Rihanna's wild night with strippers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 2 May 2012

Rihanna's wild night with strippers

Rihanna spent last night getting lap dances in a raunchy stripper club in NYC and she posted pictures on Twitter with the words below...
One person who doesn't care about being a role model...lol


Eze said...

Must all celebrities follow the part of destruction and recklessness?

Anonymous said...

Body odor a la plentiful. Raz girls. Even some strippers get class. Rihanna is a she goat.

Anonymous said...

Role model my foot. You can't give what you don't have.

Anonymous said...

Linda, role model, please be my personal stripper. Thanks.

kcee said...

Recently she has been misbehaving.Chris Brown i hope you are not the cause. She should be careful of the path she is following. She should remember celebrities that lost their lives because of their lifestyle. Na so ede start.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait till she down spirals and fades away from the faze of the earth. Demonic Bitch. The very kind Tontoh Dikeh is copying.

I feel sorry for her (and tontoh too).

The Devil just exudes out of them

hmm said...

This is a HUGE cry for help...someone should help her. she is on the path to destruction and no I am not just talking about this stripper stuff but her actions overall in the last couple of months

Anonymous said...

I always knew riri was a bisexual , so no biggie...still love her though

Akin' said...

Being a role model shouldn't deprive her of catching fun joor ... Rihannatu, enjoy ur life besides, I don't see anything wrong in this #ff gr8akin#

Anonymous said...

I love this chick, she just goes ahead and lives her life ignoring all that role model shit.

Anonymous said...

Na since she break up wf chris brizzy she come dey show her true color oo!
First a date wt a 'female love' nw ds,hmm!
Na she sabi shaa....

Anonymous said...

Becos she Ȋ̝̊̅§ A̷̷̴̐͠ celeb doesnt mean she shldnt live her life.#sheislivingherlife#
Lol u ar A̷̷̴̐͠ rolemodel 2 me,,,on faking nd den stabbing at d bck
Must 1 b gud b4 u becom A̷̷̴̐͠ rolemodel????

Linda emeafu said...

carry on my gal,just make yourself happy

Linda emeafu said...

carry on gal, make yourself happy

AGN said...

Hmmm! Rihanna is one celeb who doesn't give a damn! She lives her life anyhow. Truly a good girl gone bad.

Anonymous said...

We are losing yet another young, black and (!talented?)Girl. Must 1 become a total piece of trash to 'belong' or keep that celeb status. I'm looking at Ri now and I can easily picture her at 30 :'(

Anonymous said...

NOW i know why Beyonce and Jay-z don't want her anywhere near BlueIvy.
but to hell with them...PARTY ON RIRI.. LIFE IS SHORT!

Anonymous said...

she should thank God she is in USA, because if it was in 9ja, her career would have been over a long time ago.

Miss Clit said...

Of course she is a Bajan gal. That's how we roll in the Barbados.

Anonymous said...

Men haven't been working out for her! She wants to divert to women. God help us in this world

Anonymous said...

Why won't you love Rihanna?... Hahaha!

CAESAR said...

Agent of distruction

Anonymous said...

the results of signing pact with DEVIL - she will die soon

Anonymous said...

All because Chris Brown moved on. I bet he regrets ever dating her. She needs alot of help...and her mum doesnt even care..too busy counting dollars.

Anonymous said...

dis girl is one of d most insecure brood in d game!we see thru ur ''i dont give a fuck'' facade!dumb bitch!

Str8FrmDaHips said...

Yeah like hell he would...wasn't Dad off his head on Coke!!..ain't talking about the one that comes in the bottle..
As per the Strippers..that one put her mouth on it(in Red)..must stink down there..all that sweat in the club!!..this Ilumny peeps never allow dem weak spirited Celebs enjoy the $$$ into old age..last roll call..Amy Whinehouse..Whitney..greatest hits soon be on the way..iTunes!!

Obi Awunor said...

Chris Brown, please call your ex....tell it was never meant to be, before she does some damage to herself.

One Shoulder Maxi Dress said...

This Lady needs help . She is carrying a heavy burden open her shoulders.This thing can kill her ...

Anonymous said...

Had it been she's a nigerian....she's gonna b very razz....like al ds our razz nd popular stars.I love u tho riri...

Momen said...

....Her Daddy would really be proud !!! @Linda, you never can tell, some youths might still see her as their rolling Model.LoLzzz

~Yv said...

Wow Anonymous May 2, 2012 9:21 PM ... your comment is just wrong in many ways SMH not cool!

Anonymous said...

She have madt finally sha

Hairess™ Human Hair said...

Buh serzly she doesn't really care.

Misseducationofyinyin said...

hope dis her phase passes soon. *sigh* ( ._.)

Anonymous said...

She actuali doesn't giiv a 4k wts d biggggy??????its just a stripper club oo..he who z witout sin b d 1st 2 cast a stone.riri I love to death,u beautiful,u av control of ur lyf leave al dis pretenders formin hollier-than-thou

Cee_Bill said...

Wow! Makin ref 2 some lady's comment here;sheez your role model??? You're in serious trouble gurl!
My advice;(and to everyothers hu has made Rihanna dier role models): please get a life asap. Funny enof,err1 knows d diff between good and evil,yet most people choose to be evil. Lmao!
I'm out!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shut up all of U!!!! If u like don't LIVE your life. Be there judging who's a role model, who's heart is broken and all that crap. Going to a strip club is normal. Or is it cuz she's on TV (Popular). Life is Short! Rihanna is one of the few people that LIVES her life. Till Beyonce starts acting like Britney b4 u guys will know she does drugs!

Anonymous said...


Jane said...

I love the picture as this is my kind of style and I wish I can get hold on one of this girl to suck/lick my pussy.

Anonymous said...

People who always go outta their way to show that they don't care are actually the ones dat care the most...*sigh*..I remember the rihanna dis isn't she

Isi said...

Really?all because she's in a strip club?so u,what do u do on your fun nights,sister angelina?go to the beach and pray?yea,I thought so too

Anonymous said...

She's so dead!

Anonymous said...

Ashewo bariga yankari ija.

Anonymous said...

I am Nneka,

If this was someone else,I would have laughed it off as a wild night out.But riri seems so unstable,saw a recent interview on E,she was so nervous giving un intelligent answers.girl,you were never a child star,so wetin we go say dey cause your skoi skoi...smh

Anonymous said...

Which kain razz skrip joint be dis, u r sure to catch an std just breathing in dat place.

Anonymous said...

it seems she has bought a one-way ticket to destruction and doesnt seem know it yet, God help her.

Anonymous said...

I love rihanna soooooo much......we just love avin fun.

Anonymous said...

I love dis girl die,all u cheap frustrated ashawo haters suffering frm various sickness and poverty should get a life what is ur problem?a girl is busy making her money and decided to hv fun and u guys are busy runing ur misurable poor mouth on a girl who is just being hapy,but let me ask u guys do rihanna look like a gospel musician to u? so wat all dis godlyness u guys are displaying about?rubish useless people pls get a fucking life u are so boring.

Anonymous said...

Ride on my girl do watever that makes u happy cos life is too short and 4get d hungry haters do ur ting my girl I love u, money speaks bulshit happens.

Anonymous said...

Wait oh guys I don't understand wat is d problm here, is't that rihana went to a club? or is't that she dance with stippers? or is't that she spread them money?pls which of them is d problm that warrant all d insult above cos am stil so confuse here, kia tufiakwa some of u dirty hungry frustrated people hide under annonymous and use ur poor misurable cheap phones and type rubish about sombody even wen u knw ur sins are more than that of d person just bcos is not on d internet u tink u can talk rubish,u guys should get a job.

TWE 🙌🏽 said...

hhahahahahaha ri-ri no send anyborri..... nne please catch ya fun its your life and you live it once just like the saying goes.

Anonymous said...

I love dis girl die,all u cheap frustrated ashawo haters suffering frm various sickness and poverty should get a life what is ur problem?a girl is busy making her money and decided to hv fun and u guys are busy runing ur misurable poor mouth on a girl who is just being hapy,but let me ask u guys do rihanna look like a gospel musician to u? so wat all dis godlyness u guys are displaying about?rubish useless people pls get a fucking life u are so boring.

Anonymous said...

this girl needs help ASAP she is going wrong already

celebritie said...

some of you cloaking ur identity as anonymous actually act worse dan dis, but bcos ur anonymity, pple don't judge u. fact is most of u saying she's dead, she's a prostitute etc don't lead better lives so why condemn hers. she needs help as some of u have prescribed, but why not take ur prescription to other Nigerian ladies too, eg the adetutu chic whose report has been circulated on bb, that she was used for rituals by her elderly patronizing sex customer,she was ill for a year and died early dis week....

Anonymous said...

is this another Amy Whinehouse in the making?

Anonymous said...

Absoultely laaav Rihrih and her "i-dont-send" attiitude. SHe lives her life by the motto of the YOLO (You Only Live Once). shes young, rich and knows how to have fun.

Anonymous said...

Are u alright at all? How can u wish that for another human being? U are a perfect person abi? Who made u judge? Chances are that with ur negative, bitter, miserable spirit, u will die quite early. I'm pretty sure u are one of tHose Hypocritical, loud talking church goers that call themselves christians.

Anonymous said...

Are u alright at all? How can u wish that for another human being? U are a perfect person abi? Who made u judge? Chances are that with ur negative, bitter, miserable spirit, u will die quite early. I'm pretty sure u are one of tHose Hypocritical, loud talking church goers that call themselves christians.

Anonymous said...

i just lovvvvveeeeee dis gal....

jennifer said...

Everyone has their own life to live, i wont say what she is doing is right and neither will i condemn her too cause i also have my own flaws.. you all can write ur opinions but she'll still do what she feels is best for her, so let her be and let her live her life the way she wants it.

Anonymous said...

All of ya shld stop judging...some of yhu do WORST things...if she chooses 2 av fun dis way,den let her!all ye Jesus peeps!remove d log in ya eye b4 removing d chip in anoda's

Anonymous said...

Look at all these fools saying 'I love her' people should leave her alone, you do worse fings blah blah blah......I'm not sure you animals know what love is.......if you truly love this chic, you will not in the smallest way encourage her present lifestyle....sick pple....if someone like Whitney Houston had fans that knew the true meaning of the love they profess for her, I'm sure things will not have been so bad........fucking irritating confused coons!

Benuegirl said...

Riri is on a bad trip, what are her handlers doing allowing her to upload stupidness on twitter?

i'm richie rich said...

whats even more annoying than this slut called rihanna are her useless,good-for-nothing,brainwashed,riri-copycats, broke-ass fans who can only dream to live the wasteful life she's lliving bunch of low-lives..next!

Anonymous said...

Nigerians and their hateful tongues. Some of your very own mothers were into what you folks call 'runs', your aunties have dabbled in juju, baba is a shagging the teen down the road while commiting some next 419 type crime and you have the gall to let such foul words roll of your tongues. Haba! Once it is not your pikin, you need to shut up. jor!

Anonymous said...

Stans Like @anon 11:19AM..u better find something to do with ur life instead of defending Riri on Naijja blogs..like she knows of ur existence..over sabi..commot joor..make we hear word..Riri is on meltdown mode can't turn a normal girl into something she's not and expect her not to combust one day!!

Anonymous said...

Not surprised those loving the lewd acts and outrageous behaviour..plenty plenty runz gals have invaded this blog..only difference is she has her money...whilst u gat to sleep around 4 make change!..dutty sluts gbo gbo!!

Anonymous said...

O gba dun

Anonymous said...

Na wa for this linda o

Anonymous said...

O gba dun

Anonymous said...

exactly my dear

Anonymous said...

yea..this are just shows and attempt to find happines and peace..God help her soul

Anonymous said...

luv ur comment gal..there nothin good to emulate about her..i can even choose beyonce over her anyday anytym

Anonymous said...

u v got no point

Anonymous said...

Soo correct dear..they should cry n weap 4 her dying soul

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let me ask a question. Why is it that so many people feel that celebrities should be role models? Did they say they are role models or that they are interested in being role models? They are who they are and live the kind of life they want. Live your own life and stop talking too much about other people's lives.

Anonymous said...


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