My Story: Ogochukwu Onuchukwu - A woman shares her story from the grave | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 24 March 2012

My Story: Ogochukwu Onuchukwu - A woman shares her story from the grave

Ogochukwu Onuchukwu (Nee Onugu). 23/10/1976 - 27/2/2012
I don't know how to introduce what you are about to's very chilling, quite disturbing, and extremely heart wrenching. If this doesn't make you cry, nothing else will.
A dead woman, Ogochukwu Onuchukwu (she died last month) shares her story and writes a letter to her husband from the grave. I culled the letter from her WEBSITE and wanted to share it because it's something we all need to read and hopefully someone will learn from it. Read it below...
 My mum is crying. I can see  her from here. She has aged since the last time I saw her. Why does she look so old and why is she so thin? Can someone console her? Can someone make her stop  crying?
I try to get up but I can’t. I try to reach for her, but I’m stuck where  I am. It is very dark in here, and very cold, so very cold.
What am I doing here? Where is everybody? Where are my children? I begin to panic, to struggle;  I want to get out of this dark room. 
I can hear Uzo calling. She’s calling my name. Then, I see mum again. And I hear Uzo again. I don’t see my children. Where are my children? I can’t see beyond the walls of this dark and cold room. 
This just messed with my head...I hope you fair better. Continue reading...

Uzo calls again. 

She sounds desperate to rouse me from my sleep. I am struggling  to wake but I can’t. I open my eyes and they shut of their own accord. 
I am powerless to keep them from shutting. And I find as soon as I stop struggling,  my sleep becomes sweet repose. Suddenly I don’t want to wake from it just yet. It is peaceful.

I see mum again, and I see Uzo. Uzo keeps calling. She won’t stop calling. She is crying too, just like mum.

Can someone bring Kamsi and Amanda to me? Can someone bring my babies to me? I need to hug them, Kamsi, especially. Is he crying too and calling out for me? Does he understand that I  am gone? Kamsi will miss me. 

He is a special child, you know; Kamsiyochukwu - my son and my first child. 

I prayed and longed for his birth. He was the blessing  from above that would seal Kevin’s love for me and give me some footing in his  home and some acceptance from his family. 

 Before Kamsi, I was a nobody in Kevin’s home.
I was born the last of nine children, the baby of the family. I was used to love and affection. I was  everyone’s baby. I grew up knowing that everyone had my back, I grew up knowing  the safety and security of being the baby of the home. You may then understand  my shock when I stepped out of my home and into new territory with the man of my  dreams only to find that I was really not as special as I had been made to  believe. I look back to that day when Kevin took me home to introduce me to my new family. The cold and rude shock of the welcome his brother’s wife gave me  set off an alarm in my head.

These people didn’t think I was special. In fact,  her first words were, ”Kevin, ebe   kwa ka isi dute nka?” (Kevin, “Where on earth did you bring this one from?) That would be the first time I would be addressed as “this one” and from  then on, I grappled with the realization that I was not welcome in my new home.

I remember my first Christmas  at Ihiala as a new bride. My brother-in-law’s wife would sneer and clap and  refer to me as “Ndi ji ukwu azo akwu” (the people who process palm fruits with  their bare feet). I knew she meant my impoverished home town of Nsukka. She  would sing to me all day long telling me the only reason why their brother  married me was because of my beauty and complexion.

Now, I lie here and I wonder  if I was in my right mind to ignore the several other alarms over my 12- year  union with Kevin.

 I had to ignore them, I told  myself. I had already taken my vows to be with Kevin until death did us  part.

They never really wanted me, I  can now see. But I was too blinded by love to realize that. I needed to do  something to cement Kevin’s heart with mine. I needed to remain Kevin’s wife and  to prove to the world that indeed Love would conquer  all.

 When after one year of  marriage there were still no children, the painful journey that sent me to my  grave started. I went from specialist to specialist, ingested every kind of pill  that promised to boost my fertility. As my desperation grew, so did pressure  from Kevin’s family. My horror-movie life story started playing out; the  horror-movie life that has sent me to an early and cold grave from where I write  this letter to my husband.

My sweet Kevin,

We started to fight over  little things. The fights were worse after you visited home or attended any of  your numerous family meetings. You came home one evening and asked me to move  out of the bedroom we both shared and into the guestroom downstairs. The next  time you returned from the meeting, you tied me up with a rope and used your  belt on me. No one heard my screams.

I remember when you told me  that your family had asked you to remarry. You showed me documents of all your  numerous landed property including the house we lived in. Your brother was  listed as next of kin. When I asked you about it, your answer rocked the ground  I was standing on. You said, “What have you to show that entitles you to any  stake in this household?” You were referring to my  barreness.

 It is funny how to my family  and friends, I was the beautiful and loving Ogo, whilst to you and your family I  was a worthless piece of rag. You called me barren. I could have fled but your  love and acceptance was of more worth to me than the love and admiration of the  world outside our home. I desperately sought to be loved by you, Kevin.
In your  family’s presence I felt unworthy, unloved and unwanted. Yet, I stayed on. I  would make you love me one way or the other and I knew that one sure way would
be to produce a child, an heir for you. That was the most important thing to  you.

 I began the numerous  procedures, painful procedures, including surgery. I gave myself daily shots. At  some point the needles could no longer pierce my skin. My skin had toughened to  the piercing pain of needles.

After seven years of marriage,  our prayers were answered. God blessed us with our son Kamsiyochukwu, which  means ‘’Just as I asked of the Lord’’. God had intervened and miracles were  about to start happening because for the first time in seven years, my  mother-in-law called me. Finally I was home. I had been accepted. I was now a woman, a wife and a mother. Finally there was peace. Kamsi will be four in  November.

The miracles stayed with me  because 18 months later through another procedure, Chimamanda was born. Her  birth was bitter sweet for me. Sweet because you Kevin, my husband, and my  in-laws would love me more for bearing a second child, but bitter because this  particular birth almost cost me my life. The doctors had become very concerned.  You see, I had developed too many complications from all the different  procedures I had undergone in the journey to have children and these were beginning to get in the way of normal everyday living. I developed conditions  that had almost become life threatening.   So the doctors sent me off with my new bundle of joy and with a stern  warning not to try for another child as I may not be so lucky.

I chuckled,  almost gleefully. Why would I want to try for a third child? God had given me a  boy and a girl, what more could I ask for. I was only ever so thankful to God.
Kevin, you and I gave numerous and very generous donations to different churches  in thanksgiving to God. All was well. I was happy and fulfilled. Kevin, you  loved me again. Your family accepted me. Life was good. And all was quiet again.  …………………… For a while.

 Then fate struck me a blow. As  if to remind me that my stay in your house was temporary and was never really  going to be peaceful, Kamsi – our son, our first fruit, my pride and joy and the  child that gave me a place in my husband’s home, began to show signs of slowed  development; the visits to the doctors resumed, this time on account of Kamsi.
We started seeing therapists. After we’d been from one doctor to another I  decided I had to resort to prayer. I was frightened. I was terrified. I was threatened. I started to feel unwell. I had difficulty breathing. I needed to  see my doctors, Kamsi too. He wasn’t doing too well either. He had difficulty with his speech. He was slow to comprehend things. I did not know for sure what  was wrong with him but I knew all was not well. Not with him and not with me. We
were denied visas to the USA because we had overstayed on our last trip on  account of Kamsi’s treatments. So whilst we waited for a lawyer to help us clear up the immigration issues with America, I applied for a UK visa and sought help  in London. But by then, trouble had reared its head at home, again.

Kevin, you  had again become very impatient with me. My fears were fully alive again. The  battles it seemed I had won were again in full rage. My husband, in your irritable impatience and anger, you told me to my face that our son, my Kamsi,  was worthless to you. You said he was abnormal. You said that our daughter, my Amanda, was a girl and that you had no need for a girl child because she would  someday be married off. I remember, in pain, that you didn’t attend Amanda’s christening because you were upset with me. You told me your mother was more important to you than “THESE THINGS” I brought to your house. You were referring to our children, were you not? “THESE THINGS”.

My heart bled. I wept  bitterly. Then I quickly calmed my fears by telling myself that you were under a  lot of stress at work and that you were also probably reacting to all the money  that you had spent on my treatments. Surely, all that was getting to you?  Even when you threatened me with a  knife, twice you did that, I still felt unworthy of you and very deserving of  your hatred. Even when you would say: “I will kill you and nothing will happen  because you have no one to fight for you”, I kept on struggling to get you to  love me because, Kevin, your validation was important to  me

 You had refused to give me  money for my medical trip to London. I knew then it was because you had your  hands full with caring and catering for everybody who was dear to you. Your  finances were stretched. I thought then that in time you would come around.

My health continued to get  worse. Eventually, I made it to London.   After extensive consultations and tests, I was given a definitive  diagnosis. My condition was life threatening. It was from this time, when it was  clear that I required surgery to save me life that I came face to face with a  different kind of war from our home.

Kevin, you stopped speaking with me. I was  in pain, in anguish and in tears. I didn’t understand what was happening. I had  stayed three weeks in London and Kevin, you never called, sent a text or  inquired how I was faring. You stopped taking my calls. Instead I got a call  from my cousin in whose care I had left my children. She was frantic with worry  because there was no food in the house for the children to eat; Kevin you had  refused to provide food for our children. Kevin, you had also refused to pay for  Kamsi’s home schooling.

Then Kevin, I received that e-mail from you. The only communication from you for the entire period I was in  London.
Do you remember? It was an angry email. You berated me for putting your  integrity at stake at your work place. Apparently your employers had called a  hospital in London to inquire about me and were told that no one by my name was  ever their patient. I  later found out that you had given the wrong  hospital name to your employers. Do you remember, Kevin?

For the first time in my 12  year marriage, the alarm bells in my head began to sound real. For the first  time in 12 years, I felt real anger stir up in my heart. Kevin, I was angry  because you paid no heed to the hospital where your wife was at in London. You  had no clue and cared little about what I was going through. Yet you would berate me for putting your INTEGRITY at work at stake. Your integrity was your  primary concern, not my health.

Then it hit me! All these  years I was trying to be all I could be for you, Kevin, to make you happy, to  please you, Kevin, ……… you actually hated me. You didn’t want me in your life. The signs were all there. Your family had showed me from day one that they  didn’t want me. I was the object of a hatred that I could not explain. I
couldn’t understand why.

Then I saw the hand writing on  the wall, all those many things that went on. You even sold my car whilst I was  still lying on a hospital bed in London, with no word to me. I was not to learn  of what you had done until I returned to Nigeria. The doctors had allowed me to  return to prepare for surgery.

Kevin, do you remember that on  my return I gave you a pair of shoes I had bought for you? Kevin, my husband, do  you remember hurling those shoes at me? Kevin, do you remember me breaking down  in tears? Kevin, do you remember me asking you that night, many times over, why  you hated me so much, what I had done to make you hate me as much as you did?

“You are disturbing me, and if you continue, I`ll move out and inform the  company that I no longer live in the house. Then they will come and drive you  away”. Kevin, my husband, that was your response to me. Did you know then I only  had days to live?  Is that why you  told me that would be the last time I would see you physically? Did you know it would only be a few more hours?

I still had a surgery to go  through. Kevin, since you wanted no part in it, I had contacted the medical  officer in your company directly for referrals. I left Eket for Lagos on Saturday. That same day I consulted with the specialist surgeon and surgery was  scheduled for Monday morning.

In those final hours, as I  prepared for my surgery, I was alone, my spirit was broken. I had lost all the  fight in me. Kevin, I knew that nothing I did or said would turn you heart  toward me, and I had nobody for whom you had any regards who would speak up for  me.

In those final hours, Kevin, I  called you. This was Sunday morning, less than 24 hours to my death. Do you  remember, Kevin? I called you to share what the specialist surgeon had said. I  was still shaking from your screams on the phone when I got in here. You did not  want me to bother you, you screamed. I should  go to my brothers and sisters,  you screamed. I should pay you back all the money you gave me for my treatment  in London, you screamed. Kevin, did you know that would be my last conversation  with you? My last conversation with you, my husband, my love, my life, ended  with you banging the phone on me.

Recalling the abusive words,  the spitting, the beating, the bruising, the knifing, and the promise that I  would not live long for daring to forget to buy garden eggs for your mother, an  insult you vowed I would pay for with my life ……., I knew then it was over for  me. There was no rationalizing needed any longer. Even the blind could see ………. You did not want me in your life.

 I went in for surgery on  Monday morning, February 27, 2012, and after battling for several hours, I  yielded my spirit.

Kevin, my husband, I lived my  promise to God. The promise I made on the day I wedded  you.

 For better ………………………… For  worse
 For richer …………………………. For poorer
 In Sickness ………………………. And in health
To love ………………………….. And to  cherish


And it  has.

 NOW I AM  DEAD!!!!!!!

 Just as your mum predicted …..  Her cold words follow me to morgue. She swore to me that I would leave her son’s  house dead or alive. I couldn’t leave whilst I still breathed. It had to be  through death, and death it has  become.

 Kevin, you are FREE! And, so am I.

Your freedom is temporary.  Mine is eternal.

Whilst you still have freedom, remember Kamsi and Chimamanda.

Lovingly yours until death,

I am gone. Gone forever. But  if one woman, just one woman will learn from my story, then maybe I would not  have gone in vain.

My heart weeps for my children, my mummy, my sisters and my brothers, my extended family. These ones,  I was a gift to. These ones, they loved me. These ones, they wanted me. These  ones, they needed me. These ones, they wish I had spoken out earlier.


Written by someone who was part of her life and witnessed her struggles. RIP Ogo.


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Anonymous said...

I know it is real, so many women are passing through now, even some are worse than this. God will help us.

Anonymous said...

Seriously?? This is what you have to say??? You are very myopic and dumb! SMH, Justme abeg ask am oo...

Anonymous said...

Please how old are you?? SMH

Anonymous said...

Its allowed to leave the man's house to save yourself and your children!! How can u be in a family where everyone wants you out dead or alive? May God help us all

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm dis is really touchin, i hv a friend in a similar situation but does not feel its ok to leave her husband,i pray she does not end up dead.

Matthew Oluwatuyi said...

Very pathetic. but still remains mystery how a young promising beautiful woman of such could be a victim of this kind of ugly and inhumane incident. Lets learn the lessons produced by the devastating event, such as (1). Praying for our daughters and sisters not to fall into wrong hands. (2). Openness i.e to confide in someone when necessary. (3). Problem management. Dr. Shuller says, "If you cannot solve your problem manage it". God helps us.

Anonymous said...

This is just so depressing. May her soul find eternal peace.

Amaka said...

This is really a wicked act.My dear Ogoo why do u have to stay at the detriment of ur own life. My heart goes out for Kamsi and Amanda. Now that you let a man send u to an early grave, what will become of them? You should have left so you will be there for them.Pls my fellow women out there, no man is worth dying for, so be wise. As for Kevin the beast, God will judge you.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad and painfulllllllll. Don't no wat to use to quantify the so called Kelvin

Bayo Tejumaiye said...

SHES NOT GONE FOR EVER...THERE IS HOPE FOR HER! WHILE THE WICKED WILL FOR EVER KNOW NO PEACE BUT FACE ETERNAL DESTRUCTION SHE Ogo HAS HOPE TO LIVE AGAIN IN A NEW WORLD( Rev 21:1- 4) PROMISED BY GOD. SHE WILL RISE UP AGAIN AS PROMISED IN JOHN 5: 28-29 BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHEN HE (JESUS) WOULD SHOUT AND THOSE DEAD IN UNION WITH HIM SHALL COME TO LIFE....Ogo is just "sleeping" SHE WILL RISE AGAIN to live for ever. AS FOR THE WICKED, GOD'S JUDGEMENT IS COMING SOON. REV 22 verse 11 - 12 said...."He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousness still; and let the filthy one be made filthy still; but let the righteous one do righteousness still; and let the holy one be made holy still. VERSE 12- Look! I am coming quickly and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is".....

Ifeoma Onwugbufor said...

Pity ... I never read in the bible where God specified that marriage is for better for worse, or rather, i am yet to see it. My position remains: marriage is not a do or die affair. Enough said ...

Anonymous said...

his story is the most saddest I have read in websites. What breaks my heart is that it can happen to anyone. I know a lot of real women going through situations like this and the worst part is the man still don’t care.

Talk about husbands that go abroad and leave their wives in Nigeria. This men ignore their wives and never come back.

Men who beat their wives alarm me
Men who control women with money, really???
Men who rape their wives because she doesn’t give sex at night

After reading this article, I think websites like Bellanaija and Linda Ikeji can seek out more women empowerment groups to help spread the word about women abuse. I really think that awareness can change a lot of things for today’s woman and the upcoming ladies entering into the world of marriage.

I know God said people should not swear but I tell you ladies. It is not by force to be married to a man that is treating you wrong. When a man treats you like CRAP, pls run for your life. This men can kill you, men are stronger than women, they can beat one and injure you.

Every woman:

Pls get yourself educated, don’t sit at home and allow him to feed you.

Pls start a small business or trade, don’t just be the one to be asking for money here and there

Women out there, don’t suffer in silence. If your situation is bad and causing you to lose yourself. GET OUT of that relationship. No man is worth the tears, I tell you.

There is nothing in this world that will make a woman cry or die for a man. This men are very ignorant and will go to the next woman. God is the judge of this case and many other quiet cases of women suffering in silence.

What we don’t know is that there are millions of Nigerian women suffering in their marriages, too scared to speak out, when they speak out in their churches or anywhere. It is frowned upon. Nigeria you can do better, women don’t have to be battered, raped or injured for the sake of MEN. I pray that Bellanaija will post this comment, it pains my heart to read this article. It even saddens my soul to know that this lady is DEAD. Her husband’s people might not even care for this story and will just move on to the next.

We women are special, we deserve better. Please,women dress for yourself, look good for you. Find your way, there is a lot of opportunities for us women out there, don’t sit idle at home, educate yourself, learn a craft or trade. Be Independent for yourself and the kids. God will judge the world of evil men, I have said my own.

Pls Bella Naija post this comment and help save another woman’s life. Pls Pls, we don’t want to read more stories of women dying all because of a man. Enough is enough, pls help share the word. Thank YOU!

Anonymous said...

When I read this article, I was just shaking seeing how wicked a man can be ,kevin does not need to be cursed by anyone ,he is cursed already in. 100folds,I was fortunate to be among the doctors that treated that guy who killed his banker wife,even thoough the guy is sober now,the lady is dead,I wish we can begin to open up more as women, and stop stigmatizing women that leave their husband.I almost lost a friend in this. Kind of thing but she. Is doing well as a single mother.

zfmax said...

I have a childhood friend that is more or less a sister to me going thru the exact same thing, except for the fact that the stupid lazy man does not even work talkless of taking care of her.

But guess what? she seems more intersted in keeping the marriage than looking after herself.

Someone asked why the writer didnt help her(Ugo) out of the situation and someone rightly points out that whoever was trying to talk sense into her was probably told that she was trying to break up the already broken sham of a marriage.

Why do women in Nigeria always think they have to die in an abusive marriage.

Am doing all i can to help out in my friend's instance but something tells me she doesnt want out.

God's help I plead.

Anonymous said...

When I read this article, I was just shaking seeing how wicked a man can be ,kevin does not need to be cursed by anyone ,he is cursed already in. 100folds,I was fortunate to be among the doctors that treated that guy who killed his banker wife,even thoough the guy is sober now,the lady is dead,I wish we can begin to open up more as women, and stop stigmatizing women that leave their husband.I almost lost a friend in this. Kind of thing but she. Is doing well as a single mother.

Titilayo said...

what a life..... the things we do for love. whether or not we like it or believe it, there are evil and wicked people in our society and don't be surprised that they might be closer to us than we think. nobody deserves to live and die the way ogo did and as for those of us that are still alive, a note of warning.... living life outside of God's plan will land you in pain and mystery.

EDY said...


Anonymous said...

“I will kill you and nothing will happen because you have no one to fight for you”
I heard eeringly similar words from my husband. repeatedly. i left him last year. the thought of what would become of my mum and siblings if anything happened to me kept me on track, even if i did not love myself enough to live, i knew i have people to live for. he's free to remarry, someone who can bear the much anticipated children for him, someone younger he said. despite the procedures, surgeries and pricks of the injections for weeks on end that i went through. today the peace of mind and no longer living in fear everyday are enough for me. once there is LIFE there is hope...

Anonymous said...

Its sad that she has left so soon, and I pray God grants her soul eternal rest. I refrain from passing judgment on Kevin for a number of reasons, the first being that I am no saint and I am not in full possession of the facts. But! I would encourage any woman who is suffering abuse, physical or emotional to get out of that situation, and get constructive help.

I think though, that we should refrain from passing curses on the man. Whatever contradications there might be surrounding this story, one thing is clear. The deceased loved her children. They have lost one parent, they still need the other. We cant "throw away the baby with the bath water". Hopefully, he rises to teh responsibility at hand, and loves those children they way they should be.

Anonymous said...

If indeed........I salute her courage, strength and every reason(s) that made her steadfast in her marriage. There are rare breed (gem) of your kind in marriages of now aday. RIP. As for the Husband, judgement is not ours.

Nana said...

Ogo RIP. Ogo was the most peace loving wife and mother I ever met. Through out her two years stay with her, husband, Kevin in Houston, U.S.A. She always welcomed me to their beautiful home in Rice Village (Pemberton Circle Dr). I can not believe she is gone!

Anonymous said...

Kevin and is family are evil

Zicolo said...

So so sad. Her best and childhood friend is my colleague and we are very close. Just last year she went to spend some days with them at Eket and she even showed me some of the pictures they took together. She claim d husband is a cult member who probably used her for sacrifice. May her soul rest in peace. I feel there is a need to make a scapegoat out of the man.

Anonymous said...

Is this really true? still wondering!

Shaddy said...

hummmm this is too much pain
RIP madam i always say though God hate divorce but if marriage want to end your life , if its getting violence pls move out of the mariage b4 you move out of the earth...some men are really WICKED

omozino said...

this story is indeed sad!! i still believe that she would have lived, her spirit was broken because all she lived for was her husband. this really sad and is applicable to many other women, don't let your life revolve around a man there were many things she could live for e.g her children.
with a deep sigh i say may her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

My name is Alexandra and I deceided by the time I turned thirty, that I was not ever going to get married. As humans we are extremely selfish, Siblings of the same flesh even turn against each other when the chips are down talkless of two complete strangers trying to make out some thing called marraige. Am igbo and in my place there is a saying that a woman's self pride or achievement is a husband. Which is a blantant lie, why would a human being be the definition of me, mere mortal that can die within a given moment. I am fearfully and wonderfully made says the lord.

1. Marraige is a choice not a must, I have not seen any one who has gone to hell for not being married.

2. Most people marry out of convenience from the story apparently the lady that died was not working, she gave the man too much power over her life, if she had a job she would have left the man.

3. This her so called husbnad strikes me as the kind of man who has no regard for women obviously he never loved her if he actually knows what love is.

Women out there please get busy, marraige does not define you.If you are in a relationship and your partner starts making inhuman demands from you, demands which will gradually obliterate who you are walk away, a lot of women think
suffering in the name of love means that you love someone, my dear that is a sick/toxic relatoionship.Apparently she was sick too including her abusive husband. Some women get off on how much they love their husband despite the hell they are going through. When your physical, mental and material well being is on the line, walk.

This is where I fault the church, they say that there is part of the bible that says God hates divorce but in another part God said it is allowed. Some one in one of the comments said she need to settle down let me put a question to her are'nt you a settled person already or are you running around confused the opposite of settled is unsettled, please we should be careful the words we use to describe our selves. Being single is not a curse but for those who are ready to share their lives with some one plese remember one thing, love is not blind and it is not a feeling it is action when a man beats you once, twice, thrice he does not love you and my dear he will not change,walk. A man goes out there risking his life engaging in unprotected sex with several women, it means one thing, he does not care for his life, apparently he does not give a damn about yours.He brings home a disease my dear you are infected too.

Women and marraige, I for one will never be defind by mere mortal but by God. I Alexndra Chinyelu did not kill her parents and has never planned or will ever kill anyone in my life time but will not stand by and let a man, woman or even the devil cut my life short.

Adieu Ogochukwu adieu !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RIP Ogo. May God receive you in heaven. And may God take care of your children in IJN. All women that are married to unbelievers I am sure have gone through similar situations at some point in their marriage. I for sure have gone through similar situation such as this. I have been called Bitch, Golddigger, Bastard amongst other things when I have done nothing at all to deserve such names. Marriage..... the thing is something else, nobody ever wants to tell the truth of the whole situation. I almost started believing the things my husband was calling me UNTIL I decided to fight back for my dignity. I had to be strong for my children and remove myself from his pathway of abuse. Luckily I am educated and do not rely on him giving me handouts. The last straw was when he told me to abort my child because he did not want a daughter and I refused to listen to the demonic fowl. He threatened to leave the marriage and I said it is ok. Thank God I refused to abort the child. Women no man, I do not care how handsome or rich they are is worthy enough to belittle you. You are a child of God and you were somebody before he met you so remain strong. Another thing get a life, be educated do not rely on these creatures to give you your daily bread. The moment you do the see you as a burden. You have to stay ALIVE for your children. I refused to die even when I was sick with my pregnancies even though he abused me and said that my head will crush like a watermelon in pregnancy.God spared me and kept me alive for my beautiful children.I pray for him from afar for salvation.Another important aspect is the type of family the man comes from, if they are wicked and fight a lot there be careful bcos those are habits they can emulate.Single ladies pls look before u leap pls. May God uphold all women in Jesus name.RIP Ogo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i cried alot after reading this story. i am amazed at the comments i am reading from people about her leaving her marriage yet the same people would have been quick to judge her if she did while some others would have forbidden their children from marrying her kids. it is common knowledge the igbos hardly marry children from broken homes so pls enough with the "she brought it on herself" bullshit. my heart goes out to her children and i hope her family takes the kids in and give them a proper upbringing. as for the her husband and his family....the evil that men do lives with them. karma is a bitch and she is gonna screw them wella. heart wrenching story.

bimppy babe said said...

i will say it and say it again, the igbo culture is a rigid a culture that sold their daughters out and never accept them back home when the marriage become too tough for them and that is exactly what happen to poor Ogo, she couldnt just go back home.A yoruba woman would have left a long time ago even if the ove was very deep. i think it is high time our ladies know the difference in a good marriage and a violent one like Ogo and titilayo the banker killed by her husband.her in-law ave said they didnt want her from the first day and she stayed on even wen her husband brother's wife who came into the family just like her said her days are numbered in kevins house. it a very big sign that his family never wanted that man to get married because he seens to be the riches and fend for all of them. Ogo was just like an intrusion who wold be a stumbling block in their ways. i dont want to be fetish but i think the heart wrenching story goes deeper than meet the eyes. may God rest her soul and look after her children. may those that failed to rendered help to her in time of her needs pay for their deeds. Ogo, u are in a better place than them,rest on.

Anonymous said...

Judgement is for God. Kevin, it only shows that you're a boy rather than a man you think you are. Your wicked family have succeeded in ruining you. You will never know peace again if this story is true. There are some idiots like you that maltreat their wife due to delay in child bearing, forgetting that only God gives children. If I were to be your employer, I will terminate your so called career because it simply means you can't manage a sensitive post since you failed to manage a home.
Women wake up from your slumber, pray to God for courage and wisdom on how to relate with evil men like Kevin. God will help us. Ogo, RIP. For the children you left behind, I pray to Almighty God to make them nations. Amen.

Femi Ayelehin said...

I am bitter, angry and saddened by this story! Jesus! Is that man human at all? Well God will judge him. Women learn lesson here! God keep and receive her soul.

Anonymous said...

You are damn right about that!!!! No love or marriage is worth your life!!!! No man....period.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. The same thing happened to my family. We are 7 too, 3 boys and 4 girls. daddy complained mummy had too many girls. He was in his mid forties when he married her in late teens, and her life has never been the same. maybe it is there generation to hold out, but I can't understand how after what I've seen, and what my family have been through, I could end up in a marriage like theirs. But thank god for his mercy. God has enabled me not to repeat their mistakes. The mistake of staying in a marriage where the man HATES you. My prayers is with Ogo's family, right now.

Anonymous said...

so sad she died all bcoss of love leaving her children behind.gone were dose days dat marriage is a do or die affair abeg MRS is just a title oh i cant die bcos of one man dat is definitely gone move on with his life.

Anonymous said...

In-laws,bcareful,ogoo is a gud woman dat need peace in her home,after all una do her.2 dat fool kelvin,u will die lyk a chicken,ogoo die a peaceful death 4 luv,bt u will die a shameless death lyk a chicken.ogoo may ur soul RIPP.

Anonymous said...

Kelvin u and ur family r very very evil.u guys kill dat lady.I must fish u(kelvin)out in dis world.wait and see.

Anonymous said...

once again i ask " IS LOVE ENOUGH ". having read this i think my question have been answered. " NO!!! IT IS NOT".

bisola said...

i can't even get past dis story.normally,i scroll down to read other stories but i just dont want to read any other story.this story is doing my head in.i cant seem to get a grip over it.argggggggh.would really luv to hear kevins side of d story

Anonymous said...

Adeyemo, I agree with you. I happen to know this couple and the story that I have read amazes me. People who know this woman will never believe the story on her website. It is obvious that Ogochukwu (May her Gentle Soul RIP) did not write this letter but rather someone else used this to dehumanize Kevin, her husband of 12 years! As the writer mentioned, she went to London for medical treatment. Let me ask, how many people can afford medical trips in London? This is not once and not twice. Not only that, she has been in the States. Because of her condition (which I plead to keep private), Kevin made sure that she had Kamsy (Born in Dover, Delaware) and Chimamanda (Born in Houston) at the best hospitals in United States. A husband who wants her wife dead will not send her abroad for medicals.
Ogochukwu had seen doctors in the U.S. and U.K. but sadly elected to perform the surgery in Nigeria. The author of the letter also indicated that Kevin advised against the surgery by saying “Kevin, you wanted no part in it”. The truth is that Kevin and Ogochukwu had been advised against any surgeries. The author also is suggesting that Kevin sent Ogochukwu to the hospital to go and die whereas the truth is that she initially visited hospitals in London, U.S.A and sadly elected to have the surgery in Nigeria.
Let us not pretend that we are ignorant of the pressures that come from our peers or family (from both sides) when marriage has not been blessed with a child. But Kevin stayed! For 12 years! Twelve years though a short time, is too long for two families to be pretending they are in-laws when families to be pretending they are in-laws when they are not.
It appears that from day one someone kept a detailed journal of every problem in their marriage. For someone close to Ogo to publish this “Letter from the Grave” and reducing the 12 years of their married life to 12 paragraphs of uncorroborated and defamatory allegations is the most vicious thing any human being could have done - not to Kevin - but to the innocent children that just lost their mother. Whoever published this letter wants you all to believe that Kevin killed Ogochukwu without explicitly saying so.
The author of this purported “Letter from the grave” is the reason marriages can be so difficult – the author’s main purpose is to destroy Ogochukwu’s legacy and the author must be condemned! If the author feels strongly about her/his allegations why not make your name public rather than hide behind your lies in anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Adeyemo, I agree with you. I happen to know this couple and the story that I have read amazes me. People who know this woman will never believe the story on her website. It is obvious that Ogochukwu (May her Gentle Soul RIP) did not write this letter but rather someone else used this to dehumanize Kevin, her husband of 12 years! As the writer mentioned, she went to London for medical treatment. Let me ask, how many people can afford medical trips in London? This is not once and not twice. Not only that, she has been in the States. Because of her condition (which I plead to keep private), Kevin made sure that she had Kamsy (Born in Dover, Delaware) and Chimamanda (Born in Houston) at the best hospitals in United States. A husband who wants her wife dead will not send her abroad for medicals.
Ogochukwu had seen doctors in the U.S. and U.K. but sadly elected to perform the surgery in Nigeria. The author of the letter also indicated that Kevin advised against the surgery by saying “Kevin, you wanted no part in it”. The truth is that Kevin and Ogochukwu had been advised against any surgeries. The author also is suggesting that Kevin sent Ogochukwu to the hospital to go and die whereas the truth is that she initially visited hospitals in London, U.S.A and sadly elected to have the surgery in Nigeria.
Let us not pretend that we are ignorant of the pressures that come from our peers or family (from both sides) when marriage has not been blessed with a child. But Kevin stayed! For 12 years! Twelve years though a short time, is too long for two families to be pretending they are in-laws when families to be pretending they are in-laws when they are not.
It appears that from day one someone kept a detailed journal of every problem in their marriage. For someone close to Ogo to publish this “Letter from the Grave” and reducing the 12 years of their married life to 12 paragraphs of uncorroborated and defamatory allegations is the most vicious thing any human being could have done - not to Kevin - but to the innocent children that just lost their mother. Whoever published this letter wants you all to believe that Kevin killed Ogochukwu without explicitly saying so.
The author of this purported “Letter from the grave” is the reason marriages can be so difficult – the author’s main purpose is to destroy Ogochukwu’s legacy and the author must be condemned! If the author feels strongly about her/his allegations why not make your name public rather than hide behind your lies in anonymity.

Anonymous said...

All curses have been directed at kevin, what about his mother who happens to be the architect of the whole thing, remember he said she means all to him, such devilish love, kevin may you marry some one who will teach you how to be a man and also be a match for your mother in all ramifications even in her manipulations towards you, bastard, if she was indeed your mother, then a lot would had changed,

La said...

OK so who really wrote the story? Did she write before she died and ask someone to deliver it for her if she died? Is that her real photo? I hope this is real and people are not abusing this woman's photo

Anonymous said...

If u dont have anything reasonable to say,STFU....

Anonymous said...

Mr kevin or whatever you called yourself i trust the GOD i worship you and ur so called family will surely met the judgement of the ALMIGTHY here on earth.OGO was the life given to you to protect but cos of your stupidity you never did rather you send her to early grave and think you will have peace,never thats the begining of your problem and downfall. For kamsi and Amanda there protection is now suprem cos you can't take care of what GOD has given to you and all KAMSIS problem is alrady taken care of by GOD.Kevin do you know you hv worn the greatest award on earth as the most stupid and idiotic man.LISTEN let me tell you GOD called OGO cos he dose't wont her to surffer no more.OGO may your gentle soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

I found myself in similar predicament 3yrs in 2 marriage n i cried out. I THREATENED 2 EXPOSE HIM AND LEAVE WIT OUR TWO KIDS, A BOY N A GIRL Now my husband treats me like a queen. Before, all d abuse was between d two of us,my family never knew and even his own family. Except for his witch of a sister who was doing all d manipulations. His uncles,aunties n even our parish priest all heard about his secret behaviour. The innocent lookin nice guy was found out. Now things are so much better.I WOULD ADVISE ANY LADY GOING THRU SUCH 2 CRY OUT.

Anonymous said...

Let the person who wrote this come out openly and say he/she did it.. Why hide under the pretence that the Late Ogo did... Cant you guys see that this is a plot to slander and bring Kevin down?? I know this must be the handiwork of Ogo's sister, the witch who killed her sister( signed consent paper in the hospital) knowing fully well she was not supposed to undergo another surgery...If I were Kevin, I would sue the in laws....

Anonymous said...!/notes/chinelo-nwizu/in-defense-of-truth-oguchukwu-onuchukwu-story-another-perspective/10150749184777184

Anonymous said...

This is a very one sided story, obviously written by her family. Onugus i challenge you, Ogochukwu had EIGHT siblings, you wrote up her story but I do not see where any of you watched her back or stood up against what she was going through in her hell of a marriage. If you knew this much about her sufferings to write a story that has gone viral, where is the part where any of you ever stood up to her husband and his family? This is a serious case of crying over spilled milk. Kevin may have been evil and I would never wish such a man on anyone, but this story seems to me like the Onugus failed this beautiful woman. She was left to the mercy of an unloving heartless husband and his family, and then after she dies, her family comes out to write a 'super-story'. I bet y'all would say you didn't know what she was going through until she died.... Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! what a beautiful woman I must say. Many pple are looking for good spouses and yet some treat theirs like shit! This is is just tooooooo sad to bear. I can imagine how this woman must have felt not to be loved by her husband. To the women, marriage is not a do or die affair cos no man is worth ur tears, suffering and perseverance. RIP Ogo. May the guiding angels of God protect ur children and fight on their behalf.


Anonymous said...

And the funny thing is whoever the 'close' friend(s)/ family member(s) who wrote this story are, they've done this Ogochukwu lady a great disservice. I doubt this was how she hoped to be remembered, particularly by sympathetic, judgmental passer-bys who don't know her from anywhere! At the end of the day, were her interests really first on your mind, dear writer(s)? *shakes head* If your purpose was really for people to learn a lesson, then you should have honored her with anonymity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If any one actually believes that this woman carried paper and pen and drafted this letter from her coffin, then i smh for nigerians. Very daft! If she wrote the letter before dying- very suspect, i would question her intentions. Payback maybe? If a gongosa friend wrote the letter- very biased. There has to be 2 sides to every story and this obviously skewed version is overdone and ridiculous. If the guy or his gongosa friend highlighted ONLY the bad sides of this woman, you would probably be amazed. Granted men can be jerks. Women can also be unnatural and unrealistic in their expectations.If a relationship is going bad, regardless of who initiated its demise- externally or internally, and you've given it several futile opportunities to prove itself, why stay and suffer? I know it's very hard to walk away from marriage, but if it only brings pain and ONLY pain, as portrayed in this quasi fiction, then what's the point? Cut your losses, step down in lifestyle, gather the courage to preserve your life and dignity, brave the unknown and walk away. There's no way in hell the marriage was obliviously rosy for him while she was busy hurting as much as she was. One way or another, they were both suffering. I wish her peace and happiness and contentment and acceptance in the great yonder.

kesla said...

kelvin should b sued..igbos are wicked..i hate deir laws....dey dont know we'all die oneday..God will judge kelvin and his heartless family..if this is how marriage is den marriage sucks.....

Anonymous said...

kelvin should b sued for domestic violence nd murder..kelvin ure devil's sent ur mother is out of point infact i dont know aw to clasify for ur family, y'all are bunch of wicked people..i hate igbo's laws if this is aw marriage is den marriage sucks..dang it!!!!!!!! KELVIN U MUST B KILLED ALSO.......

Anonymous said...

How I wish the people responding to this writeup will read it closely and understand that Ogoo's older sister, Uzo (who killed Ogoo) is an imbecile.
How could she portray Kevin's family as wicked when in the prelude the only instances she gave of actions that suggested Ogoo was not welcome and accepted in Kevin's family were done by KEVIN'S ELDER BROTHER'S WIFE. If this woman that was also married into the family feels so comfortable as a member of the family as to be the one to demonstrate Ogoo was not wanted I don't understand how that family will be so wicked as is portrayed here.
You bloggers should be wiser.
I'll continue to say it until you all understand that it is UZO - Ogoo's elder sister that killed her, and not Kevin.

Anonymous said...

Sad if this story is true but even sadder is that someone would write and share it with the world.

It's not bad enough that she had a difficult life, but to continue the story after death is a bit much...

If the author knew that much hurt was going on why watch it and let it continue(no excuses folks)


Anonymous said...

Kevin onuchukwu, you are truly a womanizer and God bear me witness.
You intimidate and bully people on a daily basis , in an environment where harassment is not tolerated. People in the office only respect you out of fear ( subordinates).
You would probably win the award for the worst area operations manager in eket if people were to vote.
I can see people shaking their heads in the Nigerian and expart community .
You can tell the company that the story isn't true but God knows the truth about you . Think and repent.....

Frenchie said...

My goodness this sent a chill down my spine. It is very nicely written and heart- wrenching.
Unfortunately or fortunately especially in Africa weddings are all about the family. And her husband’s family was really bad news for her.
I wish she had found the strength to battle for her life what about her little boy Kamsi now? There is barely a mention about her own family I hope they can take good care of her two children because her husband is unlikely to do so, though I really hope and pray he will have a change of heart for the sake of their children he is their only remaining parent after all.
May she RIP

Anonymous said...

dis is increadible & also an advice 2 our yet 2 marry women girls! pls look b4 u leap4 al dat glitters may only succed in sending u 2 an early grave like ogo!

Anonymous said...

Pls I beg you ppl anyone with a proper,clear and bold picture of this God forsaking guy Kelvin pls poste it on every Wedsite possible it is very important everybody knows what the monster looks like.we all have to help the next woman that will make a big mistake to fall for him people need to start making his life misrable and a living hell for him that eventually he will go and kill himself.

Anonymous said...

Pls I beg you ppl anyone with a proper,clear and bold picture of this God forsaking guy Kelvin pls poste it on every Wedsite possible it is very important everybody knows what the monster looks like.we all have to help the next woman that will make a big mistake to fall for him people need to start making his life misrable and a living hell for him that eventually he will go and kill himself and for his family his mum especially am sure she will never no Peace till she dies.

Anonymous said...

I have taken great pains to read through this article, the numerous comments here, the article on facebook and numerous comments of facebook. I am in no way related to this family and have never had any encounter with any of the person's listed here. However I have a few things to say...
1. There are two sides to the story. We can not bury our reasoning while being overtly emotional in reading this true life story.
2. It is apparent that a family relation wrote this piece but what we must understand is that Ogo died on a surgical table not in the hands of a man like in the case of "Arowolo" hence, Kevin is not technically guilty of murder.
3. While the medical condition she has has not been divulged to us, it may have played a role in the tension between husband and wife, and may have been a cause of the 12 years of barreness.
4. If Kevin is not guilty of murder, he is however guilty of adultery, having seduced a girl and lied that he was divorced. This confession by an anonymous post on this site ....that Kevin lied to her that he was previously married to a white woman who bore him a child, and attempted to help the girl secure a visa, to visit him in his Houston, Texas apartment speaks volume of a man's character

Anonymous said...

Where did she find biro and paper

Anonymous said...

5. The attempt of some of Kevin's friend's/family to potray Ogo as "being selfish and possessive", while I do not know either of the party, I am familiar with psychology and distractive tactics used by individuals.. This remark confirms the author of thie article's point that Ogo was not loved by Kevin's family.

6. Numerous insults have been poured out on men, sister-in-laws and mother-in-laws...while we dole out curses, remember that we may end up playing one of such roles in the near future (if we aren't already in that role)..How then do we comport ourselves? Do we gossip and cast negative remarks about someone without hearing the other side? Do he help spread gossips? Please let us all examine our consciences this period of Lent.

7. So much has been said about the institution of marriage, about men being wicked etc.. Do we have brothers or sons? Have we strived to teach them not to beat their sisters or not to raise their hands against women? I grew up in an abusive house, unfortunately it was too late for my elder brother to learn otherwise, I spent the greater part of my teenage years being tortured by him till I took up MARTIAL ARTS..Yes I did, and the day he saw me in my attire the beating stopped. Now my younger brother is a different ball game, I have taught him never to lay hands on a woman! And yes we are Igbo. While my mother has refused to leave my father and till this day they battle like animals (they are both in their 60's).. and spent a good time fasting and praying she forgot an important task..You have children who are watching and learning...Please I beg you guys train your son's not to be wife beaters please...Train your brothers as well... I know what my elder brother is capable of and wont be suprised if his wife bring tales..

8. For Women who are unmarried (I am one), I still believe in true love, I don't believe that all Igbo Men are wife beaters, I dont believe that all Igbo men are uncaring..I believe that there are always exceptions to the rule. While I remain a virgin and single at 27, I have built myself mentally, physically and socially. I have had numerous advances from single and Married men alike, but thankfully God has given me the spirit to discern right from wrong.and I always prayed to God never to allow any "unchristian man near me".. Yes, I have almost fallen victim, I once fell in love with a "supposedly rich guy" , the signs where there from the start but i refused to ignore it,(he had a domineering sister, whose opinion was like God) I made all the effort in the relationship, before I realised my selfworth..Now all these happened within 6 months..(P.S I did not move into his house and assume a duty that is best left for marriage may be that's what I'm trying to say).... To cut the long story short..I recently met the man of my dreams..Though he's not as rich as society would want, my spirt is happy and rested.He put's me first in all our life decision and I have looked out for signs of any potential abuse by taking time to study and ask him serieeees of question, and most importantly, he is a christian at heart. I dont mean every sunday christian, but "Christ-like"

9... I pray that Ogo's soul rest in peace. An important take home message is for WOmen to be independent.. A factor that contributed to Ogo's situation was her dependency on kevin.He was the breadwinner, he was her everything.. The Nigeria system isnt set us like other developed countries where women receive alimony when they leave a marriage! And she clearly wasn't in a condition to work given her situation..So just maybe things would have changed had she been financially independent from him!. PLS PUBLISH MY COMMENT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please, someone tell me that it is not a true story.

danny phills said...

Before you cast any stone on Nigerian men..lets analyze this article well..first, this girl is the last child in a family of 9..what the Fuck..were her siblings doing when their kid sister was going throught all these..2.) she does not know what it means to divorce or wat??..gone are the days men use women as punching bags..3.) she's very unlearned..children are a gift from God..well if you marry and none adopt..don't beat yourself to death because of it..BTW this world we all cling to is fast passing away..if you have kids so?? if you don't so??..the Love God has for you has not changed..4.) she allowed all these to happen..with all the silent treatment she got from the guys family members she didnt wake or address it before walking down the i'm sorry..i don't feel any bad for this girl..she's DEAD..and She let herself DIE..full stop

Anonymous said...

I had no idea people could blog from the "Other Side". Good to know people can still keep up on the happenings here on earth.
I guess Linda Ikeji would be pleased to know her blog has got "extra-terrestrial readership"

lastduroha said...

My view is not meant to diminish the anger I feel at the travails of the young girl and the pains and frustration she felt but I blame her death on her family members who did not forcefully remove her from the den of iniquity. I blame her for ignoring the early warnings and hopelessly clinging to non-existent love. But I still caution myself. I need to hear from Kevin so as to balance the story and take a well-informed position. Untill I get the opportunity to hear from Kevin, I will NOT join in asking for his head. Not yet.

Anonymous said...

Really touching! My heart goes out to those children :(

Unknown said...

Really This is heart wrenching, spirit taunting & mind disturbing. Ogo may your soul rest in perfect peace as for you Kevin, you have cursed yourself and that shall remain with you forever. Your final days too you shall know no peace so with your families too. RIP Ogo

Anonymous said...

its a very sad story but as sad as it is, its still one side of the story!

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, 99.5% of Nigerian women in their husband's houses can identify with this heart breaking story. But nobody want their story to be out there, everybody want to be show case this perfect family that has it all together. I know the purpose of this story is not to caste hate on anyone but for the living who know there is need for a change to do so. God has given us all wisdom, WOMEN please know when to draw the line and run for your dear life. The devil has reinforced his fight on marriage....starting from the head (men), replacing their heart of flesh with that of stone. We need to intensify prayers, this could have been you, or your daughter, or your sister. My heart go out to the kids, the good lord will keep you safe in his arms. RIP Ogo.

Anonymous said...

Still in shock...

Anonymous said...

my tears have blinded my eyes from this story ....i tot my personal story was horrible, thank God i came out alive and well...Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... am sure peace is far from u now... RIP Ogo!

Anonymous said...

Ogo, may ur gentle soul rest in peace.
Kelvin, I'm so sorry for u cos God will definitely avenge for this woman.
And to every woman still single out there pls shine ur eyes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i doubt very much if she will can she?how can anyone especially a mother RIP knowing the faith of her children and their care is in the hands of such a family.i concur with some of the writers who have put some blame on ogo.she has just condemned this children to a life of misery and history.what she couldnt get from them in her lifetime,how will they now get in=t in her absence.every adult is responsible for their actions.and in her case she has failed this children by not taking them away from that kind of environment.while i agree that there are 2sides to each story,the story has written here is not uncommon.and no matter how many of us curse this kind of men and families,it is a very common trend.african women esp nigerian women will NEVER speak till they do or die,good luck to them.kevin,this is for you..................while you have not physically killed her,the gradual and regular maltreatment of another being is death itself and all i have to say is your sisters will reap of your actions and you will be alive to watch this happen.that is enough punishment for you.RIP OGO(IF U CAN)

CHIKE said...


Anonymous said...

too many suffering and smiling women.siddon till una die there ok?those of us wey waka u tink say na bcos we too no wan put mrs or ring for finger?at what cost?me and my pikins dey manage what we see and we dey at peace.better that than be in pieces!

Anonymous said...


CHICHI said...


Queen O. said...

This is it......Never swallow rubbish,it would explode in your tummy oooo! Oh Ogo RIP........may God give your children more than they would ever need in every area of their lives IJN,Amen!!! Thinking of what people would say,that's what kills most of us women. Suffering and smiling to bear Mrs? Haaaa!!! No naaa...Ahead ahead oooo,any man giving you crap,RUN. Just one life to live! Kevin will come out tomorrow and say it was the devil and ask for forgiveness and another groundnut head woman would give him breast to suck....hisssssssss. Its very simple,if it doesn't feel right,leave cos people would talk no matter what. God help us all.

TWE ����(Thé White Enchantress) said...

i read this story yesterday and i wept inside so much, got very irritated and annoyed that any guy that crossed my path yesterday in the name of toasting really got a piece of my mind. MEN have been a thorn in the flesh a times i ask myself if i really want to be with them but over religion will always remind me that God has ordained for that to happen irrespective of wat. one of my older sisters has been married for 3yrs now and i must tell you watching both couple makes me want a husband n father to my unborn kids.....she lost her 1st pregnancy rit after the wedding and now she is going for kidney transplant in india.....HE still STANDS by her so also his family.not all men are beasts like KEVIN or late Titi's hubby.

just like someone pointed out, women are their own worse enemies. how can sister in law have the guts to say thrash to her. she was married into the family just like Ogo so wat gives her the rit to say trash?

from my conclusion, i feel Ogo didnt come from a comfortable or well to do family just maybe thats y she was treated so. if she was working and earning her own money and has self esteem for herself,trust me, she would have left before the kids some point,you stop loving and start acting.

well i am not married yet so i wont know wat it all entails but God will be my strength and i pray i dont have such in laws or hubby.

i was also thinking, maybe, kevin is under a spell since he mentioned naming his bro next of kin. now if d sister in law is wife to dat bro den they both cast a spell on him bc of his wealth n landed properties.

for kamsi n d sister, i keep thinking about u 2 bc rit now, everyone will see you as a burden and kamsi u will feel this most. i just pray that one of ur mums siblings will find it in their heart to take care of u n ur sis.

grandma n sister in law, unu ga nwu onwu ike(u will die miserably)kevin, the cries and faces of these kids will forever haunt you.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious the Mobil oil rich guy wanted a beauty queen by his side but forgot that love is paramount in any relationship. Kelvin you allowed ur family to use you to mess Ogochukwu up, well you, ur mother and ur rest siblings that hated Ogochukwu so much should remember you have a sister and a daughter in another family too.

sleekreek said...

What a sad end to a woman who gave all to make her marriage work??? The foolish husband and his people will definitely suffer for this,,,,,i just hope the children are in good hands!!!

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on Kelvin nd family. RIP a woman of valor, respecter of convenant. May d Lord grant u eternal rest nd cater 4 Kamsiyochukwu nd Chimamanda

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this story really true?, I hope not, but if it is true, I wnoder what made Kevin so heartless towards Ogo, Maybe and maybe he belongs to a cult. Ogo, as you rightly said you are enjoying eternal peace and I am very sure that Kevin will never know peace even in death. My heart goes out to Kamsi and Chimamanda, God will bless and keep them, He will allow the face of His countenance to shine upon them and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keeep there hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God. Revenge is not theirs but God's.
Ogo, Rest in peace, where there is no more pain and sorrow.
Our married couples who are experiencing hiccups in their marital life should Go to God together in prayers, becuase there is no wound God cannot heal, only if we believe.

ibo boy said...

Let's be truthful, Naija women esp. Igbo women don't know how to choose husband. Their only criteria is for him to have money...

Goodluck to the rest of you ladies.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.45am,

if this story is full of 'falsehood', which is the true one?

we are waiting, tell us since you were part of it.

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Kevin"?! Sweet Kevin my foot!

I know it is hard but women need to realize that love is NOT enough! Loving a wicked man will not make him "loving", it will only leave the woman dead!

How many women will continue to die from loving the wrong man and from fear of leaving?!

May her soul RIP. Unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

RIP Ogoo, this is really a sad story, women should learn from this story and don't die in silence, all in the name that you are in love.

Anonymous said...

really sad. whats also sad is a lot of the young women berating marriage are running around with married men and thus indirectly destabilizing the institution of marriage.

Anonymous said...

Kevin u will not have peace in ur life

chichimygirlfromdelter said...

kelvin you are a big disgrace to yourself and your mum that will never know peace again in her life and as for your sis-in-law she will get hers very very soon .i read on facebook the stupid fool was broke that was why he stared acting like a monster. if that is true you are a big fool again you are a big fool that will never know peace ontill you and your stupid old mother apologise to her mum is going through the same thing with my dad but i had to tell him off recently he was so embarrassed i didn't hold back my words i told him how i felt and hat he should let it be the last time he try,s it again that is for the battering aspect ,he still talks to her anyhow and my mum too give it to him just the way he does to her.i love my parents but will be the first to pack my mums thing when ever he beats her again. i hope my sis has read this she needs help too before she will go and marry the bastard she calls her boyfriend that almost beat me.we ibo ppl need help we should learn to love our daugther-in-laws wish my grandmum did but we showed her never to try my mum again when ever she comes she leaves that same day after what we did to her.

Anonymous said...

Why let another suffer in this manner? Anyway, love has got its own price...Ogo, you are a rare woman..May your soul continue to find peace in God's kingdom. I am ashamed of Kevin and i am sure he will meet his doom. I know no one is perfect, but again..EVERYONE DOES HAVE A CONCIENCE'. I would like to know how your kids are getting on...cos God will sure be with them.
May god be with you till we all meet again.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

kelvin you are an animal n should be banished from the living. this life is all about sowing and reaping, you have just sowed wickedness into your future and the GOOD news is that your harvest of evil and wickedness shall greatly will not go unpunished for there is no peace for the wicked.REPENT AND SEEK FORGIVENESS FROM GOD AND OGO family

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm this sad!

I pray for your children that he will keep and protect them. There is nothing impossible for God to do...God will change the story of your first child(son) Autism, cerebral palsy or whatever ailment that want to hinder his destiny the lord will destroy and give him fresh blood in Jesus' name.
Your kids will remember for good and bring good memories t everyone around them.
For Kelvin *smh* if he truly did all of these...*snh*again, God never sleeps.
@all women- Marriage shouldnt make you go to hell, marriage shouldn't shorten your destiny. SPEAK UP WHILE YOU STILL HAVE BREATHE!
@Men-talk to your brothers, what are you guys our defenders or our destroyers?

IMOLEAYO said...

This is love gone sour...It happens a lot even to men...

I was once in love with a lady,though not married..I tried in a million ways to please her but. I was only fooling myself.I almost ended my life because of her....and it took a lot of courage

Now I know better that there is no one worth dying for (Male or Female).....RIP Ogo

Anonymous said...

Omg,dis hard hearted wicked man must die a painful death. Kevin ow could u b so wicked? Wat painz me is dat, der are so many oda women goin tru dis painful treatment by der stupid nd useless husband, jus lik dis animal, kevin, may GOD jugde u. Rest in peace beautiful ogo

Anonymous said...

may God grant this woman eternal rest, i went through a similar phase in marriage, but i thank God i left at the time i did, and God has been taking care of my son and i

Anonymous said...

hmm!!! so touching,all this is not the handiwork of the husband, what happened was not natural it was the devil at work.i dont think this family is close to God, the woman can just go on her kneels and pray fervently to God to help her with her problems 'cos with GOD nothing is impossible and the bible says though the sorrow may last long in the night but joy comes in the morning. this is a lesson for me nd young women out there to move closer and lean more on God.R.I.P Oge

ngozi said...

Truely sad,a friend emailed this story to me and I thought it was mere fabrication.
I am in my 30s and divorced,going through the matter in court was disheartening,but I survived.
Let me state here that the greatest problem women have both in marriage and relationships are mostly fellow women.
I choose to live and take care of my son alone,God has been faithful.
I have met great women too who have supported me in my struggle,I remember my boss Madam Funmi with so much love everyday,my oga, my Pastor,my Parish Priest.
Several others treated me with disdain I moved to another parish.
I know so many women who cannot speak out but would want to answer good people while suffering in the name of marriage.
It may be painful initially,brace up,trust God and work hard,you will overcome.
For this lady,it is a pity,my heart bleeds but I know for sure that God lives and HE will grant your children favour.
May your soul rest in Perfect Peace!

Anonymous said...

RIP my fellow woman in journey, but I still strongly blv that marriage is not a do or die affair, is time we woman should stand on our happiness and not what the society will think about us. who careless what they think! afterall what rings the bell is yourself and not the marriage.
But we africans should wake up and change the way we see certain things, because is been regarded as a taboo for a woman to leave her husband, without knowing a singular reason why she took that both step.That brings me to a society where a divorced or once married women will never get married and find happiness with another man without that stigma on her " why did her husband kicked her outat the first place"
Anyway the only solution to womens domestic violence is change of attitude.

Anonymous said...

This story is fake. I still can't fathom how people are so gullible. And the sad thing is that I'm sure they also made thatbfscebook

Anonymous said...

I like the way the writer conveniently only mentions the mans wrong doing. So he just woke up one morning and decided to victimise her? For him to choose not to see her on her dying bed there must be more to it. So stop all this emotional black mail. I really can't believe you guys are swearing for the guy when you don't know jack shit. Tut tut tut.

Anonymous said...

Wow...the comments are still coming

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic story. However, one cannot just judge based on one side/version, we need to hear the man's defence, though it would appear that he must have been very wicked to have abandon his wife during her illness. Love is ever forgiving - believes all this, hopes all things; that must have been her faith. But she was rather silent on the role of her (extended - maiden) family - no mater how humble they are, she must have contacted them and perhaps they couldn't help much. Abuse is never right. Perfect Love cast out all fears (1 John 4:18).

Anonymous said...

I am certain of this, that the because of the Lords promise to his children, Ogo's children will be fine in the long-run.
I say this because my mother was a victim of such a turbulent and unhappy marriage which eventually took her life.
She died young, her children did well, especially the one who was slow, and was told had no future prospects. All are successful and married with kids of their own.
In God we trust!

Joseph said...

What a sad incident. A beautiful woman like her. Dis world is wicked, let god judge dis story. Crying

Joseph said...

I was so sad when i say heard dis story. May her soul rest in peace of the lord. What a pretty woman like. U left us with no word

Sisi said...

Why re u not enabling the comments? Is it laziness?

Anonymous said...

To say the least is that THIS IS TERRIBLE. I am married, believe in the sanctity of marriage, but DISAGREE STRONGLY with the notion of STAYING ON DESPITE WAHALA especially when the man is so UNREACHABLE BY HUMAN KINDNESS AS THIS KEVIN OF A HUSBAND DEFINITELY WAS.
It is sad that WE WOMEN EVEN IN THIS YR 2012 ARE STILL GIVING PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN RAISING OUR SONS WHO WILL BECOME HUSBANDS! IF WE REFUSE TO GIVE THEM REASON TO BELIEVE THEY ARE "GODS" in their formative years, we might be able to produce RESPECTABLE, RESPECTFUL, & SELF RESPECTING HUSBAND MATERIALS for the safety of those beautiful daughters that will become their husbands.
At this point I have some questions:
Finally, I pray for all women that they may be strong in fighting for justice in an UNJUST WORLD WHERE THE FEMALE IS ALREADY PRE-JUDGED AS 'INFERIOR'.
As for those ones asking if Ogo was RESPECTFUL/CHEATING/STUBBORN and so on, well, the truth is that you may not be much different from our 'Mr kelvin', CHECK YOUR SELF! Must a woman be dehumanized just because she is a 'wife'? It is too much for me to go on, OH DEOS, WHERE ARE YOU? COME AND JUDGE FOR IT HAS BECOME UN BEARABLE DOWN HERE!
Peace to the relations beautiful Ogo left behind......FOR NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Ogoo, as I write this, tears are flowing down my eyes. I am so angry, not at Kevin, but at you. Ogooo why would u let a shameless monster brutalize a beautiful girl like you. Why did you fail to see he did not deserve you. Why did u not think of ur kids who would be left without a mum. I know it's very mean for me to say this but Ogo, if u were still alive I would find u n beat sm sense into ur head. I'm sorry to say this just that I'm so hurt by ur story. The only reason I excuse u is that u are a victim of social construct of GOOD WIFE at all costs. I pray that ur story will serve as a lesson to our foolish sisters who excuse domestic violence. RIP nwanyi oma,

Anonymous said...

It's sad that most comments on this story are really very negative. I understand that most women fear being on the short end of an abusive relationship. But reason should dictate that you hear the other side of a story before you judge and hang a family. Remember that if this story is true, then this couple have undergone a lot of pain, and that strain from their warring families would be enough to put strain on both husband and wife. This strain may cause them to behave abnormally. In other climes, professional counseling may have been helped them through this strain.

In all, let's wait to hear from the other side before heaping curses and insults. Kevin could be your brother, son, uncle or friend, and his mother may just be yours or your sister.

Let the jury of public opinion sheath their swords. Judge not, but don't stop putting out the advice to women and men, yes Men, in abusive relationships.

Anonymous said...

Looooooool, smh, this was a well written piece of fake story. Well done though. :d

Anonymous said...

This blog should promote fair commenting. Why are the administrators of the site deliberately promoting hatred of the guy by only posting comments which seem to tarnish his image. Forgetting that there are always two sides of the story. And those of youse that want to contact his office that Is some not thought of carefully pile of crap coz he didn't murder his wife in anyway. You don't know what happened so be very careful with your curses .

OPEYEMI said...


OPEYEMI said...


Anonymous said...

Family picture

Anonymous said...

....very good comment. People (especially Nigerians)are very quick in reacting to issues just the way it comes to their mind. They are too straight-forwared in their thinking and reasonings. Nobody wants to analyse and investigate facts properly before passing a judgement. They read and judge things from the outside without proper investigation of what goes on in the inside. That's why they always mis-interprete and copy characters from the western world without knowing what factors that could have contributed to somethings. You would agree with me on this point by some of the Nigerian Movies. Please nobody should misunderstand me because I neither don't know the very man (Kevin) involved nor his wife Ogo( may her soul rest in peace) so I wont be able to pass a judgement. However,I think that people should understand very well that what they are commenting and reacting to is some other person's feeling which could not explains 100% about Ogo's situation. Anyway, Problems in marriages could come from either sex. It is not only the men that maltreat their wives, women even do the worst. I will suggest to anyone who thinks of commiting to any serious relationship to do proper study and check on his/her partner very well, and above all commit your request to God for guidance because it is only by grace from God that we can be successful in life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

....very good comment. People (especially Nigerians)are very quick in reacting to issues just the way it comes to their mind. They are too straight-forwared in their thinking and reasonings. Nobody wants to analyse and investigate facts properly before passing a judgement. They read and judge things from the outside without proper investigation of what goes on in the inside. That's why they always mis-interprete and copy characters from the western world without knowing what factors that could have contributed to somethings. You would agree with me on this point by some of the Nigerian Movies. Please nobody should misunderstand me because I neither don't know the very man (Kevin) involved nor his wife Ogo( may her soul rest in peace) so I wont be able to pass a judgement. However,I think that people should understand very well that what they are commenting and reacting to is some other person's feeling which could not explains 100% about Ogo's situation. Anyway, Problems in marriages could come from either sex. It is not only the men that maltreat their wives, women even do the worst. I will suggest to anyone who thinks of commiting to any serious relationship to do proper study and check on his/her partner very well, and above all commit your request to God for guidance because it is only by grace from God that we can be successful in life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I cried., why..why did u stay my sis? Why..? May ur soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

I cried., why..why did u stay my sis? Why..? May ur soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

i totally concur, christianity is an excuse for stupidity. Quite unfortunately, I pray she makes heaven bcos as against seeking God in His totality, she sought for a man's validation, that is serving God with mammon.

Please lets stop being religious and seek true understanding of God. What would God have done in this situation, would He have encouraged her to stay.

Anonymous said...

Its so sad to read such a story. My people marriage is diffrent from manage, poor Ogo just died 4 notin.

Anonymous said...

As sad as this story is, i cant but wonder if this lady was born in this generation with so much info at everyone's beck and call( she was on fb for goodness sake, didnt she read newspapers, watched tv, listened to charles B on Inspiration FM etc and heard abt many counseling offices ( even God mandated human to seek wisdom).
I am seriously trying to comprehend how a woman who experienced so much love growing up suddenly adapt to hatred? had she no confidant amongst her immediate family members? what did she think of herself, a 'messiah' to change a grown up man who is no longer in diapers?
In the course of seeking spiritual assistance for her son's health, did she not get a prayer partner or pastor she could have shared her story with.
she definately wasnt under any spell. i hate to sound hard hearted but truely we are the architect of our misfortunes. We are responsibile for our choices and actions.
It is sad that she never thought of what will become of her children esp her son who she was alive to see that his condition required motherly attention and love; that she made an irresponsible and worthless man the centre of her life.

Fellow ladies, pls lets wake up and live the true essence of who God has created us to be. We are wonderfully and fearfully made, we a pillar of support to men and not objects for them to trample upon.

My tears are for her kids, she has let them in this cold and wicked world, no woman can truely be a mother to them like she would have been.

Experience they say is the best teacher but not in all cases as you may never live to pick the lessons.

Anonymous said...

story story. All i av to say is that who ever wrote this story is a wicked person very wicked indeed. Mr kevin is not what has bin said above. He is a manger in mobil eket. Ogo was sick for years and he sent her abroad for treament and said she will only return when she is fine. He spends 3million a year on her for her treatment though we dont kn wat it was. last year she insisted on coming back to naija and he told her not to that if her crisis start again no one here can treat her but she insisted and came back. she fell ill and died in lag. Only yesterday did i see mr kevin he cried and cried and how much he loved his wife and children and the account he opened for them that they will nevr lack in life. he is running around selling his propertyn to give her a good burial. so pple pls. every marriage has its up and down. if ogo loved her husband that much she will be so furious inthe grave of how a friend is trying to ruin him. thank you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Said.... It is unbelievable how people can demonize others. The author of this story"my Story: Ogo Onuchukwu - A woman share her story from the grave is a good spin doctor. He or she sexed up the story to demonize Kevin because she/he is Ogos friend or family member. Why did she/he not tell the world that Ogos sickness was noticed by Kevin and his family two months after their wedding. I am not claiming to know how Kevin and Ogo lived their lives but I was close to this family. I flew from Lagos to attend their wedding in PH and flew back to Lagos the following day. I was a regular visitor in their homes in A/K and Lagos. I can tell you that I have known the couple for twelve years. We were shocked to hear that Ogo had this kind of ailment few months after the wedding. That means she (Ogo) had this ailment as a child or she had the ailment before Kevin came into her life but this malicious author made it look like Ogo developed the sickness while looking for a child. The Kevin in question happened to be my close friend of seventeen years. I ate Ogos food and was visiting their home frequently. If the situation the author was painting is true we could have noticed it.Did the author not know that Kevin went bankrupt in 2002-2004 because of the huge amount of money he was spending to treat Ogo.Every kobo Kevin saved in the first five years of his career was used in treating Ogo. Where were these Ogo family and friends when Kevins friends and associates were doing fund raising to fly Ogo to US for treatment in 2002-2004. What I have discovered is that people just rush to conclusion without hearing from the other side of the divide. Why is Ogos friend or family not telling the world that Kevin married her in 2001 and this ailment started in 2001-2002. I remember when Ogo went to treatment in the US and over-stayed. US embassy refused to issue her another visiting visa Kevin was running helter skelter begging whoever he can to intervene so that Ogo can go to US and get her next round of treatment. All these male bloggers calling for Kevin head would have divorced Ogo in 2002 if they were in Kevin's shoe to discover that the new bride you just married has been having a terminal illness which was concealed from you. Kevin endured it all because of love and by the grace of God Ogo lived twelve years longer. I am quite sure Ogos family and few friends knew about this ailment the day we were witnessing their wedding vows in PH but they all kept quiet. My advice to all these bloggers is do not believe everything you read try to hear from both side. Ogo may your soul rest in perfect peace. I know you were a good wife to Kevin and he was a supportive husband.

The daughter in-law/mother-in law relation between Ogo and the Kevins mother is being blown out of proportion If I am to say what I observed Ogos family members were more in the house than Kevins family. I have gone to Kevin's house and met Ogos relatives more than I ever saw Kevin's relatives. Kevin does not live with his mother or his brother's wife if at all Ogo encounter these two women it will be during the brief Xmas and easter holidays that Ibos go home.

Charles said...

STORY! STORY!! STORRY!!!. So Linda you are the third person in Ogo's marriage. Your story is a good piece for NOLLYWOOD. How people can react to a one-sided story. You have not heard from Kevin not even from Ogoo herself and you are judging. I believe in hearing from both parties before judging. RIP Ogoo but I believe the situation is not like Linda made it to be.

Anonymous said...

Its this a real story or a fiction? its so pathetic i am just short of words..

Anonymous said...

Only God and Kevin has the full story now, but I know there is no smoke without fire.

Click on the link below to see Kevin's picture.

Anonymous said...

From someone who knows this family...I'd say the outpouring of emotions from people who have only heard one side if the story is shocking and a further confirmation that most Nigerians are just a pack of emotions without any logic.

I used to know this family before leaving Nigeria almost a decade ago and I'd hesitate to jump to any conclusions about what truly happened. Domestic and verbal violence is totally inexcusable but I also understand from the letter that she made numerous trips to the US and the UK which this so called mean guy also paid for. Besides, she never accused him of having another family elsewhere for the entire period of about 8 years when she didn't have a child so I believe he must have had genuine affection for her as well.

All of you posting comments here should search your souls. There is no point in jumping to conclusions without knowing both sides of the story.

This letter was written by a third party with the purpose of inflaming emotions and it severely lacks any detail or logic. I seriously doubt if this letter truly reflects the wishes of this sweet lady.

....From Thailand.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:30pm... Bloody liar which Kevin went broke?? I'm sure you're one of Kevin's man whore friends so you're concoting stories here? The same Kevin that posted that he was single online in 2002 abi? He sent his wife for medical treatment not to return till she was well so that he could live the life of a single man in Eket abi??? Which illness are you talking of that manifested months after the wedding? If they really courted Kevin would have been aware of what ever illness she was suffering from!! I'm not related to Kevin or Oga and I dont know any of them, I just have common sense.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Ogo, may your soul rest in Perfect peace. Only one line comes to mind, 'For our God is a jealous God'. If only ​you loved God that much!
As for Kevin, God will pay ​you back in your own coin. Its not a prayer or curse and ​you don't need to say amen, its just a fact of life!
As for the friend that wrote this piece, may God bless ​you richly. Thanks for sharing. I hope ladies would learn. Please try and pass it on to the movie makers, it would be a block buster.
I am still in shock what some women go through in the name of love and marriage. God instituted marriage but he also said 'thou shalt not worship any other God before me' this woman made her husband her small 'god'.

Anonymous said...

Here's a family picture

Anonymous said...

We leave God to judge this matter

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 27, 11:21, i don't understand that bit you said about kevin selling his properties to give ogo a good burial. Listen to yourself please, was he a loving and understanding husband when she was alive? i believe that behind every rumour, there's always an iota of truth and to a large extent, i believe the "cry from the grave" story. Anonymous 11:30 that said Ogo hid her ailment from her husband and it was only discovered after they got married, what happened to the " For better, For Worse, In sickness and In health" vow?? Who knows if the ailment was even spiritual and it was even a member of kevin's family who was responsible or a jilted girlfriend of kevin who wanted to have her pound of flesh. kevin's associates, friends or family members should keep your side of the story to yourselves. Whatever you sow, You will definitely reap, God will definitely judge you in whatever way you contributed to Ogo's troubles.

Anonymous said...

At first i read this story and i felt nothing but pity for the children this woman left behind (and i still do), but then i thought to myself, what was it that made her allow herself go through all these like the letter claimed like an "angel" from heaven who had no sin and did no wrong? The truth is this, this story doesn't add up. Ask any woman who gets into a fight with her husband, she tells her own carefully editted side to win the favour of the person mediating and to paint the man as wicked! I wasn't there and can't be sure but for those of you quick to judge, know that as much as there are horrible husbands, there are equally and if not more useless she-devils living in mens houses as wives, causing unquantifiable grief and sorrow to both their husbands and his family members without remorse, devils who sleep around and still make up and follow their husbands to church every sunday looking like angels!! judge not that ye be not judged especially when you dont have the full story.

Anonymous said...

ve seen a family lik ds in benin, pls ladies if a man can nt face his family nd stand by his wife who truly loves him, he wil never ve a family of his own in future,true men re had 2 find bt pple lik kevin re in every streets. ogo, may ur soul REST IN PEACE.

Anonymous said...

i have read through the her experience and so pathetic.It is not accepted to man and God the way she was treated if the narration is the whole truth. May her soul rest in peace and Kelvin the husband must seek God's forgiveness.He must'tn re-marry dat is my verdict.

Anonymous said...

oh my GOD!!! dis is sooooo painful, why because my mum suffered same, her's was so shoking that she had 2 luvly girls and could have a male child after 18 yrs, God answered her with 2 blessed boys. she SUFFERED in d inlaws hands, oh my God! my sister and i wasnt left out too. but its so unfortunate that mrs ogo didnt live to tell her victorious story. as for dat Beast of a man............ by the time d devil is through wit u because u r a Bastard before God. d bible says if u r not His son then u r a Bastard. hmmmmmmmeven hell will reject ur soul!!!RIP ogo, ur children will break records.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...its so sad.

Bobby said...

Dont understand why people should give out their daughters in marriage and dont monitor their welfare. Oh my God. This Kelvin is having a worthless last laugh which is annoying me. @ Linda ikeji how can justice be fed to this guy

Anonymous said...

Na wa o! After reading n seeibg a thing lyk dis wil young ones like us stil think of marriage.Abeg o. If it doesnt favour u jst leave it alone o.God pls judge Kelvin n his family here on earth.

Anonymous said...

@all the idiots saying they are shaking their big heads because we believed the story and because she wouldn't have written the story from the grave. Didn't you ignoramus see at the bottom of the story that it was written there that the story was written by a close friend?Blind Bartholomeus
@Anony--that are Kelvin's colleagues, friends or maybe Kelvin himself soliciting for him or defending him. yeye Voltrons una well-done! Make una clap for una selves. I am sure if it was your sister that this happened to you won't be saying all the rubbish you are saying.
Is it only a man that loves his wife that sends them abroad to give birth? mtshewww, so what is the biggie if he does that? Is she not his wife and you all kept saying he sold his land? Before nko who else should he sell the land for? U? if he was the one sick or his mum won't he do same?
U all stand there to defend him, even if there were exaggerations in the story i am sure she couldn't have exaggerated the fact that they didn't like her in his family, that is common everywhere. And because she died in the bid to do operation without his consent he didn't kill her abi? u are all mad for saying that. Y would she want to do an operation is it not make him happy? Is it not to please him? Is it until you carry knife and kill someone before u have killed the person?
And u all said she got sick after 2months that she married him which he never knew, so if he was the one sick nko? would she have left him, so y wont he too stay? So because he has been in the marriage for 12years does he mean he loves her dearly? Couldn't it be that he didn't want to leave her because he wanted her to leave by herself because of the gravity of divorce in Ibo land?
U better all just shut up and ask for Ogo's forgiveness before her ghost come back to haunt you all! akosibero gbogbo,Oshisko people, esiwu all of you mtsheww!!!
I no blame una na Ogo i blame wey she no get friends correct friends wey go beat dat yeye mother-inlaw and her d family up well well! carry her children and comot. Na she no leave any mark for una body dats y una dey open una mouth talk rubbish...idiots
Y una no try am with waffi girl una for here am naa.

Anonymous said...

God have mercy on you the so called husband.What I pray is for you to see heaven from a long distance and never set foot in it. bastad, useless man with a hopless farmily

mauriskings said...

God have mercy on you the so called husband.What I pray is for you to see heaven from a long distance and never set foot in it. bastad, useless man with a hopless farmily

Anonymous said...

Am a single mother of close to 40 yrs with a son of bout 6yrs, i dint xperience this much when l decided to call it quit. The only kind of person you should be willing to sacrifice for should be 1 that loves you in return. Its just so unfortunate for Ogo........
Note women, some relationships will make you, others will mar you. l pray God will keep d children she has left behind.

Anonymous said...

ogo may ur soul rest in peace,and for kevin and the mother will surely judge you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have read this story carefully and as well the comments so far.

I just have one question - if this is true, what role did her family play to ensure she was protected, for 12 years? Afterall, she was the last born and 'baby' of the house. Was Kevin such a big, bad, wolf, who could not be overpowered?

Somethings in this story don't just add up. Please let's have the other side.

ChyChy said...

This is high level of witchcraft manipulation. Kevin was bewitched by his entire family, he was under satanic manipulation and influence. He didnt really know what he was doing. His family used him against his own family. He was under a demonic control. so so sad, but he will bear the consequencies. Ogochukwu would have gone to her pastor, or her family even when she saw the handwriting on the wall. It is a pity. No man or human being is worth dieing for, Jesus Christ has paid the price, He has died all the death therefore if your allow any man to send you to an early grave, it is a pity. There are thousands and millions of people out who are ready to shower you with love and you will live a fulfilled life. Marriage is on this earth, there is no marriage in heaven. When you try its not working you leave it. Ogo would have been alive to take care of her children and give them love. Ogo! why did you do this to yourself. May your gentle and loving soul rest in perfect peace. And may the Almighty God preserve your children and make them become what He has destined them to become. May God give Ogo's mum and family the fortitude to bear this huge loss. To every mother, sister, brother inlaw, I want you to know that Death is an appointment for scripture says in Hebrew 9:27; "And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement". One day all of us will stand before the judgement seat of God to give account of all the good, bad, evil, wickedness etc that we did to our fellow human being that God created. Ogochukwu is dead and gone, she will not die again, it is another person's turn. It is a very very painful and heart- wrenching story! God will have mercy on us.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful write up it is! But it's unheard that the dead wrote. The writer aim is to tell a story of a woman who labored and died to express her unappreciated love to her husband or a caution for women to not love their husbands, It is unfortunate that the writer had been able to capture the hearts of the audience to the extend where they had dished all manner of causes and comments on the late woman's hubby (Kevin). Possibly already achieving his/her aims; I would use this opportunity to caution our commentators to always show restraint till the full story is heard. First, I do not intend to join issues with the writer but I want to state that the story is lopsided. You might agree to some extent that every marriage have their expectation. If a couple who were married in 12yrs with 2 kids still leaves together, it means they had been able to surmount their challenges. This is while I would also advise our women. Don't ever think you are an island in the midst of your in-laws, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are. We are still in Africa were women are expected to marry men as well as members of the man's entire family and show them respect. For me, this is the easiest way to get aligned with the family. But when pride and possessiveness cause you to disrespect your in-laws, then you are bound to face problem. The writer of this story is very selfish, perhaps the late Ogo confided in the writer while she was alive. Possibly too, the late Ogo never also told the writer the many times Kevin sold landed properties to pay hospital bills, the many times a laboring husband came back home from work to fall on empty stomach without food at home or the number of year late Ogo had spend in the US of the 12yrs of marriage while attending to her health issues. As I mentioned before, every marriages have their expectations. If your expectation is to have children and they are not forthcoming, there is bound to be issues. If a woman who never showed signs of sickness prior to marriage suddenly started falling heal barely 12days after marriage, there is bound to be problem, perhaps she hid the sickness from her hubby before marriage, alot comes to the bare. While I share pains with Kevin for having to experience this sad phase of his marital life undermining hitherto the so much that he had spent to salvage the life of his lovely wife, for making several sacrifices to get the marriage going, close confidants such as the writer of this story is desperately trying to make sure more pains are inflicted. Please Mr/Mrs writer whatever you are stop this calumny. We don't know you but from your right up we suspect who you are. In retrospect, Late Ogo had done 7 surgeries in the 12yrs of marriage. The last was when she had the second baby during which she temporarily passed out. At recovery, she was warned never to have the 8th or any more surgeries in her life time as her ailment would henceforth be therapeutically managed. All of this fell on deaf ears because people such as the writer were envious of late Ogo and unfortunately, Ogo didn't live long enough to see it.

Anonymous said...

Continued above story...Having just being referred to a specialist in Lagos, and agreed with her husband on the "No surgery Rules" she arrived the hospital and decided with one of her sisters, which I strongly suspected is the writer of this story to go for a surgery. As you all know, till today when a patient goes for surgery a guarantor is expected to sign on her behalf. Typically for married women, their husband. While Kevin was still at work and persistently invoking the "No surgery rule" late Ogo's sister signed for her to carry on with the procedure/surgery. Which was a grievous disrespect for Kevin. And the woman died!! If anyone is to be blamed, it is whoever signed against the "No surgery rule".....she signed Ogo's death warrant. Now, going to the internet to tell a story in order to mope up sympathy or perhaps exonerate self is uncalled for and would not solve anything, would only aggravate this problem. As an advocate of peace, I think the emphasis going forward is to ensure that late Ogo's legacy and dream for her children is met.

Anonymous said...

There is no way i will leave this column without saying a word....!

Kevin you and your family should seek the face of God right now as this is the end of the road for you all...! you are dead already. You died the day you rejected your wife and called your own children "THESE THINGS". YOU WILL DIE THE WORSE DEATH ON EARTH... Give your life to God this minute and go to Ogo's grave and seek for her forgiveness. SHe has a kind heart and am sure she will forgive you.

For your mum, she will never no peace in her next generation she will continue to pay for this sin IJN. Amen.

ulochin82 said...

My dear that is very sad, i feel for your mum. Just work hard and be prayerful, then try and get your mum out of there, because that is no way to live. At least you are out of that environment. It is very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

first of all ogo may ur soul RIP,am 25yrs old and lost my virginity last month which was something i treasured 2 a guy who has been my friend 4 more dan 7yrs.few wks later my fears was confirmed,i found out i was pregnant and had 2 confide in my cousin who encouraged me 2 tell d guy involved so i did,to my surprise in his words and i quote,u want 2 trap me wit ur pregnancy cos u intentionally took in,hw can u be dis desperate 2 marry me.i was shocked cos those thots has never crossed my mind then he went further 2 tell me dat is either i abort it or keep it at my own expense did i mention dat i will be serving by july so i ve my whole life ahead of me. 2days later i woke up and saw my self bleeding so i went 4 a scan and it showed dat i had miscarried d preg so ihad 2 go thru evacuation 2 flush d remaining foetus 2 avoid future my pain cos i lost blood & a painful exp i cant 4get i wonder hw child bearing is dis guy never came 2 see me or call or text at least 2 tell me sorry it was dat bad so i consoled my self cos i knw God has not 4gotten me and i never cried cos no man deserves my tears after 3 painful heart breaks 4rm my 2nd yr in d university i wonder what men generally are turning into.god help d subject of d day kevin and his family have murdered sleep cos d evil dat men do lives wit dem not after dem anymore.God Will protect ur children and make them d chief corner stone.ladies its time 4 us 2 wise up.RIP

Anonymous said...

This story is very disturbing...... It's been haunting me ever since I read it..... But I think d lesson to be learnt here is .... For single ladies, look b4 u leap n b wise. My aunt always says lay down d rules when ur dating ....cos when ur married its harder..... N for d married ones, pls there is nothing special about ur case, if ur being abused it won't stop till u take action to stop it.... And as for kelvin, his family n loyal friends who say he couldnt hurt a fly...... Can't help but wonder "wat does d d author really av to gain?".... Absolutely nothin .... Cos we on this side can only rave n rant... Its not like we can come n stab Kevin to death or burn his property.... So d singular fact a supposedly bereaved family has the energy to scream innocence to faceless Nigerians makes me wonder @ their type. Obviously trouble makers who think they r out to get them..... I laugh...... If Kevin is so innocent then he has no fear cos as d bible said ...a curse undeserved does not come to rest......but if he really did all dat was said (& dare I say more)..... Karma onuchukwu family, karma...... And as for Ogo, dear one rest well in d bossom of our Lord.....ur death was not in vain cos u av given one woman courage to fight for her destiny and another insight to tread wisely.......... Adieu sister!!!!

Carole A said...

OMG, i met this lady once, this is heartwrenching,very beautiful woman,how on earth can sb treat her like that, God will definitely punish that useless man and his worthless family, surprise her family allowed her to go tru all this,dearest,(i cant stop crying),rest in the Lord

Anonymous said...

check out for a different side of this story

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people simply cannot listen to the true story: It is UZO, Ogoo's senior sister that KILLED OGOO.
It is UZO that composed and published this story to divert the blame from herself.
It is UZO that lured Ogoo to go for surgery when she knows that the doctors had advised her never to do any kind of surgery again.
You bloggers should understand this.

Cynthia said...

Just checked out the new story by the so called lawyer lady that keeps saying 'Abah' like an uneducated fishmonger! An obvious lie put forth by Kevdogs family to paint him as a saint and tarnish the Onugu family name. Dear lady lawyer please click on this link for the definition of endometriosis!!!!

Anonymous said...

For these Kevin voltrons that keep on emphasizing on hospital bills are you normal??
He paid hospital bills and sooo???Is he the first man to pay hospital bills for his wife?Is he the first man to pay for his wife to take exotic trips abroad?

So because he did the above it gives him the right to abuse her?
He beat up his wife,he flogged her,he tied her up and humiliated her.

Her sister lured her into surgery?You really have guts.Were you there to see the luring?ODE..
Will you shut up your mouth there.Talking arrant nonsense..
As for those calling expectation in marriage you are not correct in the head.So exepectation is beating?Did you not see a poster on here that kevin was toasting and telling he was divorced??
Please stop decieving yourselves.Kevin is an abuser.He is a wife beater,he was battering his wife even though he knew about her ailment.Who amongst you has denied the battery charges brought here?

WOMEN beware of men who think that by spending money it covers up for assorted sins like abuse.

Ogo died during surgery,GRANTED.She must have wanted the surgery,no one lured her into it and kevin WASN'T against the surgery according to his voltrons,he wasn't comfortable with the hospital and that is all..

Una go siddon.
MR KEVIN is a wife beater,simple and short.No amount of trips to america and uk can cover up for the hell she went through
Shameless people.

Ogos family,you should be ashamed of yourselves for leaving your sister to suffer so much.Were you intimidated by kevin's pot belly?Was he flashing money in your faces?He had the guts to tell her he would kill her and nothing would happen cos she had no one.
That in itself should make you hide yourselves.Your own sister in the hands of a barbarian.Why didn't you remove her forcefully?I bet you told her to suffer and smile??

As for the abuser gang of Kevin,Carry your stories elsewhere.We are not interested in how she died,we are amazed at the abuse she went through in the hands of this man before she gave up the ghost.

dumveiw said...

Wow... that's all i got to say. kevin you deserve to be hanged.

dumveiw said...

Keven.... may God grant you all that you wished for this woman.. Rest in peace Sister

Anonymous said...

Can the "beast of the earth" - Kevin share the venue of your NEXT proposed wedding on April 7th, 2012 with the world while your ever so-loving wife stays unburied in the morgue. And who in the world is the next to be abused wife?

Anonymous said...

This is so sad! I hardly cry but I am in tears! Nigerian men!!! Lots of insecurity in them and they take it out on their wives. In Nigeria, in USA, in UK , in Canada, every where they are the same!!! The earlier mothers start reorienting their sons to treat women better, the better for the future generation of women in Nigeria! RIP Ogo! U shouldn't have died especially on my birthday!!! God will take care of Kamsi and Chimamanda! Many young Nigerian women have died due to child care either primarily or secondarily. Kevin - I hope you are happy as well as your mum!!!! Ogo you have eternal peace like you rightly said>

sara said...

@anon March 29, 2012 12:28 AM thank you, you took the words right out of my mouth, when i was in a relationship the guy thought because he spent on me gave him the right to be abusive to me, i was in this mental abuse, but i loved him , i was blessed because i believe that the prayers i said to GOD set things in motion for our break up as i wanted to spend my life with this person.

pattern of abuse man abuses you physically or emotionally, man tells you he loves you, or man buys you things or spends on you, or tells you he loves u nd spends on you to cover his guilt trap you and this is his way to control you. weak woman listens he loves me believes forgives him says he loves me. happens again he begs, says he loves you, spends, tell you he does not know what overcame him and he is willing to change. worst case scenario he does nt even beg he just spends and thinks he is doing you a favour and acts normal like all is well.

yes there are two sides to a story, and your side of story is absolute crap, let me tell you that your desperation to blame her sister and the hospital shows your guilt to the world. but guess what you dont have us to deal with but with GOD. you can never get away with this because the kingdom of GOD does not tolerate injustice. if you want to avoid the wrath of GOD confess your wrongs own up, and ask for forgiveness in fact a public confession in memory and begging for forgiveness will help you much better. the more you cover up your evils the more you are digging your grave, nd for those that are writing here to change our minds you cant we can see through your bullshit. kevin from the write up, you where not a good husband you where not loving or cared much for your wife.

ladies if you need a guy and you are in a relationship with him and he tells you to go and die because of a fight, better know that he does not love you, because a person who can be so enraged, you never know how far that person will go when they are under pressure from life. the truth is sometimes we might not see it, but we should pray for the will of GOD in our lives and protection from evil men as well as women because there are decent good GODLY men that end up with women that can act like kevin. when a guy has a good woman he does not cherish her and vice versa, only GOD can save us from this world of evil.

please linda publish my comment thank you, dont be afraid to be in a relationship for marriage pray for GOD be patient and the right one will come from your fellow single lady.

Nina said...

I am speechless.

Anonymous said...

i think the woman must have written the story in pain before going in for the surgery with the hope that if she does no make it alive she would have told the husband how she felt and also let the world know and learn for her mistakes. she never married the man for money cos he was not an oil worker then and even if she did at the time of quarrel the cash will seize and she did have left. she was a pharmacist and it a lucrative profession. she didn’t just want to be a failure in her marriage and must girls wont back out of a relationship bcos a sister in-law wasn’t nice as long as the man is. Doing every thing to please the man was her mistake she regrets it too late. lets just learn men remember you have sisters and women remember u are a woman and u have daughters. what goes around surly comes around

Anonymous said...

2.Ogo's sister,you SHOULD never have signed a consent form for her as she had already been advised not to have any suregries again.You should have said NO.You failed her in this regard and you will have to suffer the consequences forever.

3.What is this story about you two sisters requesting for her jewellrey and clothes after she died??You had better address it cos it's nasty.It is also said you tried to interfere in her home.if you did,then you are as bad as his mother.The only time you should have shown yourselves was when he was flogging her like a common goat.

4.It is also said that people lobbied against their marriage due to his background.Why did you people accept?is it because he was rich?oyanu you have seen the price of the riches.A husband is chosen by merit of his behavior,his character not how much he has in the bank.If his father was a woman panelbeater,what do you expect.

5.If she truly had endometriosis of the lungs(extremely rare condition),you as a family should have warned the man of the consequences or at least urged how to tell him that her chances of infertility are extremely high.So he would have made an informed decision..They are here claiming now that he spend so much money and you all did not spend a kobo(SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE OO)



1.Please address the marriage rumors flying around

2.You are an abuser,that one is standard fact.Your defenders have failed consistently to deny it.You knew your wife was ill and yet you were beating her..This kills their determination to paint you as a loving husband please

3.I have noticed that they even know the total amount you spent on her 80M,so what should happen?I should strip and dance for you?SHAME.

4.Are you the first man to buy lexus for his wife?How does it portray love?It is only showing that all you did was bring money as compensation for abuse.

5.Unfortunately their story is easier to believe because of the way you look,so hardened and distant and bush-even though i shouldn't judge based on picture.

6.Mr kevin and clan,
We know you spent money on her ailment BUT according to the website,he knew about it and went ahead to marry her.Was he forced to?NO.How come the 2 defenses of Kevin have conflicting stories?One states that he was decieved into marrying her without knowing the ailment,the other states you knew and still went ahead.Since you are so intelligent that you are working in mobil you should have known that endometriosis means that your chances at having children is very low.Yet you went and married.You have yourself to blame.Will you marry pot and expect frying pan?No ooo

Very sad story,both sides are to blame but all i know is that the man was an abuser.

Anonymous said...

Here is another side of Ogo's story.

Anonymous said...

Kelvin spokes man before a man, the guy is suppose to be the head of his home. i dont think some1 wrote the story, i think Ogo did not from the grave but from before she went to the grave knowing that there is a probability she will and because of she did loss the zeal to live. with all the pain she did been through its easy to imagine what it did be like in death. i have never experience such cruelty in the hand of some1 i love yet the little i have i cry and imagine if i kill maself what will go on after my death. if you married Ogo and u found out she is always sick, is it not strange she was never sick till she became ur wife, why did u think she hid it from you, she has live 25years of her live a happy girl but within 12yr in ur family 7 surgery and you think she is to be blamed. rather than give her support u blame her for being sick, lets say she was hiding it or that ur reason for marrying her was for the kids and she failed you there why did you just end the marriage openly that using wickedness as a method to send her home. women dont want to be the ones that first leave because blame you. you would have save her the stress by calling her people and saying this is not what i bargained for a marriage am ending this one. but u choose torture because u are the man. You don't have an excuse not to be by your wife side when she is ill that u provided the money is not enough. one day with all your wealth you will find love the u will know that in some circumstances money is not all.
have you taught of why your wife will be ready to have a surgery against the doctors advice. she was in pain medically, you didn't help by giving her emotional pain with your words and physical pains with your beatings. if she took the surgery she might solve her medical insures and get you to love her or die but if she don't she will live with this pains forever. she chose to try to win you back at the expense of her life. that what true love can do

Patrick said...

Some men are fool they make there home to be control by there mother and relations ,what a pity may her soul rest in peace
peace ,
Ogochukwu onuchukwu she is even on Facebook ,...may GOD help and cater for her kids

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's so sad n painful,cld'nt hold back my tears.Rest in peace my fellow woman as 4 ur children d Almighty God will keep dem safe.Rest in peace

Anonymous said...


Moregood said...

My sister is passing through similar circumstance. Oguchukwu's story is a title worse because she is dead; but my sister's will be worse if she finally dies. kelving according to Ogo's story did not forge a lie to indite Ogo, but was just unnecessarily wicked. I will not tell you the story because I'm emotionally indisposed right now reading Ogo's letter. Despite the fact that am a guy, I hate men who hate their wife. What is a child's position in a marriage? Some people say it cements marriage bonds but when the child grows up and leaves the household, what happens to the couple? Well, lets leave the answer to those whose children have left their home. Kelvin, I will not forgive you for killing a woman who loved you unconditionally in cold blood just the same way I will not forgive my in-law if my sister dies of his devilish acts against her. Please my fellow men, let's love our wifes and leave our family, our relatives child and the hard times we live in to come in between the love we earlier shared during those "I love you, I love you" times.

Adefunke Joan Alao said...

God will take revenge for ogo n for u kelvin u are cursed

Kenny Chewe said...

Iam really touched by this story.I would like to advise my fellow married men that we should not be selfish in life,as this will lead us to neglecting our responsibilities given to us by God.We shouldnt just be concerned about our selfish desires to the extent that others suffer.If our parents negleted us, where would we be? And to inlaws and parents, I say dont be foolish,let your children enjoy their marriage.

Anonymous said...

Ogo was my sister's classmate, studied pharmacy at UNN Nsukka. i learnt she was a very quiet girl and kept to herself most times. little wonder she bore this torture for 12 yrs hoping things will get better.

i however wonder why her family did nothing to rescue her, she was from a rich and well known family.

she hadnt even graduated before the devil deceived and married her, he was lavishing her with so much money while she was in school and their wedding was talk of the town.

for those wondering if the story is true, i am rather more disturbed that she must have suffered more than she was willing to share being the reserved girl she was.

Ogo dear RIP, may God guide and proctect your kids.

kevin,you will surely reap what you have sowed!

ozi said...

Breaks my heart to read about Ogo's experience.
I really commend her strength and courage. Facing all that alone, and the great sacrifices she made just to have Children. Many thanks to her friend who wrote her story. Her struggle was not in vain. I know I have learnt an important lesson today, and judging from the comments, so have many others...
In-laws are not born that way, they are people like you and I. everyone of us is an in-law to someone. let us learn to treat others with love regardless of what our first impressions of them are. #can't say that enough#

C'bone said...

Well done for not posting my post just cos I am not a feminist but a realist. 312ad095.I am a generous giver though

C'bone said...

Well done for not posting my post just cos I am not a feminist but a realist. 312ad095.I am a generous giver though

Chiek said...

This is the reply from one of their family friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


theresa archibong said...

this should teach women to marry into a family where you are celebrated and dont force yourself on anybody. You should love yourself becos not everyone will love...............QED!! Poor lady if only she loved herself to know enough is enough just maybe she would be alive to enjoy my lovely kids, God save us all

Anonymous said...

May she rest in perfect peace. PLESE Linda do look out for her children. Cherish and shower them with love. The stone which the builder always rejects always turns out to be the corner stone. Her children will be great and they will live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
It is more than well. Ogor nwanyi oma, RIP.

Anonymous said...

Pleural (lung & chest cavity) Endometriosis
Very occasionally Endometriosis can travel to the lungs, which will give rise to strange symptoms, and are usually relate to the menstrual cycle.
Coughing up of blood or bloody sputum, particularly coinciding with menses
Accumulation of air or gas in the chest cavity
Constricting chest pain and/or shoulder pain
Collection of blood and/or pulmonary nodule in chest cavity (revealed
under testing)
Shortness of breath

Anonymous said...

D day i read dis letter i cry 2 d extend dat my broda ask me wat is my problem, i narrate d story 4 him n he begin 2 curse kelvin n everyman dat ve bad mind. God will punish kelvin n all his entire family beyond dere expectation. Rest in peace Ogo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... d writer said,am already sheading tears.what a world.infact,i resarve my comment.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that a man like me did this, the Almighty God will reward you Ogoo for the sincerity of your heart and Love.

Many good men end up in the hands of evil women and many good and loving women end up in the hands of evil men.

The Lord is our strength, we should all learn to encourage the power of Love. Ogoo has done nothing wrong marring and loving this man to her death and the God that i know will answer to this effect.

Kevin, its just that you are what you have become but sincerely i wish you knew what you just lost. you have just lost what you can never get again in 20 million lives of yours again.

Ogoo, you lost nothing and God will prove to you that your lost are great at heart and i will always admire your personality for a very long time.

We live in a crazy world, the world has become a wide wild jungle, so please boys and cautious and pray for Ogoo!!

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