Going Forward. Ese Walter writes again | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 31 August 2013

Going Forward. Ese Walter writes again

I'm sure by now you all know who Ese Walter is. (Refresh your memory here and here). She took to her blog yesterday to write about the aftereffect of her last post, where she accused pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of Common Wealth Of Zion Assembly of sexual manipulation. Read below...
"The past week has ‘killed’ me. It has stripped me of whatever ‘self-importance’ I nursed in the corners of my mind. It has broken me and opened me up to my real self. It has brought me to a deeper level of self-awareness, one I am most grateful for.
When I sat with my MacBook to type my last blog, I never imagined it would generate the kind of attention it did and continues to. I have one last thing to say on this issue before I lay it to rest and move on. (I also hope others can move on too, we have too much going on in this Country to continue to peddle one for longer than necessary.)
A very big thank you to everyone that has felt it necessary to talk about this issue and spread it throughout Nigeria and the foreign scene. I read every email sent to me with awe that people would take the time out to reach a total stranger like me. Some were cursing, calling me a witch from the pit of hell sent to destroy the church as though one individual/church is bigger than the body of Christ. As though God is mere man and would cringe in heaven saying, “Ese don did it this time.” Or as if the good Book didn’t state clearly that ALL things work out for good for those that love God.

Do you love God? If yes, trust that it will ALL turn around for good.

Some people say, ‘I support you, you are brave and courageous’ and I wonder if those terms really define me. I do not think I am brave or courageous. I do know, however that after decades of sleepwalking through life, I am now becoming aware not just of myself but also of my environment, my world, and the universe.

Some say, put out the evidence and we will believe you. Hmmm, the morning I sat to write that post, I really didn’t expect anyone to believe me. Well, apart from those involved. And my motive was simple, let one more woman be spared. Let one more minister of the gospel be mindful and let the church rise up to its responsibilities as God’s legal representatives here in the earth realm.

A copy of the ‘evidence’ is with a respected minister of the gospel should the christian body decide to deal with this issue now and that becomes needful. I am not looking to have a ‘me against them’ case where I need to prove I’m right and someone is wrong. I am far from right, but I have used the only means available to me to free myself of the bondage I put myself in.

Lastly, to all the media people seeking interviews and whatever else mailing me, I have nothing more to say on this issue. I cannot reply every email as reading them is beginning to seem like a new job.
I remember asking a friend once while reading the book of Acts, “Why do we no longer operate in the power the disciples did in Jesus day?” What has changed? How do we ‘unchange’ it?

God is not mocked, if we serve Him, let’s serve Him. We cannot continue to grow as a Nation by oppressing, delaying justice, hating, having the ME ME ME mentality. As Martin Luther King Jr said, ‘no one is free until we are all free.’

Things have got to change and it begins with us. It begins with each and every one of us borrowing courage to stand for what we believe in. Fela Durotoye once said, ‘that thing that annoys you most in society is a sign that you carry its solution.’ (I’m

Nothing has called out to me more than people, especially women, suffering in some way and hiding the pain. Whatever we cover doesn’t go away. It grows and it finds different outlets to rear its ugly head until we deal with it.

I am not perfect, I will never be, but I am enough to try what I feel might work. I don’t know what the entire bible says but I am learning and applying the little I find out
daily. And I think everyone owes it to himself or herself to figure it out for

At the end of the day, we agree that ‘men of God’ are firstly men, right? This means it’s needless expecting them to help you in your growth with God. I fell into that trap of thinking a ‘man of God’ is equated to God and it is not new to find people fall in that hole.

How do you begin to learn to serve a God you have never seen? It takes another level of faith to do that but we live in a generation/Country where people don’t want to study for themselves. They don’t want to read the Scriptures. Well, they don’t want to read, period. They want to pursue things instead and have somebody do the praying and studying for them. If you fall in that category, you need to repent.

I learnt that when the veil was torn, we all were given equal access to the Father. No matter how long you may have been in church, if you don’t know what that means you better ask somebody. And seek a real relationship with the God you claim to serve.

That is what I am spending most of my time doing these days. Praying, studying, seeking, knocking. The peace I have felt despite all the hate mails and tantrums shows that God is not angry with me and I did what I needed to do to the best of my understanding.

My apologies to everyone this has affected in one way or another.
Firstly, my family: I don’t know how you guys aren’t sick of me yet ;)
Secondly, ‘the body of Christ,’ my intention was never to cause trouble but to stop a rot I felt might spread and become worse if nobody spoke up about it.

Lastly, to those who said I shouldn’t blog again, I respect and understand your concerns but the truth is, writing is not just my gift, it is also my ‘curse’. I cannot ‘NOT’ write but I PROMISE, this is the last I will say on this issue except the christian body needs to see me.

God is building His church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. No sin is too big to wreck anyone’s faith. If it does, then it means it’s working out a greater good for you. You will definitely come out stronger and better in the end. Like my best friend says “in the end, it will be all right and if it ain’t alright, it’s notthe end.”

“…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul.
Cheers to the weekend people :D


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Anonymous said...

For her mind now na celebrity she be oo! Everybody show ur handwork' plenty plenty dey for naija

Anonymous said...

I believe the chic o! But this is also for cheap popularity. I heard she hosts a radio show! She wants Y'all to start tuning in!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You are a fucking moron and it's because of people like you that pastoral idolatry perpetuates. Fucking Imbecile!

Anonymous said...

God bles u E.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ese I agree with anon @1230. You are trying to fit a square peg into a circle. Nigerians have adapted to the nigerian experience,situation or whatever the hell you may call it. First and foremost as a nigerian woman you have NO RIGHTS your natural role is dat of subservience , you are expected to toe a culturally ancient line. You have stepped out of line and babe even if the pastor fuck animal, na your own worse pass. My advise you are a young girl, Nigeria is a hell hole, it's not going anywhere in terms of technology or simple basic civilisation .pack your bags ,check out with out regret. Make a life for yourself outside, you will prosper, marry a progressive mind, not one held or possessed by the ancient cultural demons found in Nigeria. And believe in your strength,you are relevant, fight for your right to BE, don't give anyone the power over your life. Honey you can't fight this demon in its hell, too many of them will come to its assistance even angels fear to dare in Nigeria . Fight from outside, were people exist free from this evil essence, you will get support. Nigeria is a land of false prophets and a people so oppressed by lack, they even lack the common sense to ask the question ,WHY?.

Anonymous said...

Looking for cheap popularity..enjoy ur 5 minutes of fame..we are bored already. Stale gist..abeg roll in d next scandal..*yarn* bored stiff

Anonymous said...

Mumu it takes 2 to tango....plus itz anoda woman's husband....b4 u strt insultin nd blabing check urslf...fool

Anonymous said...

Why curse? Na wah o! Judge not the girl joor... you really cannot tell who God will punish or not. that's not yours to decide. God sabi hin work...busy body.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is just a reflection of my thoughts!

laide said...

Why shld his judgment be in heaven, is he not flesh and blood like every other person? And we all know what eventually happened to bother Saul nd Samson? Even David paid for his sins thru the lifestyle his children lived with the exception of solomon.

Anonymous said...

And u re fine, I guess?? U sound lik d f**king nuisance though.

Anonymous said...

Oversabi!! Guess you just wanted to do long article thingzs here...try the dailies.

Keep an open mind guy. Whoever was wrong doesn't matter, we are all just supposed to learn from it and stop crucifying the girl. If it was her way to reach out and not hide a sin why can't we all encourage her and rebel against the evil ongoing in churches these days. Remember covering a sin is a sin

Anonymous said...

Lol, cos he/she is rushing to comment, n he/she had to write nonsense....lol, drama in LIB.

Anonymous said...

@African sweetheart:what do you know about writing? It's called descriptive writing. Or u think u r reading Peter Okoye or Davido's Facebook page? Or maybe it's cos u read only gossip blogs... you better start read novels. Start with Chimamanda Adiche's books. Olodo like you.

Judge Juddyy!!!!! said...

The reason why people don't come out is cos of stigmatization. I salute her courage. She has contributed her part,"a change". Don't worship a man,worship only the almighty God. Those PASTORS intending to ask a church member out for sex,would always have a rethink now. Those doing it,its time to STOP! And if you think you not gonna change,a phone has many functions e.g voice notes,video recording,camera,munched screen etc. Its a new world of digital evidence.

Judge Juddyy!!!!

Judge Juddyy!!!!! said...

The reason why people don't come out is cos of stigmatization. I salute her courage. She has contributed her part,"a change". Don't worship a man,worship only the almighty God. Those PASTORS intending to ask a church member out for sex,would always have a rethink now. Those doing it,its time to STOP! And if you think you not gonna change,a phone has many functions e.g voice notes,video recording,camera,munched screen etc. Its a new world of digital evidence.

Judge Juddyy!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is why this country called Nigeria is doomed. instead of encouraging ese as an agent of change, they are so doom and bent on defending their pastor. How can a country filled with a bunch of idiots and mentally retarded people like this ever change. this is very sad.

metche said...

Ese, honestly I admire your courage. And ur style of writing. May the Almight God forgive. U hv confessed ur sins and ur free.

As for those abusing and criticizing you, may God forgive them. Ese did not abuse anybody but saying the truth. Anyway some people are so dumb they cant even see even if its on their palm.

Ese is not trying to break anybody, s home or distroy church but trying to free herself fromthe guilt of sin.. may God give us understaing.

All I can say is may God vindicate you Ese.

Anonymous said...

And u re cursed as well, like u havnt bin reading her write ups. Ewu gambia.

metche said...

Ese, honestly I admire your courage. And ur style of writing. May the Almight God forgive. U hv confessed ur sins and ur free.

As for those abusing and criticizing you, may God forgive them. Ese did not abuse anybody but saying the truth. Anyway some people are so dumb they cant even see even if its on their palm.

Ese is not trying to break anybody, s home or distroy church but trying to free herself fromthe guilt of sin.. may God give us understaing.

All I can say is may God vindicate you Ese.

Anonymous said...

Aunty, it's Linda who dug up the pic not her. So u know how old the picture is?

stranger said...

See... L8r pple b complaining dat d standard of education is falling and 2 tink dat dis same reading is wat she's made reference to. Yet u ar here complaining about d length of d essay. I don't blame u though, u ar d fallen standard.

Anonymous said...

God bless you plenty

Anonymous said...

Abeg,what Ese has done is commendable.
Think about what would be the case if she hadn't spoken up.
He would probably be targeting his next "fish, this very minute.
And poor girls looking up to him as spiritual leader will keep falling for him.Hopefully,he would learn from this and make a turn around.

stranger said...

Brother/sister, I say 2 u again, read! So that u may b wise.

Anonymous said...

I'm still awaiting the robust reply. Surely 1 week is enough to come up with a suitable storyline. After all Nollywood does it all the time how much less COZA?

Anonymous said...

'It takes extra grace for anyone to resist this type of temptation....' Yet, Joseph ran for his life from portiphar's wife to the point he left his jacket. Na wah for followers of men if God o! U guys can kill ur own children for M.O.G.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind dem,most of u r suffering 4rm what Ese suffered bt u're suffering in silence bcos of shame $ what pple will say,I support u Ese Walter $ may God 4give pastor Biodun cos no 1 Ȋ̝̊̅§ perfect.I love Ese's boldness,Be BOLD $ CONFIDENT.Laidae

Anonymous said...

Mr/Mrs Cognitive dissonanc,I neva knew some1 dat Ȋ̝̊̅§ as daft as u are still exists,pple of ur own type sleeps with a married man $ says'what's d big deal'.Runs gurl or player of a guy,don't play God ooo,I'm sorry 4 u.u need 2 give ur life 2 christ.

Anonymous said...

Why do people enjoy living a lie? A woman took a chance with her own life to reveal to many the lie they had been living under and that woman becomes hated.

I would not want someone who is instructing be spiritually to be doing the things this man is accused of doing, not just to one but to many for decades. Imagine you take your innocent baby to be blessed at church and this filthy pastor touches this innocent baby to bless them, no curse the baby going to be cursed? Imagine you take yourself to be baptized by this pastor, and he touches you and say you are now baptized, no backslide you going to backslide? Imagine you take yourself to be married by this pastor, and he himself who is defiling his own marriage, places his hands on you and your spouse, no problems going to be in you marriage until you divorce? So do y'all still want someone like this touching the precious things of your life? She outed him to spare you all later misery in life because nothing he touches while he is this way will prosper. Thank her later!

Chicadimples said...

Well said!

I think its time to move on...

Anonymous said...

blind coza members coming here to cuss ese should be ashamed of yourselves. when a blind man leads d blind.shame on u coza members.

Anonymous said...

Fool,it's som1 like u dat sleeps with a married man $ says'what's d bid deal'.give ur low life 2 Christ.

Anonymous said...

Djoleen Joshua,u must be d world's greatest FOOL.Give ur low life 2 Christ pls.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind dem Nkechi,dey r jst jealous of her boldness,boldness dat Ȋ̝̊̅§ hard 2 come by in women,most of u r suffering 4rm what Ese suffered,bt u're jst keeping quiet jst bcos u're ashame $ u're thinkin of what pple will say.Boldness Ȋ̝̊̅§ a lovely stain dat pple may try bt can neva wash or wish it away.BE BOLD $ CONFIDENT.Ese dear,I support u $ Pastor Biodun,may God 4giv u IJN,cos nobody Ȋ̝̊̅§ perfect.Laidae

CCC said...

COZA fans, instead of you to take Eses advise, u beefing. So sorry for all u brainwashed fools, you still can't read between the lines. I'm sure even if Biodun Fatoyinbo comes out to confess, u COZA blind followers will still find it difficult to believe he did it.
Don't worry, the world is waiting to hear his "Robust reply".

Anonymous said...

This chick just dey post too much talk.Dnt be a drama girl. The Man of God rape you? Mehhn...go chill jor ,if u like move on ,if u like dnt.Abeg , lets have fresher gist on this blog that this girl matter.Na today peron dey straf person ni...abi bcos na pastor now ,make we all turn unbeliever abi make we go hang the Man?

Anonymous said...

Ese, God bless u. I read ur write up and I'm happy der r still eloquent, self assured young women like u in Nigeria. I have hope for the future of this country becos of u. It will be well. God will surely vindicate you.

FabuloUsiTy said...

And God will also punish u for every sin u av ever sinned in Jesus name! UR downfall is also near.Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. The same measure in which u judge and wish for others shall be metted unto u.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that nobody is commenting on Ese consciously not apologizing to the pastor's wife. For goodness sake, if this story is true, then she had a year long affair with a married man. For some reasons, I believe she had the affair but I find her confession motive very questionable.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that nobody is commenting on Ese consciously not apologizing to the pastor's wife. For goodness sake, if this story is true, then she had a year long affair with a married man. For some reasons, I believe she had the affair but I find her confession motive very questionable.

Anonymous said...

There must be a surge in the views in your blog. See future multimillionaire.

Anonymous said...

So are u saying she should av kept quiet so the pastor can go on to his next babe and the cycle will continue?

Anonymous said...

If God punishes her what happens to the man that slept with her after he has taken an oath with his wife to be faithful to her
Also is she not going to be another man's property later?

Anonymous said...

U can,t know the truth if it stare u in the face.mumu

Anonymous said...

Learn to read.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God bless you @BONARIO. Spot on

Anonymous said...

u don't have to read the writeup tho. The writeup makes sense sha.

Anonymous said...

Like she said she is imperfect and was also involved in d crime here,she was not hypnotised by d so called man of God to such act, and have learned her lesson in a hard way. In her first write up she claimed she was abused nah! She was just burdend by her guilt. She also said Men of God re just men nt God, another lesson learned. My opinion is young ladies fronting dem selves b4 these Men should learn how to zip up when their temptation comes. Let's not keep seeing this kind of scandalous write ups claiming u re abuse in a contract u willingly signed to play. If it is a case of rape or harrassment then d man involved shld be punished buh dn't get ur self into a deep shit n be looking for whom to hip d blame on ie pastors. Let us remember dt in spiritual race ignorant is nt an excuse,take responsibility of all ur negative actions n atone for it do nt blame d religious leaders cus de re seen as demi gods blame ur self nt even ur family. Dear Ese move ahead wit ur life forget any evidence crap, talk to ur creator n atone for ur sin n get rid of d guilt. U might be a good essay writer buh dis type is nt what u shld be proud of and peoples comment won't relife u cus most of dem re so bitter n it will surely affect u. Is only ur God dat can relife u of d guilt n burden nt humans, so lie low n stop being in news negatively

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

replying on my MACBOOK AIR!! when did Christianity become an avenue for publicity? when did whoring around become ok to publicise? u snooze u lose, getagrip!!! next time you wanna hook up with some1 prepare for the best and the worst#disiswhathappenswenbored,commenitngonablog!!

Anonymous said...

While not getting into the whole scandal issue, this has got to be the best write-up I've read in a long time. So spot on.

Anonymous said...

as long as u can live wit urself

Unknown said...

This is one of those articles you read,and if you dont have anything nice to say , you keep quiet,because its so well written and easy because it seems ,looks and sound like the truth!!!Any body who says that this expose will destroy the christain faith,does not know christaindom and has no faith to begin with.I believe this girl,and i know her heart is in the right place.Ese, believe me all the hate comments you get is not from more than a handfull of people who are probably sleeping with the same pastor or another pastor.

Tola said...

You couldn't have said it better. Same question's been on my mind.

Anonymous said...

Not all Eses are Ese Walters. Please give it a rest Ese! if you are not in it for the attention you will not blog about it again. After seeing your glo xfactor audition I know you are in it for attention! I dont know the pastor and if I did go to COZA I would have stopped but you seem to be basking in this your fornication. What do you want a reality show? See what Kim Kadashian as caused!

Anonymous said...

Mumu injustice on women how? Did she tell u she was raped? She had sex with him willingly...what Ese is telln us goes beyond. What she has written. Why did she go meet her "pastor" in a hotel room? She shld ve told him no and tht they shld meet at the restuarant/bar.. She did whatever with the pastor with both eyes open so what freakn injustice are u on about???? Can u even see the way she's dressed? Her panties are almst visible

lovelylady said...

Ese is my cousin.that is all i have to say.

Anonymous said...

if you'd slept with a regular married man, would you have needed this public closure?? You just showed us you're desperate for attention. You're lucky the pastor isnt my hubby, i for skin you alive!!!! Foolish girl.

Anonymous said...

if you'd slept with a regular married man, would you have needed this public closure?? You just showed us you're desperate for attention. You're lucky the pastor isnt my hubby, i for skin you alive!!!! Foolish girl.

Anonymous said...

Which man wan follow dis one now ,with all dis unnecessary negative fame

Anonymous said...

Useless girl, you will pay dearly for what you did,,, you committed fornication, you think exposing him will do you good and bring pity to you? Girl you didn't do it right.. Confess to God quietly and repent and God would have forgiven you,,, and not this public disgrace you caused for yourself

Anonymous said...

Okay, she has gotten the fame and attention she wanted. What next? Open a non-governmental organisation and ........

zeee said...

Hmmmm, dis story sef! Only God can judge. But whilst we are @ it, we should remember that the gift and calling of d Lord is without repentance. D Pastor may have done dis, buh God won't abandon him cos He called Him. Sexual immorality may have been his weakness, which is what Satan (the opportunist) saw, and decided to destroy him. So we can't say. As. 4 dis Ese gurl, you strike me like a gurl seeking revenge. It's possible that dis pastor stopped having ur tym, and u threatened to expose Him, he didn't bulge den u went ahead to carry out ur threats. It don't believe and I don't doubt you. Buh u should stop playing d victim. U were not indebted to dis man in anyway, so u were under no obligation to sleep with him. The onus was on you to walk away, buh u stayed on. Slept with him, not once, not twice. I hope dis is ur last act of fornication. Because if dis is not, den you have oonly wasted ur tym.

blunt said...

Shut up..its psychopaths like you that have made Nigeria the jungle it is where our leaders steal with impunity and are given front seats in mosques and churches! in civilized climes, the man would have been forced to address the situation or resign in shame if he can't convince his congregation.Nigeria will never move forward cos we are all so religious but our consciences are so dead!

Anonymous said...

Easily diagnosed....Narcissitic PD. behavioral therapy will work. You and your side piece only have each other to blame. Stop this crap of trying to involve everyone else in your disgusting, revolting, pathetic mess. Work on UR own salvation and stop thinking you know how everyone lives their lives.

zeee said...

Again,COZA members should stop acting as if their Pastor isn't flesh and blood. He is human and is open to Temptation. What now matters is how he handles it. If our oown role Model, JESUS was tempted by Satan, how much more an ordinary Pastor. So its possible he did it. Buh I like their solidarity though. Iit just shows that in times like this, you can still have ppl who will stand by you.

zeee said...

Linda pls post my comment ooh

Anonymous said...

How come all the messages are targeted Just before sunday sermon, Please dont distract worshipers from beign blessed on sunday. Linda pls stop giving this babe attention on your blog jor, she just an agent of teh devil whether you believe it or not.


This Ese girl is a real knock out beauty...Now I understand why Pastr Bio traveled all the way to London just to fuck her..And she's a darn good writer too. Love you girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

You gave consent for over a week ...had sex with him knowing he was married..you didn't shout clap hand for his head or tape him the next day then Make a counseling appointment with his wife and senior ministers to replay it so they can deal with him...instead according to you you had sex with someone else's husband. All the other so called women are hanging their heads in shame probably regretting why they fell into his sick life. May God forgive us all..but your blog is pointless..go to your God in quietness. Good you did an open confession..go repent in silence... Stop clogging cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

It is true that we are flesh, but many times we fail to control ourselves, not only in adultery and fornication, but also in taking what does not belong to us, fighting ,keeping malice, and all the rest. People hold to fornication and adultery because it involves exchange of blood,but all sins is equal before God. Back to Ese matter, confession is good when is done with a right mind and not out of prejudice. I think the best confession was the one you did with Pastor Flo and the rest of the elders, but going to the media should be see as revenge whether you like it or not. Going to the media looks to me you are in revenge mission to tarnished his image because you are embittered. Myself I ve had an affairs with a reverend Father, I knew him when I was in high school because he was the parish priest then, and the asst Rector in the Seminary. We met and he invited me to the his present Parish which was a little farther than our village. I attended the prayer session with him, ate with him and other guest. later we made love which did not go down well with me. I got home and felt dirty, I cried my eyes out and rolled on the floor, I refused to interact with people for two days. After several torture from my conscience, I felt better and believe God has forgiven me, up till today I never relent in asking for forgiveness towards that direction. As for the Reverend Father, I never visit him again. I bumped into him one day and only waved to him from a distance, but I did not go to the media. I believe God has a way to deal with anybody be it a preacher, and i pray it will not come from me and my family. Peace my peep.

Anonymous said...

A spirit-filled Christian woman, who has fallen before, alas! a spirit-filled man who understands the works of the Kingdom will understand Ese Walter and her actions! GOD loves repentance and confession. She is bang on point!

Anonymous said...

JUDGE not! Who made you a judge? Were you there? Ewu Fernando po!

Anonymous said...

Ese is an attention seeking ashi. FULLSTOP.

BABYCUTE said...


Anonymous said...

I will assume that you weren't thinking when you wrote this. It's amazing no one is talking about the pastor. Bonario or whatever you call yourself, have u also thought about the women he will continue to sleep with? God is exposing this man and people are so blinded that thst they cannot see. Well the bible clearly stated that in the last days people will call evil good and try to hide the truth. Pls think before you write

Unknown said...

As in. The story is just as long as her hot legs! Lol. She's hot tho.

Anonymous said...

The more I read this blog the more I begin to realise that Nigeria is a doomed nation. Just look at reasoning, people it is besides the point that she slept with a pastor, the fact remains that this pastor, who lays his hands to bless people willingly, without regrets initiated and consummated a sexual relationship out side his marriage with a member of his congregation. Not only that, he has used the tithes to fund his travel to England to pay for hotel room to fuck woman. HOW MANY LEVELS OF WRONG is that please count.

Anonymous said...

Am surprised some people still don't get her reason for all this. Main thing for.her is finding peace then gettin people to understand that pastors r mere mortals who can fall to sin n also to awaken d Christian body of the rot to d rot that has eaten it deep in the name of pastors continually fornicating in d name of grace. Touch not my annointed does not prevent us frm speaking or sharing d truth n only God knows his annointeds. Several claim to av been called but only God knws d ones he's called

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji u ve started again.ok after all said nd done ese walter do u really need d media to do dis?

The Cute Guy said...

Ese my dear, you've won my heart, I have told you before and I am telling you again, you will make a very good wife. I am coming to marry you, but we will live the simple quiet life here in the UK. Love you to bits!

Anonymous said...

So becos He has a so called calling from God , now has some kind of diplomatic,spiritual immunity to commit what ever atrocity he wants to, in Gods name, abi. Please answer me this question , Na which level of Retardation you dey, you get monkey for your genetic pool? Sorry for you.your level of mumu is not compatible with mankind infact I don't understand how you get finger to type that rubbish you just did. You are sick and need a vet. Idiot!!

Anonymous said...

Move on with ur life n stop bitching all over the web, we are tired of hearing ur bullshit stories. Let God be the judge as a true believer or meet some psychologist if u can't take a gud advice

Blunt said...

@Prince Charming. Your comment is dumb!

Anonymous said...

SO ESE CUD PUBLICLY MENTION A PASTOR'S NAME AND ACCUSE HIM OF WHATEVER, BUT SHE HAS NO GUTS TO BRING FORTH THE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCUSATION TO D PUBLIC, RATHER SHES TELLING US DIS BULL CRAP DAT SHES GIVEN THE EVIDENCE TO A PROMINENT MAN OF GOD WHOSE NAME SHE CANNOT MENTION TO D PUBLIC. SO WHAT WAS D POINT IN PUBLIC ACCUSING THE PASTOR? CONGRATS, URE NOW FAMOUS, WITHOUT MAKING THAT EVIDENCE PUBLIC, ALL THIS IS CHEAP BLACK MAIL AND PUBLICITY STUNT. meanwhile, franca pls bring out ur evidence as u claimed you wud if d pastor denies, afterall d pastor is yet to issue any official statement, perhaps scared that u will expose him, dats if actually u have it. pls franca, add credibility to ur own story, dont be as cheap as ese.

Mischievous said...

Ese, you tantalize me with your English and style of writing. I give to you, you've got brain. Brilliant is your second name.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 31, 2013 at 9.50 PM. You are living in BONDAGE. I pray God will one day deliver you, and shine His light upon you.

Unknown said...

@Bonario.. I luv U, U jst spoke my mind.. The bitch is desperately in need of attention. See her Sexy bomshot, isn't she suppose 2 be decent?? Prostitute looking for attention

Anonymous said...

From the comments on this post, it is clear many ladies here are fucking their pastors, and they see Ese as a spoiler.
Ese, you are a shooting star, you've come so far and you cant go back to where you use to be.

Anonymous said...

As much as it breaks my heart to read some comments written by most probably Nigerians, it gives me even greater disgust to think that people as intelligent as they think they are can be so oblivious and backward. This is a lady who despite having so much to lose, from embarrassment to her entire family to being a public ridicule to the entire nation, chose to come out and speak the truth in an effort to prevent the spread of this false religion we Christians exhibit, saving face and doing evil indoors, when as a matter of fact the only person we deceive is ourselves. You dare bring your face and call her all sorts of names.
In no mood to criticize anyone I ask you to do one thing, look into your lives personally and see if your ways are aligned with what God wants, not the ways you show to people, but those things you do or even think about when you're by yourself. when you do that, if you're extremely perfect, if you think you deserve to go to heaven the most then feel free to cast the first stone.

Anonymous said...

So why is she now disseminating provocative pictures of herself? I am about to withdraw my support. Perhaps she wants to be in the public via notoriety - the Kim Kardashian way

DeeD25 said...

This lady has not found The Lord... dressed like this, No girl... there's something questionable about you.. Just saying!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ese, thank you for pouring your heart out and bringing a sharper awareness about the "humanity" of Pastors. You have "re-educated" many of us not old enough to have seen this kind of drama played out many times over. i'm sure that in time we'll all be less startled as a people apt to treat out spiritual leaders as demi-gods.

Anonymous said...

Now Ese Walters or whatever u call yourself,we have heard you and I believe you slept with the pastor.However, your epistles are becoming a BORE!#yawns#.Please get a life!

Anonymous said...

Mtscheeew! U and Ese must be twins then

Anonymous said...

You realize she wrote it on her own blog where she wrote other life experiences but amebos like Linda spread the gist of her non publicized blog. She was just writing, pere

Solo said...

Anon @ 1105 it is your duty to report any form of professional misconduct you are witness to. It is not getting revenge. If you found a doctor administering poision to patients, would you keep silent, if your teacher had sex with you, would you not report it. God will not come down from heaven to Fix these things, believe it or not God relies on you to use the gifts of common sense to report incidence like this, to expose , the working of the demon in his house. if this priest could do this, then what other evils would he be commiting in Gods name. my dear you are what is called an assessory to crime. what he has done is criminal and you kept quiet about it. do you know how many other ladies you could have saved . you were just concerned weith saving your own soul. it does not work like that. And so darlin, by going quietly to seek confession and taking it no further you have behaved like a typical, short changed nigerian, you failed to make a positive change and even help save the soul of that wretched person. You need to ask forgiveness for your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I must commend this girl for her courage and true understanding of the Christian faith...her Writing skills too is impeccable. Thank you for drawing our attention to the bitter truth. The heavenly race is an individual race and every christian must run it with fear and trembling without reliance on any other human being be it 'Man of God' or 'Christian Brother/Sister'. He who has ears let him hear....

Anonymous said...

We have heard you. You slept with Pastor. Correct . What next.? The Pastor was not the one that deflowered you. Are you going to say you have not slept with anyone after the Pastor. My question is what is it about your conscience that you want to free? Lets have the list of everymen that have eating your goodies. That we would know you actually want to free your mind. As for you Pastor. You need to clean this shit. You allow this lady to drag the name of our Lord to the mud. Please ask forgiveness from your wife and kids. This lady mean you wella.

Miriam said...

In my opinion if this guy actually did this thing. Then it is a good thing that the girl has confessed. There should be no cover up in the house of God . Everything needs to be transperant So those advocating for a cover up, it just goes to show the type of person you are. It is not a matter of judge not, and yes he is only human. the fact is dat he is accountable not only toGod, but the society at large. If he has failed in his duties as a pastor , yes he is human to sin and forgiveness is there. He most also demonstrate remorse by stepping down, get closer to God, meditate, how can you lead the blind when you are yourself blind, deaf and mute. If he has any God in him he will be filled with remorse and step down . Makes me wonder why he is holding on, is it power, greed, is that what motivated the pastor line of buisness. Anyway innocent until proven otherwise. I think now will be a good time to publish your evidence, if there is any. You have given the accused time to confess, so if there is evidence go ahead. This is my take on the issue.

@jacksamson50 said...

If im to use one word to this describe this girl i will say 'WHORE', just by looking at her you will know. all this talk about blaming the pastor aint gonna paint you good. you had sex with the man the first time, ok we can let that fly but when you do that again, come-on, who you fooling and honestly do got no shame by releasing this pie of shit again. And to think you got ur own blog esp for this, mshewwww bitch plss. in fact im very sure you got some married men on your contact you sleeping with.
for all you reading this, i aint supporting the pastor one bit. He did wrong and that's the fact. would have like to continue insulting this Ese of a whore but mehn u aint worth it. How did he even find you worthy of having sex with in the first place ??????????????

Cassie said...

Obviously there maybe some truth in what you have saying Ese but but and but again, "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm" .David a man after Gods heart didn't only covert another man's wife but also killed the man yet God called him a man after his heart. try 2 forgive, mostly Live and LET GO. Let God be the judge, focus on your own life as a born again Christian 2corinth5vs17 ! Enrich your heart with the word! And by that I don't mean just the verses that seem to you as an evidence that you are right and the man of God is wrong! No! 2 peter1 vs5-9 grow in the knowledge of God! All the best!

Moe said...

Hater. Go back to primary school. It's "here" not hear. Olodo

Anonymous said...

You spoke beautifully well Ese.....more power to your elbow...I felt a divine guidance while reading your write up....it is well with you....i think you have proved a point.....you should channel your strength somewhere else now....am sure you have succeeded in gaining listening ears now....so use it positively....

Unknown said...

This girl is saying the truth but Nigerians who are emotional christians will not understand her
God will vindicate you forget about the religious bigots who dont think with their brain


Ese, my mind was flogged, dazed and bewildered as I type this from my 'DESKTOP' You must have been like "Damn, I have done a terrible thing. How can I live with myself & behold this randy freak continue to parade himself as a ‘Man of God’? I can’t come to terms, I must blurt out” I have tried not to judge U & I won’t but U failed to realize that we’re analytical & not daft as U presumed. By going public, did U at least confront him to acknowledge his sin & submit to repentance? Did U go to his wife to tell her the evil you too have done & to see how this can be addressed without escalating it since you are so ‘contrite’? What did your mum said about this? What did your siblings say about this? Did U stop to think what will be the psychological state of Pastor Randy’s family, your family & church faithful’s will be like? You ran out public. Now the public is curious. I bet you expect the pastor to refute it & he hasn’t. You have got what you saliently wanted & that’s for the public to know. Since he hasn’t refute your claim, you are obliged to go a step further & present your ‘evidence’ to the public & not the few Christian body you sent it to & if he is indicted in that said evidence, let me see how he won’t give a public statement on it. What was a man of God doing in a hotel? Churches are supposed to have State Secretariats & where the proposed event takes the man of God out of his base, he should stay with the most senior pastor’s house in the state where the event would take place. Break bread with them, fellowship with them in devotions and let me see how a skimpy dressed lady would come & tempt him there in a family home. W.F Kumuyi never went anywhere without the company of Biodun his late wife But that is not the case, they’d rather lodge in hotels. Kumuyi offered himself for resignation to the church when his son flaunted church doctrines and Pastor is yet to offer a statement refuting Ese’s claims. The Pastor should give a statement on this and don’t play silent is consent so that Ese can have her peace. And if he doesn’t do that, then Ese send out your evidence to every , media that your head can think of since your inability to deal with this in a scandal-free way has led to this! You’ve opened this gate and you must walk into it!

Anonymous said...

Only God knows the truth....

Anonymous said...

This person claiming to be ESE WALTER is an imposter. She is using someone else's picture, probably a dead person to make noise. BEWARE

Anonymous said...

This person claiming to be ESE WALTER is an imposter. She is using someone else's picture, probably a dead person to make noise. BEWARE

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

when you are the founder/G.O,who'll discipline you when you erred? when they probe too much,you bow out of the relevant bodies(can,pfn,etc).
But in all,God knows the truth and the parties involved, knows their level of involvement.

Unknown said...

Are u rreally that stupid to think someone would want to become famous this way??? Please check it head!

Unknown said...

Are u really that stupid to think someone will want to become famous this way??? Please try and use your God given common sense

Anonymous said...

Ese, my mind was flogged, dazed and bewildered as I type this from my 'DESKTOP' You must have been like "Damn, I have done a terrible thing. How can I live with myself & behold this randy freak continue to parade himself as a ‘Man of God’? I can’t come to terms, I must blurt out” I have tried not to judge U & I won’t but U failed to realize that we’re analytical & not daft as U presumed. By going public, did U at least confront him to acknowledge his sin & submit to repentance? Did U go to his wife to tell her the evil you too have done & to see how this can be addressed without escalating it since you are so ‘contrite’? What did your mum said about this? What did your siblings say about this? Did U stop to think what will be the psychological state of Pastor Randy’s family, your family & church faithful’s will be like? You ran out public. Now the public is curious. I bet you expect the pastor to refute it & he hasn’t. You have got what you saliently wanted & that’s for the public to know. Since he hasn’t refute your claim, you are obliged to go a step further & present your ‘evidence’ to the public & not the few Christian body you sent it to & if he is indicted in that said evidence, let me see how he won’t give a public statement on it. What was a man of God doing in a hotel? Churches are supposed to have State Secretariats & where the proposed event takes the man of God out of his base, he should stay with the most senior pastor’s house in the state where the event would take place. Break bread with them, fellowship with them in devotions and let me see how a skimpy dressed lady would come & tempt him there in a family home. W.F Kumuyi never went anywhere without the company of Biodun his late wife But that is not the case, they’d rather lodge in hotels. Kumuyi offered himself for resignation to the church when his son flaunted church doctrines and Pastor is yet to offer a statement refuting Ese’s claims. The Pastor should give a statement on this and don’t play silent is consent so that Ese can have her peace. And if he doesn’t do that, then Ese send out your evidence to every , media that your head can think of since your inability to deal with this in a scandal-free way has led to this! You’ve opened this gate and you must walk into it!

Unknown said...

I hope when a 'man of God' sleeps with your wife or daughter or sister u still feel the same way

Chinasa said...

False prophet, comes to mind. What exactly are the qualities of a false prophet, let me see,
1. Having sex with the beautiful young members of the congregation. Fornication

2. Using up church funds to finance your sexcapades.stealing with malicious intent.

3 having the ourdacity to stand elevated on sanctified space as a pulpit preaching to a congregation you have FUCKED. Blasphemy against God and hypocrisy in its most vile form.

4.lying to your wife, thereby committing adultery

There is no sin that God cannot forgive once confessed to. This pastor needs to step down immediately, become a member of the congregation, get therapy for sex addition , get therapy for your marriage. It is not enough to blame the DEVIL. Remember we all have been blessed with free will. This guy premeditated this event. Got on the plane, sat in it for 6 hrs, got to the room, called up this girl. In all this time you who is supposed to be filled with the spirit did not rethink, and even continued with the act up to 6 times. If na exam he has failed woefully 6x.He has been tried and tested by satan and has failed, what kind of a pastor is dat? If the allegation is true he really needs to step down, be part of the congregation and be lead rather than led.As for the girl she has just helped to expose a weakness in the system.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, we act with our emotions and not stop and think what if?.. We all need to know that it takes so much courage to do what she did. Even if it was wrong.. I have come to realize in my study of people and the society that there is a little truth in every lie told.. (Not taking sides).. We just have to pray for them and hope that they all have learned from this experience..
We might say bad words to the pastor or even worse rain generational curses to the young lady as i have seen in this blog. We just still have to remember that someone out there facing the same issue may have been saved.

"Show some love people"!!!!!

James Obong said...

It's so funny that everyone is missing the whole issue here. To start with Ese or whatever her name is not a Child and to the best of my knowledge based on the Blogs written on her "MacBook" knew the Man is and remained married, let's forget he is a Man of God. She has her Dirty Agenda!
Now that she's had her 5 minutes of fame she should crawl into the hole she emerged from and she made a mistake of not producing a sex tape about the hot sex. Is she not the same lady that sang Eminem on X FACTOR?
Yeye full this world o.

James Obong said...

Thanks for this intelligent write up. She is not a Kid. And she wants sympathy by saying she's motivated by the "voiceless" haba, for every action there are consequences which we cannot run away from. Every Pastor is fundamentally and primarily human, to expect more Is missing the whole point. What are you doing with a Able married man, handsome at that alone in the hotel room? Idiot with a MacBook!

Anonymous said...

The message is dat this pastor has committed adultery and fornicated with a member of his congregation, People please ever heard of the saying Dont shoot the messenger. So you don't like the way God has chosen to expose this falsehood in his house, take it up with God then. Judas by his own actions was exposed by God as a betrayer, so what are you supporters saying.

James Obong said...

Oooh, you are part of the voiceless too abi?

James Obong said...

God save you o!

James Obong said...

I Guess he had a Gun to your head when he forced you to come to the Hotel abi? Ashewo! All you liars, God will deal with you!

Anonymous said...

I read ur 1st blog and was outraged at how mildly u let out ur story. With *winks and side jokes*....
I have read comments congratulating u on ur courageous act.... of what exactly???
God alone knows the truth.....
U had an affair with a "man of God"," a married man of God" and for as long as it lasted,u saw nothing wrong with it.....
U are writing on ur "macbook"-whats its relevance to ur story? According to u,u didn't know anyone would take u seriously? Now we have and suddenly u want to say ur last about it..... what really happened Ese? he has chosen a prettier girl over u or has refused to refund the money u used to pay for his pent house suites and still fucked u on top.......

Anonymous said...

Ese, u are a fool.....as big as u are,u can't tell right from wrong if ur story's true.......u should give ur parents back every penny they hv spent on ur education........... for something u claim to be broken by, u write with winks and side jokes........ u will rot in hell!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are Nigerians so gullible. False prophets everywhere , asking you to give 1/10 of your income to facilitate their lavish life style and even travelling abroad , booking hotel rooms to sleep with congregation. And all people see is this girl, one of many who has decided to speak up and expose the dirt. People be careful where you sow your money, what kind of returns will come from facilitating fornication and adultery. Ignorance is no excuse. Open una eyes, read your bibles, look at the heart not what is on the outside. Any devil can dress up as a priest and devour your money and lay hands on and curse your families. Everyone of us is accountable to God. Stop deceiving yourselves by stupidly following false prophets.. God has given everyone the equal talent of common sense, the good ones have multiplied it to become intelligence, the stupid ones have even lost their common sense. When the master returns home you will explain you decisions.

Anonymous said...

Do you all seriously think a lady will tell such a lie against herself just to be popular in a society like ours?Hell no...i served in Abakaliki and in a well known christian mission and the "provost"invited all corp members for dinner ,to my amazement ,he requested i get water from the kitchen and the idiot followed me and held me liked his life was dependent on it,i struggled, and told him i was going to scream before he released the grip,the man of God let me go and i sought redeployment the next week out of the place,till this moment nobody knew why i redeployed and should i have screamed ,it was his words against mine and nobody would have believed an ordinary corp member.why are we blind to things that happen everyday in churches,a friend once went for counselling and the pastor offered to pray with her and he started touching her breasts and she actually slapped him and left the church. To each his own...

Anonymous said...

This things continue because the Pastors know that people will be on their side just as we are all doing right now. We should all remember that the preacher is not our God. And come to think of the " Touch Not my Anointed ' Thing. We are all anointed as children of God. Once you accept Christ and the Holy Spirit is in you, you are anointed for signs and wonders.

Nike said...

Chinasa, you voice exactly what any normal person is thinking. As for oblong let me come down to your level of thinking. The girl is an ashawo, fine we are not surprised at her behaviour. the man is a pastor he is supposed to be anointed , paving the way for others . instead he is fucking every thing in a skirt. mismanaging funds, abusing peoples trust. every sunday he will preach to a congregation that has seen his private parts. Ese has done the absolute right thing and exposed this imposter. Who else would have exposed him. He had no intention of stopping his lewd behaviour.

Anonymous said...

She admitted that she was guilty

Anonymous said...

You said you have moved on but your persistent blogs doesn't show you have.If it really happened and you've left it to God,then let Him help you deal with it.And I hope you have also learnt your lessons cos it takes two.

Anonymous said...

It wud hv been a better story if d pastor made passes @ u & resisted d temptation.. buh all d same tho.. I like wah u re doin.. Hp we'll get married sm day..*winks*

Anonymous said...

God's ways are not d ways of man. U should av asked for forgiveness on r own and prolly make ur confession to a man of God instead of dis public show of shame. I'm sure sumtin wld av gone wrong to make u wanna av ur pound of flesh like dis. Leave d man to his maker, he knws how to judge everyone according to d work of thr hand. Remember d story of David

Anonymous said...

LIVE debate? Ese can't stand that trust me. I know the two of them very well.

Anonymous said...

What would you have pastor Biodun say? To shameless confess to the whole world that he slept with Ese Walter?? You are very wrong… none of us is God and none of us have the right to judge the pastor- the pastor owes confession to God in whichever way he chooses to do it. I really wonder why so many Christians are very quick to throw stones and judge fellow believers instead of praying for their restoration. Here is What the bible teach us to do:- According to Matt 18:15-17, if we observe a person who claims to be a brother, yet whose behavior is immoral and sinful, we should privately and gently confront this person with the truth of their sin, and seek to restore them to Christ through repentance. “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted” (Gal 6:1). If they refuse to hear us in the matter, we should make another attempt with the assistance of one or two more Christians. Still, if there is no satisfactory response, we should then tell it to the church. And finally, if the restorative attempts of the church and it’s authorities are further rejected, we are no longer to esteem them as a brother (Matt 18:15-17

In 1 Corinthians 5 Apostle Paul knew there was a very bad case of immorality going on yet go and read how he started 1 Corinthians, he called them saints. 1 Corinthians 5:1-9 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles; that a man has his father’s wife! Paul understood that this kind of incestuous relationship would be considered taboo even among the pagans of their culture, yet the Corinthian Christians seem accepting of this behavior but while writing the epistle, he addressed them as saints. I don’t care if the pastor slept with Ese or not going public was not the best way to handle this and incase the Ese don’t know God will hold her responsible if the church is scattered by this so call scandal.

Please quit judging this pastor. Let your contribution at the time of difficulty be to pray for him, his restoration and family.

To the church and the body of Christ please fall behind him in prayer, let’s restore our brother and not let the devices of the enemy destroy him.

Ese only mentioned pastor Biodun what of the other men she slept with before pastor Biodun or is it not the same sin?????
Brethren be wise!! this might be the devil’s strategy but in case it’s real, throw the first stone if you are without sin

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know you are a coza member in ilorin. Try and mention names na. Or you want me to start?
I beg ooh make I no come turn Ese walter with 1min fame

Anonymous said...

I believe you brother, don't be surprise to see linda post Ese bentley soon.

Anonymous said...

this girl is obviously fame hungry... plz mooove liar... u cldntleve it that first confession bi?
leran to work on ur quest for fame betta next time... olodo

Anonymous said...

The devil wants a cover up. Na lie o! Pastor when dey sleep with congregation member dey use tithes to fuck women is a demon possessed person. He needs to be outed , The same bible you quote to favour immorality in the church (tufiakwa) that same bible warned of false prophets at the end of days. People be wise.

Anonymous said...

If it is true and this pastor fuck this girl. If he gets up onto the pulpit to preach nonsense again I will personally throw a big rock at his sex obsessed head. That will make the devil in him go hipity hop.

Nike said...

If you want to be led by a devil it's fine, it's a free world, just don't twist the bible to suit your idiotic convictions.

Anonymous said...

In 2005 ted haggard a famous pastor was outed by a male stripper he had paid for sex and drugs . Ted denied , eventually he confessed to the world. He left the church he had lead for ten years and was exiled from his community. Ted went to therapy he said his personal responsibility was not to lie to people. After therapy ted has started another church. In Colorado . Ted said he walked through the valley of death to arrive at his redemption it took him 7 yrs to heal himself and be confident to start pastoring again. A simple sorry and sweep under the carpet mentality will not fix this pastor if he really did this.

Anonymous said...

So the blind bigots are still here abusing this girl? Im not suprised because reality denial is the order of the day in Nigeria.

When a people have lost everything including their dignity you dont expect them not to fight back when you attempt to erode their last vestige of hope.

The merchants of hope and their stock in trade is all that Nigerians have left. Enjoy the Vapor!

Jonpinjeff said...

What is Ugly about Ese Walter? Gosh Nigerians are Venomous.

Anyway, your anger & bile cannnot erase her Beauty. She is wonderfully crafted by the Most High. I just love her courage!

Anonymous said...

very well written i must say....its nt whether Ese is right or wrong lets look beyond the fact that she slept with Pastor or nt lets see the morale behind her story and let no other girl fall victim . frm wat i gather the pastor seems like a serial womanizer and that must be stopped and made known (am nt judging like i said frm all your comments and the write up)... all u COZA members u all seem to be for YOUR PASTOR and yeah ur allowed but cm if na one of una wey commit this kin sin wat wld ur pastor do to you ?? hv u sat down to tink of what your pastor or your church would do to u ?? so why cant we see the pastor as a member who shld be called to order if hes found guilty. so why dnt we all stop judging and wait for the pastors ROBUST response.

Anonymous said...

Ese, you are really strong to have come out to write this and face all this insults and curses. you had your own fault because i feel u enjoyed it until u stopped getting the attention. I pray sincerely that you find the peace you need.

Lets face facts, we all know how this things work,and you people are still living in denial, were you brain washed? cos i dont get how stupid you guys are being. The person involved has not responded and you people are there busy cursing instead of praying.

those of you cursing, on Ese's behalf i say "BACK TO THE SENDER" do you think it easy to come out to the world on such issue, where you there? Is he superhuman that he couldnt have fallen? .
you all better go back to God and ask for guidance cos thats exactly what i am doing.

Anonymous said...

those of you who feel bacause she is a girl and because of the African/Nigerian factor she has no right. you are all fools! this day and age you still have the gender thing in your mind. the world has moved on and you still live in the '20s

Anonymous said...

Even if all u said were true, ur indecent dressing even to the public and said it all. We all know the genesis of it.

Anonymous said...

Ok Ese. We have all accepted the injustice done to you. We agree pastor b committed a sin against you. So what next? Well, if you are exploiting this for popularity we know you wouldn't go back to sleep. Haba naaa, and allow your hard work of these past weeks be in vain? I predict that you would squeeze out all the publicity you can on this and lobby your way into a prominent social position where you would speak as a representative or spokesperson of women and maybe NIGERIANS generally; which you are already setting the stage for by this piece. I also predict that you would try to stay in the public eye; hopeful that you have acquired followers for your radio program " feminine speaks" which was billed to go off air because you couldn't meet the listener requirement for the program. The only thing I admire you for is your ability to rifle through your past and strength of selecting a fail in your character which you chose to transform into a win for yourself and a tool for getting the attention of everyone. Well, congrats the first stage of your plot worked; you have all of our attention now. What you do not count on is the fact that before you ever even called up the taxi for your pastor b on that fated day in London; the stage had already being set for this charade of the past week. If God had to deal with pastor b for his sins he had already picked a man; a bad man; and that man was you read proverbs 16:4. In fact read proverbs 16: 1-13. Now we have your whole story; we know you generally had Sex with him and he with you. But how do we know the parts of your story you tweaked to your favor and the important details that would further define your part in this if it is only you who is acknowledging it. That's where you totally got pastor b: in his sin and ignorance and because of the judgement of God being visited on him; he refuses to comment because he knows he has no defence. As lawyers we all know if you do not change the main event of a story and admit to a damaging extent your part in it; that you could tweak other small irrelevant details and get believability. Because when people feel you have said the worst about yourself they won't dare doubt the small points which are really not small. Anyways, I just thought to inform you that a foundation built on evil doesn't stand. The house or mansion will be erected successfully and people would come admire it but it would definitely crumble disastrously; no matter how long it takes. Don't. Don't build on this scandal. I know you are gonna do it anyway. But this was written to warn you. Your part in this story is over; this is what it was about; a brave woman sacrificing for the larger society and exiting to live a normal life. And I thought personally that you owed pastor b's wife and kids an apology; if not genuinely at least to convince those who think you are doing this without any ulterior motives that you put all of the victims in consideration and not just yourself; and that it wasn't a vendetta against this wife he loved more than you. She is a victim too; and the chief person I think you should be fighting for since you live to fight for women; or don't you consider her a woman too? Lastly I would say to all of us; God is not mocked; be not deceived. HE has begun his judgement on one and he would get to the other in time; we should not attempt to stand in the way by our emotions and vanity and our need to condemn, comment or be heard. He will do what he says he will do; and he has already outlined all that he would do in the Bible; he has already forewarned us. God is not just watching; he is doing too. Be careful what kind of vessel you make yourself available as because he has said he has use of all; both good and bad.

Anonymous said...

Linda, the blog's reach is so far and wide .... its practically the only source of news to some people ... i don't understand why U didn't post the 2nd girl's story ... she didn't sleep with this pastor but its obvious that the pastor tried to seduce her

Anonymous said...

All these women claiming abuse from pastors should please let us hear. You guys are your own worst enemies. So you slept with a pastor and now it's his fault? That's why they call women pea brained because of people like you! I am a woman and I know a woman is never weak and can never succumb to Sex unless she is forcefully raped or hypnotised or jazzed or stupid! Even married men sometimes find it hard to sleep with their wives because women only sleep with whoever and whenever they have made up their minds to have Sex. Our fantasy is our biggest problem as women because our emotions are what makes a mess of us. And so a pastor wants to have Sex with you? The only reason you let him gently guide you to it and succeed is because u hypnotised yourself at that point and allowed yourself get carried away. If the pastor succeeded then someone else would too; as long as he triggers that fantasy or emotion that makes you lose your will! Don't. Blame your pastors work on yourself!
It is a general fact amongst us women that these words " I love you" said at the right time; with the right tone by the right person is an aphrodisiac and can make any woman succumb to Sex be it with a pastor or house boy! How do we know if that wasn't how this pastor fanned Ese passion. So pleaseeeee I so do not want to hear about this sort of victimisation of women! There is no such thing! Women are victims of their own emotions and grandioseness and vanity in this respect. This is the reason why majority of women have not supported Ese because we know ourselves too well; and Ese's gimmicks can only work on gullible men out there who think women are rational beings like men; we are not! We are emotional beings!
Now please can the necessary people take over this issue and address it the right way ( out of social media - but with occasional feedbacks to satisfy these blood thirsty people) and deal with the pastor according to whatever law applicable. The rest of us deserve some respite from this sordid and very seedy tale.

Anonymous said...

jokes apart this lady is intelligent good writer. i like you girl....

Anonymous said...

The thing about the story that would also make me start my own blog is the fact that people are yet to accept the truth. What is wrong with this girl speaking up for the truth and getting everyone wary. What is wrong with getting justice for evil misdeeds. What is this world we live in all about. Ese, has done a good job freeing her mind from bondage and keeping other girls aware that these men of GOD are ordinary men as well. GO ESE!

Amanda Austins said...

What is this Pam (August 31, 2013 at 12:34 PM) saying? And I quote "We deify our pastors and forget they are humans..."

Who invited Ese to the hotel? - Pastor
Who asked Ese to sit on his laps? - Pastor
Who asked Ese to kiss him? - Pastor

It is not as if Pastor Biodun has denied any of these allegations...and somebody is here saying she defiled him?

Why do Nigerians like to act naive and ignorant? Most of us are constantly unable to analyze issues critically.

Well said Anonymous (August 31, 2013 at 12:38 PM.

Kudos to you Ese. The problem with Nigerians is that they prefer worship their Pastors than our Creator.

People like me have experienced this several times but are not courageous enough to CRY FOUL like you did.

I hope these young ones will learn from your story. As for me, I will drag my children by their ears when it comes to this pastor/brethren issue.

Linda please tell me what her blog is called. Would like to write her personally. Thank you in advance.


Hmmmm! Dear Ese I wont exactly commend u 100%, cos didn't do the right thing by being intimate with your pastor, and a servant of God. then some one else's husband. well! That's no sin in Nigeria these days because , its become a trend, so people should NOT even go there, trying to judge her on that.
Well my point is , Nigerians have become so Religious and have failed to see the diff between right and wrong,jsut because there's a tittle attached to the name, or all in the name of religion. 80% of Christian Nigerians suffer from MSD, (Miracle Seeking Disorder). SOME PASTORS AND CHURCHES ARE BUSY EXPLOITING PEOPLE, well its part of the prophesy, and we are blinded just because they preach prosperity, we want that dream house or car, for others who fall below the average citizen just want the basic amenities they still don't have. MY POINT IS.... If Ese chooses to express her self via internet , then so be it. if she is lying, don't worry she a Christian , she wont go unpunished. But if she's telling the truth then serves the pastor right, he cant lead a church , if he's not a leader. I would personally prefer if she even goes to CNN and TELL IT. Its about time people hear the disgusting truth. Christianity in Nigeria needs to evaluated. We just like to criticize other people yet we cant keep the simple commandment in the Bible. The CHURCH is not the pastor people, its you and me and the pastor. So wake up Nigeria. and try to right ur wrongs and STOP focusing on Ese's wrong she busy trying to right.

souvenirworks said...

abeg abeg make we hear word! Ese Walter shld suck it up n move on with her life abeg...

Anonymous said...

Ese Walter, you r jus sum cheap, blackmailin, attention seekin fool.the pastor has his family n church n U cannot destroy all dat with dis story.Even David, a man after God's heart, failed God too.Get a life.....or get ready to work really hard to earn d trust of anyone U come across after dis.

Anonymous said...

Ok am i the only one dat sees this as a conspiracy? Ese has come out sounding like a victim when she is as much a very guilty and consenting party. Ok Ese, you had an affair with him for one week,y? Then all of a sudden u say u have evidence from the affair. So i ask, were u on a mission or smtin? For some1 dat sounds like she didnt plan on the affair, den u kept evidence, 2 prove wat? Y would u be gathering evidence in the 1st place if the affair wasnt premeditated on ur part? Franca, how is it that u immediately started taking pics if had nothing in mind? I'm guessing the 1st instinct from any lady that didn't want the advances was to quickly get out of the room while he was in the shower. U hadn't done anything togeda yet, he wasnt forcing u or anytin, yet u remained thr and began taking pics. I ask again, if u werent on a mission of some sort, y wud u do dat? What is ur aim for keeping them? For continious extortion. Both of u just sound like criminally minded runz babes and not born again children of GOD. The only people he is answerable to are his Wife and Congregation. Every oda person's opinion doesn't matter.

didabliz said...


Nike said...


Anonymous said...

Vera says...
I thought I cud hold myself from dropping a comments but dis matter is too interesting not to..
For all of you asking wat dis lengthy write up is about, this non-reading culture of ours..I tire o.. if u can't read it all, how can you get the facts straight before u start making judgement..
Anyway, the fact is that Ese has finally revealed her reasons for coming out with this whole story and it is very commendable.
For sure, it will make d next Pastor who wants to make a sexual move think twice...make the next girl who wants to give in to a sexual advance think twice. They can still go ahead and commit d act but their conscience will be there to hunt them... I hope they even read these articles.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

This is my first time commenting on this blog as well as your story...Dear,you have done well by coming out,however,i think its a two way thing as he actually did not rape you.

Its good,you have moved on and asked God for forgiveness,this stuff could have been settled amicably.i hope you have not been bribed,asked to stop writing or threatened.Some see this as fame,etc,but i sincerely see it as a liftup for you,but i still think you went about it the wrong way.Let God be the judge..Move on girl,do your thing,i hope you will not regret ever writing this article in 5years time when you know better.May God's love never cease from you..Cheers..

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

This is my first time commenting on this blog as well as your story...Dear,you have done well by coming out,however,i think its a two way thing as he actually did not rape you.

Its good,you have moved on and asked God for forgiveness,this stuff could have been settled amicably.i hope you have not been bribed,asked to stop writing or threatened.Some see this as fame,etc,but i sincerely see it as a liftup for you,but i still think you went about it the wrong way.Let God be the judge..Move on girl,do your thing,i hope you will not regret ever writing this article in 5years time when you know better.May God's love never cease from you..Cheers..

Chita said...

The thing about the story that would also make me start my own blog is the fact that people are yet to accept the truth. What is wrong with this girl speaking up for the truth and getting everyone wary. What is wrong with getting justice for evil misdeeds. What is this world we live in all about. Ese, has done a good job freeing her mind from bondage and keeping other girls aware that these men of GOD are ordinary men as well. GO ESE!

Anonymous said...

She has guts. It takes a lot to do what to she did. personally i think in the long run, it is a good thing. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows he will reap. What i take from this is to work out my salvation with fear, trembling and a healthy dose of humility and continue to ask God for mercy. The end draws near. Each one will give account. One by one.

Peju said...

Ese dear. There is notting , I repeat notting wrong in you exposing this man for what he is a false prophet. There is something strange,vile and wrong in the way some idiots have judged you. He is the one that needs to issue a series of apologies , first of all to God, who he has been misrepresenting , you Ese, His wife and children, his congregation, his extended family and friends . That is what is expected of this person. This man has betrayed TRUST, of several people. You did the right thing to report this. You Ese a woman of easy virtue should have being helped to overcome this nymphomania by the said pastor, instead he feasted on your weakness. Any reasonable person will be appalled at this pastors actions. I am very sure that those in support of him are members of his church that like him have being feasting on the flesh and dipping dirty hands into tithes and offering

Dayo said...

Ese dear, it not what people call you dat you have to answer to. They don't know you ,the ugly names they call you are a reflection of their personal demons. You are a strong lady to report this. Soldier on sweet heart God is with you.

Anonymous said...

This girl has moved on. She has done well exposing the snake in the garden. It is the pastor and his worshiper that have not moved on, looking to excuse his behaviour with all sorts of manipulative techniques, even descending so Low as to use the Holy book to support him. Anyway how can I be surprised the devil has used the bible before to argue his point, indeed he knows the bible inside out , upside down. Our best chance is the common sense that God has blessed us with. What is wrong is wrong, God doesn't have to come down from heaven to tell us so. There is no need consulting text to understand the difference between good and evil. It is straight forward. A Christian cannot be confused by right or wrong. People should stop bearing false witness, and call a spade a spade.

Femme de l'Avenir said...

One thing I can say outside mine and the public belief of Ese Walter's story is that this lady is well spoken, lays her facts out with relevant referencing, a language many Nigerians don't understand. I hope we can soon turn from blinded followership, bullying and hurling insults at another when he/she speaks his/her mind.

Anonymous said...

The only conspiracy I see here is that of silencing this young lady. If she had not spoken out , they could of killed her to keep her quiet. Now at least if anything happens to her we all know who to look at. And no it will not be divine intervention it will be human interference.

Unknown said...

Well, I believe this story but since she respects some men of God to release her evidence to them, she could have respected them by speaking to them before going public on this issue. We would be deceiving ourselves if we say we don't know there is a lot of mess going on in the church, however, we don't have to wash our dirty linen in the public. There are still true men of God and also people who are tired of the world and considering giving their lives to Christ, such public disgrace of a 'claimed-clergy' may not help them. I believe your story Ese but I also believe you wanted attention and you now have it.

Unknown said...

Well, I believe this story but since she respects some men of God to release her evidence to them, she could have respected them by speaking to them before going public on this issue. We would be deceiving ourselves if we say we don't know there is a lot of mess going on in the church, however, we don't have to wash our dirty linen in the public. There are still true men of God and also people who are tired of the world and considering giving their lives to Christ, such public disgrace of a 'claimed-clergy' may not help them. I believe your story Ese but I also believe you wanted attention and you now have it.

Anonymous said...

Ur totallly insane, the last time I checked (they r guilty together), why scrutinise ese for coming out to say her part? An innocent person says ut already, COZA members shld start believing God, not tru their pastors, he is born of flesh too..nd I can imagine d new scripture that would b used if evidences surface, as for ese, u sure know d consequences of dealing negatively with a chosen .....cheers.

Anonymous said...

MaQ u said it all joor. People are just being to emotional and becos it concerns a pastor too. If she's really sorry for hser act,God is d only one to forgive her so she should have confessed to him alone and allow God to judge him. She has taken her pound of flesh. Her motive is beyond true forgive ness from God. She wants popularity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ese, you have done a lot of harm to the wife of pastor Abiodun by publicly describing how you made love to him. Please tender an apology to this woman who may never trust her husband again. If you sought wise counsel you would ve turned a new leaf and set out winning souls for christ. These things happen everywhere in offices and homes with colleagues and house helps including siblings.I just wonder if you were doing restitution which requires you to surrender the goodies you got from the relationship. Goodluck to you.

Anonymous said...

Wtf!.. Must she specify she's wriring with a macbook, she wlda also said if its a pro or air lol, infact this girl doesnt know wat to do with her life.. #nonsense

Unknown said...

My heart goes out to all those involved in this matter. Some have been named and have to scramble to come up with a defence and may have told untruths in the process. In the end, the only thing the Bible says will make men free is the truth. While I support Ese's decision not to say a word on this matter again, there is one more step to freedom and that is reconciliation. As it stands, if this story is true, I am sure the Pastor, his family and associates (fellow pastors) will be in a state of confusion and whatever way they have reacted underscore the confused state they are in. I would like to see a situation where this matter is handled by the leadership of COZA. Let everyone ditch their swords. Let those insinuating this was an attempt to cause the downfall of a man of God keep their mouths shut. I want to see COZA inviting Ese to church for healing and reconciliation, saying the truth, praying for forgiveness and healing. Prior to a public meeting, there should be a meeting involving the Pastor, his wife, church elders, Ese, her new Pastor and at least one respected man of God in Nigeria (maybe Pastor Adeboye or Tunde Bakare) where the truth will be said, confessions made, whoever needs to weep would do so and people can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven.Then there should be a public meeting on a Sunday morning with a full house where someone other than the Pastor will mount the podium and tell the Church with wisdom what happened and what steps the church has taken to restore the affected persons. The Church should be asked to pray for them and release them in their hearts with no one carrying a grudge. As far as I am concerned, the scandal is not the end of the Church of God. Human beings are bound to make mistakes but the Bible offers us a way of escape in Prov. 28:13. He who covers his sins shall not prosper but he who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Unknown said...

My understanding of Ese is that she is that she is at an early stage of growth in her spiritual walk with God. She stated that she wrote her story based on her level of understanding and I cannot fault her for that. I do believe that God knows all his creation, their strengths and weaknesses. She needed a strong, positive and mature environment to grow and mature as a Christian but that does not seem to have happened. She was thrust into the limelight of activities in a church when all she needed was discipling and learning the rudiments of the faith, learning about purity, holiness, growing in grace, faith, the power of prayer and fasting, how to handle relationships, what quiet time is etc. We see many people thrust into leadership or service in our churches today unprepared. We have seen people ordained into positions of authority over people when they lacked the character to back up the responsibility. Ese felt she was wronged, bruised and was hurting and no one was giving her a chance to be heard, believed and healed. She became wary of Christians who would have been in a better position to show her how to handle this matter. She took counsel from the world because that was her level of understanding and the church had become disconnected from her reality. Things would have been different if we rallied round her when she came up with her story and how she had been affected negatively and her faith was at the point of being ship wrecked. I wish the church leadership had taken her in for correction, instruction in righteousness and healing. I wish the Church had listened and called the person involved and taken disciplinary action. God is not only interested in sin being exposed, he is interested in the sinner being saved. God is not interested in the total annihilation of either Pastor Fatoyinbo or Ese. He wants them restored. Going forward, all effort must be made to restore these people. We need the truth to be established in order to move this matter forward in a godly way not in the way of the world. All those involved must be restored to the body of Christ. The necessary disciplinary actions will be taken but there must be restoration as that is the only thing that will please God. The prodigal son squandered all the grace of the father but was eventually restored when he came to himself.

Unknown said...

If God is to be pleased, the truth must be said. We the body of Christ have taken our case to unbelievers against the instructions of the Bible. Now we must correct our mistake by handling this mess well. I expect mature men of God to get involved to discipline and restore these two people in love. This process must be evident to the world as we have exposed ourselves. We can no longer hide to correct this. We must be seen as crusaders of the truth. God allows his children to fall in this way and be messed up big time if they failed to heed correction in the past. This fall from grace will only demonstrate the love of God as there will be restoration. Samson was restored even though he prayed to die with the enemies of the Lord who took his eyes. David was restored after adultery and murder. Peter was restored after denying his master. In fact the master told him, I have prayed for you and when you are restored, strengthen your brethren in Luke 22:32. The sinner must first acknowledge his sin, confess and renounce them as Peter did when he betrayed the Master - he wept for his sin.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians and their strange views. Quite alright, Ese was nt drugged, forced or raped and no matter hw much she would love to play d role of a victim, she's not! She also has her own mistakes and faults, I mean y in d first place would she succumb and sit on his laps or kiss him.Obviously, she has her own moral lacking.
The problem with us is dat we often mistake religiousity 4 christianity. Lets stop all this religious nonsense and face it,d pastor is also to blame here. If nt all den some part of d story is definitely true. Let's stop being biased in our thinking and lets face reality.The girl is nt d devil here, neither is d pastor. She doesn't seek fame bt just wants to tell her own experience in d hands of a 'man of God'. Now its up 2 u 2 stop following him(if u did previously) or to intercede 4 him in prayers and ask God 2 forgive him. Things like this have 2 b exposed so we just knw who is who and what is what. Let's stop covering nonsense or let's stop misinterpreting d phrase " touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm". D bible surely does nt encourage u to hide sin..check it and ul see....pls lets get it right pple.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, Ese Walters, why did you sleep with him? U re wrong by doing that. And to the pastor and all his kinds, God will judge all of u. Let the people depend less on their pastors in prayers and the rest. Everyone has an access to God.

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