The woman who was shot dead near the White House was suffering from postpartum depression | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 4 October 2013

The woman who was shot dead near the White House was suffering from postpartum depression

I'm sure you all heard the news of the 34 year old dental hygienist woman who was shot dead yesterday afternoon by police after she rammed her car against a White House barrier with her young daughter in the car and led police on a chase. It's been revealed that Miriam Carey was suffering from postpartum depression after giving birth last year. Daily Mail reports
The revelation by Miriam Carey's family is the first hint at what could have caused the dental hygienist to drive her Infiniti luxury sedan 270 miles from her home in suburban Stamford to Washington, DC - where her rampage put the nation's capital on lock-down Thursday. Carey's daughter Erica, who was in the back seat, was not injured, despite the Secret Service and U.S. Capitol police firing up to 15 shots into her car. Little Erica was rescued from the bullet-riddled car after her mother was shot dead. She is currently in the custody of child services workers.
Miriam's mother Idella Carey told ABC News that her daughter Miriam 'had postpartum depression after having the baby' in August 2012.

'A few months later, she got sick. She was depressed. ... She was hospitalized,' Mrs Carey added.
A former employer said Miriam sustained a head injury when she fell down stair last year. When she returned to work after recovering, she was pregnant. She was not married to the father but 'seemed happy' about the pregnancy, the former boss said.

Authorities said the single-mother had a 'history of mental illness' but did not elaborate. 

Carey's former boss of eight years, Dr Steven Oken, said in the eight years he knew Miriam she was 'always happy' - and not interested in politics. Neighbors told the New York Daily News she was 'a nice young lady, stable.'
That portrait contrasts starkly with the woman who sent Congressmen diving for coatrooms in the Capitol Building and tourists fleeing in terror after she tried to force her way into an entrance to the White House about 2pm on Tuesday.
Despite the sensitive location, Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine said: 'This appears to be an isolated incident.There is no nexus to terrorism.'


  1. Women are synonymous with problems,tank God am not A woman

    1. You are a fool. You should be sentenced to death by firing squad does that seem reasonable in your mind?

    2. Mscheeeewwwwww. Stupid comment.

    3. Punk use the Lil brain u have! Is your mother not?

    4. Its exactly for statements like the one u made that u are not a woman. Plain stupid. Such a low thinking guy

    5. You sure are sick to say that "women are synonymous with problems" I pray you get a life..and quickly too.

    6. Don't mind the IRIOT!!!..he forgot he was conceived and carried for 9months and then given birth to by a woman, who nurtured him with her breast he feels he can rant and spit dust!..ewure dudu!...


    7. Dat guy is a tout........

    8. You won't survive being a woman. You will be the type of woman that puts us to shame, so thank God that u r not a woman.

  2. Awwwww............its a pity tho

  3. Hmmmm sad 1 double tragedy 4d har family..its evrywere police misfireing most times..may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.Amen

  4. The police didn't try at all. They wld have shot the tires or even tried to bring her out of the car. When I watched it I knew the lady was either high on drugs or had issues. Olopa

    1. Wat if she had explosives?

  5. If this same action where to have been carried out in nigeria,you linda will be the first to blast our authorities,but seein that the case is in your dream country "u.s.a",everything is fine.ur obsession with the u.s.a is too much.

  6. wat a pity. D security personels shd stop her nd investigate her bt no time 2 check time, may her soul rest in perfect peace

  7. It was obvious she didn't mean any harm,if only she didn't zoom off when the security operatives approached her.
    And the little daughter looked very oblivious of what was going on as a police officer rescued her from the car.
    She chose the wrong day to go crazy,with all security agencies on high alert...just sad.

  8. This pple aint ready to risk it

  9. Its so wrong to have shot an unarmed person, the polices should have shot the tyres of the car instead of shooting the car...there was actually a child in d car, God pls help us.

  10. Its so sad wah depression can make one do,buh tank God ha child made it...

  11. Na so dem waste d woman life o

  12. So y did they kill her now?

  13. Na only oyinbo dis kind thing they worry sha.....solicitor

    1. E dey worry everybody, but Naija people go call am Witch craft!
      Ignoramus -.-

    2. E dey worry everybody o,e bin happen to my neighbour.she came out naked and was shouting on d road

  14. She didn't have to die. They failed to properly disarm her.

  15. Linda you are so late on this news! It didn't have any link to terrorism as every thought at first, just a lady sick in the head, The good thing is that authorities took care of the threat as swiftly as possible!

  16. Hmmm how sad! Women go thru a lot afta child birth. May her soul rip.

  17. Depression is not a good thing oh. Felt that before. Wonder what a single mother could have been going through. May she rest in peace

  18. Americans r 2 scared,any small tin they will start shooting,look at hw they killed an innocent woman.

  19. They killed an innocent soul all in d name of security,,SMH

  20. They should have shot the tires to immobilize the car. I'm pretty sure they were all scared of a bomb or nuke. Now a troubled soul is no more cos she did not seek the help she needed as she was mentally unstable not knowing she deserves medical attention. The cops were quick to act making a little child an orphan. It's such a shame

  21. Its very unfortunate what happened 2 dis woman,but she was clearly posing a security threat.ramming into d white house gate is tantamount 2 asking 4 a bullet .security operatives can be quite paranoid.MY deepest condolences 2 d family of these pretty young woman.Now d best d govt can do 2 ameliorate d family's pain is 2 train dat kid 2 whatever level she wants.

  22. @TBLAZE
    The police did what they had to do. she was around the most protected area in the world and she was obeying the police. What if she had a bomb? do you knw how many people would have lost their life

  23. Why does it seem like when it's a black person they shoot first and ask questions later? ...but think twice before shooting if the person is white?

  24. Lame Authorities, just one woman & a̷̷̴ car, they are just stupid for killing the woman, if its in Nigeria now, the almighty USA will start shouting that our soldiers and police should have just done one thing or the other and not kill her. Lame people, mtchewww, and they claim to be the best, mtcheww. USA my left ball, stupid untrained, unprofessional security men, even our civil defense people sef would have made a̷̷̴ better decision. Its just the little motherless child I pity now. Peace to the dead

  25. Ppd is not a good thing for single mothers, I am suffering from it now but I can't talk to anyone abt it except my family in nigeria, cos most nigerian here will label one as an insane person, am a single mother, going to schl and working at d same time, its really a big issue among women, Men pls treat ladies better cos u r not only ruining someone life but a family

    1. God is ur strength,always remember ur happiness depends on u&only u... No 1 else. God luvs u.

    2. It is well wif u ma sis. Pls seek help esp from a shrink who is black and preferably Nigerian. They are beta at handling cases like ds.

    3. It is well wif u ma sis. Pls seek help esp from a shrink who is black and preferably Nigerian. They are beta at handling cases like ds.

  26. So many ignorant statements. If she had gotten through and of set off a bomb, we you be saying the police no try?

    She drove that car like a professional and I am not buying the postpartum story.
    She drove over 600 miles (at least 7 hours), went past her family NY.Did not go to her baby daddy but went for the presidents house through several different ways. It is a pity she is dead so we won't know all the answers and her motivation. Nothing gentle about her soul

  27. linda how wud we know wen u didnt tell us

  28. Eyaa! A lot of shootings going on around washington these days.

  29. Gosh pueperial psychosis is really bad... May her soul RIP!

  30. I knew that some peeps will think it's easy to take down white house cos they've probably watched 'White House down' or ' olympus Has Fallen'...please, these movies are for entertainment only ooo... The White House is the most secured building on the planet...#Gbam

  31. As I read the story, I was torn between two. On one hand I'm thinking the law enforcement had to take action given that the Capitol Hill is one for the most heavily policed place in the world and trespass would be forcefully repelled. On the hand, I think it wasn't necessary to gun Miriam down, especially with a baby in the car. I think the police might have gone overboard on this one. Shoot the tires out, disable the car, but kill her? I just think it's a little too much. Needless to say, she was unharmed.

    One might make the argument also that what if she really does have an explosives in the car? Many of us would question why the cops didn't take her out in the first place. In this day and age, any attack on the White House should be taken seriously.

    While I'm still lost in my thoughts about where I stand on this situation, one thing is clear; friends and families need to pay extra attention to nursing mothers, especially when there is a trait of depression after child birth.

  32. May she RIP its really unfortunate,

  33. olympus Has fallen... R .I .P

  34. D capitol police are a bunch of Area "F" trained policemen imported from naija....I saw d breaking news and was really pissed at how they put no value to getting to the roots of a problem...rather the kill d suspect and begin to bore us with crappy enquiries on all TV....they just wasted that lady for no good reason, she wasn't harmed, but I wish she was atleast knowing they wld kill her, she shld have killed atleast all those mumu police guys who where close to her b4 she reversed n hit d car...Very useless set of intrained idiots who are just taking lives senselessly #angry. may Miriam's spirit hunt all those police one after d other. Amen

  35. Its just sad, bad day wrong location. May she find rest. What I don't understand is why or how women get depressed after having a baby. I just don't understand it, I thought children were bundles of joy. Please educate me on this

  36. Its just sad, bad day wrong location. May she find rest. What I don't understand is why or how women get depressed after having a baby. I just don't understand it, I thought children were bundles of joy. Please educate me on this

    1. Try to read up Postpartum Depression u cld google it. It is reali possible had a milder form of it afta my 2nd child.

  37. I think there is more to this that just the surface information. Why is everyone is US suffering from one depression or the other....this looks like that movie Manchurian Candidate or something...

  38. @ Anonymous who spoke @ 11.12PM;
    YES!Its not easy to take the White House Down but it certainly is possible. Nothing is impossible...Nothing! We have seen the mightiest fall. It just happens.

  39. responding to ANONYMOUS October 4, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    Too many people talk about men treating women better. its sickening. you date a lady, buy so many things and she may NOT marry you. The one that marries a man may use her MOUTH harshly or wrongly, but no punishment for her. Once the man gets upset and hit her, wahala don start.. I guess they should pass laws restricting the way a woman can use insulting words when married... XXOO


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