonymous said...

Trust in God, He is the only one that can do all thing. KEEP THE BABY AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR CHILD.

Anonymous said...

Kisissochikwu MIA means missing in action ,that is,she would not be blogging for some time.

Anonymous said...

You are not God. That child will be a blessing to you and ur wife. And remember doctors are also humans like you. So pray and trust in God that your wife and baby will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Is it thyroid disease? Leave the baby.

Unknown said...

bring ur wife to me. let me examine her.

Unknown said...

bring your wife to me 4 proper examination.

Schola's Oasis said...

I believe if you take your problem to God in no time you would see result from Him. have faith okay

ZeeZee said...

Dear friend pray to God for the baby to come withoiut disability and know that somehow or the other the Lord will provide, start a fundraiser in church or something... seek God aborting that baby is not the will of God - of you believe start moving your mountains

Anonymous said...

Guy where is your Faith' your wife believes why not join faith with hers and stop frightening God gave u the child he will keep the child for you till the end of your days just keep praying. the child is a miracle.

Anonymous said...

It can't be minor if the Doctor says abort

Anonymous said...

Missing in action













Anonymous said... want the advice of LIB readers ke? Most of us wey dey craze so? It's like going to galleria to go and treat malaria na.



Visit and book a seat free for the premier epic show this Easter! #TurnUp

Anonymous said...

And wen dat 'IT' is born, u now say a he or she. Olodo oshi, meddle in issues u understand not things u barely understand.# Fool in Dilish's voice#

Anonymous said...

Lazy Man! Go and hustle and find the funds! You have been blessed with a child and now you are looking for a simple way out! You are Lazy selfish and ungrateful! I pity your wife!

Vee! said...

Now that linda is coming back....laura or whats her name ikeji wont allow rest by posting all the expensive things linda has bought.

Anonymous said...

Believe God nothing is impossible. Remember some disability are blessings in disguise. After all they are better than Cossy orijako.

bride2mum said...


AnnMarie said...

After staying so long without a child, she would want to keep the baby at all cost.

Anonymous said...

Your wife might have conspire with the doctor to scam you. Confirm in 2 or more hospital to be sure.

Young Black Woman said...

It's about FAITH! Waited for 5 years and the child is here posing with disability. I see it as a test of your faith. How sure are u that the other ones won't have disabilities too? A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush. Talk to God in prayer and you will be rewarded with a health baby.

Anonymous said...

if you know you wouldn't be able to raise a child then you should have been using because there is a chance that the child might be disabled, the fetus shouldn't be given an opportunity to live?? that is really barbaric.

BLAJO said...

Wish u a safe trip. A pack of chocolate will do for a welcome back.

Anonymous said...

I love this... Best comment!

Anonymous said...

True men don't sound like u just did. He shared his problem, help him or shut up. Live eviL

Anonymous said...

U are a big foool. For dat comment idiot


that is quite sad,

Walata said...

Ppl sef everyfin dem go come online come dey ask instead of finding solution or praying they will be going frm fb twitter n lib seeking for attention smh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry dear, its 'ogbenye'...write in your own language pls.

Anonymous said...

hmm,dnt abort it

aunty C said...

Dis bitch is sick!u need JESUS

Anonymous said...

Remember God is neva asleep, wen u need dis child he ws dere he undastnd everytin u r goin thru,maybe he wnts to test ur faith. pls trust in God n do nt try to kill dat child cos GOD is a protocol breaker he cn change everytin for d best at a secs. There is ntn too hard for him to do. I advice u if u r Christian read psalm 42 and 32.And I pray wit u dat whatever d devil may plan it will nt stnd. GOD BE WIT U AMEN

Anonymous said...

God may be using this unborn disabled child to manifest Himself in the life of you and your family. Don't seek the easy way out. You just might regret it and your wife might resent you for it too.

sholay said...

Yeah we need ur nude pix4 money ritual....ashawo kobo kobo, local slut...bak da fuckoff bitch!!!

PayJoe said...

Believe in God

Evelyn said...

Beleive God and let your wife forth a bouncing baby. Don't be scared, your baby will be full of life and healthy. Have faith in God.

GOODNEWS said...


Anonymous said...

Some forget that there is God,he will b a solution to ur problem.

Dr Obi-X said...

Its funny how gullible people are...very intresting story though....but i can honestly tell you that once there is a congenital disability in drug can change its either this story is fake or the south african doctor is a quack.

Dr Obi-X said...

Its funny how gullible people are...very intresting story though....but i can honestly tell you that once there is a congenital disability in drug can change its either this story is fake or the south african doctor is a quack.

Anonymous said...

Fucked up woman.....ashewo kobokobo

Anonymous said...

don,t abort it oh. same happened to my friend . doctor advise her to abort it or she wil deliver deform child. u know what, she keep d pregnancy n delivered normal n brilliant child. d baby is now 15 yrs old n very intelligent. u never can tell ur wife might deliver a very normal child. pls dn,t think of abortion

Dinma Peace said...

What if something goes wrong after the abortion. A disabled child is better. Besides there is nothing that God can not do, take it to him in prayer. Goodluck.

Anonymous said...

Pls let r keep d Preg, our God is a God of possibility, He will surely provide for your need and c u 2ru. Amen...Slim8

Unknown said...

Dear, you don't need abortion, this is just a test from God please pray to Him that you wana pass, she can't agree coz she knows how it be to be childless for years of marriage = PRAYER + FASTING + FAITH = IYANU MA SELE

Unknown said...

Dear Man, would you please LAY YOUR HANDS on your wifes stomach and talk to the bones and ligaments and blood vessels of that baby? tell the baby that he is coming out fine and in great health....STOP yapping about aborting a child...who knows if that would be your only child....Use faith and stop the nonsense thoughts about abortion....MAN UP and talk to that baby everyday....HE/SHE has ears and can listen and respond to the power of your words....

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