The story of Ime Anwana; a young lady we should all be proud of | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 31 March 2012

The story of Ime Anwana; a young lady we should all be proud of

Her story was aired on NTA Newsline on Sunday March 25th 2012. A concerned citizen wrote what you are about to read after watching the programme...
A young lady, Ime Anwana, a Batch "A" corps member, was posted to serve in the NNPC depot in Niger State. She visited a friend serving at a local girls secondary secondary in the nearby village of Kaffin Koro and was told the school has no chemistry teacher.
Ime volunteered to use her free time on Friday evenings to teach chemistry to the students - free of charge. While teaching in the school she saw the sorry state of the student accommodation and took it upon upon herself to do something about it.
She raised the sum of 3.8 million naira and supervised the building of a student hostel equipped with 40 double bunk beds complete with mattresses.

One fateful day, while riding on a motorbike taxi (Okada) on the way to the project site she had an accident that killed the Okada rider and seriously injured her. She spent three weeks in a coma and was bed-ridden for three months.

On the NTA Newsline programme it was shown how the village of Kaffin Koro rolled out the drums to honour Miss Anwana for her work for them. The District Head of the village, Alhaji Abubakar Mamman gave her the chieftaincy title of Jekadiyan Kaffin Koro (Ambassador of Kaffin Koro) and also a piece of land in the village.

Ponder this:

1. Niger State, Ime's host state, is the home state of two former Presidents of the Federal Republic - Generals Ibrahim Babangida and Abdulsalami Abubakar. Ironically (and sadly), one of them recently hosted a high-profile meeting in the same state to "discuss" the problem in the North. All they need is few minutes trip to Kaffin Koro and they will see the problem staring them in the eyes.

2. In the NTA Newsline report there was neither representation nor acknowledgement of Miss Anwana's work from - or - by her host, Niger State Government.

3. Paiko Local Government, under whose jurisdiction Kaffin Koro falls, has a Local Government Chairman, a State Assembly Representative, a National Assembly Representative and a Senator in Abuja. They all know (or should know) the state of that school long before Miss Anwana left her native Akwa Ibom State and arrived there. Don't you now think that the system is broken?

4. Miss Anwana's action throws a challenge not only to the Mandarins in the Northern political set up but also to young northerners closer to her age who have either silently acquiesced to the status quo or have been driven into the welcome arms of religious extremist due to the dearth of opportunities in the North.

If you are a reading this and you are a northerner - silently admit to yourself that Ime's action has shamed most of us. And then pledge to do whatever you can, no matter how little, to reverse the decline (moral, educational, social, economic) in your community.

Please suggest ways that you think Miss Ime should be honored, so that it will serve as a form of encouragement to those that really have the country at heart (like her good self), not the bunch of rougues we have as our representatives, who think of nothing but how to perpetuate doing what they do best: STEALING THE MONEY THAT CROSSES THEIR WAY & SEARCH AND CART AWAY THE ONE THEY DO NOT SEE TOO.

Please pass the message around, it may luckily reach the THIEVING ROGUES. Even if they do not change, it will prick their conscience, if they have one.

May God cause to bring change to our dear Country in ANYWAY He knows how.
God Bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Abuja, March 28, 2012

I present to you, the young Lady of distinction, a pride to her people, a paradox of beauty, amiable young Lady, dedicated to her cause to serving her Nation.
Miss Ime Anwana, my friend and sister, my newest Idol especially in a Country where youths have lost vision and have no hope in their tomorrow.  

Miss Ime Anwana, a young lady, a Batch "A" corps member, was posted to serve in the NNPC depot in Niger State. She visited a friend serving at a local girls secondary secondary in the nearby village of Kaffin Koro and was told the school has no chemistry teacher. Ime volunteered to use her free time on Friday evenings to teach chemistry to the students - free of charge. While teaching in the school she saw the sorry state of the student accommodation and took it upon upon herself to do something about it.  

'She raised the sum of 3.8 million naira and supervised the building of a student hostel equipped with 40 double bunk beds complete with mattresses.' 

Many of us would have diverted the money for our personal use, imagine what this beautiful Lady accomplished, I just couldn't stop thinking of what this young woman has accomplished in just over 25 years on earth. How wont God receive her into his Kingdom even if she'd died in that fatal accident, but he saved her.
God has blessed me with a very beautiful friend, i wont stop at celebrating this shinning light.
Ime Anwana deserves a National honour.
Michael Mathew


Anonymous said...

Awww, my eyes are teary, am a corper too and it just opened my eyes to se needs. She's a philanthropist, she sould be given an iconic title and they should give her a scholarship.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I'm so thrilled! Talk about impacting lives and the society at large! Wow! I adore her courage....God will definetely reward 4 our leaders, *sigh*

Anonymous said...

God bless her and give all of us a little more heart.

Anonymous said...

wow thats a very nice thing to do

Poison said...

Umm, She Is Good and also a Woman or Lady of Vision. God have Plans for her, as mathew have Already said.. I pray She Recovers First sha..
Honour Her? She Need Prayers and Support in Her Good doings not the Tittle stff, And For those "THIEVES" Betta Thunder Go Pursue them Like Fly wey dey follow shit. God will judge them!

Payme said...

I thank God for her life! Really glad that she survived. It is true that our government is failing us but we cannot fail ourselves. May God continue to bless her richly...A foundation could be started in her name. Was she not nominated for the award of excellence for CDS? God bless Ime!

Learn about how to individually raise money for charity by reading 'TAKE A STEP'

Anonymous said...

She didnt do what she did for honours or awards...

Let us just use her as an example of what we should all be like.

Anonymous said...

A graduate from the University of Uyo. She always had a good heart and a smile. It has paid off and so she should be honoured.

Anonymous said...

All that awards they were giving to ppl for nothing, this is the time to give d awards to well meaning and well deserving youths of our country. She deserves to be on CNN sef.

Anonymous said...

She deserves an honour for raising the money and wanting to bring about change. No doubt! But national honour??? Let me ask?? Is this beautiful courageous young lady the first person to ever try to do good for Nigeria and it people? Is this woman of immense integrity the first or even last to get serious hurt or nearly die from trying to bring about goodness to the people of Nigeria. My people the answer is NO. My people, I think the biggest honour Nigeria can ever give this lady, is to make damn sure that she finishes what she has started. Let that money she raised not go to waste and let her vision come to pass.

~ Menakaya's Baby.

Anonymous said...

I think d hostel shld be named after her bcos she did a great job and to me she is a hero my hero. I wish her all d best

shegesho said...

Ime Awana is more than just a citizen of this country. She is a mentor to most of us regardless of age. I AM PROUD OF HER.
It is a shame to see a little girl of her age doing something extraordinary like this in a wonderful country like ours where our so called leader have nothing else to do than endless allocation of public funds to their advantages.
Who else should be honoured in this country if not Ime Anwana.
If city People will be true to their award given program; then Anwana should be honoured by them this year.
If the Sun award will still hold this year; then Anwana should be awarded.
Who should be awarded OFR, MFR etc if not Anwana.
Anwana's name should enter the Guinness book of records.
The UN should appoint her as a youth ambassador.

shegesho said...

"Ime Anwana; A young and Intelligent lady we are all proud of"
I Adebole Segun; I say:
You are my hero.
You have made me and other sensible Nigerians proud.
You have made your father land proud.
You are a success.
You are worthy of emulation.
You may not be a motivational speaker, but you are a motivation to all of us.

Omo said...

I think she should be up for a future award or some type of recognition especially regarding all the tension in the north and southern youth corpers it is only right in my opinion.
Is she out of the coma and is she much better? The write up does not say

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Speechless n overwhelmed. Searched for her on FB...very humble and unassuming young lady!! Nigeria...whay are u still sleeping oooooo???

Anonymous said...

This is someone who actually deserves a national honor not all those fat cats feeding off the sweat of labouring and honest Nigerians. I hereby nominate her for an MON Award immediately. She should be on CNN Heroes as well. God bless u real good Miss Ime Anwana. Maybe there is still hope for Nigeria...

ikechukwu kingsley said...

Why must a good heart suffer... Plz stay alive for us o

Anonymous said...


Croixxx said...

God is with her.....such good heart and nature is indeed very rare, Thanks S̴̩☺̴̩̩̥̩̩̩̥ much for helping those kids smile again,U̶̲̅я reward is in heaven

Anonymous said...

I am, the no Sender.

NYSC should honor her first and foremost.

The school should name the hostel after her as someone has suggested

The community where she worked can name a landmark after her

Niger State government should honor by naming a street or road after her and seriously reward her in cash and ensure that she is given the best quality healthcare available either locally or International.

Her State government should recognize her for representing the State well and grant her automatic employment as well as a cash reward and forward her name to the federal government for national honors.

As citizens proud of her rare accomplishment we should all remember to nominate her to Silverbird and the Sun Awards so that she can be included in the honor's list for year 2012.

IME, you are a beacon that will guide and inspire both those ahead and behind of you.

OK said...

wow!...God bless her...and may we all learn little virtues that make the difference in other people's lives

Aunty A said...

God bless you my angel. I am so proud of you!

Bisola said...

Menakayas Baby or whatever you call yourself, you are very stupid. Yes she deserves a national honour! If at her age she can do that, then she deserves it. Is it your pastors that you your money to do charity or your politicians that steal deserve honor. Pleeeeezeee. Go and do your own. Stop hating

Uchefuna Chinyere Stacy said...

This story should be an inspiration/call to be the change we want to see in this country, let's all contribute the little we can towards making this Nation a great one. God bless this young lady, God bless Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

U nid Jesus

Anonymous said...

She is going to be a very famous woman in future. Watch out! Whoever marries her will enjoy and so would his family.

Ujunwa said...


Anonymous said...

Wow.quite a gurl we hav here! Am soooo ashamed of meself! To think i served there and did nothing! God will bless her jor!

segun said...

I was also a batch "A" 2011 corp member, I knw d lady and she is a wonderful lady (at least from a distance) and always smiling.

I've been to virtually all d local govt. In Niger state and I can confidently say local govts do not exist in Niger state. In Rijau LG, d building is dilapitated wt no workers coming to work. Once d allocation comes, d governor take his own and d workers take d rest. Majority of d pple in d state especially d capital Minna are civil servants.

Babangida has no single company in Niger state not even a pure water company,his late wife has a school 'El-Amin' only meant for d rich. Abdulsalam has a farm called 'maizube'. D governor has a 4 billion naira worth university he is building in Ghana and he is abt to sell it coz d Ghanian govt gave him a condition dt 99% of staff must come from Ghana. Majority of their billionaires and millionaires are/were civil servants or retired army officers with all of them having no company in d state. D people love civil service work especially fed. than to have their own business and majority of the hausas selling at d new mkt in Minna and Kontagora are from Niger republic.

Poverty is very high in d land. In Niger state, we still have pple who don't wear cloths. If we are not careful, d northern part of d country will soon pose a threat to us wt their high illiteracy level, they have high number of youths who can not read nor write and no particular place to sleep than roundabouts.
Their so called leaders are much concerned abt themselves and their families.

...It is well....


τнäиκ чöü LORD 4 her life
a youth wit a big hrt
Imagine wnt she wld do 4 our country if she becomes a minister
Or do we think she doesnt av financial prob,yet she made gud use of d millions
If it was abroad,she wld b highly recognised
Thou it was shown on NTA nationwide,lets C if our leaders wld honor her
We only recognise celebrities in̅ 9ja
She is a STAR,cos her glow touches evry one
Global com,,she shld b Чυя true ambassador

Anonymous said...

may God almighty bless and preserve her i really envy her she's stella damascus d second,if am in there sheos God knws i wil do deciem

Allegra said...

What she has done is not just a lesson for the northerners, but also, all Nigerians. We are too self absorbed and wanting to keep up with the Jones' that we do not look to see what we could be doing in our community no matter how small.We need to move from the mentality of expecting others to do and should all get involved in developing that nation.

Anonymous said...

God bless you real good and may you reap the fruit of your stress....TP

Mrs O said...

And here stands an amazing Nigerian! I bow, and salute her!

I am humbled, deeply humbled!

God bless and keep you Iwe Anwana! May you and your descendants never lack a day in your life.
Others would have bought "Jeep" with the money but at 25, you did what 99% of Nigerians would never do. The Lord bless you.

Linda how about you start a blog post every month for people to nominate Nigerians bringing about change in the community. You have a platform, you should use it.

Tell us what you want us to write, and we can email it to you, with person's name, website if applicable, communities affected through their labour and pictures of what they have done.

Olasumbo Ashcroft said...

Dis story is so near to my door step dat I am almost ashamed of my self for not steppin up to the challenge of doing so much in my community too.I also serve in Niger State,Suleja LGA......and am yet to do anything worthwhile that will impact on the people.Ime...God bless you real good for being an inspiration to your fellow corp members.I am taking the bull by the horn!!I am gonna impact my generation positively.

Anonymous said...

An epitome of what a contemprary nigerian woman should represent.



She deserves national honour. I wish our government will realise this and encourage her and others.

Anonymous said...

Wishing her a swift recovery;she has already been reward in faith. because,she had accomplished a worthy course in which the likes of the two ex-president,governor(s)and the local council can not achieve in there many years of looting the government fund at the expense of the of the poor masses;surely favour will chase her having writing her name in GOLDEN plaque.
N.B: can we all remember her in our prayer for a speedy recovery (IME ANWANA) a true Nigerian and a worthy patriot.

NKECHI said...

Linda am more concerned about her health biko. Is she very well now? Hope she is not limping or something. I must say she has a big heart to be relaxed in the now scary north and undertake that project. Well done baby, you are a star.

Anonymous said...

Am indeed proud of her n she deserves a national honor more than all these thieving politician that are being called MON OFR GCON

Anonymous said...

proud of her..she shld have used the money to buy porsshe bb like susan peters or big cars like our so calld actresses..or brazillian hair but no she thought of the needy first.she deserves an honour ooo not like all these actresses who gets honour for sleeping around or snatching pple husband up and down.

Anonymous said...

Aww dis is so touchin,wot if she noticed d state of those children and dnt do anytin? She would hv lost her life bt God saved her 4a rison. Thank u Allah. Yinka

Anonymous said...

Even though noting is done GOD's blessing dat add no sorrow b her portion god bless u ime said...

Am so gladly that she survived, God always know his people and he always spare their lives, May God continue to save her,

Re u finding problem check your jamb result, you dont need to stress yourselves anymore, justCLICK HERE AND CHECK YOUR 2012 JAMB RESULT

Anonymous said...

May God bless and heal her. shes an example to us all

No one said...

hmm..Sounds like we just found our next president

Anonymous said...

This article criticises politicians for not lifting a finger to help or do anything to help this young lady- yet ignores a fundamental lesson that this lady, in her wisdom, picked- we as a people can work for ourselves and transform our communities without help from the politicians. People really do need to help themselves without waiting for these selfish politicians to come to our help. If we really want to honor this lady, we should emulate her example all over Nigeria. When we begin to help ourselves, then our politicians will be frightened and will know that their non-performance will be rewarded at the electoral box when they are kicked out of office. The article just serves to highlight how lazy and selfish Nigerians are- they prefer to wait for others to do things for them- no wonder how country is such a mess!! Kudos to the young lady for her excellent example!!

Anonymous said...

Pls isn't there a way to get CNN to do a feature on her? She deserves an award but I'm sure she has gotten the highest honor one can get, which is from God.
Menakaya's pikin pls bring to our notice others and we'll rightfully laud them till them learn to give inns were it's due. Ijeoma

cianci said...

With the likes of Ime Awnana, i see hope for the next generation.

Anonymous said...

Wow!dis is amazing...she's a great phlanthropist,a role model to our youths which includes M̶̲̥̅ε̲̣̣̣̥...all above all may God bless u abundantly 4 helping thoes kids,may u never lack IJN Amen!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda, you owe her a duty (as a media personality to be if you are not yet) to nominate her for CNN Heroes Award..... For Nigeria National Honour? Forget it, they have not finished giving National Awards to their bed warmers like Jenny and Steph and other Nollywood people's husband hunters to remember a poor girl like this.....

Emem said...

SO proud of you

Anonymous said...

yeah i watched the news too. she's even on crotches, really sad brought me to tears but at the same time empowered me. God bless her and long live Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Please I want to marry her.

Anonymous said...

Her local govt shd just make her their chaiman or representative but not in this corruption ridden Nigeria

pegomay said...

God bless her oooo!

Anonymous said...

This is very inspiring. These are the leaders of tomorrow we are talking of. If only the gluttons seating in the Aso Rock can emulate this young lady. Kudos Ime, God will elevate you to higher grounds.

Unknown said...

Inspirational May GOD continue to bless and strengthen you Ime. You are one in a million, keep up the good work.

blunt said...

nonsence! She had better hurl her goody-two-shoes ass outa there before Boko Haram target her..all the work wey Babangida and Aliyu no fit do with all the moni dem chop,na she wan come do am?? no way can she make them feel 'ashamed' cos their conscience is dead!

Anonymous said...

Pls I don't know how the nomination thing works but see if u can keep ur posted, we'll do our bit. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Tshew! So that u'll corrupt her clean mind eh? No but thanks she's better off witout u!

Opeye said...

I agree she didnt do it cos she wanted to be honoured but what she has done is hourable to encourage others. The whole idea of life is to punish dishonourable acts and encourage honourable acts especially in a country like ours where its d vice versa. Let her be praised for she has done a virtous thing.

Nikki said...

Wow..I'm really inspired..if only all the young people in Nigeria could think like her, Nigeria would be a wonder within next few decades..God bless her

ConfusedEagle said...

That's a Shocking revelation there. Imagine the Gov buiding university in Ghana? Is he sick in the head?
Seriously these Northern youths don't know where to direct their anger.

Their leaders have shortchanged their destiny & mortgaged their future.

They should hold their leaders accountable.

Its saddening

The sage said...

Re u finding problems with your ENGLISH? Check yourself.

Ada said...

She has just challenged me to up my game, that's the stuff visionary people are made of. God bless her and may her efforts be supplemented by well meaning Nigerians, amen.
Well done Ime. Proud, I certainly am.

Chloe said...

Linda, r u really wondering y non of d big politicians or Govt of Niger State is doing anything to acknowledge her good work? Lol!! It is because she has shown them up for d greedy, non performing, self absorbed, excuse giving idiots they r. This small child with nothing has been able to do what d so called leaders with their billions have not been able to do.

Onyema Patrick said...

I am a serving corps member as well, similarly in Miss Anwana situation, i.e serving in the north, Sokoto to be precise.
What Miss Anwana has achieved is by no means a small feat and deserves the accolodes of not just the thieving bunch in Abuja but also Mr President's as well.
I understand there is usually a kind of honour program organized by NYSC for corps members who achieve uncommon feats like Miss Anwana's; she gets a grant of N750,000, a presidential handshake and a scholarship to professorship level.
Now, let me address some very salient issues here which we, corps members posted to remote northern villages face.
My place of PPA is a secondary school in Birnin LGA with a border village very close to Niger republic, I am in the Batch A set of this 2012. According to my coleagues, what theu call schools in these villages are actually not schools in the real sense of the word. They lack the most of basic amenities to help a school function and the greatest challenge there is the fact that education is not a priority, it is not seen as a neccessity here. And that is the attitude you see in their leaders as well, they would rather their people wallow in illiteracy and poverty than do anything to empower them. As corps members from outside of the north, we find it extremely difficult teaching childrien who first do not understand english, are not inspired and find no use for education. Their teachers, principals and headmasters can rarely speak english let alone write in english. You notice that there is no sincerity of purpose in the whole scheme, it is just like a program designed to fulfill nothing concrete, the effect is just placebo and ephemeral. How do you teach ppl whose language you don't understand and they don't understand you? This whole NYSC stuff is crap.

speechee said...

Its wonderful to know that we still have young righteous minds in Nigeria.. since we can still find at least one, then Nigeria is speared!

So lets all rejoice for its a new horrizon...

I guess the best gift will be for President Jonathan to make a Minister for Change.... in the Ministry of Change

Anonymous said...

Wow thank you for saying this onyema patrick, I agree with you am batch A 2012 also. And this whole scheme.....hmmmmn

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Ime. You are an inspiration. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

she would do wonders if giving an opportunity i hope GEJ is reading this

Anonymous said...

There is a new initiative called Good News Naija that is recognizing Nigerians for their good works. Email or follow on twitter @goodnewsnaija. The website will be up very soon. Let us support this initiative as it showcases the good works of everyday Nigerians. Also send in your credible stories of people that are working behind the scenes and making a change in Nigeria. Let us give people a pat on the back to encourage more change agents.

Unknown said...

Ime I Love U so Much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

God will bless you my darling and keep you protected at all times...

Unknown said...

God bless Ime.

Dave_gino said...

she is blessed.

PRINCELY said...

This is all so awesome.But i hope she is recovering fast? I am so proud of you Ime,your likes are so rare, you have made every true Nigerian youth proud and you've written your name in gold in our hearts. I think the government (state and federal)should see to it that she receives the best of medical attention. The federal govt of Nigeria should celebrate htis rare gem. She deserves a national award. God bless you Ime, we are proud of you here in Uyo...GOD BLESS IME ANWANA

TWE 🙌🏽 said...

and some artiste claim to be floating HELP THE LESS PRIVILEGE FOUNDATION......this is a shame oh..........nice one miss ime.

Dhayorr said...

Cianci I agree with you, we do have hope for the next generation if we have people as brave as she is and willing to start a transformation.

Femi said...

God bless u real gud Ms Ime and I pray for a speedy recovery it is well with u, u shall be great

Anonymous said...

Words cannot actually do for me what I want to say about this young lady. She's just a rare jem in a country and especially in a region where looting is all they know and do regardless of who it is. For starters, it is incumbant upon the Federal Government to bestow her with a National honor, she deserves it and not all them theives and thugs they bestow the honors on. Less we forget, them awards are for thugs, thieves, and looters. The more you loot, the better the award i.e., the Bankoles, Iboris, Elumelus to mention a few. And going back to the region or State, Niger State, the home state of Babangida, Adbulsalaam, and the current looter that passes himself as a servant of the state, Aliyu. they are all mum to this gracious act of this young girl, all they are after is how to get more money from oil allocations from the Federal Government in order to further enrich themselves. That Abdulsalaam guy, within the short period he was in office, he awarded more oil mining wells to himself and cronnies in this country. They all seat there with all the money and dont care about their people. They are very selfish and do not care about their people. I have been at Babangida's Mounatin top house or whatever they call it and you need to go out there yourself to see how the hausas seat their for free food. Let's put the pressure on the Federal Government and not the State govt. cos they aint gonna do diddly as we say in the States. We must make sure that this lady get a National Honor that she deserves.

Anonymous said...

She's truly done Nigerians proud and surely deserves a national award but hey, how did she raise such money? An ordinary Nigeria corper with no background can in no way come about such money..Please give us her real profile cos she's most definitely not an ordinary Nigeria student..What's her family background like linda???


Anonymous said...

how did she raise 3.8m tho??

Janyl Benyl said...

Did you see her with plenty expensive labels, BB porsche, designer bags and the likes? no! But isn't it evident that she can so afford it?
I just hope all these wannabe big girls lavishing money on very irrelevant things can see this and learn a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

one word amasing

Anonymous said...

this is the kind of person that deserves an award and i hope GEJ and his crooneys are reading this lady story as she has done very well. shame on people like IBB and abuldsalam who are right there and things like these stear them in the face after stealing us blind yet they cannot even make a single impact in thier community shame shame shame on them i say useless old men!!!!

Unknown said...

God Bless Kaffin Koro,am by kabiru Shauibu Kaffin woje, Muye, Niger State.
The son of Dakaci Kaffin Woje, God Almighty will protect us. In the name of Allah/God

Unknown said...

God bless Kaffin Koro, Niger state, am by name kabiru Shuaibu Kaffin Woje
the son of Dakacin Muye Kaffi Woje, May Gog Almighty protect us from heaven and earth. Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Unknown said...

God Bless Kaffin Koro,am by kabiru Shauibu Kaffin woje, Muye, Niger State.
The son of Dakaci Kaffin Woje, God Almighty will protect us. In the name of Allah/God

Unknown said...

God Bless us

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