Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis have five children, including a
set of triplets, one of which is a boy named Coy. Now according to Kathryn the
mum, Coy, who loves pink, began gravitating toward girls’ toys and clothes by
18 months. Gender eventually turned into a bigger issue when Coy asked, at age
4, “When are we going to go to the doctor to get me fixed so I can be a girl?”
A psychologist confirmed then that Coy was indeed transgender, at which point
the parents decided to let ‘Coy be who she was.’
Coy at 6 years old is now living as a transgender. The problem now is
that Coy has been banned from using the girl’s bathroom at her school, and the
parents have filed a formal discrimination complaint against the school through
the help of a lawyer. The parents are fighting for her right to use the girl's bathroom, but after all said and done, he still has a penis.
So if my 4 year old boy loves pink, says he wants to be a girl, I will let him live as a girl? Why not wait till he hits puberty to see if he'll grow out of it? Is it not too early to be slapping labels on kids,
especially ones that carry such life altering meanings?
All these oyibos their craze don tire me abeg! Do what u want IDGAF!!!
Evil thoughts. the woman is to blame
It's Official.....Jesus is coming sooon. REPENT! REPENT!! REPENTTTTT!!!
Mother is be blamed
Hell NO!! At such age you can't tell your needs from your wants let alone decide if you want a sex change. The parents need not consider this at all.
this is madness of the highest order though to the western world, its nothing... am happy to be African...
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
this is madness of the highest order though to the western world, its nothing... am happy to be African...
No B Beanz,
Yesterday The Random one came out with his/her own take of d characters here on LIB. Here is my own analysis too.
I would like to start wit my 2 favourite people on dis blog- Prince Charming nd Bonario,who have been insulted as the most "jobless" here.
1-Prince Charming- Smart intelligent guy,sounds very educated nd with vast knowledge of tinz,he has excellent writing skills,a good command of English nd has come to b called our in-house dictionary. Some say he blows too much grammar,I don't tink so,if ur vocabulary isn't poor u would understand most tinz he writes,d dude makes me remember words I hav forgotten d meaningz n I learn new wordz. My off about him sometimez is dat he payz too much attention to people who try to insult or throw hate commentz at him,dude ignore them naw. PC has reduced d attention he gives to such of late though.
2.Bonario- Funny nd jovial guy. Always finds a way to find humour out of virtually everything. He cracks me up a lot most times. Bonario would make a good comedian nd I luv d way he takes tinz a lot less serious. A self acclaimed Wanker, he loves d vaseline. My off about him is dat in his try to always be funny he makes dry jokes a lot nd datz not cool.
3.Billy Jean- the fiercest critic nd bad mouthed person I have met here. Nothing is ever good in her eyes.
4.BlogLord-Missing in Action of late,but he/she sounds intelligent.
5.Maximus-We don't see her much here until when she always comes with her blunt remarks in her normal style of commenting under the comment of d 1st comment for attention.
6.Anwuli Oputa-says nothing interesting or worthy to read nd always duplicates her comments.
7.Eya Ayambem-Our in-house aunty and cook, she is a lovable person.
8.The Anonymous and others: This is d majority of LIB and they comprise of
a-1st to comment wannabe's
b-celebrity haters who re just out to say d harshest tinz abt celebs.
c-the hidden intelligent bunch dat make very good comments
d-the ones always ready to start the Igbo nd Yoruba war whenever a bad story involving one of d tribes comes up
e-Prince Charmings Paparazzi's, Prince Charming/Bonario's Lovers nd Haters
f-the spelling checkers, Gbaguan specialists who read through comments looking for who made a mistake so they can correct u, I call dem our English teachers
g-those advertising something here,either their own blog,their body or their ugly pics
h-those witout a mind of their own,who just wait to see others comment nd agree with dem or disagree
9-Last nd indeed the least is Prince Jobless- he is d definition of an ignorant little brat seeking attention. He came here some days ago,went as low as copying a name from Prince Charming nd adding Jobless to his name so he can draw attention to himself but I am so happy LIBers re smarter than dat,all he has gotten re d insults he deserves nd no attention at all. He is just a rude,arrogant nd stupid kid. Coming here forming to b in scotland,nd so wot? Dat cud even b a big lie. Grow up boy!
Signed: LIB Analyst.
Stupid parent..!!
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
linda are u suprised? thats oyibo mentality for you if na hia and one small pikin tell hin mama say he wan turn girl na serious beatin go comot dat kin tot from the boi head buh abroad they give anything to der kids and its shameful
I don't get it myself. Exactly what is going on with Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
His parents are perverts. I have nothing against transgenders but that bathroom issue is one I do not understand. You cannot use the ladies if you do not have a vagina! Period! They should take him to the doctor and cut of his penis so that he doesn't scare our lil girls with it. Then he can be a girl all he wants.
Can be defined in one word! ENDTIME!!!
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
This is not new. You have a lot of feminist moms who raise their children like girls - buy them dresses, give them high hills and other stuffs - and in the future, when such boys say they want to be girls, they start telling the world that gender is a "social construct", blah, blah, blah. This is just one of the numerous evils of feminist stupidity. There is a writer for new York times doing same to her sons and one of her sons wants to be a girl. Is amazing how people can be so willfully stupid and call it advancement.
Can be defined in one word! ENDTIME!!!
Yes, that's possible. The thing is that white kids develop much faster than black kids. Coy could actually have made that call even at 4.
Inside St Peter’s Basilica
this is madness of the highest order... though the western world sees it as normal.. am happy to be an African...
1st to comment. Hehehe.
Anyway its to to early to let him do that. They shuld hav insisted he was differnt and sho
w him why. If at 18, he decides otherwise then fine. I hope no judge listens to them. He shuld stck to the boy's bathroom.
Denlere thingz#
God will judge them for this act because the child does not know his right from left yet. Who says he won't grow up and change?
Linda I guess u hv 2 many people commenting on ur blog dats y u post some comments n ignore odas...y disturb myself commenting on ur blog n aftawards it won't b posted, lemme look 4 bloggers dah NEED me...interesting blog tho...N..GEEE
This people are not serious at all. If its Naija, they'll beat sense into the child's head. Lol.
Bobby Brown sentenced to Prison
IMO, he does not understand what he wants yet! He is probably influenced cos he has a lot of girls around him! Then again, the parents should not be in a haste to make him a girl, it could be a phase he would outgrow pretty soon. Just wait till he turns 18 and looks back @ his girl pictures, I'm sure he would consider burning them sef! But dese oyibo people, their own don too much! Dem get all sorts of gender things; LGBT community, pangender, everything kmt. *NK*
The parents are sick in the membrane! Ебаные уроды какие-то. Над ребенком издеваются
Som of dese oyibo ppl r mad sha. D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ don't tink straight.
Crazy indeed!
It is way too early, haba, its natural 4 him 2 want girl stuff @ 1st cus majority of their kids are girls.
They shoulda let him spend time wif boys, organised play groups and do boy stuff with him
Its not just about toilet using oo, when he gets out there, they world is gonna chew him up, these parents enh.. Poor boy
This is more than a bit disturbing. I believe the boy is too young to decide which sex he wants to be now. I have a younger brother who once loved to wear our (I and my sisters) skirts and tie scarves on his head and pretend to be a girl when we were little. We used to make fun of him then, and our parents always discouraged him from such though it was never seen as a serious issue. By the time he became 10yrs old or so, he stopped wearing our stuff and started behaving more like a boy. Now he's 24 and a policeman by profession. And he's straight! If we had told him to 'be a girl if he wanted', I'm sure we would have all regretted it by now because right now he has no plan to be a girl (LOL). This boy's parents should not encourage this unusual phenomenon because he may change his mind later. ~Avryl~
I personally believe in giving your kids a right to their own individualism but they still need to be guided. Clearly, these parents give too much of a free hand judging even by their kids dyed hair!
See where we go wrong and why we wont live and let live even in this part of the country. So would you say this child is evil or judge him? Remember he dint choose his sexuality. There are a lot of people out there today in different forms; a guy trapped in a girls body or vice versa. Who is to blame?
It better to discover at an early stage before its too late, trust me the child already knows what he wants. If he is not comfortable with the sexuality as he grows he will change it consciously or unconsciously. My advise to mothers/fathers, Love ur children and be part of their life and help them in their life journey to discover their true self so that yourself will be happy and live a long life.
Coy's parents are sick
There is nothing this white people wouldn't do? What does a child @ 4 or 6 know? Havnt they thot of it like since he has all sisters,he's used to being around girls so he feels he wants to be like one and does not understand what it means yet? Are the parents not supposed to sit d child down and let him know he's special as a boy? Insanity!!!
That's really crazy,all signs of end time.
wonders shall never end
U̶̲̥̅̊ dey mind all dese oyibo pipu,dey're all psychos.dey didn't feel he luvd those tins simply cos he was in d mist of girls and as such deir toys wil b attractive 2 him especially wen dey always play wit him wit dese toys.i tink d mum chose d gender 4 her child,i dnt see how a 4 year old wil knw abt doctors changin d gender of a person if an adult hasn't suggested such 2 him or her.
signs of the end. Given over to a repbrobate mind. A pot telling the Potter how it should be moulded
I think its too early like you said Linda, its a big issue and would affect the child when he is older. He has to know now and be taught hard that he is who he is and that's a BOY!
These white ppl i just dont understand them anymore. Seriously theyre getting more and more demonic and possesed by the day. Half of the world is already gay its nt enough now all this nonsense. Instead of these yeye parents to carry this stupid boy for serious prayers and deliverance they're here talking another thing. Tufia God forbid o. Heavenly Father pls help my children growing up in this generation.
... Hmm... Linda, Whenever I read things like this I always thank God I am from africa. Its crazy for Coy's parents to conclude that he is transgender at such a young age. He's 4 for heaven's sake. Na wa!
The answer is found in the bible, Proverbs 22:15
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him
It is mind blowing, kids get stuff mixed up and that's why they are kids. At least let him or her grow up and decide.
The devil is just deceitful, there is no way a child of GOD will request to be what GOD hasnt made him/her to be. This is also the case with Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie)'s daughter Shiloh, who loves to wear boy's clothes as against girl cloth. Parents have a lot of Spiritual/Physiacl responsibilities when it comes to taking care of their children. You can continue talikng to the child and should also be weary of the sort of company the child keeps. wHAT DOES A 3/4 YR OLD child know about transgender.smh!
Hmmm which kind wahala be dis o.
He'll be a very ugly girl. They better start beating sense into him or enlisting him in male dominated activities and groups, before he grows up really skewed and kill dem for letting 'this' happen to him.
This is so wrong. A child shouldn't dictate to the parents what he/she wants until they come off age
Linda why are you fanning yourself when there is no heat. That type of hot air has not yet blown in our part of the world. Why? we have cane for children...
#Oyibo Tinz.
I just TIRE 4dese oyinbo pple,4 fucks sake!a 4yrs old transgender,he must b d youngest alive,abeg dey shud let him outgrow out of it.cudnt d father talk sum masculinity in2him!he's a failure as far as am concerned
Oyinbo no get sense!!!!
HEIGHT OF JOBLESSNESS: Visiting LIB daily not to read the interesting stuffs being posted but just to stalk Prince Charming & call him jobless.
Oyinbo and their wahala ,dat is why dem dey get all kind & manner of problem ,no b 4 Naija for where ,who born am dat he go dictate wetin he wan b, even I'm mama where she wan put eye.No b for ,Naija
He is d only boy in d house so its very normal as a kid for him to wnt to be like his sisters.His parents need counselling cos dey are destroying his life gradually. This is very sick and confusing.
Make dem carry dat pikin go TB joshua oh! Light 40 candles, everything go normal. Lol! Linda u're right jawe
ℓ am d last †̥☺ comment(bb tongue out) since una D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ drag d 1st †̥☺ comment.
Pls Ðε̲̣̣̣̥Ãя̲̣̣̥ LIBers ℓ need ur help, prince Charming pls ℓ need ur help on dis 1. Ma hubby always has weak erection, b4 we make L♥v, he erects well bt after d fore play n tym †̥☺ do d real tin, his d**k becomes soft. Pls ђã†̥ can ℓ do †̥☺ cure dat weak erection, alredy searched google bt didnt understand d terms der. Pls am desperate now. Tnx 4 ur contributions n b4 sum pple will bruise me wit insult abt dis, Am happily married jst need sum help.
He is surrounded by girls n its normal to like d stuffs his sisters like.
The parents are sick to let it go this far.
I once saw a similar story on TLC. They even ve an association with kids all little as 2. I asked myself what kind of parents do things like this to their kids? Obviously sick ones. I remember wen we were little one of my sisters preferred boys clothes my mother made it a point of duty to ban her from dressing like that and in a few months she outgrew it. She was still a tomboy but then she felt comfortable in dresses nd heels.
As parents it our duty to guide our kids. They came to dis world with a clean slate.
If God wants them to be female he wldnt create male and vice versa.
Ms Kay.
same thoughts run through my mind. Its crazy what we accept these days! how can they let a four year old make such a decision? please that me what are the parents there so? they can as well let him get his own apartment and pay the rent. mtcheew...
I blame the media for
mollycoddling these people. I also
blame the psychiatric industry for
appeasing these people and
convincing them that they are
“normal”. The parents should face reality and explain to Coy that the
world does not revolve around him.
He will be treated differently for
the rest of his life because he is
different. Just because he thinks he
is a girl does not give him or his parents the right to inconvenience
an entire school and pls Tell that boy to put some pants on
and go sit down until he’s old
enough to buy his own clothes and
pay for gender reassignment surgery himself.
the lil boy needs to be slapped upside the head. transgender indeed!!!! oyinbo pple can indulge rubbish sha!!
The wold is really coming to an end
The world is just so messed up!
Stories like this makes me worry about my unborn kids.
dis oyibo ppl sef. Do u let a 4yrs old decide for u?
This is just the height of it. How can a four year old decide to change sex? What is the use of a parent if you can't guide your child in the right path.
You are totally on point.
I guess that makes me fall into the "H" category for concurring with your write up! :p
This ain't the first and it wont be the last. but like Seriously! this is madness.
Well, depends on what he gets to be around always eg girlie toys, tv programs, colours and even his sisters. I remember some mums painting nails of their little boys and using lipstick on them. The little boys liked it then. But with time all that fizzled out. The parents shouldn't give in cos it might just be externally influenced. www.thedeevacentre.com
Honestly you need to check if you smell down there or something, cause if the erection is good before sex then weak when he's about to start in my experience something is turning him off. Na you my dear.
†̥wo words, END TYM
I am right there along with on that one. As African and a Christian, if my 4yr old bring that rubbish, i will first ask Holy Ghost fire to refine and renew his mind, and if that doesnt work, i will slap the sex change out of him that he will forget what a virgina looks like. Rubbish!!
U get work so?????c'mon get busy.analyse d stock market,dat'd be a better use of ur talent.u r indeed d jobless one.
What a crazy head line, why will someone allow an innocent child to
make such a big decision at such a
tender age,damn! this is absurd.
He will outgrow it.its cos he is leaving with more girls in his life and see their lives more colorful n interesting.but apparently his parents are not ready to help him outgrow that phase of his life.
I Blame the Parents, at this Age their hair are already dyed, and for the Records "Christ is coming very very soon" I have an 18months old son, he doesn't even like d teddies he loves his cars n Balls... But what if he comes home one day n talks abt being a Girl, I will Slap his right ear then speak sense into him n use d oda hand to slap d left one so it will enta......
Here in Capetown SA,where we stay too many transgender thingy... But my dear d Parents r to bLame... #Gbam
Lol,linda dis y I prefer dis blog to odas,interestin storys lik dis.u see, a child naturally dosn't knw wats gud and bad {evil},der learned 4rm da parents & da environ,a child at dat age carryin such naturally lyf alterin meanings,its da parent knwing too well dat God created coy as a boy nt gal,2 train da litle boy,and let him knw he's a boy.Da bible says trainup a child bla bla bla!!....u knw it na. 4get about wat da drunken psychologist is sayin,if u ask me as anoda psychologist I'll tel u dat the boy{coy} was just admirin da sistas toys,cloths an watever.
Linda, your conclusion at the end is 100% accurate and wise. But please, drop the fascination with homosexual related themes.
Is there is a reason close to home that makes you so preoccupied with the subject matter? Abeg, e dun do!
In fact, he or she is. He or she got me laughing though (in the newsroom for that matter). People thought I was crazy, laughing to myself.
Dem no fit flog craze commot Ƒor †he pikin body?
This was how homosexual started when small boys thinks they are gals and some stupid parent would allow their children τ̲̅ȍ follow a wrong pattern. That woman and her husband are contributing τ̲̅ȍ that stupid life
My younger bro, when he wz younger even wore head tie n insist on wearing a scarf to church.. Buh now he's ol grown up n can't b caught dead wearing anythin feminine. Now we tease him n jz laf ova it..the parents of dat lil boy v gone nuts !. Smh
My brother used to love dolls as a child, we used to tease him. He grew out of it before becoming a teenager. I don't know the matter with these Americans and sexuality.
Martini wrote...
WTF!!! Disillusioned mother. She should be jailed when she gets to hell. Aiding and Abetting Homosexuality. #SMH
They should allow d boy to grow up and decide wot he wants since he is a transgender. What a culture! Mshew
Them no dey flog this children? Better flogging go correct this wahala, make them flog male genes enter the boy body
He is still a boy, if him like baff for girls bathroom and love pink.
and where pad too for girl things **winks**..mtcheeew 4 him and his parents.
More blame on d dad sef.
Ɣ☺Ʋ are married?? Gal everytin about u screams "I am a 10 year old girl" if u really r married, I can't help but feel for ur husband n d kids. Being wif a wife/mum dats has lots of growing up to do must be devastating
Pikin wey dem suppose to beat blue-black make dat demon wey dey control him mind jump out! *abeg dnt tell me datz child abuse ooo*
The Bible says 'Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him'.
Also wit moral teachings and prayers too will make him think straight!
His parents are to βε̲̣̣̣̥ blamed especially his mother for encouraging him! What kind of demonic - stupid indulgence is dat! The little lad will now grow up tomorrow to be a faggot. Issokay!
May God have mercy on us all!
A DEFINITE NO NO NO... He's just four still a baby for petes sakes. when i was younger i remember always wanting to be a boy, even attempting to pee like a boy once. Kids get restless at this age and soon get bored. He has girls around him hence the confusion trust me this little boy will be more macho than any guy around when he grows up.
Anonymous(12:28) If u get something to do u no go come here urself dey call person jobless, Mumu! U just won change topic,Na insult u go get.
child! that the parents are too small to raise. On that erection issue,how well can you blow,a good play doesn't kill the excited it causes anxiety for penetration.. Try the Old Skool Blues and as soon as he gets hard don't wait for his hand to find his pencil,use ur hand i put it right in the sharpener to help sharp and bring sense into that rod of his..
child! that the parents are too small to raise. On that erection issue,how well can you blow,a good play doesn't kill the excited it causes anxiety for penetration.. Try the Old Skool Blues and as soon as he gets hard don't wait for his hand to find his pencil,use ur hand i put it right in the sharpener to help sharp and bring sense into that rod of his..
How can a four year old make such a decision! I don't have anything against transgenders! I have had beasts since I was 11. I want too be a more of a man but till I can fnd myself a solution I have to live like this. I'm a nigerian o, but not some oyinbo boy. Will I sleep with a man; GOd forbid. But do I fantasize about men with muscular bodies; yes, and why not, that's. Becoz they have wht I dream about. Life is very complex, I have learnt not to judge anyone. I don't understand what gays are going through! But I have my own story too. So I let them be, I have gay friends, d same way I have drug addict friends and aristo friends and pastor friends. Everyone has got a story and if you finish up your "book" with a happy ending, the world turns to you to hear what you have to say and hopefully learn from you. You are not alone!
Oh Lord! linda....I will so beat the female out of him..walai!
This woman is not qualified to be a mother. I remember that as a kid i always cried and requested that I be worn an earring whenever my twin sister wore one. That did not make my mum pierce my ears. she rather kept promising to buy a better one 4 me until I grew out of it. That is the mentality of children world over. Children tend to fill left out when they perceive that those around them have something that they don't have and want to be carried along. It is also not unexpected that in a predominantly female family, a male child (especially where the female children are older) may likely want to copy what his sisters do or see things from their perspective and vice versa. This is not abnornal in any way and does not suggest that the child is transgender or whatever you call it. It is probable that this woman had wanted to have only female children but this boy interfered wit that dream and she chose to change the boy in order to realise that dream. This decision is totally the woman's decision.
I'm copying someone yeah? Talk about being a hypocritical asshole. You just copied someone's useless rant and you have the guts and audacity to say I'm copying someone? Idiot!
I'm seeking for attention? Do I beg you or force you stupid fool to read my comments? If my comments are disturbing or bugging you then don't read it. IGNORE is the word. Or better still cut off your scummy eyes.
I won't even comment about me bragging about my stay here in Scotland. You're obviously an obnoxious and jealous prick. Don't get a job keep on analyzing people you hardly know. I'm sure you're a hustler in life. Have you eaten today? Have you done anything positive in your miserable life? I'd gladly feed you and your family for decades cause you absolutely don't have a clue about me or my attitude and indeed my choice of being active in life. Asshole.
Linda, we are prisoners of the chemicals synthesized within our bodies.
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone while estrogen is the primary female sex hormone.
Normal ppl have a balance of the chemicals that reflect their gender, so a young boy with plenty testosterone acts just like a boy.
However, another young boy with more estrogen than he should have will behave feminine bcos he feels feminine from the inside.
The same is true for girls, ie a girl with more testosterone than estrogen will behave like a boy bcos she feels like a boy from inside.
Such cases require medical intervention, not flogging, cursing and victimizing as would happen amongst unevolved minds.
Just in case you didn't know, EVERY girl has a penis. It isn't as well developed as in boys and ends up being called a clit.
Lmfao...You're so right on this one,can't stop laughing at this.kai Lib nationals. U guys won't kill somebody.
Dts why I trust naija parents...wit d help of koboko him head go rearrange...dt boy's mum is sick..
hmmm... while i totally disagree with the parents for encouraging the boy to be a girl, i think there really isnt anything anyone can do to change him to be a proper boy, that boy was born that way and would live that way...wether as a kid or as an adult, he would certainly be attracted to boys when he grows, now someone would tag him 'gay' while he is indeed gay... i think that is who he is for that reason he should be left alone to be himself (nothing really can change him, no therapy, not surgery)
knowing that some pple were born this way is one reason why the society should support people to embrace their sexuality, rather than condemn them like we do in africa. freedom for all, Let God be the judge!
A child at 3/4 dosn't knw wats gender talkless of transgender,being in da mids of girls, seing girl toys is enough 4 him to feel he's a gal, dats children's mentality.its apening even in africa, its only dat here we ve cane to flock unusual nonsence atitude 4rm a child. We are not done wit issues of gay&lesbianism,oyibo want start anoda one so dat africans adopt it... Overpamperin a child no be 4my house.
Like someone on Yahoo! commented: "when my son was 4, he wanted to be train".
I bet his parents didn't go stuffing him with coal and putting him on a railway.
hmmm... while i totally disagree with the parents for encouraging the boy to be a girl, i think there really isnt anything anyone can do to change him to be a proper boy, that boy was born that way and would live that way...wether as a kid or as an adult, he would certainly be attracted to boys when he grows, now someone would tag him 'gay' while he is indeed gay... i think that is who he is for that reason he should be left alone to be himself (nothing really can change him, not therapy, not surgery)
knowing that some pple were born this way is one reason why the society should support people to embrace their sexuality, rather than condemn them like we do in africa. freedom for all, Let God be the judge!
Are they Americans? If yes; then only in the United States of America can sh*t like this happen. Americans are a bunch of disillusioned people. They live in a world of their own - and you dare not challenge their beliefs.
Ok so growing up, i'd rather play with boys than date them and I was at some point a tom boy, wore my brother's hand me downs et all, now I can't even stand trousers and I am a dick lover (yea i'm that straight) and It took my siblings buying me girly stuff regardless of my tomboyish nature for me to finally adapt to being a strong feminine creature. I have an elder brother and I adored him so much hence I would dress like him does that mean I am meant to be a boy? My brother on the other hand grew up in the midst of 6 girls, so he knows how to make hair, play 10 10 and clean house but he is married now with a daughter again I ask, does that mean he was meant to be a girl? If you ask me this is stupidity at it's highest because there is no way a four year old will know a doctor can change his gender if his parents didn't discuss it with him. Why didn't they wait for him to decide his sexuality on his own when he hits puberty? Why are they pushing the boy into making what could be the worst decision of his life. He could grow up and realise he actually is straight imagine how difficult it will be for him to cope when he has been confused into thinking he was meant to be a girl? Imagine the stigma that will trail him. As far as I am concerned his parents aren't fit to be parents at all. No child knows wat they really want and thus should be guided until they reach a time in their life when they are deemed fit to make such mind altering decisions. He isn't evil, his parents are psychos. Rubbish
thank God i'm a nigerian, an african, i would have slapped the bejesus out of the kid, what arrant rubbish, signs of endtime indeed, God make us worthy!hipsy
I'm sorry, but how does a 4 year old know about transgenders and doctors who make that happen?
LIB Analyst though.. lol.. good one
This woman is not qualified to be a mother. I remember that as a kid i always cried and requested that I be worn an earring whenever my twin sister wore one. That did not make my mom pierce my ears. she rather kept promising to buy a better one 4 me until I grew out of it. That is the mentality of children world over. Children tend to fill left out when they perceive that those around them have something that they don't have and want to be carried along. It is also not unexpected that in a predominantly female family, a male child (especially where the female children are older) may likely want to copy what his sisters do or see things from their perspective and vice versa. This is not abnornal in any way and does not suggest that the child is transgender or whatever you call it. It is probable that this woman had wanted to have only female children but this boy interfered wit that dream and she chose to change the boy in order to realise that dream. This decision is totally the woman's decision.
@Prince Jobless Fool, u r just telling d world dat all he/she said is true,u need help. Mind you,LIB analyst didn't copy,he/she came up with his/her own version,as for u,ur just a copy cat attention seeking fool. Grow up o.
anonymous 12.10pm, its like telling God he got it wrong when he was creating you, God has given parents the job of guiding their kids thoughts, actions, because at the end of it all we will be judged and we must answer for the choices we made in life, obviously you probably don't believe in God, its really sad to see how we humans allow the devil to deceive us, it is well, christ is coming soon.shikena! hipsy
The boy's mother don mad finish, walai!
For God's sake, how can an analyste write in such an unprofessional manner?Abbreviating common words? To Linda, I think you should think about professionalism. Employ professionals to manage your blog and edit your captions. I know humans are apt to err, but with editors you can review your catch phrases and captions. This blog is international, there should be some touch of educational values.Our writing and reading skills are degenrating,your blog can help by being a model of sound orthography. And I must say that "Lucabree" and "Prince Jobless" are my favourites. Prince Jobless might be a young man and has the right to whatever name that pleases him.He is smarter than most of the other age-advanced bloggers, who hide behind anonymous..As an analyste, you really don't have any business liking any one.
I think the mother is to be blamed for this
Let me give back to LIB Readers.....
na d mama we go blame for dis
na d mama we go blame for dis
This is very Demonic. They should take him to Synagogue Church of all Nations for Prophet T.B. Joshua to deliver him.
na d mama we go blame for dis
bad mama
na d mama we go blame for dis
I'd say, make no hard decisions. Gender identity is not always a permanent thing. It shifts, it is fluid. There are after all effeminate men - some of whom are 'gay' - and mannish or masculine women. They are all part of creation's richness. Nature doesn't just produce the stereotypical, the bland. The worst thing would be to beat the boy and try to force him to become a 'proper' boy. That would create unnecessary emotional and psychological problems. The parents should just be caring and attentive, and guide him day by day. I was a boy who liked girls' dresses and playing with dolls. Although I did not take part in boys' games, I still grew up with male and female friends and my femininity was not always a problem. It was sometimes an advantage in associating with people.
Obviously a six year old child is way too young to know what he/she really wants!
Know anyone preparing to write JAMB/WAEC 2013? Follow @passnownow and register on Passnownow.com to get Past Questions and Answers FREE!"
My nephew convinced himself he was a tiger!!!did we feed him raw sheep?
Look we as nigerians are not fulled educated about all these. Coy was born as a boy but he has female chromosomes, in as much as he wants to be a boy, his chromosomes are making him behave and like girls things. I personally think he should get changed now, so that he doesn't have a terrible childhood or youth-hood because trust me, not knowing how to identify your self in the american school system is the worst thing ever. I know i would gt backlash about what i just said and yall nigerians would say its the devil but all this things are real and it happens.
Go and raise your own kids
People should stop forcing societies views on people. Live and let live. What makes you think the kid will be anything but normal because of clothes they wear.
What we wear has nothing to do with what we become or who we are.
People need to stop being simple and judgemental.
Remain criticising and have your lives remain bland and simple.
hmmmm not cool
Wonders shall never end. Palapala nile oloshi. May God help us. I trust my Africans most especially Nigerian Women (mothers). They know how 2 treat issues like this with pankere (Cane or koboko) and omorogun. (Garri Turner). End time tinz
All these oyibo sef, Ðε̲̣̣̣̥Ɣ ar rly confused! Ђŏw̶̲̥̅ can à 4yr old boy jst wants to change his gender jst lyk dat??? His useless parents must hv poisoned his mind. Dey jst dnt knw wat dey hv don to dis boy's lyf. Yeye pple! Mtchwwww
So linda its now official that u won't post any comment bashing maximus?just like d blades story.well done BTW I expected d same stupid comment u made supporting the blade runner,don't be hypocrite!we all know u support evil!this post shld make u Glad not sad!Maxi or whatever ur name is
Well he or she is just 4, there is what you call puberty. Wait for that to happen, plus the wet dreams and so on. He will probably change or if he doesn't, then homosexuality will be for him.
Crazy nd stupid pple,a year old child knows not his left 4rm his right no mata how smart he is,he can't know d meaning of changing ones sex.so d parent are 2 b held responsible 4 any pblm d boy will have in future.Crazy pple.
#Gbamest! U are so on point! This boy's present condition is a function of his parents encouragement. They are to blame for this situation, especially the mother. ~Avryl~
This is definitely not normal and the boy including his whole family need deliverance.
Hahahahahahahahaha...WoW! Linda u do have dedicated readers. C analysis
Hahahahahahahahaha...WoW! Linda u do have dedicated readers. C analysis
Hahahahahahahahaha...WoW! Linda u do have dedicated readers. C analysis
na wa to d parents o. Dey no jst wan get sense. Aw 4yr old boy go talk say he wan turn girl. He must ave heard it from somwhere. As a parent ur job is to lead him/her/it along d right path. Jst by looking at ur children's hair one can say d parents are very loose. U dnt let a 4yr old child decide for u wat he/she/it wants to be instead ur job is to ensure dat he/she/it makes d right choices in life at dis stage of his/her/its life. If he/she/it tld u dat he/she/it wants a sex change at lets say 18-20yrs of age dere is nuffing u can do to stop him/her/it since he/she/it can think clearly by himself/herself/itself and bear d consequences of such life changin decisions.
Hahahaha you are funny
Disturbing to say the least...obviously encouraged by his parents.Westeners shaaa
I don't normally comment I just read and laugh. But I think people need to be enlightened about Gender Identity Disorder (GID). This is a real psychological disorder that many people have including your neighbors. So no its not an Oyibo thing. These persons experience extreme unhappiness, discomfort and are sure they are born in the wrong body. Yes it is peculiar for it to be documented in a child as early as this 4 year old. What the parents are doing is the right thing. They have to be very supportive of the child's choice. Like some of you have pointed, it might just be a phase (I doubt it). But if not address, it can lead to depression, substance and the so often suicide. My two cents
There is absolutely no problem with that. It is perfectly okay. People who think there is something wrong with it are illiterates who need to be educated. I would love to explain why i say so to you and people like you but the typing is too much.
Ode! Did linda tell u she employed an anaylst??? Sm pple just don't hv a sense of humour. *smh
Me am a size 18, suppsed to be an 8, shey I should b wearing size 8 clothes, wt all My boobs outside, and u will not judge, ba? Enlightened abt gender disorder,ko??? Smh
For goodness sake, he has 4 sisters. Of course he's exposed to girly things. Take him to the mall buy masculine clothes, toys games and see if he won't be interested.
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