Two of the abducted girls who later escaped from Boko Haram men
recently spoke with Channels TV crew where they recounted what happened
when they were kidnapped and how they escaped. The girls who were
writing WAEC examinations spoke in the local Hausa dialect. Watch above..
Arrangee! Students writing WAEC can't speak small pidgin not to talk of english.
ReplyDeleteWe all make fun of our 1st lady bcos of her failure in proper eng even though she's illiterate.
DeleteSm1 writing waec whom i suppose is doing so bcos they passed english & other courses taught in English for 12 years can't speak english.
Are they sure?
God bless you
DeleteI've met hausa university graduates dt can't speak english.
DeleteI'm starting to believe this whole thing is being stage managed. The girls' stories did not just rhyme at all. It seems as if they were talking about 3 separate incidents instead of one. One of the girls said she escaped and climbed a tree in the night as she was being followed by a man with a torch. If the man could not drag her down, what this meant was that the tree was a very big tree and that the girl was out of his reach. So, how come a girl could climb a tree with such dexterity that a man pursuing her could not catch up with her and drag her down from what, obviously, was a big tree. Also, the man asked her to get down from the tree, she refused and he simply worked away?
DeleteThe other girl said that they were asked about the school's pantry, and they took the book haramites to the pantry. All along, they never told us that they took them to the pantry, what we were told all along was that they pointed out the pantry to them.
The girl that said she escaped from the convoy was too detailed for me to find her credible. She even mentioned the time, 2 pm, that she escaped. For me, anybody in such harrowing circumstances as the girls alleged, would not be bothered about time when trying to escape. For her to state the exact time she escaped, to me, shows that she was coached. By the way, a girl that was preparing for waec, who from all intent and purposes, could not express herself in simple english, would not be wearing a time piece. Also, we were made to understand that they escaped when the truck broke down, how come she never mentioned that while recounting the incident.
I guess I have to stop with the above few. But truth be told, there are many inconsistencies here people to create doubts in the minds of discerning folks. 300 is such a large number. I find it hard to believe that such number of students could disappear in thin air and nobody has been able to see them even yet. Book haram despite its violent tendencies is not that sophisticated as to carry such a large scale kidnap without anybody knowing their whereabouts. Also, since boko haram thrives on publicity, I expected them to show these girls on youtube, as a way of beating their chests on their accomplishments, after all, they have shown videos of other captives in the past. How come they have all of a sudden changed from their modus.
By the way, were these girls not preparing for waec? How come they could not speak in simple or broken english? If actually they are what they claim, it shows in no small measure, the sorry state of our educational systems.
Lastly, why are we not being shown the pictures of these girls? Does it mean that these girls don't have pictures? Their parents should, as a matter of urgency, show their pictures to the world. This will go a long way into aiding their rescue. This is the standard practice all over the world in cases involving kidnapping. Except, of course, there was no kidnapping in the first place.
Unknown City
Thank you 2:20pm.a lot of people on this blog that are even Lagos born and bred can't write full sentences.
DeleteYou have spoken so well, shows we still have people with proper thinking faculty. #Godblessnigeria
DeleteVery tru its vry shameful dt girls writing WAEC cnt speak simple english, dis shows hw poor our educational sector is doing. I dnt blame d girls as taking a survey around d country, it will b discovered dt only a few towns n state capitals use english for transactions
DeleteWs suprised wen I ws in Akure some tym ago n met wit a young man of abt 29/30 did nt understand a word englis let alone speak it, so I'm surprised at d case of these girls who obviously reside in very rural areas. D case is dsame all over d country,
I am nt rulling out d fact dt dis whole tin cld b a charede, bt leave d spoken english out of ur analysi
Anon 3;42PM, I second ur opinion, u just spoke my mind dear. Who is fooling who?#
DeleteChyke... thanks for these analysis o, u forgot to ask where d father of dis kids are? how come it's only d "mothers" that ve been crying all along? Waec doesn't set questions in native language since it's going to be written all over west African states.. how come a student planing to go 2 uni can't express in English. Too much lies in these kidnap story abeg.
DeleteWell spoken choke, I just think this whole kidnap thing is a charade. But its cool that international communities has been attracted, am sure its a Godly arrangement to curb boko haram and their cohorts.. #Godblessnigeria#
DeleteIts a pathetic sight 2c students who r supposedly WAEC candidates unable 2 communicate in english language.The truth b told many students in rural schools have their exams written 4 dem.In the secondary sch in Farin-ruwa an area in Wamba LGA in Nassarawa state where I served as a corp member we were required 2 write answers 2 WAEC exam questions on d board 4 students 2 copy.So I'm nt surprised d students can't communicate in only goes 2 show hw deplorable d country's educational system is.-free spirit-
DeleteThere is nothing strange about that. If you go to the village even in SW,SS Nigeria. SS3 students can hardly speak fluent English. It is easier to express themselves in the local language.
DeleteAt least they can speak Pidgin English
DeleteLord plls help my countrty Nigeria.See us through in our tragic momentz
ReplyDeleteIt's heart touching
ReplyDeleteJdy last posted...8 Things I Pretend To Hate, But Secretly Love
God help Nigeria!
ReplyDeleteWere they writing the WAEC exams in Hausa? #thetroublewithnigeria
ReplyDeleteThank God the almighty for their life
ReplyDeleteYour comment will be visible after approval
Bh ur time is up. . Linda I heard dat d useless nd heartless bh attackd borno again
ReplyDeleteInnocent Children,who don't even know what the bloody hard hearted politicians are fighting for.BH and all those in connection to it will die IJN Amen.There is God oooo.
ReplyDeleteI thank God for their lives,I pray others will regain their freedom in no distant time.
ReplyDeleteAm sure some people who choose to careLESS will still doubt them,but their sentiments are too little compared to the will power of a united people.
Yes, I still don't believe it.
DeleteAhh Bona, were is the critic in you, waec students can't speak English or even pidgin? Please don't be stupid and use your head.... This drama will climax soon, very soon, even if those girls were kidnapped they aren't part of the chibok girls who I seriously doubt were kidnapped.
Deleteso students writing waec cant spk english? nt even pigin? re dey writing all ther papers in hausa language?? just a questn
DeleteI think you are an idoit to continually doubt this devlish abduction. Change your ways and thoughts before a greater calamity befalls you and your types.
DeleteZenki,don't ask,just take some time off from your schedule and go to the rural areas.i will sponsor your trip however you wish to go.
DeleteWe all come here and judge.the level of poverty and illiteracy in our country is appalling.if you are interested in going,send your details to Linda.i will verify and sponsor your trip. God bless is unheard of that an ss3 student a WAEC candidate can't speak common English,what language will she use to write English paper on the exam day...the truth can't be hidden forever.
Delete@Anonymous 3:56PM,its you who need to change ur ways and thoughts before I summon my psychic powers and rain doom of Moab on u.
DeleteWhy have u harden ur heart so much against ur mother -wisdom and choose to be irrational even when the puzzles are becoming clearer?
Never u open ur mouth here again except u wish to test my cosmic ability.
If abduction happens,are there not suppose to be neighbourhood watch?and what will the watch out for?ur disgusting gob?
Now,see the kind of theatre students u and ur cohorts of hell employed.
Bob Marley saw u and this Bonario of a creature when he said emancipate urself from mental slavery.Now is the time.Gullible gobblin smiggle
@Bona, sometimes it pays to have an analytical mind. U've a one track mind, u think u're the only one with a pitiful heart. Sometimes look at things from all angle b4 u write n stop condemning pple with the ability to think outside the box. Emancipate urself from mental slavery
DeleteOK Linda, but when was that?CHI.
ReplyDeleteIt very difficult to believe what is happening in that state,how come somebody that is writing SSCE can not speak english.Everything is staged.I know God will expose all the people behind it.Both Christians and muslims should stop protesting and pray.Ada anyi nwanyi Linda post my comment ooo
ReplyDeleteI served at a secondary school in Kano, 70% of the students can't speak english. Most of d teachers teach in hausa, so I'm not surprised.
DeleteU guys doubting the event because the girls can't speak English definitely have not bn to the north. If you did ur NYSC there, u'll definitely know that SSCE graduates there can't speak English.
DeleteU guys doubting the event because the girls can't speak English definitely have not bn to the north. If you did ur NYSC there, u'll definitely know that SSCE graduates there can't speak English.
DeleteIts not difficult to a doctor in d west most school students in this area cant speak simple English...just yoruba talk less of the north...wake up nigerian education system is as dead as her security systems
DeleteU must be a naive citizen to not know that d education system in nigeria don rot die are a fool,what you are telling me is that someone in ss3 can not speak cut and nail English.despite how bad the educational system is in the country haha!! the shoe menders and suya aboki men,na igbo them de speak?
DeleteLmao, anon 4:28PM, are u 4 real??? Choiiii, abeg go back n read comment properly.
DeleteHmmmm.... How come d said students who spoke appears older than secondary school girls
ReplyDeleteOnly God knows what this pedophiles and perverts are doing to this girls daily. But it still baffles me why God will still allow someone as evil as shekau to still remain alive.
ReplyDeleteSo student writing weac can't speak English? I pray for the safe return if the rest girls. #BringBackOurGirls
ReplyDeleteStudents writn waec are speakn hausa here WHYYYYYYY????
ReplyDeleteStudents writn waec are speakn hausa here WHYYYYYYY????
ReplyDeleteWished all the girls escaped... Meet The 18 Year Old Set To Be The World's Tallest Bride
ReplyDeleteWhere are the. Ositas? And that pdp women leader? You still dnt believe there was a kidnapping? Na wa for some pople sha
ReplyDeleteSm1 writing weac no english. How is that possible?
DeleteWhere are the doubting Thomas.
ReplyDeleteHmmm they were lucky nd God reeling help them, were is paw paw did u see their parent nw? Mumu
ReplyDeleteHmmm they were lucky nd God reeling help them, were is paw paw did u see their parents nw? Mumu
ReplyDeleteHmmm they were lucky nd God reeling help them, were is paw paw did u see their parents nw? Mumu
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing this video. I don't know what to believe anymore..!!
ReplyDeleteBelieve in Jesus Christ
DeleteUloma..God bless u
DeleteNawaoh! De even made away with their food......are they hungry too? Tufia! Oshi aguu........
ReplyDeleteSorry to interrupt the #BringBackOurGirls and #PresidentialMediaChat tweets. Brethren, the Ghost in this Nollywood movie is pounding yam..
DeleteGod pls save d oda girls
ReplyDeleteGod for hw long will u look on. Plz rescue us from dis .
ReplyDeleteNow I'm loving You more Linda! I love this. Part of your write-up
ReplyDelete"The girls who were writing WAEC examinations spoke in the local Hausa dialect"
And so what. English na their first language?
DeleteNow this is becoming real to me and since nobody wants to join me to the forest. Let all of us start shouting #BringBackOurGirls.
ReplyDeleteplease is WAEC Written in Hausa or English? How Come the parents and Guardians Crying don't have pictures of their daughters?... they should try harder in convincing or confusing us
ReplyDeleteI hope the rest of dem gets thr luck too
ReplyDeleteNot sure of what to believe anymore Sighs!!! there is God ooo.
ReplyDelete#Via Smile 4G network
ReplyDeleteThis is fabricated story,,, please read this CHIBOK PRINCIPAL GIVES CONTRADICTORY STATEMENT ...==============HERES WHAT THE CHIBOK PRINCIPAL, HAJIYA KWAMBURA, TOLD AP NEWS AS REPORTED ON APRIL 17 2014 ====== Kwambura said the students were kidnapped because of a terrible mistake. She said the insurgents arrived after midnight at her Government Girls' Secondary School wearing military fatigues and posing as soldiers -- a common tactic used by the insurgents. She said she believed them when they told her that they needed to move the girls for their own safety. So she allowed the extremists posing as soldiers to load the students on to the back of a truck. It was only as the armed men were leaving, and started shooting, that she realized her mistake. The militants killed a soldier and a police officer guarding the school, she said. ====================================================== HERES WHAT THE SAME PRINCIPAL TOLD PUNCH NEWSPAPERS ON 27TH APRIL 2014 ==========='When it happened, I was not in the school premises. I went to Maiduguri for a medical check up. I was called by my daughter around 11.30pm in the night. She told me that some insurgents were in the school and were trying to escape. That was how I heard. My daughter resides in my house, which is located inside the school. We were together in the house and I left her in the house before I went for the check up.
Ur pool of wisdom is indeed tsunamic.I can literally recharge ur phone data but until then............
DeleteGod bless ur wisdom my brother.
This tears of my amiable firstlady that they are currently mocking,will someday embarass them all.............There is God oooO
Ur pool of wisdom is indeed tsunamic.I can literally recharge ur phone data but until then............
DeleteGod bless ur wisdom my brother.
This tears of my amiable firstlady that they are currently mocking,will someday embarass them all.............There is God oooO
nawaoooo. ...God help Nigeria
ReplyDeleteI totally agree wit all U̶̲̥̅̊ r asking y d girls writing waec spoke I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ their dislect n y their faces don't luk like second girls, y their parents don't ve their pics during protest. Oh Ǧ☺̩̩̥D̶̲̥̅̊ arise I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ battle n save ♍♈̷̴ jerusalem
ReplyDeleteShut up do you think Hausa people snap pics like us igbo n yoruba they don't snap pics like that ook,point of correction mumu hw many tym did you seee mallam pose D̶̲̥̅̊e̩̥̊y̲̣̣̣̥ snap pics ewu gambia
DeleteU shut up aswell, hausas snap pix too. I live in d north so I can tell. Mkpi ala
DeleteGod help us in this country...
ReplyDeleteThis NOTE is for BH:::mr presdo oga JONa will not step down for any1 if you like kill the xtians in d world he s d next president so stop d killing of innocent people. Tnxx
ReplyDeleteThe ignorance i see on all these comments...please endevour to visit the north and see for yourself, even the east! these village children can only speak their dialects! Their being in school is just taking advantage of subsidized education in their community and the pride of WAEC certificate, most of them do not go beyond SS1 not to talk of WAEC.
ReplyDeleteFor those that do not believe the girls are missing, all i can say to you is There is GOD!
Is it because they reside in the north?
If this happened in one yoruba village will anybody doubt it?
And we call ourselves one nation!
Stop doubting pals. I served in the North and I know that the students there, even in the towns communicate in their native and Hausa dialect. Stop doubting! If they wanted to arrange, its English they would have used in narrating their story, and about the age of the girls, most of them over there go to school at an older age. You people have absolutely no idea whats going on in that part of Nigeria, so shut your mouth
ReplyDeleteThe level of illetracy in the North ÏŠÈ¿ second Å£ọ̥ none.i served in Kebbi state ǟƞδ communicating with the student ÏŠÈ¿ always a problem. They arre usually taught in their local dialect. Therefore writing waec ÏŠÈ¿ a criteria Å£ọ̥ speak good english in the north.why Do you think that WAEC/Jamb marking scheme/cut off mark ÏŠÈ¿ not the same Æ’or both north ǟƞδ south respectively? Becos our standard of education ÏŠÈ¿ not the same.
ReplyDelete@Yusuf, nice one. They're just complicating matters by giving fabricated and conflicting stories. I wonder what one will believe. My prayer is that God would bring back these girls, put an end to this nightmare called boko haram, and bring peace to Nigeria.
ReplyDeletemust they speak english?..I hope they find the others
ReplyDeletemust they speak english?..I hope they find the others
ReplyDeletehmmm na wa oh.. God help us. all i can say is that i find it absolutely stunning that Jonathan doesnt seem particularly perturbed. i may be wrong but he seems quite lackadaisical. if this was his own daughter now, they'll have found her by now.
ReplyDeleteum, 1st of all, its plain stupid to just ask ppl to be quiet about this and just pray. ofcourse ppl have to take serious action now. abi wetin?
ReplyDeletesecond, whether the girls can speak english or not is really not the point here. i find it amzing how u can ignore such a touching problem as this to concentrate on whether they can speak english or not.
Linda, all dis stories are fake...Principle of the sch has different voice .. B4 she talk say she no dey sch when the incident happen......later she said she was in sch when it happen... Which one do we believe?
ReplyDeleteOge Zita....... #BringBackOurGirls#TakeAwayRunsGirls#
Well whatever anyone or group of person does to innocent lives, d same God that made d blood of Jesus speak will speak on their behalf
ReplyDeleteAbeg in WAEC you write english not speak it biko! After all the 1st lady no sabi speak english well but she be Prof! Abeg they should just#bringbackourgirls period.
ReplyDeleteWho told you dumbos they can't speak English? Nothing irritates me than Nigerians making grammar such a a big with that rachet "gbagaun" y'all came up with. WTF?
ReplyDeleteIf they speak english, how will their uneducated mothers and local Chibok residents comprehend them? Be slow to speak (or rather write) about sensitive issues like this.
Da fuq!
I don't know what to believe cous d stories don't even correspond they are all different dat one begin to imagine if it was in d same school, anyway heaven help us
ReplyDeleteNow i believe and i am so sorry i doubted it happened before. Look at the grief on the faces of the women. This is just too sad. Islam is evil
ReplyDelete@Yusuf Chibok.......Mehn don't know what 2 believe anymore!!!
ReplyDeleteWell one dese parties must be lying. Some is actually lying. * We wld find out soon*********
Same questions I ask, we also read last week they were sold only to watch this week by shkua or watever his name is they would be sold soon, why do they only come out in two's?,why has the ist lady of borno state not bodered to anser mama peace? Why were the women given money by the states? Why are these girls speaking hausa, as if they've never been to the walls of a school, don't get me wrong, some girls may have been kidnapped, but I don't biliive they were upto 276, I tink it was all planned, by the powers behind these insurgents,the insurgents and the borno ppl, if u ask me and their sole aim is to make the ppl of nigerians revolt against gej's regime even foriegn bodies too as we'll, they also want to humilate him and fustrate him causing confusion, my speculations though I may be wrong but trully if these lil girlz have trully bin abducted all records would ve been shown buy their parents and guardians long agao
ReplyDeleteNow i believe and i am so sorry i doubted it happened before. Look at the grief on the faces of the women. This is just too sad. Islam is evil
ReplyDeleteI am not doubting or saying all these stories are not real but we have to be sure and be mindful with the way we make our judgments. just few questions. My first question is why would a student writing waec won't be able to speak just a simple sentence in English even if it's not well constructed? How about their pictures? For crying out loud we should be able to have a view of their pictures by now. different kinds of testimonies, something is wrong somewhere, God knows all that's hidden
ReplyDeleteU re vry stupid@ swagg! If they giv u jst 100,000 wnt u pose as one of the girls,why is their face coverd nd y re dey speaking in hausas,u re insultin pawpaw that can feed u with ur entire generation 4 centuries,ur brain is black
ReplyDeleteMumu anonymous, their faces were covered so as to protect them. Didn't u see wen the first lasy of the state was also peaking hausa? D first thing u shld do for ur dumb ass is to find out the language that was used in interviewing them. As for ur pawpaw, he shld go and take several seats. Hope he will be able to show his face wen these girls are eventually freed. Omo ale jati jati!
DeleteIf they are sure those gurls were kidnaped they would have release the pictures the next day in case any one sees them bt they hide it after 2weeks nd dey came out wit list who is foolin who
ReplyDeleteU re vry stupid@ swagg! If they giv u jst 100,000 wnt u pose as one of the girls,why is their face coverd nd y re dey speaking in hausas,u re insultin pawpaw that can feed u with ur entire generation 4 centuries,ur brain is black
ReplyDeletePls someone help me look at the chest/ breast of the third speaker, does that cleavage look like that of a teenager, secondary school girl, even their voices are not of teenagers, pls do not be deceived, this is all staged to make the country ungovernable.
ReplyDeleteJust because another person won you in election,you are sending ur boys to be causing all sorts of problems.Your destruction is very near for bringing causes upon your religion (islam). you have desecrated islam and u will surely pay for it.
ReplyDeleteThat creature that recently got a Lumia he never imagined in his miserable blog limited life that he can attain is just a caricature of a MAn.damn.
ReplyDeleteAnyways,sycophants always act the script of their paymasters.He asked wia are those who still didn't believe this show of shame and I respond in capital letter HERE IAM.
Am sure the girls in a more rational society can't be allowed to make statements public until the comittee laden with such responsiblity are through with their findings.
Are people like this ape Bonaria afraid of the findings?hence this continued display of sheer ignorance.
I don't need to subject this girls to brain test before I can sight they are still students of theatre art.
Since u so believe that there was abduction........plz convince or confuse us the gullible ones more than this level of melodrama.And one more thing,wake up the prolific director Amaka Igwe to direct these cheap students and their principal of inconsistent reports.Until then,I suggest u just shatap and remain shut.
Some very stupid Nigerians here are commenting.
ReplyDelete1. Just because these girls are talking in their dialect doesn't mean they can't speak English. Majority of the women there don't understand English, in a gathering like this it is wise they speak in the language everyone there understands.
2. Talking about inconsistencies in their stories, they were over a hundred girls, handled by different men in different trucks, their stories can never be consistent since all girls weren't brought out from the same hostel room.
3. Just because a few doubting thomases decided to talk about their stupidity on social media and the likes, doesn't mean Nigerians can't use their heads and think for themselves. You expect women in a community with very low level of literacy to act like they were schooled all their lives?
4. I could go all and all on but I will just rest for now. My country is hopeless, I have lost hope, I don't believe these girls will be's the reality I have decided to face.
In 9ja.we ave 1 common tin which is.even wen speaking in ur tribe, u don't speak straight we sure miss it with a little Eng or pigin unless u're reading a script dat is written in hausa.for som1 dat saw such great danger hmmmmmmm they speak too plain like dey were narrating a movie.if my senses re rite,I did't feel dat stress,pain,shuck in her voice.i really want to Knw,even if they re bin tot in Hausa,were they going to write d exam in Hausa? Pls som1 should wake me up wen this whole movie is over......Still God heal Nigeria nd expose All dis Evil going on in d dark.
ReplyDeleteAll u saying no girl is missing, bla bla bla. Don't u knw that parents are afraid to bring out their children after what they went through?
ReplyDeleteHow can u be so insensitive? These girls speaking in hausa are girls frm the north. Any one who has stayed in the north will knw that even in Govt offices hausa language is used.
Let's not say what will make God purnish us-o . So people all over The world will come out to cry for missing Ghost abi? There is God-o
Na wa ooo ss3 student can't speak english.Bringbackourgirls#
ReplyDeleteFrom the onset I never believed this chibok story. First no body know the actual number of the missing girl. I asked if the school don't have register. Secondly no picture of any of the girls. Didn't see any of there parent. And so on. Just few weeks ago. I saw a poster of a missing fully grown man. The parents haven't seen him for just few days and his poster is already on all the walls around my area. Now, 234 girls missing no pix no parents. Biko I don grow pass all this lies. Jonathan for talk say him need foreign aids to help am pursue boko boys instead of forming all this lies.
ReplyDeleteIf u ever live in north u will understand dat dis ppl re very backward. Chyky ur analysis re right. Even their leaders re not saying anything abt it, all in spoiling Goodluck name.
ReplyDeletei don't see the point of bringing up education, that's not the point of this,
ReplyDeleteNot sure oo, but is that the parents of the girls are not allowed to protest???
One thing is that we can never know the truth, a lot is happening is behind closed doors. A lot of things they don't tell us.
ReplyDeleteyou all here are very ignorant, and the youtube video is misleading, the language they are speaking is not even Hausa. gosh you call them undedicated when you don't even understand that many tribes in Borno state are not Hausa. I speak Merghi which is a language in Borno state. smh ignorance is bliss.
ReplyDeleteWe all av a point someway somehow. The summary of it all is dat God should help us out in this country
ReplyDeleteNigerian southerners have a stinking attitude sometimes. As a corper I met southern graduates whose English kept me asking "How on earth did these make it through university?" This is not the forum for trying to make Northerners look stupid; that's not the blogger's intention either. [Moreover, you "sit" an exam, not "write" it.]
ReplyDeleteI served in a southern state and was shocked that the senior class I had to take was full of students who could barely understand English. It's not a northern issue, please.
ReplyDeleteChyke i served in d north..u hv to teach in hausa in most schools there. They can write english but never speak as fluently as the do hausa. Again showing their pictures or faces will endanger their lives.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we have to start arguing over good grammar expected of an SSCE student, we all know the Northeast pay little or no attention to education and as such we cant expect much from them as regards spoken english, so let forget if the video was stage managed and channel our energy to activities and discussion that can lead to the resolution of this whole issue and the girls freedom
ReplyDeleteWhy r Hausa people n dis Muslims very stupid n blood thirty bastatds.