Question of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 16 August 2014

Question of the day

From a LIB reader
"Is it right for someone to always remove his/her shoes before entering someone's house? In the olden days, people did it in the villages but in this modern day, should we continue that way? I need to know because I was recently embarrassed for not taking off my shoes"


  1. There is nothing wrong in entering someone house with shoe

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    1. They usually expect poor people to do that, and it's wrong. No host in his/her right senses would expect me to pull off my shoes in his/her house. Nobody would have the temerity to do that. I don't expect my visitors to do that either. The normal thing for one to do is to change the rug or whatever when it's dirty and worn out.

      City: Unknown.

    2. True talk, mr chyke. All the people wey dey claim say u no fit wear shoes enter their house, no dey tell that to big man ooo. Dem go dey look koro koro big man go enter their house with his shoes, and dey no go talk fiam. Na only poor man dem dey harassioo. If dem dey true to themselves, na everybody go dey do am. Una house don become a heaven. Mtcheeew.

    3. All I know is that it's very disrespectful to ask your guest to remove his or her shoes. With the kind of shoes people, especially women, are having these days, it would take some people up to 10 minutes to remove shoes and another 10 to put it back. Houses are not religious grounds, even at that, most religious grounds don't require removal of shoes. If you are so afraid of 'diseases', vacuum your living room always. There are now very powerful vacuums. Stop being petty, your living room is not made of gold, but mere rug! Very disrespectful.

    4. Courtesy demands... Lool but one is meant to remove his/her shoes so as not to let dirts in. If the person con match shit nko??? Ha!

  2. Its wrong nd bad.. depends on pple

    Pls visit my shoe blog

  3. Yes,its jst nasty,who knws where/what uv stepped on? Aint nobody wearing shoes in my house!!! Take it off

  4. It is bad o. U must remove ur shoes before entering my house o

  5. That's so archaic please. Only if you a member of cherubim and seraphi. Who does that in recent time.!!

    1. Not archaic at all. I live in Alberta Canada and it just customary to take off your outdoor shoes upon entering anyone's house. Everyone knows except you don't live here. It makes a lot of sense because you don't bring germs in, especially when you have little children who crawl and play on the floor. You have indoor slip ons if you so desire. Same rule in the schools here, kids take off their outdoor shoes at the entrance and they have indoor shoes with non marking soles.

  6. Yes oh!!!!!!!!!! It is very right! Who knows where those shoes of urs have entered nd wat bacteria u r bringing into my house! I can't shout ooooooooo! My freshly mopped tiles shudnt b ruined by ur damn shoes! U r lucky u didn't jam my immediate elder sis, dat embarrassment wud b an understatement!

    #GozManuel Says#

  7. It depends... If ur shoe z nt dirty,no p,buh if it z,pull ova! Or u reverse!

  8. Courtesy demands..... Yes it is right. U Wan carry dirts n shit under ur shoe stain person house? Only if d occupant say u shudnt boda den u can enta wit ur shoes on.

  9. Dear poster!apply common sense joor! How can you enter a palace for example or someones home with nice carpet being sprayed out,and you use your shoe enter? The simple truth is,while in Rome,do as the romans do.Shikenan!

  10. Yes it is proper to remove ur shoes ooo, Linda.

  11. Ur a monkey.proud fool.what is the relationship btw olden days and removal of shoes to avoid dirt.dirty rat.

  12. Well. To my living area and bedroom. No shoes allowed. Reason being my rug is white all thru.
    I kindly ask my frnds to take their shoes off before entering my living area. There are slip-ons provided for inhouse use only.

    Diff pple. Diff reasons.

  13. My dear I've been thinking of this same issue...

  14. Depends on the way they want it. But generally I think it should be that way. Removing of shoes is proper. Rom 13. James 4:17. BishopDammy#

  15. Abeg that was then. There should be a high grade footmat where people dust off before entering the house not removing shoes.

  16. Well our parents knew more about hygiene than we apparently do. Can you imagine the amount of germs on those shoes. Can you then imagine that we bring those germs into the house where we live? I personally take off my shoes after my living room so anyone who what's to progress into my house after the living room has to remove the shoes. By the way did I tell you I also have to make sure my floors are always clean otherwise it is unfair to allow someone to walk on dirt in the house.......

  17. Yes, you have to take off your shoes before entering someone's home. (Am assuming u live in naija) You know how dirty the streets are and u want to bring that germ and dirt into someone's home? U sef get wahala!

  18. not everything has to be an archaic tradition. its called keeping someones home clean. In japan its still considered courtesy for guest to take off their shoes before entering a home.

  19. It all depend on hw d room look lyk sha.wen u visit sum 1,if there is need 2 pull ur shoes u wil nt need a soothsayer 2 tel due 2 hw d room is

  20. Its good to remove ur shoes... Muslim does it...Sabath ppl does it.... b4 u enter vatican city u most remove ur shoes. Linda its better u start doing it now..

  21. In Japan you don't wear your shoes indoors! They have special slippers people wear indoors! It all depends on the person, there is nothing wrong with it! I would want someone dragging dirt on my expensive persian rug! So yes, there is not wrong with it.

  22. Really???!!! I will never experience such because i don't have people with such mentality around me.


  23. *********************************

    YES if they request it, remove your shoes. NO OFFENCE TAKEN.
    it is common in metropolitan cities as well!

    Quite common if they have crawling
    babies, don't want you tranferring
    outside germs all over the floor the baby is crawling on.

    Some people just don't like it baby or no baby for same reaseon. Can't wear shoes in my brother's room.

    If they have light carpets/raining outside.

    Those that live in seaside towns it is very much the norm otherwise the house gets very sandy.

    High heels can damage delicate wood flooring so you may be asked to remove them.


    If they have light carpet.

  24. Ridiculous question.
    Naturally, I won't take my shoes off, but..will gladly obey if I'm asked to.
    Don't know which culture that is, but I will be willing to go with the flow.

    * My R1.50c comment *

  25. It depends..I think its appropriate to do so in a small house because they have to clean up after.. But mansions would not because they have staff to clean up later.

  26. Islamically it is not right for visitor to enter a house with shoes or slippers bcos cleanliness is next to Godliness , you might have step into anything that are on ur way to d house and we do observe prayers in the house.

  27. Nawaooo, for Europe we no dey take off shoes ooo the only tin bisay bbefore u enter house, u go clean under ur shoes for footmash!!

  28. in some part of the world it is seen as rude,i also think its rude but Nigerians don't realize it and they never understand why i ask them to pull off their shoes.......i get very upset when people wear their shoes into my house,because my house is clean and you walk into my house with your dirty shoes(even if its not so dirty but you've walked outside).
    But its just a sign of respect to pull of your shoes .Some people don't care but i think its the right thing to do and been modern has nothing to do with it because i just do mine to keep my house clean some people might have different reasons like religious beliefs.

  29. Yes its good to take off your shoes, because its show respect to the home.

  30. Pls linda come nd rescue us ooooooooo

  31. yes it is right for you to remove your shoes before entering someone's house, so you wont dirty the house with sand or mud from your shoe.

  32. SMH... see jamb question. U 4 ask us if u'll close ur eyez while sleepin' or weda u can use hot iron take make & ansa call or weda u can use ur tooth-brush take clean toilet...

  33. Taking off ur shoes before going into ones house has nothing 2 do wt d olden days.

  34. Tarh..wetin de mean..firstly some people are allegic to cold floors..unless de person provides de visitor a slippers.secondly young boys like us dt wear shoes without socks .if de pull dt shoe de person de are visiting myt is better we wear our shoes warned..peace

  35. Depends on what the owner of d house wants..if u come to my house u 'll have to remove ur shoes cos my house is rugged.

  36. Their home is their castle. They make and break the rules. I hate to take off my shoes in a house to walk around barefoot. That's why I don't return to such homes when this is the owner's expectation.

  37. Come my pa house nu remove ur shoe he'll remove ur brain

  38. It all depends on the scenario. There are places you'll go and once they notice you trying to take off your shoes, they tell you not to bother. You may go to some houses and see other people's shoes at the entrance, are you now the one who will enter with shoes? Even if their floors aren't so clean, they will eye you in a funny way if you step in with your shoes. Yet again, you can go to some houses and see very shiny, polished and clean floor tiles or a very spotless, beautiful rug... here, common sense should tell you that you ought to take off your shoes. You're asking if people should still take off their shoes before entering some places in this modern day... the fact that you were embarrassed recently for not doing so has given you your answer. How would you feel if you just finished cleaning up your living room rug/floor and it's neat and spotless, then one annoying being stomps in with dirty shoes?? Of course you're not expected to take off your shoes at any public facility no matter how clean the floor is... but when it comes to private homes you should be cautious. learn! *end of lecture*

  39. U shd take off ur shoes,na u dey help dm sweep their house? Its proper 2 tk off ur shoes

  40. If that's is what the owner of the house want, its right to respect it. And same will be done to urs also. SOLO said so

  41. It's right to remove ure shoes before entering someone's house

  42. My rules

  43. I don't know why ppl do not know the difference in civilization and westernization. Ones belive and personal discipline should not be clouded by your own western attitude . Its their house and the have rules, and it says pull your shoes. They owe you no explanation just like you don't explain to anybody when you walk around your house with your shoes.

  44. Environmentally it is wrong and right.
    If you leave in Muddy and Sandy area you must take-off your Shoes before entering into the House, but if the whole environment is Interlocked and Roads Tarred, then Visitors need not take off their shoes

  45. see me see question ooh, na u they clean the house for them? Our environment is dirty, so u should plsss remove ur shoes before entering someone's house.

  46. Because of bacterial, disease and the bad sanitary condition here in nigeria, where we see faeces around. At home children play on the floor, removing once shoe reduce contaminating the floor. The idea of removing shoe is not a culture but hygienic

  47. My house is well ruged and u re telling me u won't remove ur shoes! Except dat house is tiled allround Dem u can enter wit ur shoes. But wen rugged abeg boo bata ree.

  48. It depends sha,I will spy b4 entering then decide depending on wat I see.
    Bk then while serving in d North,I wear my socks around cos I hate to feel sand on my feet,so I won't ve prob wt taking off shoes if I visit anywr.I mop my house everyday and I don't ve any prob wt wearing ur shoes in,provided u won't step on my rug designated area.
    So apply ur sense or u kindly ask if its ok to wear ur shoes in

  49. Not really but put remove your shoes sign on your door.

  50. Bush gal is dis 1 a question? U waka match match nonsense u want come enter person house I dnt blame u ,u watch foreign movies a lot ~ice princess~

  51. Since when has keeping my home floor clean and healthy become an achaic tradition??

    Whatever hapened to common sense??

    The person asking this question must be a concrete idiot... Walk into my house with ur shoes and I would politely turn u back..

  52. must be ibo askn dis question, u must be dirty wt dirty house

    1. U r a fool....#market wey person know na e dey sell#...#only witch dey knw closed...otondo

  53. it is their house. do as you are asked to do, you are a grown woman stop asking us stupid questions abeg.

  54. As far as Nigeria remains sandy, removing of shoes remains important. the reason why people still do it is because they wouldn't want people to be bringing in sand into the house

  55. The reason you wear shoes when going out is the same reason you shouldn't when you are indoors. Shoes or foot accessories worn indoors should not been worn outside. You introduce dust, germs and a lot of other nasty stuff when you go into somebodies house with shoes on. I get angry when common sense is scarce for people who step on rugs with shoes. NONSENSE.

  56. It's not about olden or modern day. It's about HYGIENE. think about all the nonsense and filth you shoes walked on. I don't want that on my carpet. And if I have kids, I want to protect them from whatever dirt you tracked to my home. So please, kindly leave your shoes at the door or you're not welcome in my home. Thank you.

  57. Maybe you're too embarrassed to remove your feet from those shoes. Get a manicure and be proud to show off your cute feet when you get to someone's home. Remove your shoes before you entering anyone's home is a courtesy.

  58. ČŠ̝̊̅ think its bad bcx u cnt tell what the person has step on and i also do it has a muslim cx u dnt v to step on anywhere you observe your solat so for me i think its bad.

  59. The proper thing to do is to please your hosts.
    If they prefer that you remove your shoes, do so graciously. Otherwise, wear them.
    In most countries where houses are usually built with wood and have wooden floors it is customary to remove your shoes.
    It is their home and you aim to please.
    - AE

  60. u av said it all.but u av 2 put an inscription in front of ya door so dt in comin visitors wld c it or u ask dem 2 pull it off politely.

  61. It all depends. In Nigeria where there is mud everywhere, I would expect you to remove your shoes before entering my house if I have rugs in place. Also if I have babies crawling all over the place, picking up food from the floor, then YES, you must remove your shoes before entering my house. The socks has to stay on so you do not leave a foot fungus behind. The act of removing shoes has nothing to do with customs. I do the same anytime I go to pick up my baby from the nursery. It's all about hygiene in my own case.

  62. The way I jokingly told a friend of mine "ahnnnnn ur shoesss" she was like oh! Why would some1 wear shoe wt sand and all into another person's living room?why?

  63. Is proper uo remove ur shoe. It shows uo value d comfort of d persons house. LIB Princess!


  65. i have a son crawling around the house and picking up food from the floor... i dont care if you are wearing prada or gucci.... abeg off shoe before u enter biko

  66. Why wont you remove your shoes when entering my house? i clean my floor, not you and my kids are little which means the play on the floor all over the house and i dont know where you have entered with your shoes. Simple if you dont like removing your shoes when visiting someone,s house then sit in your house with your shoes on all day.

  67. As a Muslim u dont wear shoes into my house cos I pray on any part of the floor.

  68. I live in America, you still have to remove your shoes before you enter my house. You have to remove your shoes before you enter all my oyinbo and black friends house too.

  69. It has nothing to do with olden days

    It's strickly for preventing unwanted Dirt....

  70. You can wear your shoes in my house, but you take dem off before you get into my lounge. Even I do the same as bacteria could be on the shoe. My kids play on the floor of my lounge.

  71. With my kids playing on the floor, picking up food off the ground when they drop it...Oh yes, you have to remove you bata

  72. Take them off or stay outside.

  73. What does that shit got to do with it you embarrassed wetin you wear wey them tell you say make you commot your shoes. I know you lying. Nobody asked you to remove you shoes. You lying cunt

  74. U must remove ur shoe before u enters my house or........ U r may not be welcome ..period. For some of u that SAID u cnt off ur shoe can go to market and price building materials and house furnitures.

  75. That one na for Europe now, their street clean,no be for Nigeria when u don match kpoto kpoto and thick mud / dog shit! If u see some confirm rug or terrazo self, no body go tell u to comot your mumu shoe. For me, it depend on the house when i wan enter and the shoe when i wear sha! Jerosman

  76. I can only remove it only if I had co.e to borrow money from you.

  77. Yes, you should remove your shoes....Lagos is too dirty n dusty !!!! huh..!

  78. I don't like people entering my house with shoe because the shoe would have carried germs and deposited same in the house. When i visited someone i removed my shoes before entering the house too...Its just hygiene..

  79. It's not a matter of if it's proper or not, but of what the OWNER of the house wants. Personally, i'd say its important to remove your shoes especially if there are toddlers in the house. As others have said, who know what your shoes have carried. You can't go to someone else's house to dictate to them what they should do. If you don't wanna take off your shoes, abeg stay in your house.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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