It’s the End of the Road for Windows XP and Office 2003! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 7 February 2014

It’s the End of the Road for Windows XP and Office 2003!

Do you remember when you first used a computer. It was e-machines. Very solid system then; as were the many other tech brands that have been swept under the carpet by more vibrant product brands over the years. The still image of a lush green meadow that greeted you on th home screen after the usual Windows XP loading bars and fast forward several years later, having to upgrade to Windows Vista and so on.

Matter of fact, Vista was like a major break from the Windows norm and without entirely taking in its features, Windows 7 was launched and was good, not great. Then came Windows 8. Pure class.

Mastery of the art and science of technology. Such ease.  Some people live for the upgrades! Why have some organizations like the very infamous Cyber Cafés, IT driven firms, etc.bluntly refused to upgrade to Windows 8?Are they really skeptical about testing new waters or would they rather stick to the status quo? Or is it because Microsoft still provides support for these old versions of the Windows Operating system? Well, all of that is about to change because, like it or not, global devices and services giant Microsoft has announced the official end of support for Windows XP, Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems and Office 2003 by April 8, 2014 and therefore urges its customers and partners to migrate to Windows 8 and Office 2013 platform.
Now, ending support in this context means that for Windows XP, Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems and Office 2003, partners and customers will no longer receive security updates and technical support from Microsoft, which will result in vulnerability to security threats.

According to Oluyomi Alarape, Datacenter Solutions & Sales at Microsoft Nigeria, “There are several re-engineering and attacks that needs to be catered for as a result of the changing technology landscape. Businesses stand to have huge risks if they do not migrate because there will be no security updates to meet security requirements”

In addition, Windows 8 provides mobile security through Bit locker, “Windows To Go”, is a full version of Windows 8 on a USB stick which readily support BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” initiatives.

Awawu Olumide-Sojinrin, Acting Country Manager, Microsoft Nigeria while speaking at a media briefing to announce end of support for the Windows XP and Office 2003 in Lagos, explained that Microsoft is proactive in communicating changes that are critical and important to our customers. As a result, she said Microsoft is taking its time to notify its customers and partners ahead of the April 8 2014 deadline.

Windows 8 is Microsoft’s latest operating system for modern businesses, building on Windows 7 fundamentals such as speed, reliability and security while creating a modern platform for the new generation of hardware experiences from tablets and innovative touch devices to traditional desktops and laptops.

So, as the sun sets for Windows XP, Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems and Office 2003 users with April 2014 as the deadline for migration to the Windows 8 platform, there are more benefits and featureslike Speedy Boot Time, Innovative & Dynamic Desktop, Improved Search Function, Windows To Go, Windows Live Syncing, etc., which help businesses bounce off of what to do with their older technology as they look to protect valuable IP and customer information. So, how about we leave Windows XP, Windows XP Professional and Office 2003 in the year 2013 and step into the New Year 2014 with the Windows 8. Deal? Yes deal! Happy migration and happy New Year!


  1. Replies
    1. Hen!! Am I supposed to read all this?????

  2. We have been coerced into porting to Windows 8. No problem, we'll embrace change.

  3. My humble opinion, if Yu are not proficient with computer please just stay out of systems with windows 8 especially in public places. But its fun if yu learn how to use it.

  4. Jeeezzz! Not cos of d windows 8 buh Linda just got paid 4 dis... & yes it's a big deal @least 2 moi

    1. My tots exactly.

    2. I dnt think she was paid 4 dis!

    3. Why not!
      Hw can she publish dis project witout being paid

  5. Linda na gist be this? Hian!


    1. Ever heard of d wordz 'buy a laptop' b4??? If u do, u wud understnd d gist.

  6. Its called technology advancement..its good to knw we re moving forward

  7. Ok. First to comment

  8. I love Windows 8 but one can't download bbm. Dats d disadvantage

  9. windows 7 is my all time favourite O.S. Although windows 8 is gud but its learning curve will not b fast for ordinary pc users. however, windows 8 is a nice O.S, if u get to learn how to use its windows search feature to easily locate and run apps.

  10. Interesting news I'm using windows 7 but I think I need to upgrade to windows 8 madam Linda u n advert lol

  11. I prefer win 7 to windows 8. Wiin 8 is unnecessarily complicated

  12. FG pls settle ASUP ooo


  13. Noted Aunty LINDA IKEJI of Life!!!

  14. Welcome windows 8,the only constnt thing in life is change.

  15. Its ok. Anything they say. Be na ni!

  16. Had An Upgratde last year december, after which my printer stoped working cause it wouldnt accept windows 8. I had to downgrade back to windows 7, now my printer is working fine... Come August i guess i'll have to get a new printer or so..

    I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
    >>Comment Moderation Disabled<<

    1. If its an HP printer .....u have to visit d HP support website to download d printer driver compatible wit win8

    2. If its an HP printer .....u have to visit d HP support website to download d printer driver compatible wit win8

  17. Moving forward always.

  18. Technology at its peak

  19. ℓ̊ hate window hard 2 understand

  20. Its all lies 8 is complicated is dat not y dey did windows 8.1? Oh! Una neva knw...aswear windows 7 is far betta dan 8

  21. People that use windows XP don't even need support sef. Most people don't do windows updates not to talk of calling a number or mailing for support. Wait sef, se na d pirated copy we wan call for support? As far as they type and play game, it yaf finish

  22. What kind of censorship? You have to post my comments afteral its all windows we use.
    Wrong Information. As an experienced IT expert, windows XP is still the operating system of choice for developers.
    The news as it appears is just an advert for the latest windows 8. To put facts straight, windows 7 is far better than Vista and even far much better that windows 8.
    Windows 8.1 is an improvement. Windows 8 is a radical change of windows and unfortunately a downgrade of computer to a phone. Until the windows 8 has the capacity to move it`s native apps to any position on the screen, its still a downgrade.
    The greatest mistake Microsoft made in Windows, (I dont know if it was a mistake or a deliberate attempt to kill Microsoft), was the removal of start button. Its like they shot themselves on the foot.
    Globally, majority keyboards has in-built Windows Key. Its an enough advert for Microsoft. But they released Windows 8 without a Windows Start button, so in essence they withdrew their identity in Windows 8. They corrected that in Windows 8.1
    Its misleading to claim that windows 8 is better than windows 7 when the new metro apps can only run in a full screen or a divided screen. Whatever happened to the ability to re-size running programs and move it to any position on the screen? The inability of the Windows 8 to do that should be a factor for mobile phones with limited screen size. Even Windows 95 can resize open windows and move it to any position to the screen, why not windows 8? Is it an upgrade to limit functionality and flexibility?
    I use windows 8.1 as I type this and I still run windows XP inside Oracle Virtual Machine. Its not dead please.

  23. Africa, oh Africa. When shall we really change the world.
    Nigeria my beloved country, if only we know how these guys control our pocket and comfort, we would be thinking of producing our own.

  24. I hope window 8 will live long just like windows xp, before it will meet the end of the road too.

  25. Anon 3:28, had it bn u do come to ds blog using a system, I mean ur own system, den it wud av made a news to u, jes google wat an OS does cos its obvious u dnt knw. And I second u sam anderson. They berra put a start icon on windows 8 if they want me to download it.

  26. I don't really like that windows 8, though i haven't tried 8.1 but windows 7 is my favourite, user friendly too.

  27. Anon 10:24pm &Anon 10:22pm, you two are just clueless fools... you think because you have access to the internet or because you probably own a BlackBerry phone gives you the license to run your stinking mouths carelessly? You most likely just heard about windows 8 (I bet you don't even have access to it) that's why you're so excited with this gist..well this is no news to me, I had my first laptop when I was 17 , am 24 now and haven't stayed without a laptop since then...I got an HP laptop late last year which is ofcourse ' windows 8 ' and that's my current Lappy...So some of us didn't consider this news worthy that explains why there are so few comments on this particular post. ...So next time please do yourselves a favour, let people assume you're ignorant fools than speak up and prove them right#Lame broke clueless crazy ignorant Bitches :P


  28. Windows 8...pure class? Tres Mauvais


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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