Read Goldie's husband and best friend Denrele Edun's tributes to her | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 25 February 2013

Read Goldie's husband and best friend Denrele Edun's tributes to her

Below is Andrew Harvey's tribute to his wife
Susan you walked into my life, it was like God sent you as a fresh breath. I still remember your response to my first love message. You said 'Love killed romeo, sent Diana to an early grave and killed Jack on the Titanic. Forget about love, just have friendship and live long.
Overtime our love grew to a depth I have never known. You were the best years of my life, your smile, your desire to live your dream.
Read Denrele's tribute after the cut...

My super star friend sways away and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says "she's gone"...Gone where?

Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as gorgeous now as when last I saw her. Her slightly disappearing figure and total loss from my sight is in me, not in her.

And just at that moment, when someone at my side says she's gone, there are others who are watching her coming over their horizon and other voices take up a glad shout - There she comes! That is what dying is - an horizon and just the limit of our sight.

My lifeline, my lexicon, therapist and support system…we have known lots of pleasure, at times endured ppai, we have lived in the sunshine and walked in the rain. I had acute malaria (was shaking terribly) but performed “skibobo” with you at the Industry Night and Loud&Proud show, I sprained my ankle but still shot your three videos in a row in S/A.

I left my family house and moved in with you and your family right after all the Big Brother Africa madness, I did all the damage control…

I fought every organizer simply cos I wanted you on the bill with me and split my show earnings with you. I dragged you to the American Embassy even if it meant I had to get up at 4am. I endured negative criticism because shallow minds couldn’t comprehend your brand essence – I started wearing block heels (you got me the most fabulous pair of Jeffrey Campbells) and I damned the consequences. I recorded the reality show “Tru Friendship” with you because you went on and on about it and I wanted to please you.

I have been your fierce-alter ego in all your videos, I have fought your fights, endured countless eccentric P.As with you…I can go on and on and this is how you leave me? You chose an eternal sleep over a fabulous life with me? Lest I forget, I ate the entire box of birthday chocolates Bola sent to you!

Phew, I can’t type anymore, I’m playing “Good To Me” (always disturbed you to release that song) and my notepad is a misty mass of my never ending tears. So sad when people who give you the best memories, become a memory!

The Goldie I knew, despite your success and worldwide recognition, still wondered, “Am I good enough?” “Am I pretty enough?” “Will they like me?” It was this burden that made you great…And that made you stumble in the end.

Goldie if you can hear me now, you weren’t good just good enough – You were abso-frigging-lutely GREAT! You sang the whole damn song without a band- you made the picture of a showbiz star look so perfect!

Your parting has left a void, but I will fit it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss and oh yes, these things I too will miss. Even though we are separated and for a time apart, I am not alone cos you’re forever in my heart. I will move mountains to continue your legacy, I will crash ceilings to spread your good works, I will break barriers to sell your “market” but above all, I will cherish the awesome times we spent together…You will forever be my source of infinity!

We wore the same shoe size and had the same body proportions. You made me start strutting lashes and recall I wore that black dress of yours you never got to wear? No masterpiece can ever match your face! To everyone reading this piece, let my dear friend rest in peace! Speak no evil about her, she was too good to be true!
I can hear you say to me…Mbirikoko, do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep, Do not stand at my grave and cry…I am not there, I did not die!
Denrele Edun


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Anonymous said...

Dis is too touching,Goldie u av touch so many pple life,its time u Rest.Rest in peace darling

Anonymous said...

Woah denerele is so good mehn

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RIP Goldie. Very touching tribute from her hubby & true friend Denrele. Take heart.

Eve Ijeoma said...

Soo touchingggg!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...dts all I can say
True love and friendship,valuables money can't buy. Glad she experienced dat. RIP GOLDIE

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm tears rolling!Derenle may God cont to be with you,dis is too touchn.I wonder why the husby sef no get anythin to write abt.

Anonymous said...

RIP Goldie.. So sad

Anonymous said...

Soooooo touching.RIP Goldie!

Anonymous said...

heartwrenchingly sad. May her soul rest in Peace, May God comfort Denrele and her family & friends.

Abimbola Dare

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm,I lost my dearest twin sister and am still blank,I still look outside my window thinking my sister will show up,I hv been thru this pain and still in it,Denrele u stood by her and u are d best,Rip My twin and Goldie.....

Anonymous said...

Felt his pain as I read....tears filld ma eyes.may God grantd dem d fortitude 2 bear dis vry tragic loss.u luk gud wit dat new hair do @Linda.sori its cumin dis late.Lilybabe.

Anonymous said...

I pray God gives d family and friends fortitude 2 bear d loss. RIP Goldie

yoryo said...

Rip goldie. But y is denrele trying ladies dress on mmm according to the tribute

yoryo said...

Rip goldie. But y is denrele trying ladies dress on mmm according to the tribute

yoryo said...

Rip goldie. But y is denrele trying ladies dress on mmm according to the tribute

Anonymous said...

Rest in the bossom of the lord forever a diva

Anonymous said...

Hey yah ! Feel for denrele , he is more than a friend . More like a brother, blood makes u related and loyalty makes u family . RIP diva

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am deeply touch sleep on sis

Anonymous said...

Take heart Denrele! U have indeed lost a friend, may her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

And when the reality show "Tru friendship" was announced. Pple were busy bashing dem. Derenle I feel your pain. Take heart.

Anonymous said...

God I'm so emotional ryt nw.denrele,I cnt evn comprehend wot ur goin tru.I'm wit my bestfriend ryt nw,he's watching series n ignoring me,I'm irritated,but d thought of neva havin him here wud shatter me.God just has to see u thru...xoxo.RIP GOLDIE,ur def a softy n an angel

Starn Alex said...

Though, I really don't like his over sabi attitude but I rily feel his pain here. Nyc tribute u got there Denrele. May ha soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

Warri Girl said...

Touching tribute. I feel for denrele, may God give him the strength to overcome. RIP Goldie.

Anonymous said...

Denrele plz do take heart,may her sould rest in peace.I so hard loosing sm1 close to ur heart..expecially d ones dat live lasten on Godie rest on Olabisi Komolafe bearlly 2month dat u left us.u
Will alwaz b remenber..

Anonymous said...

Tribute was good but a little bit of copy and paste from Whitney's tribute. But who cares. May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm,for d first tym I wanna drop a comment,Denrele,God bless u for this piece,nd I must say indeed u r more dan a friend,it takes one who truly understands friendship to feel dis way,God will giv u d fortitude to bear d loss,this is tooooooo sad..I wnt say RIP Goldie,I'll rather say Sleep on Oluwabimpe Susan,

oyinkansola said...

Had 2 read derenle's tribute in parts,cos tears cldnt jst stop flown.thr kind of friendship is rare.Mr harvey's tribute too.may God console derenle,mr harvey n prezzo.sleep on dear.

Anonymous said...

Deve said it all,denrele may God gv u d fortitude 2 bear dis goldie

Unknown said...

Goldie may ur sweet soul continue 2 rest in the bossom of the lord!*sadface*

Unknown said...

Goldie may ur sweet soul continue to rest in the bossom of the lord

Anonymous said...

Touching attribute that brought tear down my eyes.i miss ur personalities Goldie.R.I.P

Unknown said...

What a pity,Goldie has a left a great vacuum.Sleep on Adebimpe

Anonymous said...

Oh ma ga o!dat is so touching#trueFriends.Ü laffed,u lived and u loved.RIP Goldie

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Goldie... U will forever be remembered! Denrele's tribute brought real tears to my eyes... Not easy loosing pple u actually care for.

Anonymous said...

May u RIP Goldie n God's comfort to those that lost a dear friend, wife, sister, daughter,Aunt,Cousin, etc

Anonymous said...

We all wuld miss her,can't stop crying.RIP Goldie

Hawtness said...

SO sorry Denrele,Mr Harvey and her entire family. May God dive the fortitude to bear this great loss. But I just felt Denrele's tribute should be about how Goldie contributed to his life and not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

wow. Is well.. Hope she is in God's right side. I cry.

Lynn said...

Very touching tribute,but it felt more like denrele was tryna let us know that he brought goldie into d limelight and let us know that he was always sacrificing himself for her shows and music videos.why didn't he list the numerous things she did as a friend for him too.RIP Goldie!

Anonymous said...

wow. Is well.. Hope she is in God's right side. I cry.

Anonymous said...

I'm short of words, may God Almighty console Denrele n Goldie's family,I don't know her personally but d way I saw her on BigBrother she a pleasent lady even all d interview she did on TV stations shows she is down to heart,always laughing. May her soul rest in peace.

JustPorsh said...

Soo much pain! Soo much sorrow!
I feel a constriction in my chest. I pray never to lose a friend, i dnt think I would survive it.
God help us!
RIP Goldie!

Anonymous said...

Denrele jst made me cry, I feel ur pain, cos I knw ao it feels to loose sum1 very close to u, take heart! RIP susan.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY. Lots of mumble jumble.

Anonymous said...

Abi o, I never liked the Guy (if you can call him that). But now I can see my dislike for him is justified. Nonsense

Unknown said...

hmm,so touching and emotional!Derenle has said it all she is too true to be good!RIP GOLDIE

Anonymous said...

I know Derenle is in pain but is it just me or was the tribute more about him. All i saw and I, I, I like he is trying to prove he was a friend by saying all he "did" for her.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that sees Denrele's tribute as what it really is? Showing the world what he has done for her, as if saying he made her. It was all about him

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace pretty soul. Take heart derenle and Steve Harvey . You know after reading your heart felt tribute to your departed friend, my respect for you has multiplied. He is a ghost of himself but may the joy and lovely memories you shared with your friend console you.... I thought Ifeoma Harvey said Goldie's husband is lying critically ill at a Malaysian hospital .... God is watching us all!!!

Anonymous said...

You observed correctly! U read between d lines. What a selfish tribute. Rubbish!!!

Sinbebe said...

Kind sir its heartrending (1 word) not heart rendering.

You are welcome

Anonymous said...

Sleep well dearly beloved, Ur memory will remain Golden.

Anonymous said...

So touching RIP GOLDIE

Lanre said...

My sincere condolences especially to my darling denrele. My eyes are misty right now.... Adieu Goldie!

Anonymous said...

After BBA Africa I feared Goodies because she was so fragile there.Its obvious she never quite recovered from the experience. Yes she is resting now.

Anonymous said...

After BBA Africa I feared for Goldie because she was so fragile there.Its obvious she never quite recovered from the experience. Yes she is resting now.

Unknown said...

Quite a wonderful show of love to a departed friend. May the good Lord grant her eternal rest and give a heart to bear this great loss.

Anonymous said...

may her soul rest in perfect peace. just that we all confused about the whole thing as the drama unfolds. May God comforts the family and friends like derenle, presso and the husband.

Unknown said...

Denrele,this is a great show of love by a friend indeed, even at death. May the good Lord grant her a place of rest in His bosom and give you a heart to bear this great loss.

Anonymous said...

Where is that imaginary first wife? Her "stolen", "sick" former husband has come to Nigeria.Let her come and remarry him by force!

A thousand lies are like the night; they will scatter when daylight breaks.

RIP Goldie. You left your mark in your time.

Anonymous said...

May your gentle soul rest in peace Goldie. The whole world misses u. Derenle, may the almighty God give you the strength to bear d loss.

Anonymous said...

RIP Goldie...

Berry said...

Im speechless,sad and bitter. denrele ur tribute says it all, speak no more evil of Goldie please. pray for her soul and let her Rest in Peace. Denrele the Lord is ur strength. Mr.harvey, God comfort you also. i really symphatize wit all her loved ones.

Unknown said...

Tears drop.

Anonymous said...

Please where is Prezzos tribute

Unknown said...

Denrele,this is a wonderful show of love by a friend indeed, even at death. May the good Lord grant her a place of rest in His bosom and give you a heart to bear this great loss.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Goldie worked very hard to be successful.
luwabimpe omo Filani
aya Andrew Harvey
Ore Denrele Edu.
Ore Prezzo
Sun re o

Sassy luchi said...

To those who feel derenle adun is self centred thats not true he is only trying to tell us how her friendship meant to him. Life is short show love eat laugh dance make money above all be close to God! Don't know wat will become of me if I ever lose my best friend or d one I love so dearly! Derenle pls take heart she is not gone like u said she is standing right by ur side telling u to stand up nd stop mourning and finish wat she already started. Rest in peace our diva,proud daughther of the soil and Harvels Angel.

Anonymous said...

o my God! Denrele, pele o. I feel your pain. RIP Goldie.

Anonymous said...

Kinda true. But touching tho

Gozie said...

I loved d write up; Denrele's Tribute made me smile, never have I seen words so sweet written for a Lost Loved one. Now I can say I know Goldie more. Sometimes our Angel get to leave us, take heart Denrele, with beside her I know Goldie took a last Happy Breath!!!! R.I.P

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm just like King Solomon ,everything in this world is VANITY UPON VANITY....RIP and may God console the family friends and fans... Ecclesiastes 7:1
A good name is better than fine perfume,and the day of death better than the day of birth...

I personally think her Hypertension was caused by trauma,she lost her mum at a young age and she said her mum was the only friend she had as she was from a strict christian home and wasn’t allowed to mingle with other kids for fear she may go astray. Most times when people have passed through such traumatic condition they believe its over but the truth is any little stress could trigger it..
May we never go through trauma because if any one has been through such or have people who have been traumatized then you will have a better understanding of it…

Unknown said...

wow...this is so emotional....i know Denrele so well and for him to come out this much, it shows how much Goldie meant to him...Rest in peace Goldie, i still vividly remember your performance at our New Year Party (Nairabet)you live forever

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace ..Goldie


Anonymous said...

too bad..2 wrong never make a right


bee said...

If one can be loved like dis in a lifetime,what more LOVE can one ask for...dis is Pure love,true friendship,,though short,bt still sounded perfect..I pray d lord grant denrele and d family d fortitude to bear d loss...dis is soo soo painful Lord!!

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Anonymous said...

Atleast someone is being honest about denrele's tribute...very self centered


Your saying is so tru mi dear Denrele.... I remember wen i and Goldie had our trouble, u asked me to 4give and forget of wch i did, due to one nonsense PA.. Knowing the good times i had with Goldie leaves me with unending tears, we were all under one apartment with her husband and friends, she was a loving friend... i encouraged her 1st to do music, she would call me for advice on what to do many times. I pushed her forward in my events; together we shined on today on STV. her 1st performance was at my celebrity end of year party at black pearl. She encouraged me to go into music many times and follow my heart desires, we had amzing moments. My make up on her made her 9ja numba 1 DIVA! She has left a deep broken heart in me with tears! I still can’t believe its tru, I can’t believe you’re gone forever
I WILL SooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTEARSooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

God, please console and heal Denrele and everyone else affected by this in Jesus name, heal them all, her father, siblings, husband, friends n relations...

Put God first always, your life will be worth living.

Anonymous said...

so sorry brov,even i that dint know her i feel so sad about her death.God bless her soul and bless us too.

Anonymous said...

RIP Goldie, you are loved.

Cynthia said...

Come oh dose it mean no one felt her hubby's tribute? Does it mean she spent more time with a friend rather than her hubby? hmmmm this dose not tale good. RIP Golden girl.

Anonymous said...

what happened to goldie?

Fushi and stacia blog said...

Fushi and Stacia (F&S Designs)....Denrele edun is a true friend...... RIP GLODIE

Anonymous said...

*goose pimples* RIP goldie!!!

Unknown said...

Take Heart Derenle. It is well.
R I P Goldie

Unknown said...

Take Heart Derenle. It is well.
R I P Goldie

Gentletee said...

Quite emotional,take heart denrele to live ine heart is not to die.

Gentletee said...

Quite emotional.Please take heart Denrele as to live in one heart is not to die.

Faith Links said...

Omg...the choice of words expresses earnest genuine friendship that rarely exists. May her beautiful soul rest in peace, her life was brief but memorable. We should ask ourselves sometime when we are gone from planet earth what is the legacy we leave behind, how have we used out time here to positively affect others?????

Obilly said...

Denrele, i never knew you got soul like this. You will always have my respect henceforth

@EdnutBee said... touching!

Goldie, I Love You and I'm glad I expressed it and even more fulfilled that you acknowledged my tweet

RIP Omo Filani, Aya Harvey

Denrele, you are the best..those words... gamme goosepimples. Bless u bro. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss

My Heart goes to all well meaning and kindhearted people.

RIP Goldie. Sun re o!

Anonymous said...

Prezzo didn't write. Seems like there wasn't sigh of him. RIP Goldie.

Anonymous said...

Dearie both sides needs a visa to get in now

Omolade said...

Nice one denrele .it can only take a good friend to feel ds wayd.May God console u .

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, we only have two stages in life wish, is, the day we where born an d day we die, my condolence u all, golden families

Clover said...

RIP Goldie!!! Her husband's tribute was very emotional *sniff*

Anonymous said...

Linda I'm beginning to HATE you, you don't Ever post my comment.. And am an LIB addict.. Not nice at all..#Chic#

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