George Zimmerman finally arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 12 April 2012

George Zimmerman finally arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder

The 28-year-old neighborhood watchman turned himself in yesterday in Florida after he learned he would be charged in the shooting death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder and is being at held Seminole County jail without bail.


Deyinka Onabanjo said...

Yaayyy Thank God.

Ken said...

They did a really wicked thing to this guy!

They should have arrested him ages ago and avoid all this drama.

He wasn't resisting arrest. Yes, he claimed he acted in self difference (I do not agree with his claim) but he should have been arrested save all the protests and rallies.

May Trayvon RIP, his parents truly loved him! They put up such a good fight.

TWE ����(Thé White Enchantress) said...

him don de lepa by he turned himself in? awww thats nice but hope he doesnt want to use that as a means of getting sympathy?

Anonymous said...

wowoowooo dis is a lesson 2 all wiked 'modafaka' racists out there. He cld hv been a free man by now if not 4 dumbass wickedness. Stick ur ass in dat cell meeeehn


Yea Justice shld b done

Anonymous said...

self difference *drops mic*

Nigerian Careers said...

About time.

@phat_ema said...

Definately dats hez plan

Anonymous said...

*picks mic* stop the sentiments people..lets wait for cold hard facts before making our conclusions....*drops mic*

Atobatele said...

D guy has lost weight o. Good for him

Meeeee said...

He is held without bail cos he is being held in protective custody. He shot someone and called it an "incidence" in his website.
Now he has time to reflect on his foolishness. Why did he have to approach the guy?

Anonymous said...

Emm.Its self defence nt self difference.

Anonymous said...

Note, they said He was charged not convicted. the matter is still under investigation and will likely go to trial. Control your emotions and hold your horses till the appointed time.

THE FRIEND said...


Anonymous said...

about time they did that.

Anonymous said...

This is the world we live in.
So much hatred, race, sexuality, gender bias, religious intolerance. None of it is dependable. Just the responses to the Marc Jacob & Harry Louis pic, and if the facts of Trayvon's issues are right, then your readers reactions are no different to this Man's racial attack.

He would have started somewhere, most fundamentalist do. Hate Crime is Hate Crime. This world is a mess and until we stop the hatred, this young man's (Trayvon's) sacrifice would be in vain.

Anonymous said...

Its long overdue. All evidence points to the fact that, Zimmerman killed the young man primarily because he was black. If Martins was a white guy, he wouldn't even call to ask if he could follow him, he would have engaged him in a friendly chat, asking him how he was doing and why he was out this late but been black made him aggressive towards the young man and that lead to him killing him. All the evidence points to his been guilty. For heaven sake, he is 30 with a gun and the guy is 17 without one. Common

Anonymous said...

When it comes to murder, there is a mandatory sentence on it...which is usually death or life is dependent on the court's verdict

Anonymous said...

I don't pity this guy one bit. He set this tragedy in motion when he decided to target Trayvon, chase him even when the dispatcher had told him to stand down, hunt Trayvon down like animal, and shoot him in cold blood.

George Zimmerman has lived his entire life evading responsibility for his choices, hiding in his judge daddy's pocket. He is probably the most hated man in America right now.

To be frank, he must be relieved by the charges. He counldn’t get a job, he couldn't go out in public, and he will never be able to live a normal life.

I don’t want to even think about what horrors he might face from his fellow prison inmates if he is convicted for his crimes. For all intents and purposes, George Zimmerman’s life is effectively over as is Trayvon Martin's.

kk said...

hmmm...teach ur child the way they grow so they wuld nt depart from it..when a white kill black person or do anything to d black he is a racist smh wat of the other way round...i blieve the black boy was not the only black person that comes into that neighborhood,,,so why was he the target..if he had presented himself well we would be discussing teenager are the most deadly pple in both the uk and u.s,they lack home training,fearless,rugged ,wicked,and could do you harm without a second thought..even most whites are scared of them...and even black pple feel insecure when they see a black teenagers in hood gathered arund their homes.most black parents has really lost it abroad !!they chase pounds sterling and dollars in lieu of raising their children well...and when it got to a stage they cannot control them anymore..instead of teaching them morals at home they teach their children equal rights negatively and teach them to fuck up anybody who disrespect them and not to walk away rom trouble[fight for ur right!!!]what bloody right are u fighting for?in a country where u will always be treated as a second class citizen,if the trayvon guy had not gone back to this guy to claim an unnecessary right and just ignore him and walk away ..this wouldnt be happening ,..the guy didnt approach him or stop him in anyway,he was just watching a teenager that was behaving suspiciously..and from experience he knew wat they re capable of....but that equal right nonsense made him went to this guy to confront him and statr insulting ..wat did he get from it !!the lost of his life..if this guy went to jail today or even given a death sentence he had children that will take after him and give his family a pretty memory of him...wat about the trayvon guy!!nothing he is gone without nothing but a piece of his pictures that would one day be misplaced or got ripped off..please parents remember teach ur children well!!in u.k alone 80percent black teenagers make up the youth detention and 50percents re immigrants children..

LyricalMessiah said...

Make them put this guy for electric chair abeg..#OKBYE

Anonymous said...

Mic holding dude: In which planet do you live? In the American justice system, if you commit a crime, and you get caught, you go before a judge and a jury where the FACTS are laid out to decide your fate.

The actions of the Sanford Police, in initially denying this case from reaching a point where the facts could be decided on by acting as judge and jury and prematurely and hastily concluding that Zimmerman - a big 28 year old trigger happy neighbourhood watch man with a loaded gun was acting in self-defense when he shot a killed a 17 year old unharmed boy who was walking home in his neighbourhood - is rather discouraging.

I know people like you. You actually hate yourself. With all the information out there on this case - it's distrubing to find anyone who is calling out the people who call for Zimmerman to be tried 'sentimental'.

My prayer is that may you be walking home from your neighbourhood store or your 17 year old boy, and may some never-do well self styled neighbourhood psuedo police officer find you "suspicious" and describe you with your drink and bag of candy as 'up to no good', hunt you down like an animal, confront you, and shoot you in the chest as you are screaming for help. And may he make up any story he likes about you slamming his head on a sidewalk, when the confrontation happened on the grass. And may the world move on and justice is denied you by the police. And unlike Trayvon Martin's case, may your case never come to anybody's attention. After you've been murdered in cold blood, may your murderer go about his normal life, get married, have children, be fine with killing you. No apologies!


juliet igboekwe said...

why did he surrender if he was not guilty

Y.Tee said...

Thank God!!! The guy don lose weight sef.

BLOGLORD said...

serves him right.

Oj said...

Now may d gentle soul of TRAYVON MARTIN rest in peaceful peace.



Anonymous said...

@ Anon 9:49, What sentiment are you talking about, but at the end of the whole thing he kill somebody, is he suppose to kill?

Mena UkodoisReady said...

Ah well, hope justice will be met

Anonymous said...

he wont last in prison. He will be killed in there. MODA SOCKA

enough of the jubilation for his arrest, cos this is not over. remember white heffa caycee anthony killed her daughter and still went free. florida is so fcked up. city of Sanford Jury will consist of 100% racist white cracker fools, so keep praying

OK said...


Anonymous said...

Can't phantom y one race feels they're superior dan others! U neva even loose weight, wait till doz niggaz in jail get dia hands on u.Bloody racist!!!

Anonymous said...

Very good! Thank God

Ada1T said...

No be small thing.. He has really lost weight... Good for him.. Ds was a pure case of racism.. D whites should learn to accommodate d blacks, it's really a small world.. Rip Trayvon.. Miss u..

driela said...

good where are all those stupid racist that think that what he did was right

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
*picks mic* stop the sentiments people..lets wait for cold hard facts before making our conclusions....*drops mic*
April 12, 2012 9:49 AM



I am, the no Sender. said...

It's about time too. The man has before now been appealing for donations to enable him fund his defense and upkeep for his family. He will now spend good money. I just pray that everything will work out to bring justice to bare and be a lesson to all racist, tribalist and ethnicist.

Oloriebi baba bukata said...

Dat is wat we re saying, a person cannot be attending winners chapel and listening 2 papa and not mk a mark. Assuming dis man attends winners and listen 2 papa message, he wouldnt av comitted such crime bcos his mind wld av bin transformed since. Wel lets wait as d trial unfolds.

Ms Flinstone said...

t's amazing to me the number of people who have chosen a side in this matter with very little real evidence or knowledge. If we continue to let the media distort the facts, they will continue to divide us.

Anonymous said...

this is not even fair at all....How can a man who killed another person be charge with a "second degree murder". His Charge should have been a first degree murder because he killed that little boy. oh well they are going to kill him in prison when he get sentenced. They better put him in a special unit where he would serve his time. if they placed him with other person inmate, he will be dead before morning.

Anonymous said...

If dat guy is finally convicted dey shud jus luk 4 an all white prison for him o. If not d blacks will av his ass. He wnt survive a week

Anonymous said...

well, cant say we ddnt see that one comin...wish u a nice life n and intact ass in prison dawg! deuces!

Hebby said...

Yea, dat serves him rite *Azonto*

Admin said...

Better!, May Trayvon Rest In Peace

Str8FrmDaHips said...

In A New Video Boko Haram Leader Threatens To "Devour" President Jonathan In 3 Months

Anonymous said...

the guy don loose weight. ika o da.

Urmmer said...

was having such a bad day until i read so glad for justice served!about time

Anonymous said...

He deserves to die

Unknown said...

miss linda i must confess, when i log on the internet this and saw the news link i was very happy....i had to post it too on my blog...The dude should be thought a lesson..

Anonymous said...

Oh wat a wicked world.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

(((((gbozzzaa))))) self diference

Anonymous said...

Well bin charged wit 2nd degree murder does nt mean he'll do d tym, d case has nt bin tried yet so he cld still walk...

Anonymous said...

i pray justice takes it course, its 1 tin to get the criminal and another tin 4 justice to take place. i also pray George realizes his rong nd bcom genuinely repentant.

Janded said...

Finally Justice for Travon

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! Free the person now? It could be a typo. I'm sure he meant "defense" .lol

Sanito said...

Na condition make crayfish bend now...! lol

Anonymous said...

*picks mic* cold hard facts ko hot hard facts ni!!! Hiss....The 911 operator clearly told this sick animal NOT to follow the poor boy! If he have listened no one would have gotten shot that day! What other facts do we need to convict this stupid fool and let his behind rot in jail!!! *breaks mic*

Anonymous said...

Bros no vex ooo but which be self "difference"?

FortySeven said...

That it has taken this long to charge this man is a glaring indictment on the (so called)objectivity of the United States criminal justice system. Racism is clearly alive and well in America!

I hope he doesn't think turning himself in will win him any brownie points!

My major concern is that this is an election year and the way this matter has been publicized, I am afraid justice may very well be sacrificed on the alter of politics. siddon look we dey.

Anonymous said...

lyntroy says...
he shud just dance to the reggae he sang for himself,gosh he looks malnourished,its now obvious that if u want to loose weight shoot somebody and bang 20kg drops 'lol'

Anonymous said...

"Self difference"???? You have got to be kidding me!!

Anonymous said...

linda herself make mistake but sha it is self defence no vex.

The sage said...

Defense?! Are u sure ur not related to him? Its defence dear.

Tola said...

This is really a sad story. I can't help feeling for this guy. If only he had listened the other day. God, please guide me and cause me to listen to people's opinion and respect authority when under one. That is this man's major dilemma. It could have happened to anyone, and the truth is there are so many sides to this story and ppl being all sentimental, no one/jury can judge this man fairly. I feel for him a great deal.

Anonymous said...

Racism never left America, people just thought that racism was over because America elected a man of black origin

Anabel said...

anon 3.26, its defence not defense

Felix C said...

The concern I have is that he'll be sodomized, that is, if he isn't already gay and taking the load straight up his butt hole.
In the prisons, the boys are animals. They give every new arrival a forced anal rape. So disgusting! I hope he knows to hold up a huge nasty surprise for them. I guess it's the best way to teach them to back the f*** off.

A said...

He wasn't charged since because there was no evidence to back up an arrest. Florida has a stand your ground law. So if he says he was acting in self defence police have to find evidence to the contrary before they can arrest him.
A lot of things could have happened that night....I pray the truth continues to come out( like how the NBC news producers altered the 911 tape to implicate Zimmerman) and that at the end, instead of an outcome that serves anybody' political or racial interest, we will have true justice for Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

Anonymous said...

This filthy despicable waste of a person is being protected because his adopted father was a judge in Florida. Individuals associated with the courts and their family members often protect each other because of a misguided sense of loyalty to others within the court system. Many people would actually be surprised to learn that many prisons are privately owned and operated and judges who hear cases everyday actually own shares in these prisons or have partnerships with those running state and county prisons. This incredible disregard for regular American citizens and abuse of American people must be stopped. Zimmerman must be prosecuted for his hideous behavior leading to the death of teenager. The ignorant protection and privilege given to anyone connected to the courts and the police and their family members must stop. They are no better than anyone else and their abuse of our legal systems is disgusting.

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