Kim Kardashian Speaks Out On Her Failed Marriage | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 2 November 2011

Kim Kardashian Speaks Out On Her Failed Marriage

Just a day after filing for divorce from Kris Humphries, her husband of 72 days, Kim Kardashian is making sure she tells her side of the story.
This is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. I see all of the support and I am so thankful for my fans, friends and family who are helping me through this difficult time.
I am trying not to read all the different media reports but it’s hard not to see all the negative ones. First and foremost, I married for love. I can’t believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show! 
I don't believe you Ms Kardashian. Especially since your husband had to read from a gossip site (TMZ) that he's getting divorced. You couldn't first talk to him about it? Fishing for ratings...

Continue to read the rest of it...

I share so much of my life on a reality show, that contemplating whether to even film my wedding was a tough decision to make, and maybe it turned out to not be the smartest decision. But it’s who I am! We filmed Kourtney giving birth, Khloe getting married, break ups, make ups, our best moments and our worst moments. These were all real moments. That’s what makes us who we are. We share, we give, we love and we are open!

Everyone that knows me knows that I’m a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon. I believed in love and the dream of what I wanted so badly. I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn’t get off when now I know I probably should have. I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn’t know how to and didn’t want to disappoint a lot of people.

I’m being honest here and I hope you respect my courage because this isn’t easy to go through. But I do know that I have to follow my heart. I never had the intention of hurting anybody and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions, and for taking everyone on this journey with me. It just didn’t turn out to be the fairy tale I had so badly hoped for.

There are also reports that I made millions of dollars off of the wedding. These reports are simply not true and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation.

I’m sorry if I have hurt anyone, but my dad always told me to follow my heart and I believe now that I really am.


Unknown said...

well i expected well ..okay

Eme Achanga said...


Eme Achanga said...


Anonymous said...

She also forgot to say that " When i Checked my husband's account, he wasn't making as much as Reggie Bush or Miles Austin (my last boyfriends). So i decided to divorce him and wait for another baller with a mega $million deal. And BTW, my husband has no team to play for anymore". Awon Omo Ale.

Anonymous said...

life is not fairy tale ooooo! hope she has learnt a lesson or two! so much hype about weddings these days.

TWE ����(Thé White Enchantress) said...

its now u decided to follow ur heart after rushing off to say I DO

Chichi said...

Damage control!!! I used to watch these girls and follow them on twitter but I unfollowed them yesterday and i have vowed to myself never to watch their silly shows again... How can you use people like this?? Make money off people and still have the guts to defend your hopeless self?? On to the next jist abeg......

nma said...

Dis gal na authentic MUMU. who is she telling all that cock and bull story for? I seriously can't wait for the insults to start raining in. Linda, oya grab your pop corn cos it's gonna be a loooooong ride down the insult lane.


SOLA said...

nah, I'm not bought over!
When you love, you love!
Miss K, abeg abeg abeg....

Anonymous said... to the birds in the sky (walking away)

Real Talk said...

*yawn* Gass!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

abeg,mo una free da girl jor,,and so bloody wat,,its her life n she owes nobody no explanation,she has her reasons and b4 u all kill her with hate comments jus remember shes human lik us all,plssssssss eh talkin abt my her will not add any kobo 2 anybody's bank account so just let it roll n get over it.and linda pls post my comment.Nagode

Anonymous said...

whether u expected it or not,or u dont buy da story,or u think its rubbish e dey for ur pocket,ur idea,ur opinion,ur perception dosent matter,so u guys shud kip blabbing,i can see ur all perfect,mscheeeeew

*ajalahtravel* said...

Na moments like this i fold my hands, smile and say "thank Jesus i didn't waste a second watching her made for tv wedding".


Anonymous said...

She already said it..she's a hopeless romantic.

She is not the only one in this kind of situation. There are millions of these ladies who actually had a "fairy-tale-love", get into a marriage and had to jump out through the window. They cannot withstand a tiny pressure/challenge of marital life.

Let me tell you from experience...

There is this lady that I dated for almost 1 year. She's also a hopeless romantic. We got married and had all the crazy effeezy...nice church wedding, fantastic reception, exotic limo ride, after party at the Galvaston beach, honeymoon in was lovely. We both invested thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, however, the marriage only lasted 3 months!

She was just fed up with being married in 3 months, so she got a divorce. This explains why I am still single but not searching.

++Jay, DC

Anonymous said...

Silly vain girl. I hope next time, she is left waiting at the altar. How can a sane person do this?

Anonymous said...

This lady is just irritatingly desperate. She can as well publish the book when she is done reading from it. mstchewwwwwww.

uju said...

Kim is just a fame whore! Am sure shez is trying to break elizabeth taylors record. If she knows d meaning of true love, she would have been working on her marriage instead of working on her collections, perfumes e.t.c . This is just the height of disrespect!!! Kim is just a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Tyler Perry isnt foolish enuf to fall for her as i heard she is staring in his new sitcom and next thing u know she is divorcing her hubby

Anonymous said...

linda guess who's back in clique of single women over 30?lol

ITK said...

she prolly just wanted the ceremony and all the wedding prep - she was dreaming and really in fairy tale land - but once she realised marriage is no joke and for life she called it quits - infact people like her shouldn't not be allowed to get married - there should be at least 1yr of courtship and she should be forced to stay put in the marriage for a year before divorce - 72days? like seriously - who granted the divorce?

Anonymous said...

i just want to know if she evn made an effort to save the marriage.

Buzzer! said...

Complete, absolute, utter, sheer, downright, total unreserved BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

ChiChiLuv said...

She must be writing those for brain washed people because noone with common sense would ever believe anything the vapid, shallow, fame monger has to say. Whatever happened to taking time out of all the traveling for business, traveling for pleasure, club hopping, event promoting etc to see how to make the marriage work? Whatever happened to fighting for your relationship, taking time to seek counseling both secular and spiritual? If she felt she rushed into it, she could have slowed it down by taking time away from all the money making ventures to get to know her husband, it's not like she's broke. He has the time with the lock out but she just flew off to Australia after filing the divorce to promote their clothing line which she owns jointly with her sisters, they couldn't go? Couldn't they say, we will handle things, why don't you go and put out the fire in your house?

All of this was a big CHARADE! This is a calculated move to ensure that they keep their audience rating high and it is a shame to the institution of marriage. It is business for them at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Please return the gifts to the people that gave them! it is always easy to give away another person's money! Nonsense

Anonymous said...

Sigh! I don't know if I want to believe her because I've been through something like this and want to believe that she can't be as heartless as everyone thinks, to use Kris so thoughtlessly.

I was in a relationship and everything was happening too fast, wedding was being planned, his family was on my case about kids even before the wedding and everyone was so into the wedding. I just felt so pressured and miserable.

Luckily, I got out before we tied the knt. I know I broke his heart and for that I'd be eternally regretful but I would have been living a lie! I would have brought our children into the farce that would have been a marriage.

It's tough, perhaps she didn't have the courage to get out before it was too late, with all the pressure on her.

I'd stop now before this turns to a novel, but Im trying hard to believe in humanity!

sara said...

f**king bitch.

Anonymous said...

very stupid girl. Only money she and that Bitch she calls her mother knows. She is already played out and people on yahoo are calling for a boycott of her show. She looks like one of those type of people you would like to slap with the way she slurs her words and acts stupid. Cheap, common slut. This will lead to the crumbling of their fake, plastic empire.

Thank God I didn't watch her fake marriage and Reggie did not go with her dumb ass.

whoukidn said...

She is a bitch and some women get killed for the type of heartless stunt she is pulling. How do you use people like that and think you are ever going to be okay. There is nothing fragile or sensitive in Kim. All people need to look at is these heffas mother. She is a conniving, controlling, money hungry heartless woman and even though all her girls act all soft and gentle, they are exactly like her. Bitches. They are sure to get fleas soon

Anonymous said...

The babe made some cool millions just by selling the rights to the coverage of the sham marriage. Those of us in Africa still never watch the effing marriage and we already know the freaking sequel! Long Hisss! Make she go siddon ojare. Her palaver and wahala just dey deduct from her physical beauty daily. Olosi!

Anonymous said...

she filed for a divorce when? and now she is out talking about it, then she goes to Australia to launch her new!!! Failed marriage or 'planned failed marriage'

justSayin said...

This girl is too much in love with the Idea of being in love.

The Kardashian Family uses people to make money.

Reggie Bush: Congrats mate...u dodged a Bullet

Anonymous said...

This bi$achhhh Kim got married for the money!...paid $17 million dollar$$ just to get married on TV!! Her supposed "husband" Kris just got suckered into the scam but got paid ZERO!!!
Wonder why Kim is not returning all the money and the gifts from the "wedding" if she actually married Kris for love?!
I think they should pass a law where you can go to jail for faking a marriage just to get paid!...Kim Kardarshian should be in JAIL by now for marriage FRAUD!!!

Anonymous said...

My people wants this world got in to! Life goes on in life if its never mean't to be. Kim is human as every lady out there. We are all looking for Mr Right she followed her heart and her dad's advise. I bet you all these p'ple writting shit about her life i bet you they all want to be in her shoes. Kim babes continue making your money and promote your fame. time doesn't wait for no one, Make it while you are still alive. then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.Let the haters hate. Life goes on. Gossipers and all the haters out there Try and look at your life and see what needs to be corrected and stop judging and commenting on cleb life style. They all gamble and hustle for their lives and future. Get rich quick or die trying. Thanks to 50Cent proverb.

Anonymous said...

she thinks marriage is a fairy tale...after the reality "fairy" wedding, there is real marriage life that's should be lived that's not on tv!!
she wants the money she can make off of the tv marriage...but cannot live a married life? Kim better donate all that money she got paid for that fake wedding to charity!
biatchhhh get real!!!

Anonymous said...

These people r damn ignorant... she has several previous relationships to her debit; You cant make marriage work on your terms, only on God's terms. God hates divorce, I hope this girl learns and look before leaping next time. It seems she cant just do without a man for sometime in her life; she needs to go on a relationship fast for all I care.

Ahmed said...


She's regurgitating damage control crap prepared for her by her PR company.

She probably thinks we're all 15 year olds. I bet she and her family never in their widest dream anticipated a public backlash.

What's the Jewish word for a good for prostitute? She should count herself lucky that I can't write Hebrew cos I'd have called her a money hungry hooker.

anjie said...

first of all , Kim was not truly in love because if she was she would have worked on her marriage a little harder, except the man beats you up , divorce after 72 days of can never be justified(just saying).as kim said she got caught up in the tv shows n wedding preparations even when she saw the red flags in her relationship---too bad kim....would have made a lovely couple,more reasons why the eldest K sister would not want to get married..
gushh !!! i love this blog

Anonymous said...


simi said...

Choi!!!! See as lib readers crucified d girl. Lwtmb. *NG* no dey carry last for dis kain mata

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Less love, more s.e.x, no calls, just text, new boo, no ex, more sleep, no stress. Welcome to divorce life.

Anonymous said...

Poor Kris. Kim played you like a fool. Im not surprised. I saw this coming. The way they acted in the show was a BIG sign that it wasn't going to last. eAnyways her role model is Liz Taylor. Let her follow her role models foot steps and get married more than 9 times. Fairy Tale wedding.. Fairytale divorce.

Anonymous said...

Poor Kris. Kim played you like a fool. Im not surprised. I saw this coming. The way they acted in the show was a BIG sign that it wasn't going to last. eAnyways her role model is Liz Taylor. Let her follow her role models foot steps and get married more than 9 times. Fairy Tale wedding.. Fairytale divorce.

galore said...

Nigerians una too sabi carry person matter for Head,,,the Girl no get Headache,,,but una wan take PANADOL........*shaking my head*

Anonymous said...

Are we talking of 72 days or 7,200 days (20 years)? No wonder it's a roller coaster.

ChiChiLuv said...

ABEG ABEG ABEG NOBODY should be comparing this talentless trollop with no personality with the GRAND DAME Ms. Elizabeth Taylor! How can? For all of her seven marriages, one can say that Ms. Taylor was TALENTED, an amazing business woman who single handedly pioneered the era of celebrity endorsed/created lines of perfumes, jewelry etc and her beauty was for the ages. Kim is a beautiful woman but in a mediocre, tainted, been-around kind of way. Her beauty lacks grace. It lacks class and dignity!

See a few of her accomplishments:

Taylor won two Academy Awards for Best Actress for her performance in BUtterfield 8 in 1960, and for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? in 1966. Additionally, she received the Jean Herscholt Humanitarian Academy Award in 1992 for her work fighting AIDS.

In 1997, Taylor was honored by the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) with the Life Achievement Award. Taylor received the French Legion of Honour in 1987,and in 2000 was named a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. In 2001, she received a Presidential Citizens Medal for her humanitarian work, most notably for helping to raise more than $200million for AIDS research and bringing international attention and resources to addressing the epidemic. Taylor was inducted into the California Hall of Fame in 2000.

Please just because someone considers a role model doesn't mean they are anything like that person.

Anonymous said...

i made a bet with my hubby that this marriage would not last up to 6 thank u for making my bet come thru....oga show me d money baby!!!

dee1 said...

See Kim is just a sick omo ti ko gbadun!!(Child that is not well)
The useless gal thinks this is another season for their useless lies reality TV...Ok she will wake up to her fools game. she thinks she fooling who? well definitely not us in niaja. Ode ni gal yi sha...

dee1 said...

See Kim is just a sick omo ti ko gbadun!!(Child that is not well)
The useless gal thinks this is another season for their useless lies reality TV...Ok she will wake up to her fools game. she thinks she fooling who? well definitely not us in niaja. Ode ni gal yi sha...

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