Tonto Dikeh covers December issue of Y! Magazine | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 17 December 2012

Tonto Dikeh covers December issue of Y! Magazine

Just in time for Christmas, the 10th issue of Y! Magazine is out, and this new edition is certainly a first for a lifestyle magazine in Nigeria. The magazine, unveiled exclusively to invitation-only guests at the Annual Y! Magazine Black Ball in Lagos on Sunday, 16 December 2012 has controversial singer and actress Tonto Dikeh on its cover – but, in a bold move, it’s an illustrated cover!

“We are excited to have pushed the envelope,” said its editor-in-chief, Chude Jideonwo. “Y! Magazine launched with a bold artistic presentation which was the Omotola cover, and it’s a tradition we have re-ignited. In the new media space, the place of the magazine as a conversation starter might be undergoing a makeover, but the art and essence of the magazine should remain the same.

“It stands at a unique position as a media event and a cultural catalyst, provoking and driving the popular dialogue with features, conversations, imagines, narrations, even controversy. Like the venerable magazine editor Tina Brown has said - you want to publish something that generates energetic debate; otherwise, why would you want to publish it?”

With a cover story themed “How do you solve a problem like Tonto Dikeh?” that investigates the cultural phenomenon that Ms. Dikeh has become, it kicks off a new Y! Magazine cover philosophy to give deeper insight, beyond predictable interviews, into the Nigerian culture and issues zeitgeist.

The cover illustration is by Bolaji Iwayemi, and the photography for the inside pages is by the iconic Kelechi Amadi-Obi, with styling by the impressive duo of Toyin Lawani and Tiannah Styling.

As always, Y! Magazine is a skilful mix of issues, lifestyle, and culture. There is a feature on Nigeria’s visionary mega-church pastors, sex and the single Christian, ‘Under Attack’ which explores Muslim stereotypes, and ‘Believe it or Not’ which interrogates young Nigerian atheists.

The delicious 8-page Christmas Special shares the colours, designs, movies, and songs that should keep you company this season, and over a dozen celebrities – including Wizkid, Toke Makinwa and others - share what they call their ‘most memorable Christmas.

The entertainment pages include interviews with Iyanya, Joseph Benjamin, Andre Blaze, Dammy Krane, and Niyola, and Y! Magazine also unveils the first in its Annual Y! Magazine Best Dressed List – 20 young celebrities make the list this year!

And be sure to read an exclusive interview with former President Olusegun Obasanjo at his Ota residence.

And for Y! Magazine, its last issue for 2012 is also one for celebration. “We do know something about faith. If we aren’t making a big deal about our big move in being Nigeria’s first illustrated lifestyle magazine cover, it is because of our facility with faith,” said its editor’s letter this edition. “Faith in trusting the global-citizen bonafides of our readers as we push the envelope with the concept and content of our covers and our magazine. Or for that matter to be the one magazine that has not missed one edition since it launched 30 months ago in this famously impossible media market.”

Y! is available in stores and with vendors in Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt, Benin and Owerri. It is also available in all House of Tara Stores in Lagos, Abuja, Ilorin, Port-Harcourt, Benin, Kano, Ibadan and Kaduna and with Y! campus representatives in 19 states within the country. You can also pay for the magazine with your mobile phone and have it delivered to you at no extra charge.

For enquiries, subscription, advertising and back issues, follow @YNaija on Twitter or Facebook, email, call  08173000001 or visit


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★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Tonto in the second pic looks so good! This pay by the phone initiative for the magazine is really cool I must say. Just like how the likes of Ebony and others order their magazines.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Thnks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Linda where is the gist about the dirty slap recieved by Karen

Anonymous said...

whoa tonto dikeh name can not be left out in 2012 entertainment gist... more gist and entertainment news here at


Smart business move,trying to cash on Tonto's somewhat controversial personality. I even love d pix concept d more,very lovely.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Tontolet nd her puppy tinz oooooo
Bia linda post ma comment ooooo or comment ma post

Unknown said...

first to

ernie said...

Again,linda,post my comment...I dunno y I find dis article to cumbersome to read...anyways,I'll say wot I gotta of u may tk dis as plain hating n mayb tis bt am entitled to my vry own opinion...havin said dt,I fuckin hate tonto,kk,my bad,hate ČŠ̝̊̅§ such a strng word,mayb dislike her,wit a passion,d PASSION in block letters,her vocabulary sucks,her acting ČŠ̝̊̅§ mediocre,she cnt act to save her life,plus she seems like d sorta girl wit more baggages thn JFK international l☺l.....aii,nw linda,pls post something worth reading said...

This Girl is on fire yyyyyyyyyyy. Nice Picsz Gal!!!!!

Unknown said...

Nice1 ! But that dog tho... Smh

Anonymous said...

For those who don't understand sexy. This is sexy wivout even showing too much skin! She looks so inviting. Imagine genny doing a pose like this....... It'll just look like a dog advert! If u abuse me, right back at you. Its my opinion.

Unknown said...

*yawn* ...yet another dumb woman.

@Icekiddd said...

Wonderful quality.
We'll get there just a matter of time

Anonymous said...

Nyc 1....*eyes rollin* ...nxt post plz....

BLOGLORD said...

Tonto Dikeh! cut yourself a lil bit slack. too much of everything is bad. kai!

Anonymous said...

Y u wnt post my comments?I sincerely dnt understnd,aint kool readin U̶̲̥̅̊ŃŹ̲̅ blog anymore knwin I wnt gt a chnce to dish out my own opinion

Anonymous said...

O ma ga ooo..Why do you guys keep attacking her to post your comment! there's only one of her you know and loaaads of you. Linda you to employ more hands abeg.. u SEF!

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:37...genny cn neva look like a dog no matter how she poses she's classy nd sexy nd a good role model 2 many girls unlike aunty tontolet

Anonymous said...

Linda is greedy! #kpom#... And this shit's Boring #yawns#

Anonymous said...

lovely concept

ifyody said...

she is beautiful and kool.

BigMouth said...

I can tell u for free that Tonto Dikeh is a CONCAINE ADDICT!!!


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