Bishop David Oyedepo Puts Up Two Private Jets For Sale | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 4 August 2011

Bishop David Oyedepo Puts Up Two Private Jets For Sale

A few months ago, bishop Oyedepo acquired his fourth private jet, a Gulfstream V, worth millions of dollars. The story now is that the Bishop has put up two of his private jets for sale. Reliable sources say the reason for the sale is the cost of maintaining four jets which costs millions of naira.


kunle said...

He didn't know dat b4 he started buying dem 1 afta d other

Anonymous said...

Naija and their ability to be gullible . May God help us all, we live in little but pastor live in luxury all because PEOPLE cannot open their bible and read the word correctly.…..The pastors sing SOW a seed sow a seed . God will bless you if you cry until him, u don’t need to sow so that Pastor can live in luxury . My God doesn’t accept bribe.

Judgment day should hurry up and come joor, make I laugh as many of these pastor na with Satan house them go dey .

Anonymous said...

Its very sad ...... the way these pastor live and yet their flock are in hardship . The little they have they give all in the name of Sowing..... May God help us all . Shaking my head in a very sad manner.

TWE ����(Thé White Enchantress) said...

thankyou oh at 2nd anon.... pastors live in afluence while the sheep wallow in poverty and they call demselves servants.....i refuse to say anything concerning anoited ones bc d bible has instructed 'touch not my anoited n do my prophets no harm' but i strongly believe dat wen God will decide to handle dem..... no amount of darkness will b able to hide dem. how n why should a pastor own even one jet? does he allow the poor into dis jet wen need arises or is it just him,his family n his cabinet of deacon n deaconess?does he use proceeds from it to help d poor in d church? God is not asleep.

MrsD said...

Wow, he had 4 jets???? #nocomment

Anonymous said...

Pray to and worship God and my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, study his word (the bible), be as Christ-like as possible every moment I am alive, give to the poor & needy to the best of my ability. Shikena

Anonymous said...

For Christ sake... u guys r missing d point...dis Nigerian mentality is so poor.. sowing dosent mean u r giving d pastor ur money to live big no matter ow little u av.. sowing is ur planting season..n if u want results, do as GOD says... its all in His word...if s pastor is florishing, its cos he's drinking in God's word n luv evryday...y cant u do d same in FAITH and get ur own are u sure that he's selln his jets cos he cant maintain it,... i rilly find dat hard to bliv... pls live life as God desires.. it will pay u even more dan pastors if ur hart is in it... god is intrestd in ur hart not ur money....

sleekreek said...

Four private jets.....for what??he has exhausted all the different car models in the market,,,now it is jet....God is on the throne...

mariamah said...

Most of our pastors live in luxury, while their flocks are suffering. I have always felt that motherless children, touts, physically challenged etc, can be rehabilitated with the help of our religious leaders, but that is the last thing on their mind, but when you want to talk, pple will say do not judge, God heip us all.

Anonymous said...

Anon @12:57 God will bless you. that is why most people will still wallow in abject poverty. Giving and receiving has to do with your faith. honestly noone is begging you to give God does not need your money.

Meanwhile Linda i think you are obsessed with Bishop Oyedepo cos u are always so quick to write stuff without verifying. Be careful

be-inspired said...

linda, be careful bout hw u post stuffs when it comes to men of God o! bcos we no know who b who, e beta make we no put mouth 4 d mata at all o! rememba doz children 4 bible wey bn dey call Elisha "bald-headed man", na play-play dem bn dey do & e bn dey sweet dem, bt dem no knw say him no b ordinary man, him b prophet of the most high God wit double annointin, na so e call bear frm bush wey chop al d 42 children o!
dem say advice no b curse, i jst dey advice & e no b by force to take am. left mata 4 God alone. som pple dey suffer 4 dis live bcos of al dis kain gist bt dem no know sey na im b d cause of deir problems.

i like u & i know sey u like ur life, bt na God like al of us pass!!!

Anonymous said... a country teeming with poor suffering masses...gullibility and sheer foolishness has reached new heights in Nigeria. I wonder how many private jets God has.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.57

Are you defending this act of owning 4 private jets ????.You must be a pastor urself and if u are,pls allow me to say you all are CROOKS and should be sitting in jail

Anonymous said...

linda who are the 'reliable sources'?or you just added that so that peeps will go after this man

Anonymous said...

REEEAAAAAAALLLYYYYYY,are u kiddin me>>>>>>>4 jets for what?????may God help us,trying really hard to control my speech just cuz his a man of God

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here in Nigeria,ignorance has gotten the better of the masses. Imagine a Church organization that has been around for more than a decade, that wants to build a new parish; they will never build that church or parish with monies collected in the past under any guise; tithe,offering,seed,pledge and the list is endless.They would rather start taxing the unsuspecting members in the name of church building committee and so on.So, if i may ask, where are all the monies so collected in the past and with this trend why won't pastors called and those claiming to be called open their own churches by the minute.

Anonymous said...

Linda, that your Forbes guy- Mfonobong Nsehe would be laughing now. He's always criticizing pastors.

Anonymous said...

The comments just proves how gullible naija are...... Dont speak evil about a pastor , be careful what you post of pastor blab blab, .. A pastor has 2 jet yet his flock are suffering . How can that be Gods wealth and blessing . CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR you mean.... May God open the eyes of my fellow naija , AMEN AMEN

Vivamature.blogspot said...

@ anno August 4,12.57pm,Arrant NONSENCE. if u have nothing to say better shut up ur dirty stinking mouth.*RUBISH*

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine rode on one of his really this is not "them say them say" . He actually owns at least one JET. its really sad and a big shame the way these pastors leave in luxury. Its has turn into a money making business...

PEOPLE OPEN your eyes , there are millions of poor people, Why didnt he donate the money used to buy a JET to feed the hungry, read your bible and you will able to SPOT the fake pastors among you who preach to enhance their lives.

It sad that the REAL Pastors are so few among us ..... SAD SAD SAD

ChiChiLuv said...

You don't have to agree, you can say I am speaking out of turn against a pastor, you can say I am heaping fire and brimstone on my head but guess what, the Lord did not give me the spirit of TIMIDITY but of love and a SOUND MIND. I speak out of a mind that can analyze and a speak out of love because people like this pastor are using religion as an opiate to numb and dumb down the masses.

The post by Be-Inspired is indicative of what people do with the words of the bible. They take it and bend it to fit situations. Those children were INSULTING a man of God, heck forget that he was a man of God, they were insulting a man old enough to be their grandfather. The bible says to honor your father and mother for your days to be long on earth, well, theirs didn't last that long after that, did it?

Linda presents a story on a Pastor owning four private jets and selling two due to the cost of maintanance, how does that equate to insulting pastors? Are we supposed to hide pastors when they do wrong? And granted, I don't think Linda is personally crusading AGAINST Oyedepo, she is simply presenting the information that is out there and it's up to the readers to judge or not.

I don't care how people want to swing it, there is something inherently wrong with a pastor owning FOUR jets in a country where people wake up with no prospects, no hope! Where is the money coming from if not from the salary he must be paying himself from the tithes and offerings? Because I am not aware of him having any other jobs? Maybe he makes extra money from speeches or possible writing books, yet and still, that is still money coming from the work of God which he has spent on what one would deem to be LUXURY and not a necessity!

How many church members with debilitating illnesses have been flown on these private jets for care? Or which doctors/nurses have been flown in to help the people? How many soup kitchens or shelter has been open? How many schools have been opened to operate on low cost for children of the poor? WHAT social services is this man operating under the auspices of the church? Prayer is good, sowing seed is good but action is better. You can plant but if you don't water the plant, you will have a dead crop!

Hotnigerianews said...

Speak no evil against the Men of God, if you think being a Pastor will make You Rich, then Give it a try. I will be here to welcome you back.
i wonder how blank Nigerians are

Anonymous said...

@be-inspired: Correct advice wey u dey give as 4 me i go dis matter 4 God and pray 4 my own private jet

Anonymous said...

Linda,i thought we had past the days of these dumb posts?
He is not selling due to cost of maintenance.he is obviously selling the old ones as psrt of funding for the new one which i assume will be more cost efficient than the old ones.
Whether he needs one is a different matter but he thinks he does so why the stress?
If you attend his church and you think he does not need one,change church.If you don't attend his church (like me),then get a life and engage in more productive arguments and discussions.

Harshtalker said...

its sad dat he has so much money to waste on jets and he's realising he does not need them now... our economy is crashn and our pastor is tired of servicing jets and wants to put them on sale.... what a world

Anonymous said...

@Be-inspired, who the hell are you to start 'threatening' her in the name of God?

Who says Linda is an 'ordinary' person? I think you should be the one to watch it?

We all know that your pastor is not clean to have four jets while the brainwashed church followers wallow in abject poverty.

A pastor with four jets does not fear god at all. He may be worshiping other gods behind closed doors. Awon ode!

Kesh said...

@ ChiChiLuv

i hope u first removed d plank in ur eye b4 removin d speck in d pastor's eye & be-inspired's eye.

share ur opinion & leave others to deirs if u dnt buy deirs.

Pastors in d US dat lead d size of congregation dis pastor leads, live similar lives, doesnt mean der r no poor or sick pple in d US.
no 1 has a rite 2 judge dis man except God, bcos truly who is less guilty amongst us? som of us writing here hv very poor & sick pple around us, in our extended families & neyborhoods, hv we ministered 2 doz pple in our own lil ways??? wen last did u visit d motherless babies & prisoners? som pple wud talk ill of oda's jst bcos dey hvnt been priviledged 2 hv wat dat person has. linda, in all sincerity b4 God & man, if dis man wz ur father wud u publish dis as news or gist?!!! cos i'm sure u wud hv bn usin dat jet 2go shoppin in paris as u like & d hot guys u crave 4 wud hv bn @ ur beck & kidding girl.

i also jst think u shld keep ur *gossip*(lol) away frm d men of God (my opinion)...cheers!

Anonymous said...

@Kesh .......the fact that a Pastor in the US does the same is????.

Please when did the US become the standard of measurement . What is wrong is wrong PERIOD.... No pastor regardless of the country should be in such luxury when his flock have little or nothing . Instead we should be hearing about all the motherbabies homes that the church has opened....

If pastor Oyedepo has use this Jet money to open a centre that gives food to the poor daily , WE WONT BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION (that cost to run d centre is nothing compared to the total cost of owing a jet)

Its sad what people have done in the name of religion, its also sad that they easily get anyway with it because of the mentality "do not (gossip) about the pastor. ..

As a strong born again , my advice if for gullible people to actually study the bible, that way its easy to spot a FAKE pastor, GOSH there are so many among us.

Anonymous said...


See gullible twits calling other people gullible. You heard gist on Linda Ikeji's blog which has not in any way been verified and you immediately believe it and start condemning. If you are right and he is actually using church funds for personal gain, then your judging might be justified. But if you are wrong, then its a sin. In my opinion, if you are not sure about something, then keep your mouths shut!!!!!

I heard that these jets do NOT belong to the man but to the church and they are used for missions. And I believe that cos in truth, why would he need 4 jets? They are not cars o! But since u r all soooo gullible, I understand why it is easier for you to believe that he owns them as opposed to the church owning them. SMH.

ChiChiLuv said...

@ Kesh - When priests are molesting children, do you think that's okay? I am sure you would say that's wrong, wouldn't that be judging? Or does "judging" only apply to sexual abuse but not to financial abuse?

Let me clarify that stating my opinion does not in anyway or form stop others from expressing theirs so I don't know where you come off asking me to allow others to express their opinions, you said your bit, did I muzzle you? And not to tout my own little horn or pat myself on the shoulder but I will have you know that I give money to charitites - Lupus foundation, Autism Speaks and AIDS Walk. I participate in the Breast Cancer walk to raise money for a cure as well as volunteer at God's Love We Deliver which prepares and delivers healthy foods to people suffering from AIDS and other terminal disease. I am doing my little bit to help in this world.

Cheers to you as well, dearie!:)

Anonymous said...

Listen People....
Linda ia a Blogist...She reports the news AS IS...a true Blogist is not partial nor judgemental...that one is for people Like she reports about Bishop Oyedepo et al...Sooooooo? If you have a problem about it move on!!!! but no-one will Bully her to stop!!!!!

I love u Linda!!!!!we are on your side...

Anonymous said...

read Jeremiah 23 to all those who are supporting pastors who are sooo rich and living in luxury as business men while the church in going thru spiritual ruin. they collect different categories of offering all in the name of raising money and yet it seems its d pastors that are enjoying d wealth... why collect different categories of offering time and time again??? why not just have an offering box somewhere in a corner and let people go there willingly and give as they choose... God loves a cheerful and willing giver.

Anonymous said...

Better be careful, or you sure will carry a curse. The people are are following him are not complaining because the have seen the works of God, they are not wallowing in poverty because God has blessed them through his words, and you who have never given a dime to the poor you are complaining, Be careful before poverty begins to hunt you.

Linda, I can assure you that its a matter of time, the sower will surely reap. "Its seed time and Harvest" If you think he is a joker, tunt him, and remember Elisha. Go read it, In Nigeria, everybody is a judge, they decide the fate of another before they even hear their crime, we are always guilty before we are proven innocent.. guard your heart/mouth with all deligence for out of it flows the issues of life...

Anonymous said...

Leave Linda alone! No curse will befall her but on whoever strikes the curse. She will have the last laugh!

Yet, they call themselves men and women of god but they serve the devil by putting curses on innocent people for saying the truth. Devils in church clothing. Shior!

Anonymous said...

Did Anonymous 7:12pm just say Mission? You're using a G5 for missionary purposes... Wait, four private jets for missionary purposes? Hahaha I haff die... Well they say in Nigeria- Church sells, have nothing against the man but four jets- three letters S.M.H

Sapele Babe in Lagos said...

Hewu! *SMH*. Anonymous 3:28,a soldier never goes to war without his arms?how can u come out so openly to display your ignorance witrh so much confidence? Haba! Before u say things,be sure,read,google.are u for real at all? You dont know of any other thing he has done except church money?what do u know apart from what people tell u?abeg make u try cultivate a reading and searching culture youi hear?So u dont know theres a hospital?you dont know there is medical support?you dont know there is aid to foreign missions?its only here in Nigeria u people can say things u know notin abt cus most people gert info via unverified gossip,So u dnt know there are more than 10schools?let me tell u somthing,Faith Academy,a first class boarding co educational sec school charges 80thousand naira per term e verything inclusive.Academically,the results are there to show,morally...Well,i am not here to fight Bishop Oyedepo's fight,His God will fight for him. And when you say his flock suffer,i wonder where u get ur facts from?do u know some of them?cus if you go to a church with all manner of problems and ur story changes for good,which is the testimony of thousands of people who hav had an encounter with this man of God and his ministry. Theres something i learnt a loing time ago and thats never to judge a man of God.what if u say he's fake and god actually called him where does that leave you?hmmmm.if the Bible has stated categorically that we judge not,Y should we judge? For ur info too,Religious critics,In the Winners Family(Oyedepo's church)it is a standing rule that no child in primary school or secondary school should remain at home or drop out of school on account of school fees,the church takes care of that if it is brought to their knowledge. In university,every winner enjoys scholrship,every indigent winner,i am a beneficiary,my siblings all benefited too. Widows are taken care of,U may cross check all of these pls. Bishop Oyedepo is a man with great compassion for people,I know. I had been to other churches before i joined winners and chose to remain there. When u imply that men of God deceive or brainwash their flock,i the very few Men of God critics think u are wiser than the thousands of people including,top leaders of industries,governors,intelligent proffessionals that are in the church abi?if its not working for u,u wont stay.there are amazing testimonies to show that God works through this man,Only fools doubt proofs. Most of you have cars,use expensive handsets,wear expensive clothes and jewellry,yet there are people around you who cant even feed,how many people have u taken up to assist?send to school et al?or u dont know God expects that of you?hmmm. I rest my case and await ur curses.It is well,God bless y'al.

Joke said...

@ Sapele babe in Lagos well written... people should leave Papa Alone if you do not like his ministry do not come or comment... Sit there and be typing all sorts behind ur computers while we praise God and reap the benefits.. Linda Ikeji i'm just telling you to stop being biased must you publish everything that is sent to you have some class and dignity. Stop acting hungry and publishing trash about people. there are some decent blogs out there.... let the insults begin i dont care i have said my piece.

HATER said...

to all the morons supporting pastors and their crooked ways, you are all BRAINWASHED! pls visit shrinks to set your thinking right, you FOOLS!

hotnigerianews, if it was not easy, then many churches would not be found in every nooks and cranny of streets! it's the tithes and offerings and sowing of seeds that pull them like magnet! how much wealth did Jesus himself amassed on earth before his death huh?

chichiluv, i absolutely agree with you for the first time.

HATER said...

sapele babe and joke, your comments shows your STUPIDITY and ARROGANCE! awaiting YOUR curses huh? #i laugh in yoruba o!# when all these so-called holier-than-thou-Christians begin to open their mouth talk ehn? Abeg, what does it says about a CAUSELESS CURSE in the book of proverb? is you idol-oyedepo free from sins?

when una go don waka tire between brothers even evacuate many times, una go come siddon for church dey spew arrant nonsense from una mouth! so poor people no dey for the church abi? which problem una papa as una dey call am don solve for people when everything is for sale in that church? 80k for boarding school nah cheap abi? how many of the church members fit attend covenant university?

i don't blame you people but the gullibility and stupidity of nigerians due to poverty!

Renée Anastasia Davidenko said...

read your bible and be prosperous like him stop inviting curses for urselves. is the jet for him alone? i ask y'all? is he the one selling or the church put it up for sale and besides this gist is stale cuz this private jet was bought ages ago

Anonymous said...

Dont be unequally yoked with unbelievers.. people like hater are just bitter cos life has not been good to them. ACCEPT JESUS IN YOUR LIFE AND U WILL BE HAPPY.. SHIKENA. IF U LIKE HISS IN YORUBA TOO... FRUSTRATED LADY...

Son Of a Prophet said...

Whos answeing God forsaken people like HATERS and his cohorts?v since you people ha v turned urselves to censors board dey count jets,get ready o cus u aint seen nofin yet,more jets are coming,u go hate taya then wen e too pepper ur body,you go kiss a LIVE COBRA or rush quick quick go hug transformer.You are Laughing in Yoruba,if you hear someone laughing in yoruba,wont u know the person is mad? Were.

Anonymous said...

Guys, I actually think Linda enjoys arguments like this and that's why she puts them up. Next time we see these types of articles, lets just ignore them and allow haters to say what makes them happy. No matter what you say, they will never agree with you so dust your feet and waka. It was never God's intention that things that concern him should be a fight.

Nkemjika said...

oseburuwa!!!!see as the man tanda for the jet dey enjoy life nyafu nyafu***i don tell nwaenwe make we start this business,na serious money ooooo***

I throway salute to una....

Anonymous said...

@hater Απϑ frends papa wl buy mor jets hahaha politicians d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ here d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ use our moni carelesli, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ do tns 4 demselvls alon U̶̲̥̅̊ no talk ₪ǻ man of God U̶̲̥̅̊ wan judge.he s reapin wat he hs sowd long tym ago.hater U̶̲̥̅̊я fada or U̶̲̥̅̊ hv a̷̷̴̐͠ car bt many pple I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ U̶̲̥̅̊я vila hv U̶̲̥̅̊ helpd b4,ask ppl d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ wl tel U̶̲̥̅̊ wat Bishop David s doin, Blesin livs if U̶̲̥̅̊ wan 2 no d secret bhind suces pls buy 1 of hs book Απϑ atend d nearst winners chapels.tnks go Απϑ question Bankole 4 stealin our 40 billions naira

Anonymous said...


AJ said...

The question of the day here is WHAT IS A BISHOP DOING WITH 4 PRIVATE JETS?

Anonymous said...

@ A.J, did he ever say they are his or they are the church's. Its clear that you were not reading all the comments and jumping to conclusions which seems to be typical of people with your kind of brain.

And to the person who asked how many people in the church he has carried in the missions jet (another daft question. How do you propose he carries his over 300,000 church members? No answer? I suppose its cos its for the missionaries ans members of the missionary team. DUH!!

Itizme said...

Aj,That is your Take home Assignment,go find out. Before you conclude that assignment,God would have blessed the ministry with more and you'll have morer assignments on ur hand while your mates will be making progress in life you will be doing busy body up and down. Anonymous before AJ,u can assist Aj in that assihgnment. The truth is that no matter the negative comments you all make,it cannot move a feather,in otherwords,you are all just wastin ur time and talking to impress Linda Ikeji who doesnt even know u and also to make urself have some worth in life-Blog critic of men of God per excellence',lol. One thing i know for sure is this 'I have never seen a person who talks ill of god's servants that amount to much in life',True. Examine your lives thoroughly. Who knows? The reasdon why you have not achieved that particular victory in that area of your Life is probably because God isnt happy with you,most of you have used your mouth to destroy your destinies. Make una continue o. One thing for sure is this 'More Jets are coming' so get ready for empty talks. Your mates are using their talk to make money,you are using your talk to waste ur time and even depreciate ir worth in a woman's blog.hisssssssss. Try locate a transformer near you so that when the other jets come,you can quickly hug it.

thinkitthru said...


Anonymous said...

may God forgive does those that open their mouth wide and letting all sorts come out for they do not know what they are doing.For those who are interested in knowing, the jets were not bought for personal runs but for the ministry.The jets are never his and they will never be His becos they are bought to enhance the work of God.Even if he decides to buy a jet for himself how does that concern any body, do u know how the ministry started?Please dont get into trouble with ur mouth by saying what u dont know.I tink u dont know what it means to be a blessed man and a blessing to your generation.

AJ said...

Obviously there are A LOT of Oyedepo followers commenting on here, or perhaps the Bishop is commenting on here? Because I dont see how anyone in their right mind is going to support this. The truth is really bitter, but its needed every now and then. THE MAN DOES NOT NEED 4 JETS, PERSONALLY I DONT THINK HE EVEN NEEDS 1 BUT THATS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER DAY.
Anonymous 12.57, all you wrote is bullshit and you know it. You are trying to justify pastors getting rich off the money the regular hardworking guy on the street rubbed two stones to make a buck with? Sowing in nigeria means you are giving to your pastor to buy shiny suits, relaxer for his hair, several jets and luxury cars and lets not forget the HOUSES...because we all know he can sleep in all of them at the same time every night.
If the jets are bought for the ministry, how many member can say they've been inside it? When he/she didnt have transport money to go to that job interview, did he help, maybe send his drivers and pilots? Or when they didnt have the right attire to wear for said interview, could they call him?
Itizme, well you are also commenting on here, does that mean YOU want to impress Linda that doesn't know you or give a shit about you? Pls, do tell.
Yes, i would gladly hug that transformer(thank god for M.I) with a clear conscience, but all these pastors would burn in hell for what they are doing, HA!!!

Itizme said...

You will hug the transformer,burn here and roast in hell. I have always hated poor people with a passion,They can never and will never comprehend the ways of the richly blessed of God. Aj,Ntooooyiiin,Mumu. No lie,you for no like am if sayt na your personal fada sidon for dat Jet?dont worry,it will happen But Not in this lifetime,The next.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 7:14pm.sori to say this but i think you are so foolish to say wot u said.My candid advice to all of u running ur mouth like tap is dat u all sud keep quiet and not put urselves in trouble.Bishop David Oyedepo is an anointed man of God and not only that he is sent by God to liberate mankind from all oppressions of the devil.Do u know how he started pls dont say stupid things that will put u in more danger bcos honestly speaking God has not finished with him yet.I wish u understand wot it means to be blessed by the maker of heaven and earth;God himself or have u forgotten the scripture which says 'seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing shall b added to you?You beta stop blabbing and start tapping into the Grace of God on his life for those who are interested in doing that.

Pee Cee Cee said...

When Jesus was on earth, did he have so much? Remember he was God's son and had all the capability and power to become anything he wanted. But he resisted it and rather concentrated on teaching the people in a meek and humble manner.

Enough of this shit about man of God, man of God. Are u kidding me? Which God? Religion is really the indian hemp of the people. Ole osi. Mshewwwwww.

Anonymous said...

1. Ok if Jesus was poor, so? dint u read it in d bible that the same Jesus became poor so that we can be rich? Why dint u get angry with Abraham who was considered one of the richest in the bible days and had thousands of Sheep/cattle. Do u know he was also a man of God? So it is now out of place for a man of God to be rich, only average pple shld be rich while the men of God should wear rags and come to ur houses to beg for food to eat. Just bcos we grew up with the ideology that men of God are paupers and church rats does not mean we shld be haters of change.
2. For ur own good, do not castigate any Man of God. Even if he is sinning and u insult him u have put a curse on urself cos it wasnt u dat died for him, it was Jesus. David did not sin against saul even when he had the opportunity to, cos he knew he was God's anointed. wat has ur hating added to you? has it changed the situation? it has subtracted from ur life instead.
3. I am a winner and where i am now is not the where i was when i joined the church. Bishop Oyedepo teaches us every sunday to seek first the kingdom of God and then all these things will follow. My life has moved from one level of glory to the other-to say the truth and if you ask me to write down a prayer point now-i have none. i would only write down things i would want for my friends and relatives. For other members of the church who i know personally same goes. They have moved from one level of prosperity to another.
4. Do u know that the church has hundreds of luxurious buses that take pple to church and back for free-do u have an idea of the cost of maintenance? so u really want him to run the schools (faith academy, covenant university) for free? do you hv any knowledge at all? do u know anything abt running a skol? okay, so that tomorrow u'll say that Bishop Oyedepo misappropriated funds meant for the church to the schools? do u have an idea of the daily cost of running these schools. u aint seen nothing yet my dears. More jets are on the way i can promise you that. i'm sure he's only putting these ones for sale so that he can get more sophisticated ones. I suggest you vent all ur anger on pple in political offices stealing your money and not meeting up their social responsibilities, instead of a Man of God who has never made any money personally for the hundreds of books he has written.
5. u did not insult him when he was driving a beetle car (picking and dropping off members with his beatle)and had only 8 members in his church in the 80s. Now that he has a 54,000 seater church with 4 well-attended services in one day and some 4 jets all of haters have woken up from your sleep. see life? well i can categorically say that u guys aint seen nothing yet. we just got started...get your facts straight, make enquiries... find out what he is using those jets for before jumping into conclusion. why are you getting all worked up? did he use ur money to purchase those jets? calm down my friends...

Thomas Agutu said...

papa we love you, infact buy another one. We are blessed by your ministry and we are too rich now hear in Kenya because of how God has used you to deliver us from the hand of the Davil. we are free and very rich as christ died poor so that we can be rich.Infact am soon buying my own jet. bravo Bishop

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