Should I upload the video or not? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 21 May 2012

Should I upload the video or not?

Sorry for my absence since morning o. I went to Victoria Island very early this morning for two reasons. 1, to retrieve my line from MTN (my phone was stolen on Saturday) and 2, to watch CCTV footage of how the phone was stolen.

I went to a store at the palms on Saturday evening to check out shoes, and by the time I left the store 20 mins later, my BlackBerry Bold 5 had disappeared from my bag. I didn't realize my phone was missing until I got to the car park. I went back to the store hoping they'd picked it up and kept it for me...but the sales girl didn't know what happened to my phone. There was only one other customer at the store when I was there, but by the time I came back looking for my phone, she was long gone.

Then this morning the manager of the store called me to come watch CCTV footage of what happened to my phone. I couldn't believe what I saw. There are two seats at the store. I was sitting on one, the other female customer was sitting on the other. As I got up to try on some shoes, the customer, now to be referred to as the thief, put her hand inside my bag, removed my phone, placed it on the chair and used the dress she was pretending to buy to cover the phone. I came back from trying on shoes, picked up my bag from beneath her clothes and left the store without knowing that she'd removed my phone from my bag. Immediately I left the store, she took the phone from the chair, put it in her bag, wrote down a fake name and number and ran out of the store. (I say fake number because we tried the number she wrote down and it belonged to a guy).

Unfortunately for her, CCTV at the store captured everything. The store is willing to give me the footage to do whatever I want with it...I could upload on YouTube, on LIB, Twitter, BBM and at least someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows her will fish her out! But on the flip side, this footage will probably ruin her life. What should I do? I got this phone about a month's so annoying!


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Anonymous said...

upload the video !!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Linda that's how God pays people back. See how you are venting on a bold5? Lol . Just about some weeks back, I made a comment on a bb that was stolen and asked you to at least put the bb pin on your blog to just spread the news. You never published it. Know that is your turn, see what lenght a big girl like u went? What will u do if it was bb porsche? Just like you read my comment and deleted it. Move on and buy a new phone. LoL

Anonymous said...

Shut up !!!!! A beg make we hear , Linda please upload it now !!!!!! :)

Ijeoma said...


its probably because your mental capacity is zero.

I suppose you have never stood for anything in your life then?

What if it turns out to be your sister? Would you not be humiliated right along with her. This person has parents? sisters? brothers? She is not the only one implicated in this nonsense.

I cant believe the amount of blood thirsty people on this blog.

Its quite dispiriting.

I wish I could see the same level of outrage against our politicians.

Bloomandgrownaija said...

Since 2006, I have used about 9 phones. 8 of them were stolen. Please linda. Exposing her is the most civilized thing to do.once that is done, Tell us to search for her and bring her to book.because I suspect that she may also be an orosko * sipping on benylin with codeine, don't be scared of her, please post it up and quit playing king solomon

MidasTouchJay said...

To be or not to be? It's really your choice to make, because it's your phone that got missing, not mine. Is it wrong for me to feel for the kleptomaniac? Expose her, fall her hand & probably stop her thieving hobby. Don't expose her out of pity & she might go on to do worse. Hard choice... Go with your instincts Linda!

Anonymous said...

Someone stole something and was captured on CCTV, why would you NOT publish it?

Since when did theft become even remotely acceptable in our lives?

Anonymous said...

@ Ijeoma, what do you mean by asking Linda what it feels like to have someone's future in her hands. We all have our own future in OUR OWN hands and the choices we make today will manifest tomorrow. The lady stole a phone, and basically sealed her own future by putting herself in a position whereby her pictures will be potentially destroyed with her own hands and not Lindas. How do we even know that one of the store's staff will not even leak the video. Its not even until Linda uploads it. The store coud do that by itself. Or are you the girl from that shop?

Anonymous said...

Linda, cover up for the thief you hear? You are no different from our brazen politicians who cover up each other's thieving asses.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:08pm. Two words: Grow up! So Linda should be helping everybody to do lost and found, abi? In this case, it was her phone, this is her blog, she can post about it all day long if she wishes. Go and get a new phone and stop being petty.

Anonymous said...

Shut d fuck up! From stealing phones, she'll start stealing babies!

Chi-Chi Bekee said...

I was attacked by armed robbers in Owerri on 24/12/2011..Xmas eve for that matter. My new lace wig I was going to fix, bb torch, wallet, atm's, law sch id card, driver's license n all what not were in my fave bag those 2guys & their accomplice in a keke collected from me @ gun point. I no longer have mercy for criminals, they shd be disgraced! UPLOAD d vid (my way of alleviating the personal vendetta I have against thieves)...

Anonymous said...

Alhaji pls siddon 4 ur abuja dey thief dey go, don't bring ur mouth here 2 say jack Shit! How won't u call her petty wen u n ur cohorts drained naija!

Anonymous said...

@Ijeoma, abeg go and park somewhere and pass the mic. if u have a thief for a brother, the earlier u know the better. besides she wuld have thought abt the implication b4 stealing. Blood thirsty my ass.

Meanwhile, u that said Linda didnt put up ur story wen u lost ur fone, whynot get ur own blog and do same? U want her to publish all missing fones stories abi? This is HER blog, go get urs!

Anonymous said...

Upload it. Thieves need to be exposed....

Anonymous said...

Because ur the thief !

Anonymous said...

Orry we don't put our hands in peoples bags!!!!!!!!!!! Well I don't !!! If ur a thief and u feel guilty does not mean u should call us ......

Anonymous said...

blur her face & upload it. gv her some days if no response, then do what ur conscience says...........


Anonymous said...

Upload the damn video!!!

Anonymous said...

Nigerian girls n our oju kokoro sha! C wat inferiority complex n wanting 2 blong can cause! She'll now go n meet her frnds n show off d fone lyk she bought it 4 herself!

Angry woman said...

Linda, I suspect there's a syndicate at the palms, they stole my bold 4 and a friends bold 5. U would not be doing anybody good by shielding her. Expose her and let her be identified, and let the police take it from there. U wd Neva know who u r saving! My friend actually had an emergency when her fone was stolen! If she hadn't had caring neighbors her house wd have been burntbto ashes !! There's no gain in hiding a their! She might get more daring!!!

Anonymous said...

Chi-Chi Bekee, i'm worried o. Lace wig was the most important thing on your list?? Naija gals, this hair fad most go o. Before we start to trade our mums for Brazilian hair and lace wig..

Anonymous said...

Shut d fuck up! From stealing phones, she'll start stealing babies!

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to protect the identity of a thief? Soon, she would want to steal your car.

SOLID C said...


Anonymous said...

linda is having a field day with all of una..i bet her phone wasn't stolen. lmao...or better yet it was stolen there was no CCTV.

Anonymous said...

I won't be suprised if she is here begging lin NOT to upload it !! Okay babe return the phone immediately ! Lin u can give her two days and if she doesn't u can release it.. For her to know about blackberry she would definately know about blogs !! So I'm sure she is aware of this by now!

Anonymous said...

Because ur the thief !

Anonymous said...


Btwdlines said...

There has to be punishment for bad behaviour so as to serve as a deterrent else what u end up with is a nigeria where stealing is done with careless abandon.

Anonymous said...

I hope u understand dat its not d hardware dat is impt, the personal and professional data, apps, music, movies etc on a fone can be much more valuable dan d fone itself. If u steal my fone its like u've cut off my arms. Thank God for icloud

Anonymous said...

Chu u banka ni,barawo!

toyinleo said...

upload it fastttttttttttttttttttttttttt.......are u encouraging stealing???????

Eze said...

Upload it straight away,no need to get intouch,since she gave fake name,no wonder many of these girls from wretched homes will be using phones their parents can barely afford with their lifesavings.Please upload it jare,I think she is now doing big girl with ur fone.

toyinleo said...

upload it fastttttttttttttttttttttttttt.......are u encouraging stealing???????

Anonymous said...

U r so right, dis bitch now has all ur contacts and can even start impersonating u. U better act fast bc if her brain is as fast ad her fongers u r in deep sh!t

Anonymous said...

Linda if you are going to upload the video, check all legal implications first. Did the store have a notice up to say they had CCTV? Do they have the rights to give you the footage, rather than handing it over to the appropriate authorities? Is it legally acceptable for you to post this publicly without informing the police first? I am no lawyer but consult one first, biko, so that you may not be soaped as this soap opera unravels

Kimbarlee said...

You are definitely without doubt the Girl (Thief) in qst. So when do you plan on returning Linda's phone? I mean of all the phone's to steal in nigeria na Linda own u go tif! U nor dey luk face?

Ijeoma said...

@ anon 6.11

last i checked there was no palms in Toronto.

@anon 6.07

great question

but I am afraid, there is probably none.

Linda, go ahead and satisfy your blood thirsty readers.the fact that you are even asking the question leads me to believe that you had already made up on your mind.

You just lacked the requisite confidence, and wanted people to pat you on the back and tell you to go ahead.

Well here they are.

Ezems said...

Upload the video, dammit!

Anonymous said...

If it is pwd protected her aim will be to sell it asap and to pple who can jail break (not sure if its s right term) it. Imagine all ur contacts and info in d hands of some criminals. Linda ! Sharp sharp o

Anonymous said...

Probably d same person or gang. When others r shopping dey r busy scavenging

Anonymous said...

2 months loun loun, time is not money for some pple o

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the part of the story where she wrote down her name and number in the store. Why did she need toleave her name and no?

Anyway, please don't subject her to mob justice by uploading the video. I would have said submit the evidence to the police, but then again even with CCTV, I'm not too confident in the police's investigative skills.

Perhaps if you can upload the video, but obscure her features and give her a chance to turn herself in to the police.

If no response after a reasonable time, then feel free...

martinez said...

It's either you're the thief herself or sister/brother/friend/cousin/family to the thief

Anonymous said...

Eni gbe adiye otosi, o gbe t'alaroka. I think she stole the wrong phone

Anonymous said...

D day God puts boko haram or GEJ secret in ur hands we hv to trust dat u will inform ur fellow Nigerians. If u dont expose her ur own integrity too is at stake

Anonymous said...

Take am easy now, who tell u say sani tukur support babangida dem? Abeg no drive am comot lib o. Freedom of speech

blunt said...

upload the darn video already!!! You need to ask again???

Nkiruka said...

Linda forget that thing between me and you we know your story is fake. We are not kids here or your phone to be stollen and you asked public opinion on what to do to your own hard earned money. Abegi na lie jor you phone was nt missing

β£Î±É±É±É¨É› Alhaji said...

Majority always carry the vote o, Linda. Eyes, not mouth, are watering to watch the footage -- You know when your eyes are open for so long a time, it begins to water. lol. No blinking till the vid is uploaded. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

FYI,it is not only here dat d steal fones,my phone was 'snitched' in be mindful of ur words and also ur whole point doesn't even make sense. Must u drop a comment on LIB???

Sayedero enytan said...

am an ardent fan of your blog however i have never felt the need to comment on any of the threads prior to this however i am compelled to now.


Anonymous said...

Post it Linda, let other thieves learn from this

Miss P said...

Dear Linda,
Am sorry for your phone, but there maybe consequences for you and definately the thief, but think about these points:
1. if she has your phone obviously she will have access to your personal contacts and E-mails
2. she may try to impersonate you, if she can steal she maybe able to do some other evil acts. for example: sending vulgar messages to prominent contacts.
3. she may use some other personal information against you, chats, emails and so on
4. Last night i tried to access this site and Google warned me to stay out, there was a malware that could infect my system
5. if she takes it to these guys that know how to decode passwords it maybe disastrous for you
6. you are a prominent person so you are more at risk here than even her reputation
7. she is committing a criminal act and you are encouraging her by witholding evidence, In England here its a crime i think.
My own opinion is to give her an ultimatum to return the phone atleast 1 week if not upload it,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Coming from someone who has been robbed of her 13 days old bb bold 2 fone, bought a bold 4 and robbed of her bag containing the bold 4, pls....for the love of everything good, pls POST IT, but make her face blurred, so she knows ure still willing to reduce the shame for her. And if she doesn't get back to u, EXPOSE her thiefing face. If u dont and she gets caught and burnt (where boys are not smiling,) God will ask you for her blood. SO pls, stop dis suspense and post it oooo. And moreover, do you know what havoc she can cause with ur phone in her custody? you could be framed up for a crime you know nothing about. But if you want to be miss nice Linda, then just make ur bbm contacts disturb her and threaten her or better still use blackberry protect to locate ur phone and u'll pick it up like it was never stolen, or better still report to MTN, which i did, they'll give u the address of the babe and u can use ur friends, d police to pick her up.
Sorry about ur loss, been there TWICE!

Anonymous said...

UPLOAD the video. Soon she would not just steal but rob people of their belongings. This should never be encouraged. I guess she would have a rethink next she decides to steal from somebody.

Anonymous said...


upload the video jo....those who are saying forgive and forget will u send linda money to buy new one..abi u think it was free fone linda got....please upload the fuccing video make we see stealing in action..i came home for xmas last year and i swear my fone, and other things went missing from my bags. til today am still in shock..stealing is a no anonymous 4:47 said she has been doing it for a long time..let today be her doomsday. linda do you know how many people have fallen victim to that oniranu girl...please my darling carry go and upload the about to put popcorn inside microwave and watch this thrilling action short film....

alashock said...

Linda, I am so moved by comments from EBUNOLUWANIMI...She actually wrote my mind...So I won't flog it...

Please give the 'thief' sometime to do the needful (i.e., return your BB) I bet she would have gotten a feel of her scandalous act from this post by now, also she would have known who the BB owner is. So, I strongly believe she would return it…

I have a strong feeling also that her stealing the phone was meant to be the end of a struggle with being a "Petty thief". If you two were able to meet at the end of the day, Please counsel her against such and all that EBUNOLUWANIMI wrote...Cheers alashock

sakara said...

this sounds like what a girl did to me years ago inside Oyeog on opebi, i kept my bag on d chair to check some laces, she came n and sat where my bag was and spread her lace on top of mybag and when i turned back, i saw her and i was shocked that how could a dumb sales associate let another customer take over my seat while my bag was stl there, i guess i was not fast enough cause as soon as i finished my purchase and made into my bag to bring out my wad my N50,000 was gone and that was 11yrs ago, & believe me she diappared n a twinkle, we couldnt even find her shadow,i'll never forget and d owner of d shop was so insensitive that i vowed never to step in that shop again and yes i never dd, am happy d shoppeople decided to help, mine was a total slap on my face like 'u can go to hell'

Anonymous said...

Linda, Linda Linda! Upload d video or ud give the impression that ur capable of covering any crime....depending on who's involved.

Donlittle said...

well nice said Linda darling... I thin the issue here lies on 2 major factor:Religion and fate.
Religiously she stole from someone else it's a sin (whether it's a BB5 or 100mill dolls) and biblical, we learnt that "He without sin should cast the stone first"

Secondly, what some of us here are saying is "leave her to the law of Karma"(where nature teaches her the needed lesson) In other words, spare the rod and spoil the child.
However,on the other hand, if we really want this change we all proclaim (Occupy Nigeria, Re-branding Nigeria,e.t.c)this is where it should start.
Making a challenge low matter how small counts in re-branding a developing nation.
Some weeks back you visited a developed nation and saw how things of this kind are being handled( so apply one of the things u observed from there my dear)
My opinion Linda, uploading the picture will do all of us greater good than evil.

Anonymous said...

please please dont upload it, the damage she will suffer is not worth the bold 5. it could ruin her. please forgive the silly girl. but threaten her so next time she think twice.

cynosure faces said...

Upload!......upload!!.......upload!!! ┐('⌣'┐)  (┌'⌣')┌  ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ┌(˘.˘)ʃ 

Dami said...

upöoad the video

D*REAL*LAW said...

Mr privacy-lawyer,maybe u didn't read the part about her reaching into Linda's bag to steal the phone and not d shop floor or property.I'd have thought that was a violation of her privacy n also trespassing.Pls come and represent the thief in court and i'll represent Linda at no cost.

Dami said...

upload the video, she wont stop until she is dealt with

Anonymous said...

upload it because someone else would probably be a victim if u don't. if u do at least if we see her we would beware

Anonymous said...

i think you should upload it so she can learn her lesson.. 99days for thief, 1 day for the owner.. uploading it will teach her a lesson and she can change her ways.. if you dont, she'll keep believing she can do wrong and get away with it

Anonymous said...

Linda, Linda Linda! Upload d video or ud give the impression that ur capable of covering any crime....depending on who's involved.

Anonymous said...

Please upload it Linda, that way she will learn her lesson. Did she know it was you?

Asabe said...

Pls upload the video to serve as deterrent to others.

Anonymous said...

Ah ah linda, u never still upload am? Wetin u dey wait na? If to say u don upload am since wen we dey talk, ur fone for don reach ur hand. Oya do am fast abeg why u dey draw yansh na !

Anonymous said...

there's no way she can press charges. Lat's see the thief in action. Pls put a catchy tag on the video.

Anonymous said...

UPLOAD IT!!!!!! or else she would continue stealing other peoples phones. LINDA DON'T DULL!!

Anonymous said...

as someone that has just stolen meat from his grandmother's soup pot three days ago and got caught and had to kneel down for hours and on top of it got slapped by my mama, aunty and grandma, i know disgrace and i will never steal again. In a way i felt a relieve, you know, they always blamed the maid and i always pretended like i had no idea who stole the meat in the soups/stew. I think it definitely helps when we are humiliated for the things we do in secrecy, the humiliation teaches us to return to our senses and repent. So yes Linda help her by showing the tape, maybe have the face covered to show her you are serious and i bet you someone will recognize her by the cloth she wore and let you know.

Anonymous said...

its official, Nigerians are the problem and not the government. the thief put her hand in your bag and removed your phone ! that is a crime now, plain and simple the CCTV footage should be sent to the police and uploaded on this site.
I cant even believe we are all discussing this ...

ruchi said...

If I were you, i'll have uploaded the video before asking for people's opinion. WTF? Money isn't easy to come by in this Naija and someone who wants to pose without hardwork stole your phone? What will she do when she becomes 1st lady. UPLOAD ASAP!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don't upload it,another would suffer dsame fate if not worse

Anonymous said...

Linda...Upload JAR....If it was youself i will UPLOAD

OMO IBADAN said...

Linda,there is no small thief o,dis girl must have been doing it long,she put her hand oin your bag haha that is too much.
Abeg upload d video every where Ole oloriburuku ashewo odoko,omo ale adoju ti ni obirin
We r not saying u shd collect ur phone back,but at least teach her a good lesson

Anonymous said...

Ohh pls upload d video.....and pls don't blur her face.....girls must be tot to be content with who dey r nd wt dey r.......I truely hope sumone would know her after watching d video....Linda pls am waiting o

Anonymous said...

U're obviously a pick pocket, judging by ur comment...Tell me how the girls privacy was invaded or wht has ds got to do with data protectn. Scumbag

Anonymous said...

Look Linda, I believe you should give her 24hrs to return the phone at the same location she stole it from. If she does not return it, THEN Upload the video. Why can u not teach her and her fellow thiefs a lesson. Is it fair? I never ever support bad things, I believe God is using you to teach thiefs like that a lesson. Them knowing they can be caught will make the world a better place.Thanks to CCTV, or can she be prosecuted at the police station IF NOT then release the video, do u know how many people she has dealt with be stealing their posessions.

Anonymous said...

upload please! so if we see her we can protect ourselves

Anonymous said...

expose her linda! It will help to stop thievry!

Anonymous said...

yes give her 24hrs to return it if she doesnt uploadn it a thief should not be pitied expose her

Zinny said...

@Linda u know say u big pass bold 5 dat one na beans 4 ur side naa so i'll say u let it go................
On d other hand u know d pin for d stolen fone just re-add d thief as it were get friendly wiv d person den wen it seems lyk u guyz hav gotn along so well u could plan a meeting for u both; and bam!!! u nail d thief lyk in d movies; lmao! *just kidding bout dat part though but u could give my suggestion a try though ki lo feel?

Anonymous said...

Someone should use aligator pepper to slap Ijeoma.Dem send u come from village?

Anonymous said...

Linda your own is even better. i went to traditional wedding a few months back in nigeria, a high society one, anyways while there someone had the audacity to go into my bag, steal 50k naira and my new bb bold. I noticed when my mother told me to take someone's number down for her, i reached for my purse that was on the side of my chair leg and to my surprise my phone and my money that was for spraying the new couple was gone. At first i thought it was my brother playing jokes when my bro said it wasnt him. i had him call the phone and it was switched off. fast forward the wedding and celebration was over and we slept over at the grooms family house when all of a sudden i heard my ringtone, which was unique cuz its me laughing and singing with my bff. anyways i traced it to another room and it was the room of the chief bridesmaid was staying in. The girl claimed it was her phone, swore to heaven, thats when i started screaming ole, ole, and people in the house woke up and then the girl claimed she found the phone and was gonna return it. i looked at my phone and my numbers of friends, pictures everything had been deleted, replaced by her pictures of the wedding. everyone was surprised. I tell this story because you never know with people and its best to expose them. revenge is not good, but i believe God wont expose things if he didnt want the person to face the consequences and learn from their actions.

Anonymous said...

Linda u ve mny bt still hv d poor man's attitide.Hw much does a bold 5 cost?Fr God's sake buy a new phn n shut d fuck up.

Anonymous said...


Iamlani said...

Don't do it. Let Go and Let God mama! I'm sure you know what that means.

ChildOfTheMostHighGOD said...

There's no need to upload . The girl who stole your phone has already devalued herself by stealing. Just like all thieves, she has set herself up for failure in life unless she changes that degrading lifestyle.

Miss Pepeye said...

Linda, you're just waiting for comments to reach 750 abi? you like to see the numbers dont you?

Benuegirl said...

Biko, jor, dan Allah, upload the CCTV footage. I've had my personal belongings nicked too many times by this types of girls. Let this be a lesson to her and girls of her type.



OluwaPelumi Ogunde said...

immediate upload , serves a thief right , amnd dat would serve as a warn9ing to those who nstill do those shit

Anonymous said...

Everyone is asking Linda to upload the video...but whatever happened to never leave your bag unattended??? just asking. I feel bad for the girl cos she might be disgraced, but Linda, i hope you've learned your lesson to never leave your bag or anything you own unattended in a public place.

Dekko said...

How about the store upload the video or post a picture of her face on their storefront so people can see? Maybe you can direct folks to the store if they really want to know who it is. Let them handle her since they're the ones that captured the theft, not you. You get?

Bobo said...

Not sure if it been a blackerry bold 5 or blackberry bold 22 makes much difference.

Naija with their annoying shakara statements. Phone na phone abeg. I gladly use a nokia 3310.

Adeyemi Idris said...

A thief is a thief. Uploading the video will help alot in fighting social vices like corruption, embezzlement e.t.c No fall my hand linda o. You're even helping her incase you don't know, if na area like mushin, oshodi or island, na jungle justice dem go do by burning her alive..... When there is life, there is hope.

Akamba said...

Linda, you may want to get some legal counsel on this so you don't fall foul of some 'insane' fundamental rights. But my instincts say to publish and expose the thief. Some of us have suffered such loss, with indescribable pains over the data lost. I see n reason the thief should be spared. This may be the proverbial 'nine days for the thief and one day for the farmer....'. I fear protecting her may inadvertently keep her to cause another more pain some other day....


Expose her so others dont become victims. This might also be a wake up call for her to change!

Anonymous said...

post lind

- olah

Anonymous said...

Upload it pls.... once a thief always a thief. she will do it again if she is not exposed. As you can see she has skills and has been doing this a long time

Anonymous said...

Upload the be today the woman start to de thief.....So let her be caught please.....!!
And to others it might be helpful incase u go shopping u know how to resist getting ur stuff stolen.....

That's how a mother assisted her 7yr old son in New York; in stealing my aunt's purse 2wks ago...if we didn't see the footage she would have never found the bag..(her car keys, wallet, work id, etc was in there)and this lady never called to prove herself innocent that she might have carried someone's bag accidentally.....we got the bag back cos we told her we will call the police....

Abike said...

I don't feel sorry for her. she's a greedy thief. sure this is not the first time

Jade8221 said...

Don't blur her face jare...whens he dey thief she no remember say camera fit dey watch her.....

fhummie said...

Hi Linda, am so shocked that u cud get that kind of quick intervention from a shop in 9ja. For me, I think you ve said enof, by now everybody in Lagos knows the gist! So if the babe loves herself, she will contact u and do the needful. Give her time to return it to the shop. If not, release the video...cos she will not stop this act! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Please Linda upload that video. this is very shameful. it is too shameful to condone. if u dont upload it, She'll do it again and again and again. Crime has increased in Nigeria b.cos we show sympathy tooooo much. Its high time criminals are exposed and brought to book. UPLOAD IT NOW

Me said...

A thief is a thief and will continue to be a thief until he/she is stopped from being a thief -- by himself/herself or by force...Linda, do what your heart tells u is right.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe you all fell for this..Linda has run out of gist for now, hence this story.

Anonymous said...

My Bold 2 was stolen 30 Nov by 2 guys on a bike. Though I use a new 1 now I still get annoyed anytime I remember the mugging. Do upload that video and expose that light-handed bitch for who she is. They will want to use good things but will not work for such,bastards!!

Anonymous said...

Lmao@linda be a role model and upload the video.....
Na wa oo yu dey vex!

Anonymous said...

Post it so all will see her face.

Anonymous said...

nne do whatever u want, but you can save her life now before she becomes an armed robber later, and u neva know who might be her first victim.

Me said...

@Ijeoma 6:31PM We should be careful what we put up online.Your comment is slightly Self-incriminating.

Anonymous said...

See mantra! Chei u don vex o. This girl is a disgrace to herself and family! Who knows what she'll steal next time? Perhaps something irreplaceable. She is a thief plain n simple! God knows how long she's been doing it. I have no sympathy whatsoever for any kind of criminal. IMO upload sharply. She's probably stolen from others who did not have the privilege to view the footage and a platform to publicize it! What if u are not LIB and did not have a blog to expose her or have d means to afford another BB? Thieves have no compassion for their victims. I dey vex o.

Anonymous said...

Are u still asking. Pls upload ooooo biko

Anonymous said...

Linda, you maybe saving her from death in the future o.Cos if she steals another phone elsewhere,she may be stripped and beaten to death but if you upload it she WILL NEVER in her life so it again. You reap what you sow and this is her punishment. Did she not even think of the stress and pain she'll put you through when she stole it?

Damola said...

Linda, I totally agree that the actions of the girl were uncalled for but at the same time, you do not need to take vengeance into your hands by humiliating the poor girl.

The best you can do at this point is to go over the CCTV footage with the police or anyone you think might be able to help (that is if you are very eager to get your phone back). Oherwise, just let the girl be.

"Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone"

Anonymous said...

If you do not upload the video then how do we the people who read your blog and believe all you write about believe you?As long as you are sincerely not looking for pity then upload it!

Ant said...

Abeg Linda, ulpoad with immediate effect. Ole buruku somebori.

Anonymous said...

E be like say na u steal A̶̲̥̅♏ abi? U still dey come here dey make mouth..Oshi o da nile pako! Abeg linda upload video jare

Anonymous said...

Upload the video with utmost asaptivity!!! She needs the lesson or she'll keep stealing.

Anonymous said...

Na lie, there is no video. You posted this to get the thief to find a way to return the phone. Shakara oloje!

Anonymous said...

Lmaoooooooooo!! Pls upload sharp sharp!!

Anonymous said...

Do you want more stories like this, then buy an Amebo Gadget today. Go to . There is no more hiding place for THIEVES!

Femiluv said...

Upload the vid and do not blur her face!!

dwalkar said...

Upload Please Its time we use simple technology to get thief who rob in stores. This is a lesson to all stores in lagos the essence of CCTV is not for showmanship Its saves you from ugly situations likes this. and finally it will help us reduce crime one step @ a time.

By the way Linda file a police report. before you post the clip i beg just for record purpose.

Anonymous said...

Pls upload the Video..there are so some pple whose phone has been stolen in the same way...

Anonymous said...

Upload it sharperly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Femiluv said...

@anon 6:08:
Clap for yourself, Linda's blog is now for lost and found lmao. You're quite dumb.

Anonymous said...

Linda I know it will kind of feel bad if you post the video, but I guess since u posted this gist n the babe has not contacted you to apologize means she knows what she is doing and trust me she is reading this blog, she thinks she is Smart but show her how to be smart, POST THE VIDEO, if she tries to return the phone, ask her to keep it and advice her not to try. It again.

Anonymous said...

linda i love much..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda, don't post it.
This may be her first time and their will be no redemption in posting it.
Punishment without hope of redemption is pure revenge.

Gfada said...

Couldn't be bothered to read 200 comments so I don't know if it's already been said but what I suggest is this: get the guy whose number she wrote to view the footage and identify her. In times of stress, a thief will write a number she's familiar with. If the guy tries to protect her,let him know you're going to expose her. If he still doesn't know her then put up the video. No matter what, after she's found she should still be handed over to the cops.. Unless you're really convinced after meeting her that she's a first offender not a hardened criminal, then you can let her go with a stern warning. My 2kobo

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should upload the video, or if you do, you should blur out her face with a warning that if she doesn't come clean, you'll expose her. I suggest you don't though. She obviously "needs" that blackberry and I'm very sure you can afford another one, so I would advise to let it go and let God/Karma/whatever you believe in handle it. You can afford another phone, no need to destroy someone's life over it (yes, even criminals should be given mercy). It's just a phone, she didn't kill anyone. Don't destroy her life. You don't know her situation /how bad things are for her and her reasons to steal the phone. It might be very superficial, but I suggest you forgive and just let it go.

Anonymous said...

what if she stole a baby. this is how it starts. abeg Linda post it. You can blur her face for now .... I can bet you she reads this blog. After 3 days, if she does not return it and apologize to you, abeg post the clear version.

Anonymous said...

every day for the thief one day for the owner, let justice be served, upload the video pls... u need to get the phone back and she shd have thot about the consequence before taking what doesn't belong to her!

Anonymous said...

Linda, sorry about your phone. I agree absolutely with AIJ who posted a comment. It is not in ur place to hang her. You are not condoning her stealing by not uploading the video. By now i guess the story of ur missing phone is all over. The bible says do not let ur good be evil spoken off. How much is your phone worth, you can get a new one. Nememsis will catch up with her, or let the store in which you were both in, take action.

Anonymous said...

i bliv this Ijeoma is the thief! ole ole! abeg comot for Linda blog, loooool

Mama Agba said...

Thief na thief jooo.. Upload it jare ..Je ka ri oju ole..oloju kokoro. Let her disgrace herself. Her family and her boyfriends will know her for who she is.

Miss battabox said...

Oleeeee, realease the footage jor
See what was done to a boy that stole 2 phones worth 28k in be bold 5 o
Them slap him head comot
pls watch

Anonymous said...

Darling, That's unnecessary.. even if you upload that video it doesn't mean you would get your phone back. That video will only do harm and no good atall. God blessed you enough to buy a new phone... When one door closes another opens.. Maybe its time for the BB Porsche ;). God bless xx

Anonymous said...

SHE IS A THIEF OOOO, upload upload upload, she stole something you worked hard to buy for yourself!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.07pm errr...this is Nigerian NOT American. Such laws do not apply here. She stole. Its a crime.

Sophie said...

Linda pls upload it abeg. r u supposed to pity a thief,abi is it not paining u. if its not paining u den u can free nah.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pls upload the thing,not bcos of ur own fone? But bcos she ll continue to do it

BigMouth said...

If u upload d video she will never steal again but if u don't she will continue to steal. U will do her a lot good if u upload it bcoz its a case of SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD.
On the other hand u've put urself in a position dat u must upload it if not people will not believe ur story.
So for everybody's good including u, d thief and us ur readers UPLOAD THE VIDEO!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pls don't upload... people do stupid things they later regret.. don't let this be the stupid that dat ruins her life

Anonymous said...


macben said...


#gbam said...

dear linda,
upload the video[we sef go like see tiffin in action na;)] but censor her face to save her d embarrassment.
tell her to return d phone or you expose her identity to the world...:D
ur welcome!!!

Veon said...

Upload It. She stole, She deserves it.

Ayekooto A. said...

I'm beginning to get appalled by the poor level of reasoning displayed by people on LIB.
Linda, this Ijeoma's comment was right on spot. Linda, many of the people here baying for blood reminds me of the Roman mobs that entertained themselves watching gladiators spilled their own blood and lions killed christians.
And like the Roman's mob, they are finicky and would call for your blood too if anything puts you in their mercy.
If you really wants to be a role model, exercise wisdom here and don't follow the mob.
As a Christian, your goal shd be to heal and love, even when you punish rather than destroy. Would you really wants to destroy a life just because of a phone?
My advice - in whatever you do, listen to the God's instinct in you. Explore other means of using the video to get back your phone and don't see the incidence as a means of increasing your blog popularity. And remember, hold on to ur values and influence the society positively. Your blog is gradually giving a unique power that not many have, but with it comes great responsibility. You will always reap what you sow, hence, sow wisely.

deekay said...

Linda, y did u leave your bag unattended??? Esp as u hv that kind of phone. Very careless. Upload the vid if u want but no one might know her. She might not even know who u r. Worth a try tho. Hope u find it.

LindasStolenBold5 said...

Ijeoma u obviously dont live in 9ja! Turn the video to police?! What a joke! So what is police gonna do with it? Send out a man hunt for the phone? Rubbish! They would even insult linda sef for coming to report stolen phone and they wont bother to take a report down.

Abeg 9ja only knows jungle justice. Like people said she is lucky it is not in person because tire would have done the job. Linda, the sensible thing to do is post the video whether she returns it or not is irrelevant. There is a reason why the stars aligned the way they did. Her time was up!

Let me even go religious on our christian brothers & sisters. God already knows she is a thief before the phone was stolen right? So God also knows before hand that there was a video recording and that Linda was coming to the store right again? So if God didn't want her to be caught, he could have caused the video to stop recording or have Linda break her ankle as she was stepping out of her car which means no visit to the shoe store. Linda God chose you to expose this despicable act! Sticking her dirty fingers into your bag is a NO NO!! She didn't even pick it up from the chair na bag! This one na 1st class thief!

Anyway I wrote this epistle to let all you overly religious people know bad is bad. Her thieving days are over. Abegi post the video jare!

Anonymous said...

Linda,i understand hw u feel but personally,i feel u should let the store authorities n police do their work if u must retrieve d phone.vengeance is of the lord n u also have to think abt ur career,d objectives for ds blog,ur safety in dt country where even for ur own right u cud get 'deleted'..let God intervene..u might feel he's too 'slow'etc but he works when we think he's not working as long as we ave committed an issue into his hands,just let go n let God.I pray God gives u d wisdom to do d right thing by him n not by public opinion.

Anonymous said... this chic that stole your BB wronged you personally, YET you are hesitant to expose her. HOWEVER you have not shown such reluctance in embarassing people who have never wronged you personally on this your blog. may God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...

Anon refering to Susan bb porsche n yansh opening,if u dnt like Linda's guts,what r u doin here?u for kukuma go join forces with that 'otinkpo'called Susan peters make una for start una own blog o!!no come here dey vomit nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Put something for YouTube make we watch naw ..... no dull us oooooooo

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! i just dont understand why ladies steal....Linda do whatever you want jor!TC

LindasStolenBold5 said...

In a civilized society, a crime is a crime no matter how small. Read below. It is well worth the time.

Culled from a FB note (real names have been changed).

So I recently rode in the back of an NYPD cop car... but it's really not what you think.
    Let me start at the beginning. My friend, Wendy, invited me to volunteer at a charity event at a hotel in downtown Manhattan. It was a little early for me but after vacillating on it, I decided to go anyway. The event was to be a Christmas party held for underprivileged people and we would be serving food alongside my sister, Megan, and a couple of other friends.
   Jump to the end of the event. As we left the hotel on foot, I realized that my iphone was missing. We doubled back while calling and calling it and I realized that (1) the last time I saw it was when I slipped it in my coat pocket, before I had to hang my coat on the rack outside the event room, and (2) someone had stolen it!
  My first thought was "*¥#$@*! *¥#$@*!! *¥#$@*!!!" The girls and I announced it and started asking the people left if they had seen it. Somewhere at the back of my panicking mind, I knew that I had downloaded some app a while back to help find my iphone if it went missing. Suddenly, a teenage girl was repeating the same thought to me and within a few seconds of my "I'm not even sure how to do that!", she had downloaded the app on her iphone and thrust her phone at me to enter my apple id info. Sure enough, after hitting the locate function, there was my iphone... on the map...  heading towards 8th avenue, a block away. 
   Since nobody else from my group had an iphone and the iphone girl had to leave, we all rushed off to a nearby AT&T store. From an iPad, we logged unto the app again to continue tracking. Now it was on 9th avenue. Where was the person headed to? The Projects? Should we follow or should we call the cops?
    I decided that my sister should keep manning the tracking (she's good at that) and three of us ran outside to find a cop. Spying a cop car parked a block away, I took off. It was a young female cop driver & her male partner. They didn't really understand what I meant by the app tracking, but I impressed upon them feverishly that we could see the person on the map heading towards 10th and didn't know what to expect if we confronted he/she/them! Finally they reluctantly agreed to try and asked that we get in the backseat. I grabbed my friend Wendy and we piled in. My first thought was, what the...?! There's no legroom back here! 
     Wendy called Megan, passed her phone to me and this is how it went: "They're on 10th ave & 34th!" I in turn relayed it back to the driver cop while the other cop kept trying my ringing number. "Now they're between 35th & 36th and 10th!" "They entered into a building!" "Now they're on 37th & 10th!" 
   By now, we were on 37th. Deducing that the person was definitely on foot and not in a car because of his pace, we stared hard at the people walking on the block. But who could it be? 
    "They're on 38th now, heading toward 39th!" We moved slowly along the street, staring. Suddenly the male cop said quietly, "It's got to be this person", a red hooded, jacketed person with a backpack, slowly walking ahead of us, "He's the only person who was on the block twice when we pinned it to a block." The female cop drove ahead of him and suddenly Wendy and I were screaming, "It's him! It's him! We just served him food!!" An old Asian man at the charity event. As the cops jumped out and started to search him, Megan, still on the phone, hit an alarm on the app and the phone began to alarm on him. The cops found it, pushed him against the wall and began to cuff him. From Wendy and I, to the bystanders watching the commotion, to the people back at the AT&T store, nobody could believe it!

LindasStolenBold5 said...

Note continued...

He was a 73-year old Asian man (not some punk with drooping pants and friends like I had presumed!). He claimed he had found it on the floor. Oh really?! How come you didn't give it to the people manning the info desk next to the coats?? Or the hotel front desk for that matter! Nevertheless, I declined to press charges even though the cops asked several times, saying he would just do it again. God would judge him and I was just glad to have my precious phone back.  
    As we pulled away and left the man standing on the side of the road, the male cop asked me from the front seat as he pulled out his iphone, "Um... What was that app called again, MobileMe?"

Anonymous said...

Do what pleases havin dis feeln dat this your phone story is fake you just enjoin the traffic on your blog

MANDEY said...

This one is beneath you.Dont upload.Deal with it as a private matter that it is.U wont gain anything by doing so,but wld ruin her life.Being caught on CCTV like that shld give her enough shame already..

dosh said...

Upload it I'd say, I want to see the drama.
It's funny how I forgot my fone @ grand square and the cashier kept it for me. I had reached my destination when i realized it was missing but i took faith by retracing my steps and lo my fone was "safe".
It's just too bad that Linda has a very clear picture of how her fone got missing and really can't do much about it.

Anonymous said...

Linda the no liver girl. You can be at the center of a revolution. catching a thief with gadgets aka cctv. How will you feel if this same girl conives to kidnap a loved one of yours in the future. Abi u no know say thief dey graduate. probably started by stealing pata. Lets expose the bitch. probably one of those awon fake big girls that must belong by force. Instead of them to work hard like our dear linda. they will be stealing and sleeping around. hoe bags.

Anonymous said...

Upload it so that others can be aware of what she's capable of

Anonymous said...

In as much as i don't condone what it was she did, i beg you not to upload it. It's a bold 5, but its not big enough to have someone's life turned upside down. The consequences will be huge and devastating and i'm sure you don't want that on your conscience. Just let it go. God will provide much more. Hopefully she will repent and if she doesn't, then somewhere along the line, something will catch up with her. Just don't let it fall on you.

Eze said...

Look those of you saying,let it go are probably doing very little to stop crime in the society, forget religious sentiments here, let this serve as a lesson to others.Besides according to the book of Romans 6:1 head).'Should we continue to sin,so that grace may abound?'

Let her realise her actions.

Anonymous said...

You see, this is why our country will never move foward.You got lucky that close circuit camera captured the incedent.In other civilized countries,there are no questions asked,you report your phone as stolen,Police lookes at the camera,releases it to the public,the thief is identified,and she faces the law,Period.This has nothing to do with you as regards ruining her life.She stole, she faces the music.It will also act as a deterant to all other petty thieves.

Anonymous said...

What are you waiting for??!!!! Upload it joor,lets fish out the Oloriburuku

jennietobbie said...

tough one....let it go, LInda. Just let it go. Now you know what happened and "who" did it. MIss Karma awaits her xo. Let it go and DO NOT upload the video

Anonymous said...

a thief is a thief she should not be protected, i say upload

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda I follow ur blog closes but i hardly comment.

Please do not upload; i believe u are more than the phone and will definitely get over it. Leave the girl and leave vengeance to God, kama will definitely catch up with her. Another alternative to pull some warning stunts on her is to upload but blur her face, treathen and tell her to return it within a couple of days and stop this ungodly act but if she fails to; leave her to her fate cos its sure bound to crucify her in no distant time.
For u to have agitated and asked this question without uploading the video straight up, i doubt if u have the heart to live with it if that girl is eternally destroyed infront of ur own eyes if u upload that video. S o u also have to think of ur own peace of mind

Anonymous said...

Linda! You fall my hand o. Oya, post that video now now.


upload it linda...sherif from china


upload the vidoe linda..sheriff from LA

Ignite - Business Ideas said...

Dear Linda,

I think you should upload it. We often forget that the reason why crime is reduced is because you can get caught.

By uploading the video you will immediately deter several other people who have this tendency.

The store should print the picture and put the action in sequence and advertise on your blog for people to come and see a thief at work or even play it on their in store tv. It will help to drive awareness for their business.

KOFOSHY said...

Linda upload the video....dnt eva cover up a thief!!!.....upload! Upload!! Upload!!!

Anonymous said...

Talk of two wrongs not making right...Linda you will be committing a crime if you don't post that picture - aiding and abating

KOFOSHY said...

Linda please upload the video...dnt eva cover up a thief!!!! upload! Upload!! Upload!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda u will actually be a fool and a big coward if u fail to upload dat video...dnt stop at posting it on the internet, let that video get to the police, the press and every other necessary bodies...let her be brought to judgement, nonsence !!!!

Ronny said...

Abeg Upload ojare

Anonymous said...

anon 6:08pm why so bitter? she just accepts them to be posted...u are nt the only one who comments what makes u think she has time to be reading everyone's comments..and even if she did.....i beg just go and french kiss a cobra..IGNORANT COW!!

Anonymous said...

pls do!!! lol

Uche said...

All these for BOLD 5?You should be bigger than this,and dont expose yourself to unnecessary danger cos of common bold 5.there are newer for me just burst it.

Anonymous said...


Shadow said...

Na wah for our country. Winona Ryder, a very famous and talented Hollywood actress shoplifted in the USA in 2001 and was caught on cctv. Not only was it well publicized but she was charged to court too! She still commands good money for acting irrespective. It's only here that sentiments are applied to issues where morals and discipline are concerned. Nonsense.

Anonymous said...


Job Akpan said...

I admire your maturity for not rushing to press with the cctv video. Give her one month to repent and come up with the phone. Failing, please upload.

damyee said...

just upload the vid!! I believe in one thing; if someone makes or wrongs another, you ought to correct them. In other words, tidy their fuck ups. And when ur own time comes, just spread ur arms wide on the cross and let urself be crucified, for that is what makes the world a better place. Ur keeping the vid from the public, i'd like to think of it as a cautionary response cuz of the legal implications involved in releasing such footage to the public. Thread carefully my big sister for u can neva know where it hurts.

Correct and let be corrected. Live and let die. My two cents.

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