Photos: Ekiti government begins clearing of site for its proposed airport | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 2 October 2015

Photos: Ekiti government begins clearing of site for its proposed airport

Ekiti state government today began the clearing of the site for its proposed airport in Aso Ayegunle Village of Ado Ekiti. Continue to see more photos...


  1. Replies
    1. One of the states that was just bailed out by the federal government! Biting more than they can chew.

    2. Good job.. Action governor 👍.
      But no be only to clear bush o! Also try and complete the project..

    3. Jmy state ooooo. Why do we need an airport?? Who's going to use it? Pride doesn't pay the bills. Fayose has no vision

  2. Another means to steal from tax payers #lindaobserve

    1. Call it whatever..all I see here is a working Gov. And evidence of such Major Ekiti international Airport...lolz....about d stealing..well give and take...every one of them did it...President Buhari just built a 200k helicopter pad for 70million....Fayose is d man

  3. Fayose is working...

  4. Development! That's cool

    #iT wILL oNLy gEt BeTTEr
    #it MuSt EnD in PrAise


  6. This is a welcome development.


  7. Nice one my governo,my governo.this is the same airport that fayeme looted billions upon billions with.may God bless chief fayose for me.the peoples governo.
    Any evil plan by fulani terrorist people against chief fayose must go back to sender and wipe 10 northern state.
    Linda post it or not,am happy you saw it.

    #sad indeed

  8. Nice one my governo,my governo.this is the same airport that fayeme looted billions upon billions with.may God bless chief fayose for me.the peoples governo.
    Any evil plan by fulani terrorist people against chief fayose must go back to sender and wipe 10 northern state.
    Linda post it or not,am happy you saw it.

    #sad indeed

  9. Good for them. hope its economically viable. just asking for a friend.

    ~BONARIO ~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  10. Hope they would finish it under fayose's administration. Cos revenue might not come from the federal republic after all the insults he gave Buhari

  11. Dis wil really b dream come true for them and I wish them all d best. Thumbs up and more power 2d elbows of people of Ekiti state mostly d governor.

  12. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I think this is a dope development though no doubt....

  13. I just hope its not one of those Neva finished project in order to enrich demselves sha...

  14. Fayose and his 419

  15. Replies
    1. He's just a laborer clearing bush. Nothing is gonna come out of this.

  16. Dats a vry good developmt d governor is doing a good job.

  17. wonder sha never end ekiti for that matter

  18. Who won give am the money.....

  19. Pay your pensioners first oooooo 🙊

  20. No be by getting airport oh! It has to be top class even if it is local

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Good for them fayose is a no dulling man

  22. This man is confused. He was the one giving out chicken, rice, ram and kerosene a while ago. I thought he said his people cant be hungry and at the same time be asking for infrastructure. Has he completely wiped out the hunger?. Who are the people he is building the airport for? Himself and his cabinet probably. Can a hungry man fly plane? Can an equally hungry man afford plane ticket? Or is the airport going to become the people's bukateria or restaurant. He said his people need food more than infrastructure. If he put this funds in Education and/or Solar expansion I wont even have written a word. But AIRPORT? What a leader. CONFUSION is the word.

    1. States around them doesn't have an airport. And having one they can generate revenue from that. Simple. Just look at the positive side. We shouldn't be blinded by party or politics. After 2 years no improvement then we can talk....AY....

    2. I wonder the amount of money that is being budgeted for the supposed-proposed airport. I hope it comes to a reality. @Orange, 6:32, because he is providing food doesn't mean he can't also provide infrastructure. Maybe he just prioritize feeding before anything else. And just for the records, the airport is not just for the locals, people can come in for and event, tourism, or business. people travel to other places for several reasons, you can thank me later. I'd rather you keep quiet if you have nothing important to say. Its not neccessary for you to leave a comment. I understand that you are only marking register.

    3. I wonder the amount of money that is being budgeted for the supposed-proposed airport. I hope it comes to a reality. @Orange, 6:32, because he is providing food doesn't mean he can't also provide infrastructure. Maybe he just prioritize feeding before anything else. And just for the records, the airport is not just for the locals, people can come in for and event, tourism, or business. people travel to other places for several reasons, you can thank me later. I'd rather you keep quiet if you have nothing important to say. Its not neccessary for you to leave a comment. I understand that you are only marking register.

  23. Ekiti? what are you pple doing with airport? what do you want to land there? witchcraft?

  24. Nice one. More grease to their elbow.

    Busy Fingers.

  25. But should that be a priority? *justasking*


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. That's another FIRST from Fayose...he's an enigma

  28. I'm sure most ekiti people can afford plane ticket

  29. Only if i can kiss @Orange rite now

  30. Ekiti does not need airport, invest in what will put food on the table of the common man. Ondo is starting a chocolate industry there is bound to be multiplier effect. Establish industry that our youths can work. So much confusion

  31. They should use the land for mechanised farming and employ many youths.

  32. ORANGE you are right but this is a welCome development,it will make them more civilised,and are all of them poor. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  33. Good for them, but the money they go chop ontop of this project, go even Amaze Abacha

  34. Good for them, but the money they go chop ontop of this project, go even Amaze Abacha

  35. If you know the amount of road accidents that happen on a daily basis while travelling to ekiti Ull agree with this airport project. I know alot of students and people who have lost their lives, some permanently injured and besides the roads are full of corners, not that crashes can't happen too, but I'll be very rare. An average car travelling to ekiti takes about 5hrs 30mins, but if it's an aircraft it'll take 45-50mins if not less. He's efforts are reasonable, I applaud him.


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