1. A year of surprises – I am seeing many great, famous, popular and rich men and politicians will become helpless and in need of help in matters of sickness, disease, finances, death, etc. One of the causes: They have failed to reward those who helped them to succeed. This is the year of judgment, especially for politicians who use youth to support their political ambitions without reward after winning power. Tell your neighbour: Reward those who help you succeed now.See the rest after the cut...
2. Those in the foodstuff business will have a field day this year. Farming and agriculture will be the order of the day and will help greatly to be the source of solution this year. People engaged in it will be greatly blessed.
3. Those anxious about God and who hate sin – the faithful – your prayers for many years are not lost. This year, there will be instant answers to your prayers, especially those who have been seeking for the fruit of the womb. The long-time barren will become mothers of many babies this New Year.
4. Natural disasters will be many this New Year, such as motor accidents, sea sickness and air disasters. Let us move to God. With God, all things are possible.
5. Stop praying against those who hurt you. This year, you will see clearly that God is God of vengeance. Instead, you should pray for them.
6. Do charity work – feed the poor and the needy and give scholarships to those who deserve them. This year, there is great reward in doing this if you do it with all your heart. No matter how little, share it with others. Share their pain and share their joy.
7. Our youth who think always of travelling should use the money to go into agriculture or foodstuff business because in the New Year, God will bless them. They will achieve greatness by transacting in agriculture and foodstuff and become successful in export and import business. The money I am talking about could be in the region of N100,000, N200,000, N250,000 ($1,000, $1,500, $2,000).
Those who have been working for many years and have never been satisfied with the job and salary they receive, the little limited resources at their disposal should be invested in foodstuff business or agriculture, especially those already married. They should divide themselves in such a way that either the husband or wife should step down from service where they receive salary and face agriculture.
Foodstuff business and agriculture or farming are anointed businesses this New Year, to revive the world from economic depression. This is the secret of God revealed to you today. Quote me; you will not regret doing it.
My name is T.B. Joshua.
Word! Now I've an idea of how to approach 2013.God bless U.
Lmao.2012 in retrospect.no specifics.with the return of Dana air,why plane no go crash.nextttttttttt
For those of u huh? Lol...u knw well sha
Yaaaay!!!! Made like 4 out of those predictions myself too!
Ahnahn..He didn't say how business will go for yahoo boiz too ?
Rubbish... This man is just talking thrash
Okay o! We'v heard the man. Lets watch and see
And let the influx of neo-pagans (self proclaimed atheist and freethinkers like linda ikeji) begin, giving comments blaspheming against God's word.
I'm not christian but I believe that God can reveal himself even in the queerest(however it's spelt) ways.
As long as no one is being hurt, who r we to judge?
At leas there are good comment this time
Messenger of doom
At leas there are good comment this time
At leas there are good prediction this time
Haba... This is so basic!!! Even you linda u can predict these 7 revelation....
Na Ur Way.
Comment Signed, Sealed And Delivered By DATSHAPIBOY
Omo,na farming sure pass this year oh....
I've read through the Predictions. I will be glad if there's Agriculture Boom this Year. That was what our Great Nation was Feeding on before the discovery of Oil that has made us very Lazy to Think and work harder.
It's Time Investors start thinking of "FARMING"
-----OFF TOPIC----
Linda, I sent You an Email today with some SEO Tips and on how to increase your Blog users. Hope You got it?
HmMmm..Dusting my farming tools..I have really learnt to take dis man serious..
From all I read, this ain't much of a prediction for me, just normal up and down happenings that happen in every society every year.
Abeg go stand in the corner
Smh4u..fact is,almost same prediction came from my church!
Naaah.. Dis is not so basic! Wisdom is key,ask God for that this year
Linda wld never post my comment.woh dnt gv news if u dnt like d feedback.hian
Since when did plane crash, sea and road accidents become natural disasters, what will an earthquake now be?
Can Tb joshua predict the future nigerian twitter mummies. Here are my questions for Tb joshua
will @iyawo west finally realise that she is too old for all the dumb tweets and twitfights and hope to be tweeting in her husband's house by january.
will @missigho realise that her tuber of yam head is too big and she shouldnt find a job or someyhing and do something better with her life. omg i was goin =g to work around 5:30 one morning and there was a slight traffic and she was already up and tweeting,saying shit. smh for her
laurastiq is actully very very intelligent, the few intelligent girls on twiiter along with le_tiny and Ynxx and miss MUFC.
for some reasons i like laurastiq and i hope she gets her hubby diz year.
saassy ij. she looks like a bayelsa dog, apparently she thinks she's hot. My God who are those dumb guys chasing her, when i saw her at silverbird in Ph recently, i still acnnot understand wat the fuss about her is.
lambooty and Ms teni- lol, funny girls, matured tweeting
sirqastic or sirkastic, watever i guess he is so attached to twitter, he looks like the type that shags dogs so i wont be suprised if he is shagging his bitch dog bella,
manmustwack--irony for a fat person that looks like a stuffed pillow to be abusing fat people.
tweetoracle- we all know he is dumb, no comment.
hawtune- cool
boluxxx- annoying buy funny
voguechic- so she's short, would give her a knock wenever i see her
temilolu shouldnt get angry, you kiss like a dehydrated vampire.
TNC WAS CRAP, i sat there in the middle wearing a black sweater if u remember me.
well my leave ends tommorow so all my observation i have made so far have been my onemonth leave being spent on analysing nigerian twitter.
well my flight is tomorrow am back to the oil rigs on sunday with sahara energy. xoxo
Who is deceiving who? If the man of God actually knows tommorrow, let him be specific in his prediction. Theses are just normal things that can/would happen. Anybody can predict them
Lwkm,craze people full 9ja oooo,who be this jobless thing sef?and who cares if you work in an oil rig.go blow yasef joor.
I tnk God I av been tinkin n plannin on openin foodstuff business as if God hs spoken to me.tnk u God.i hav made my plans God if is ur wish may my plans b successful to d glory of ur name in Jesus name.AMEN!
Linda pls Post my Coment I beg u in
My prayer For Use is Dat There will be No Famine in Our Household IJN.Amen.
let me tell u the truth, if u kn ur a politician that uses the poor to get what u wnt better go and settle with them be4 the anger of God will rest on u, hw will u feel if u wrk frm 1st to 31st nd ur nt paid for huh? look without TB saying it is wrong b4 God nd man, i dnt wanna call names u kn ur selfs even the bible is against it do gud nd leave the rest for God, is never too late u can still correct ur misstakes. As for Tb hmmm, i respect u bc out of 100% thing u said 85% of it come to pass that is if not all.
If nt 4 wetin God talk 4 bible, i 4 curse dis man wella bt make i jst ask am question....T.b joshua, u never tire 2 de fall ur hands? 2010 u talk say super eagers go carry world cup leta dey no even qualify 4 der group, 2 seasons ago u talk say arsenal go carry league leta arsenal no c second 4 table, abeg stop 2 de deceive urself nah continue wit ur church business God dey watch us.....pastors indeed *4billionmen*
So all the idle youths esp those being nuisances on blogs should start heading to village ASAP to resume farm work!
Prophet Jeremiah of our time has spoken,thank God sef the doom for 2013 isn't much.maybe he has edited the prophecies like a movie!
Lmao at ANON 4.19, ur rily angry and hilarious sha oo. but a lil truth in what your sayin. I spent the boring holiday analysing 9ja twitter too, n was amazed. People are rily jobless and fake.
And yeah Yinxx is cool.
I could probably predict these too!
I was wondering!
I dey hear all these prayer for church sotey-sotey-sotey
Pray before you leap my dear. At the end of the day God only is God
Abeg TB Joshua. sea sickness no be natural disaster oooooooooooooooo
Cool... ¶'ll go with this
Still dnt undstnd how pple can allow demselves b fooled so effortlessly.if y'all call dis divine predictions den I thnk we all hav already received divine revelations coz evn my 10 year old sis can predict half of dis shit...and to all dem haterz hu wud comment,I'd suggest u sit dwn and check urselves*eye's rollin*
That boluxxx, will just b swinging breast about, wit her red weave! Manmustwack change ur Avi pls u look all sweaty! Use to think he was cool, niggar is just too mouthy!! Tweets lika Bittchh..
Ahhhn! I like MissIgho! She's funny but u guys shd stop ganging on ppl on twitter! It zuckssss!
Dumb predictions!
See, the great Prophet T.B. Joshua already said it before it happened. Accept it. Don't argue. #10MillionPhonesForFarmers"
God bless you @ anno 4:19 ooo u will old pass your great grand father I like your observations That Iyawowest own is too much she's annoying then that laurastiq too that girl always talks abt her daughter, she claims to be a big yet Bycicle (keke) not to talk of car she no get and she talks like she owns twitter no wonder d man that got her pregnant played her she dey do like say she sabi everything and nothing wey she sabi. She's nt smart. They should go and get a life jare.
And people follow this man. Chei naija pple dumb sha.
Thanks for the free publicity. God bless you mucho :D
Almost all d predictions have similarities. He that have ears let him hear what d spirit is saying. The voice of the people is d voice of God. Thank u lord for this revelation, I'm constantly in Awe of you.
Operation feed the nation! Farming here I come...but hang on is this prediction for nigerians in nigeria or nigerians in the diaspora.
How do we farm in Canada?
This guy is brilliant even though I don't believe in predictions the stuff he said about farming is wise....push the youths there instead of everybody looking for white collar jobs...
Its no news how many of us open our mouths and spit out shit, even if its a prediction from a normal person can't we just for once behave like the humans we are: consider doing somthing that will change us?
You din't predict nothing yet you lambast someone who dared to. Don't worry, except you change, you'l all say "Mogbe! I should have known "...
So motor accident & sea sickness are natural disasters?......... Interesting.
TB Joshua should also invest in agriculture this year so as to contribute to the growth of the society. And pple shld not be decieved by the imaginations of these so-called and self made prophets who appear to be centre of attraction. Only in God we trust.
Hello Linda. Pls is it ok that people are taking to your blog to slander people on twitter and you are approving these comments? These are not celebrities. Some of them have real lives and identities to protect. Why are you aiding trolls?
You are right anon 7.05 pm sassy_ij's nose is like that of the proboscis monkey :D
Fake pastor
Fake, indeed. All for money. I predict dat this yr fuel shall be sold at N115 a litre; workers will not go on strike; GEJ will remain confused; tights will increase for d pastors and prophets; two pastors will acquire private jets at d expense of d poor; power will increase to 7000 mwt; lecturers will not fuck female stdts for marks and Super Eagles will continue to sleep. Believe me all thse predictions shall come to pass. And in march i will hold holy Ghost convention where d confused GEJ will come for prayer of more confusion, thereafter he will drop a heavy ghana must go for God's work. Gudnite! Linda.
What an idiot, he go and find a recliner and take a seat. What is with all this nonsense? Filthy wolf in sheep clothing. It's him that natural disaster 'like car accident' will affect.
My prediction, this is tbe year all these fake ass prophets will have thier lies catch up with them.
Abeg plane and car crash no be natural disaster oh.
Na only G̲̅od know.
I really want to know why you allow these abusive comments. I thought the comments were moderated?? Please fix this.
Am glad TB said farming will be productive this year,so I suggest you all run to the villiage and start farming immidiately,since you all have so much time in ur hands to Analyze other people,free yourselves from jobless ness
Na wa for una o. Y'all should go settle ur scores on twitter not here. This is lame.
Wait so only celebrities should be slandered? So celebs dnt hv real lives? U r pathetic, i bet u r one of those twiCelebs. I bet u slander tweetoracle constantly! Gtfoh
Waiting Concern yahoo boys here na?
Person dey talk of Better Things, u dey talk of yahoo boys! Mumu, stupid moron with an ugly face.
Waiting Concern yahoo boys here na? Person dey talk of Better Things, u dey talk of yahoo boys! Mumu, stupid moron with an ugly face.
Investigate if the ones last year came true.
This not twitter, write in full sentences.
Ofcourse he Edited it,same prophecy came frm my small church buh in a raw form,Nigerians shld rise n pray coz dis year will b a difficult year for unbelievers
Freedom of speech and nothing so far is troll like.
Seconded,religion truly is d opium of d masses.
~BONARIO~says S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ via NOKIA
Ask for forgiveness n get close to God,so dt u don't get caught unaware
Pastor T. B. Joshua: The Man in the Synagogue is real. He is a real spiritual man of God. He is not fake. His power is not mixed. Many will fall through him, while others will rise through him also. do not judge him at all because God is the only judge.
God bless u darling,he dat have ear let him hear
Touch not my annoited n do my prophet no harm.may God forgive u
Prophet Tb Joshua is Real Man of God I thank God for his grace over the man of God,all i no is that we all have the best in what ever we sow this year, be it positive or negative so go for the BEST THIS NEW YEAR. sow what is right, cuz i no surely his prophecy will come to pass.
We want solutions to the problems,that's when u know a real man of God.not just predictions.biko nu man of God kedu ife anyi ga eji gbochi plane crash
Question of life!..I beg go sidon... Guess you re one of them... Mtcheeew
These are kings and queens of slander and they are popular, they share everything on twitter. Twitter is a public platform, LIB is a public patform too. Grab a sit twiceleb. Celeb na celeb jorr.
God bless you,you are too much papa.
Include Cossy
Let us all watch how it unfolds..stop passing judgement
This Shd be Sassy_ij or missigho or iyawowest! But y'all can slander Tonto&cossy right! Then gang up on folks on twitter! Pls take a back seat & watch this space! U r d bigger troll!
Nigerians must stop mocking God by using his holy name in vain. A humble pastor shld not behave as if he is God. TB Joshua and the rest shld plse avoid giving us bp by their fake and self glorifying prophecies. However, it's only gurribles that will believe them. For me, i believe in God's will any moment, rather than what a magician predicts.
(Jeremiah 7:25) From the time your forefathers left Egypt until now, day after day, again and again I sent you my servants the prophets.
When God servant speaks forth, the wise have the sense of hearing. And to you TB Joshua appellants, what does it benefit you by telling lies against fellow human. But one thing is clear which I must let you know that the more you continue lying about TB Joshua the more what he is doing will continue embarrassing you.
That is why the Wisdom of God said, 'I will send them prophets and apostles. They will kill some of them and persecute others,' (Luke 11:49).
What baffles me most they are same set of people quoting thou shall not judge and touch not anointed when matters concerns their Papa, Daddy and Mummies. It is better to chose for yourself whom to worship today, your pastors or God in heaven.
God can never be deceived by man as far as he knows his people and those that speak for him. So it’s about time you understand that your religions or whatever you believe on does not matter, because only God will have the final say.
Happy New Year Linda you looks exquisiteness these days, and Happy New Year everyone is good to meet you again.
Chibuzor Igwah
The same way, this man says something everytime, we argue it and it still comes to pass; Nigerians, better wise up and stop calling him names when we ought to go and pray and prepare for the fulfilment of God's words through his prophet...prophets are likes Eyes..they see so that we won't fall.
(@ January 5, 2013 8:29 AM) God will continue to bless you my dear for see the truth and confess it with all hearths. That’s exactly what prophesies it’s all about.
When Jonah in the bible was sent to go and tell the people of Ninevah that the anger of God was to come to the city, how many people prayed- the whole nation fasted and prayed for three days and three nights prayed. But in a situation where Nigerians don't believe the prophet TB Joshua, what can he do. When Haman wanted to destroy the people of Israel in the bible, they all fasted three days and three nights without food and they were saved. Nigerian, learn to believe GOD!
If God reveal and you call the man of God Prophet of Doom, not joining with him in prayer, how do you expect God to redeem you or to protect you in what you don't believe? When you don't believe the prophet, what do you want him to do? Prophets see when danger is about to happen and call on everyone to pray, even prophets in the bible.
It’s very important to you out there to understand what prophesy mean as a child of God before calling prophet of God names. The latest prophesy about helicopter crashes that killed a governor and other government officials is good Example and clear Confirmation, and for those genuinely seeking truths check out the link below;
TB Joshua the con-man. He uses the plight and predicament of the unfortunate that throng his SINagogue to advance himself, display media acrobatics and publicity stunts. Some politician(s) with (a) severe ailment must have visited his place for him to boast this way. The same way he made a circus out of the plight of Actor Enebeli. Shame... And with the current red alert about the food shortage in Nigeria due to the flood, does it take a sooth-sayer to know that prices of food-stuffs will run high...? Even if Joshua nor talk, Barren woman nor go born before...? Barren women nor dey born since...? TB Joshua is just a scriptural Gangster... and shame on whoever that falls for his gimmicks.
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD (Proverbs 17:150)
But for one to find out what is true or false they must look into matter and hear both sides before they make a final judgment. “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge (Proverbs 18:15).
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the Children of God! Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in Heaven: for so persecuted they the PROPHETS which were before you. (Matthew 5:9-12).
Prophet TB Joshua the God almighty is assuring you this day "Stand back and see Me fight, saith the LORD. .. For the battle is not yours, but God!" (2Chron.20:15).
But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44).
Chibuzor Igwah
You need to ask your pastors whether Satan can ever take God glories.
TB Joshua is Fake, Scammer, Magician, Occultist and Satan Agent. So then where we can find the genuine prophet and messenger that can speak the minds of God since all the pastors we have around always claims that spirit of God is ministering to them, even with the almighty power of God we believe they have, Yet, they cannot do what TB Joshua is doing to protect lives for the sake of God in both spiritual and physical. Instead, you continue sowing for special blessings as well as to continue deceiving yourself.
The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. (2 Chronicles 36:15)
But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy. (2 Chronicles 36:16).
God bless u over n over gain!
I receive it in Jesus name because this is a year of favour.
God Bless you prophet T.B Joshua''''You are my dady in the Lord''' I love You Sir
I'm already reaping the agric prediction. GOD bless TBJ. EMMANUEL!
First i strongly believe the man of God tb joshua, for the 2013 prophecy, i was in the church that day, i even got one of the written prophecy bein divided to millons of people that night,what i read there that keep joy on me most is about the farming, and i pray as me bein a farmer i have already make it,by april this year i will be planting my melon and yam and water melon, i always pray with my anoiting water day and night bcos i believe this year will be the year of my breakthrough in farming in jesus name,i mst go back to the church for my own testimony, in jesus name i pray amen.
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