Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, responds to Tweets about her | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 9 January 2012

Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, responds to Tweets about her

People are abusing her on twitter...and she finally responded. I hope these people don't divide Nigeria.


Loudmouthed said...

See this e lady oo.. This woman is not serious at all a

Anonymous said...

Ngozi and Sanusi are smart economist. Lets give them a chance please.

Me said...

linda , i wish u could stop encouraging pple from insulting our elders. nobody, even those of us protesting may rly have the interest of Nigeria at heart.
i wld appreciate if issues ar discussed objectively than targeting the personality of our public office holders.
when has it become a our culture to talk to our elders anyhow? we should dissuade shallow minded and gullible pple from insulting our elders no matter the perceived offence committed.

Occupy 9ja said...

She's clearly out of touch with common Nigerians. What do you expect from a woman that spends most of her time oversea?

Anonymous said...

This woman is an E.diot - as in an electronic idiot. She should STFU abeg.

Anonymous said...

I agree with inhibitor and Anon 5:07 100%

We need to call from govt transparency and increased credibility not commending public figures and crying for subsidy removal. Subsidy removal and insulting whoever will NOT solve the problem or change anything.

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

@inibetok would you shut that your stupid rotten mouth that you have just used to reply linda if the woman was not a fool nobody would insult her maybe you have not seen the interview she gave on aljazera tv then i suggest you go and view it before you open that your gutter you call a mouth to insult linda yeye dey smell.

in the interview it is ngozi that said that buses uses diesel and not pertol look at her embarasing us on an international level and you have sympaty for a woman like this no way and if ngozi does not know that buses also use pertol then what is she an economist for i wonder as well as other rubbish that she said in the interview maybe linda should post the link on her blog so that all can hear the foolish talk that ngozi was saying as all of a sudden she became an expart in all areas including child mortality rate and so on....

linda carry on with your good work as it is through your blog that we know what is really happening in naija my sister carry go jare kudos to you!!!!

Pee said...

Mr Inibetok, is this the time to talk about respect, or is this the time to propose solutions? If u have nothing meaningful to say, go outside and watch grass grow.

Anonymous said...

Just to respond to the comment by inibetok, It is an underlying fact that once you are occupying any Govt position, the issue of accountability and responsibility comes to play,pls the issue of respecting elders should have no bearing in politics, people have the right to express themselves in whatever way they deem fit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Inibetok or whatever you call yourself, please note that just as you have a view and air it, Linda or anybody else are fully entitled to express themselves.

People only respect their so called "elders" because they are supposed to be wiser than younger ones. If your elders continue to prove otherwise, or in the case of Iweala -manifest utter stupidity then they should be treated and addressed in such manner.

The only problem i see here and which is why Nigeria hasnt moved forward is because,

1. We laked direct access to our leaders, and
2. Their was too much fear preventing us from bringing them to book.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, and indeed it is our right to require accountability and transparency from them. They are not used to it and that is why they are reacting this way. Gone are the days when they can feed us with their bullsh*t and we lap it up.

Thank God for the advancement of technology and the open forums such as Twitter, Facebook and indeed Linda's Blog, where we can openly discuss our views. Far from been inciteful, Linda is merely bringing critical matters which are facts and need to be discussed. Where else would i have the opportunity to curse this woman out for her ill thought and ill conceived policies. The truth hurts and that is why shes responding (all be it with lies).

If you prefer to shy away from this and hide under the cloak of "our elders" then, thats your perrogative, but please leave others who want to bring this sad excuses as leaders to book.

Anonymous said...

inibetok does not want to bite the fingers that feed him

Anonymous said...

Inibetok or what is your name.....*handing you certificate* now you're certified StUPID!

Anonymous said...

@ Inibetok I'm yoruba and we value respect but this shouldn't stop any1 from questioning our leaders. This issue of Fear which is being substituted for "respect" must stop if we are to move forward as a country. An average american child is brought up to ask questions that's why they don't accept just anything but continue to push the bar . We can't remain silent if we want to move forward. Something must be wrong with our system of reasoning if after more than 50 yrs the country is still underdeveloped

Anonymous said...

@Inibetok, fool, folish boy u are. Idiot beast. If u ever insults linda again, thunder go fire ur manhood. Bastard. God please erase his generation. Amen.

Anonymous said...


Ossy said...

With the new trend going on in Nigeria am now more concern about Nigerians than the Government.
Even black and white people now co-exist better than us.
See the way we insult each others on forum and social media and you certainly know something is wrong with us.
Recently Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, asked lawmakers in the National Assembly to go back to school in order to clearly understand the difference between public and private affairs and millions of Nigerians went wide, calling him all kind of names.
Are we now in a Country where my opinion cannot differ from the next person.
I urge Nigerians to please argue intelligently, that way our point can be well varied.

The Manny Enajeroh Blog said...

Ngozi Okon-...whatever sucks DONKEY ASS!!! She's clueless!!!

Anonymous said...

Thannk you Iniebok. Nice to have a fresh opinion here...I really hope Nigerians know what they are fighting for.why must one man be made to pay for the sins of previous leaders.
I understand the timing is wrong but it is a very great idea..

Mr Tee said...

Linda please do not let any bastard intimidate you. Your blog is very important to us here in UK. Keep the good flag flying, at any cost. God will surely reward your good work. Remember to always be yourself, don't be afraid,

Dr. Chinedu DDS said...

She has good intentions to help Nigeria. The team of Ngozi, Sanusi, GEJ and Sambo are the best Nigeria can get at the moment.

I just wish Nigerians can understand what they will benefit from the removal of Fuel Subsidy.

Irene said...

Seriously we need to begin to talk about issues and not people. Some of the people at the fore front of the 'occupy Nigeria' campaign are doing it because they want to gain something out of it. However, if we see this fight as one against dishonesty of any form from our elected officials then it covers everyone even the ones that are yet to be in power.
I hear a lot of people say ' if I reach there, I go chop money too' that is the mentality we need to fight. That is what 'occupy Nigeria is about. It is about speaking up against corruption of any sort.
Personally I think it belittles me to go around calling people names and that's what i see when I read the comments here alot of times. As long as someone as a different opinion from yours, then the person is a 'fool'. Nigerians please wake up to the issues at hand. Quit the personal attacks and lets fight against all forms of corruption and violence

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Na ngozi no get it,crazy woman!

Femillionaire said...

Don't blame the woman... Most Nigerians do no think things through before regurgitating rubbish... They'd rather things remain the way they are till everything collapses... It leaves a sour taste in the mouth when I see people insult officials who are trying to make a difference. This woman does not need your job. She was very comfortable at the world bank where she was the second in command before she was begged to come home and help.

To the fela that said buses do not use diesel, do you even know what a bus is? Do the BRT buses use petrol?

Anonymous said...

inibetok inibetok inibetok!!!! how many times did i call u! u are the fool of century

TeeII said...

IMO Okonjo-Iweala is not the enemy, she's just doing her work as an Economist and our Finance Minster!

Her only short-coming is not realizing that her intended outcome will only be foiled by the present crop of corrupt politicians we call our leaders.

She's only going to provide more money for them to embezzle!

Anonymous said...

THREE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS To Those Of You Who STILL Think Fuel Subsidy Removal is good!!
1) At the town-hall meeting, SANUSI LAMIDO and co. stated categorically that we can't sustain fuel subsidy because we can't keep BORROWING to sustain it. Our economy will crash that way! Obviously it means we don't have the money for it because we have been BORROWING! Now, tell me, what money are they REINVESTING? The money doesn't exist, so wot are they telling you we will re-invest? Have you been SCAMMED?!

2) We all agree there is NOTHING WRONG with fuel subsidy! However, what we are spending on it today is TOO MUCH for the nation's economy to bear. But we know that the only reason it is too much is because of CORRUPTION! So we say eliminate or at least reduce the corruption of the so-called CABAL! The Govt says they CAN NOT and the best way is to remove it entirely let Nigerians bear the burden! THE QUESTION IS, even if the money existed, what is to say that they CAN now PREVENT the CORRUPTION IN THE GOVT that will now reinvest this 'imaginary money' if they COULD NOT stop the Govt-aided CABAL?!! Is it Magic?

3) Okonjo-Iweala and her cohorts claimed at the townhall meeting and put up several ads in the media that the POOR DO NOT enjoy the subsidy because they do not go and buy fuel from the filling stations! Don't they realise that the old woman in the village that buys a product that was transported with a vehicle that uses fuel HAS ENJOYED the SUBSIDY because the cost of the product which depends partly on the cost of transportation has therefore been subsidised? If the govt can't grasp that SIMPLE economic concept, shouldn't we be WORRIED??

Anonymous said...

All u guys do is sit in front of ur pc & insult,criticize every & any that how we r gonna move this nation forward?

Anonymous said...

WAR is looming around the corner, gradually revealing it's ugly head. People, it's time to own an AK47.

Anonymous said...

who are u to select whom to talk to, well we all blame GEJ who even brought you out from your den of prostitution to become de agent of his bad cabinent of dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

@Occupy 9ja thank you for your word as she really does not have a clue of what is going on in naija as she and her family have not really lived in naija for long so how would she know?

@inibetok shut up if you have nothing meaningful to contribute okay if she does not want to be insulted then she should not say stupid things and the anony commentator who mentiond the alja tv interview of ngozi my goodness it was a total disgrace for some of the things she said, and i now really believe that she does not have a clue either so what is the point in her being her in the first place i SMH in shame for her mschew!!!!

Hater is back!! said...

she should not be abused! they speak the truth! lets give them a chance!

Anonymous said...

What is inibetok blabbing about?So what if she's an elder,must they kill us first? Please go and seat somewhere and eat your popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Pls abeg u open n read n pass it on ,

Anonymous said...

Err... Inibetok are you for real?! Okay then, sit down there, let your "elders" chop your country's money finish die, then if you open your mouth to complain and "elder" police beats the crap out of you, you can like to idobale for them and "senior" hungry politicians *hiss*

Anonymous said...

Linda, i think your blog thrives on the level of insults and lewd comments that are posted there and thats why you encourage such. I have personally posted sensible comments here that never made it to your blog but i see the ones that have foul language and curse words in tens.

What has this woman said in her tweets that is out of line now? This woman is highly intelligent and nobody can take it from her. If you want to make a point, pls do so with sense and not just post abuses and insults. Inibetok posts a sensible comment and he has also come under fire. Obviously, most of your readers are not rational people, no different from the policemen that shoot people before thinking.

Anonymous said...

Reference to this Anonymous said at this time.January 9, 2012 5:30 PM.. God bless you with the way you answered that Janissary to aunt Ng. you guys backing nogzi are one of those bad eggs we need to chase out from these country. Imagine what madam said on al jazeera. forgetting we are Nigerians, smart and so intelligent.We already know were they are heading to. Aunt ngo' please don't deny linda ikeji's Blog at these critical period. linda is doing her work well. feel free with her..

Anonymous said...

posting insults in front of your computers will not make a change! When the insults and abuses reach a certain level, Nigeria will automatically turn around for the better. Anyone that doesnt share the same view as yours is automatically an alien so how are you any different from Boko haram now when you are intolerant of the next person just as they are?

i bet none of y'all were out there on the streets today. I have no respect for people that cannot communicate with others rationally. If you want to make a change, go to Ojota tomorrow and make some sense. Lives were lost today, as in REAL HUMAN BEINGS! and those ones i have respect for.

Sit behind you PC's sipping sobo and insulting people like Inibetok. The chap is clearly more intelligent that the lot of you that have cursed him back a few generations.If this is the way our youth communicate, then this country is doomed.

Kemikal said...

@inibetok. January 9, 2012 5:08 PM and Anonymous January 9, 2012 5:25 PM.

Thank you. May God bless you.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 
It's sad to see that Nigeria and Nigerians are distracted, hypnotised and bogged down by cost of living. Tragic. 

There's no point in attacking or abusing public servants. It signifies nothing and serves no useful purpose. It will not win the argument or make the federal government to back down. The way forward is not to make an arse of ourselves and our country. Stop sabotaging and wrecking Nigeria. Oil subsidy removal is not Nigeria's biggest problem. 

Until you lot put the same effort and gang up against Boko Haram and Hausa domination the same way you have been vocal about oil subsidy removal, I will not sympathise or take anyone of you serious. How many of you complained or protested while Igbos, Christians and southerners where being slaughtered in northern Nigeria by Hausa / Fulani people? Less than 10% of Nigeria's population. None of you in Lagos State protested, but all of a sudden you are ganging up with Hausa / Fulani people to bring down President Goodluck Jonathan's administration. So many lives were destroyed and lost at the hands of Hausa and Fulani people, yet, most of you, conveniently, kept quiet and did not condemn the killings. Typical.

Your protest or moaning cannot bring down this government. The military has been bought neutralised. They are not getting involved in governing Nigeria. You voted them in. You voted PDP. PDP is Nigeria's equivalent of the Arab socialist Ba'ath Party. They will be in power for another 25 years, at least. Grin and bear it. Next time, don't vote for the wrong people or party.

Life is extinct on other planets because their citizens were too critical, devoid of imagination, full of shit, full of fury, focussed on celebrity gossip, focussed on Moonwood, ignorant and abusive to their leaders. #okbye :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:34....enough of your unintelligible rant.You say u blame GEJ from bringing her out of her den of prostitution.You're referring 2 the world bank as a den of prostitution cos that's where she came from.fool!I bet you've neva crossed your miserable wretched home.Show some respect 2 women.not all women prostitute themselves lyk d women in your life.GROW UP....
I have no love 4 Okonjo Iweala but I really hate people who can't be objective in their criticism

Anonymous said...

@inibetok....lemme ask you a Q...IF NGOZI were to be ur mother and as a prudent son(like you sounded from your comment) what candid advise wld u give her;to listen to the aspiration of the masses or to be dogmatic abt theories wch these pple dont even foresee in another ten yrs to come.and talking abt tin i know that is recipocal is R.E.S.P.E.C.T. if she shows one drop of respect to nigerians trust me she will definately get an ocean of respect.
the quran says...a good leader is one that listens to the followers and am sure there are verses in the bible that says the same.
being minister of finance doesnt make her all knowing or rather bagging all d bsc's,msc''s in the world doesnt make her better than a road side mechanic with good sense of jugdement and conscience.bottom line is that nigerians dont trust their leaders so why do we respect them

Anonymous said...

inibetok u r a big fool, abeg go bk to the Fn village

Str8FrmDaHips said...

Yeah they book smart but cannot conjure a single policy that befits a complicated nation like nigeria...just name one!! said...

You guys can all go ahead and insult who ever u wanna after all its easier to do so. In all these cacophony of noise against fuel subsidy removal, the only person that made real sense to me was Mallam El-rufia. I watched his interview on AIT. He did not just oppose the way the subsidy was removed, he backed it up with data and even proffered solution and the way forward. Most that oppose dont even have the fact, they talk from point of ignorance and cant come up with solutions. I just hope after dis we'll also go and occupy the national assembly cos their crime against dis country is even worse. The governors are even the worst culprits but nobody remembers them.

Anonymous said...

Linda I understand that you're trying to agitate for the masses but the truth is that the way you're going about it is so wrong! Nigeria's biggest problem is not fuel subsidy...It is corruption and greed of its citozens! The continuos desire to acquire and keep acquiring! Lets start dis way, how many of you used "special centres" to pass your jamb that enabled you to gain admission to the University? If your response is positive, then I'm sorry to say that you are no better than the cabals in the oil and gas industry! Because sin is sin! corruption is corruption! Unless we change our ways, even some people commenting here would be worse than some of the politicians we have today!

Anonymous said...

Anarchists (seeking publicity for their wretched and hopeless cause), your leaders have sold all of you. You have more chance of resurrecting Lazarus than making this government or PDP change their mind. PDP are in power to make serious miney. PDP have over $5billion "war chest" to protect its interest. The cash is being used to bribe the leaders of your so called protests and Boko Haram insurgency. The highest amount any individual will get is $5m and group is $25m. The minimum for an individual is $50k. The orchestrators of the chaos in the country are being paid off and within 6 months, peace will reign in Nigeria. I've told you what I know is happening now. Goodluck.

Anonymous said...

@inibetok....lemme ask you a Q...IF NGOZI were to be ur mother and as a prudent son(like you sounded from your comment) what candid advise wld u give her;to listen to the aspiration of the masses or to be dogmatic abt theories wch these pple dont even foresee in another ten yrs to come.and talking abt tin i know that is recipocal is R.E.S.P.E.C.T. if she shows one drop of respect to nigerians trust me she will definately get an ocean of respect.
the quran says...a good leader is one that listens to the followers and am sure there are verses in the bible that says the same.
being minister of finance doesnt make her all knowing or rather bagging all d bsc's,msc''s in the world doesnt make her better than a road side mechanic with good sense of jugdement and conscience.bottom line is that nigerians dont trust their leaders so why do we respect them.see... subsidy on pms by govt has strong impact on the masses(and it is sure cuz we pay N65) but removal of it inflict pain (n we cnt afford to pay 141 and wait for surprises).tell the govt not to scratch us where it does not itch.

Anonymous said...

if not that you are an elder mama....

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't she resigned yet?

Anonymous said...

Some people obviously live in cages. Is is all the buses that ply on the roads that use diesel? Idiots!! Lots of buses use fuel. We all queue up at the station to buy fuel. Ngozi, get your facts right before your open your mouth! Economist my foot.

Anonymous said...

Btw subsidy removal and Boko Haram which one deserves a mass reaction? I just think we are again reasserting the 9ja subtext- that is, we are short sighted and materialistic, overseas, it is believed that Nigeria is wasteful, loud, abrasive, lazy and cocky, people can't see why we should be, our basic socio economic indixes is far below are peers. I know some one will take me at this pretty soon and blame it on our govt, but as I said before, our govt/leaders is a reflection of our society, that is the profile of an average Nigerian with a few exceptions, how can anyone explain why we failed to react to BH but we are up in arms against subsidy removal, can't we see that BH poses a more potent danger to our collective existence? isn't it obvious that our first instinct is to always react to materialism?, pls say a prayer for the folks in the north bearing the brunt of the terror group, I personally believe they will not prevail, they reactionary and foreign, the glorious light they are fighting against will continue its progression and darkness shall not prevail. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Don’t mind the yeye Ngozi imagine her saying that they would create 375 thousand jobs yearly for the youths when there are about 30 - 60 million youths unemployed which means that between now and 2015 she would only have created 1.5 million jobs for youths is that not a shame? I mean let her listen to herself talk sometimes and she would know that she is talking rubbish all the time and she calls herself an economist my foot infact I am now beginning to doubt that she is an economist!!!

Anonymous said...

Madam Ngozi when did you become a spin doctor? Let me rephrase it when did you start telling big big lies like this? It is becoming clear now why OBJ removed you from your post initially during his regime as it is now clear that you really do not know what you are doing and GEJ has no power over you as you string him like a puppet to dance to you and deinzels tune like a remote control what a shame ehhh....

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how a minister of finance can actually sit down and agree that one man should budget 1 billion naira for food another 1 billion for health care another 1 billion for travelling around the world for himself and another 280 million to buy a bullet proof car and so on….and she gives it a tick for it to be passed to the NASS for approval and she says trust me we would use the subsidy money wisely which we all know is false. She can not even get a simple budget right and she now wants to get 1.5 trillion right then she must really think that we are all fools in Nigeria or we don’t know anything about economics or finance and budgeting.

Anonymous said...

@inibebok I agree with u a whole lot. Insults is not the way out of this. I can't belive how ill mannered pple are. He only expressed his opinion and
See the way he is been insulted. To those of u who enjoy calling pple names, has ur insults gotten u anywhere? Has it solved anything??
@linda, I think u enjoy the publicity this insults is giving u. U have a good blog here, dont Let ur blog be konwn for one that is always full of insults and abuses. There should be a limit to everything.

Anonymous said...

Ngozi has sold nigeria to her whatever group she represents. These deathd and suffering and disruption is entirely her a result of her hard work.
Well done Ngozi. You could stay out out of the lime light.

This is the beautiful result you were craving.

Well don. Now you have achieved this aim, please step aside so someone less disruptive can do the job and possibly clean up this mess.

As for Jonathan......I am still searching for words that will capture my thoughts.

I will stop hear...

inibetok...... trifling

Anonymous said...

Madam Okonjo Iweala was part of those that prepared the budget of one billion Naira for feeding. And her consience allowed her to approve such waste. World bank employee or not, you are a disappointment to the human race. I am ashamed to call you an Igbo woman. We say that Igbo's are being sidelined, but you are there, Pius Ayim is there, and your people live in squalor. There are so many tribes in the hinder lands suffering, so many orphaned children. Killings everywhere and all you can think about is Subsidy. You are getting fatter and fatter and obese by the day. You have all sold your hearts to the devil for money. What difference have you made being in Government to the entire nation. Can you present the budget you approved publicly. May God have mercy on all of us.

Me.. said...

The govt shud set their priorities right..
1. Fight corruption (eliminating it won't be an overbite task for sure)
2. Stop the insane/barbaric govt spending (1bn on food n stuff, 280 million for cars n stuff)
3. Then talk about subsidy removal.
Trust me, by the time you treat no's 1 n 2...the 3rd will sort itself out wit ease...'cause nigerians 'll live better than this..(abit above poverty level)..den removing subsidy wont be suchA pain...
And to those who have a problem with pple talking on here?!..nigerians are angry, who wouldn't be...checking this blog out remains optional nah..y'all gon swallow a bee or sumn?!..nd d lady(Linda) has arguably the best blog of it kind in her some respect!!

Anonymous said...

@Temitope taiwo well done Ʊ get d drift @anon7.38pm ϋя questions simple and makes alota sense @anon 6.54pm Ʊ r right as finance minister wat was Okonjo'§ take on the 1 billion assigned 4 feeding alone in the budget,its crazy 1.2 trillion is assigned 2 d National assembly and the govt is telling us 1.4 trillion will be saved from fuel subsidy (SMH).A whole lota pple made sense here but i should say we should really try 2 be constructive and objective with our criticisms and hurl abuses less.....There'§ seriously nothing wrong with Lindas blog it is an interesting pass time and passes informations too...@Inibebok this is honestly not the time for Ɣ☺ΰ 2 preach respect ϋя elders cos they've failed us many times over and pple are hurt and r standing up and saying enough is enougj...Im for subsidy removal but CORRUPTION should be dealt with,there is no head way if it isnt eschewed....I hope and pray that we come out of this STRONGER & WISER (raising my hand and screaming OCCUPY NIGERIA)THINK TANK

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! A country that stil depends on importatn f goods n services wil neva go anywhere.Oil wil dry up one day,dat's wen we'll come 2 our senses n move 2 d ancient part.

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